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Where should – and
shouldn’t – AI &
ChatGPT play a role
In your SEO
Ashley Liddell
What is ‘AI’ in the world of SEO?
REPRISE 2023 | 2
Let’s head
over to
REPRISE 2023 | 3
@AshLiddell1250 #BrightonSEO
REPRISE 2023 | 4

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Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]
Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]
Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]

The document discusses how content design impacts SEO and accessibility. It explains that content design means delivering information in the optimal format for users and search engines. It also discusses how users typically scan content in an "F" pattern and how to design content using headings, short paragraphs and other formatting to match this pattern. Well-designed content that provides a good user experience will be rewarded by Google through improved search rankings and user trust. Accessible content design benefits both disabled users and search engines by following best practices like using plain language and clear structuring.

Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf
Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdfBrighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf
Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf

This document discusses using machine learning to optimize paid search incrementality. It outlines limitations with traditional approaches that analyze paid and organic search performance separately or through one-time tests. The presented solution uses machine learning to build a full picture of search data and continuously optimize bids to maximize the incremental value of paid search while minimizing costs. Case studies demonstrate how the approach provides unique insights into paid and organic relationships and answers questions about budget efficiencies.

Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023

With the help of my favourite case study, I'm showcasing how I took a data-driven approach to scale SEO for a travel brand. I've covered how I collected data, found trends, and converted them into opportunities. Those opportunities were tested before the grand deployment, which resulted in multifold growth in SEO visibility and revenue.

data driven seoenterprise seotravel seo
Inspire. Educate. Entertain.
REPRISE 2023 | 5
When done well, SEO hits these marks:
REPRISE 2023 | 6
A wide array
of opinions
and ideas.
Make people give a shit about
REPRISE 2023 | 7
REPRISE 2023 | 8

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How to convince even the pickiest editors to take SEO more seriously :: brigh...
How to convince even the pickiest editors to take SEO more seriously :: brigh...How to convince even the pickiest editors to take SEO more seriously :: brigh...
How to convince even the pickiest editors to take SEO more seriously :: brigh...

Let's face it: Editorial teams may not prioritize SEO, but it's an essential aspect of online content creation. Editorial teams are under constant pressure to produce timely and relevant content, often overlooking the long-term benefits of search-friendly, evergreen articles. While breaking news and current events are crucial for driving immediate traffic, organic-focused content can provide long-term value by continuously attracting visitors through search engines. During this presentation, Ian will share his historical experience working with editorial teams and how he successfully incorporates SEO into their workflow. You'll learn how they address common pain points and use data to generate enthusiasm for organic search.

The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdfThe Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf

The document discusses featured snippets in Google search results. It begins by explaining what featured snippets are and their value for searchers. It then provides tips for developing a featured snippet strategy, including focusing keyword research on question keywords and optimizing content with headers, images, and schema markup. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of keyword research and checking all SEO best practices to start winning featured snippets.

seodigital marketingmarketing
Data-driven SEO & content strategy to reduce your customer acquisition costs
Data-driven SEO & content strategy to reduce your customer acquisition costsData-driven SEO & content strategy to reduce your customer acquisition costs
Data-driven SEO & content strategy to reduce your customer acquisition costs

With digital marketing spends soaring, there’s now an even bigger need for reducing costs per customer acquisition. On average, a brand can reduce its acquisition costs by 55% if they drive significant traffic and transactions via organic search and great content marketing. This session will provide you with tactics to implement a robust, data driven content and SEO strategy that drives ROI.

seocontent marketingdigital marketing
REPRISE 2022 | 9
A world filled with standardized content fails
to meet the idealogies of SEO.
SEO thrives off
in content
ChatGPT content as an Isolated solution:
REPRISE 2023 | 10
SEO friction
Looks the part.
flawed outputs.
Uninspiring. False info. Not entertaining.
REPRISE 2023 | 11
REPRISE 2022 | 12
So ChatGPT, you’re a liar! Actress! Ash, why
are we here?

