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Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Starting my
presentation the
normal way
Starting my
presentation with
memes and bad jokes
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
● Person, place, or thing
● Abstract concepts
● Brands
● Domain
● Identified by machines as totally individual, e.g. with a
● Unique Resource Identifier (URI)
● Wikipedia ID
In order to exist, a named entity has several requirements
● Name: An entity can have only one ID but multiple names or aliases (e.g. Barack Obama and President Obama)
● Unique identifier: Such as Wikipedia page IDs or URIs (Unique Resource Identifier)
● Type: A way of grouping entities based on categories, organized in a hierarchical structure, e.g. Author > Person
● Attributes: or characteristics most likely to be seen within the Type. E.g. birth date, height, spouse, for a Person.
● Relationships: The links between entities, and their connections.
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
- Izzi Smith
- Birth name: Isobel Smith
Unique ID
- URL:
- Social alias: @izzionfire
- Person
- Day of Birth: 18.08.1993
- Place of Birth: Burnley, UK
- Height: 6ft
- Job title: Technical SEO Analyst
- Works for: Ryte GmbH
- Speaker at: Women in Tech SEO
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
“Aleyda Solis is a a Global SEO Consultant and founded the agency Orainti.”
“The Women in Tech SEO Festival is an event in London.”
“Izzi Smith seeks beer.”
Speaker at
Part of
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Is Author of
Is Based on
Starred in
Born in
has Birth date Dystopian
Published on
Is Based on
Starred in
Born in
has Birth date Dystopian
Published on
Is Author of
Is Author of
Is Based on
Starred in
Born in
has Birth date Dystopian
Published on
Is Author of
Is Based on
Starred in
Born in
has Birth date Dystopian
Published on
Is Author of
Is Based on
Starred in
Born in
has Birth date Dystopian
Published on
Is Based on
Starred in
Born in
has Birth date Dystopian
Published on
Is Author of
How it works in a nutshell:
● The score is always relative to the contextual
document surrounding it.
● Determines what the most important topics in
a document are
● Factors impacting an entity’s salience score
● Position within text, grammatical role,
clarity, reference counts, etc.
Unique ID (kg:/x/xxxxx/)
Use for future KG API pulls
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Search System
Index Database
Search Engine
Indexing Engine
Ranking Engine
Izzi’s Device
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Search System
Index Database
Search Engine
Indexing Engine
Ranking Engine
Network Query
Izzi’s Device
Related Entity Database
Related Entities Engine
Technology is amazing
Search System
Index Database
Search Engine
Indexing Engine
Ranking Engine
Related Entity Database
Related Entities Engine
1. During the indexing process,
entities are extracted using
NLP and Information
2. During the ranking process,
queries are assessed to be
related to any entities (and if
there is the need) and the
connected data can be
provided. 53
Search System
Index Database
Search Engine
Indexing Engine
Ranking Engine
Related Entity Database
Related Entities Engine
“Entity Related Query”
● An Answer
● Structured Information
● Properties of the Entity
● Related Entities
● Related Queries & Answers
● Varying content formats
● A heck load of other stuff
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Quick points:
Entity based search is much more efficient for Search Engines,
mainly due to language agnostic retrieval.
MFI arguably helped Google properly re-classify and index
existing entities and locate new ones.
Google is transitioning from a Link Graph to the
entity-fuelled Knowledge Graph
Search will (and already does) rely on contextual and device
specific signals
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Entity-Related Searches = 0 Click SERPs
● People don’t want / need to parse your content heavy document
● Google is powerful at providing answers to Entity-Related Searches
● Adapt with the times by optimizing your owned entities!
● Or move on and accept your loss. Which is fine!
