SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Using Image Category Labels
For Content Optimization
Dan Taylor //
Head of Research & Development @
• 2018 TechSEO Boost Innovation Award
• Search Engine Journal Author
• Search Engine Journal Top 140 (“18, “19, “20)
• SEMrush Top Author
• (#Hiring #RemoteUK)
These slides: // @taylordanrw
Today, I’ll be talking about how we can use Google’s imaging labels and
entity classification systems as a method of keyword and topic research,
to improve our content.
“Improve our content”
Rankings? Conversion? User Happiness & Experience Forecasting?
Enhanced topic research to identify/reaffirm connections between
topics we’re exploring. But first, a little back story...
3 // @taylordanrw
Semantic Search & SEO
Semantics in SEO isn’t a new concept, or new to Google.
The first mention of Semantic search came in a 1999 Sergey Brin patent.
If you’re able to understand entities, then you can gain an insight into
how Google looks at individual webpages, websites (as a cohort of
pages), and then interprets the information contained therein.
Topic clusters have nothing to do with Hummingbird, and RankBrain.
4 // @taylordanrw

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PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...
PubCon, Lazarina Stoy. - Machine Learning in Search: Google's ML APIs vs Open...

The document discusses Google's ML APIs versus OpenAI's APIs and their applications for SEO and digital marketing tasks. It provides examples of how natural language processing APIs from Google and OpenAI can be used for tasks like text analysis, sentiment analysis, document classification, translation and content transformation. While both Google and OpenAI APIs are useful, the document recommends choosing the right API for each specific task based on its capabilities and limitations in order to get the best results.

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7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon

Avoid the most common SEO issues, challenges and mistakes by going through this presentation with tips, criteria and tools to use independently of your online store Web platform, and grow your organic search results

ecommerceecommerce seoseo for ecommerce
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0

A look at search-related patents from Google that people who do SEO may be interested in learning about

knowledge graphentitiesfeatured snippets
So, when someone searches. Google may compare
the SERPs they receive from the original query
to augmented query results based on previous
searches using the same query terms or
synthetic queries. This evaluation against
augmentation queries is based upon which search
results have received more clicks in the past. Google
may decide to add results from an
augmentation query to the results for the query
searched for to improve quality scores and the
overall search results.
Bill Slawski // @taylordanrw
Sphere of influence
As SEOs, we can only impact the initial phase, and our efforts are
then see as rewards during the indexing and ranking phases.
What is an image entity
tag/category label?

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How Search Works
How Search WorksHow Search Works
How Search Works

Patrick Stox gives a presentation on how search works. He discusses how Google crawls and indexes websites, processes content, handles queries, and ranks results. Some key points include: Google's crawler downloads pages and files from websites; processing includes duplicate detection, link parsing, and content analysis; queries are understood through techniques like spelling correction and query expansion; and search results are ranked based on numerous freshness, popularity, and relevancy signals.

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Lexical Semantics, Semantic Similarity and Relevance for SEO
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Lexical Semantics, Semantic Similarity and Relevance for SEO

There are three main components of information retrieval systems: query understanding, document-query relevance understanding, and document clustering and ranking. The path from a search query to a search document involves several steps like query parsing, processing, augmenting, scoring, ranking, and clustering. Query understanding is where search engine optimization (SEO) begins, while document creation and ranking are other areas where SEO is applied. Cranfield experiments in the late 1950s helped develop the concept of a "search query language" which is different from the language used in documents. Formal semantics and components like tense, aspect, and mood can help machines better understand human language for information retrieval tasks.

semantic websemantic searchsemantic seo
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queriesSemantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries

This document summarizes how Google search results are evolving to include more semantic data through direct answers, structured snippets, and rich snippets. It provides examples of direct answers being extracted from authoritative sources using natural language queries and intent templates. It also discusses how including structured data like tables, schemas, and markup can help search engines understand and display page content in a more standardized way. While knowledge-based trust is an interesting concept, current search ranking still primarily relies on link analysis and does not consider factual correctness.

