SlideShare a Scribd company logo
• Barbara Starr ( ) 
– Basics of What semantic search is, what tools 
and techniques are used 
• Bill Slawski ( ) 
– Strategy for SEO 
– Case based examples and analysis
• Pursued a doctorate in Artificial Intelligence from 
South Africa in the 80's. 
• Recruited to build intelligent/predictive trading 
systems on Wall Street 
• Migrated to government-based contracts, several 
of which turned into real world products like 
– SIRI (PAL from DARPA) 
– WATSON (Acquaint - IBM Watson Labs was 
a team member) 
• From the vantage of a semantic technologist, I 
keenly watched the evolution of the Semantic Web. 
• “Shocked into the real world” when working as a 
consultant @ Overstock. 
– Rdfa on 900,000 item pages 2 days before Google adopted it 
– UPC and identifier “miner” 
• Today – Consultant for companies such as GS1 
US, Columnist, Strategist, …
• Primitive UI – Hunt and Peck
Primarily Stochastic in nature

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Making things findable
Making things findableMaking things findable
Making things findable

Presentation on Semantic Search given at WIMS 2011 (with some slides celebrating 10 years of Semantic Web).

Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski   SEO and the New Search ResultsBill Slawski   SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results

Google's search results now include entities and concepts. Entities refer to people, places, things, and 20-30% of queries are for name entities. Google uses meta data like Freebase to build a taxonomy of entities and their relationships. This supports features like the Knowledge Graph, which provides information panels, and allows querying of nearby entities which may soon be available in search results.

Semantic Search tutorial at SemTech 2012
Semantic Search tutorial at SemTech 2012Semantic Search tutorial at SemTech 2012
Semantic Search tutorial at SemTech 2012

This document provides an introduction to a semantic search tutorial given by Peter Mika and Tran Duc Thanh. The agenda covers semantic web data, including the RDF data model and publishing RDF data. It also covers query processing, ranking, result presentation, evaluation, and a question period. The document discusses why semantic search is needed to address poorly solved queries and enable novel search tasks using structured data and background knowledge.

information retrievalsemantic websearch
• Based on concept of “citations” and very easily gamed 
• Probabilistic or Statistical (Not Symbolic) 
• Keyword Based Search Engine (Not Concept Based or 
Ontology Based) 
• “link juice” ? 
• Other odd vernacular that 
became standard jargon in the 
“SEO” community
“Amazing fact: same amount 
of computing to answer one 
Google Search query as all the 
computing done – 
in flight and on the ground 
-- for the entire Apollo program!” 
“Moore's law is the observation 
that, over the history of 
computing hardware, the 
number of transistors in a 
dense integrated circuit doubles 
approximately every two years”” 
Source: Wikipedia
“A new form of Web 
content that is meaningful 
to computers will unleash a 
revolution of new 
• Tim Berners Lee 
• James Hendler 
• Ora Lassila
What they want 
When they want it (Now) 
Accurate (Reliable & Informative) 
Search engines must satisfy consumer needs, else:

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Smx advanced-william-slawski-final
Smx advanced-william-slawski-finalSmx advanced-william-slawski-final
Smx advanced-william-slawski-final

1. The document discusses Sergey Brin's early work on extracting structured data from unstructured sources like the world wide web through his DIPRE algorithm. 2. It then shows how projects at Google like Google Maps and WebTables have built upon this idea to generate structured data from various online sources. 3. Current initiatives at Google like schema markup, question answering, and crowdsourcing ontologies continue working to understand online information in a more semantic, structured way to improve search.

Semantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queriesSemantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries

This document summarizes how Google search results are evolving to include more semantic data through direct answers, structured snippets, and rich snippets. It provides examples of direct answers being extracted from authoritative sources using natural language queries and intent templates. It also discusses how including structured data like tables, schemas, and markup can help search engines understand and display page content in a more standardized way. While knowledge-based trust is an interesting concept, current search ranking still primarily relies on link analysis and does not consider factual correctness.

SemTech 2011 Semantic Search tutorial
SemTech 2011 Semantic Search tutorialSemTech 2011 Semantic Search tutorial
SemTech 2011 Semantic Search tutorial

SemTech 2011 tutorial on Semantic Search by Peter Mika (Yahoo! Research) and Thanh Tran (AIFB Institute at KIT)

Semtech bizsemanticsearchtutorial
“Def. Semantic Search is any retrieval method where 
– User intent and resources are represented in a semantic model 
• A set of concepts or topics that generalize over tokens/phrases 
• Additional structure such as a hierarchy among concepts, relationships among 
concepts etc. 
– Semantic representations of the query and the user intent are exploited 
in some part of the retrieval process” 
Peter Mika, Sr. Research Scientist, Yahoo Labs ⎪ June 19, 2014
Inevitable passage of 
Semantic Web adoption 
(or some version thereof) 
– culminating in
“Things” not” strings” -May 16 2012 
Understanding “things” helps Google 
understand what things are in the world 
and what users are searching for 
June 2012 –Twitter announces Twitter Cards Pinterest 
Rich Pins

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Implementing Semantic Search
Implementing Semantic SearchImplementing Semantic Search
Implementing Semantic Search

Semantic search uses language processing to analyze the meaning of content and search queries to return more relevant results. It involves classifying content using taxonomies, identifying named entities, extracting relationships between entities, and matching these based on meaning. Implementing semantic search requires preparing content through classification, metadata, and information architecture, as well as technologies for semantic tagging, entity extraction, triple stores, and integrating these capabilities with existing search and content management systems.