Knowledge Cards Integrations
1. Navigation Tabs
2. Nutrition Info
3. Local Packs
4. And so on...
E.g. Entity Carousels
Featured Snippets with Extracted Entities
Knowledge Cards with supplemental Featured Snippets
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Searcher makes
informational query
Satisfaction is met :)Google directly answers
People carry out more
actions on Google
People trust in their
algorithms (your ranking)
Your brand awareness
from entity results
Advances in Search
technology for our benefit
Faster conversions from
on-SERP integrations
Decreased trust in paid
results?? 😏
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Her Books
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
🗣 Brand Entities 🏠 Domain Entities
● Build up an authoritative
voice in your industry
● Ensure your Knowledge
Graph results are
● Provide a better factual
representation of your
brand and attributes
● Be seen as a trusted
location of information in
the web
● Build up more external
connections in the web that
help your landing pages
rank for associated queries
● Structure data with Schema
for better machine
classification and
💡 Topics Entities
● Find new, valuable content
● Feed factual information
that can be useful outside
your native language
● Be present in all types of
search facets and features
● Enrich device-agnostic
search results
E.g. Izzi Smith E.g. E.g. “SEO memes”
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Branded Knowledge Result Optimization:
● Check any Entity-Featured Snippets and ask for inclusion
● Claim your Knowledge Panel via GSC
● Even if it’s unlinked / affiliate - it’s still worth it!
● Add Organization/ Business specific Structured Data
● Claim, enrich and monitor your GMB local listings
● Use a square-focus logo that stands out from the pack
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
The Process (in a nutshell)
● The system then generates a natural language query to
remedy that
● Based on conventions of related entities, the question is
raised when there are value mismatches
● Likely predictions are returned and evaluated with query
● Highly confident answers enrich and grow the
Knowledge Graph.
More info:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "ExhibitionEvent",
"name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival",
"@id": "",
"startDate": "2020-03-06",
"location": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Barbican Centre",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"addressLocality": "London",
"postalCode": "EC2Y8DS"
} },
"performer": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Izzi Smith",
"worksFor": "Ryte GmbH",
"jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst"
} } }
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "ExhibitionEvent",
"name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival",
"@id": "",
"startDate": "2020-03-06",
"location": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Barbican Centre",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"addressLocality": "London",
"postalCode": "EC2Y8DS"
} },
"performer": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Izzi Smith",
"worksFor": "Ryte GmbH",
"jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst"
} } }
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "ExhibitionEvent",
"name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival",
"@id": "",
"startDate": "2020-03-06",
"location": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Barbican Centre",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"addressLocality": "London",
"postalCode": "EC2Y8DS"
} },
"performer": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Izzi Smith",
"worksFor": "Ryte GmbH",
"jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst"
} } }
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "ExhibitionEvent",
"name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival",
"@id": "",
"startDate": "2020-03-06",
"location": {
"@type": "Place",
"name": "Barbican Centre",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"addressLocality": "London",
"postalCode": "EC2Y8DS"
} },
"performer": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Izzi Smith",
"worksFor": "Ryte GmbH",
"jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst"
} } }
Local Panel & Map
Google Discover &
News Carousels
Product Panels &
Surfaces across Google
Google Booking
- Google my Business
- Consistent NAP data
- LocalBusiness Markup
- Article Markup
- Highly trending topics
- Published by strong
author and domain
- Product Markup
- Product feeds added
to Google Merchant
- Partner sources
- “Hotel ads”
- Specific Structured
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Nice!But the rankings
are useless for
0.9% of all
53% of all
Building Entities & Connections in 2020
Your checklist from today onwards!
❏ Incorporate and link to relevant entities within your content to be seen as a reliable source of information
❏ Discover how well your brand is being represented and optimize that for all Search facets.
❏ Structure your Data using JSON-LD implemented to be factually present across SERPs.
❏ Exclude entity keywords that you will never earn clicks from, from your KPI reporting and analyses.
❏ Contribute to a better search ecosystem by building more & more strengthened connections.
Building Entities & Connections in 2020

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Building Entities & Connections in 2020

  • 3. 3 Starting my presentation the normal way Starting my presentation with memes and bad jokes
  • 4.
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 9. 9 ● Person, place, or thing ● Abstract concepts ● Brands ● Domain ● Identified by machines as totally individual, e.g. with a ● Unique Resource Identifier (URI) ● Wikipedia ID
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. In order to exist, a named entity has several requirements ● Name: An entity can have only one ID but multiple names or aliases (e.g. Barack Obama and President Obama) ● Unique identifier: Such as Wikipedia page IDs or URIs (Unique Resource Identifier) ● Type: A way of grouping entities based on categories, organized in a hierarchical structure, e.g. Author > Person ● Attributes: or characteristics most likely to be seen within the Type. E.g. birth date, height, spouse, for a Person. ● Relationships: The links between entities, and their connections.
