Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Locator logo insignia showing the galaxy's Delta Quadrant.

The Delta Quadrant is one of the four quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy, and is home to many alien races and cultures, most notably the Borg Collective. (TNG episode: "The Price"; DS9 episode: "Q-Less", Star Trek: Voyager)

History and specifics[]

Delta Quadrant Map

Star map of the Delta Quadrant.

The members of the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant refer to the quadrant as the First Quadrant. (VOY novel: Acts of Contrition)


The Delta Quadrant comprises one quarter of the galaxy, with major extensions of several spiral arms making up its environs, including major portions of the 3 KPC, Norma and Crux Arms, as well as trailing sections of the Carina and Orion Arms and a small portion of the base of the Sagittarius Arm. (ST reference: Star Charts)


The Delta Quadrant represented an incredibly remote frontier to the Federation and other Alpha Quadrant races and cultures in the 23rd and 24th centuries. The romance of this concept led to a bar named after the Delta Quadrant in an alternate reality of the 2250s. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Delta Anomaly)

The first known Humans to explore the Delta Quadrant was the Hansen family in 2354, when they followed a Borg cube through a transwarp conduit. Unfortunately, Magnus and Erin Hansen could not bring back any data on the unexplored region, as they were assimilated in 2356. (VOY episode: "The Raven")

An expedition to explore the far side of the Barzan wormhole led a shuttlecraft commanded by Lieutenant Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge to the Delta Quadrant. However, the wormhole was expected to lead to the Gamma Quadrant and was found to be unstable. The two officers managed to return safely. (TNG episode: "The Price"; VOY episode: "False Profits")

In 2369, Q offered to take Vash to the Delta Quadrant if she continued her adventures with him. Vash declined the offer. (DS9 episode: "Q-Less")

In 2371, the Federation starship USS Equinox was catapulted to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker, a representative of the Nacene. Later that year, the Caretaker pulled the USS Voyager into the distant region. After becoming stranded, Voyager spent seven years travelling through the quadrant, before returning to the Earth in 2377. (VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker, VOY novelization: Equinox, VOY episode: "Endgame")

Due to limited expeditions into the distant quadrant, the Federation knew very little about it until 2374, when Voyager made contact with Starfleet. Since Voyager's return, the Federation's knowledge of the Delta Quadrant has increased considerably. (VOY episode: "Message in a Bottle"; VOY episode & novelization: Endgame)

Voyager was fitted with a quantum slipstream drive and assigned to Project Full Circle, a Starfleet expeditionary force sent to explore the Delta Quadrant. (VOY novel: Full Circle)

In 2568, when Prefect Tamar of the Kelvan Armada arrived in the Milky Way Galaxy to check on Rojan's advanced team, he expected them to have seized control of the most of the galaxy, and be advancing into the Delta Quadrant after 300 years. (TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Gone Native")

Kelvin timeline[]

In 2262 of the Kelvin timeline, the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk became stranded in the Delta Quadrant for a month. There, they encountered Eurydice of Hexel VII. She then brought the Enterprise to the Dark Market, where she gave them to the Market's Syndicate in exchange for her daughter. However, Kirk was able to escape and the Enterprise was able to return to the far edges of the Alpha Quadrant. (TOS - Eurydice comics: "Part 1", "Part 2", "Part 3")

Scientific phenomena[]

The Delta Quadrant houses a sector of space devoid of star systems for at least 2,500 light-years. The crew of the USS Voyager nicknamed this area of space the Void. As the ship journeyed through, they encountered a species native to the area known only to the Voyager crew as the Night Alien. (VOY episode: "Night")

Underspace was a vast network of subspace corridors which allowed traveling up to two-hundred light years possible within five minutes. It was said the corridor likely spread the entire Delta Quadrant. A ship could only access Underspace if the ship passing through had its warp field modulated at the correct frequency to interact with the corridor. (VOY episode: "Dragon's Teeth")

Kelemane's planet was a planet in the Delta Quadrant which contained a tachyon core, which generated a subspace particle field. Due to the generation of the particle field, the planet rotated 58 times a minute, translating to a day occurring every 1.03 seconds outside of the field. On the surface of the planet, the native species was unaware of these circumstances. (VOY episode: "Blink of an Eye")


Delta Quadrant sectors
Alsuran sector • Dalmine sector • Delta Quadrant sector block • Devore sector • Kotaba sector • Markonia sector • Podaris sector • Sector 3556 • Sector 3658 • Sector 41741 • Sector 41751 • Sector 41753 • Sikarian sector • Syllerran sector • Takara sector • Tekara sector block • Vaskan sector • Vyntadi sector block • Windu sector • Yontasa sector • unnamed sectors Delta Quadrant locator logo.