Henry stewart dam2010_taxonomicsearch_markohurst
Henry stewart dam2010_taxonomicsearch_markohurstHenry stewart dam2010_taxonomicsearch_markohurst
Henry stewart dam2010_taxonomicsearch_markohurst

Marko Hurst presented on leveraging taxonomy and metadata for superior search relevancy. He defined taxonomy as hierarchical relationships between categories and subcategories, metadata as data that describes other data, and ontology as associative relationships between concepts. Hurst explained that taxonomy can aid search by restricting it to relevant categories, expanding it to related terms through synonyms and mappings, and providing did-you-mean suggestions. Leveraging both taxonomy and semantic search provides the best results, while taxonomy alone allows searching across metadata and obscure relationships not found through pure text searches.

Slawskiwilliam thegrowthofdirectanswers
Slawskiwilliam thegrowthofdirectanswersSlawskiwilliam thegrowthofdirectanswers
Slawskiwilliam thegrowthofdirectanswers

The document discusses how search engines are increasingly providing direct answers to queries in order to make searching quicker and easier. It describes Google's efforts to return direct answers from authoritative sources through techniques like processing sources offline to determine common answers to factual questions. The document also outlines various ways search engines can obtain structured information from sources like knowledge bases, query logs, and tabular data on websites to include as direct answers to users' questions.

seogooglesearch engi
• Directly extracting on page metadata to create enhanced displays 
• Searching directly on consumed metadata 
• Provide direct answers to queries by searching on consumed, verified and validated 
Searchmonkey 2008 
• Aggregate answers or deduce them (like a timeline of events) 
• Expose more relevant answers in the long tail of search 
• Assist in interpreting a user query 
• Detect relevancy signals: i.e what content to show to what audience 
• Use it in conjunction with machine learning techniques- to eg. Train other components 
• … 
Long tail: 
Peanut Butter 
and Jelly in 
stripes ?
Search is changing 
• Semantic, Predictive, Personalised, Conversational 
– Search over documents 
– Search over Data 
• Rise of Answer Engines (Direct answers proliferating) 
• Data Quality is imperative 
Becoming Less like a search Engine 
and more like a personal Assistant
Google Now 
(create your own) 
Runs cross platform
Over Data 

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What happened to the Semantic Web?
What happened to the Semantic Web?What happened to the Semantic Web?
What happened to the Semantic Web?

The document summarizes the history and impact of the Semantic Web. It discusses how the Semantic Web was originally envisioned as a way to make information on the web more machine-readable through semantic annotations. While early work showed promise, widespread adoption lagged behind expectations. Key impacts included positive but limited effects on web search through knowledge graphs, the rise of centralized social networks rather than distributed semantic social media, and limited use in e-commerce. Ongoing work continues on standards and applications while addressing challenges around centralization.

semantic web
Seo; Cutting Through The Noise
Seo; Cutting Through The NoiseSeo; Cutting Through The Noise
Seo; Cutting Through The Noise

This document discusses changes in search engine optimization (SEO) and how to cut through noise. It summarizes patents related to ranking news articles over time and how they show changes in what signals are used to evaluate news sources. It recommends optimizing content for things and voice search by adding structured data for entities and speakable schema to help digital assistants answer questions about the content. Additional reading on entity-oriented search, voice search, and leaving no valuable data behind is also provided.

Knowledge Integration in Practice
Knowledge Integration in PracticeKnowledge Integration in Practice
Knowledge Integration in Practice

Talk at the 2nd Summer Workshop of the Center for Semantic Web Research (January 16, 2016, Santiago, Chile) about the construction of Yahoo's Knowledge Graph and associated research challenges.

knowledge graphyahoosemantic web
Synonymous with the migration to “Answer Engines “ & “Search Over Data”
Crawling & 
Indexing and 
Means of preprocessing documents to speed 
up search (serving results in real time)
• Microsoft has given a fairly concise definition of the entity 
recognition and disambiguation process: 
– The objective of an Entity Recognition and Disambiguation 
system is to recognize mentions of entities in a given text, 
disambiguate them, and map them to the entities in a given 
entity collection or knowledge base. 
• In Google’s case, that means recognizing entities on web 
pages or web documents and mapping them back to 
specific entities in their Knowledge Graph

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Semantic Search Engine: Semantic Search and Query Parsing with Phrases and En...
Semantic Search Engine: Semantic Search and Query Parsing with Phrases and En...Semantic Search Engine: Semantic Search and Query Parsing with Phrases and En...
Semantic Search Engine: Semantic Search and Query Parsing with Phrases and En...