  • 19. Name - Izzi Smith - Birth name: Isobel Smith Unique ID - URL: - Social alias: @izzionfire Type - Person Attributes - Day of Birth: 18.08.1993 - Place of Birth: Burnley, UK - Height: 6ft - Job title: Technical SEO Analyst Relationships - Works for: Ryte GmbH - Speaker at: Women in Tech SEO Festival
  • 22. ???
  • 26. 26 “Aleyda Solis is a a Global SEO Consultant and founded the agency Orainti.” “The Women in Tech SEO Festival is an event in London.” “Izzi Smith seeks beer.”
  • 29. Speculative Fiction Is Author of Is Based on actor Starred in Ottawa, Canada Born in 18.11. 1939 has Birth date Dystopian Fiction May, 2003 Published on L.A., USA
  • 30. Speculative Fiction Is Based on actor Starred in Ottawa, Canada Born in 18.11. 1939 has Birth date Dystopian Fiction May, 2003 Published on L.A., USA Is Author of
  • 31. Speculative Fiction Is Author of Is Based on actor Starred in Ottawa, Canada Born in 18.11. 1939 has Birth date Dystopian Fiction May, 2003 Published on L.A., USA
  • 32. Speculative Fiction Is Author of Is Based on actor Starred in Ottawa, Canada Born in 18.11. 1939 has Birth date Dystopian Fiction May, 2003 Published on L.A., USA
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. Speculative Fiction Is Author of Is Based on actor Starred in Ottawa, Canada Born in 18.11. 1939 has Birth date Dystopian Fiction May, 2003 Published on L.A., USA
  • 37. Speculative Fiction Is Based on actor Starred in Ottawa, Canada Born in 18.11. 1939 has Birth date Dystopian Fiction May, 2003 Published on L.A., USA Is Author of
  • 38. How it works in a nutshell: ● The score is always relative to the contextual document surrounding it. ● Determines what the most important topics in a document are ● Factors impacting an entity’s salience score include: ● Position within text, grammatical role, clarity, reference counts, etc.
  • 40. 40 Unique ID (kg:/x/xxxxx/) Use for future KG API pulls
  • 46. 46 Search System Index Database Search Engine Indexing Engine Ranking Engine Network Query Results Query Document results Izzi’s Device
  • 47. 47
  • 49. 49 Search System Index Database Search Engine Indexing Engine Ranking Engine Network Query Results Query Results Izzi’s Device Related Entity Database Related Entities Engine
  • 51. 51
  • 53. Search System Index Database Search Engine Indexing Engine Ranking Engine Related Entity Database Related Entities Engine “Query” 1. During the indexing process, entities are extracted using NLP and Information Extraction. 2. During the ranking process, queries are assessed to be related to any entities (and if there is the need) and the connected data can be provided. 53
  • 54. Search System Index Database Search Engine Indexing Engine Ranking Engine Related Entity Database Related Entities Engine “Entity Related Query” ● An Answer ● Structured Information ● Properties of the Entity ● Related Entities ● Related Queries & Answers ● Varying content formats ● A heck load of other stuff 54
  • 58. Quick points: Entity based search is much more efficient for Search Engines, mainly due to language agnostic retrieval. MFI arguably helped Google properly re-classify and index existing entities and locate new ones. Google is transitioning from a Link Graph to the entity-fuelled Knowledge Graph Search will (and already does) rely on contextual and device specific signals
  • 60.
