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“5 Killer SEO Strategies To Boost Traffic and
  Leads For Your Small Business in 2013”
                Jon Rognerud

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 LogMyCalls Free Trial
   •   Coupon Code: DAMGOOD
   •   Call (866) 811-8880
Who This is For
•       People who own a business
•       Familiar with SEO (a little is ok)
•       Excited to learn more – not afraid of trying/testing

    Who This is Not For
    •    Folks who think a ‘magic bullet’ exists
    •    Folks who are into ‘opportunity’ biz
    •    Think everyone is against them…(incl. Google)
What You’ll Learn (Agenda)
I.       The SEO process
       I. What works today + myths/trends
II.      Keyword strategies
       I. How to get the “best” keywords (rankings/traffic)
III.     Social implication
       I. How to leverage social signals for search engines
IV.      Content strategies
       I. What you can do now
V.       Small business optimization
       I. Automation and lead management

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Top 10 Must Do’s in the Ever-changing World of SEO
Top 10 Must Do’s in the Ever-changing World of SEOTop 10 Must Do’s in the Ever-changing World of SEO
Top 10 Must Do’s in the Ever-changing World of SEO

This document provides a summary of the top 10 SEO best practices that website owners should follow in today's ever-changing world of search engine optimization. It discusses writing content for audiences, using relevant keywords, optimizing site content with keywords, getting quality backlinks, custom 404 pages, canonical URLs, navigation, XML sitemaps, schema/microdata, and responsive design. The presentation provides details on how to properly implement each practice to improve search engine rankings and visibility.

An intorduction to optimize your web (fil eminimizer)
An intorduction to optimize your web (fil eminimizer)An intorduction to optimize your web (fil eminimizer)
An intorduction to optimize your web (fil eminimizer)

The document is an introduction to search engine optimization (SEO) that discusses key concepts and best practices. It covers how search engines work by crawling, indexing and ranking webpages. It emphasizes the importance of optimization to improve search visibility and rankings. The document outlines optimization techniques like optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, internal linking and reducing spam. It also warns about black hat SEO tactics and provides resources for further SEO learning and assistance.

Seo beginners-slide-show
Seo beginners-slide-showSeo beginners-slide-show
Seo beginners-slide-show

Natural," or "organic," search engine optimization (SEO) is designing, writing, and HTML-coding a Web site to maximize the chance its pages will appear at the top of spider-based search engine results for selected keywords and phrases

digital marketingmarketing digitalseo
• Jon Rognerud, Head of Digital Marketing Services,, Personal Blog:
• Focus on:
  – Social Media and Blogging/Content
  – Search Engine Optimization
  – Pay Per Click
  – Lead Generation, Email Automation
  – WordPress Design, Dev. & SMO
  – Web Analytics
  – And …Changing Lives!
• Author of “The Ultimate Guide To Search Engine
• Speaker
• Trainer

Example Case:

                                     New Book
1. SEO Myths, Trends
SEO Myths
•   Google is after you
•   SEO is “dead” (social is king)
•   SEO is a technical job, IT can do it
•   SEO is a “one-time” task with some cleanup
•   Get more links, don’t worry about content/on-page
•   If your page ranks #1, you’re set!
•   User design and experience doesn’t matter much

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Seo beginners-slide-showSeo beginners-slide-show
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The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO). It defines SEO and discusses how search engines work by gathering content, building an index, and running searches against the index. The document outlines key SEO building blocks like keywords, making sites crawler-friendly, and developing links. It also discusses SEO tools, black hat SEO methods to avoid, and defines success as being search-friendly, user-friendly, and persuasive.

Search Engine Marketing (Oldschool) - an introduction.
Search Engine Marketing (Oldschool) - an introduction.Search Engine Marketing (Oldschool) - an introduction.
Search Engine Marketing (Oldschool) - an introduction.

