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Schema Markup:
10 Concepts Made Simple
and Actionable
Martha van Berkel
CEO, Schema App
Strategy &
& Engineering
Schema Markup is an SEO strategy
to help your content to be
understood explicitly by search
engines and stand out in search.
Schema Markup = Structured Data

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Seo 101 in 2019
Seo 101 in 2019Seo 101 in 2019
Seo 101 in 2019

Everyone hears they should be doing SEO, but what does that really mean? I will cover the core basics of SEO and provide insights and strategies that are actionable for attendee's that day. The presentation will include: - SEO as A.R.T. - Topics vs. Keywords - Title, Meta, and Content Optimization - Importance of backlinks and citations - Intro to technical considerations

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Website relaunch SEO: Planning your website content for a successful relaunch...
Website relaunch SEO: Planning your website content for a successful relaunch...Website relaunch SEO: Planning your website content for a successful relaunch...
Website relaunch SEO: Planning your website content for a successful relaunch...

This document provides tips for planning website content for a successful website relaunch from an SEO perspective. It discusses identifying important existing content that should not be deleted, such as pages that drive traffic, have backlinks, or meet business goals. The document recommends integrating or improving important content and replacing PDFs with HTML pages. It also suggests retaining images and internal linking structure to maintain SEO performance after the relaunch.

seoeoghan hennsearchviu
SEO Audit in 2016
SEO Audit in 2016SEO Audit in 2016
SEO Audit in 2016

An SEO audit evaluates the search engine optimization friendliness of a website at a point in time. It identifies factors slowing traffic growth and assesses problem severity. The audit examines technical, semantic, link popularity, and competitive elements. Technically, it checks the server, crawlability, page speed and templates. Semantically, it evaluates keywords, coverage, targeting and content quality. For links, it considers volume, quality and abnormal patterns. Competitor audits mirror these analyses. Regular audits are important as things change without notice. The website owners and editors are also important to audit.

googlewebsitesearch engine optimization
Schema Markup is Code that Google Understands is a vocabulary and structure created by Google, Yahoo, Bing
and Yandex back in 2011. There are over 800 different definitions, each
with 20+ properties to define them.
Schema Markup (aka Structured Data) is the act of applying
vocabulary in the form of code to your digital content.
The Vocabulary:
32 Ways to Stand Out In Search
Rich Results in Search

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SEO Audit Workshop : Frameworks , Techniques and Tools
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SEO Audit Workshop : Frameworks , Techniques and Tools

Mohit Maheshwari presented on conducting SEO audits. He discussed the importance of SEO audits to discover issues, create an action plan, and set priorities. He recommended tools for conducting technical, link profile, content, and competitor audits. Mohit outlined the SEO audit process including checking indexability, accessibility, site performance, search engine penalties, on-page and off-page ranking factors. He provided tips on audit reporting and creating an implementation schedule based on priorities.

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On-Site SEO Audit Example
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On-Site SEO Audit Example

This is an example PowerPoint Deck of my tried and tested on-site SEO audit, as sold by the SEO Pragmatists.

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Opportunity Expanding: New Rich Results
Add Schema Markup
Desktop and
Mobile Search
Voice Search Discovery on all
Source - Google I/O webinar - scroll over to the 33:45 minutes mark
Be Found Across Platforms
Results from Schema Markup
Eventbrite boosts traffic 100%
Rakuten increases time on site 1.5x
Jobrapido more than doubled its organic traffic
ZipRecruiter grows conversion rate 4.5x
Monster India listed jobs on Google Search, leading to 94%
increase in organic traffic on job detail pages.
StyleCraze improved site CTR 1.2x by leveraging How-to
Google Case Studies

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The document outlines a 4-step process for conducting an SEO competitor analysis: 1) Track keywords, 2) Analyze ranking results to understand competitors' strengths, 3) Identify content outreach opportunities by comparing backlinks, and 4) Analyze topic search and trend data to determine priorities. The goal is to discover competitors, see where they outrank you, and find ways to improve rankings through link building and content optimization strategies.

The 30 Minute SEO Audit
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A free Portent webinar by Ken Colborn, learn how to review your website for common SEO issues in 30 minutes or less. We will be focusing on technical SEO, content, and off-site SEO factors.

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This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It explains that SEO is the process of improving a website to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. It provides details on both on-page SEO techniques like optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and headings, as well as off-page techniques like link building, social sharing, and submitting to directories.

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"I think in the future, at least in a near-term future, we will have more types of
structured data markup and it will continue to get more complicated."
… There are a lot of requirements to enable "fancy" search results as well as
features on Google Assistant (voice search) ...
"But purely from a markup point of view, I don't see this getting any easier,
John Mueller
Google: Schema Markup Won't Get Any Easier; Will Get Harder
January 31, 2020
Schema Markup is Complex
1. Definitions
2. Connected Schema Markup
3. Strong Connectors
4. Errors and Warnings + Content Strategy
5. Testing Tools
6. Services
7. Nesting for Rich Results
8. Advanced Properties to Explore
9. Brand Marketing
10. Measuring Value from Schema Markup
10 Schema Markup Concepts: Simplified
● An Entity is a Thing(!)
● In terms:
○ A defined Type or Class with specific properties
that describe it, or link it to other Entities.
○ Physical Entity: Product
○ Abstract Entity: DayOfWeek
What’s an Entity?

