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Personalization: The Basics, the Google Ethos, and Optimization SMX Toronto April 2010 Rob Garner Strategy Director iCrossing
About iCrossing iCrossing is a global digital marketing agency that combines talent and technology to help world-class brands find and connect with their customers Company background Founded in 1998 550 employees  12 offices in the U.S. and Europe Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona Digital marketing services include; paid search, search engine optimization, Web development, social media, mobile, display, research and analytics
Agency services Media Research & Analytics Website Development Search Optimization Social Media Mobile Marketing Paid search media Display and rich media advertising Online to offline integration Global campaign integration Market research Campaign analytics Integrated dashboard reporting Linguistic Profiling Experiential Mapping Site development strategy User experience development Creative and technical design and development Natural search optimization RSS Feeds Content syndication Social media audit Reputation management Word-of-mouth campaigns Mobile strategy development Mobile site development and optimization Mobile media campaigns Technology Merchantize™  Paid Media Interest2Action™ Search Analytics Network Sense™  Reputation Monitoring Network Sense™ Social Media Sharp View™  Marketing Dashboard
with clients including…

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The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and tactics. It recommends setting goals, optimizing website content and structure, building high-quality links, and continuously measuring results to improve search engine rankings and drive more traffic. Key elements include choosing targeted keywords, writing optimized pages and titles, linking internally and externally, submitting to search engines, and using analytics to track key performance indicators.

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Affiliate Summit Orlando Meetup Group:  Google Analytics for BeginnersAffiliate Summit Orlando Meetup Group:  Google Analytics for Beginners
Affiliate Summit Orlando Meetup Group: Google Analytics for Beginners

Pat Grady, owner of RhinoFish Media ( provided a great session on Google Analytics for beginners, during the Affiliate Summit Orlando Meetup on Tuesday, 10/30/12. Here are his slides.

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Awards and Accolades Top Digital Agency Top Search Agency Top 25 Interactive Fastest Growing  Companies Top 25 Interactive Number One  Search Agency Search Agency of the Year
THE BASICS Personalization
Personalization is a significant philosophical shift,  From the  objective results To the  subjective results
But the reality is that the current state of SERP changes are somewhat subtle 20% displacement of organic rankings based on session activity alone (lower ranking displacement not shown) This search preceded by “arkansas things to do,” “arkansas vacation,” “arkansas hot springs rock and mineral shops”, etc. “ We're generally not changing the entire character of the page” - Brian Horling, Google, SMX West 2010 Turned-off Session-based, signed out

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This document provides an overview of digital marketing analytics and paths of value. It begins by introducing Marshall Sponder as the lead author of a new textbook on digital analytics for marketing. It then lists 12 topics that will be covered, including internet marketing, SEO/SEM, programmatic advertising, web optimization, first/second/third party data, web analytics, and social media analytics. It provides brief introductions to several of these topics, emphasizing the importance of different data sources for digital marketing and how tools have evolved to analyze user behavior online.

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Chintan Thakkar is a digital marketing professional with over 1.5 years of experience in search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), and information architecture. He has handled over 25 client accounts and significantly improved their website rankings. His core competencies include on-page and off-page SEO, social media marketing, and web analytics. He has worked on projects in the UK optimizing e-commerce, hotel, and IT service websites. Chintan holds a bachelor's degree in IT and a master's degree in IT.

Vikram seo ppt
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Vikram seo ppt

Vikram Bisht from Imagine Web Solutions presented on search engine optimization (SEO). He discussed what search engines are and how they work by crawling websites and indexing content. He explained why SEO is important for getting website traffic and conversions. Bisht covered key SEO topics like on-page and off-page ranking factors, developing an SEO strategy, and basic optimization tips. The presentation provided an overview of conducting SEO for websites.

Personalization impacts both paid, natural, and feed submissions
As a user, you can turn it off, but it’s not easy Add “&pws=0” to the end of your URL string in the address bar Signed-in searches, you must remove all Web History Signed-out searches, click on “Disable Customizations,” and/or clear browser cookies
Personalization algos can vary for multiple users on the same machine Theme and interest based Session data can shape results, and help differentiate between multiple uses on one machine Happy couple who might be searching on the same computer.  Google sees them as two different people  Photo CC - Flickr
Personalization is available worldwide, in 40 languages Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Filipino Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Ukrainian Vietnamese … And others

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Digital Marketing Paathshala(DMP) is devoted to educating professionals in the field of Digital Marketing. We enable professionals to execute efficient campaigns, drive higher ROI and competitiveness in a global jobs market

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AAC 2017 - Martin Calvert The constantly changing world of search
AAC 2017 - Martin Calvert The constantly changing world of searchAAC 2017 - Martin Calvert The constantly changing world of search
AAC 2017 - Martin Calvert The constantly changing world of search

Martin Calvert, Marketing Director at Blueclaw opens the day with a rich overview of trends in gaming SEO. Drawing on exclusive data and industry analysis Martin will share practical and engaging insight into how the changing world of search is impacting operators and affiliates.

