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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Bajor (mirror).

Bajor was a planet that was the homeworld of the Bajoran people and capital planet of the Third Republic of Bajor.

History and specifics[]


Throughout much of the 24th century it was occupied by the Cardassian Union. Following Cardassian withdrawal in 2369, the planet became affiliated with the United Federation of Planets, eventually becoming a member world.

It was a class M planet, the seventh planet in orbit of the Bajoran star system in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, located near the Bajoran wormhole and the Denorios Belt. Its capital city was Ashalla. (DS9 novel: Twilight)

Bajor had at least five moons, including Endalla, the innermost moon, followed by Derna, Penraddo, Jeraddo and the outermost moon Baraddo. (DS9 episodes: "Progress", "Image in the Sand"; DS9 novel: The Fall of Terok Nor)

Unlike the planet Earth, Bajoran days last 26 hours. (TOS novel: Captain's Peril)

Sometimes the planet was referred to by the name Bajora. (TNG comic: "Bridges")


"The Land and the People are One."
—Ancient Bajoran proverb. (DS9 episode: "The Storyteller")

The Bajoran archaeological record dated back to about 28,000 B.C. (TNG novel: The Buried Age)

In the 15th century, Bajor's level of technology was analogous to that of Earth in the 23rd century. (TTN novel: Sword of Damocles)

Bajor had at least one extrasolar colony, Pillagra, which ultimately made first contact with the Federation (in the form of Captain James T. Kirk's USS Enterprise) in 2270. (TOS novel: Allegiance in Exile)

First official contact with the Cardassian Union took place in 2318, although a small number of traders, such as Kubus Oak were already well known to them. Soon after, many members of the Oralian Way moved to Bajor to seek refuge from the Cardassian Central Command. Over the next decade however, the Central Command's presence and influence on Bajor increased to the point that by 2328, they had become an invasive force, and had occupied the planet as an annexed world of the Union. (DS9 novel: Day of the Vipers)

Shortly after the Cardassian withdrawal, the Bajoran Provisional Government petitioned the United Federation of Planets for relief efforts. The Cardassian mining station, Terok Nor, was placed into the custodianship of Starfleet, who renamed the station Deep Space 9. (DS9 episode: "Emissary")

Agrobiology camps were set up on Bajor in the years following the Cardassian withdrawal, in order to help the Bajorans learn how to live off their ravaged planet, with the goal of making the world as fertile as it was before the environmental damage of the Cardassian mining operations. In late 2371 a Federation agrobiology camp on Bajor was the scene of a dramatic showdown when a secret Obsidian Order strike team landed nearby in order to recover a temporal disruptor that was sealed in a nearby mine. The chroniton subatomic particle flux from the released temporal device caused ripples in time that caused several alternate timelines to form, as well as a massive radiation release that caused sickness across the camp. (DS9 comic: "No Time Like the Present")

Bajor was the center of events during the Dominion War (2373-2375) due to its proximity to the Bajoran wormhole, the Dominion's only pipeline for troops and material.

The Bajoran sector was temporarily occupied by the forces of the Dominion and Cardassia in the years 2373 and 2374 but Bajor itself was left alone due to the nonaggression pact with the Dominion. (DS9 episode: "Call to Arms"

The treaty ending the war with the Dominion was signed in Bajoran space, on station Deep Space 9, in late 2375. (DS9 episode: "What You Leave Behind")

Soon after, Benjamin Sisko, the Emissary of the Prophets, stopped Skrain Dukat and Winn Adami from releasing the Pah-wraith and destroying Bajor. (DS9 episode: "What You Leave Behind")

Alternate realities[]

First Splinter timeline[]

In the First Splinter timeline, Bajor joined the United Federation of Planets on 29 September, 2376. (DS9 novel: Unity)

In 2377, Bajor was threatened with destruction by the Ascendants. An Isolytic subspace weapon was detonated near the moon Endalla, destroying the Ascendant fleet and saving the planet. (DS9 novel: Ascendance)

During the Borg Invasion of 2381, there were concerns the Borg would target Bajor; however, no such attack took place, and Bajor was left alone. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls)

Other alternate realities[]

In an alternate timeline in which Captain Sisko became trapped in a subspace field in 2372, Bajor took the Emissary's apparent death as a sign from the Prophets that the Federation would be unable to protect the Bajoran people from the Klingon Empire. Consequently, the Bajoran government entered into a mutual defence pact with the Cardassian Union in 2373. (DS9 episode: "The Visitor")

In an alternate reality, Bajor had overthrown the Cardassian Union prior to 2370 and became increasingly aggressive towards the Federation. (TNG episode: "Parallels")

In another alternate reality, the Klingon Empire had conquered most of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants prior to 2380. Once the conquest of Bajor was complete, it planned to invade the Gamma Quadrant through the wormhole. (TNG novel: Q & A)

In addition to its normal parallel universe versions, Bajor also had a counterpart in the antimatter universe. When Benjamin Sisko, now one of the Prophets, used his abilities to free both counterparts of the scientist Lazarus from their eternal combat, the positive matter Lazarus was deposited on matter-Bajor, and the antimatter Lazarus was placed on the antimatter universe's version of the planet. (TOS - Strange New Worlds 10 short story: "Reborn")


Bajor surface map

Planet image.