An introduction to Search Engine Marketing that defines the basics of the 'art'. Goal is to provide a general framework upon which in-depth session follow to obtain expert knowledge in the SEO domain.

search engine marketingseaseo
How to SEO a Terrific - and Profitable - User Experience
How to SEO a Terrific - and Profitable - User ExperienceHow to SEO a Terrific - and Profitable - User Experience
How to SEO a Terrific - and Profitable - User Experience

Tune in for Portent SEO Marianne Sweeny’s January webinar: “How to SEO a Terrific – and Profitable – User Experience.” Learn how search engine algorithms are now incorporating IA, UX and content strategy, as well as methods for directing Google, Bing & Co. to perform better for your users.

Trends We See Increasing
•   Social (Google+) & Persona Development
•   Author Rank
•   Mobile
•   Local
•   More “filtering” and updates (Penguin/Panda…)
•   SEOs become “masters of online marketing”:
    –   Goals, Objectives development, creative thinking
    –   Strategies, plans (with milestones)
    –   Results-driven, not just ‘tech’ or ‘links’
    –   Content-focused, user-experience focused
    –   Marketing, Promotion, PR
    –   Learning to leverage PPC more for SEO validation
All assets should be mobile ready
Tip: Look in your web analytics and report on
  the last 30-120 days, and see the curve)
Google & Social: Action items
Profile setups
Learn and implement
  Google Authorship (rank)

Quality UI and Content
Be creative
Catch the reader (headlines)
Be helpful
Keyword research and inclusion on pages
Ask people to “like” and add CTA (call-to-action)

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) including how search engines work, important SEO building blocks like keywords, crawlers and links, and SEO tools. It defines SEO as designing webpages to maximize their ranking in search results for selected keywords. Key aspects of SEO include choosing relevant keywords, making pages crawler-friendly through simple navigation and cross-linking, and developing quality inbound links from other sites to increase page importance. The document recommends approaches like keyword research, optimizing page titles and content, and developing links through quality content while avoiding black hat techniques that violate search engine guidelines.
Seo Beginners Guide SriG Systems
Seo Beginners Guide SriG SystemsSeo Beginners Guide SriG Systems
Seo Beginners Guide SriG Systems

SriG Systems is the Best Search Engine Optimization- SEO, Search Engine Marketing & Digital Marketing company. We make sure your website at all times shows up in the right place at the right time using only white hat SEO techniques. Our SEO Consultants are extremely familiar in everything SEO related with thorough knowledge in keyword Research and Density.

seoseo servicessearch engine optimization
Three giants in social networking arena
Three giants in social networking arenaThree giants in social networking arena
Three giants in social networking arena

This document provides an overview of three major social networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. It discusses key facts and figures about each platform, how users interact with and search each network, and strategies for optimizing one's presence on them. The main points covered are optimizing profiles, pages and groups for social search, leveraging connections and engagement to increase discoverability, and recognizing the importance of social search and networks for lead generation and search engine optimization.

Think Differently:
    Content (Re)use and Asset Optimization
•   Images (Google ‘image search’)
•   News
•   PDF
•   Webinars
•   Podcasts
•   Videos (start with YouTube)
•   Live web-casts
•   Blog
•   Slide-decks (and distribute to
•   White-papers and research guides
How To Get More Business - Fast
         (THE success formula)
1. Traffic
2. Offer/message
3. Conversion (tracking and CRO)
  + “Backoffice” nurture & management
Small Business SEO Tips and Strategies For 2013 -
2. Keywords That ROCK!

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices for on-page optimization, keyword research, competitive analysis, link building, and optimizing listings on Google Places. It discusses important on-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and internal linking. It also outlines tools for keyword research, analyzing competitors, and getting reviews/citations for Google Places. The overall aim is to help companies dominate their local SEO and ranking on Google.

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6 Easy Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Amazon Store - Sellers Playbook Las Vegas - from my presentation at the amazing Sellers Playbook Conference in Las Vegas - where I spoke to a smart group of 120+ Entrepreneurs about ways to get more buying traffic to their e-commerce sites and specifically Amazon.

amazon storeseotraffic
Tips and technics for search engine market
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This document provides tips and techniques for improving rankings in search engine results. It discusses optimizing websites for search engines through techniques like choosing relevant keywords, optimizing page structure and file names, using descriptive title and meta tags, and focusing on link popularity. It also recommends using tools to analyze search terms and referrers in website logs to guide optimization. Blogs are recommended as a way to regularly update content and increase relevant links and rankings. Overall the key strategies emphasized are understanding keywords, designing websites with searchability in mind, and continuously monitoring progress and search trends.

