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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Roga Danar, an Angosian super-soldier

The Angosians were a humanoid race native to Angosia III. Outwardly, Angosians are indistinguishable from humans.

Ordinarily the Angosians were non-violent, preferring intellectual pursuits over violence. However, they fought the Tarsians in the mid 24th century, in what became known as the Tarsian War. (ST - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Orphans") Following the war, the Angosians made a rapid recovery, and made an application for membership in the United Federation of Planets. (TNG episode: "The Hunted")

The Angosians were notorious for their super-soldier program, a biological enhancement performed on troops who are made into perfect killers through drugs and surgery. (TNG video game: Birth of the Federation)

In Birth of the Federation, the Angosian super-soldier academy gives a 50% increase to an empire's "ground combat" attribute.

Their application to join the Federation was put on hold when it was discovered that the Angosians had enhanced a number of soldiers to help them defeat the Tarsians, and the Angosians had proved unwilling to undertake the effort to even partially reverse the process. (TNG episode: "The Hunted")

Federation doctors like Beverly Crusher and Julian Bashir worked on a treatment to suppress the effects of the Angosian super-soldier treatment. (TNG episode: "The Hunted", ST - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Orphans")

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Notable Angosians[]

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