Per some embodiments, object
recognition technology is used to
annotate images stored in
databases or harvested from
Internet web pages. The annotations
may identify who and/or what is
contained in the images.
US Patent: 10,534,810 - Ran El Manor and Yaniv Leviathan, Google LLC // @taylordanrw
Images & The Knowledge Graph
Back in 2012, when Google started the Knowledge Graph they included a
phrase that “(Google) can learn from images of real-world objects”
We know from other patents that Google annotates images as part of
the mechanisms to grow and increase connections within the
Knowledge Graph between entities (object and attribute).
It’s logical that this would be a two way process; with learnings from
image attribute entity recognition feeding into the overall knowledge
sphere, and vice versa.
10 // @taylordanrw
Chuck Rosenberg, Image Search Team - 2013
5 Query Satisfaction Objectives
1. Continuation of neural mapping processes to provide better results
for ambiguous queries
2. Improve needs met results for queries with multiple common
(strong) interpretations
3. Advancement beyond the “written word” in terms of entity
relationship understanding
4. Improve the results (in terms of relevancy) for general image search
5. [Internal] work by Google to test and train against new queries/tests
to perform updates/reaffirm data sets/improve data sets/entity
12 // @taylordanrw

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This document discusses digital marketing strategies focused on establishing authority through valuable, timeless content. It recommends creating content such as articles, videos, and academic papers on topics that will remain relevant for years to establish expertise. Creating a steady stream of high-quality content over time builds an online presence and credibility without major risks of losses, and may lead to job offers, clients, or other opportunities. It provides examples of interactive dashboards and open-source software that gained popularity and users by continuously publishing improvements and documentation without needing to rely on things like resumes or company profiles.

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This document contains the transcript of a presentation about incorporating machine learning into internal linking audits. The presentation discusses analyzing a website's internal link structure using machine learning techniques like topic modeling and fuzzy matching to identify opportunities for new or improved internal links. It provides a 6-step process for discovery, analysis, clustering content by topic, identifying link opportunities, prioritizing where to link, and measuring the impact of implemented links. The goal is incremental improvements to internal linking that can boost SEO over time through better content organization and discoverability.

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Maximize cost-effective SEO implementation and achieve SEO success with SEO audits that get implemented: * Make your SEO audits solutions focused to develop action driven recommendations * Prioritize your SEO recommendations based on impact and effort, with SEO low-hanging fruits * Establish ongoing actions to prevent new SEO issues & leverage opportunities during the process * Connect each of your SEO recommendations to SMARTER SEO goals * Format SEO recommendations to facilitate actionability and collaboration * Develop frequent recommendations reviews & tests to keep them relevant and impactful

seoseo auditsseo process
We know from patent analysis (hail Bill Slawski) that Google uses
association scores (the score to quantify the relationship between two
entities within a database).
We know that Google then has entity classes, and subclasses. Entities
may be associated with one or more entity attributes and/or object
This then begs the question of how association and confidence scores
and impact the tangible output (the image filter tags).
13 // @taylordanrw
An association score may reflect a likelihood or
degree of confidence that an attribute, attribute
value, relationship, class hierarchy, designated
context class, or other such association is valid,
correct, and/or legitimate. In some embodiments,
for example, an association score may reflect a
degree of relatedness between two entities or a
context and an entity.
US Patent 10,198,491, a lot of authors, Google LLC // @taylordanrw
Illustration from the patent 10,534,810
Mapping Entity Relations
From the bear example in the patent we can begin to map out a
relationship between various entities.
How we define or connect the relationships (for the purpose of
improving our user happiness) is down to our own, logical interpretation
- aka common sense.
Google does this through machine learning, and combing the
information from image annotations with prior knowledge from the
Knowledge Graph.
16 // @taylordanrw

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The document discusses optimizing product listing pages (PLPs) on ecommerce websites. It begins with the author describing their experience finding a website with little obvious "tech debt" issues to address. They then analyze which page templates drive the most revenue, finding PLPs account for 60% of organic revenue. The author breaks down PLPs into individual components and suggests prioritizing optimization of filters and internal linking. They argue for considering metrics beyond just search volume, like user behavior and conversion data, when deciding which page variants to focus on.

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How to control googlebot

This document discusses how to control Googlebot's crawling of a website. It notes that Googlebot often does not crawl all pages of large websites due to limited crawl budgets. It recommends analyzing website logs and other metrics like pages crawled, indexed, ranked, impressions, clicks and conversions to understand Googlebot's behavior. The key factors that influence Googlebot are described as the "magic triangle" of links, content, and technical aspects. All three need attention to help Googlebot fully crawl and index a website.

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Illustration from the patent 10,534,810
18 // @taylordanrw
Similar To Topic Mapping
Query Disambiguation

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This is a guide for machine learning for beginners, tailored to the SEO industry, aimed at breaking down the challenges that hold us back from experimenting, the breakdown of machine learning's main characteristics to help us understand how to implement it a bit better, and the ways we can embed advanced technology into our daily practice.