This document summarizes several patents related to query parsing and semantic search. It describes patents for multi-stage query processing, query breadth, query analysis, midpage query refinements (search suggestions), context vectors, and categorical quality (re-ranking search results based on the category of the query). Each patent is briefly described, including inventors, filing dates, and some technical details. The document aims to provide an overview of the evolution of semantic search and query understanding technologies at Google.

seosemantic seosemantic web
Understanding Queries through Entities
Understanding Queries through EntitiesUnderstanding Queries through Entities
Understanding Queries through Entities

Keynote at the Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval Workshop, Shanghai, Nov 7, 2015

semantic searchsemantic webentity linking
Relational Navigation Brings Social Computing and Semantic Technology Computi...
Relational Navigation Brings Social Computing and Semantic Technology Computi...Relational Navigation Brings Social Computing and Semantic Technology Computi...
Relational Navigation Brings Social Computing and Semantic Technology Computi...

1. Relational navigation brings together social computing, semantics, and faceted navigation to improve search and information organization in enterprises. 2. Traditional search approaches like teleportation are being replaced by orienteering models using feeds, usage metadata, subject tagging, and organizational metadata. 3. This new approach applies enterprise 2.0 principles like wikis, blogs, and social networks to information organization using metadata and relationships between information.

Implicit entity graph derived/inferred 
from the text on a web page 
Explicit entities obtained from 
structured markup on a web page 
May need to map to 
external Ontologies like or some 
other ontology 
Technology – NLP or IR or … Technology – Semantic Web
Make it Search Engine/Machine Friendly & tell them (explicitly) 
what “things” are on your web page 
• Make it (your information on your website) available to Google (and the major search and social 
engines), ensure you make it easy for computers to read and discover your stuff. 
• With (and/or the preferred vocabulary/ontology of the search social engine you are 
optimizing for, e.g for Facebook use rdfa & Opengraph). Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex => 
• Pick a markup format (syntax) and stick with it 
– Microdata 
– Microformat 
– Rdfa 
– Rdfa lite 
• Recall some of Google’s Mission/Objective Statements or goals 
– “Organizing the worlds information to make it universally accessible and useful” 
– “To help with that we have built the knowledge graph” 
– Give an identity to every “thing” in the world 
• The knowledge graph 
– Contains information and entities and their relationships 
– Helps in Resolving ambiguities when processing queries 
You can explicitly disambiguate your content by providing a freebase mid – 
machine identifier - (in your markup)
Ref: Google I/O 2013

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Related Entity Finding on the Web
Related Entity Finding on the WebRelated Entity Finding on the Web
Related Entity Finding on the Web

This document describes related entity finding on the web and semantic search. It discusses using the structure of semantic data and ontologies to better understand user intent and the meaning of queries and content. This can help improve search accuracy and enable new types of searches beyond traditional keyword matching. The document provides examples of related entity recommendations during web searches and outlines the workflow used to extract features from query and interaction data to identify and rank related entities.

entity recommendationsemantic websemantic search
Semantic search: from document retrieval to virtual assistants
Semantic search: from document retrieval to virtual assistantsSemantic search: from document retrieval to virtual assistants
Semantic search: from document retrieval to virtual assistants

This document summarizes a presentation on semantic search given by Peter Mika, a senior research scientist at Yahoo Labs. It discusses the history and goals of semantic search, including improving query understanding and bridging the semantic gap. It also describes Yahoo's research into semantic search applications for web search, including enhancing search results, entity retrieval and recommendations, and question answering. Semantic representations of queries and documents are key to these applications.

semantic websemantic searchinformation retrieval
Linked Data Lessons from Digital Humanities
Linked Data Lessons from Digital HumanitiesLinked Data Lessons from Digital Humanities
Linked Data Lessons from Digital Humanities

This document is a presentation about design concepts and lessons learned from linked data for digital humanities projects. It discusses key concepts like discovery and interaction through serendipity and layering of data, data modeling through optimization and adaptability, and ensuring longevity through scalability. It provides examples of how linked data can be applied to cultural heritage projects to allow flexible exploration of related artifacts and histories in a way that evolves with new information over time.

