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SEO and
Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
Holistic SEO EXpert
What is Holistic SEO?
Every effort to optimize a brand's digital
presence is included in Holistic SEO's direct or
indirect subtitle.
What is traditional SEO?
It is to apply stereotyped methods to different sectors /
customers to increase the overall result ranking (web only) of
a brand on Google.
Who is Holistic SEO?
A who knows coding, marketing, designing, data science and content
marketing along with the psychology of internet users and
online/offline marketing connections with Branding Strategies.
Mert Erkal is the founder of Stradiji which is one of the best and
famous Digital Marketing Agencies in Turkey. He manages the biggest
and most active SEO Youtube Channel of Turkey and focuses on lesser-
known Digital Marketing Strategies with an admirable passion,
experience and talent. He is also a International SEO Expert and
SEMRush Lead in Turkey.
International SEO and Owner
of Stradiji
Who is Mert ERKAL?
As a thank, you for his kind webinar invite I have prepared
this presentation.
I mainly focused on Remote SEO Culture, Digital Life Style
and Coronavirus's effects on Digital Marketing, SEO and
Search Engine's.
If you want to fully understand the webinar/presentation, I
recommend you to watch our webinar on Stradiji's Official
Youtube Channel with English Subtitles.
A big thank you to Mert ERKAL for creating this awesome
SEO-Learning Atmosphere.
A Thank You Note for Mert Erkal

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SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0

A look at search-related patents from Google that people who do SEO may be interested in learning about

knowledge graphentitiesfeatured snippets
Antifragility in Digital Marketing
Antifragility in Digital MarketingAntifragility in Digital Marketing
Antifragility in Digital Marketing

This document discusses digital marketing strategies focused on establishing authority through valuable, timeless content. It recommends creating content such as articles, videos, and academic papers on topics that will remain relevant for years to establish expertise. Creating a steady stream of high-quality content over time builds an online presence and credibility without major risks of losses, and may lead to job offers, clients, or other opportunities. It provides examples of interactive dashboards and open-source software that gained popularity and users by continuously publishing improvements and documentation without needing to rely on things like resumes or company profiles.

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The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer
The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy MarketerThe Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer
The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer

What percentage of an Inbound marketer's day doesn't involve working with spreadsheets? How much of this work is time-consuming and repetitive? In this interactive session, you will learn how to manipulate Google Sheets to automate common data analysis workflows using Python, a very easy to use programming language.

You may watch the presentation in Stradiji’s Official Youtube Channel.
‘The Furure of SEO and Digital Marketinf after Coronavirus Pandemic’
New Schema Mark Up for Covid-19
• Google has published a new COVID-19
schema mark up.
• Schema's aim is announcing temporary
events in your business schedule.
• CovidTestingFacility is for temporar
Pandemic Centers.
• SpecialAnnouncement is for temporar
• EventAttendanceMode is for clarifying
that whether the event is online or not.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Youtube Content Protection with AI
‘Machine learning helps detect potentially harmful content and
then sends it to human reviewers for assessment. As a result of
the new measures we’re taking, we will temporarily start
relying more on technology to help with some of the work
normally done by reviewers.’
Youtube-Google Blog
• Youtube started to use AI for detecting spam.
• Youtube Algorithm is more vulnerable against web spam.
• Because of this situation Youtube has more than 4.000
workers against WebSpam.
• After Covid19 Pandemic, they sent their workers and started
to use AI against Spam.
• Youtube didn’t have enough WebSpam Fighting Algorithms, I
assume that they are getting help from Google.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere

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William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search
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William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search

Bill Slawski presented a webinar on analyzing patents related to search engines and SEO. He discussed 12 Google patents covering topics like PageRank, Google's news ranking algorithm, analyzing images to detect brand penetration, and building user location history. The patents described Google's work in building knowledge graphs from web pages, ranking entities in search results, question answering, and determining quality visits to local businesses.

Slawski New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering
Slawski   New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering Slawski   New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering
Slawski New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering

Google has moved from Search to Knowledge, and Focusing on Answering questions with knowledge graph entity information provides has led to answering queries with Knowledge graphs for those questions, with confidence scores between entities and other entities or attributes of entities, based upon freshness, reliabilillity, popularity, and proximity between an entity and another entity or an attribute.

entities knowledge graphs featured snippets
How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python
How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With PythonHow to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python
How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python

The document describes a Python script that can automatically generate new subcategories for an ecommerce website based on clustering product names. It discusses: - Using NLTK to generate n-grams from product names to cluster related products - Filtering the n-grams to keep only those with commercial value by checking for search volume and CPC data - Running the script on a large home improvement site to identify over 1,650 new subcategory opportunities with a total search volume of over 13 million - Sharing the script so others can automate subcategory identification for their own sites to scale up an important SEO tactic.

Content Production and Content Organizing
for Search Engine
• Usually, Search Engines don’t create content.
• Also, they are middleman between user and information.
• They organize and classify information.
• But, Google has been started to produce information without
any kind of feedback since last year.
• They scrape web and create info-points for some quick-search
• Covid19 is one of them.
• They removed twitter SERP modules from Flu or Coronavirus
• They removed Flu and Coronavirus comparison contents from
• They have boosted official web sites against non-official blogs or
organizations on the SERP.
• They gave weight for .gov and .edu web sites like old times from
Matt Cutts.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Content Production and Content Organizing
for Search Engine
• Youtube removed tons of videos about Coronavirus.
• Most of them were about ‘treatments’ or ‘comparisons’.
• Google Play removed tons of Virus Games.
• Google Play removed tons of Coronavirus Apps.
• Also, Google removed some of Iranian and Chineese
Coronavirus Patient Tracking Apps. (Well done!)
• Google removed tons of ads campaigns from the search
which is related to Covid19.
• Twitter also published a «Manipulated Media» badge for
manipulated videos and fake-news. (The video shared by
• Pinterest, Intagram and Tumblr also made same movements.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Content Production and Content Organizing
for Search Engine
• Amazon started to charity work for small businesses.
• Google started a fund for its sick workers. If they can’t come
work, they will still get their payments and also their
treatment will be taken care of by Google.
• Apple also gave its workers unlimited sick leave right if they
experience any kind of Coronavirus symptoms.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Content Production and Content Organizing
for Search Engine
• Because, Google is also a Health Company, they also renewed
some of the Health related query Snippets.
• This is a condition card.
• Google addded the Specialist part for this Condition Cards.
• Treatments, Symptoms and Local Business Connetion were
added in last year.
• Google is taking control of important health queries and their
• 20/1 Queries are health-related.
• It is equal to more than 130M queries in a day.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere