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BrightonSEO - Amanda Jordan.pptx
BrightonSEO - Amanda Jordan.pptxBrightonSEO - Amanda Jordan.pptx
BrightonSEO - Amanda Jordan.pptx

This document discusses how to identify expansion opportunities for businesses through local SEO data. It outlines a 6-step process: 1) identify potential markets, 2) filter markets down using data, 3) identify specific opportunities in the filtered markets, 4) narrow locations further by analyzing competitors and keywords, 5) forecast growth potential for the narrowed locations, and 6) present location options and forecasts to the client to obtain buy-in for expansion. The goal is to objectively evaluate markets and present well-researched location ideas that align with the client's goals for growth.

EAT: Have We Been Looking At It Backwards
EAT: Have We Been Looking At It BackwardsEAT: Have We Been Looking At It Backwards
EAT: Have We Been Looking At It Backwards

Ed will be reviewing the continued importance of displaying EAT throughout your website, whilst also discussing how the wider SEO community has looked at the acronym backwards – with Trust being the most important element.

seodigital marketingearned media
eCommerce Internal Linking - Into the Spider-Verse (BrightonSEO edition)
eCommerce Internal Linking - Into the Spider-Verse (BrightonSEO edition)eCommerce Internal Linking - Into the Spider-Verse (BrightonSEO edition)
eCommerce Internal Linking - Into the Spider-Verse (BrightonSEO edition)

In this talk, I’ll show smart internal linking tricks big brands are using. I’ll teach how these ideas can be used by medium and small-sized online stores as well. My website - Free SEO Pro Chrome extension - eCommerce SEO Mastery course - Tech SEO Pro course -

seoecommercesearch engine optimization
Temptations for Brands
Easy to
Navigate +
Temptations for Brands
REPRISE 2023 | 14
AI has killed SEO!
It’s useless!
…It Depends
REPRISE 2023 | 15
AI/SEO schools of thought:
REPRISE 2022 | 16
The facts are, sometimes ‘AI’ maybe Good.
Sometimes ‘AI’, not so much!

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The Hidden Gems of Low search volume
The Hidden Gems of Low search volumeThe Hidden Gems of Low search volume
The Hidden Gems of Low search volume

The document discusses strategies for content creation targeting low search volume keywords. It notes that while some marketers ignore these keywords, they can be high intent terms that are likely to convert if addressed with relevant content. The document advocates mapping out related low search volume topics, creating templates with rules for metadata, and programmatically launching many pages to cover niche topics. When this was tested with a 100-page pilot, it led to 105% traffic growth and 25% higher conversions after expanding the program to over 5,000 pages. The conclusion is that low search volume keywords should not be ignored as they can find "precious" intent if addressed properly.

How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookiesHow SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies

Slides from AccuraCast MD, Farhad Divecha's presentation at Brighton SEO. In his talk, Farhad discussed how the removal of third-party cookies will affect SEO and advised delegates on practical, actionable things they can do to best equip their business to overcome the potential challenges involved.

seocookiesbig data
BrightonSEO - NLP for SEOs - How to optimise your content for BERT.pptx
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How have robots learned to read? This talk goes over the process within natural language processing, how BERT works, and how these learnings can be applied to content optimisation.

How AI could negatively
Impact SEO & SERPs
SERPs and
@AshLiddell1250 #BrightonSEO
REPRISE 2022 | 19
SEO! It was said that you would nurture
inspiration, not destroy it!
@AshLiddell1250 #BrightonSEO

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Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk RadiusAgile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius

An SEO professional can learn on how to improve their relationship with developer and get technical SEO errors solved without a hassle This talk is about prioritising SEO activities based on regular cadence and at the same time calculating the risk radius of the high level decisions taken. About me: I have 7 years of experience in SEO, I work as an independent SEO consultant, co-host of #SEOTalk Twitter chat (which is India's oldest digital marketing Twitter chat up and running since 2012). If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out me on Twitter: @parthsuba77 and send me an email on parthsuba77[at]gmail[dot]com

technical seoseoseotalk
How To EAT Links.pptx
How To EAT Links.pptxHow To EAT Links.pptx
How To EAT Links.pptx

This document discusses how to build links that satisfy Google's E.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) guidelines. It introduces the concepts of E.A.T. and explains why links that increase the linked page's perceived quality are more valuable. Specific linking strategies are presented such as guest blogging, Wikipedia links, and Google My Business citations. The key takeaway is that links following E.A.T. principles help pages by boosting their perceived quality in search engine algorithms.