Google plus in “Enhanced Displays and 
the knowledge Graph 
• Authorship 
• Local businesses 
• Knowledge Carousel 
• ………
With (and JSON-LD in this case) 
• Note the sameAs statement 
• mid makes it easier to match or reconcile the “thing” Ref: Google I/O 2014
The Knowledge Graph Powers: 
• Rich snippets in Events 
• Event listings in Google Maps 
• Notifications in Google Now Ref: Google I/O 2014 Ref: Google I/O 2014

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Brands, packaging, and other product feature
Brands, packaging, and other product featureBrands, packaging, and other product feature
Brands, packaging, and other product feature

Nature and importance of brands Characteristics of a good brand name Branding strategies of producers and middlemen Building and using brand equity Nature and importance of packaging and labeling Packaging strategies Marketing implications of product features

Db research e invoicing 8-2009
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Db research e invoicing 8-2009

The document discusses e-invoicing in Europe. It notes that the number of e-invoices surpassed 1 billion but this only represents a tiny 5% market share. 20% of European companies now send or receive e-invoices, up from 17% last year. Adoption rates vary across countries, with Estonia highest and Sweden below average. Wholesale and retail trade firms are early adopters. Large companies can pressure smaller suppliers to use e-invoicing but complex legacy systems and lack of scale hold back many small and medium firms. The biggest savings may come not from e-invoicing itself but from streamlining broader billing processes.

Media Trends in America. Past, Present and Future--Duane "DJ" Sprague
Media Trends in America. Past, Present and Future--Duane "DJ" SpragueMedia Trends in America. Past, Present and Future--Duane "DJ" Sprague
Media Trends in America. Past, Present and Future--Duane "DJ" Sprague

A comprehensive analysis of where the media usage and advertising opportunities have been, where they are today, and where they are going by age group and gender. Covers TV, radio, print and web 2.0. A must for advertisers, marketers, media planners and buyers.

Semtech bizsemanticsearchtutorial
Rich snippets make your data more visible in Search Engine Results Pages 
Which would you rather click on? 
No Rich Snippets With Rich Snippets 
Lower Bounce Rate
More Visibility in 
verticals, recipes 
& images via 
In Search Engine Results Pages 
Your product is not visible 
if no “color” attribute is 
Search Verticals

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This election season, vote for foods that promise to be healthful and flavorful. Not only is pasta versatile and the perfect base for delicious vegetables and lean protein, it is a unique source of long lasting energy.

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User Flows
User FlowsUser Flows
User Flows

1. The document discusses user journeys, which should be one of the primary outputs of a Sprint Zero process. User journeys aim to provide context and foster shared understanding early in a product collaboration. 2. It provides tips for creating user journeys, such as understanding user triggers and goals, including both on and off-platform actions, and referencing the user's motivations. It also cautions against creating overly complex labyrinth-like journeys or focusing on only the "happy path". 3. The document prompts the reader to create a sample user journey for adding a song to a playlist on a mobile music app to demonstrate how to incorporate different elements and considerations.

You want peanut 
butter and jelly in 
stripes ? 
Allows unique and interesting content to surface
Key Point - 
Corollary: If you don’t exist as an entity you do not exist in the knowledge graph or in “Search Over Data” 
The cost of that: Anonymity and Irrelevance! 
Twitter Cards & Deep Linking 
Pinterest Pins 
• Drive Brand awareness 
• Diversify Revenue Sources 
(Reduce Dependence on 
• Increase Lift & Conversions
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La Región Amazónica del Ecuador es una de las cuatro regiones naturales del país. Se extiende sobre 120.000 km2 e incluye las provincias de Orellana, Pastaza, Napo, Sucumbíos, Morona Santiago y Zamora Chinchipe. Limita con los Andes al oeste y con Perú y Colombia al sur y este.

Infidelity Checklist | Baldwin Legal Investigations
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According to the document, 40% of spouses/partners are unfaithful. The document provides a checklist of potential signs that a partner may be having an affair, including never letting their cell phone out of sight, erasing messages and calls, increased computer use with private passwords, wearing cologne or perfume, taking frequent trips with friends, reduced sexual activities, and spending more time at work. The document advises that if a partner exhibits these behaviors, it may be time to investigate further with a private investigator.

infidelitycheatingprivate investigators
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- The NEPSE index reached a new all-time high of 1441.67 points last week, gaining 35.89 points or 2.53% over the previous week. - Technical indicators like MACD, RSI, and Bollinger bands suggest the bullish momentum in the market continued last week. - The immediate support and resistance levels for NEPSE remain at 1390 and 1500, respectively. The index may test the resistance level given the ongoing bullish sentiment.

Google’s Structured Markup Helper 
• Generates JSON-LD or microdata 
• E-mail and web page markup 
Data Highlighter 
“Google can present your data more attractively 
-- and in new ways -- in search results and in other 
products such as the Google Knowledge Graph.” 
List provided on 
Wordpress plugin and html code
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Using social media can engage employees by providing clarity on company strategy and direction. Social networks, blogs, podcasts, and niche audiences allow for conversation and custom content beyond traditional annual reports. While some see social media as problematic, it also presents opportunities for discussion, facilitation, and conveying clarity to shareholders, customers, partners and employees in both good and challenging times. Social media acts as a canvas for mainstream media beyond annual reports.

public relationsinternal communicationenterprise 2.0
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Make sure 
to enable 

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Доклад Кати Микулы, генерального директора, представленный на семинаре-практикуме Promodo Partners 20 октября 2016 года в Киеве.