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Automating Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is super valuable but it only checks one page at a time. Hamlet will show you how to get it to check all pages of a site, and how to run automated Lighthouse checks on-demand at scheduled intervals and from automated tests. He'll also cover how to set performance budgets, how to get alerts when budgets are exceeded, and how to aggregate page reports using BigQuery and Google Data Studio.

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SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
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SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update

This document provides SEO metrics and comparisons for the website over several time periods between April 2019 and September 2019. It shows substantial increases in key metrics like organic traffic, clicks, impressions, and average position after Google algorithm updates in May, June, July, and September. However, it also shows significant drops in these metrics during a server outage in early August. Overall the data demonstrates the site's strong SEO performance and organic growth over the 6-month period analyzed.

search engine optimizationcase studyseo
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity TagsBrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags
BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags

My talk from BrightonSEO 2021; focusing on using Google's image category labels (glancing into the Knowledge Graph and Google's image annotation processes) for better topic research and content optimization.

seoimage seoimage category labels
Content Production and Content Organizing
for Search Engine
• Google created a new Doodle for
advocationg Social Distance.
• Google created a new COVID-19
Related SERP Design.
• They have given priority for WHO in
the SERP.
• Bing created a new COVID 19 Tracking
WebApp with alive news without any
• Google have boosted also other .gov
and .edu web sites from other
• When you search from another
country, yo ualways see the same
pattern in SERP.
• It shows the Search Engine’s
preferences, not users.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Content Production and Content Organizing for
Search Engine
• Old and New Version of Covid 19
• The WHO / Myth-Buster Page, cited
by Google as a source, explains the
reason for this change.
• It is not users’ preferences because
all of the SERP changed suddenly in
all of the countries.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Content Production and Content Organizing
for Search Engine
• Every Search Engine different SERP
Designs and unique patents.
• Yandex and Duckduckgo have mostly
same SERP.
• Bing has a more unique SERP, it didn’t
give a depromotion to Wikipedia but
also it has a special Wikipedia Snippet
• Duckduckgo has a special switch
button for global and regional Search.
• It creates SERP in global as default
like Bing.
• Their results are way much more
different than Google but all of them
have some special SERP attributes for
Covid-19 related queries.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
There are two survey which are taking attention.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere

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Entity Seo Mastery
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Entity Seo Mastery

1) Knowledge graphs are structured databases that represent real-world entities and their relationships to each other. They help search engines like Google understand topics at a deeper level. 2) Entities (topics) are becoming more important than keywords for search engines to understand content. Google's entity understanding can be checked using their natural language processing tool. 3) Semantic SEO techniques like tightly linking topics both internally and to relevant external pages can help improve how search engines understand and represent the entities within a website through their knowledge graphs.

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Python for SEO
Python for SEOPython for SEO
Python for SEO

The document discusses using Python for SEO applications such as data extraction, preparation, analysis, machine learning and deep learning. It provides an agenda and examples of using Python to solve challenging SEO problems from site migrations and traffic losses. Methods demonstrated include pulling data from Google Analytics, storing in DataFrames, regular expression grouping, and training machine learning models on page features to classify page groups and identify losses. Later sections discuss using deep learning with computer vision models to classify web pages from screenshots.

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Ranking in Google Since The Advent of The Knowledge Graph
Ranking in Google Since The Advent of The Knowledge GraphRanking in Google Since The Advent of The Knowledge Graph
Ranking in Google Since The Advent of The Knowledge Graph

A Two Person Panel Discussion/Presentation by Bill Slawski and Barbara Starr On June 23, 2015 The Lotico Semantic Web of San Diego The SEO San Diego Meetup The SEM San Diego Meetup User experience drives search engines, and hence their results. Search Engine Result Presentation/Placements naturally follow that route. This means that search results are no longer exclusively based on just ranking criteria. Amongst other critical factors is understanding the notion of 'ordering vs ranking', the impact of context and many others.

seosemanticwebpatents. ranking
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
Coronavirus related domains are bought by everyone.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
Remote Work and Communication related Search Terms increased their
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Because of Query Demand
and Trend Spike, all of the
SERP is changed.
• Examining these kind of
Trend/SERP Changes give
more detail about Search
Engine’s perceptions.
• Most of the conferences
are performed as online.
• Remote and Drug searches
are increasing in a
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Also, Lily Ray started a
volunteer SEO Work Group
for damaged businesses.
• Aleyda Solis started a
discord promotion for her
remote network.
• Working from home
started to become a Public
Relations topic in
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere

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PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...
PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...

The document discusses Google's ML APIs versus OpenAI's APIs and their applications for SEO and digital marketing tasks. It provides examples of how natural language processing APIs from Google and OpenAI can be used for tasks like text analysis, sentiment analysis, document classification, translation and content transformation. While both Google and OpenAI APIs are useful, the document recommends choosing the right API for each specific task based on its capabilities and limitations in order to get the best results.