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Google Webmaster Tools is the perfect Companion to Analytics. Webmaster Tools provides information such as Content Keywords, crawl statistics and errors that are not available through Google Analytics.

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Building Entities & Connections in 2020
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Entities are machine classified objects and concepts that allow for reliable results, more efficient fact delivery, better UX of web search, and so much more. Basically put - entities are breathtaking! Izzi's talk touches upon entities and the Knowledge Graph within the context of Search over the past 8 years, and how brands and domains can leverage their power to be present and well-represented across SERPs, the risks of doing so, and what this all means for the ecosystem of search.

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SEO for Enterprise: Stuff You Can Do Yourself!

SEO is dead. But is it? Well, it doesn't matter anyway because in the enterprise we have NO TIME and NO RESOURCES anyway. Well, this deck is here to save you. Here are about 9 things you can do yourself without the need for anyone else. Get after it.

enterpriseseosearch engine optimization
Class or Type
Expected Input / Type
Identify the
primary topic of
the page.
Connected Schema Markup

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The document provides tips for writing an SEO-optimized article, including doing research on competitors, coming up with a unique title, creating an outline, writing content for humans not search engines using keywords, adding subheads, checking keyword density and grammar, optimizing images and metadata, and sharing the article on social media. The key steps outlined are to research topics, make a plan and title, write the content, edit and add links, check keywords and formatting, and share the article.

10 Things You Don't Know about Structured Data
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Many people know about rich results and how to do structured data for them, but many don't know how to create rich connected schema markup. In this presentation I go over everything from the ROI to advanced uses of the vocabulary to help you ensure voice and search engines truly understand your content. Martha van Berkel is the CEO at Schema App (, professional tools for doing Structured Data at scale for any type of content, on any type of CMS.

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Don’t put the same
schema markup
on every page.
Don’t create
islands of schema
Connect Your Schema Markup To Tell A Story
How To
Martha van Berkel — Schema Markup Explained: 10 Complicated Concepts Made Simple and Actionable | 5 Hours of Technical SEO

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What is the current status quo of the Semantic Web as first mentioned by Tim Berners Lee in 2001? Not only 10 blue links can drive you traffic anymore, Google has added many so called Knowlegde cards and panels to answer the specific informational need of their users. Sounds complicated, but it isn’t. If you ask for information, Google will try to answer it within the result pages. I'll share my research from a theoretical point of view through exploring patents and papers, and actual testing cases in the live indices of Google. Getting your site listed as the source of an Answer Card can result in an increase of CTR as much as 16%. How to get listed? Come join my session and I'll shine some light on the factors that come into play when optimizing for Google's Knowledge graph.

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Martha van Berkel — Schema Markup Explained: 10 Complicated Concepts Made Simple and Actionable | 5 Hours of Technical SEO
Schema Paths
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This document provides an overview of structured data and how to plan and implement it effectively. It discusses the giant global graph and semantic web concepts. is introduced as a way to add structured data tags to pages. The benefits of structured data like improved rankings and user experience are outlined. The document then covers how to plan structured data by auditing pages, identifying appropriate schema types and properties. Implementation tips around templating, testing and monitoring structured data are provided. Common pitfalls to avoid are also highlighted.

How to Scale and Grow your Enterprise Technical SEO Strategy
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Trying to scale your SEO strategies but having trouble keeping up? Is the rapid change in customer needs, churn rates, and product portfolios challenging your marketing team? Discover how you can overcome growing pains in our upcoming educational webinar specifically designed for enterprise marketers. In this presentation, you’ll learn: -How to use Edge SEO to automate and improve processes in product management (from an SEO perspective). -The best way to use entities scalably for better support of content creation. -How to deal with out-of-stock products to maintain brand visibility and avoid negatively impacting the user experience. -Often, enterprise ecommerce sites and websites that offer SaaS subscription models are challenged with automation and require technical assistance as they scale. Dan Taylor, Head Of Research And Development at – and a Search Engine Journal VIP Contributor – will discuss SEO strategies you should know to scale your efforts and grow your business.

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Step by Step Guide to Web Analytics. #Data drives Decision. Access the Full Video Course for FREE at Unacademy.

