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How to add meaning to HTML with:

● Microdata,
● & RDFa
Part I
 What are these things?

Why would you use them?

 What do they look like?
What are microformats?
● “A set of [...] data formats...”
● “An approach to semantic markup which
 seeks [...] to convey metadata.”
● “Simple conventions used [...] to describe a
 specific type of information...”
What is microdata?
● “Allows machine-readable data to be embedded
 in HTML documents...”
● “A simple way to embed semantic markup
 into HTML documents...”
● “A way to label content to describe a
 specific type of information...”

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Publishing data on the Semantic Web
Publishing data on the Semantic WebPublishing data on the Semantic Web
Publishing data on the Semantic Web

The document discusses several options for publishing data on the Semantic Web. It describes Linked Data as the preferred approach, which involves using URIs to identify things and including links between related data to improve discovery. It also outlines publishing metadata in HTML documents using standards like RDFa and Microdata, as well as exposing SPARQL endpoints and data feeds.

rdfalinked data
Year of the Monkey: Lessons from the first year of SearchMonkey
Year of the Monkey: Lessons from the first year of SearchMonkeyYear of the Monkey: Lessons from the first year of SearchMonkey
Year of the Monkey: Lessons from the first year of SearchMonkey

This document discusses publishing content on the Semantic Web. It introduces basic concepts of RDF and the Semantic Web like resources, literals, and triples. It then describes six main ways to publish RDF data on the web: 1) standalone RDF documents, 2) metadata inside webpages using techniques like RDFa, 3) SPARQL endpoints, 4) feeds, 5) XSLT transformations, and 6) automatic markup tools. Finally, it briefly discusses the history of embedding metadata in HTML and examples of metadata standards.

Semantic Search Summer School2009
Semantic Search Summer School2009Semantic Search Summer School2009
Semantic Search Summer School2009

The document discusses different options for publishing metadata on the Semantic Web, including standalone RDF documents, embedding metadata in web pages using techniques like RDFa, providing SPARQL endpoints, publishing feeds, and using automated tools. It provides examples and discusses the advantages of each approach. A brief history of metadata publishing efforts is also presented, from early initiatives like HTML meta tags and SHOE to current standards like RDFa and microformats.

What is RDFa?

● “A [way] to augment visual data with machine-
 readable hints.”
● “[Embeds] rich metadata within web
● “A way to label content to describe a
 specific type of information...”
Sound similar? They are!
They all have common goals:

● Semantics - Meaning.
  Ex: "This is the name of a person."
● Metadata - Data about data.
  Ex: "This is the author of this article."
● Machine Readability - Tell the machine what
  "adlfladkldbcdefg" means to the humans.
How are they different?
Individual strengths and weaknesses. But they're all trying
to solve the same problem.

● Different approaches,
● Different "specifications,"*
● Different "vocabularies,"**
● Different "syntaxes."***

* All words used loosely.
** "Native" vocabs closely related to each.
*** The biggest difference.
How are they different?
● Microformats: Uses existing HTML4 tags &
 attributes. Easiest to pick up.
● Microdata: New in HTML5. Uses new
 HTML5 attributes.
● RDFa: Adds RDF to XHTML using new attributes. The
 most complex!

      (Remember: <tag attribute="value"></tag>)

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Developing Linked Data and Semantic Web-based Applications (Expotec 2015)
Developing Linked Data and Semantic Web-based Applications (Expotec 2015)Developing Linked Data and Semantic Web-based Applications (Expotec 2015)
Developing Linked Data and Semantic Web-based Applications (Expotec 2015)

The document discusses developing Linked Data and Semantic Web applications. It begins with key concepts related to Linked Data, the Semantic Web, and applications. It then describes two key steps in developing such applications: publishing data as Linked Data and consuming Linked Data to build applications. Examples are provided of extracting, enriching, and linking different datasets to build a real estate recommendation application that performs semantic searches over the integrated data. Ontologies are created and reused to represent the domains and support interoperability. The document emphasizes integrating the data and software engineering perspectives in developing Semantic Web applications.

semantic web; linked data; ontologies; open data
Name That Graph !
Name That Graph !Name That Graph !
Name That Graph !