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Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski   SEO and the New Search ResultsBill Slawski   SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results

Google's search results now include entities and concepts. Entities refer to people, places, things, and 20-30% of queries are for name entities. Google uses meta data like Freebase to build a taxonomy of entities and their relationships. This supports features like the Knowledge Graph, which provides information panels, and allows querying of nearby entities which may soon be available in search results.

Semantic search
Semantic searchSemantic search
Semantic search

The document summarizes a presentation given by Bill Slawski at the Semantic Technology & Business Conference in San Jose. The presentation discussed how adding semantic information and structuring content around entities can help websites better optimize for search engines and provide more relevant experiences for users. It also provided several examples of how search engines are using entities and knowledge graphs to enhance search results and anticipate related queries.

Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• 0-40% of small businesses in Australia are expected to close their
doors as a result. We’ve had clients call in tears with debt and no exit
strategy, we’re working as hard as we can but it’s tough to see people
go through such heartache, especially following the bushfires
Nik Ranger
• Addiction niche – we are seeing declines. Thought it was an algo
update but looks like it’s coronavirus.
Rachel Daniel
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Horse racing suspended in the U.K. from tomorrow so
our traffic will drop dramatically. It’s for the best
• The Tipster League
• Travel. Currently -50% and counting.
• Carlos Arruda
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Native advertising. We’re seeing a slight
• Joinative
• Motorsports … impressions & clicks
dropped through the floor, as expected.
Avg CTR and position remain roughly
the same.
• LeeTechTinkerer
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Google started to let people use ‘Delivery Available’
or ‘Takeout Avalaible’ terms in their Business Titles, yesterday.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Saw about a 40% decline starting
around Tuesday and hitting a low on
Saturday. E-commerce – fashion.
Chris T.
• Travel. It’s a bloodbath. And when
you factor in the Nov 8 update…
Laura & Lance
 Modern Search is Everywhere.

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Disambiguating Equiprobability in SEO Dawn Anderson Friends of Search 2020

Connecting the probable dots in content and data can help significantly and improve your search strategy. Ambiguity in SEO comes in many form too, going beyond content and into entities and locations. This talk touches on some of the areas where ambiguity can impact and hinder your performance

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Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO
Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO
Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO

This document provides an overview of entity SEO, including: - What an entity is and why entity SEO is important as search engines have evolved from information engines to knowledge engines - How search algorithms like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird helped drive this transition by prioritizing high-quality content over low-quality sites - Techniques for entity SEO including entity research, topical maps, schema, internal linking, and case studies - Tools like Google's Knowledge Graph that can help with entity research and understanding how entities are ranked

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SEO - What is it?
SEO - What is it?SEO - What is it?
SEO - What is it?

Woj takes you on a journey to demystify the art and science of Search Engine Optimisation. Explore the true facts about SEO, the history of Google and other search engines and what the current landscape looks like. Arm yourself with valuable tips on production & writing for search engines as well as Woj’s indispensable do-and-don’t best practice guide so you can leave the session ready to take action!

seoseo serviceslocal seo
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Health care. Diagnostic imaging, specifically.
Metrics still up year over year but growth
sharply down over the past week. Most trends
right now point to cancellations/reschedules
coming in from patients who are afraid to visit
medical facilities due to fear of getting sick.
• Jason Schwanke
• Health niche. Starting around 3/1,
organic sessions down across the
board, except for sessions to pharmacy
location pages, which have increased.
Rank remains stable.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally
• Personal finance, down about 25% with
no major rank changes.
• Jim Malec
• Personal Finance. Down -30% since
lockdown. Rankings for main keywords
are still intact.
• Jason Acidre
In Spain finances -60%
F Martin
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same –
Conversion Down
• Our traffic remains similar but our conversion
rates have plummeted. I work for a company
that sells various higher priced “luxury”
products to an older demographic and the
uncertainty definitely seems to be impacting
their willingness to purchase at this time.
• Brandon Wilson
• Our traffic levels have declined slightly
(retail) but the real concern is conversion.
People simply aren’t parting with their
money, presumably due to a lack of
confidence/uncertainty. Worrying times
indeed. – Adam Owen Hirst
• Traffic is almost same but conversions going down.
Atul Thanvi
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same –
Conversion Down
• Our traffic remains similar but our conversion
rates have plummeted. I work for a company
that sells various higher priced “luxury”
products to an older demographic and the
uncertainty definitely seems to be impacting
their willingness to purchase at this time.
• Brandon Wilson
• Our traffic levels have declined slightly
(retail) but the real concern is conversion.
People simply aren’t parting with their
money, presumably due to a lack of
confidence/uncertainty. Worrying times
indeed. – Adam Owen Hirst
• Traffic is almost same but conversions going down.
Atul Thanvi
 Modern Search is Everywhere.

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Winningest Technology Demonstration

A survey found that people now spend about 14 hours per week online, which is the same amount of time spent watching TV. This shows the large influence of the internet. It was noted that the internet now has as much influence as TV used to have. Local businesses are now asking how to get their message in front of potential customers online. Local search is very important as 80% of spending is within 5 miles of home but many local businesses don't have a website. This company offers affordable website and video solutions to help local businesses get online and get found through local search engines. They also are seeking sales professionals to help spread the word to local businesses.

20100727谷歌中国整合营销传播计划integrated marketing communication plan for google china
20100727谷歌中国整合营销传播计划integrated marketing communication plan for google china20100727谷歌中国整合营销传播计划integrated marketing communication plan for google china
20100727谷歌中国整合营销传播计划integrated marketing communication plan for google china

This document provides an overview of Google's operations in China, including: 1) It describes Google's team working on marketing in China and the integrated marketing communication plan they developed. 2) It provides an overview of Google as a company, including its mission, finances, and product line. 3) It discusses Google's history in China and some of the cultural differences it faced when entering the Chinese market.