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Top Google Analytics reports
Top Google Analytics reports Top Google Analytics reports
Top Google Analytics reports

The document provides an overview of 10 data analysis strategies for Google Analytics that can provide valuable insights. It discusses segmenting traffic sources, landing pages, goals, conversion funnels, mobile vs desktop, in-page clicks, locations, and site search terms. Understanding these metrics can help optimize the user experience and identify opportunities to improve conversions.

You can click on some searches to view customizations
Ranking reports are no longer fully stable Can be biased towards  IP address Applied user history on machine Other personalization factors Objective rankings can be taken via proxy But it still doesn’t tell the whole story on personalized referrals Overall, scraper-based rank checking software should remain a directional datapoint of performance
But ranking reports won’t die… …  They will just shift to analytics-based tracking Personalized results will pass a ranking variable in the Google referring string “ cd=1”,  with 1 equal to the organic page ranking Actual average position may become the norm for organic rankings Full implementation would enable natural position reporting to become more effective and accurate
Other fun facts Personalization encompasses mobile, geography/local, theme, user behavior, and web search history 180 days of history are considered for non-logged-in users If you are logged-in to any Google service, then you are receiving personalized results Adwords, Orkut, Gmail, Adsense, etc. Site data is a signal, measured from the URL string and also the Google Toolbar Yahoo and Bing also have some personalization elements, but are not as robust as Google Personalization is nothing new So don’t freak out

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The document discusses five SEO strategies that every company needs to master: link building, Google authorship, setting a canonical URL, using microdata/schema markup, and responsive design. It provides an overview of each strategy and tips for implementation, such as getting natural, editorial links; verifying authorship on Google+; selecting the best URL version; marking up content with structured data like events; and coding websites responsively for any device.

The State of Search
The State of SearchThe State of Search
The State of Search

The document discusses recent changes in search engines like Google. It explains that Google's Hummingbird update moved search to focus more on natural language and topics rather than keywords alone. It also discusses Google's move to more secure "not provided" search data. While related, Hummingbird is an algorithm change and secure search is a technology decision. The document provides key takeaways for marketers, noting the need to focus on meaningful content, collect analytics data, and understand search is becoming more conversational and focused on intent rather than keywords.

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State of Search - Targeted marketing strategy using local and competitor data
State of Search - Targeted marketing strategy using local and competitor dataState of Search - Targeted marketing strategy using local and competitor data
State of Search - Targeted marketing strategy using local and competitor data

Figure out how to use both local and competitor data to improve your marketing strategy and make better decisions.

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Google’s “obligation” to use your data At the first SMX Advanced in Seattle, June 2007, Matt Cutts stated that Google had an obligation to leverage the personal data provided by its users into something useful.  Personalization is one outcome of that obligation. Google’s Craig Silverstein once painted a futuristic portrait of personalization in his description of “search pets” – essentially these are robots that know you and can complete various tasks on command Bottom line:  Hyper-personalization is a core goal at Google, and will continue to impact the results – we may just be seeing the beginning
Bryan Horling of Google, interview with The Register March 3, 2010, SMX West  :   Google personalizes 20% of all web searches, based generally on web history, location, and social factors. “ As it stands today, just about every user who is engaging with Google search today is affected [by personalization].” "For years, we've been personalizing for an entire continent [or country],"  "You should be creating compelling and interesting content that's focused on the user. Your website should be fast. It should be clean. It should be understandable. It should be compelling enough that users want to return to use it."

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White paper on how to manage transitions for URLs through a website redesign, in order to retain built-up SEO values. Includes information of the importance of maintaining URL structures, URL rewriting, redirection best practices, and importance considerations in the redesign process, so you don't mess up your hard earned search engine equity.

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Kelly Cutler, CEO of Marcel Media, presented strategies for effective web marketing. She discussed search engine optimization tips like optimizing URL structures and title tags. She also covered link building, content writing best practices, and press release optimization. Cutler reviewed key analytics metrics and tools like Google Analytics. Finally, she provided best practices for social media strategies and utilizing online video, discussing how to create viral videos. The presentation provided actionable tips across various digital marketing channels.

