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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Pakleds (Borg designation: Species 95012) were a humanoid spacefaring race native to the mountainous Alpha Quadrant planet of Pakled. (Decipher RPG module: Aliens)

Society and culture[]

Pakleds were noted for their apparently underdeveloped verbal communication skills. However, they used this, as well as their simple-looking appearance, to deceive other races. They controlled an area of space that included the Kalla system. However, they appeared to be a largely nomadic culture, traveling between worlds in search of supplies and materials needed for their continued survival. (TNG episode: "Firstborn")

Pakled merchants are known to live in untidy and unclean conditions. (DS9 episode: "Prophet Motive")


Pakleds tend to be rather heavy-set. They have purplish blood. (TNG episode: "Samaritan Snare", DS9 episodes: "The Collaborator", "Bar Association", ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Die)


First contact between the Federation and Pakleds took place in the year 2365, when the USS Enterprise-D answered a distress signal from a Pakled transport, the Mondor. After effecting repairs to their ship, the Pakleds attempted to hold Enterprise chief engineer Geordi La Forge captive, but eventually released him after witnessing a demonstration by the Enterprise. (TNG episode: "Samaritan Snare")

In 2366, a Pakled trade ship rescued the android Lore, who had been drifting free in space for nearly two years following his attempted betrayal of the Enterprise crew. (TNG episode: "Brothers")

In late 2370, Pakleds shipped retro-viral vaccines across the Demilitarized Zone to the Cardassians. (TNG episode: "Preemptive Strike")

In late 2373, a Borg cube on a direct course for Sector 001 encountered the Mondor en route. The Borg Collective deemed the Pakleds unintelligent and considered it an inefficient use of resources to assimilate the freighter. However, they were later assimilated when the Borg needed extra reinforcements in their battle with Starfleet forces in Earth orbit. (TNG - Strange New Worlds 10 short story: "A Dish Served Cold")

There was a strong Pakled presence on Deep Space 9 in the 2370s decade. They would often frequent Quark's, the Klingon restaurant, and other establishments on the Promenade. (DS9 episodes: "The Collaborator", "Bar Association")

During 2378, the Pakleds were one of several races to attempt to scavenge the Rashanar Battle Site. One of their ships was warned to back off by the USS Enterprise-E. (ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Be Born)

By 2380, the Pakleds, constantly underestimated by the galaxy, had salvaged technology from over thirty different species, including the Dominion and the Borg, to the point that Mondor-class vessels could readily overpower a California-class ship. (LD episode: "No Small Parts")

The Klingon extremist Dorg subsequently took advantage of the Pakleds' new power, hoping to use them to weaken the Federation and leave them vulnerable to Klingon conquest. (LD episode: "wej Duj")

Hiding in the Kalla system, a Pakled ship destroyed the USS Solvang with the USS Cerritos nearly being destroyed by other Pakled crafts before they were saved by the USS Titan. Reflecting on these events, Captain Carol Freeman and Ensign Beckett Mariner believed that the Pakleds had been allowed to advance so much due to Starfleet's failure to keep a constant watch on potentially dangerous species. (LD episode: "No Small Parts")

Believing that the Pakleds were being backed by an unknown power, Starfleet Command assigned the Titan to monitor and frustrate the Pakleds' activities. (LD episode: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

The Cerritos was eventually sent to Pakled to negotiate a ceasefire. While there, Captain Freeman learnt of the Pakled plan to detonate a varuvian bomb on Earth. (LD episode: "The Spy Humongous")

When the promised bomb was delivered to the Clumpship Pakled, the crew tested the weapon, forcing them to call the Klingons for a new one. The radiation given off by the bomb was detected by the Cerritos and the Vulcan ship Sh'vhal who discovered Dorg's schemes. After Dorg was overthrown by Ma'ah, the new captain ordered the Klingons to retreat, the Pakleds following suit once both the Federation and Vulcan ships opened fire on them. (LD episode: "wej Duj")

A short time later, after first contact with the Lapeerians, Pakled Planet was destroyed by a varuvian bomb planted by the Klingon extremists. An investigation by Starfleet Command led them to believe that Captain Freeman was in league with the Klingons and she was promptly arrested. (LD episode: "First First Contact")

While the trial was going on, Starfleet carried out a secret investigation into the bombing led by Captain Morgan Bateson. Finding a data fabricator who altered footage to incriminate Captain Freeman, they pursued and captured the fabricator in the Romulan Neutral Zone. He was interrogated by Commander Tuvok and revealed the true identity of the bomber, the Pakleds themselves, who were hoping to frame Freeman for the attack and force the Federation to help them relocate to a new planet richer in resources. (LD episode: "Grounded")

By 2409, numerous Pakleds were serving in Starfleet. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

Individual Pakleds[]



External links[]