Opportunity for Search Traffic
• “Keyword Difficulty”
  – How do you determine it? (Google doesn’t tell you …
    or “do” they?)
“Themes” and “Keywords”
•   Head terms (“shoes”)
•   Middle terms (“running shoes”)
•   Long tail terms (“running shoes for men _____”)
•   Themes/groups (and pages)
    – Site architecture & design to support ‘keywords’
    – Grouping (Wordtracker, spyfu groupie, Adwords Editor,etc)
• Links + Co-citation (not always exact match)
• Navigational, transactional, informational queries
  coupled with “search psychology”
• GKT + GA are your friends!
Keywords for ROF (return on find):
• ASK: Why “that” or “those” keywords…
• PPC (Adwords) Research
Use These Steps: STEP 1
                  Open KPM

                  Use Google Suggest

                  Enter keyword phrase
                    (or wildcard variations.
                    A * will allow Google to
                    fill in the blanks)

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Search Engine Optimization: Rank Higher, Sell More!

Slides from my presentation on how small businesses and non-profits can improve their search engine visibility and drive more qualified leads to their site.

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Animas European Blogger Conference 2013 Presentation

The document discusses strategies for creating evergreen content for blogs to attract search engine traffic and build a regular readership. It emphasizes researching keywords, optimizing pages for search engines through titles, headers and internal links, developing long-form content on topics people search for regularly, and promoting content through social media and other referral channels to engage readers over time. The goal is to become an authority on a topic by creating helpful, informative content that search engines and readers want.

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Link building in competitive industries
Link building in competitive industries Link building in competitive industries
Link building in competitive industries

Presentation by Tim Grice at ionSearch, Leeds. Explores recent link algorithm changes and how your link building strategy needs to change in line with it. Also looks at processes for developing and delivering natural links.

google seolink buildingseo
         (sort column)



                         into CSV
         Back to:

Determine “real” opportunity for high search engine positions:

                       Rule: <=3 ok, and 2 and 1’s are better….
Create Content – Step 5 (repeat)
Write an article targeting the keyword phrase

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SEO: Optimizing Sites for People (and search engines)

SEO has an ugly side and a useful side. The useful side is about best practices, great content, and semantic HTML. This presentation was developed for the PMC's Beast Bloggers Camp 2 in Oakland, October 2009.

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Spanning The Globe With Search
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Spanning The Globe With Search

The document provides information about the speaker's career history working in search engine optimization, pay per click marketing, and knowledge management. It then outlines an agenda for an upcoming presentation on SEO and PPC topics like keyword research, content optimization, and link building. The summary highlights the speaker's experience and the planned presentation topics.

Digital Marketing Training
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Digital Marketing Training

Digital marketing overview document provides an overview of digital marketing topics including: - Traditional marketing vs digital marketing and the benefits of digital marketing - What digital marketing consists of including key components like SEO, social media optimization, and email marketing - Popular digital marketing sectors and job profiles in digital marketing - Course highlights of a digital marketing training program covering topics like search engine optimization, content marketing, and social media optimization.

digital marketinginternet marketingsocial media marketing
KW Tools
• GKT – Google Keyword Tool
• Keyword Project Manager
• GA – Google Analytics
• (keyword expansion by alphabet and more)
• Bing Ads Intelligence (Excel Plugin) *adcenter acct
• Fancier
   –   Market Samurai
   –   SEMRush
   –   SpyFu (Recon!)
   –   Keywordspy
3. Social Impact and YOU
Almost 58 Million Americans Use
       Social Media Daily

     From: “9 Consumer Social Media Trends That
     Could Impact Marketers” – SM Examiner
Twitter: New & More Engaged Users

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GSU - SEO & content strategy
GSU - SEO & content strategyGSU - SEO & content strategy
GSU - SEO & content strategy

This document provides an overview of content strategy and the SEO process. It discusses communications theory and models, writing for SEO, establishing SEO objectives and strategies. It then outlines the stages of SEO execution including keyword discovery, on-site and off-site implementation, ongoing maintenance. Each stage is broken down into the specific activities involved like analytics setup, link building, and lead generation funnel analysis. The document emphasizes the importance of collaborative, two-way communication and aligning content and SEO goals with marketing objectives.