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Rand Fishkin: Two Algorithm World
Rand Fishkin: Two Algorithm WorldRand Fishkin: Two Algorithm World
Rand Fishkin: Two Algorithm World

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on SEO in a two algorithm world. It discusses how Google's search algorithm has evolved from primarily considering links to now using machine learning and user signals like click-through rates and engagement. It recommends that SEO professionals optimize for both algorithms by focusing on factors like filling content gaps, driving task completion, and creating content that earns loyalty and amplification rather than just links. The future of SEO involves balancing traditional on-site optimization with a new approach focused on searcher outputs and engagement.

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There are many different signals related to personalization Geo IP address Google Nearby Time of day User behavior Session data can differentiate between users on the same machine Web search history Toolbar data Bookmarks Clicks Social Links in your Google Profile Links to your social network profiles (ex. Twitter) Technical Device
Optimizing for Personalized results Do the basics very well Clean tech hygiene, know your analytics, good page markup, thoroughly tested keyword targeting Optimize for search with personalization turned off Develop both high-level themes, and long tail themes Build up your social networks, and use them to disseminate and promote relevant content Know your target user through market research Develop compelling content strategies “ On The Impact Of Personalization And Real-Time Search”
Knowing your target audience is now more important than ever Inform your personas through interviews, and ask subjects to talk about how they search; or, better yet, observe how they search online  Map keyword learnings into more complex scenarios for the process of finding  Leverage learnings from paid search and analytics data early on Remember that often the real gold mine in all of market research is finding and leveraging just  one new word or linguistic cue Get out of the habit of making assumptions based on what you think your target audience will search for. Look to social networks for linguistic cues  Use internal searches to help inform campaigns and future designs   Consider the various types of digital assets, and how your target audience searches for them “ The Days of Guessing at Keyword Research Are Over”
Use search data and ask search questions when developing personas “ More About Search In The Web Design Process”

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Example 2Example 2
Example 2

The document describes Synergy Sync, a company that collects massive amounts of anonymous web browsing data from 91% of internet devices monthly in the US. It analyzes the data using natural language processing to build detailed profiles of visitors, including demographics, interests, brand affinities, and behaviors. Synergy Sync then provides this comprehensive behavioral data and insights to clients to help improve marketing, sales, and other business goals.

The Importance of A Socialmedia Presence for seo-adam-hw21mei en
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The Importance of A Socialmedia Presence for seo-adam-hw21mei en

Social media can be leveraged to earn direct traffic and higher search engine rankings. Search engines are increasingly incorporating social signals into their algorithms. This allows content that goes viral on social media to receive higher search rankings. Case studies demonstrate how businesses have used targeted social media campaigns to increase website traffic, social media followers, and offline metrics like in-store visits. Strategies that were effective included engaging influencers, optimizing social profiles, and syndicating quality content to drive shares and backlinks. Social media must now be an integral part of any company's search and overall marketing strategy.

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My presentation on the search engine optimization impact of new generic top level domains. Includes a discussion on the birth of the search optimized TLD, and also considerations for site migration to a new TLD, among many other considerations.

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Engaging your target is now more important than ever It’s about content, content, content Content is text, images, video, applications, conversation, feed streams, widgets, etc. Base content strategies on what your research tells you about your audience
Getting back to basics: Internal SEO considerations that a site owner controls Article Syndication Body Content Canonicalization Issues Cloaking Digital Assets Directory Presence Document Accessibility Duplicate Content Frames Hidden Text Internal Linking Optimization Javascript & Flash Navigation Market Research  Meta Descriptions Micro Sites and Sub-Domains Obtaining Links from Relevant Sites On-page Javascript and CSS Optimizing Images Page Titles Redirecting Requiring User Actions Robots.txt Files Secure Servers Server Location Sites Built in Flash Splash Pages URL Structure Using Ajax “ 22 Considerations for Improving Natural Search Performance”   “ Hot SEO Trend for 2010:Getting Back To Basics”
It’s worth repeating To succeed in a personalized world of search… Do the basics very well
THANK YOU SMX  Toronto April 2010 Rob Garner Strategy Director [email_address] 214.676.2089 @robgarner Media Post Search Insider Blog

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With more information flowing our way than ever before from an increasing number of connections and sources, intelligent ranking is setting up to be the next big trend on the Web. my6sense introduces the next evolution in search, and how true personalization can leverage and leapfrog

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1. The document discusses music personalization techniques at Spotify, including understanding users and music content, using collaborative filtering and latent vector models to make recommendations, and building real-time recommendation systems using Apache Storm. 2. It describes how Spotify uses machine learning techniques like matrix factorization and word2vec to generate latent vectors for users, songs, artists and playlists to measure similarity and make personalized recommendations at scale for its 75 million users. 3. The key challenges are processing huge amounts of data from 1 billion playlists and 1TB of logs daily to provide recommendations for each new user within 3 seconds and in real-time as listening behaviors change.