Digital Marketing & SEO for Business in the New Normal (YEMG)
Digital Marketing & SEO for Business in the New Normal (YEMG)Digital Marketing & SEO for Business in the New Normal (YEMG)
Digital Marketing & SEO for Business in the New Normal (YEMG)

1. The document discusses digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for businesses in the new normal post-COVID-19. 2. It covers understanding the new business landscape, the importance of digital marketing and SEO, and trends that will influence digital marketing and SEO going forward. 3. The discussion includes how the pandemic has impacted businesses, the meaning of operating in the new normal, an introduction to digital marketing and SEO, and strategies for SEO like understanding search engine spiders and ranking high in search engines.

digital marketingbusinessmarketing
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same –
Traffic Increase
• Huge improvements! But then to be expected for online grocery
retailer! – Stefan Mustieles
• Health screening industry. Solid gains. – Sumant Vasan
• With the cancellation of most major conferences and events, there
has been a big shift in how big and small businesses are planning
future events. And with that we’re seeing increasing interest in live
streaming and monetizing live events via PPV and subscription. – Amir
• Big improvement. We talk about remote work, remote teams. Carlo
• Same-day grocery delivery service for a major UK retailer so huge
increases particularly over last 48hours as UK goes into full panic
buying mode. Users seeing our service as solution to self-isolating and
inability to secure advance delivery slots for weekly/large baskets –
Dom Kennan
• Online dating site, improvements. – Walter Avalos
• Preparedness niche – Up 300+% – Andrew Pontius
• Puzzle store online has been through the roof! Brad Sacks
MHC, Surgical and Medical Supply Site
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Increase
Homemade sanitizer or soap recipe site
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Increase
Single Coronavirus Article, 6.000.000 session
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Decrease
 Modern Search is Everywhere.

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Optimizing Your SEO
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Optimizing Your SEO

Many of us use Google every day, but do you know why it's important to consider the impact that Google can have on your website?

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AMA Experience 2016: Google & Your Business: Planning for Today, Tomorrow and...

Many of us use Google every day, but do you know why it’s important to consider the impact that Google can have on your business and website? Alex Karei and Lindsey LaMair of Webspec Design discuss the basics of the search engine superpower, what you might not know about Google, and what you can do today, tomorrow and in 2016 to help optimize your position in the eyes of the largest influence of search.

Tips SEO in 2020 for newbies
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Tips SEO in 2020 for newbies

This document provides a summary of the key chapters in "The Definitive Guide to SEO in 2020". It discusses optimizing for domains authority by focusing on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Other chapters cover the rise of visual search, optimizing video content, voice search, featured snippets, understanding search intent, and combating decreasing click-through rates. The guide provides strategies for SEO success in 2020.

Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Decrease
Dead Travel…
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Decrease
Slow gradual decline in March, E-commerce.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Decrease
Slow gradual decline in March, E-commerce.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Traffic Decrease
Slow gradual decline in March, E-commerce.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.

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Local Search in 2023 - Must-Know and Must-Do TacticsLocal Search in 2023 - Must-Know and Must-Do Tactics
Local Search in 2023 - Must-Know and Must-Do Tactics

In this session, renowned local experts Greg Sterling, Joy Hawkins, Mike Blumenthal, and Benu Aggarwal shared extremely useful information on local search for 2023. These included various impacts of algorithm updates and effects in 2022 and the role of Google AI in local search. They highlighted the different types of content that will engage users in local search using hyperlocal experience and also they shared other must-have solutions for local search presence within a marketing plan. The deck and webinar video are now available.

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Local Search in 2023: Must-Know and Must-Do Tactics
Local Search in 2023: Must-Know and Must-Do TacticsLocal Search in 2023: Must-Know and Must-Do Tactics
Local Search in 2023: Must-Know and Must-Do Tactics

In this session, renowned local experts Greg Sterling, Joy Hawkins, Mike Blumenthal, and Benu Aggarwal shared extremely useful information on local search for 2023. These included various impacts of algorithm updates and effects in 2022 and the role of Google AI in local search. They highlighted the different types of content that will engage users in local search using hyperlocal experience and also they shared other must-have solutions for local search presence within a marketing plan.

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“The Big 4" Technology Trends Your Business Cannot Afford to Ignore. They include (1) how the web user experience is changing, (2) Google's 500+ changes in 2013, (3) steps on how to do business-to-business social media, and (4) the future of mobile.

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Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Natural Increase
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Natural Increase
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Natural Increase
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Natural Increase
New York Times
 Modern Search is Everywhere.

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This document provides an overview and summary of a presentation on social media marketing trends and tactics. The presentation discusses major global trends in 2013 such as the growth of Facebook, rising popularity of video content, and increasing importance of mobile. It then analyzes research on how people use these platforms and provides examples of tactics like amplification and attribution that speakers from various social media classes emphasize. The goal is to help attendees understand opportunities in social media, commit to learning more tactics, and prioritize focus and budget to capitalize on these industry changes.

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Google & Facebook ads are rebounding. But what does this mean for your campaigns? How should you respond? Get the answers to these questions and more in our webinar. Our in-house expert, Mark Irvine, will cover: • The current state of online advertising & how to respond. • Unique changes you can implement in your campaigns. • What the future holds for your Google & Facebook ads. • The numbers are looking up, but the game as changed. Use the trends and insights from this webinar to make sure you're getting your campaigns back on track the right way.