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SEO - What is it?
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SEO - What is it?

Woj takes you on a journey to demystify the art and science of Search Engine Optimisation. Explore the true facts about SEO, the history of Google and other search engines and what the current landscape looks like. Arm yourself with valuable tips on production & writing for search engines as well as Woj’s indispensable do-and-don’t best practice guide so you can leave the session ready to take action!

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Seo and analytics wk 2
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Seo and analytics wk 2

This is from the Business Accelerator Marketing Academy. This takes an in depth look at on-page and off page ranking factors for Search Engine Optimization. It also introduces you to a few tools that are available. We also introduce Google Analytics, how to navigate the platform and read the data.

digital marketingfiretossseo
Social Leverage & Signals
Things you must consider:

•   Google +
•   Google Author-Rank
•   Brand/persona profile setup
•   Social Eco-system
•   Scheduled posts and consisten frequency
•   Share, connect, engage
•   Twitter (advanced search)
•   SocialMention
•   Hootsuite
•   Web Analytics (social stats)
4: Content Process & Return
Content IS King (Value)
• Blogging (WP)
• Guest writing/blogging
• Sourcing:
  –   Quora
  –   Twitter, Google (and +)
  –   Yahoo Answers
  –   Topsy
  –   RSS in Google Reader (and G-Alerts)
• Answer questions and wrap into research/story
• Info-graphics

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The 7-Step SEO Keyword Research Process By Jon Rognerud
The 7-Step SEO Keyword Research Process By Jon RognerudThe 7-Step SEO Keyword Research Process By Jon Rognerud
The 7-Step SEO Keyword Research Process By Jon Rognerud

This document outlines a 7-step process for conducting keyword research to generate traffic. The steps include: 1) Understanding your current position and metrics; 2) Researching competitors and keyword demand; 3) Inventorying existing and new content; 4) Analyzing internal page traffic and conversions; 5) Analyzing external referrers and partnerships; 6) Identifying underserved pages; 7) Optimizing user experience and relevancy through techniques like long-form content, surveys, and site architecture. The document emphasizes understanding user intent, thinking outside the box to identify new keywords, and focusing on engagement through content, messaging, and experience optimization.

Seo Made Easy
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Seo Made Easy

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. It discusses what SEO is, why it is important given user behavior trends, and common barriers to implementing SEO. It then outlines potential benefits of doing SEO, such as increased traffic and brand awareness. The document also covers key on-page and off-page optimization techniques, how to research competitors, and tips for developing landing pages and backlinks. Overall, the document serves as a basic guide to SEO best practices for improving search engine rankings.

Tools for SEO - Bizcamp Belfast 2013
Tools for SEO - Bizcamp Belfast 2013Tools for SEO - Bizcamp Belfast 2013
Tools for SEO - Bizcamp Belfast 2013

Effective and easy to use tools for analysing, improving and measuring your SEO efforts. Presented at Bizcamp Belfast 08/04/13

digital marketingsearch engine marketingsearch engines
Small business visibility
          Step-By-Step (Local) – “A”
•   Keyword research/analysis
•   Web analytics review
•   Google+ Local optimization
•   Competitive analysis
•   Web site audit
•   Content Development strategy (ed. Calendar)
Small business visibility
          Step-By-Step (Local) – “B”
•   Create citations and local referrers
•   Citation audit and cleanup (NAP consistency)
•   Image and video tagging
•   Reviews (including ongoing process)
•   Social media strategies and widgets

• Look at your existing opportunities
   • Screaming Frog Spider
   • Xenu Link Spider (Free)
   • Google Analytics (content and drill-downs)
Technical Link “stuff”
•   Anchor Text Density
•   Link URL / Source
•   Link Type
•   How Fast Your Generate Links
•   Live versus Dead Links
•   Follow vs NoFollow
•   404 “dead” pages
•   301 redirects

TIP: Be relevant!