Giulia Panozzo | Neuroscience of Search | BrightonSEO April 2023
Giulia Panozzo | Neuroscience of Search | BrightonSEO April 2023Giulia Panozzo | Neuroscience of Search | BrightonSEO April 2023
Giulia Panozzo | Neuroscience of Search | BrightonSEO April 2023

The document discusses applying neuroscience concepts to search engine optimization. It begins with an overview of the presenter's background in neuroscience and cognitive psychology. The presentation then covers topics like capturing attention, cognitive biases, heuristics in decision making, social proof, and the role of emotions. The goal is to optimize websites for users by understanding how the brain processes information, makes judgments and decisions. The key takeaway is that an effective SEO strategy puts the user's experience and needs at the forefront.

REPRISE 2023 | 21
BRAND, tone of
voice and that
“You Factor”,
and the value it
adds to your
offerings, could
become lost!
@AshLiddell1250 #BrightonSEO
And then there’s the
'Google' considerations…
REPRISE 2023 | 22
REPRISE 2023 | 23
“If you see AI as an essential way to help you produce
content that is helpful and original, it might be useful to
Should I use AI to generate content?
REPRISE 2023 | 24
"...If you see AI as an inexpensive, easy way to
game search engine rankings, then no.”
Should I use AI to generate content?

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How to get your SEO work prioritised in house - Maddie McCartney.pptxHow to get your SEO work prioritised in house - Maddie McCartney.pptx
How to get your SEO work prioritised in house - Maddie McCartney.pptx

How to get your SEO work prioritised in-house. A look at how the different ways of working in-house can determine whether or not your SEO initiatives are implemented.

Accessibility, strategy and schema - do they go hand in hand? Beth Barnham Br...
Accessibility, strategy and schema - do they go hand in hand? Beth Barnham Br...Accessibility, strategy and schema - do they go hand in hand? Beth Barnham Br...
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In this talk, I explore schema and its link to online accessibility. Can schema really help the web to be more accessible? And how should we strategise this as SEOs? Strategy plays a vital role in SEO but often times the technical areas are overlooked within a wider marketing strategy

schemadigital marketingdigital strategy
Introduction to SEO: Semantic, Local & International SEO
Introduction to SEO: Semantic, Local & International SEOIntroduction to SEO: Semantic, Local & International SEO
Introduction to SEO: Semantic, Local & International SEO

This presentation provides a rundown of details of Search Engine Optimization - including Semantics Vs Syntactic SEO, technical SEO, international SEO and Local SEO

search engine optimizationgooglesemantic web
REPRISE 2023 | 25
Experience. Expertise.
Authority. Trust
Can users really put their
trust in AI here?
So, When shouldn’t you use AI within
your SEO strategies?
for “just
So, when shouldn’t you use AI
within your SEO strategies?
REPRISE 2023 | 27
of content
Replacing an
SEO team.
(I like this gig).
So, when shouldn’t you use AI
within your SEO strategies?
REPRISE 2023 | 28

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2018 SEO Myths → 12 Common SEO Myths Shattered
2018 SEO Myths → 12 Common SEO Myths Shattered2018 SEO Myths → 12 Common SEO Myths Shattered
2018 SEO Myths → 12 Common SEO Myths Shattered

It's the SEO version of fake news: you hear an SEO "fact" from an "expert," then repeat that fact in meetings, presentations and conversations. Others take your "fact" as the truth and spread it. One example is the duplicate content penalty from syndicating content. In this presentation, an expert panel identifies common SEO myths, then dispels them. The panel: Rich Schwerin, VMWare, content strategist and SEO practitioner Rosemary Brisco, ToTheWeb, marketing consultant and SEO expert Tom Treanor, Alexa, product manager and SEO expert Some of the myths covered in the presentation: .: The duplicate content penalty .: Domain authority .: Buying Page 1 ranking