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Google Analytics 101 - Manchester Metropolitan University Business school
Google Analytics 101 - Manchester Metropolitan University Business schoolGoogle Analytics 101 - Manchester Metropolitan University Business school
Google Analytics 101 - Manchester Metropolitan University Business school

Talk given on 11/2/2014 at Manchester Metropolitan uni business school introducing students to Google analytics. Manuel da Costa is a web analytics and conversion rate optimisation consultant. He runs Digital Tonic, a consultancy based in Manchester, UK

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Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic
Same – Natural Increase
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next?
No one knows what is next for the World.
But we can talk about SEO.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next?
• Most of the SEOs started as remote in last
2 years.
• In Digital Marketing, there are remote
• Remote and Digital Lifestyle is being
boosted by Pandemic.
• Working as remote and remote
monitoring, remote payment, remote
will be our new standarts for a while.
 Coronavirus is Eveywher
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next?
• Some of the Remote Work Centers:
 Modern Search is Everywhere.

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The document provides an overview of Dominic Boull't's keynote presentation on digital marketing strategies for businesses. It discusses five areas businesses should focus on for their online footprint: location, location, location in a digital world. It then outlines four digital marketing strategies to help businesses grow: optimizing their Google Business Profile, generating and responding to reviews, search engine optimization, and utilizing paid ads. Specific tactics are provided for each channel and industry examples of effective social media use.

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Google for Jobs - Crunch Simply Digital
Google for Jobs - Crunch Simply DigitalGoogle for Jobs - Crunch Simply Digital
Google for Jobs - Crunch Simply Digital

Crunch is a digital recruitment marketing agency that is a Google Premier Partner. They have expertise in optimizing clients for Google for Jobs, which is Google's new job search tool. Crunch offers a Google for Jobs audit that assesses how ready a client's jobs listings are to be displayed and ranked in Google for Jobs search results. The audit provides an optimization score and plan to help clients improve their performance on Google for Jobs.

Talent is transforming ....
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Talent is transforming ....

Google's vision is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Its mission focuses on innovation and the user experience. Google identifies its primary competitors as Microsoft and Yahoo, and aims to gain a major share of the worldwide web. It generates most of its revenue from search and advertising, such as AdWords and AdSense. To maintain dominance, Google needs to continuously innovate, find new revenue sources, focus on growing markets like BRIC nations, and potentially make more acquisitions in areas like social networking and video.

talent transformation
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Like Tomorrow
• Bye bye Right Top Featured Snippet
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Like Tomorrow
• More Granular Pagespeed Perception for Pagespeed
I think for the most part that's that's still the
So that was that was essentially the I don't
know when we initially launched all of the the
speed as a ranking factor things number of
years ago. That was definitely the case, where
we tried to differentiate between normal
speed sites and really slow sites.
I could imagine that over time especially with
mobile sites we we might find find a more
granular approach.
But it's it's really still the case that if you're like
tweaking milliseconds and that's probably not
the best use of your time if you're only
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Like Tomorrow
Review Mentions Grouoping
• Gathering local business comments in
‘frequently used terms bubbles’.
• Now we have also common mentions for
common terms or queries.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Like Tomorrow
Video on Knowledge Panel
• There were videos on Local Knowledge
Panels and some of the Top Knowledge
• But, the Knowledge Panels on the right
side, there is a first-time video.
• Google is trying to give more information
about new products. A video can tell more
than a picture.
• It gives some hints about Google's
opinions about content marketing for
new products.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere

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This document discusses how agencies can future proof their search visibility as search marketing continues to change. It notes that search is becoming more personalized through voice, personal assistants, virtual reality and location-based searches. To prepare, the document recommends adopting a user-first, context-centric, answer-based strategy focused on understanding consumer needs through research, providing relevant content to answer questions, and building connections through social media and local links. It also stresses the need for holistic, omnichannel measurement beyond web analytics.

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Future Proofing Your Agency's Search Visibility
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This document provides information about a Google Analytics training seminar to be held on September 3rd, 2014 from 10:00am to 12:00pm. It will be presented by Matt Lynch, General Manager of Vorian Agency, and will cover using Google Analytics to gain insights from website data, including traffic sources, user behavior, and conversions. The document also includes details about the presenter and contact information for Vorian Agency.

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Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Like Tomorrow
AI for Communication
• Google Duplex is an AI system for calling
local businesses.
• It may call Local Businesses for you.
• Create a reservation for you or call a
plumber for you.
• Google is using this system for calling Local
Businesses and check the working hours for
these days.
• It will be used also for Automatic Search
Engine Help Systems or Auto-Call Needs for
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
AI for Text Generation or Correction
• Google, developed Sequence-to-Sequence
• After that, LaserTagger for better text
 Coronavirus is Eveywher
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
AI for Image Compression
• Google tries to create less cost for itself.
• Decreasing bandwidth needs and creating a
faster User-Experience is an important
topic for Google.
• Decreasing Image Size with automation by
Google in its index or on the Chrome is
another aim for the future.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
AI for Chat Anything
• Google wants to be your friend.
• Google wants to chat with you…
• (I don’t want to say anything else about
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Unleash the true potential of your digital marketing campaigns by understanding how paid media and SEO can work hand in hand to achieve remarkable results. From aligning keyword research and targeting to leveraging data-driven analytics, this master class will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to optimize your marketing initiatives across channels and maximize your return on investment.