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RTCM in a Connected World of Search and Social

Updated version of my real time content marketing (RTCM) presentation, with additional slides and information. Most material is excerpted from my book, "Search and Social: The Definitive Guide to Real-Time Content Marketing."

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Rob Garner on Google Personalization, SMX Toronto March 2010

  • 1. Personalization: The Basics, the Google Ethos, and Optimization SMX Toronto April 2010 Rob Garner Strategy Director iCrossing
  • 2. About iCrossing iCrossing is a global digital marketing agency that combines talent and technology to help world-class brands find and connect with their customers Company background Founded in 1998 550 employees 12 offices in the U.S. and Europe Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona Digital marketing services include; paid search, search engine optimization, Web development, social media, mobile, display, research and analytics
  • 3. Agency services Media Research & Analytics Website Development Search Optimization Social Media Mobile Marketing Paid search media Display and rich media advertising Online to offline integration Global campaign integration Market research Campaign analytics Integrated dashboard reporting Linguistic Profiling Experiential Mapping Site development strategy User experience development Creative and technical design and development Natural search optimization RSS Feeds Content syndication Social media audit Reputation management Word-of-mouth campaigns Mobile strategy development Mobile site development and optimization Mobile media campaigns Technology Merchantize™ Paid Media Interest2Action™ Search Analytics Network Sense™ Reputation Monitoring Network Sense™ Social Media Sharp View™ Marketing Dashboard
  • 5. Awards and Accolades Top Digital Agency Top Search Agency Top 25 Interactive Fastest Growing Companies Top 25 Interactive Number One Search Agency Search Agency of the Year
  • 7. Personalization is a significant philosophical shift, From the objective results To the subjective results
  • 8. But the reality is that the current state of SERP changes are somewhat subtle 20% displacement of organic rankings based on session activity alone (lower ranking displacement not shown) This search preceded by “arkansas things to do,” “arkansas vacation,” “arkansas hot springs rock and mineral shops”, etc. “ We're generally not changing the entire character of the page” - Brian Horling, Google, SMX West 2010 Turned-off Session-based, signed out
  • 9. Personalization impacts both paid, natural, and feed submissions
  • 10. As a user, you can turn it off, but it’s not easy Add “&pws=0” to the end of your URL string in the address bar Signed-in searches, you must remove all Web History Signed-out searches, click on “Disable Customizations,” and/or clear browser cookies
  • 11. Personalization algos can vary for multiple users on the same machine Theme and interest based Session data can shape results, and help differentiate between multiple uses on one machine Happy couple who might be searching on the same computer. Google sees them as two different people Photo CC - Flickr
  • 12. Personalization is available worldwide, in 40 languages Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Filipino Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Ukrainian Vietnamese … And others
  • 13. You can click on some searches to view customizations
  • 14. Ranking reports are no longer fully stable Can be biased towards IP address Applied user history on machine Other personalization factors Objective rankings can be taken via proxy But it still doesn’t tell the whole story on personalized referrals Overall, scraper-based rank checking software should remain a directional datapoint of performance
  • 15. But ranking reports won’t die… … They will just shift to analytics-based tracking Personalized results will pass a ranking variable in the Google referring string “ cd=1”, with 1 equal to the organic page ranking Actual average position may become the norm for organic rankings Full implementation would enable natural position reporting to become more effective and accurate
  • 16. Other fun facts Personalization encompasses mobile, geography/local, theme, user behavior, and web search history 180 days of history are considered for non-logged-in users If you are logged-in to any Google service, then you are receiving personalized results Adwords, Orkut, Gmail, Adsense, etc. Site data is a signal, measured from the URL string and also the Google Toolbar Yahoo and Bing also have some personalization elements, but are not as robust as Google Personalization is nothing new So don’t freak out
  • 18. Google’s “obligation” to use your data At the first SMX Advanced in Seattle, June 2007, Matt Cutts stated that Google had an obligation to leverage the personal data provided by its users into something useful. Personalization is one outcome of that obligation. Google’s Craig Silverstein once painted a futuristic portrait of personalization in his description of “search pets” – essentially these are robots that know you and can complete various tasks on command Bottom line: Hyper-personalization is a core goal at Google, and will continue to impact the results – we may just be seeing the beginning
  • 19. Bryan Horling of Google, interview with The Register March 3, 2010, SMX West : Google personalizes 20% of all web searches, based generally on web history, location, and social factors. “ As it stands today, just about every user who is engaging with Google search today is affected [by personalization].” "For years, we've been personalizing for an entire continent [or country]," "You should be creating compelling and interesting content that's focused on the user. Your website should be fast. It should be clean. It should be understandable. It should be compelling enough that users want to return to use it."
  • 21. There are many different signals related to personalization Geo IP address Google Nearby Time of day User behavior Session data can differentiate between users on the same machine Web search history Toolbar data Bookmarks Clicks Social Links in your Google Profile Links to your social network profiles (ex. Twitter) Technical Device
  • 22. Optimizing for Personalized results Do the basics very well Clean tech hygiene, know your analytics, good page markup, thoroughly tested keyword targeting Optimize for search with personalization turned off Develop both high-level themes, and long tail themes Build up your social networks, and use them to disseminate and promote relevant content Know your target user through market research Develop compelling content strategies “ On The Impact Of Personalization And Real-Time Search”
  • 23. Knowing your target audience is now more important than ever Inform your personas through interviews, and ask subjects to talk about how they search; or, better yet, observe how they search online Map keyword learnings into more complex scenarios for the process of finding Leverage learnings from paid search and analytics data early on Remember that often the real gold mine in all of market research is finding and leveraging just one new word or linguistic cue Get out of the habit of making assumptions based on what you think your target audience will search for. Look to social networks for linguistic cues Use internal searches to help inform campaigns and future designs  Consider the various types of digital assets, and how your target audience searches for them “ The Days of Guessing at Keyword Research Are Over”
  • 24. Use search data and ask search questions when developing personas “ More About Search In The Web Design Process”
  • 25. Engaging your target is now more important than ever It’s about content, content, content Content is text, images, video, applications, conversation, feed streams, widgets, etc. Base content strategies on what your research tells you about your audience
  • 26. Getting back to basics: Internal SEO considerations that a site owner controls Article Syndication Body Content Canonicalization Issues Cloaking Digital Assets Directory Presence Document Accessibility Duplicate Content Frames Hidden Text Internal Linking Optimization Javascript & Flash Navigation Market Research Meta Descriptions Micro Sites and Sub-Domains Obtaining Links from Relevant Sites On-page Javascript and CSS Optimizing Images Page Titles Redirecting Requiring User Actions Robots.txt Files Secure Servers Server Location Sites Built in Flash Splash Pages URL Structure Using Ajax “ 22 Considerations for Improving Natural Search Performance” “ Hot SEO Trend for 2010:Getting Back To Basics”
  • 27. It’s worth repeating To succeed in a personalized world of search… Do the basics very well
  • 28. THANK YOU SMX Toronto April 2010 Rob Garner Strategy Director [email_address] 214.676.2089 @robgarner Media Post Search Insider Blog

