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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Argelians were a sapient humanoid civilization native to the planet Argelius II (which they called Nelphia) in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. (ST reference: Star Charts)

History and specifics[]

Members of the species generally only had one name that was shared with others.

Argelian cuisine included mocha sorbet and the drinks nine-layer cocktail and Argelian ale. (DS9 - Invasion! novel: Time's Enemy; TOS - Worlds Apart novel: The Final Reflection)


The Argelians were once a violent people, until a major social upheaval in the year 2067, which turned the violence of Argelius II to peace and pleasure. The Argelian passion for pleasure was so strong they even imported administrators and officials to rule the world whilst the Argelians enjoyed themselves. They eventually became members of the United Federation of Planets in 2230. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation; ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

The Argelians' peace was disturbed in 2267, when two women were murdered by a being called Redjac. (TOS episode & novelization: Wolf in the Fold)

An Argelian athlete was expected to dominate the gymnastics competitions at the 2224 Olympics. She was beat by Trill rival Emony Dax. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Old Souls")

An Argelian exobiologist named Yersa conducted the definitive study of tribbles in the late 23rd century. (TOS short story: "The Last Tribble")

In 2370 a group of Argelian men visiting Deep Space 9 found themselves quite besotted with a pair of Deltan women on the station. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)

Following the explosion at Elim Garak's tailor shop, Quark expressed interest at opening an Argelian massage facility in the space. (DS9 episode: "The Die is Cast")

An Argelian Starfleet ensign named Aryl served on the USS Centaur during the Dominion War. (DS9 novelizations: Call to Arms..., ...Sacrifice of Angels)

In 2377, Brilson Lodine, an Argelian male, served as a technician on Federation Outpost 32. (CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback)

Soco was the Argelian form Lady Q took at the opening of the Sarek School of Diplomacy and Ambassadorial Studies on Vulcan. (TNG novel: Before Dishonor)

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Known individuals[]

See also[]

  • Argelian grape



later 23rd century associate-status Federation member races and cultures
Argelians • Betans • Elasians • Enochians • Iotians • Horta • Nauians • Troyians • Vendikar Eminians Federation icon image.
later 23rd century associate-status Federation member worlds and systems
Andorian worlds Baladar (Beta Indi system) • Beta Prime (Beta Leonis system) • Kadacohr (Kadass system) • Lustrix (Remusa 885 system) • Niobe (Gamma Indus 552 system) • Paradira (Beta Rosa system) • Th'allt (Thalak system)
Caitian worlds Macadama (Giordin 275 system) Centauran worlds Amber (Beta Rigalia system) • Egaran II (Egara 172 system) • Gaggle Point (Luris Eta system) • Moxen (Moxenalus system) • Osiris VII (Osiris system) • Principius (Princip system)
Cygnian worlds Etrolopar (Alpha Carinna 17 system) • Grief (Tahniva 311 system) Deltan worlds Cremindas (Beta Rigala system) • Duo III (Duosetel system)
Tellarite worlds Anchor (Beta Hydra 378 system) • Crassenia (Crovala 173 system) • Finlorra (Gamma Leonis system) Vulcan worlds Abyss (Abyss Alpha system) • Aesa IX (Aesa system) • Narcissus III (Narcisus system) • Norassil (Norassen system)
Human and humanoid worlds Alfa 177 (Alpha Honorus system) • Argelius (Rho Magnin system) • Ariannus (Arianna system) • Avalon (Caberhardt system) • Babel (Wolf 424 system) • Beta III (43993 system) • Cavalier (Calka system) • Covdival (Cordival system) • Crater's World (Gamma Zeta 4 system) • Cyclopus (Verigus K system) • Delta Vega (Trimordidion system) • Elas (Tellun system) • Elevation (Epsilon Zeta system) • Fullman (Ursu Geminorum system) • Gammorah (Ceta 503 system) • Iotia (Sigma Iotia system) • Janus (Gamma Major system) • Katan III (Tau Abir system) • Lochabahr (Lochnarle system) • Malla (Maurex 782 system) • Marac Polis (Marac system) • Maren (Maren Alpha system) • Mira (Omicron Ceti system) • Monarch II (Monarch Alpha system) • Namorra (Namor system) • New Kensington (Beta Aleph 703 system) • Pathos (Paradigm system) • Pollux (Beta Geminorum system) • Precipice (Brightstar system) • Rashile (Ungethiem system) • Scandha' (Zeta Perseus system) • Second Chance (Proxima Canaris system) • Tarry Awhile (Carmara 712 system) • Triacus (Alpha Lyrae system) • Troyius (Tellun system) • Vendikar (Eminiar system) • Wall (Bahr system)
Other non-humanoid and mixed races and cultures Barrony (Zeta Hydra 281 system) • Berengaria V (Berengaria system) • Bonanza (Aegis Aquila system) • Borigris (Borigrass system) • Castor Fields (Castora system) • Castrola IX (Castrola system) • Commissariate (Beta Trianguli system) • Dalanda V (Dalanda system) • Darmal (Darmius system) • Dartanian (Ti Che system) • Demoiselle II (Demoiselle system) • Determination (Demarcation system) • D'livian VI (D'livian system) • Ecstasy (Hydra Impora system) • Egross (Alpha Vega 272 system) • Elba (Quarius Nova system) • Eldamas (Eldamas 344 system) • Eldorado (Eldamas 344 system) • Enid VI (Vega Majoris system) • Enoch IV (Vega Majoris system) • Eternity (Alpha Eridani system) • Falorin (Alpha Parsis 25 system) • Familiarity (Beta Maxim 437 system) • Fellowship (Beta Maxim 437 system) • Femininity (Beta Maxim 437 system) • Findesa (Gamma Dinara system) • Fullsome Park (Ursu Geminorum system) • Function (Foram Canara system) • Grammen Park (Alpha Piscis Austrini system) • Haldraine (Alpha Nimorra system) • Heuristic (Rexenox system) • Hospis (Sigma Tricali system) • Hospitality II (Havidar system) • Idiom (Valen's Star system) • Imagination (Metriunn 867 system) • Lakeland (Purlii system) • Lecroutex (Lecrotox system) • Lexinisar (Menitrom 799 system) • Malawren (Malas system) • Marcos (Marcios system) • Maximilian (Zeta Geminorum system) • Memory Alpha (Kam Sim system) • Mexas II (Mexas system) • Mindara XII (Mindara system) • Necturop (Nekusa system) • New Horizon (Gamma Quadratis system) • Oloss (Olossa system) • Ontara Prime (Sigma Quadratis system) • Ovlon II (Ovlon system) • Pampilia (Gamma Omicron system) • Passgate (Alpha Geminorum system) • Pike's Planet (Pitcara Prime system) • Riviera (Ochs system) • Rover Prime (Sigma Barana system) • Roxan (Ampolis system) • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet (Sol system) • Thraxis (Thrax system)

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