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PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

#keyword research#social media marketing#affiliate marketing
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
AI for Film, Music, Image Creation
• Saying the name of the song.
• Saying the a film’s end.
• Creating new music.
• Creationg images.
• Creating new film scenarios.
• Creating new stories, books etc.
• Google wants to be your singer, director
and image album.
• Yes it wants that. (Again, I want to shut up.)
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
Personal Knowledge Graphs
• Google Patents and Researches are
• Some of their patents in their Apps or
Researches, Search Bar or Dialogflow,
Youtube or in their phones, cars, laptops…
• Personal Knowledge Graphs are becoming
• They were in the patents.
• Now they are in India, partly.
• After that, they will be in everywhere
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
AI for Text Compression
• Compress similar texts.
• Take mutual points.
• Extract user behavior.
• Improve AI for Query/Intent Classification.
• Improve AI for PPC Campaigns.
 Modern Search is Everywhere.
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
What is next? Far Future
AI for Datasets
• Creating narratives from images.
• Knowing every new events, people, terms
or books…
• Questions and Answers…
• In short -> Star Trek Computer.
 Coronavirus is Eveywhere

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Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
A General Graphic for Winners and Loosers
Change in Organic Visibility (Sistrix
U.S. Index 1/18/20 - 3/18/20) 310.18% 153.36% 104.34% 94.39% 83.13% 81.80% 78.36% 73.29% 65.62% 59.96% 50.24% 34.13% 29.82% 29.14% 27.92% 27.05% 26.47% 25.78% 22.24% 17.37%
Change in Organic Visibility (Sistrix
U.S. Index 1/18/20 - 3/18/20) -43.02% -35.78% -35.21% -32.16% -25.20% -24.91% -24.31% -23.35% -23.21% -22.16% -20.54% -19.41% -19.39% -17.09% -16.93% -16.01% -15.96% -15.67% -14.59% -14.06%
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Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
2020 and Beyond – 4 Example Trend
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Static Web Site Hosting + Headless CMS TypeScript
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
2020 and Beyond – 4 Example Trend
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AI for Web Sites:
• Face Recognition for Login
• Phone charge and health warnings
• Auto-screen Reader
• Offline Push Notifications
• Auto-Orientation
• Auto Theme Switch
• Smart ChatBots
• AI for web site building and Design
3D UX and Site Design
Color Change for Color Blindness
Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle
A Last Update from Google
• Google have created a shorter
• Google does this for every kind of
SERP Design.
• Because of Eye-tracking issues,
this is not global and end design
for now.

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Coronavirus and Future of SEO: Digital Marketing and Remote Culture