Editor's Notes

  1. Inform your personas through interviews, and ask subjects to talk about how they search; or, better yet, observe how they search online Map keyword learnings into more complex scenarios for the process of finding. This comes from understanding who your audiences are; what their needs and desires are; and what linguistic cues play into various stages of their connected search and digital journey. Leverage learnings from paid search early on. If the right analytics are in place, then this is proven data that can help validate or inform other data on the front end of research processes. Keep in mind that sometimes the real gold mine in all of market research is finding that one word   -- the one linguistic cue that could be a seed concept to a much greater universe of language and intent. Get out of the habit of making assumptions based on what you think your target audience will search for.   Go ask them directly, and free your initiatives of your own biases. Look to social networks for linguistic cues - search and social both provide open windows into how audiences speak, and what they seek.   And many enterprise businesses have gotten even smarter and are leveraging them both for major initiatives.  Use internal searches to help inform campaigns and future designs, and follow up on this data in early customer research.   If consumers are getting all the way to your site and typing particular terms, this could be a strong indicator of a particular intention, or may identify something that is currently lacking in the existing design, content, or architecture.  Consider the various types of digital assets, and how your target audience searches for them.   This insight works on a redesign, or for ongoing content strategies.  This ultimately helps you engage more with your target audience, and also extends reach into universal search and social networks. 
  2. Develop your target user's search persona, and use search to develop a picture of your user's journey both in-search, and on-site.  When some sites receive 25%  to 45% of traffic from search engines, a huge area of research is being ignored by not finding out how those same users seek out content in engines, both linguistically, and from an engagement standpoint.