Berenthar Province • Dahkur Province • Ducrain Province • Hedrikspool Province • Hill Province • Janitza Province • Kendra Province • Lotha Province • Musilla Province • Rakantha Province • Tozhat Province • Wyntara Mas Province


Bajoran arctic • Cliffs of Undalar • Dahkur Hills • Fire Caves • Janitza Mountains • Kaladrys Valley • Kendra Valley • Kola Mountain • Northwest peninsula • Okana Desert • Perikian Peninsula • Ratosha Pass • Sahving Valley • Southern islands • Tanis Canyon • Trilar Peninsula • Yadozi Desert


Ashalla • Bennikar • B'hala • Ilvia • Jabelon • Jalanda • Joradell • Kran-Tobal • Lacroya • Sakelo City • Sidau • Singha



Bodies of water[]

Elestan River • Glyrhond River • Holana River • Korvale Ocean • Senha River • Yolja River • Valor Ocean

Points of interest[]

Akorem Laan Museum • Bajoran Institute of Science • Bajoran Military Academy • Barodeem • Calash Monastery • Calash retreat • Central Archives • Dakeen Monastery • Elemspur Detention Facility • The Emissary River House • Fort Tendro • Heavenward Prayer Spaceport • Jalanda Forum • Kenda Shrine • Kiessa Monastery • Monastery Fortress of Kai-tona • Nirvat Sanctuary • Palace of the Akorem • Parek Tonn • Paths of the Lost • Qui'al Dam • Retollan Monastery • Temple of Iponu • Shikina Monastery • Temple of the Prophets • Tozhat resettlement center • Vanadwan Monastery • Whispering Hall

Natural history[]




Barrowbug • Carnivorous rastipod • Hara cat • Hyurin • Kata-bunny • Krutu • Rakonian swamp rat • Tokka • Two-headed Malgorian • verdanis



Bajor system
orbital landmarks (planets, planetoids, moons & asteroids): B'hava'el (primary) • Bajor I • Bajor II • Bajor III • Bajor IV • Bajor V • Bajor VI • VII. Bajor (Baraddo/The Prodigal • Derna • Endalla • Jeraddo • Ostratus • Penraddo) • Cajara (Empok Nor) • Denorios Belt (Bajoran wormhole • Construction support station 173 • Deep Space 9 • Deep Space 9 (II)) • VIII. Andros (2 moons) • Bajor IX • Bajor X • XI. Ba'Syladon (Syladdo • 3 other moons) • Bajor XII • Bajor XIII • Bajor XIV • Tiljara (Comet Alpha) Seal of the United Federation of Planets.
Planets visited by the USS Enterprise-D
2364 Earth • Deneb IV • Archaria III • Ligon II • Styris IV • Omicron Theta • Gamma Tauri IV • Delphi Ardu IV • Peacekeepers' World • Parliament • Rubicun III • Quadra Sigma III • Haven • Torona IV • Angel I • Starbase 74 planet • Bynaus • Tigan VII • Syntagus Theluv • Tarod IX • Faltos • Persephone V • Mordan IV • Aldea • Velara III • Relva VII • Minos • Brentis VI • Treva • Vagra II • Ornara • Brekka • Vandor IV • Sarona VIII • Dytallix B
2365 'aucdet IX • Tenara • Epsilon Miranda V • DQN 1196 • Raimon • Feeniks-Denn IV • Himalias V • Thiopa • Gravesworld • Ramatis III • Solais V • Gagarin IV • Elysia • Iconia • Theta 116 VIII • Pacifica • Bringloid V • Mariposa • Drema IV • Yuri • Surata IV
2366 Kavis Alpha IV • Tau Cygna V • Galorndon Core • Acamar III • Orelious IX • Bre'el IV • Cassiopeia Delta VII • Archer IV • Betazed • Vulcan • Rutia IV • Cawley IV • Grindelwald • Jouret IV
2367 Saturn • Earth • Ogus II • Terlina III • Daa'V • Turkana IV • Qo'noS • Alpha Onias III • Domarus IV • Alpha Hydros V • Beta Hydros IV • Lanatos • Gamelan V • Lambda Paz • Adelphous IV • Modala • Ventax II • Harrakis V • Evadne IV • Malcor III • Koorn • Tarchannen III • Cytheria • Tagus III • Torgu-Va • Kaelon II • Peliar Zel • Torona IV • Krios Prime • Qo'noS
2368 Qo'noS • El-Adrel IV • Valo I • Valo II • Qualor II • Vulcan • Galorndon Core • Hermeticus II • Phaedra • Votar VII • Sindar • J'naii • Naia VII • Delta IV • Cogen V • Tau Lee • Tessen III • Rajatha Prime • Earth
2369 Frigis • Hobson Delta II • Bajor • Eloh • Riat • Dyson Sphere • Tagra IV • Deinonychus VII • Epictetus III • Tyrus VII-A • Farisi • Mardion III • Earth • Megara • Capulon IV • Detria II • Detria VI • Lisarion • Arkaria • Buran • Iomides • Bersallis III • Ruah IV • Indri VIII • Loren III • Vilmor II • Ne'elat • Beta Maradi VII • Aklar • Eloh • Nervala IV • Velex • Ohniaka III
2370 Terellian crashsite world • Marijne VII • N'trahn • Dessica II • Barradas III • Calder II • Vulcan • Kesprytt III • Enoch VII • Dyson Sphere • Hera • Atrea IV • Vacca VI • Dorvan V • Hera • Krantin • Syng II • Earth
2371 Sindikash • Thanet • Ntignano • Akavan III • Damiano • Veridian III
2401–2402 Athan Prime • Jupiter
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Earth • Elamin IX • Algenib II • Salva IV • Chiaros IV • Kendaray • Denobula • Galor IV • Gornar • Betazed • Raknal V • Ba'ku • Halka • Primus IV • Gemworld • TaD • Blossom IV • Terra Galan • Bajor • Narendra III • Pelleus V • Solosos III • Davlos VI • Cygnet IV • Myrmidon • Tezwa • Kolarus III • Romulus • Tolochon II • Dokalaan homeworld • Dokaalan colony • Carrea • Delta Sigma IV • Gorsach IX • Trophy World • Ramatis III • Fromander IV • Vulcan

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