  • 3. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR Holistic SEO EXpert What is Holistic SEO? Every effort to optimize a brand's digital presence is included in Holistic SEO's direct or indirect subtitle. What is traditional SEO? It is to apply stereotyped methods to different sectors / customers to increase the overall result ranking (web only) of a brand on Google. Who is Holistic SEO? A who knows coding, marketing, designing, data science and content marketing along with the psychology of internet users and online/offline marketing connections with Branding Strategies.
  • 4. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT Mert Erkal is the founder of Stradiji which is one of the best and famous Digital Marketing Agencies in Turkey. He manages the biggest and most active SEO Youtube Channel of Turkey and focuses on lesser- known Digital Marketing Strategies with an admirable passion, experience and talent. He is also a International SEO Expert and SEMRush Lead in Turkey. Mert ERKAL International SEO and Owner of Stradiji Who is Mert ERKAL? As a thank, you for his kind webinar invite I have prepared this presentation. I mainly focused on Remote SEO Culture, Digital Life Style and Coronavirus's effects on Digital Marketing, SEO and Search Engine's. If you want to fully understand the webinar/presentation, I recommend you to watch our webinar on Stradiji's Official Youtube Channel with English Subtitles. A big thank you to Mert ERKAL for creating this awesome SEO-Learning Atmosphere. A Thank You Note for Mert Erkal
  • 5. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT You may watch the presentation in Stradiji’s Official Youtube Channel. ‘The Furure of SEO and Digital Marketinf after Coronavirus Pandemic’
  • 7. New Schema Mark Up for Covid-19 • Google has published a new COVID-19 schema mark up. • Schema's aim is announcing temporary events in your business schedule. • CovidTestingFacility is for temporar Pandemic Centers. • SpecialAnnouncement is for temporar events. • EventAttendanceMode is for clarifying that whether the event is online or not. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 8. Youtube Content Protection with AI ‘Machine learning helps detect potentially harmful content and then sends it to human reviewers for assessment. As a result of the new measures we’re taking, we will temporarily start relying more on technology to help with some of the work normally done by reviewers.’ Youtube-Google Blog • Youtube started to use AI for detecting spam. • Youtube Algorithm is more vulnerable against web spam. • Because of this situation Youtube has more than 4.000 workers against WebSpam. • After Covid19 Pandemic, they sent their workers and started to use AI against Spam. • Youtube didn’t have enough WebSpam Fighting Algorithms, I assume that they are getting help from Google. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 9. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Usually, Search Engines don’t create content. • Also, they are middleman between user and information. • They organize and classify information. • But, Google has been started to produce information without any kind of feedback since last year. • They scrape web and create info-points for some quick-search queries. • Covid19 is one of them. • They removed twitter SERP modules from Flu or Coronavirus Queries. • They removed Flu and Coronavirus comparison contents from SERP. • They have boosted official web sites against non-official blogs or organizations on the SERP. • They gave weight for .gov and .edu web sites like old times from Matt Cutts. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 10. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Youtube removed tons of videos about Coronavirus. • Most of them were about ‘treatments’ or ‘comparisons’. • Google Play removed tons of Virus Games. • Google Play removed tons of Coronavirus Apps. • Also, Google removed some of Iranian and Chineese Coronavirus Patient Tracking Apps. (Well done!) • Google removed tons of ads campaigns from the search which is related to Covid19. • Twitter also published a «Manipulated Media» badge for manipulated videos and fake-news. (The video shared by Biden.) • Pinterest, Intagram and Tumblr also made same movements. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 11. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Amazon started to charity work for small businesses. • Google started a fund for its sick workers. If they can’t come work, they will still get their payments and also their treatment will be taken care of by Google. • Apple also gave its workers unlimited sick leave right if they experience any kind of Coronavirus symptoms. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 12. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Because, Google is also a Health Company, they also renewed some of the Health related query Snippets. • This is a condition card. • Google addded the Specialist part for this Condition Cards. • Treatments, Symptoms and Local Business Connetion were added in last year. • Google is taking control of important health queries and their SERP. • 20/1 Queries are health-related. • It is equal to more than 130M queries in a day. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 13. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Google created a new Doodle for advocationg Social Distance. • Google created a new COVID-19 Related SERP Design. • They have given priority for WHO in the SERP. • Bing created a new COVID 19 Tracking WebApp with alive news without any ads. • Google have boosted also other .gov and .edu web sites from other countries. • When you search from another country, yo ualways see the same pattern in SERP. • It shows the Search Engine’s preferences, not users. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 14. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Old and New Version of Covid 19 SERP • The WHO / Myth-Buster Page, cited by Google as a source, explains the reason for this change. • It is not users’ preferences because all of the SERP changed suddenly in all of the countries. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 15. Content Production and Content Organizing for Search Engine • Every Search Engine different SERP Designs and unique patents. • Yandex and Duckduckgo have mostly same SERP. • Bing has a more unique SERP, it didn’t give a depromotion to Wikipedia but also it has a special Wikipedia Snippet Design. • Duckduckgo has a special switch button for global and regional Search. • It creates SERP in global as default like Bing. • Their results are way much more different than Google but all of them have some special SERP attributes for Covid-19 related queries. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 16. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally There are two survey which are taking attention. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 17. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally Coronavirus related domains are bought by everyone. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 18. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally Remote Work and Communication related Search Terms increased their pouplarity.  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 19. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Because of Query Demand and Trend Spike, all of the SERP is changed. • Examining these kind of Trend/SERP Changes give more detail about Search Engine’s perceptions. • Most of the conferences are performed as online. • Remote and Drug searches are increasing in a correlation. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 20. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Also, Lily Ray started a volunteer SEO Work Group for damaged businesses. • Aleyda Solis started a discord promotion for her remote network. • Working from home started to become a Public Relations topic in marketing. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 21. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • 0-40% of small businesses in Australia are expected to close their doors as a result. We’ve had clients call in tears with debt and no exit strategy, we’re working as hard as we can but it’s tough to see people go through such heartache, especially following the bushfires Nik Ranger • Addiction niche – we are seeing declines. Thought it was an algo update but looks like it’s coronavirus. Rachel Daniel KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 22. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Horse racing suspended in the U.K. from tomorrow so our traffic will drop dramatically. It’s for the best though. • The Tipster League • Travel. Currently -50% and counting. • Carlos Arruda KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 23. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Native advertising. We’re seeing a slight decline. • Joinative • Motorsports … impressions & clicks dropped through the floor, as expected. Avg CTR and position remain roughly the same. • LeeTechTinkerer KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere. Google started to let people use ‘Delivery Available’ or ‘Takeout Avalaible’ terms in their Business Titles, yesterday.
