Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Kukulkan was an ancient and long-lived lifeform who was the last of his species and had an impact on various ancient Earth cultures' beliefs and legends.


He has also been identified with the lore of Quetzalcoatl, as well as the legend of the Chinese dragon. Kukulkan's visit to Earth is manifested in history by legends of a winged serpent creature that came from the sky bringing knowledge. These records were available in the library computer of the USS Enterprise. Despite his imposing appearance, he was benevolent.

It was proven in the video game Star Trek: 25th Anniversary that Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl were two different individuals.

He visited Earth in the distant past, and was instrumental in the technological and architectural advances of the Egyptian, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations. He also taught them new techniques in art and agriculture. He hoped that they would combine this knowledge to complete Kukulkan's city so the civilizations could live in peace, and he would return to Earth. However, none of the civilizations built the city exactly as Kukulkan had designed.

Since then, he amassed a menagerie of animals aboard his starship that included a Capellan power cat.

In the year 2270, he sent a probe to scan Earth. The starship USS Enterprise tracked the probe's origin to his ship, where the crew encountered and were tested by him. (TAS episode & Log Six novelization: How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth)

In 2381, Kukulkan was among several threatening illusory manifestations projected by psychic mines near Federation Outpost 76 on Jengus IV. (LD episode: "Mining the Mind's Mines")

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline beset by the temporal anomaly crisis, Kukulkan was pulled into the late 24th century. Kukulkan's skills qualified him as an artist. He was also skilled in the fields of command, engineering, and security. Among the equipment he brought to bear in missions were his Capellan power cat and a dragon-head totem like the ones central to completing his cityscape test. (ST video game: Timelines)

The unofficial Concordance noted that Kukulkan gave the Mayan calendar to that culture, where he was considered god of the four natural elements and four points of the compass.



The mention of the Chinese and Maya cultures may indicate that Kukulkan's race visited Earth at least as early as 5000-1000 BC.

Appearances and references[]



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