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Search Query Processing: The Secret Life of Queries, Parsing, Rewriting & SEO

Query Processing is the process of query term weight calculation, query augmentation, query context defining, and more. Query understanding and Query clustering are related to Information Retrieval tasks for the search engines. To provide a better search engine optimization effort and project result, the organic search performance optimizers need to implement query processing methodologies. Digital marketing and SEO are connected to each other. Understanding a query includes query parsing, query rewriting, question generation, and answer pairing. Multi-stages Query Processing, Candidate Answer Passages, or Candidate Answer Passages and Answer Term Weighting are some of the concepts from the Google Search Engine to parse the queries. The presentation of The Secret Life of Queries, Parsing, Rewriting & SEO has been presented at the Brighton SEO Event in April 2022. The event speech focused on explaining the theoretical SEO and practical SEO examples together. Query Processing methodologies are beyond synonym matching or synonym finding. It involves multiple aspects of the words, and meanings of the words. The theme of words, the centrality of words, attention windows, context windows, and word co-occurrence matrices, GloVe, Word2Vec, word embeddings, character embeddings, and more. Themes of words contain the word probability like in Continues Bag of Window. The search engine optimization community focuses on keyword research by matching the queries. Query processing involves query word order change, query word type change, query word combination change, query phrase synonym usage, query question generation, query clustering. Query processing and document processing are correlational. Query processing is to understand a query while document processing is to process a web document. Both of the processes are for ranking algorithms. Providing a better ranking algorithm requires a better query understanding. And providing better rankings as SEOs require better search engine understanding. Thus, understanding the methods of query processing is necessary. Search Query Processing is implementing the query processing for thesearch engines. Search query refers to the phrase that search engine users use for searching. Search intent understanding and search intent grouping are two different things. But, query templates, questions templates, and document templates work together. Search query is for organic search behaviors. A web search engine answers millions of queries every day. Search query processing is a fundamental task for search engine optimization and search engine result page optimization. The "Semantic Search Engine: Query Processing" slides from Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR supported the presentation of "Search Query Processing: The Secret Life of Queries, Parsing, Rewriting & SEO". The presentation has been created by Dear Rebecca Berbel. Many thanks to the Google engineers that created the Semantic Search Engine patents including Larry Page.

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Ok, great. So why/how
can I use this?
Entities & Content Optimization
Remember that Google is a machine.
When a web crawler looks at an entity, it does so as a node - and then
works to identify relationships between those entities.
They are trained (ML) to look for entities, and identify context and
We optimise our internal linking between webpages (that house related
content) like nodes & edges… (IMO) Google can also ascertain relevance
between documents on a single domain, without links - but they help.
22 // @taylordanrw
Scalable Extraction
We can use Python to extract the tags from Google
image search - meaning we can scale this process.
With simple extraction around a small, initial set of
search queries we can begin to identify and
unearth potential relationships between concepts
and entities (various classes) that aren’t
demonstrated in traditional keyword research tools
working off queries alone.
Google likes to update it’s HTML, so you will need to
keep updating your scrapers...
23 // @taylordanrw
[Cyprus Holidays]
24 // @taylordanrw

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The document discusses keyword research and topic modeling in the semantic web. It covers identifying named entities, adding schema markup to pages, and verifying listings on Google My Business. It also discusses using context and related phrases to improve search engine optimization, including looking at knowledge bases, disambiguations pages, and clustering related meanings. The document provides examples of using related words and phrases for semantic topic clustering and ranking documents based on included phrases.

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Dan Taylor's #SEO lightning talk about incorporating entity analysis into your SEO strategy, and three methods of scaling it.

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[Cyprus Holidays] Image Tags
● All inclusive
● Ayia Napa
● Cheap
● Protara
● Beach
● 5 Star
● Nissi Beach
● Larnaca
● Coral Bay
● Limassol
25 // @taylordanrw
● Family
● Luxury
● Paphos
● Turkish
● Summer
● Resort
● Waterpark
● Grecian Park
● Electra Village
● South
● Anastasia
● Map
● Elysium
● Nestor hotel
● Famagusta
● Pernera
● Night life
Place/Location -- Hotel/Hotel Modifier -- Holiday Modifier
Result #1
● All inclusive
● Ayia Napa
● Cheap
● Protara
● Beach
● 5 Star
● Nissi Beach
● Larnaca
● Coral Bay
● Limassol
26 // @taylordanrw
● Family
● Luxury
● Paphos
● Turkish
● Summer
● Resort
● Waterpark
● Grecian Park
● Electra Village
● South
● Anastasia
● Map
● Elysium
● Nestor hotel
● Famagusta
● Pernera
● Night life
Result #54
● All inclusive
● Ayia Napa
● Cheap
● Protara
● Beach
● 5 Star
● Nissi Beach
● Larnaca
● Coral Bay
● Limassol
27 // @taylordanrw
● Family
● Luxury
● Paphos
● Turkish
● Summer
● Resort
● Waterpark
● Grecian Park
● Electra Village
● South
● Anastasia
● Map
● Elysium
● Nestor hotel
● Famagusta
● Pernera
● Night life

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My slides from the Plerdy CRO/UX conference in February 2021, in which I discussed the relationship between SEO and UX, and how we can improve one to benefit the other.