seo mythssearch engine optimizationgoogle
Elevate Your Microsoft 365 Experience The Winning Trio Of AI, Analytics & Aut...
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Let Microsoft MVP Richard Harbridge guide you through the exciting world of AI, analytics, and automation in Microsoft 365. Uncover the innovative ways organizations are optimizing collaboration, communication, and management for employees, leaders, and managers. In this session, you will learn to: • Enhance your organization's potential by learning how to pinpoint areas of focus, tackle risks, and automate tasks for a more productive and efficient workflow. • Delve into the practical applications and benefits of these technologies, from streamlining repetitive tasks to uncovering valuable insights for informed decision-making. • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to successfully integrate AI, analytics, and automation into your Microsoft 365 environment, empowering your organization to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

microsoft 365microsoft 365 copilotmicrosoft copilot

NIDM - Was Founded By Shri M.S.Kumar, India's Top Digital Marketing Faculty In the year 2011 with a vision to create Successful Careers in The Digital Marketing Industry, Website -

digital marketing
Using AI to enhance SEO strategies
friction in
the user
Leveraging AI to assist with REPRISE’s SEO fundamentals
REPRISE 2023 | 30
(Keyword Research, Topic Research)
(Content briefs, related topics,
relevant questions/FAQs)

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NIDM - Was Founded By Shri M.S.Kumar, India's Top Digital Marketing Faculty In the year 2011 with a vision to create Successful Careers in The Digital Marketing Industry, Website -

Digital ESP - Crush Your Goals With Express Strategic Planning - Steve Krull,...
Digital ESP - Crush Your Goals With Express Strategic Planning - Steve Krull,...Digital ESP - Crush Your Goals With Express Strategic Planning - Steve Krull,...
Digital ESP - Crush Your Goals With Express Strategic Planning - Steve Krull,...

What are your goals for the year? What are the metrics you're tracking? Do your goals & metrics align with your boss, department, & company? Using Digital ESP and the Rule of 3, you can set and track Goals & Metrics that align throughout the department and organization, while always knowing what project should have your attention. Next time the boss stops by and says "Hey Steve, I need you to work on THIS.", you can reply with "Happy to Boss, however, maybe you can help me see how it aligns with our ESP Goals?". Another bonus - ESP doesn't cost a fortune or take a ton of time. Takeaways: Align Goals & Metrics across your team and department to have a ready answer to any question about Goals Gracefully push back against work that distracts from Goals.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2
Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2
Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2

The document discusses how human and AI collaboration can reimagine businesses. It provides examples of companies that are using AI to enhance human work rather than replace it. Volkswagen partnered with Autodesk to use generative design tools in a collaborative process to redesign the Volkswagen Microbus. Adobe is transforming its creative suite with Adobe Sensei, using AI to provide intelligent collaborations for users. The document advocates that companies determine how AI can build new workforces with humans and AI working together, and find ways to pilot collaborative AI initiatives.

accenture technology vision
(Keyword clustering, mapping & intent.
Meta descriptions, SEO Titles & ALT tags)
(Scheme Markup, Robots.txt,
Sitemaps, hreflang & more)

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Seo trends 2020
Seo trends 2020Seo trends 2020
Seo trends 2020

This document discusses several SEO trends to watch for in 2020, including: - User-focused optimization and moving beyond keyword research to understand user intent through direct communication. - Prioritizing quality, relevant content that adds value for users rather than focusing on keywords. Writers will focus on user needs rather than search engines. - Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) becoming more important ranking factors, benefiting influencer marketing. - Improving the overall user experience from the search results to landing pages to ensure user satisfaction. Strengthening technical foundations like canonicals and hreflangs. - Mobile-first design and optimization becoming essential

You, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found Online
You, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found OnlineYou, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found Online
You, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found Online

It's time we talk about the elephant in the room. Wait, everyone is talking about it - it's AI. How about we put a lens on it and focus not just on SEO, but on how is AI going to impact SEO, roles in SEO, and the work great SEOs are going around the world? We'll tap into a bit of the content side of the equation as well.

