Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Kirsten.
See Clancy for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Kirsten Clancy was a Human woman who was a Starfleet officer in the 24th century.


By the year 2381, Clancy held the rank of captain and, along with Jean-Luc Picard, was present during a meeting given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet, Admiral Victor Bordson. (PIC novel: The Last Best Hope)

By 2399, Clancy held the rank of fleet admiral and had ascended to the position of C-in-C herself. (PIC episode: "Maps & Legends")

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Starfleet Command personnel
22nd century Earth Starfleet R. Berman • G. Black • A. Bormanis • B. Braga • F. Decker • J.P. Farrell • M. Forrest • S. Gardner • M. Howard • A. Jacque-Metton • M. Jacque-Metton • P. Lauritson • D. Leonard • A. Stella • P. Strong • M. Sussman • D. Velazquez • S. Welke • M. Williams United Earth icon image. Earth Starfleet icon image.
Chinua Abute • Jonathan Archer • Samuel Gardner • Malcolm Reed • Marcus Williams Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image. Starfleet Command icon image.
23rd century April • Bennett • R.K. Berman • Buchinsky • Caflisch • Cartwright • Chung • Ciana • Comsol • E. Connolly • Damion • Dur Tahr • Fitzpatrick • Fogel-Malone • Griggs • Halloran • Handler • Harper • Hrokk • Jinz • Kadan • Kinski • Krasnovsky • Lindstrom • Mason • Mohamed • Morgan • Morrow • Lisa Nguyen • Nogura • Probert • Lu Sing Quaid • Ro • Roddenberry • Selok • Smillie • Sondergaard • Stav • Stilak • Tatanen • Tomlinson • van Leeuwenhook • Vindeilin • Voysey • Weems • Yaramoto
Kelvin timeline Richard Barnett • Nensi Chandra • James Komack • Mark Lenard • Gretchen Lui • Alexander Marcus • Christopher Pike • Alice Rawlings Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
24th century Aarniokoski • Aaron • Akaar • Anastas • Appel • Baiers • Batanides • Behr • Berg • R. Berman • Beyer • Bordson • Braga • Buenamigo • Chabon • Chekov • Clancy • Coburn • Connolly • Drexler • Eaves • Echevarria • Edrich • Falsetti • Gbowee • Goddard • Goldsman • Gregory • Janeway • Jefferies • Jellico • Joham • H. Kadin • Krause • Kurtzman • Landau • Lauritson • Livingston • Maggs • Massin • Matalas • Michelson • Monfette • R.D. Moore • Nechayev • Okuda • Okumura • Oster • Piller • Probert • G. Quinn • J. Quinn • Randall • E. Roddenberry • G. Roddenberry • Roth • Singh • Stapf • Sternbach • W. Stout • Tatosky • Toddman • Tretta • Whatley • H. Zimmerman • J. Zimmerman
First Splinter timeline Akaar • Batanides • Bordson • Hong • Janeway • Jellico • Nechayev • J. Quinn • Ventrice • Walter
25th century Herthel • Kathryn Janeway • Tuvok • Sally Whitley
32nd century Senna Tal • Charles Vance
Commanders-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets icon image. Chinua Abute • Voysey • Bull Buchinsky • Stephen Turner • John "Blackjack" Harriman • William Smillie • Androvar Drake • Margaret Sinclair-Alexander • Pavel Chekov • Taela Shanthi • Edward Jellico • Leonard James Akaar • Victor Bordson • Kirsten Clancy • Jorel Quinn • Charles Vance Seal of the Federation Starfleet icon image.

Appearances and references[]