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How to Scale and Grow your Enterprise Technical SEO Strategy

Trying to scale your SEO strategies but having trouble keeping up? Is the rapid change in customer needs, churn rates, and product portfolios challenging your marketing team? Discover how you can overcome growing pains in our upcoming educational webinar specifically designed for enterprise marketers. In this presentation, you’ll learn: -How to use Edge SEO to automate and improve processes in product management (from an SEO perspective). -The best way to use entities scalably for better support of content creation. -How to deal with out-of-stock products to maintain brand visibility and avoid negatively impacting the user experience. -Often, enterprise ecommerce sites and websites that offer SaaS subscription models are challenged with automation and require technical assistance as they scale. Dan Taylor, Head Of Research And Development at – and a Search Engine Journal VIP Contributor – will discuss SEO strategies you should know to scale your efforts and grow your business.

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Google uses over 200 factors when determining how to rank pages in its search results. These include on-page factors like keywords in page titles and content, as well as off-page factors like links pointing to the page. Some factors focus on usability and quality like page loading speed, mobile friendliness, and proper grammar. Historical factors like the age of the domain and how frequently the page has been updated are also considered. The exact role and importance of each individual factor is not fully known or static, as Google's algorithm is constantly evolving.

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The document discusses issues with how computer science has directed the development of search systems, focusing on efficiency over user experience. It argues search systems have paid minimal attention to the user experience beyond results relevance and ad-matching. The goal of the plenary is to inspire designing search experiences that do more than just sell products well.

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Do you want to learn how to use the low-hanging fruit of knowledge graphs — and JSON-LD — to annotate content and improve your SEO with semantics and entities? This hands-on workshop with one of the leading Semantic SEO practitioners will help you get started.

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Thank you!

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BrightonSEO March 2021 | Dan Taylor, Image Entity Tags