Search Engine Marketing Trends 2023;.docx
Search Engine Marketing Trends 2023;.docxSearch Engine Marketing Trends 2023;.docx
Search Engine Marketing Trends 2023;.docx

search engine optimization is an ever-evolving area and springs with its personal set of demanding situations every yr which makes it difficult to conform to the changes speedily and thrive in this era of reduce-throat virtual competition. For your remedy, we have positioned up the search engine optimization tendencies 2023 listing as a way to eliminate the need to consult more than one resources Let’s be sincere! Subscribing to a whole lot of blogs, newsletters, podcasts, and YouTube channels or following advertising-related Twitter partitions, just to become aware of correct SEO Trends of 2023 sounds burdensome. It may additionally require your undivided interest at adverse instances so that you do now not omit any Google update and know the possible repercussions of now not adapting that. In order to simplify that, we’ve briefed a list of search engine marketing Trends to follow in 2023 genuinely with the aid of pointing out the things well worth adding to your advertising and marketing ideas listing. In addition, the advertising specialists have additionally anticipated the imminent SEO tendencies which are anticipated to disrupt the natural visibility landscape in the close to destiny. Let’s discover their Point of perspective and put together to hop at the virtual developments for the approaching yr. Keyword Research Regardless of the month or a yr, Keyword research is right here to stay and display the most applicable consequences to the quest queries of the people. However, the purpose of its existence modifications. Marketers have long been obsessed on performing in ‘Featured Snippet’ or ‘Position Zero’ if they want to increase impressions and clicks to their internet site. Now, in place of reaching a top rating, it’s far critical to decoding the person’s purpose, and solution to that specific question by using infusing relevant key phrases and get the content material featured at the SERP to educate readers with informative insights. Quality Content This comes as no mystery whether or not you are preparing for search engine optimization 2023 or later, content will constantly stay the king. Maintain the effectiveness of first-rate-wealthy and surprisingly attractive content that stun readers with exciting records and broadens their attitude in the direction of looking at things. Just ensure to be proper and authentic together with your content material without counting on AI content material gear. As Search Advocate John Muller said, content material generated via AI writing gear is considered junk mail that could result in penalties and complicate for Google in crawling it. Page Load Speed Put yourself inside the footwear of the user and ask ‘How lengthy you may take to bop off from an internet site if it takes time to load?’ Not for long, proper? If you do not want your person to feel equal along with your internet site, then make sure that your internet site masses within three to 5 seconds.

outsourcing training
REPRISE 2022 | 37
Let AI provide
the assists.
Let your SEO
team score
those goals!
The Key Takeaway?
AI can be an SEO’s best friend, NOT an SEO’s
REPRISE 2023 | 38
Something to consider!
This deck? It probably became out of date 10
minutes ago.
REPRISE 2023 | 39
Don’t forget to follow
me on socials:
REPRISE 2023 | 40

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You, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found Online
You, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found OnlineYou, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found Online
You, AI & the Future of Organic Search (aka SEO) - Steve Krull, Be Found Online

It's time we talk about the elephant in the room. Wait, everyone is talking about it - it's AI. How about we put a lens on it and focus not just on SEO, but on how is AI going to impact SEO, roles in SEO, and the work great SEOs are going around the world? We'll tap into a bit of the content side of the equation as well.

2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing

The future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready? Watch as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. We’ll dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust. You’ll hear: - The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success. - Predictions for SGE’s impact, and how to adapt. - What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: it’s never been more important). With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, we’ll show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates. If you’re looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you won’t want to miss this webinar.

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The #SEOisAEO series: Episode 3 - A successful AEO strategy
The #SEOisAEO series: Episode 3 - A successful AEO strategyThe #SEOisAEO series: Episode 3 - A successful AEO strategy
The #SEOisAEO series: Episode 3 - A successful AEO strategy

This document appears to be notes from a discussion on search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for voice assistants and question-answering systems. It includes questions from participants about combining SEO tactics with assistant experience optimization (AEO), the changing role of keywords, using reviews and other content to determine entity attributes, moving to more concise content on voice and mobile, the importance of links for different query types, credibility signals, and how user intent and quality factors influence ranking. The discussants also debate the role of the knowledge graph in answering queries and building algorithms to find the best short answer to a user's question.

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