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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Athos.
Athos4 surface map

Map of Athos IV.

Athos IV is a planet in the Badlands, the fourth planet in the Athos system.

History and specifics[]

In 2263, the USS Palomar mapped the surface of Athos IV without approaching the planet through the use of long-range probes. In 2352, the planet was colonized by the SS Landfall. The colony ship established the Athos Settlement on the surface of the planet. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

Athos IV was once the home of a group called the Lake People. (TOS - Star Trek 10 novelization: The Galileo Seven)

In 2373, Michael Eddington and several survivors of the Maquis made Athos IV a fall back position after the Dominion began wiping out the group. The Maquis faked the launch of missiles and Benjamin Sisko approached Eddington for his help disarming them. Eddington led Sisko to Athos IV, where they rescued several survivors from the Jem'Hadar. (DS9 episode: "Blaze of Glory")

Alternate realities[]

Mirror universe[]

Athos IV is also a planet in the Badlands in the mirror universe.

After Terok Nor was destroyed by the Cardassians, General Miles O'Brien ordered the surviving Terran Rebellion forces to regroup at Athos IV. The planet had abandoned mines rich with fistrium, which Michael Eddington hoped would stop the Alliance from detecting the survivors. Worf was held on Athos IV at this time. (ST - Mirror Universe novel: Rise Like Lions)


External link[]
