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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

This article is about the 23rd century officer. You may be looking for the commanding officer of the USS Kirk in the 25th century, Thelin (captain).

Thelin th'Valrass was a half-Andorian/half-Aenar thaan who served in Starfleet in the 23rd century. (TAS episode: "Yesteryear"; TOS novels: The Fire and the Rose, The Chimes at Midnight, The Tears of Eridanus)


Thelin's zhavey was a blind Aenar, and practically raised him on her own. (TOS - Myriad Universes - Echoes and Refractions novel: The Chimes at Midnight)

Commander Thelin served as second-in-command of the USS Ticonderoga. One year after his posting, he was killed in an avalanche during a survey of an unexplored planet. (TOS novel: The Fire and the Rose)

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline created by the death of Spock in 2237, Thelin became first officer aboard the USS Enterprise in 2264, and continued to serve in that capacity until 2269, when he resigned from Starfleet and joined the Andorian Science Institute. (TAS episode: "Yesteryear"; TOS - Myriad Universes novel: The Chimes at Midnight)

In 2274, Thelin was engaged to Thali sh'Dani but the Eveste Elders would not allow them to mate so they broke up. Due to the trauma of this event, Thelin decided to rejoin Starfleet. He was subsequently promoted to captain and given command of the Enterprise at some point before engaging Khan Noonien Singh.

Thelin was present at the destruction of the Enterprise by Commander Kruge in 2285 and the ravaging of Earth by the Cetacean Probe in 2286. He also led the attempt to reclaim Earth's atmosphere aboard the USS Copernicus, but was stopped when the Klingons invaded Earth.

In the ensuing war, Thelin was promoted to admiral and led forces in combat, including a successful campaign in the Archanis sector. He was then chosen to take the IKS Katai, a Klingon bird-of-prey which Thelin had captured, and deploy the Genesis Device on Praxis, ending the war. After this action, Thelin was considered a war criminal by the Klingons and was voluntarily extradited to the Klingon Empire for trial to maintain the new, fragile peace. (TOS - Myriad Universes novel: The Chimes at Midnight)

In a reality where Vulcans remained a violent and emotional species, Thelin th'Valrass served in the Interstellar Guard as commanding officer of the IUES Kumari II. Commander Thelin and his first officer, Hikaru Sulu, had a rather antagonistic relationship, until Thelin was killed when a Klingon terrorist detonated a bomb on Thelin's ship and Sulu became commander of the Kumari. It was also mentioned that Thelin served as the Kumari's first executive officer under Commander Lamia until her promotion to general officer rank. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: The Tears of Eridanus)

Commander Thelin

Commander Thelin.

In an alternate timeline beset by the temporal anomaly crisis, Commander th'Valrass was pulled into the late 24th century. Around the year 2380, different timelines were interwoven, and Thelin rejoined Starfleet to help Q resolve the temporal anomaly crisis. Thelin's skills qualified him as a tactician and explorer. He was also skilled in the fields of command, security and science. Among the equipment he brought to bear in missions were his tricorder, an isolinear rod and a writing PADD. (ST video game: Timelines February 2018 event: "Ghosts of the Past")



Commanding officers of the ships Enterprise
Enterprise (sloop-of-war) Dickenson USA flag
HMS Enterprise Carnegie Flag of the British Empire.
USS Enterprise (schooner) Decatur • Burrows USA flag
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Hardison
Enterprise (OV-101) Haise
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) Roper
Enterprise (NX-01) Archer Enterprise assignment patch.
Enterprise (NX-01) (alternate timelines) Archer • T'Pol • Tucker • Lorian
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Rasmussen • April • Pike • Vlasidovich • Kirk • Zarlo • Hensham • Decker • Spock USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701's predecessor) (Kelvin timeline) April • Marcus Assignment badge.
USS Enterprise (Kelvin timeline) Pike • Spock • Kirk
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (other alternate realities) Kirk • Kirk • Pike • Thelin • Spock • Hoffman • Mitchell
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Kirk • Spock • Sulu Assignment badge.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) (alternate realities) Pike
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Harriman • George • Rendón • Sulu • Johnson
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Garrett • Castillo
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Picard • Riker • Jellico Badge image.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (alternate realities) Picard • Crusher • Halloway • Riker
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Bateson • Picard • Riker • Data Badge image.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (alternate realities) Picard • Halloway • Riker • Data • Jellico • Crusher • Worf
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) Shon Badge image.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) (alternate realities) Picard • Riker • Data • Shon
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) Seven of Nine
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) Dax Badge image.
ISS Enterprise (NX-01) Forrest • Archer Emblem of the Terran Empire.
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) April • Franz • Pike • Kirk • Spock • Decker • Riley • Saavik
ISS Enterprise (ICC-1701) (Kelvin timeline) Spock
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Pavel Chekov
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Jean-Luc Picard
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Jean-Luc Picard
Free Starship Enterprise Jean-Luc Picard
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) Leeta
First officers of the starships Enterprise
Enterprise (NX-01) Tucker • T'Pol Enterprise assignment patch.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Kirk • Shundresh • Simon • Pike • Number One • Spock • Decker • Sulu USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (alternate reality) Spock • Kirk 2250s alt cmd badge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (other alternate realities) Thelin • Kirk • Gav USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Sulu • Spock Starfleet 2280s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Dane • Sulu • Linojj
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Carmona • Holmes • al-Halak • Tholav
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Riker • Kurn • Stone • Shelby • Data Starfleet 2360s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (alternate realities) Picard • Riker • Worf • La Forge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Riker • Data • Madden • Worf Starfleet 2370s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (alternate realities) Riker • Picard • Data • Madden • Ro
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) (STO alternate reality) Winters STO alt cmd badge
ISS Enterprise (NX-01) Archer • T'Pol Emblem of the Terran Empire.
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Number One • Kirk • Spock • Scott • Decker • Riley • Saavik • Xon
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Riker
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Riker • Lore
Free Starship Enterprise K'Ehleyr

External links[]