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contains place
area served
Strong Connectors
Use Strong Connectors

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We've known for years that data-driven content was a 'thing' when we'd produce simple infographics that shared a few statistics and they'd get easy traction for us online. The game has lifted and consumers are becoming more and more obsessed with data and are now demanding higher quality and more complex data-driven content. The challenge for us now as "T-Shaped" marketers is that there are increasing demands for us to learn new skills to produce this content but we don't have the time to do this amongst the other things we need to be expert at. This presentation is going to give you specific help on how to produce data-driven content without any programming skill. After watching this presentation you'll have the confidence to build your own data-driven content with the knowledge of: - blueprints for data-driven content ideas - scraping tools, frameworks and methodologies - how to brief in a data scraping project to your in-house team or a freelancer - how to turn your data into visually appealing content - channels for promoting data-driven content to ensure it gets traction

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Errors and Warnings
+ Content Strategy
The Schema Markup Process
Spans from Strategy to maintenance
and Reporting.
Is Iterative.
Identifies opportunities in content
based on vocabulary &
Google Errors & Warnings.
You can have perfect schema markup, and still get Errors and
Errors and Warnings are ONLY for Google features.
Update content to meet criteria, if it makes sense.
Errors and Warnings

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eMarketer moderates a special presentation with Drew Burns, principal product marketing manager at Adobe, who shows you how to unlock countless opportunities to shape and improve the digital experiences that you deliver to your customers.

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SynapseIndia gives an overview of Rich Snippets
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This Video introduces rich snippets and their use for promotional practices to get better results with search engines. In this presentation, get to know about google rich snippets and hire SynapseIndia for effective SEO services,

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Rich Result Test Tool
Expected Warning
Google Required
& Recommended
Testing Tools

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Google Structured Data Testing Tool
● Tool to be retired, not up to date
● Remains useful for seeing the structured data on a
particular page and how it’s set up
● Use Google Rich Result Test to test for errors and
Google Structured Data Testing Tool
Martha van Berkel — Schema Markup Explained: 10 Complicated Concepts Made Simple and Actionable | 5 Hours of Technical SEO
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Desirous of working in competitive environment in reputed company which provide me adequate opportunity for career development and to learn to utilize my knowledge to enchance the growth of organization

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● Benefits
○ Supports all Rich Results
○ Up to date with documentation
● Draw-backs
○ Difficult to see all entities on a page
○ More clicks to find errors, more generic errors
○ Slow
Rich Result Testing Tool GA
Martha van Berkel — Schema Markup Explained: 10 Complicated Concepts Made Simple and Actionable | 5 Hours of Technical SEO
SDTT Alternatives
Validates rich
Coolest feature
Google RRT ✔ ✔ ✔ Rich result preview
Schema App
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Site-wide health
SD Linter ✔ Search result preview
Yandex SD
✔ SDTT ✔ ✔ ✔ Familiar interface
Ryte SD Helper ✔ ✔ ✔ Chrome extension

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Top E-commerce Marketing Channels in 2021

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A truly untapped marketing channel
A truly untapped marketing channelA truly untapped marketing channel
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Jeffrey Burns - Structured Data for Healthcare
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schema markupschemastructured data
When something is best
described by merging two types.
Multi-Type Entity
House for Sale = Product (w offer) + SingleFamilyResidence
Hotel Room for Rent = Product (w aggregate offer) + HotelRoom
Haircut = Service + Product**
Comedy Event on Air = ComedyEvent + BroadcastEvent
Book for Sale = Product + Book
● Fully describe the entity on the page
● Access to a wider range of properties
● Achieve a rich result while still being honest
Why you want to do this!
Type: Product

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Jono Alderson - Structured Data for Content Marketing
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These slides were presented at the Semrush webinar "Structured Data for Content Marketing". Video replay and transcript are available at

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Use Multi-Type Entity for Services = Service + Product
Properties exist from
Figure out
primary topic of
Pick most
Type(s) to
describe it
Nesting for Rich Results
Martha van Berkel — Schema Markup Explained: 10 Complicated Concepts Made Simple and Actionable | 5 Hours of Technical SEO

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Martha van Berkel — Schema Markup Explained: 10 Complicated Concepts Made Simple and Actionable | 5 Hours of Technical SEO
Schema Paths
Question + Answer
Question + Answer
Question + Answer
Advanced Properties
to Explore

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Add additional clarity
to the
Type that is not in the
Additional Type
Additional Type
Additional Type
Additional Type

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Additional Type
Brand Marketing
● Acquisitions and Mergers
● Rebrand
● Repositioning
● Expansion
Compelling Events to Consider Schema Markup
● Define the organization structure
● Use properties to describe the changed relationships
○ “sameAs”
○ “partOf”
○ “parentOrganization”
○ “alternateName”
● Link to wikipedia for relevant brand associations
Tips for Name Change / Acquisition

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Measuring Value from
Schema Markup
Results from Schema Markup
Performance reports are where you can
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Enhancement reports are where you can see the
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Google Search Console Reporting
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by VWO
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Schema App Performance Analytics
Schema Markup Properties in Google Analytics
Schema App is a full service enterprise schema
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to take control of your brand in search
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Schema App Experience
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Schema App is Trusted by SEOs Worldwide
Martha van Berkel
CEO, Schema App
Twitter: @marthavanberkel
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