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Using SEO in Google Analytics | Analytics Pros Webinar by Mark McLaren

Use Google Analytics to measure the success of SEO efforts. Key metrics to examine include branded vs non-branded organic search traffic in terms of visits, pages per visit, visit duration, new vs returning visits, bounce rate, and conversion rates. One goal of organic SEO is to make the organic search profile resemble branded search, with high engagement and conversion rates. Keywords should be optimized throughout website content and internal structures. Multi-channel analytics can provide insights beyond top-level metrics to fully understand customer paths and interactions across marketing channels.

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Rohit kochhar
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Rohit kochhar

This document summarizes a presentation about common mistakes in internet marketing and how to avoid them. It discusses the importance of internet marketing now and provides an overview of key components like website design, SEO, social media, PPC, and email marketing. It then details common mistakes in each of these areas and provides recommendations on how to take an integrated approach and work with an outsourced firm for internet marketing.

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best Digital Marketing ppt for all......

This document provides an overview of digital marketing (DM) and search engine optimization (SEO). It defines DM as using digital channels like search engines, social media, email and affiliates to promote brands. It discusses the difference between traditional and DM and the benefits of DM. It also covers SEO topics like website structure, keywords, metadata tags, backlinks, link juice and off-page SEO tactics. The document emphasizes the importance of website speed, security and usability for SEO. It provides examples of how to implement best practices and tools to audit websites and track SEO performance.

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Additional Resources
         For Deeper Drill-down
• MajesticSEO
• OpenSiteExplorer
(Fast) Content Ramp-Up
1. DIY Research
2. Editorial Calendar
  1.   Interviews
  2.   Content curation
  3.   Action-driven
  4.   Contests
  5.   Target your “avatar” (persona) *may be several
  6.   Cohesive strategy, including emails
  7.   Social/search integration with blog and widgets
3. PostPlanner
4. Weekly engagement in your “key” platforms (based
   on research)
5: Lead Management
Develop Your Funnel

                  Courtesy infusionsoft

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My presentation from the 2014 eCommerce conference and expo in Melbourne. In it i highlight a low cost scale able data driven content marketing technique for eCommerce sites. I call out tools you can use and how this fits into your wider SEO and content efforts. enjoy.

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Email Life Cycle
Move Emails To Next Level
Segmentation via:
•Purchase Behavior
•Web Behavior
•Email Click Behavior

                        •Loyal customers
                        •Customers who bought only once
                        •Inactive customers
                        •Recent customers
                        •Folks opened, but didn’t click
                        •Folks clicked, but didn’t convert
                        •Folks who never respond/open
Organizations & Preferences
Study: Top ROI-Based Metrics

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A presentation on SEO, WordPress and SEO Tools from the Melbourne WordPress Meetup, October 2013. Presented by Chris Burgess, Peter Mead and Michael Jones.

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The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques for beginners. It covers topics such as how search engines work, keyword research, on-page optimizations like titles and meta descriptions, off-page factors like links, monitoring metrics, and tools. The presentation emphasizes focusing on effective keywords, website preparation, competition analysis, generating valuable content and links, and ongoing monitoring to achieve SEO success.

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What is SEO (in 2019), what are the challenges for the team organisation, the priorities to consider, the risks, the tools, the opportunities? This training covers a wide range of topics about Search Engine Optimization.

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STATS Mobile Usage: EMAIL!
Web Optimization
Cool Tool:

“5 Killer SEO Strategies To Boost Traffic and
  Leads For Your Small Business in 2013”
        Jon Rognerud,

            “How To Get The RIGHT Clients Now”

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In the last weeks of 2017, Google released a Rich Results Testing Tool to help webmasters understand what pages can generate rich results, based on their structured data implementation. This new tool, coming from the search giant, is just one of the many recent affirmations of structured data’s continued and growing importance to search optimization in 2018 and beyond. But why is structured data important to search? How does it impact your SEO strategy? And most importantly, what can you do to optimize structured data and maximize your potential in the SERPs?

