Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Valo II was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, the second planet in orbit of the Valo star system.

History and specifics[]

The planet became home to several Bajoran refugees who fled during the Occupation of Bajor. The USS Enterprise-D journeyed to Valo II to speak with its leader Keeve Falor about the threat of Orta's attack on the Federation colony of Solarion IV. (TNG episode: "Ensign Ro")



Planets visited by the USS Enterprise-D
2364 Earth • Deneb IV • Archaria III • Ligon II • Styris IV • Omicron Theta • Gamma Tauri IV • Delphi Ardu IV • Peacekeepers' World • Parliament • Rubicun III • Quadra Sigma III • Haven • Torona IV • Angel I • Starbase 74 planet • Bynaus • Tigan VII • Syntagus Theluv • Tarod IX • Faltos • Persephone V • Mordan IV • Aldea • Velara III • Relva VII • Minos • Brentis VI • Treva • Vagra II • Ornara • Brekka • Vandor IV • Sarona VIII • Dytallix B
2365 'aucdet IX • Tenara • Epsilon Miranda V • DQN 1196 • Raimon • Feeniks-Denn IV • Himalias V • Thiopa • Gravesworld • Ramatis III • Solais V • Gagarin IV • Elysia • Iconia • Theta 116 VIII • Pacifica • Bringloid V • Mariposa • Drema IV • Yuri • Surata IV
2366 Kavis Alpha IV • Tau Cygna V • Galorndon Core • Acamar III • Orelious IX • Bre'el IV • Cassiopeia Delta VII • Archer IV • Betazed • Vulcan • Rutia IV • Cawley IV • Grindelwald • Jouret IV
2367 Saturn • Earth • Ogus II • Terlina III • Daa'V • Turkana IV • Qo'noS • Alpha Onias III • Domarus IV • Alpha Hydros V • Beta Hydros IV • Lanatos • Gamelan V • Lambda Paz • Adelphous IV • Modala • Ventax II • Harrakis V • Evadne IV • Malcor III • Koorn • Tarchannen III • Cytheria • Tagus III • Torgu-Va • Kaelon II • Peliar Zel • Torona IV • Krios Prime • Qo'noS
2368 Qo'noS • El-Adrel IV • Valo I • Valo II • Qualor II • Vulcan • Galorndon Core • Hermeticus II • Phaedra • Votar VII • Sindar • J'naii • Naia VII • Delta IV • Cogen V • Tau Lee • Tessen III • Rajatha Prime • Earth
2369 Frigis • Hobson Delta II • Bajor • Eloh • Riat • Dyson Sphere • Tagra IV • Deinonychus VII • Epictetus III • Tyrus VII-A • Farisi • Mardion III • Earth • Megara • Capulon IV • Detria II • Detria VI • Lisarion • Arkaria • Buran • Iomides • Bersallis III • Ruah IV • Indri VIII • Loren III • Vilmor II • Ne'elat • Beta Maradi VII • Aklar • Eloh • Nervala IV • Velex • Ohniaka III
2370 Terellian crashsite world • Marijne VII • N'trahn • Dessica II • Barradas III • Calder II • Vulcan • Kesprytt III • Enoch VII • Dyson Sphere • Hera • Atrea IV • Vacca VI • Dorvan V • Hera • Krantin • Syng II • Earth
2371 Sindikash • Thanet • Ntignano • Akavan III • Damiano • Veridian III
2401–2402 Athan Prime • Jupiter


External link[]
