Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Star Trek Timelines is a strategy role playing video game developed by Disruptor Beam as an app, released on 14 January 2016. Based on every era of the Star Trek franchise, including TOS and TNG feature films, Timelines has releases for iOS and Android devices and web browsers.


Developed by Disruptor Beam, the game allows you to command a starship and assemble a crew of your favorite Star Trek characters while steering the fate of the galaxy through diplomacy, science and force of arms. On 4 March 2020, Tilting Point acquired the game from Disruptor Beam and created a new studio Wicked Realm Games to support the title.[1]


Set after the events of Star Trek Nemesis and Star Trek: Voyager's series finale, Star Trek Timelines begins as the player captains their first starship command to investigate an unknown temporal anomaly. Upon arriving at the anomaly, the player meets Q, who immediately explains that a full-on temporal crisis has begun throwing people, places, and objects from other timelines (including the primary universe, the mirror universe and the "warship universe") into this one.

Star Trek Timelines lets players recruit characters from all eras of the Star Trek TV series, including Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, plus the Original Series and Next Generation movies. Players take on the role of captain, in command of their first starship (a Constellation-class starship, just like Jean-Luc Picard's first command.) Soon, players must recruit crew and build starships from across the timelines in order to aid Q by sending crew on away missions, engaging in starship battles, and completing main missions to progress the story and choose which game factions take further control of a galaxy in chaos.

Away missions[]

One of the primary ways to progress in the game (including Starship Battles) an Away Mission is when the player sends a team of three characters out to complete a challenge. Each step of an Away Mission will require a character with the appropriate skill level and proficiency: diplomatic, scientific, medical, engineering, security, and command.[2] Certain characters will even be able to unlock special steps on an Away Mission for rare rewards. Each Away Mission has three levels of difficulty: normal, elite, and epic.[3]

Starship battles[]

Described as, "real-time conflicts between two starships and their respective crew."[3] Before a starship battle, the player assigns 1-5 characters to a starship's battle station. Each character, when placed in a battle station, is able to temporarily increase the output of a ship. Currently, this is represented by three core stats: Damage, Accuracy, and Evasion.


Officially announced in April 2014[4], Star Trek Timelines is a 3D/2D game built in Unity 5. Its first live demo was at PAX East 2015[5], and the first playable tutorial experience was later debuted at Star Trek Las Vegas 2015[6].

Story and setting[]

Set after the events of Star Trek Nemesis and Star Trek: Voyager's series finale, Star Trek Timelines begins as the player captains their first starship command to investigate an unknown temporal anomaly.

Upon arriving at the anomaly, the player meets Q, who immediately explains that a full-on temporal anomaly crisis has begun throwing people, places, and objects from other timelines (including the mirror universe) into this one.


As a licensed CBS product, Star Trek Timelines contains many examples and references to characters, starships, organizations, and even specific episodes within the Star Trek universe.


See Star Trek Timelines characters.

Starships and vehicles[]

Bird of Prey • Borg Cube • Borg Sphere • Borg Sphere 878 • HMS Bounty • USS Cairo • USS Chavez • USS Defiant (NCC-1764) • USS Defiant (NCC-75633-C) • ISS Defiant • Defiant-class • D'kora • USS Eagle • ISS Enterprise (NX-01) • Enterprise (NX-01) • ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) • USS Exeter (NCC-26531) • Constellation-class • Constitution-class • Galaxy-class • Galor-class • USS Hadley • IKS Hegh'ta • Hirogen Hunter Ship • Hirogen Warship • Intrepid-class • Maquis raider • CDS Prakesh • USS Relativity • Scimitar • USS Shawnee • USS Shenzhou (NCC-1227) • USS Equinox (NCC-72381) • ISS Defiant • ISS Avenger • Terran Empire Constellation • USS Renegade • USS Defiant • Sarcophagus • USS Enterprise • NCC-71099 • SS Botany Bay • SS Xhosa • IGS Kumari • IKS Klothos • Ni'Var • Charon • ISS Discovery • USS Stargazer (NCC-2893) • IKS T'Ong • Val Jean • USS Voyager • USS Yamato • USS Reliant • USS Repulse • Delta Flyer • Groumall • USS Discovery • Worf's bird-of-prey • Alexander's bird-of-prey

Races and cultures[]