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Google's rapid, recent transformation of search

Top Floor's Justin Kerley and Eric Vallee discuss all the recent changes that Google has implemented and the implications they have for search marketing.

Webinar Offer
 LogMyCalls Free Trial
   •   Coupon Code: DAMGOOD
   •   Call (866) 811-8880

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Small Business SEO Tips and Strategies For 2013 -

  • 1. “5 Killer SEO Strategies To Boost Traffic and Leads For Your Small Business in 2013” Jon Rognerud Chaosmap @jonrognerud LOGMyCalls
  • 2. Webinar Offer  LogMyCalls Free Trial • • Coupon Code: DAMGOOD • Call (866) 811-8880
  • 3. Who This is For • People who own a business • Familiar with SEO (a little is ok) • Excited to learn more – not afraid of trying/testing Who This is Not For • Folks who think a ‘magic bullet’ exists • Folks who are into ‘opportunity’ biz • Think everyone is against them…(incl. Google)
  • 4. What You’ll Learn (Agenda) I. The SEO process I. What works today + myths/trends II. Keyword strategies I. How to get the “best” keywords (rankings/traffic) III. Social implication I. How to leverage social signals for search engines IV. Content strategies I. What you can do now V. Small business optimization I. Automation and lead management
  • 5. • Jon Rognerud, Head of Digital Marketing Services,, Personal Blog: • Focus on: – Social Media and Blogging/Content – Search Engine Optimization – Pay Per Click – Lead Generation, Email Automation – WordPress Design, Dev. & SMO – Web Analytics – And …Changing Lives!
  • 6. • Author of “The Ultimate Guide To Search Engine Optimization” • Speaker • Trainer Example Case: New Book Coming! Primo 2014
  • 7. 1. SEO Myths, Trends
  • 8. SEO Myths • Google is after you • SEO is “dead” (social is king) • SEO is a technical job, IT can do it • SEO is a “one-time” task with some cleanup • Get more links, don’t worry about content/on-page • If your page ranks #1, you’re set! • User design and experience doesn’t matter much
  • 9. Trends We See Increasing • Social (Google+) & Persona Development • Author Rank • Mobile • Local • More “filtering” and updates (Penguin/Panda…) • SEOs become “masters of online marketing”: – Goals, Objectives development, creative thinking – Strategies, plans (with milestones) – Results-driven, not just ‘tech’ or ‘links’ – Content-focused, user-experience focused – Marketing, Promotion, PR – Learning to leverage PPC more for SEO validation
  • 10. Mobile All assets should be mobile ready Tip: Look in your web analytics and report on the last 30-120 days, and see the curve)
  • 11. Google & Social: Action items Profile setups Google+ Learn and implement Google Authorship (rank) TIP: profile-picture-in-search-engine-results-pages-serps/
  • 12. Quality UI and Content Be creative Catch the reader (headlines) Be helpful Keyword research and inclusion on pages Ask people to “like” and add CTA (call-to-action) TIP:
  • 13. Think Differently: Content (Re)use and Asset Optimization • Images (Google ‘image search’) • News • PDF • Webinars • Podcasts • Videos (start with YouTube) • Live web-casts • Blog • Slide-decks (and distribute to • White-papers and research guides
  • 14. How To Get More Business - Fast (THE success formula) 1. Traffic 2. Offer/message 3. Conversion (tracking and CRO) + “Backoffice” nurture & management
  • 17. Opportunity for Search Traffic • “Keyword Difficulty” – How do you determine it? (Google doesn’t tell you … or “do” they?)
  • 18. “Themes” and “Keywords” • Head terms (“shoes”) • Middle terms (“running shoes”) • Long tail terms (“running shoes for men _____”) • Themes/groups (and pages) – Site architecture & design to support ‘keywords’ – Grouping (Wordtracker, spyfu groupie, Adwords Editor,etc) • Links + Co-citation (not always exact match) • Navigational, transactional, informational queries coupled with “search psychology” • GKT + GA are your friends!
