Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Liana was a 22nd century Kantare woman, the daughter of Ezral and Maya born circa the 2120s decade.


Liana's father was chief engineer of a Kantare starship that encountered an ion storm in the year 2129. Ezral abandoned his post to save Liana when the starship fell into a collision course with a planet, blaming himself for not assisting with the desperate repair efforts.

On the planet, Ezral created a holographic crew for their companionship in 2131 since all the other Kantare aboard had perished.

In 2151, Charles Tucker III introduced Liana to Rocky Road ice cream while she toured the Enterprise, explaining that it was flavored with chocolate and incorporates nuts and marshmallows. He left her with a protein resequencer capable of producing five flavors of ice cream, including Rocky Road. (ENT episode: "Oasis")


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