  • 1. Using Image Category Labels For Content Optimization Dan Taylor //
  • 2. Head of Research & Development @ • 2018 TechSEO Boost Innovation Award • Search Engine Journal Author • Search Engine Journal Top 140 (“18, “19, “20) • SEMrush Top Author • (#Hiring #RemoteUK) • • • These slides: // @taylordanrw
  • 3. Today Today, I’ll be talking about how we can use Google’s imaging labels and entity classification systems as a method of keyword and topic research, to improve our content. “Improve our content” Rankings? Conversion? User Happiness & Experience Forecasting? Enhanced topic research to identify/reaffirm connections between topics we’re exploring. But first, a little back story... 3 // @taylordanrw
  • 4. Semantic Search & SEO Semantics in SEO isn’t a new concept, or new to Google. The first mention of Semantic search came in a 1999 Sergey Brin patent. If you’re able to understand entities, then you can gain an insight into how Google looks at individual webpages, websites (as a cohort of pages), and then interprets the information contained therein. Topic clusters have nothing to do with Hummingbird, and RankBrain. #Myth 4 // @taylordanrw
  • 5. “ So, when someone searches. Google may compare the SERPs they receive from the original query to augmented query results based on previous searches using the same query terms or synthetic queries. This evaluation against augmentation queries is based upon which search results have received more clicks in the past. Google may decide to add results from an augmentation query to the results for the query searched for to improve quality scores and the overall search results. 5 Bill Slawski // @taylordanrw
  • 6. Sphere of influence As SEOs, we can only impact the initial phase, and our efforts are then see as rewards during the indexing and ranking phases. 6
  • 7. What is an image entity tag/category label?
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  • 9. “ Per some embodiments, object recognition technology is used to annotate images stored in databases or harvested from Internet web pages. The annotations may identify who and/or what is contained in the images. 9 US Patent: 10,534,810 - Ran El Manor and Yaniv Leviathan, Google LLC // @taylordanrw
  • 10. Images & The Knowledge Graph Back in 2012, when Google started the Knowledge Graph they included a phrase that “(Google) can learn from images of real-world objects” We know from other patents that Google annotates images as part of the mechanisms to grow and increase connections within the Knowledge Graph between entities (object and attribute). It’s logical that this would be a two way process; with learnings from image attribute entity recognition feeding into the overall knowledge sphere, and vice versa. 10 // @taylordanrw
  • 11. Chuck Rosenberg, Image Search Team - 2013 11
  • 12. 5 Query Satisfaction Objectives 1. Continuation of neural mapping processes to provide better results for ambiguous queries 2. Improve needs met results for queries with multiple common (strong) interpretations 3. Advancement beyond the “written word” in terms of entity relationship understanding 4. Improve the results (in terms of relevancy) for general image search 5. [Internal] work by Google to test and train against new queries/tests to perform updates/reaffirm data sets/improve data sets/entity relationships 12 // @taylordanrw
  • 13. Scores We know from patent analysis (hail Bill Slawski) that Google uses association scores (the score to quantify the relationship between two entities within a database). We know that Google then has entity classes, and subclasses. Entities may be associated with one or more entity attributes and/or object attributes. This then begs the question of how association and confidence scores and impact the tangible output (the image filter tags). 13 // @taylordanrw
  • 14. “ An association score may reflect a likelihood or degree of confidence that an attribute, attribute value, relationship, class hierarchy, designated context class, or other such association is valid, correct, and/or legitimate. In some embodiments, for example, an association score may reflect a degree of relatedness between two entities or a context and an entity. 14 US Patent 10,198,491, a lot of authors, Google LLC // @taylordanrw
  • 15. Illustration from the patent 10,534,810 15
  • 16. Mapping Entity Relations From the bear example in the patent we can begin to map out a relationship between various entities. How we define or connect the relationships (for the purpose of improving our user happiness) is down to our own, logical interpretation - aka common sense. Google does this through machine learning, and combing the information from image annotations with prior knowledge from the Knowledge Graph. 16 // @taylordanrw
  • 17. Illustration from the patent 10,534,810 17 Node Edge
  • 19. Similar To Topic Mapping 19
  • 21. Ok, great. So why/how can I use this?
  • 22. Entities & Content Optimization Remember that Google is a machine. When a web crawler looks at an entity, it does so as a node - and then works to identify relationships between those entities. They are trained (ML) to look for entities, and identify context and relationships. We optimise our internal linking between webpages (that house related content) like nodes & edges… (IMO) Google can also ascertain relevance between documents on a single domain, without links - but they help. 22 // @taylordanrw
  • 23. Scalable Extraction We can use Python to extract the tags from Google image search - meaning we can scale this process. With simple extraction around a small, initial set of search queries we can begin to identify and unearth potential relationships between concepts and entities (various classes) that aren’t demonstrated in traditional keyword research tools working off queries alone. Google likes to update it’s HTML, so you will need to keep updating your scrapers... 23 // @taylordanrw
  • 24. [Cyprus Holidays] 24 // @taylordanrw BEACH BEACH
  • 25. [Cyprus Holidays] Image Tags ● All inclusive ● Ayia Napa ● Cheap ● Protara ● Beach ● 5 Star ● Nissi Beach ● Larnaca ● Coral Bay ● Limassol 25 // @taylordanrw ● Family ● Luxury ● Paphos ● Turkish ● Summer ● Resort ● Waterpark ● Grecian Park Hotel ● Electra Village ● South ● Anastasia ● Map ● Elysium ● Nestor hotel ● Famagusta ● Pernera ● Night life Place/Location -- Hotel/Hotel Modifier -- Holiday Modifier
  • 26. Result #1 ● All inclusive ● Ayia Napa ● Cheap ● Protara ● Beach ● 5 Star ● Nissi Beach ● Larnaca ● Coral Bay ● Limassol 26 // @taylordanrw ● Family ● Luxury ● Paphos ● Turkish ● Summer ● Resort ● Waterpark ● Grecian Park Hotel ● Electra Village ● South ● Anastasia ● Map ● Elysium ● Nestor hotel ● Famagusta ● Pernera ● Night life
  • 27. Result #54 ● All inclusive ● Ayia Napa ● Cheap ● Protara ● Beach ● 5 Star ● Nissi Beach ● Larnaca ● Coral Bay ● Limassol 27 // @taylordanrw ● Family ● Luxury ● Paphos ● Turkish ● Summer ● Resort ● Waterpark ● Grecian Park Hotel ● Electra Village ● South ● Anastasia ● Map ● Elysium ● Nestor hotel ● Famagusta ● Pernera ● Night life
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