  • 24. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Saw about a 40% decline starting around Tuesday and hitting a low on Saturday. E-commerce – fashion. Chris T. • Travel. It’s a bloodbath. And when you factor in the Nov 8 update… Laura & Lance KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 25. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Health care. Diagnostic imaging, specifically. Metrics still up year over year but growth sharply down over the past week. Most trends right now point to cancellations/reschedules coming in from patients who are afraid to visit medical facilities due to fear of getting sick. • Jason Schwanke • Health niche. Starting around 3/1, organic sessions down across the board, except for sessions to pharmacy location pages, which have increased. Rank remains stable. • John Vantine KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 26. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally • Personal finance, down about 25% with no major rank changes. • Jim Malec • Personal Finance. Down -30% since lockdown. Rankings for main keywords are still intact. • Jason Acidre In Spain finances -60% F Martin KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 27. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Conversion Down • Our traffic remains similar but our conversion rates have plummeted. I work for a company that sells various higher priced “luxury” products to an older demographic and the uncertainty definitely seems to be impacting their willingness to purchase at this time. • Brandon Wilson • Our traffic levels have declined slightly (retail) but the real concern is conversion. People simply aren’t parting with their money, presumably due to a lack of confidence/uncertainty. Worrying times indeed. – Adam Owen Hirst • Traffic is almost same but conversions going down. Atul Thanvi KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 28. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Conversion Down • Our traffic remains similar but our conversion rates have plummeted. I work for a company that sells various higher priced “luxury” products to an older demographic and the uncertainty definitely seems to be impacting their willingness to purchase at this time. • Brandon Wilson • Our traffic levels have declined slightly (retail) but the real concern is conversion. People simply aren’t parting with their money, presumably due to a lack of confidence/uncertainty. Worrying times indeed. – Adam Owen Hirst • Traffic is almost same but conversions going down. Atul Thanvi KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 29. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Increase • Huge improvements! But then to be expected for online grocery retailer! – Stefan Mustieles • Health screening industry. Solid gains. – Sumant Vasan • With the cancellation of most major conferences and events, there has been a big shift in how big and small businesses are planning future events. And with that we’re seeing increasing interest in live streaming and monetizing live events via PPV and subscription. – Amir Shahzeidi • Big improvement. We talk about remote work, remote teams. Carlo Borja • Same-day grocery delivery service for a major UK retailer so huge increases particularly over last 48hours as UK goes into full panic buying mode. Users seeing our service as solution to self-isolating and inability to secure advance delivery slots for weekly/large baskets – Dom Kennan • Online dating site, improvements. – Walter Avalos • Preparedness niche – Up 300+% – Andrew Pontius • Puzzle store online has been through the roof! Brad Sacks MHC, Surgical and Medical Supply Site KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 30. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Increase Homemade sanitizer or soap recipe site KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 31. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Increase Single Coronavirus Article, 6.000.000 session KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 32. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Decrease Travel… KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 33. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Decrease Dead Travel… KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 34. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Decrease Slow gradual decline in March, E-commerce. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 35. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Decrease Slow gradual decline in March, E-commerce. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 36. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Traffic Decrease Slow gradual decline in March, E-commerce. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 37. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Natural Increase WHO KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 38. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Natural Increase Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 39. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Natural Increase Verywellhealth KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 40. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Natural Increase New York Times KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 41. Covid-19 Effects on SEO Globally – Traffic Same – Natural Increase NTV - CNN KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 42. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? No one knows what is next for the World. But we can talk about SEO. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 43. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? • Most of the SEOs started as remote in last 2 years. • In Digital Marketing, there are remote companies. • Remote and Digital Lifestyle is being boosted by Pandemic. • Working as remote and remote monitoring, remote payment, remote contract will be our new standarts for a while. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywher
  • 45. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Like Tomorrow • Bye bye Right Top Featured Snippet KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 46. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Like Tomorrow • More Granular Pagespeed Perception for Pagespeed I think for the most part that's that's still the case. So that was that was essentially the I don't know when we initially launched all of the the speed as a ranking factor things number of years ago. That was definitely the case, where we tried to differentiate between normal speed sites and really slow sites. I could imagine that over time especially with mobile sites we we might find find a more granular approach. But it's it's really still the case that if you're like tweaking milliseconds and that's probably not the best use of your time if you're only worried about SEO. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 47. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Like Tomorrow Review Mentions Grouoping • Gathering local business comments in ‘frequently used terms bubbles’. • Now we have also common mentions for common terms or queries. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 48. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Like Tomorrow Video on Knowledge Panel • There were videos on Local Knowledge Panels and some of the Top Knowledge Panels. • But, the Knowledge Panels on the right side, there is a first-time video. • Google is trying to give more information about new products. A video can tell more than a picture. • It gives some hints about Google's opinions about content marketing for new products. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 49. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Like Tomorrow AI for Communication • Google Duplex is an AI system for calling local businesses. • It may call Local Businesses for you. • Create a reservation for you or call a plumber for you. • Google is using this system for calling Local Businesses and check the working hours for these days. • It will be used also for Automatic Search Engine Help Systems or Auto-Call Needs for everyone. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 50. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future AI for Text Generation or Correction • Google, developed Sequence-to-Sequence model. • After that, LaserTagger for better text correction. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywher
  • 51. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future AI for Image Compression • Google tries to create less cost for itself. • Decreasing bandwidth needs and creating a faster User-Experience is an important topic for Google. • Decreasing Image Size with automation by Google in its index or on the Chrome is another aim for the future. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 52. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future AI for Chat Anything • Google wants to be your friend. • Google wants to chat with you… • (I don’t want to say anything else about this.) KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 53. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future AI for Film, Music, Image Creation • Saying the name of the song. • Saying the a film’s end. • Creating new music. • Creationg images. • Creating new film scenarios. • Creating new stories, books etc. • Google wants to be your singer, director and image album. • Yes it wants that. (Again, I want to shut up.) KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 54. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future Personal Knowledge Graphs • Google Patents and Researches are correlative. • Some of their patents in their Apps or Researches, Search Bar or Dialogflow, Youtube or in their phones, cars, laptops… • Personal Knowledge Graphs are becoming reality… • They were in the patents. • Now they are in India, partly. • After that, they will be in everywhere KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 55. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future AI for Text Compression • Compress similar texts. • Take mutual points. • Extract user behavior. • Improve AI for Query/Intent Classification. • Improve AI for PPC Campaigns. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 56. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle What is next? Far Future AI for Datasets • Creating narratives from images. • Knowing every new events, people, terms or books… • Questions and Answers… • In short -> Star Trek Computer. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere
  • 57. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle A General Graphic for Winners and Loosers Domain Change in Organic Visibility (Sistrix U.S. Index 1/18/20 - 3/18/20) 310.18% 153.36% 104.34% 94.39% 83.13% 81.80% 78.36% 73.29% 65.62% 59.96% 50.24% 34.13% 29.82% 29.14% 27.92% 27.05% 26.47% 25.78% 22.24% 17.37% Domain Change in Organic Visibility (Sistrix U.S. Index 1/18/20 - 3/18/20) -43.02% -35.78% -35.21% -32.16% -25.20% -24.91% -24.31% -23.35% -23.21% -22.16% -20.54% -19.41% -19.39% -17.09% -16.93% -16.01% -15.96% -15.67% -14.59% -14.06% KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Modern Search is Everywhere.
  • 58. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle 2020 and Beyond – 4 Example Trend KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere Static Web Site Hosting + Headless CMS TypeScript
  • 59. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle 2020 and Beyond – 4 Example Trend KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT  Coronavirus is Eveywhere AI for Web Sites: • Face Recognition for Login • Phone charge and health warnings • Auto-screen Reader • Offline Push Notifications • Auto-Orientation • Auto Theme Switch • Smart ChatBots • AI for web site building and Design WebAssembly 3D UX and Site Design Color Change for Color Blindness Soon…
  • 60. Covid 19 – Boost for Digital Lifestyle A Last Update from Google • Google have created a shorter SERP. • Google does this for every kind of SERP Design. • Because of Eye-tracking issues, this is not global and end design for now. KORAY TUĞBERK GÜBÜR HOLISTIC SEO EXPERT