Stars and systems[]

See also: Category:Delta Quadrant stars and systems and Delta Quadrant stars and star systems
Delta Quadrant stars and star systems
Akritiri • Aksani • Al'yans • Apep • Arakis • Arehaz • Arbuk • Annari • Antaria • Argala • Arrithea • Avery • Banea • Ba'neth • Benkar • Benthos • Birsiba • Bora • Borg • Bremark • Briori • Brothra • Brunal • Burara • Chessu • Cravic • Dalmine • Darla • Demon's star • Denar • Devore • Dinaal • Donyx • Draanis • Dralia • Drayan • Drenar • Druoda • Enara • Entaba • Enthara • Feldersk • Farn • FGC-486237 • FGC-505183 • FGC-506930 • FGC-521407 • FGC-521443 • FGC-527205 • FGC-527609 • FGC-529006 • FGC-530007 • FGC-531672 • FGC-532636 • FGC-538960 • FGC-542081 • FGC-7861340 • Fima • Fina • Gand • Garan • Garenor • Gema • Giddis • Gree • Haakon • Hanon • Harkonia • Hazari • Hell • Hemikek • Heva • Hexel • Hodos • Hoone • Ilidaria • Imhotep • J-361 • J-356 • Jarleth • Jelinia • Jibalia • Jye • KMH-5 • Kadi • Kartella • Kassat • Keloda • Kelsid • Kendren • Kinbar • Kobali • Kolaati • Kolhari • Kotati • Kradin-Vori • Kraylor • Krenim • Kroida • Kyana • Lambda • La'voti • Ledos-Ventu • Legira • Lokirrim • Maldor • Malkothia • Malon • Mari • Markonia • Markov-Kalto • Mawasi • Mikah • Mislen • Mithren • Mokra • Mormo • Morphinia • Mylea • Nakan • Nal Shadaan • Nanipia • Nasari • Nassordin • Natori • Nechani • New Earth • Nihydron • Nocona's system • Norcadia • Norvala • Numiri • Nuu'Bar • Nygea • Nyria • Oblissa • Ocampa • Omega • Orendal • Oshionian • Parein • Paria • Pendari • Pensarka • Porakas • Potak • Praja • Pralor • Prema • Qomar • Quarra • Rakosa • Ram Izad • Ramura • Rectilia • Rekarr • Rewad • Rilnar • Rivos • Runara • Russan • Sakari • Salinia • Selek • Sar Este • Sardalia • Seros • Shivolia • Sikaris • Sobras • Sormana • Syllerran • Tak Tak • Takar • Talax • Tarakis • Taresia • Tarkania • Tarok • Tau • Tehara • Tekara • Telsius • Terrellia • Thesskira • Toffa • Toranius • Torat • Trabal • Trabe • Trakia • Turei • Ubea • Uxal • Vaadwaur • Velos • Vensiddia • Veruna • Vidiia • Vojean • Wyanti • Wyngar • Wysanti • Yalitia • Zahl • Zahlna • unnamed Delta Quadrant stars and systems Delta Quadrant locator logo.

Planets and planetoids[]

