Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Brunali were an agricultural species native to the Delta Quadrant. Their homeworld was located at the mouth of a Borg transwarp conduit. (VOY episode: "Child's Play")


The Brunali were physically similar to many other humanoids, though the greatest distinction was the facial ridge that bisected the forehead. It is unknown as to whether the Brunali possessed any other features on their bodies. (VOY episode: "Collective")


The Brunali were an advanced, space-faring civilization. However, due to the nearby transwarp conduit, the Brunali suffered devastating attacks from the Borg Collective. In order to prevent further Borg attacks, the surviving Brunali, having fled to enclaves on the northern continent, chose to return to a technologically-low society; any technology they've used since that time has been kept hidden, in the hopes that it would disinterest passing Borg ships. (VOY episode: "Child's Play")

Prior to 2376, the Brunali hoped to further disinterest the Collective by making use of their knowledge of genetics. Genetically engineering a child with an anti-Borg pathogen, the Brunali sent the child, aboard a small ship, to the entrance of the transwarp conduit. (VOY episode: "Child's Play")

When USS Voyager, a Starfleet ship from the Alpha Quadrant, visited their world in 2376, it was revealed to the Brunali that the children had survived and had been liberated from the Collective. (VOY episode: "Child's Play")

Food and drink[]

Known individuals[]

  • Icheb
  • Leucon
  • Mala
  • Remi
  • Yifay
  • Yivel



Delta Quadrant races and cultures
Aakteian • Akritirian • Aksani • Alkian • Alsuran • Ankari • Annari • Antarian • Argala • Arrithean • Artilotian • Ba'neth • Banean • Bara Plenum • Bavadian • Benkaran • Benthan • Berm • B'omar • Boray • Borg • Botha • Bourget • Brenari • Briori • Brunali • Caatati • Cambrog • Casciron • Chessu • Children of the Storm • Cravic • Cytoplasmic pseudo-parasite • Devore • Dinaali • Djinari • Drakina Forest dweller • Dralian • Drayan • Dream species • Dresh • Druoda • Enaran • Entaban • Entharan • Etanian • Fantome's species • Farn • Finorian • Fradduus • Garan • Garenor • Gh'rrrvn • Gorenye • Greech • Haakonian • Harkonian • Hazari • Hirogen • Ilari • Ilidarian • Imhotep • Indign • Iscoy • Jelinian • Kadi • Karlon • Kartelan • Kazon • Kesat • Kinbori • Kindir • Kmada • Kobali • Kohl • Kolaati • Kolhari • Komar • Kradin • Kraylor • Krenim • Kyrian • Ledosian • Leodt • Lokirrim • Lyridian • Makull's species • Maldorian • Malkoth • Malon • Mari • Markonian • Mawasi • Mikhal Traveler • Mislenite • Mogholixian • Mokra • Mondasian • Monean • Morphinian • Motali • Mylean • N'Kree • Nasari • Nassordin • Nechani • Neyser • Nezu • Night Alien • Nihydron • Nijian • Norcadian • Numiri • Nuu'Bari • Nygean • Nyrian • Ocampa • Octanti • Omian • Ovion • Parein • Pathon • Peliorine • Pendari • Pensarkan • Ponea • Porcion • Pralor • Pyrinthian • Qomar • Quarren • Rakosan • Ram Izad • Ramuran • Rectilian • Reptohumanoid • Rewadian • Rhombolian • Ridion • Rilnar • Sakari • Serosian • Sha'Kurian • Shivolian • Sikarian • Silver Blood • Skedan • Skeen • Sky Spirit • Species 116 • Species 125 • Species 149 • Species 259 • Species 262 • Species 263 • Species 312 • Species 571 • Species 5174 • Species 5973 • Species 10026 • Srivani • Swarm • Tabric • Tahal-Isut • Tak Tak • Takarian • Takrit • Talaxian • Taresian • Tarkan • Tarkannan • Tauma • Telsian • Terkellian • Terrellian • Tokath • Trabe • Trevin • Turei • Uxali • Vaadwaur • Varro • Vaskan • Vashnar • Vau N'Akat • Ventu • Vidiian • Vohrsoth • Vojean • Vok'sha • Vori • Vostigye • Voth • Wyngari • Wysanti • Xanno • Yallitian • Yawkin • Yax • Yudoo • Zahl • Zolian • unnamed Delta Quadrant races and cultures the galaxy's Delta Quadrant icon image.


External link[]