Acamarian • Aenar • Allasomorph • Andorian • android • Angosian • Antedean • Ardra's species • Argelian • Arkonian • Augment • Aurelian • Automated Personnel Unit • Bajoran • Ba'ku • Barzan • Ba'ul • Beings • Benzite • Beta Annari • Betazoid • Betelgeusian • Bolian • Borg • Breen • Brunali • Bynar • Caitian • Capellan • Cardassian • Chameloid • Changeling • Deltan • Denobulan • Devore • Dinaali • Doopler • Dosi • Douwd • Dramen • Dream species • Edosian • Efrosian • El-Aurian • Elaysian • Excalbian • Exocomp • Fennim's species • Ferengi • Gideonite • Gorn • Grathon Tolar's species • Haliian • Hirogen • hologram • Homn's species • Horta • Human • Ikaaran • Illyrian • Iotian • JahSepp • Jem'Hadar • J'naii • Kaelon • Kago-Darr's species • Kantare • Kazon • Kelis' species • Kellerun • Kelpien • Klaestron • Klingon • Kobali • Kraylor • Krenim • Kriosian • Ktarian • Kukulkan's species • Kurros' species • Kwejian • Kyrian • Kzinti • Lanthanite • Linnik • Loque'eque • Lurian • M-113 creature • Malon • Megan • Metron • Migleemo's species • Mylean • Mysstren • Nacene • Na'kuhl • Nasat • Nausicaan • Neuralese • Nyrian • Ocampa • Okona's species • Orion • Pahvan • Pakled • Palor Toff's species • Pandronian • Penk's species • Progenitor • Prophets • Q (species) • Rakhari • Ramatin • Reman • Risian • Romulan • R'ongovian • Saowin's species • Sarpeid • Saurian • Scalosian • Serilian • Shroomies • Sikarian • Skorr • Son'a • Sord's species • Species 8472 • Sphere Builder • Suliban • Tahal-Isut • Talarian • Talaxian • Talosian • Tamarian • Tandaran • Tanugan • Tardigrade • Tarellian • Taresian • Tarquin's species • Tash's species • Tau's species • Tellarite • Terrellian • Tholian • Tosk • Tkon • Trill • Vedala • Vidiian • Vorta • Voth • Vulcan • Wadi • Xahean • Xindi-Aquatic • Xindi-Arboreal • Xindi-Insectoid • Xindi-Primate • Xindi-Reptilian • Yaderan • Yridian • Zahl • Zibalian • Zobral's species
Referenced only
Akritirian • Antican • Ardanan (Troglyte) • Briori • Cytherian • Debrune • Devore • Iconian • Karemma • Kiley • Kreetassan • Lissepian • Minosian • Ornaran • Overlooker • Paradan • Qomar • Rigelian • Sakari • Sikarian • Taranko • Tarellian • Ullian • Ventaxian • Vissian • Xindi-Avian


Cold Station 12 • Vulcan • Genesis system (Genesis Planet • Regula I • Regula) • Deep Space 9 • Spacedock • Earth • Qo'noS system (Qo'noS • K'Thar • K'lai Klinzhai) • Trill system (Trill • Trillius Prime) • Ceti Alpha system (Ceti Alpha V • Ceti Alpha VI) • P'Jem • Bajor • Quirinus system • Alpha Onias I • K'lai Klinzhai • Valo system (Valo II) • Dopteria • Cytheria • Delta Quadrant • Omicron Theta • Neutral Zone • Denobula Triaxia system (Denobula Triaxa A • Denobula) • Cor Caroli system (Cor Caroli II • Cor Caroli V) • Ventarus Idrilon system (Ventarus Idrilon I) • Terra Nova system (Terra Nova, Eta Cassiopeia, Algus) • Pollux system (Pollux IV) • Xindus system (Xindus) • Cardassian system (Cardassia IV • Cardassia Prime) • Amleth system (Loval) • Badlands (Athos IV) • Bajor system (Bajor) • Nimbus • N'Vak system (N'Vak) • galaxy • Taranko colony • Hekaran Corridor • Loque'eque System • Faction center

Other references[]

Maquis • Isthmian Games • Enervation web • molybdenum • Positronic brain • Kot'baval • CMO • LCARS • neural net • Moogie • Jal • Ferengi Traditionalists • black hole • resonant graviton beam • matter flux • Iconian gateway • Debrune • Tal'Shiar • DNA • Grand Nagus • Klingon High Council • time portal • Romulan War • Starbase 12 • Starbase 24 • Class H planet • Class K planet • Class Y "demon" planet • Gaia Station • Third • ensign • captain • command wrap • lieutenant • Technician • desert • commander • judge • general • clone • KDF • Nexus • empress • tailor • sniper • security chief • constable • commando • prisoner • Vedek • Tantalus Field • Terran Empire • Agony Booth • Casanova • away team • Ferengi Alliance • latinum • agonizer • admiral • holodeck • warp core • warp core breach



Character images[]

Character figures[]

Starships and vehicles[]

Starship profiles[]



External links[]
