Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Almatha vicinity map

Map showing Loval's system.

Loval was an inhabited planet in the Loval system of the Cardassian Union.


In the 2370s decade, it was home to a civilian outpost and a small subspace relay station, as well as a top secret weapons research installation.

Prior to the late 2340s, Elim Garak undertook a mission to Loval for the Obsidian Order. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time)

In 2372, Skrain Dukat and Kira Nerys accurately predicted that Loval would be the target of a Klingon bird-of-prey they were tracking. The Groumall reached Loval before the Klingons, where Dukat, Kira and the Groumall crew defeated them. (DS9 episode: "Return to Grace")



Cardassian planets and planetoids
Adarak PrimeAlioth VIAmleth IVAmleth PrimeAmrahanAntros IIIArawathAschelan VAvenal VIIBallimaeBeaulieu's WorldBering's WorldBlind MoonBrymaCardassia ICardassia IICardassia IIICardassia IVCardassia VCardassia PrimeCardassia VIICardassia VIIICardonneCeltris IIIChin'toka IXChin'toka IIIChin'toka VICuellar IVDavoniaDevniadDralnokDrovoer IIFelton PrimeGulvaria VIHarkoumHass'terralHutetIngavKavariaKelrabi IXKora IIKormaLazon IILetauLovalNramiaOgyas IIIOlmerak PrimeOmekla IIIOrdeveOrias IIIPanoraSatera IIIPreplanusPullock IIIPullock VRaknal VRissa IVRondac IIISalva IISarpedion VSeptimus IIISimperiaSlokatSoukaraSR-IIISunzekTevakTorros IIITorros MinorUnefra IIIWeibak IV Cardassian emblem image.

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