  • 19. Keywords for ROF (return on find): • ASK: Why “that” or “those” keywords… • PPC (Adwords) Research
  • 20. Use These Steps: STEP 1 Open KPM “keywordprojectmanager” Use Google Suggest Enter keyword phrase (or wildcard variations. A * will allow Google to fill in the blanks)
  • 21. STEP 2 GKT (sort column) Enter List From KPM (remember these settings) Finally, Download the keywords into CSV
  • 22. STEP 3 Back to: KPM Load List From GKT (csv)
  • 23. STEP 4 Determine “real” opportunity for high search engine positions: Rule: <=3 ok, and 2 and 1’s are better….
  • 24. Create Content – Step 5 (repeat) Write an article targeting the keyword phrase
  • 25. KW Tools • GKT – Google Keyword Tool • Keyword Project Manager • GA – Google Analytics • (keyword expansion by alphabet and more) • Bing Ads Intelligence (Excel Plugin) *adcenter acct • Fancier – Market Samurai – SEMRush – SpyFu (Recon!) – Keywordspy
  • 26. 3. Social Impact and YOU
  • 27. Almost 58 Million Americans Use Social Media Daily From: “9 Consumer Social Media Trends That Could Impact Marketers” – SM Examiner
  • 28. Twitter: New & More Engaged Users
  • 29. Social Leverage & Signals Things you must consider: • Google + • Google Author-Rank • Brand/persona profile setup • Social Eco-system • Scheduled posts and consisten frequency • Share, connect, engage
  • 30. Tools • Twitter (advanced search) • SocialMention • Hootsuite • Web Analytics (social stats)
  • 31. 4: Content Process & Return
  • 32. Content IS King (Value) • Blogging (WP) • Guest writing/blogging • Sourcing: – Quora – Twitter, Google (and +) – Yahoo Answers – Topsy – RSS in Google Reader (and G-Alerts) • Answer questions and wrap into research/story • Info-graphics
  • 33. Small business visibility Step-By-Step (Local) – “A” • Keyword research/analysis • Web analytics review • Google+ Local optimization • Competitive analysis • Web site audit • Content Development strategy (ed. Calendar)
  • 34. Small business visibility Step-By-Step (Local) – “B” • Create citations and local referrers • Citation audit and cleanup (NAP consistency) • Image and video tagging • Reviews (including ongoing process) • Social media strategies and widgets
  • 35. Tools • Look at your existing opportunities • Screaming Frog Spider • Xenu Link Spider (Free) • Google Analytics (content and drill-downs) • •
  • 36. Technical Link “stuff” • Anchor Text Density • Link URL / Source • Link Type • How Fast Your Generate Links • Live versus Dead Links • Follow vs NoFollow • 404 “dead” pages • 301 redirects TIP: Be relevant!
  • 37. Additional Resources For Deeper Drill-down • • MajesticSEO • OpenSiteExplorer
  • 38. (Fast) Content Ramp-Up 1. DIY Research 2. Editorial Calendar 1. Interviews 2. Content curation 3. Action-driven 4. Contests 5. Target your “avatar” (persona) *may be several 6. Cohesive strategy, including emails 7. Social/search integration with blog and widgets 3. PostPlanner 4. Weekly engagement in your “key” platforms (based on research)
  • 40. Develop Your Funnel Courtesy infusionsoft
  • 42. Move Emails To Next Level How? Segmentation via: •Purchase Behavior •Web Behavior •Email Click Behavior •Etc… From: •Loyal customers •Customers who bought only once •Inactive customers •Recent customers •Folks opened, but didn’t click •Folks clicked, but didn’t convert •Folks who never respond/open
  • 48. “5 Killer SEO Strategies To Boost Traffic and Leads For Your Small Business in 2013” Jon Rognerud, @jonrognerud “How To Get The RIGHT Clients Now”
  • 49. Webinar Offer  LogMyCalls Free Trial • • Coupon Code: DAMGOOD • Call (866) 811-8880

Editor's Notes

  1. Triggered email messages can generate 3x the revenue and 7x the profit of broadcast campaigns (Jupiter Research, 2005)… ALSO: Mobile readership is growing rapidly!
  2. 44% lift on right