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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Yamato.

The USS Yamato (registry NCC-71807, NCC-1305-E or NCC-24383) was a Galaxy-class Federation starship in service during the 24th century. The first Galaxy-class ship launched since the prototype USS Galaxy, it was launched in 2363. (TNG short story: "Meet with Triumph and Disaster" TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)

Service history and disposition[]

Starship deploy status

Starship deploy status chart listing Yamato.

In the year 2365, the Yamato was under the command of Richard McKenzie, assigned to captain Yamato on patrol of sector 134 near the Romulan Neutral Zone. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: "The Measure of a Man")

This ship was mentioned as part of mission information visible on a computer viewscreen at Data's JAG hearing.

Later in 2365, Captain Donald Varley commanded the Yamato.

Late that year, the Yamato was destroyed with the loss of all hands in the Romulan Neutral Zone. Her destruction was caused by an Iconian computer virus that had been transmitted to the Yamato by a probe. The virus spread through the ship's systems and eventually caused a failure in the matter/antimatter control systems. (TNG episode: "Contagion")

The Yamato had a dedication plaque bearing a motto attributed to Thomas Jefferson: "I have sworn eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man". (ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia)


commanding officer
first officer
sciences division
other personnel



Ships named Yamato
Federation Starfleet
(prime reality)
USS Yamato (NCC-1705, Constitution-class) • USS Yamato (NCX-5626-V, Yamato-class prototype) • USS Yamato (NCC-71807, Galaxy-class) • USS Yamato (second Galaxy-class) • USS Yamato (Sovereign-class) • USS Yamato (NCC-92199, Yamato-class dreadnought)

see also: Yamato-class (battleship) • Yamato-class (dreadnought)

Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Khanate Earthfleet
(alternate timeline)
Earthfleet Starship Yamato (battlecruiser) Seal of the Khanate of Earth.
Galaxy-class class XVI explorer/exploration cruiser starships
Federation, Starfleet early series Galaxy (I) • Yamato (I) • Enterprise-D • Constitution Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
various series / standard configurations Bolivar • Breedlove • Challenger • Cheyenne • Crockett • Dauntless (I) • Dauntless (II) • Excalibur-A • Galaxy (I) • Galaxy (II) • Harriman • Idaho • Intrepid • Lhasa • Madison • Magellan • Marquette • McGinley • Mukaikubo • Musashi • Odyssey (I) • Odyssey (II) • Oraidhe • Phlox • Renown • San Francisco • Sequoia • Syracuse • Trident • Venture • Yamato (I) • Yamato (II) • unnamed Galaxy-class starships
Dominion War fleets Agrippa • Asgard • Magellan • Odysseus • Ronald D. Moore • Sorak • Trinculo • Venture • Victory • Yamato (II) • Zhurkov
command cruiser
fleet expansion
Adelaide • Argonaut • Asigara • Bermuda • Blake • Bolzano • Canarias • Cervera • Columbus • De Ruyter • Galicia • Gloucester • Hurutaka • Kinugasa • Lazarev • Makarov • Molotov • Murmansk • Navarra • Ning Hai • Ontario • Renown • Salem • Swiftsure • Sumatra • Tikuma • Trieste • Tyokai • Wichita • Worcester
post-war 2370s decade
fleet expansions
Allegheny • Andromeda • Argo • Berry • Citadel • Dominance • Formidable • Frontier • Geronimo • Goodman • Jubei • Malevolent • Oregon • Pequod • Perseus • Persia • Renown • Reverant • Reverent • Rylander • Scimitar • Taylor • Ulysses • Valhalla • Vindictive
Bonhomme Richard • C. Lewis • Constellation • Defiance • Eagle • El Dorado • Endeavor • Essex • Excalibur • Exeter • Farragut • Galaxy • Hood • Hornet • Kongo • Krieger • Lafayette • Lexington • Merrimac • Monitor • Odyssey (II) • Republic • Saratoga • Tori • Valiant • Wasp • Yorktown
First Splinter timeline and other alternate realities Canterbury • Challenger • Enterprise-D • Excalibur-A • Hedderjin • Jefferies • Magellan • Robinson • Trident • Trinculo • Venture
variant configurations Andromeda-subclass: Andromeda • Birmingham • Celestial-subclass: Celestial • Envoy-subclass: Envoy • Galaxy X-subclass • Monarch-subclass: Monarch • Samson (variant) • Ross-subclass: Ross • Vanguard • Yi Sun-Sin • Venture-subclass: Samson (variant) • Venture-A • Venture-B • World Razer-subclass: Brazos • World Razer-D • Yamato-subclass: Madrid
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universes)
Enterprise-D • Galaxy • Venture-subclass: Galaxy • Andromeda-class/Cygnus-class: Pegasus Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Confederation of Earth, Corps
(alternate timeline)
World Razer-subclass: World Razer Confederation of Earth icon image. Confederation Corps icon image. Borg Collective
(mirror universe)
Assimilation Target Prime Borg Collective icon image.

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