  • 61. 61
  • 62. Entity-Related Searches = 0 Click SERPs ● People don’t want / need to parse your content heavy document ● Google is powerful at providing answers to Entity-Related Searches ● Adapt with the times by optimizing your owned entities! ● Or move on and accept your loss. Which is fine! s-320574
  • 67. 4. And so on... 67
  • 69. Featured Snippets with Extracted Entities 69
  • 70. Knowledge Cards with supplemental Featured Snippets 70
  • 72. 72 Searcher makes informational query Satisfaction is met :)Google directly answers People carry out more actions on Google People trust in their algorithms (your ranking) Your brand awareness from entity results Advances in Search technology for our benefit Faster conversions from on-SERP integrations Decreased trust in paid results?? 😏
  • 78. 78 🗣 Brand Entities 🏠 Domain Entities ● Build up an authoritative voice in your industry ● Ensure your Knowledge Graph results are well-optimized ● Provide a better factual representation of your brand and attributes ● Be seen as a trusted location of information in the web ● Build up more external connections in the web that help your landing pages rank for associated queries ● Structure data with Schema for better machine classification and interpretation 💡 Topics Entities ● Find new, valuable content opportunities ● Feed factual information that can be useful outside your native language ● Be present in all types of search facets and features ● Enrich device-agnostic search results E.g. Izzi Smith E.g. E.g. “SEO memes”
  • 80. 80
  • 81. 81
  • 82. 82
  • 83. 83
  • 84. 84
  • 87. 87
  • 89. Branded Knowledge Result Optimization: ● Check any Entity-Featured Snippets and ask for inclusion ● Claim your Knowledge Panel via GSC ● Even if it’s unlinked / affiliate - it’s still worth it! ● Add Organization/ Business specific Structured Data ● Claim, enrich and monitor your GMB local listings ● Use a square-focus logo that stands out from the pack
  • 91. 91
  • 92. 92
  • 95. 95
  • 97. The Process (in a nutshell) ● The system then generates a natural language query to remedy that ● Based on conventions of related entities, the question is raised when there are value mismatches ● Likely predictions are returned and evaluated with query processing. ● Highly confident answers enrich and grow the Knowledge Graph. More info: graph-updates-itself-by-answering-questions/
  • 98. 98
  • 99. <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ExhibitionEvent", "name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival", "@id": "", "sameAs":"", "startDate": "2020-03-06", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Barbican Centre", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "London", "postalCode": "EC2Y8DS" } }, "performer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Izzi Smith", "worksFor": "Ryte GmbH", "jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst" } } } </script> 99
  • 100. 100 <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ExhibitionEvent", "name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival", "@id": "", "sameAs":"", "startDate": "2020-03-06", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Barbican Centre", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "London", "postalCode": "EC2Y8DS" } }, "performer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Izzi Smith", "worksFor": "Ryte GmbH", "jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst" } } } </script>
  • 101. 101 <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ExhibitionEvent", "name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival", "@id": "", "sameAs":"", "startDate": "2020-03-06", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Barbican Centre", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "London", "postalCode": "EC2Y8DS" } }, "performer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Izzi Smith", "worksFor": "Ryte GmbH", "jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst" } } } </script>
  • 102. 102 <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "ExhibitionEvent", "name": "Women in Tech SEO Festival", "@id": "", "sameAs":"", "startDate": "2020-03-06", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Barbican Centre", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "London", "postalCode": "EC2Y8DS" } }, "performer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Izzi Smith", "worksFor": "Ryte GmbH", "jobTitle": "Technical SEO Analyst" } } } </script>
  • 103. 103
  • 104. 104
  • 105. 105 Entity Knowledge Feature: Powered by: Local Panel & Map Packs Google Discover & News Carousels Product Panels & Surfaces across Google Google Booking Integrations - Google my Business listings - Consistent NAP data - LocalBusiness Markup - Article Markup - Highly trending topics - Published by strong author and domain entity - Product Markup - Product feeds added to Google Merchant Centre - Partner sources - “Hotel ads” - Specific Structured Data
  • 107. 107 Nice!But the rankings are useless for performance KPIs
  • 108. 108
  • 109. 109
  • 110. 0.9% of all clicks 53% of all Impressions!
  • 112. 112
  • 113. 113
  • 114. Your checklist from today onwards! ❏ Incorporate and link to relevant entities within your content to be seen as a reliable source of information ❏ Discover how well your brand is being represented and optimize that for all Search facets. ❏ Structure your Data using JSON-LD implemented to be factually present across SERPs. ❏ Exclude entity keywords that you will never earn clicks from, from your KPI reporting and analyses. ❏ Contribute to a better search ecosystem by building more & more strengthened connections.