תמי תמיר - תורת המשחקים האלגוריתמית
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תמי תמיר היא דיקנית בית הספר למדעי המחשב במרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה ומתמחה בתכנון וניתוח אלגוריתמים.

יישויותמודל מתמטיצומת
Time Has An End
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Time Has An End

Bible teacher Mr. Harold Camping's "Time Has An End." Most of the spiritual nature of his studies in this book are still accurate. There are few corrections required such as the nature of "judgment day," being spiritual rather than physical and annihilation of unsaved rather than having a place called "hell" for the unsaved to be tormented forevermore. The timeline of Biblical history and many truths reveled through progressive revelation are still very accurate and faithful in the Bible study. The rapture of God's elect will occur on the last day of judgment day, which possibly may happen on the 1600th day of judgment which began on May 21, 2011 and will end on Oct 7, 2015, the last day of the Feast of Tabernacle. This is our hope and great expectation to be with Lord Jesus Christ forever.

judgmentend of worldend of time
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• Microdata reveal 
· JSON-LD sniffer 
· Semantic inspector 
· META SEO inspector 
· Green Turtle RDFa 
List maintained by Aaron Bradley: 
Written Explanation of Walkthrough 
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Sandals Resorts worked with Yahoo to promote their annual 2-for-1 sale through targeted native advertising campaigns on Yahoo platforms. Yahoo used their first-party data and audience insights to target Sandals' existing customer base as well as new audiences matching their demographics. The campaign exceeded expectations by driving both online and offline conversions. Post-campaign analysis revealed new insights into Sandals' highest performing customer segments that can be leveraged in future campaigns.

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HAWK - Prospecção Comercial B2B
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A HAWK oferece a seus clientes o serviço de "Desenvolvimento de Negócios" que consiste na realização de uma consultoria inicial para estruturação da estratégia comercial e padronização do modelo de comunicação para com os clientes finais, e, em seguida, é iniciado o trabalho de Prospecção Comercial, onde desenvolvemos listas de leads de acordo com o perfil de mercado almejado por sua empresa, apresentamos sua empresa e serviços, e realizamos o agendamento de reuniões, onde você deverá enviar um representante de sua empresa para atender aos potenciais clientes.

comercialbusiness process outsourcingterceirização
• Alchemyapi (with freebase mappings of entities since July 2013) 
• Opencalais 
• Semantic Verses 
• Aylien which was launched in Feb 2014, provides mappings to freebase and 
• Smartlogic 
• lexalytics 
• Text-Processing 
• Stanford’s Ner 
• Textrazor
The following information 
Ensure sure you supply rich, high quality data, 
mapped to search filters for maximum visibility 
Not visible if no “color” 
attribute populated 
Fill in The 
• Ensure to supply rich, consistent data in any 
format you submit and ensure it is validated, 
verified and fresh 
• Send Consistent signals 
• Provide global identifiers whenever possible

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Planificacion de mi tiempo
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Planificacion de mi tiempo

El documento presenta la planificación de una estudiante para asistir puntualmente a su curso de nivelación y admisión en la Universidad Técnica "Luis Vargas Torres" de Esmeraldas. La estudiante establece objetivos diarios como levantarse a tiempo, desayunar, arreglarse y estar lista a la hora para el bus. También considera variables como el tiempo, la distancia y los recursos económicos, y prioriza actividades como levantarse con la alarma, asearse, comer y llegar a tiempo. La estudiante elige levant

Search Solutions 2011: Successful Enterprise Search By Design
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When your colleagues say they want Google, they don’t mean the Google Search Appliance. They mean the Google Search user experience: pervasive, expedient and delivering the information that they need. Successful enterprise search does not start with the application features, is not part of the information architecture, does not come from a controlled vocabulary and does not emerge on its own from the developers. It requires enterprise-specific data mining, enterprise-specific user-centered design and fine tuning to turn “search sucks” into search success within the firewall. This presentation looks at action items, tools and deliverables for Discovery, Planning, Design and Post Launch phases of an enterprise search deployment.

seoenterprise search optimizationenterprise search configuration
Leveraging the semantic web meetup, Semantic Search, and more
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A history and description of the adoption of Semantic Search by the major search and social engines. Covers, the knowledege graph and status to date (july 30, 2013). Presented From a Search Engine Point of View.

knowledge graphsgraph databasegraph search
with GTIN
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• Implicit (content and Bill) also tools I have
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2017 01-11 intelligent search and intranet - chihuahuas vs muffins v1

