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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Kazon are a violent warrior species native to the Delta Quadrant. They had at least two racial variants, one with brown skin and one with more common copper-colored skin. The foreheads of all Kazon featured distinctive ridges and their black or brown hair grows in large chunks rather than individual strands. Kazon society is divided into a number of sects that fight each other over territory and resources. As of 2372, there were 18 different sects in the Kazon Collective. (VOY episodes: "State of Flux", "Maneuvers")

According to Seven of Nine, the Kazon were deemed unworthy of assimilation by the Borg. (VOY episode: "Mortal Coil")


Until 2346, the Kazon were a subject race to the Trabe. The Trabe treated their Kazon subjects brutally, and kept them in line by constantly turning the sects against each other and encouraging in-fighting. However, Jal Sankur convinced the various sects to join together and revolt against their Trabe oppressors. They were successful and rid the homeworld of the Trabe, while obtaining many Trabe vessels and a lot of technology. (VOY episode: "Alliances")

Using the Trabe ships and technology they began to spread out across a sizable portion of the Delta Quadrant. However, the Kazon sects soon turned towards fighting each other again, so technological development was no longer a primary concern. While they had developed plasma weapons and deflector shields, they had not developed transporter or replicator technology. (VOY episodes: "State of Flux", "Maneuvers")

In 2371, the Caretaker pulled the Federation starship USS Voyager 70,000 light years across the galaxy. The Kazon - specifically the Ogla sect - was one of the first species the Voyager crew encountered in the Delta Quadrant. (VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker)

For the next two years the crew of the Voyager had to contend with the threat of the Kazon - who wanted to capture the ship, which was filled with advanced Starfleet technology. In 2373 the Kazon-Nistrim succeeded in briefly capturing Voyager, but Tom Paris, the Doctor, and Lon Suder were able to retake the ship. (VOY episodes: "Basics, Part I", "Basics, Part II")

In the 2380s, the Kazon provided slave labor, mostly orphaned children, to the the Tars Lamora penal colony under the Diviner. They were able to use the Borg's transwarp network to travel across the Delta Quadrant.[1](PRD episode: "Lost and Found")

By the 2410s decade, the Kazon were present in space coreward of the Nekrit Expanse, and were known as criminals and troublemakers in the Delta Quadrant sector block. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Friends in Unlikely Places")

Some of the sects joined the Delta Alliance established in 2410 to defend the quadrant against the resurgent Vaadwaur Supremacy. However, First Maje Sessen of the Kazon-Nistrim still held a grudge against the Federation for the death of his mother Seska, who had betrayed Voyager and joined First Maje Culluh. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")


First Maje Sessen in 2410.

During the Battle of Vaadwaur Prime, Captain Harry Kim of the USS Rhode Island led the Kazon forces into battle against the Vaadwaur. However, the Kazon betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Vaadwaur. Having expected this turn of events, Captain Kim brought in the secret Hirogen reinforcements, and the Kazon fleet was destroyed alongside the Vaadwaur. Closer to the planet Vaadwaur Prime, First Maje Karden of the Kazon-Oglamar arrived with reinforcements to honor the promise given to the Alliance. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Takedown")

Kazon began serving as duty officers aboard Khitomer Alliance starships, primarily signing up for the Klingon Defense Force. (STO - Delta Rising mission: "The Hunt is On")

In the 3180s decade, the Kazon had established the Kazon Clan Forum in the space near the Ocampa system. Its location was marked on a holographic star chart on display in the Federation Headquarters in the year 3189. (DSC episode: "Die Trying")

Kazon sects[]


Kazon-Ogla space in 2371.

Known individuals[]

See: category:Kazon.



Kazon Collective sects
primary universe Halik • Hobii • Mostral • Nistrim • Ogla • Oglamar • Pommar • Relora • Sara • Vistik Kazon insignia icon image.
mirror universe Ogla
Delta Quadrant races and cultures
Aakteian • Akritirian • Aksani • Alkian • Alsuran • Ankari • Annari • Antarian • Argala • Arrithean • Artilotian • Ba'neth • Banean • Bara Plenum • Bavadian • Benkaran • Benthan • Berm • B'omar • Boray • Borg • Botha • Bourget • Brenari • Briori • Brunali • Caatati • Cambrog • Casciron • Chessu • Children of the Storm • Cravic • Cytoplasmic pseudo-parasite • Devore • Dinaali • Djinari • Drakina Forest dweller • Dralian • Drayan • Dream species • Dresh • Druoda • Enaran • Entaban • Entharan • Etanian • Fantome's species • Farn • Finorian • Fradduus • Garan • Garenor • Gh'rrrvn • Gorenye • Greech • Haakonian • Harkonian • Hazari • Hirogen • Ilari • Ilidarian • Imhotep • Indign • Iscoy • Jelinian • Kadi • Karlon • Kartelan • Kazon • Kesat • Kinbori • Kindir • Kmada • Kobali • Kohl • Kolaati • Kolhari • Komar • Kradin • Kraylor • Krenim • Kyrian • Ledosian • Leodt • Lokirrim • Lyridian • Makull's species • Maldorian • Malkoth • Malon • Mari • Markonian • Mawasi • Mikhal Traveler • Mislenite • Mogholixian • Mokra • Mondasian • Monean • Morphinian • Motali • Mylean • N'Kree • Nasari • Nassordin • Nechani • Neyser • Nezu • Night Alien • Nihydron • Nijian • Norcadian • Numiri • Nuu'Bari • Nygean • Nyrian • Ocampa • Octanti • Omian • Ovion • Parein • Pathon • Peliorine • Pendari • Pensarkan • Ponea • Porcion • Pralor • Pyrinthian • Qomar • Quarren • Rakosan • Ram Izad • Ramuran • Rectilian • Reptohumanoid • Rewadian • Rhombolian • Ridion • Rilnar • Sakari • Serosian • Sha'Kurian • Shivolian • Sikarian • Silver Blood • Skedan • Skeen • Sky Spirit • Species 116 • Species 125 • Species 149 • Species 259 • Species 262 • Species 263 • Species 312 • Species 571 • Species 5174 • Species 5973 • Species 10026 • Srivani • Swarm • Tabric • Tahal-Isut • Tak Tak • Takarian • Takrit • Talaxian • Taresian • Tarkan • Tarkannan • Tauma • Telsian • Terkellian • Terrellian • Tokath • Trabe • Trevin • Turei • Uxali • Vaadwaur • Varro • Vaskan • Vashnar • Vau N'Akat • Ventu • Vidiian • Vohrsoth • Vojean • Vok'sha • Vori • Vostigye • Voth • Wyngari • Wysanti • Xanno • Yallitian • Yawkin • Yax • Yudoo • Zahl • Zolian • unnamed Delta Quadrant races and cultures the galaxy's Delta Quadrant icon image.

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