This document discusses the need for named graphs in RDF to represent contextual information like provenance and source of RDF data. It proposes extensions to the RDF/XML syntax to associate RDF descriptions and statements with named graphs. This allows modeling things like different hypotheses, temporal aspects, points of view, and distributed storage in a way that is currently not possible without named graphs in the RDF model.

named graphsw3crdfn
Consuming Linked Data SemTech2010
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Consuming Linked Data SemTech2010

This is a one hour talk introducing Linked Data and how Linked Data can be consumed by humans and by machines through SPARQL

sparqlsemantic websemtech
What are they used for?
● Add Meaning to website content
  ○ How does a machine know that "Blah Blah" is the
   name of a person?
  ○ Currently? Context + vast amounts of data to analyze.
  ○ Microformats allow us to specify "this is a person's
   name" in our HTML code.
What are they used for?
● Describe Relationships in website content
  ○ We can also use these techniques to describe
  ○ Especially between meaningful pieces of website
  ○ For example, we can indicate that a person is affiliated
   with a particular company.
Why would you want that?
● Enable Parsing by...
  ○ Google (Rich Snippets, Zeitgeist)
  ○ Yahoo! (Pipes, SearchMonkey)
  ○ & other miscellaneous
    ■ aggregators,
    ■ apps,
    ■ browser plugins,
    ■ or your own custom code!
Why would you want that?
● By enabling parsing, you enable sharing!

● Sharing increases your potential traffic!

● Effectively sharing increases your reach!

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Introduction to Linked Data
Introduction to Linked DataIntroduction to Linked Data
Introduction to Linked Data

This document introduces linked data and discusses how publishing data as linked RDF triples on the web allows for a global linked database. It explains that linked data uses HTTP URIs to identify things and links data from different sources to be queried using SPARQL. Publishing linked data provides benefits like being able to integrate and discover related data on the web. Tools are available to convert existing data or publish new data as linked open data.

semantic webrdflinked data
NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...
NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...
NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...

The document discusses a webinar presented by NISO and DCMI on and Linked Data. The webinar provides an overview of and Linked Data, examines the advantages and challenges of using RDF and Linked Data, looks at in more detail, and discusses how and Linked Data can be combined. The goals of the webinar are to illustrate the different design choices for identifying entities and describing structured data, integrating vocabularies, and incentives for publishing accurate data, as well as to help guide adoption of and Linked Data approaches.


This document provides an overview of describing web resources using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). It discusses the basic concepts of RDF including resources, properties, statements, and the XML syntax used to represent them. It also covers RDF Schema which adds vocabulary for describing properties and classes of RDF resources, and provides a critical view of some aspects of RDF such as its use of binary predicates and treatment of properties.

Why would you want that?
● Find-Ability: Better understanding of content's
  meaning = potentially more targeted traffic.
● User Experience: Parsed content can be downloaded
  and imported into software (ex: contact info or
● Workflow Efficiency: Help establish internal
  standards for class naming and markup patterns.

            (Emily Lewis,
Who should be interested?
Lots of ways & reasons to use microformats et al.

They are of especial interest regarding:

● Search Engine Optimization
● Social Networking
● Front End Web Development
Example: Google Rich Snippets
                      People &


What are common uses?
● People & Organizations

● Places / Locations

● Events

● Listings / Products

● Dozens More! Custom Formats!

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Clark - Metadata is the Message
Clark - Metadata is the MessageClark - Metadata is the Message
Clark - Metadata is the Message

This presentation was provided by Ashley Clark, Northeastern University, during a NISO Virtual Conference on the topic of data curation, held on Wednesday, August 31, 2016

niso virtual conferencedata curationresearch data
Publishing and Using Linked Open Data - Day 1
Publishing and Using Linked Open Data - Day 1 Publishing and Using Linked Open Data - Day 1
Publishing and Using Linked Open Data - Day 1

This document provides an agenda and schedule for Monday's Linked Open Data class. The day includes introductions, sessions on introducing linked data and exploring use cases, breaks for discussion, and a concluding session on kicking off participant projects. Evening events include an outside lecture and networking social for graduate students.

Linked Open Data for Libraries
Linked Open Data for LibrariesLinked Open Data for Libraries
Linked Open Data for Libraries

The document discusses using linked open data and linked data principles for libraries. It covers key concepts like URIs, RDF triples, ontologies and vocabularies. It then outlines options for libraries to both consume and publish linked data, such as enriching existing catalog data by linking to external sources, creating new information aggregates, and publishing library holdings and metadata as linked open data. Challenges include a lack of common identifiers, FRBRization of existing data, and the need for content curation and new technical systems to fully realize the benefits of linked open data for libraries.

open datalibrariesnvb11
Who uses them?
● hCard (Person): Yahoo! Local, Google Rich Snippets,
  Google Maps, Google Profiles, BrightKite, Twitter,, 37Signals’ Basecamp, Telnic, Gravatar
● hCalendar (Event): Facebook, Yahoo! Upcoming,
  Eventful, Google Rich Snippets, MapQuest Local
● hResume (Resume): LinkedIn, SimplyHired, Xing
● XFN (Relationships): Twitter, Flickr, Digg, Technorati,
  Ident Engine, Plaxo, Google Social Graph,

              (cite: Emily Lewis,
Who uses them?

In the real estate industry:


Who has the authority over these? / Where do the formats come from?

Microformats -
An independent effort on the part of various web designers & web
developers. It's open to input from anyone! They identify common needs -- ie:
the need to mark up contact information -- and collaborate to work up
formats. There's a core volunteer group in control (they make decisions based
on an ideology you can read about on the site), but it's basically a populist

Microdata -
Part of the HTML5 specification worked on by the WHATWG and W3C. The
W3C is the biggest "standards authority" of the 'net. There was a big argument
over how to add more semantic markup to HTML. Should they create a million
new tags or make it extensible like XHTML? Should microformats become
part of the HTML5 spec? Or RDFa? So WHATWG came up with their own
new alternative, microdata.

RDFa -
RDF & RDFa are W3C specifications.

If there are different vocabularies, where do they come from? Can one
vocabulary be used with all the specifications?

There are certainly some overlapping vocabularies.

The same groups who worked on specifications for microformats, microdata,
and RDFa have often also created custom vocabularies to use with their

But a vocabulary can also be created by a completely separate group. Or an
individual. Some vocabularies you'll come across can be used as a
microformat, microdata, or RDFa (no matter which they were intended for).

So how do you choose? Basically, you want to choose the vocabulary that
works for your situation. One which is understood by whatever search
engine/web application/software that you are hoping to enable.

The two "best" places for vocabularies (ones that are easy to learn and
understood on the web) are and

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Consuming Linked Data by Humans - WWW2010
Consuming Linked Data by Humans - WWW2010Consuming Linked Data by Humans - WWW2010
Consuming Linked Data by Humans - WWW2010

This document discusses different ways that humans can consume linked data on the web. It describes HTML browsers that can render RDFa embedded in web pages. It also discusses linked data browsers that allow users to view RDF triples in a tabular format. Faceted browsers provide a way to explore linked data through interactive facets. On-the-fly mashups dynamically combine data from multiple sources. The document encourages the development of new and innovative interfaces for interacting with linked data.

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NISO/DCMI Webinar: Cooperative Authority Control: The Virtual International A...
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NISO/DCMI Webinar: Cooperative Authority Control: The Virtual International A...

Libraries around the world have a long tradition of maintaining authority files to assure the consistent presentation and indexing of names. As library authority files have become available online, the authority data has become accessible -- and many have been published as Linked Open Data (LOD) -- but names in one library authority file typically had no link to corresponding records for persons and organizations in other library authority files. After a successful experiment in matching the Library of Congress/NACO authority file with the German National Library's authority file, an online system called the Virtual International Authority File was developed to facilitate sharing by ingesting, matching, and displaying the relations between records in multiple authority files. The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) has grown from three source files in 2007 to more than two dozen files today. The system harvests authority records, enhances them with bibliographic information and brings them together into clusters when it is confident the records describe the same identity. Although the most visible part of VIAF is a HTML interface, the API beneath it supports a linked data view of VIAF with URIs representing the identities themselves, not just URIs for the clusters. It supports names for person, corporations, geographic entities, works, and expressions. With English, French, German, Spanish interfaces (and a Japanese in process), the system is used around the world, with over a million queries per day. Speaker Thomas Hickey is Chief Scientist at OCLC where he helped found OCLC Research. Current interests include metadata creation and editing systems, authority control, parallel systems for bibliographic processing, and information retrieval and display. In addition to implementing VIAF, his group looks into exploring Web access to metadata, identification of FRBR works and expressions in WorldCat, the algorithmic creation of authorities, and the characterization of collections. He has an undergraduate degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science.

3a8 picture driven computing in assistive
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3a8 picture driven computing in assistive

The document discusses using picture-driven computing as an assistive technology to improve accessibility. It describes using visual images instead of text inputs to allow indirect access for users with disabilities. The Sikuli platform is highlighted as a way to automate tasks by programming screenshots of graphical interfaces. Future work areas include more research on picture-driven approaches, evaluating Sikuli, and developing additional assistive technology scripts.

aegis connference
How to spot a microformat.
<div class="vcard">
    <h1 class="n fn">
        <span class="given-name">Rachael</span>
        <span class="family-name">Moore</span>
    <div class="org">
        <span class="organization-name"></span>
        <span class="organization-unit">Operations</span>
        <span class="title">Web Developer</span>
    <div class="adr">
        <span class="street-address">280 John Knox Rd.</span>
        <span class="locality">Tallahassee</span>,
        <span class="region">Florida</span> 
        <span class="postal-code">32303</span>
How to spot a microformat.
● Uses regular old HTML4 (or new HTML5 tags).
● Uses the @class, @rel, @title, @href and other long-
 established attributes.
● @class names or @rel attribute values come from the
 formats specified at
● Microformats have been established the longest and
 have the widest support.
How to spot microdata.
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 itemprop="name">Rachael L. Moore</h1>
    <div itemprop="affiliation" itemscope 
        <span itemprop="name"></span>
        <span itemprop="title">Web Developer</span>
    <div itemprop="address" itemscope 
        <span itemprop="street-address">280 John Knox Rd.</span>
        <span itemprop="locality">Tallahassee</span>,
        <span itemprop="region">Florida</span> 
        <span itemprop="postal-code">32303</span>
How to spot microdata.
● Uses regular old HTML4 or new HTML5 tags.
● Uses the new @itemscope, @itemtype, and @itemprop
● Can use @itemtype values and @itemprop names from
 anywhere! is a good choice
 because of Google's support, though.
● Microdata will be part of HTML5, so it's likely it will
 become the most widely used (but who knows).

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Come join us downstairs at the Proof Brewing Company for another excellent evening of inspiration! Rachael Moore, the front-end lead on the new, has kindly agreed to share the story and take a peek under the hood of this massive (and really nicely done) site. Among the likely topics of discussion are: Object-oriented CSS, CSS preprocessors, JavaScript frameworks, and the ins and outs of working with a distributed team.

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Modern UI Component libraries influenced by Web Components will rely more heavily on package management than last generation UI Frameworks. In this 15 minute session we'll introduce package management for web graphical user interfaces, talk about the best package contents for a UI component, and some tactics for making smooth releases. For video, skip to 57 minutes, 13 seconds (57:13),

bowerpackage managementnpm
Operations Tooling for UI - DevOps for CSS Developers
Operations Tooling for UI - DevOps for CSS DevelopersOperations Tooling for UI - DevOps for CSS Developers
Operations Tooling for UI - DevOps for CSS Developers

Linting, testing, distribution, deployment--and all the associated tooling and tracking. The learning curve on all this stuff can be pretty harsh for web UI developers. All the vocabulary. All the options. All the extra code. What does it all mean? And what, if anything, does your project need? In this talk I discuss web user interfaces at scale and the benefits of bringing more of DevOps culture to the UI space, combining introductory material with practical applications. Talk presented at CSSConf in June 2015.

front end opsguiopsgrunt
How to spot RDFa.
<div xmlns:v="" typeof="v:Person">
    <h1 property="v:name">Rachael L. Moore</h1>
        <div property="v:affiliation">
            <div typeof="v:Organization">
                <span property="v:name"></span>
        <span property="v:title">Web Developer</span>
    <div rel="v:address">
        <div typeof="v:Address">
            <span property="v:street-address">280 John Knox</span>
            <span property="v:locality">Tallahassee</span>,
            <span property="v:region">Florida</span> 
            <span property="v:postal-code">32303</span>
How to spot RDFa.
● Probably uses XHTML.
● Declares a namespace using @xmlns, uses
 namespaces throughout.
● Uses the custom @typof, @property, & @content
 attributes; also uses @rel, @href, <link>, & <meta>.
● Again, can use a vocabulary from anywhere. Vocabs
 designed by RDF proponents also exist.
How to spot RDFa.
● RDFa has the strongest theoretical foundation. It's also
  the most complicated. It has the ability to express more
  complicated statements of meaning and more
  complicated relationships.

● ...But it looks like it's probably going to remain the least
  popular of the options.

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Microformats I: What & Why

  • 1. Microformats How to add meaning to HTML with: ●Microformats, ● Microdata, ● & RDFa
  • 2. Part I What are these things? Why would you use them? What do they look like?
  • 3. What are microformats? ● “A set of [...] data formats...” ● “An approach to semantic markup which seeks [...] to convey metadata.” ● “Simple conventions used [...] to describe a specific type of information...”
  • 4. What is microdata? ● “Allows machine-readable data to be embedded in HTML documents...” ● “A simple way to embed semantic markup into HTML documents...” ● “A way to label content to describe a specific type of information...”
  • 5. What is RDFa? ● “A [way] to augment visual data with machine- readable hints.” ● “[Embeds] rich metadata within web documents.” ● “A way to label content to describe a specific type of information...”
  • 6. Sound similar? They are! They all have common goals: ● Semantics - Meaning. Ex: "This is the name of a person." ● Metadata - Data about data. Ex: "This is the author of this article." ● Machine Readability - Tell the machine what "adlfladkldbcdefg" means to the humans.
  • 7. How are they different? Individual strengths and weaknesses. But they're all trying to solve the same problem. ● Different approaches, ● Different "specifications,"* ● Different "vocabularies,"** ● Different "syntaxes."*** * All words used loosely. ** "Native" vocabs closely related to each. *** The biggest difference.
  • 8. How are they different? ● Microformats: Uses existing HTML4 tags & attributes. Easiest to pick up. ● Microdata: New in HTML5. Uses new HTML5 attributes. ● RDFa: Adds RDF to XHTML using new attributes. The most complex! (Remember: <tag attribute="value"></tag>)
  • 9. What are they used for? ● Add Meaning to website content ○ How does a machine know that "Blah Blah" is the name of a person? ○ Currently? Context + vast amounts of data to analyze. ○ Microformats allow us to specify "this is a person's name" in our HTML code.
  • 10. What are they used for? ● Describe Relationships in website content ○ We can also use these techniques to describe relationships... ○ Especially between meaningful pieces of website content! ○ For example, we can indicate that a person is affiliated with a particular company.
  • 11. Why would you want that? ● Enable Parsing by... ○ Google (Rich Snippets, Zeitgeist) ○ Yahoo! (Pipes, SearchMonkey) ○ & other miscellaneous ■ aggregators, ■ apps, ■ browser plugins, ■ or your own custom code!
  • 12. Why would you want that? ● By enabling parsing, you enable sharing! ● Sharing increases your potential traffic! ● Effectively sharing increases your reach!
  • 13. Why would you want that? ● Find-Ability: Better understanding of content's meaning = potentially more targeted traffic. ● User Experience: Parsed content can be downloaded and imported into software (ex: contact info or events)! ● Workflow Efficiency: Help establish internal standards for class naming and markup patterns. (Emily Lewis,
  • 14. Who should be interested? Lots of ways & reasons to use microformats et al. They are of especial interest regarding: ● Search Engine Optimization ● Social Networking ● Front End Web Development
  • 15. Example: Google Rich Snippets People & Orgs Reviews Events
  • 16. What are common uses? ● People & Organizations ● Places / Locations ● Events ● Listings / Products ● Dozens More! Custom Formats!
  • 17. Who uses them? ● hCard (Person): Yahoo! Local, Google Rich Snippets, Google Maps, Google Profiles, BrightKite, Twitter,, 37Signals’ Basecamp, Telnic, Gravatar ● hCalendar (Event): Facebook, Yahoo! Upcoming, Eventful, Google Rich Snippets, MapQuest Local ● hResume (Resume): LinkedIn, SimplyHired, Xing ● XFN (Relationships): Twitter, Flickr, Digg, Technorati, Ident Engine, Plaxo, Google Social Graph, (cite: Emily Lewis,
  • 18. Who uses them? In the real estate industry: ● ● ● ● ● ●