This is a presentation for people looking to improve Enterprise Search and Intranets. It provides details around Microsoft Search, Azure Search and Elastic Search and how to take a basic search platform and transform it into what Gartner calls Insight Engines and what Forrester calls Cognitive Search and Knowledge Discovery.

azure searchazure servicesba insight
Brave new search world
Brave new search worldBrave new search world
Brave new search world

This document discusses emerging changes in search technologies, including the growing use of semantic web techniques, natural language processing, machine learning, and big data. Key points include: 1) Structure is being derived from unstructured data like text through entity extraction, knowledge graphs, and other semantic technologies. 2) Advances in natural language processing are enabling capabilities like natural language search statements and image recognition. 3) Multiple companies are developing these technologies, not just Google, bringing changes across news and other search applications.

• “Query logs record the actual usage of search systems and their analysis has proven critical to 
improving search engine functionality. Yet, despite the deluge of information, query log analysis 
often suffers from the sparsity of the query space. 
we propose a new model for query log data called the entity-aware 
click graph. In this representation, we decompose queries into entities and modifiers, and 
measure their association with clicked pages. We demonstrate the benefits of this approach on 
the crucial task of understanding which websites fulfill similar user needs, showing that using this 
representation we can achieve a higher precision than other query log-based approaches ” 
Measuring website similarity using an entity-aware click graph 
2012 publication: Peter Mika, Hugo Zaragoza, Pablo N Mendes, RoI Blanco
Need to understand the question in order to answer it 
• Entity Mention Queries: Common structure to entity mention queries: 
query = <entity> + <intent> 
• Queries that return facts as an answer 
• What form does the question take? (Question forms) 
Where was X born? 
When was X born? 
Who invented X? 
Where was X invented? 
What is the X of Y? 
Flights from ?x to ?y 
Visit old problems/solutions with scale (Parameterized Queries, Form Based Queries, 
Query Template, Template Based Query) 
Takeaway: Create Content that will provide great answers to these kinds of questions 
(for entities relevant to your audience)
Semtech bizsemanticsearchtutorial
• Social Graphs 
• Interest Graphs 
• Mobile Social graphs 
• Attraction graphs 
• Engagement graphs 
• Attention Graphs 
• Intent graph 
• User Query Graph 
• ……..

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Web search engines and other search technologies use crawlers to systematically explore the web by following links. Crawlers download pages and send them to be indexed so that queries can later retrieve relevant pages. Search engines face challenges in completely and efficiently crawling the massive web while being polite to websites and respecting robot exclusion protocols. Advanced techniques include focused crawling, link analysis, and distributed architectures for scaling to billions of pages.

CS6007 information retrieval - 5 units notes
CS6007   information retrieval - 5 units notesCS6007   information retrieval - 5 units notes
CS6007 information retrieval - 5 units notes

This document provides a full syllabus with questions and answers related to the course "Information Retrieval" including definitions of key concepts, the historical development of the field, comparisons between information retrieval and web search, applications of IR, components of an IR system, and issues in IR systems. It also lists examples of open source search frameworks and performance measures for search engines.

information retrievalweb searchstemming
SPLive Orlando - Beyond the Search Center - Application or Solution?
SPLive Orlando - Beyond the Search Center - Application or Solution?SPLive Orlando - Beyond the Search Center - Application or Solution?
SPLive Orlando - Beyond the Search Center - Application or Solution?

This document discusses search-based applications (SBAs) and how they differ from traditional database-driven applications. SBAs are built on a search engine backbone rather than a database, and are designed for mission-oriented information access, analysis, or discovery. The document outlines some key challenges of SBAs, including unifying multiple search interfaces and data silos. It also discusses components of SBAs like content sources, crawling, indexing, processing crawled properties into managed properties, ranking, search interfaces, and federation. SBAs are well-suited for aggregating heterogeneous content, processing large volumes of data, providing real-time information, and enabling ad hoc reporting.

microsoft sharepointsharepointsearch
Takeaway: Write engaging content around your audiences interests 
(Find ways – “Big Data” - to determine their interests)
Anatomy of a Google Search 
Results Page (Revisited) 
Over Data 
Semtech bizsemanticsearchtutorial
• Slide:3 
• Slide 5 
• Slide 9: 
• Slide 3: 
• Slide 3: 
• Slide 5 
• slide 4:

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Not Your Mom's SEO
Not Your Mom's SEONot Your Mom's SEO
Not Your Mom's SEO

The document discusses issues with how computer science has directed the development of search systems, focusing on efficiency over user experience. It argues search systems have paid minimal attention to the user experience beyond results relevance and ad-matching. The goal of the plenary is to inspire designing search experiences that do more than just sell products well.

