Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ceti Alpha (also known as Menkar or Alpha Ceti) is a star with an associated star system of five planets and an extensive asteroid belt. Ceti Alpha is located in or near Federation space in the Beta Quadrant's Mutara sector, and is visible from Sol in the Cetus constellation.

In 2267, the USS Enterprise deposited Khan Noonien Singh and the survivors from the SS Botany Bay on Ceti Alpha V, following their attempt to seize control of the Enterprise. Although it was a lush planet that they could thrive upon, that all changed six months later when Ceti Alpha VI exploded and destroyed all terrain and animal life on Ceti Alpha V. (TOS episode & novelization: Space Seed; TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Wrath of Khan; ENT episode: "Twilight"; TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh)

Following Ceti Alpha VI's accidental destruction by a top secret research team on starbase 47-Vanguard, Starfleet forged new charts of the Ceti Alpha system to cover up their experiments, pretending that Ceti Alpha V was actually Ceti Alpha IV. (VAN novel: Storming Heaven)

In terms of spacelane access, Ceti Alpha was located in the general vicinity of Detria, Altair and Bolarus. (ST video game: Conquest)

Ceti Alpha was part of the battle map of Conquest. The novelization of The Wrath of Khan by Vonda N. McIntyre referred to the system as its real-life scientific name Alpha Ceti until the work was reprinted in Duty, Honor, Redemption in 2003. In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started.


  • Ceti Alpha (primary)


ST reference: Star Charts does not render Ceti Alpha in the real world location of Alpha Ceti. Instead the location is consistent with Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385 (lower-right) of Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library.


Stars, systems and objects of the Cetus constellation
13 Ceti • Ceti Alpha (Menkar) • Cetus system • Chi Ceti A • Deneb Kaitos (Beta-16 Ceti) • Gamma Ceti (Kaffaljidhma: Gamma Ceti I, Gamma Ceti I-A, Gamma Ceti I-B) • Epsilon Ceti (Risa) • Mu Ceti (Niburon) • NGC 321 (Eminiar: Eminiar VII • Vendikar) • NGC 994 (Aleriad • Azheril • Eruna) • Nimori Ceti • Omicron Ceti (Mira) • Sigma Ceti • Tau Ceti (Kaferia)
Gamma Orionis sector block
Bellatrix sector Bellatrix • Mutara Nebula • Vorn
Cestus sector Cestus system (Cestus III) • Hotep system
Galdonterre sector Alini system • Galdonterre system (Galdonterre) • Kessik system • Sibiran system
Mutara sector Ceti Alpha system • Mutara Nebula (Mutara system) • Noro system • Scalos system • TRD0720 system • Quadra Sigma system
Augments faction stars and star systems
primary universe temporal anomaly crisis Augments faction Ceti Alpha • Regula Augments faction icon image.
Kelvin timeline Augments faction Duraiana • Gealan • Ifrea-3 • Ilmatar • Kor Na Ron • Lydan • Olassa • Orda-877 • Paradane • Rainsford • Raddan • Rona Tan • Tera Lara • Terazon-X31 • Vellamo • Yarda Augments faction icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (C)
C-71 • C-111 • Caberhardt • Cada-X • Caerulum • Cain • Cairna • Calari • Calibus • Calidan • Caliph • Calka • Calthos • Calufrax • Calydon • Cambelian • Cambra • Cameron Vortex • Campor • Camus • Candela • Candelar • Candessa • Candida • Canton • Cantos • Cantrel • Cao • Caperna • Capulon • Careta • Carmara 712 • Carmol • Carmun • Carner • Carraya • Carrek • Carsiuk • Carxal • Casius • Casmus • Caspan • Caspan • Caspara • Cassandra • Cassia • Cassiopeia Delta • Castara • Castella • Castora • Castra • Castrola • Catra • Catulla • Catzara • Cawley • Cebrana • Celada • Celeth • Celos • Celsor • Cemesi • Centuri • Cephalus • Cephenes • Cepheus • Cerberus • Cerebus • Ceriun • Cerkek • Cerker • Cernen • Cernial • Cerral • Cersiun • Cersol • Certax Alpha • Cerzom • Cerzos • Ceti Ancites • Cetsa • Cetsuo's Folly • Cetus • Cevrinc • Chadric • Chaj Daq • Chala • Chalburna • Chandra • Chapin • Charbi • Charulh • Charybdis • Chavira • Chazron • Cheron VI • Chi Feronis • Chi Gorgoni • Chi Rho • Chi Scorpii • Chiara • Chiaros • Chibrex • Chimenor • Chiroth • ChIyt'Iyq • Cholmondeley • Chonon • Cho'por • Choren • Chorix • Chotegh ngIyev • Christofi • Chronian • Chronister • Chrysalis • Chryson • Chumbra • ChunI'Huq • Churchill • Cidasi • Cillers • Cintar • Circe • Cirok • Cita Laga • Cito • Claneia • Clara Nieve • Clarke's Abyss • Clarke's Star • Cleon • Clytomenes • Codis Alpha • Codis Beta • Codis Delta • Codis Epsilon • Codis Eta • Codis Gamma • Codis Iota • Codis Kappa • Codis Lambda • Codis Mu • Codis Nu • Codis Omicron • Codis Pi • Codis Theta • Codis Xi • Codis Zeta • Cogen • Colistarr • Colloda • Comar • Conira • Constina • Convora • Copernicus • Cor • Coram • Cordana • Cordera • Cordival • Corian • Corill • Corola • Cor'tek • Coros • Correk • Corsen • Corvidae • Cossina • Costara • Cotrok • Cromia • Cryblon • Crytokts • C'tinaia • Culun • Curalon • Cygni • Cygnia Miros • Cygni Ora • Cygnus • Cymkoe • Cymon • Cynur • Cyonis • Cyrus Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (C) Cait • Caldik • Capella • Capricorn Arday • Cardassia • Cebelrai • Celtris • Chara • Chi Herculis • Chin'toka • Clarus • Cor Caroli • Corwin • Cuellar • Cygnia Minor • Czar'ak Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (C) Calbriden • Calder • Caldos • Canis Minoris • Canopus • Carinae Delta • Castor • Cestus • Ceti • Ceti Alpha • Chaltok • Cheron systems: Cheron (83 Leonis) (Cheron A, Cheron B) • Cheron (Omicron Gruis) • Chi-1 Orionis • Chil'Ko • Chi'tan • CJ-884 • Chiron • Chiron Beta • Chort • Ciatella • Cimera • Cirini • Coridan • Corvus • Cursa • Cygnet Beta Quadrant icon image.

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