  • 19. Questions? Who has the authority over these? / Where do the formats come from? Microformats - An independent effort on the part of various web designers & web developers. It's open to input from anyone! They identify common needs -- ie: the need to mark up contact information -- and collaborate to work up formats. There's a core volunteer group in control (they make decisions based on an ideology you can read about on the site), but it's basically a populist movement. Microdata - Part of the HTML5 specification worked on by the WHATWG and W3C. The W3C is the biggest "standards authority" of the 'net. There was a big argument over how to add more semantic markup to HTML. Should they create a million new tags or make it extensible like XHTML? Should microformats become part of the HTML5 spec? Or RDFa? So WHATWG came up with their own new alternative, microdata. RDFa - RDF & RDFa are W3C specifications.
  • 20. Questions? If there are different vocabularies, where do they come from? Can one vocabulary be used with all the specifications? There are certainly some overlapping vocabularies. The same groups who worked on specifications for microformats, microdata, and RDFa have often also created custom vocabularies to use with their specifications. But a vocabulary can also be created by a completely separate group. Or an individual. Some vocabularies you'll come across can be used as a microformat, microdata, or RDFa (no matter which they were intended for). So how do you choose? Basically, you want to choose the vocabulary that works for your situation. One which is understood by whatever search engine/web application/software that you are hoping to enable. The two "best" places for vocabularies (ones that are easy to learn and understood on the web) are and
  • 21. How to spot a microformat. <div class="vcard">     <h1 class="n fn">         <span class="given-name">Rachael</span>         <span class="family-name">Moore</span>     </h1>     <div class="org">         <span class="organization-name"></span>         <span class="organization-unit">Operations</span>         <span class="title">Web Developer</span>     </div>     <div class="adr">         <span class="street-address">280 John Knox Rd.</span>         <span class="locality">Tallahassee</span>,         <span class="region">Florida</span>          <span class="postal-code">32303</span>     </div> </div>
  • 22. How to spot a microformat. ● Uses regular old HTML4 (or new HTML5 tags). ● Uses the @class, @rel, @title, @href and other long- established attributes. ● @class names or @rel attribute values come from the formats specified at ● Microformats have been established the longest and have the widest support.
  • 23. How to spot microdata. <div itemscope itemtype="">     <h1 itemprop="name">Rachael L. Moore</h1>     <div itemprop="affiliation" itemscope       itemtype="">         <span itemprop="name"></span>         <span itemprop="title">Web Developer</span>     </div>     <div itemprop="address" itemscope       itemtype="">         <span itemprop="street-address">280 John Knox Rd.</span>         <span itemprop="locality">Tallahassee</span>,         <span itemprop="region">Florida</span>          <span itemprop="postal-code">32303</span>     </div> </div>
  • 24. How to spot microdata. ● Uses regular old HTML4 or new HTML5 tags. ● Uses the new @itemscope, @itemtype, and @itemprop attributes. ● Can use @itemtype values and @itemprop names from anywhere! is a good choice because of Google's support, though. ● Microdata will be part of HTML5, so it's likely it will become the most widely used (but who knows).
  • 25. How to spot RDFa. <div xmlns:v="" typeof="v:Person">     <h1 property="v:name">Rachael L. Moore</h1>     <div>         <div property="v:affiliation">             <div typeof="v:Organization">                 <span property="v:name"></span>             </div>         </div>         <span property="v:title">Web Developer</span>     </div>     <div rel="v:address">         <div typeof="v:Address">             <span property="v:street-address">280 John Knox</span>             <span property="v:locality">Tallahassee</span>,             <span property="v:region">Florida</span>              <span property="v:postal-code">32303</span>         </div>     </div>
  • 26. How to spot RDFa. ● Probably uses XHTML. ● Declares a namespace using @xmlns, uses namespaces throughout. ● Uses the custom @typof, @property, & @content attributes; also uses @rel, @href, <link>, & <meta>. ● Again, can use a vocabulary from anywhere. Vocabs designed by RDF proponents also exist.
  • 27. How to spot RDFa. ● RDFa has the strongest theoretical foundation. It's also the most complicated. It has the ability to express more complicated statements of meaning and more complicated relationships. ● ...But it looks like it's probably going to remain the least popular of the options.