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Basic SEO by Andrea H. Berberich @webpresenceopti
Basic SEO by Andrea H. Berberich @webpresenceoptiBasic SEO by Andrea H. Berberich @webpresenceopti
Basic SEO by Andrea H. Berberich @webpresenceopti

This document provides an overview of basic SEO concepts. It discusses what SEO is, why it is important to understand for digital content creation and distribution. Specifically, it covers optimizing content for search engines like Google as well as semantic search. It also explains Google's Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Vault which are databases that surface structured information from sources on the web to enhance search results. The document emphasizes that SEO is important for finding and interacting with an online audience across different devices and platforms.

keyword phrasesseo best practicegoogle knowledge fault
Search Analytics for Content Strategists
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Search Analytics for Content Strategists

Given at Confab 2012, Minneapolis, USA; May 16, 2012, NYC Content Strategy Meetup, September 27, 2012. Slides highly subject to change.

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Semtech bizsemanticsearchtutorial

  • 1. • Barbara Starr ( ) – Basics of What semantic search is, what tools and techniques are used • Bill Slawski ( ) – Strategy for SEO – Case based examples and analysis
  • 2. • Pursued a doctorate in Artificial Intelligence from South Africa in the 80's. • Recruited to build intelligent/predictive trading systems on Wall Street • Migrated to government-based contracts, several of which turned into real world products like – SIRI (PAL from DARPA) – WATSON (Acquaint - IBM Watson Labs was a team member) • From the vantage of a semantic technologist, I keenly watched the evolution of the Semantic Web. • “Shocked into the real world” when working as a consultant @ Overstock. – Rdfa on 900,000 item pages 2 days before Google adopted it – UPC and identifier “miner” • Today – Consultant for companies such as GS1 US, Columnist, Strategist, …
  • 3. • Primitive UI – Hunt and Peck
  • 5. • Based on concept of “citations” and very easily gamed • Probabilistic or Statistical (Not Symbolic) • Keyword Based Search Engine (Not Concept Based or Ontology Based) • “link juice” ? • Other odd vernacular that became standard jargon in the “SEO” community
  • 6. SIRI “Amazing fact: same amount of computing to answer one Google Search query as all the computing done – in flight and on the ground -- for the entire Apollo program!” “Moore's law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years”” Source: Wikipedia
  • 7. “A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities” • Tim Berners Lee • James Hendler • Ora Lassila
  • 8. What they want When they want it (Now) Accurate (Reliable & Informative) Available Search engines must satisfy consumer needs, else:
  • 10. “Def. Semantic Search is any retrieval method where – User intent and resources are represented in a semantic model • A set of concepts or topics that generalize over tokens/phrases • Additional structure such as a hierarchy among concepts, relationships among concepts etc. – Semantic representations of the query and the user intent are exploited in some part of the retrieval process” Peter Mika, Sr. Research Scientist, Yahoo Labs ⎪ June 19, 2014
  • 11. Inevitable passage of Semantic Web adoption (or some version thereof) – culminating in
  • 12. “Things” not” strings” -May 16 2012 Understanding “things” helps Google understand what things are in the world and what users are searching for June 2012 –Twitter announces Twitter Cards Pinterest Rich Pins
  • 13. • Directly extracting on page metadata to create enhanced displays • Searching directly on consumed metadata • Provide direct answers to queries by searching on consumed, verified and validated information RICH SNIPPETS 2009 Searchmonkey 2008 • Aggregate answers or deduce them (like a timeline of events) • Expose more relevant answers in the long tail of search • Assist in interpreting a user query • Detect relevancy signals: i.e what content to show to what audience • Use it in conjunction with machine learning techniques- to eg. Train other components • … tiles Long tail: Peanut Butter and Jelly in stripes ?
  • 14. Search is changing • Semantic, Predictive, Personalised, Conversational – Search over documents – Search over Data • Rise of Answer Engines (Direct answers proliferating) • Data Quality is imperative Becoming Less like a search Engine and more like a personal Assistant
  • 15. SIRI Google Now Cortana AiAgents (create your own) Runs cross platform
  • 16. “Answer box” Organic Search Results Search Over Data Knowledge Panel Search Over Documents
  • 17. Synonymous with the migration to “Answer Engines “ & “Search Over Data”
  • 18. Crawling & Indexing Query Interpretation Indexing and Ranking Results Presentation Indexed information
  • 19. Means of preprocessing documents to speed up search (serving results in real time)
  • 20. • Microsoft has given a fairly concise definition of the entity recognition and disambiguation process: – The objective of an Entity Recognition and Disambiguation system is to recognize mentions of entities in a given text, disambiguate them, and map them to the entities in a given entity collection or knowledge base. • In Google’s case, that means recognizing entities on web pages or web documents and mapping them back to specific entities in their Knowledge Graph