See also: Category:Delta Quadrant planets and Delta Quadrant planets and planetoids
Delta Quadrant planets and planetoids
Akritiri • Alastria • Alcawell • Arakis Prime • Arehaz • Avery III • Banea • Birsiba • Birthworld • Borg Prime • Brunali homeworld • Burara VI • Cravic homeworld • Dedestris • Dernovin • Devore Prime • Dinaal IV • Doseph • Draanis IV • Drayan II • Enara Prime • Eromt-Sew • FGC-486237 planet • Ferna • Fina Prime • Finor • Gema IV • Gorybore (3rd moon of Gorybore) • Haakon • Hanon IV • Planet Hell • Hemikek IV • Heva VII • Ilari • Ilidaria • Iziox • Karenzaa • Kovoran • Kradin-Vori planet • Ledos • Malon Prime • Markov-Kalto • Napinne • New Earth • New Talax • Nijian Moon • Ocampa V • Paria III • Pathon • Persephone • Phanos • Porakas • Potak III • Praja • Quarra • Rakosa V • Ramura • Rewad IV (Doseph) • Rinax • Ritella • Runara IV • Seros • Sikaris III • Sobras • Tahal-Meeroj • Talax (Rinax) • Tarakis • Taresia • Tarkannan planet • Telsius Prime • Trabus • Turei II • Uxal VI • Vaadwaur Prime • Vidiia Prime • Veruna IV • Vorgos • Vostigye birthworld • Wysanti • Yallitos • Yudoo • Zahl II • Zandon (10th moon of Zandon) • Zerajh • unnamed Delta Quadrant planets and planetoids Delta Quadrant locator logo.

Races and cultures[]

See also: Category:Delta Quadrant races and cultures and Delta Quadrant races and cultures
Delta Quadrant races and cultures
Aakteian • Akritirian • Aksani • Alkian • Alsuran • Ankari • Annari • Antarian • Argala • Arrithean • Artilotian • Ba'neth • Banean • Bara Plenum • Bavadian • Benkaran • Benthan • Berm • B'omar • Boray • Borg • Botha • Bourget • Brenari • Briori • Brunali • Caatati • Cambrog • Casciron • Chessu • Children of the Storm • Cravic • Cytoplasmic pseudo-parasite • Devore • Dinaali • Djinari • Drakina Forest dweller • Dralian • Drayan • Dream species • Dresh • Druoda • Enaran • Entaban • Entharan • Etanian • Fantome's species • Farn • Finorian • Fradduus • Garan • Garenor • Gh'rrrvn • Gorenye • Greech • Haakonian • Harkonian • Hazari • Hirogen • Ilari • Ilidarian • Imhotep • Indign • Iscoy • Jelinian • Kadi • Karlon • Kartelan • Kazon • Kesat • Kinbori • Kindir • Kmada • Kobali • Kohl • Kolaati • Kolhari • Komar • Kradin • Kraylor • Krenim • Kyrian • Ledosian • Leodt • Lokirrim • Lyridian • Makull's species • Maldorian • Malkoth • Malon • Mari • Markonian • Mawasi • Mikhal Traveler • Mislenite • Mogholixian • Mokra • Mondasian • Monean • Morphinian • Motali • Mylean • N'Kree • Nasari • Nassordin • Nechani • Neyser • Nezu • Night Alien • Nihydron • Nijian • Norcadian • Numiri • Nuu'Bari • Nygean • Nyrian • Ocampa • Octanti • Omian • Ovion • Parein • Pathon • Peliorine • Pendari • Pensarkan • Ponea • Porcion • Pralor • Pyrinthian • Qomar • Quarren • Rakosan • Ram Izad • Ramuran • Rectilian • Reptohumanoid • Rewadian • Rhombolian • Ridion • Rilnar • Sakari • Serosian • Sha'Kurian • Shivolian • Sikarian • Silver Blood • Skedan • Skeen • Sky Spirit • Species 116 • Species 125 • Species 149 • Species 259 • Species 262 • Species 263 • Species 312 • Species 571 • Species 5174 • Species 5973 • Species 10026 • Srivani • Swarm • Tabric • Tahal-Isut • Tak Tak • Takarian • Takrit • Talaxian • Taresian • Tarkan • Tarkannan • Tauma • Telsian • Terkellian • Terrellian • Tokath • Trabe • Trevin • Turei • Uxali • Vaadwaur • Varro • Vaskan • Vashnar • Vau N'Akat • Ventu • Vidiian • Vohrsoth • Vojean • Vok'sha • Vori • Vostigye • Voth • Wyngari • Wysanti • Xanno • Yallitian • Yawkin • Yax • Yudoo • Zahl • Zolian • unnamed Delta Quadrant races and cultures the galaxy's Delta Quadrant icon image.



Milky Way Galaxy Milky Way
Alpha Quadrant | Beta Quadrant | Delta Quadrant | Gamma Quadrant


External links[]