  • 21. Implicit entity graph derived/inferred from the text on a web page Explicit entities obtained from structured markup on a web page May need to map to external Ontologies like or some other ontology Technology – NLP or IR or … Technology – Semantic Web
  • 22. Make it Search Engine/Machine Friendly & tell them (explicitly) what “things” are on your web page • Make it (your information on your website) available to Google (and the major search and social engines), ensure you make it easy for computers to read and discover your stuff. • With (and/or the preferred vocabulary/ontology of the search social engine you are optimizing for, e.g for Facebook use rdfa & Opengraph). Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex => • Pick a markup format (syntax) and stick with it – Microdata – Microformat – Rdfa – Rdfa lite – JSON-LD
  • 23. • Recall some of Google’s Mission/Objective Statements or goals – “Organizing the worlds information to make it universally accessible and useful” – “To help with that we have built the knowledge graph” – Give an identity to every “thing” in the world • The knowledge graph – Contains information and entities and their relationships – Helps in Resolving ambiguities when processing queries You can explicitly disambiguate your content by providing a freebase mid – machine identifier - (in your markup)
  • 25. Google plus in “Enhanced Displays and the knowledge Graph • Authorship • Local businesses • Knowledge Carousel • ………
  • 26. With (and JSON-LD in this case) • Note the sameAs statement • mid makes it easier to match or reconcile the “thing” Ref: Google I/O 2014
  • 27. The Knowledge Graph Powers: • Rich snippets in Events • Event listings in Google Maps • Notifications in Google Now Ref: Google I/O 2014
  • 31. Rich snippets make your data more visible in Search Engine Results Pages Which would you rather click on? No Rich Snippets With Rich Snippets Lower Bounce Rate
  • 32. 32 More Visibility in verticals, recipes & images via markup In Search Engine Results Pages Your product is not visible if no “color” attribute is populated & Search Verticals
  • 33. You want peanut butter and jelly in stripes ? Allows unique and interesting content to surface
  • 34. “Google Plus” Key Point - Corollary: If you don’t exist as an entity you do not exist in the knowledge graph or in “Search Over Data” The cost of that: Anonymity and Irrelevance!
  • 35. Twitter Cards & Deep Linking Pinterest Pins Facebook Opengraph • Drive Brand awareness • Diversify Revenue Sources (Reduce Dependence on Google) • Increase Lift & Conversions
  • 37. Google’s Structured Markup Helper • Generates JSON-LD or microdata • E-mail and web page markup Data Highlighter “Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products such as the Google Knowledge Graph.” List provided on Wordpress plugin and html code
  • 44. Make sure to enable Microdata
  • 47. • Microdata reveal · JSON-LD sniffer · Semantic inspector · META SEO inspector · Green Turtle RDFa List maintained by Aaron Bradley: Written Explanation of Walkthrough GRUFF
  • 49. • Alchemyapi (with freebase mappings of entities since July 2013) • Opencalais • Semantic Verses • Aylien which was launched in Feb 2014, provides mappings to freebase and • Smartlogic • lexalytics • Text-Processing • Stanford’s Ner • Textrazor
  • 51. Ensure sure you supply rich, high quality data, mapped to search filters for maximum visibility Not visible if no “color” attribute populated Fill in The Gaps
  • 52. • Ensure to supply rich, consistent data in any format you submit and ensure it is validated, verified and fresh • Send Consistent signals • Provide global identifiers whenever possible
  • 55. • Implicit (content and Bill) also tools I have
  • 57. • “Query logs record the actual usage of search systems and their analysis has proven critical to improving search engine functionality. Yet, despite the deluge of information, query log analysis often suffers from the sparsity of the query space. we propose a new model for query log data called the entity-aware click graph. In this representation, we decompose queries into entities and modifiers, and measure their association with clicked pages. We demonstrate the benefits of this approach on the crucial task of understanding which websites fulfill similar user needs, showing that using this representation we can achieve a higher precision than other query log-based approaches ” Measuring website similarity using an entity-aware click graph 2012 publication: Peter Mika, Hugo Zaragoza, Pablo N Mendes, RoI Blanco
  • 58. Need to understand the question in order to answer it • Entity Mention Queries: Common structure to entity mention queries: query = <entity> + <intent> • Queries that return facts as an answer • What form does the question take? (Question forms) Where was X born? When was X born? Who invented X? Where was X invented? What is the X of Y? Flights from ?x to ?y Visit old problems/solutions with scale (Parameterized Queries, Form Based Queries, Query Template, Template Based Query) Takeaway: Create Content that will provide great answers to these kinds of questions (for entities relevant to your audience)
  • 60. • Social Graphs • Interest Graphs • Mobile Social graphs • Attraction graphs • Engagement graphs • Attention Graphs • Intent graph • User Query Graph • ……..
  • 61. Takeaway: Write engaging content around your audiences interests (Find ways – “Big Data” - to determine their interests)
  • 62. Anatomy of a Google Search Results Page (Revisited) Search Over Data Search Over Documents
  • 64. • Slide:3 • Slide 5 • Slide 9: • Slide 3: • Slide 3: • Slide 5 • slide 4: