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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Star Trek Voyager Malon Dreadnought Ship

A Malon man in a dreadnought ship in 2376.

The Malon are a Delta Quadrant people who, although were warp capable, didn't possess advanced recycling technologies unlike many other galactic species.

History and specifics[]

This lack of recycling knowledge meant all the toxic by-products (specifically theta radiation) of warp reaction (estimated at 6 billion iso-tonnes per day) had to be dumped by a vast waste-export industry. They often found USS Voyager to be a hindrance to their plans.

Controller Emck liked to dump in the Void but Voyager stopped him. (VOY episode: "Night")

First splinter timeline[]

In 2376, the Malon tanker Apsac under the command of controller Marssi was attacked by a Hirogen warship. When the tanker was damaged in the attack, Marssi was forced to dump the irradiated material into an Iconian Gateway that the Apsac detected. The waste emerged into the Alpha Quadrant, near the planet Europa Nova. Marssi and her crew were later killed by a Hirogen Alpha who boarded the Apsac. (DS9 - Gateways novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)

The Supertanker Keta was a Malon ship. Other than shipbuilding and waste dumping, the only exports are smap crop and therhea grain. (TNG novel: Q & A)

Known individuals[]

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Delta Quadrant races and cultures
AakteianAkritirianAksaniAlkianAlsuranAnkariAnnariAntarianArgalaArritheanArtilotianBa'nethBaneanBara PlenumBavadianBenkaranBenthanBermB'omarBorayBorgBothaBourgetBrenariBrioriBrunaliCaatatiCambrogCascironChessuChildren of the StormCravicCytoplasmic pseudo-parasiteDevoreDinaaliDjinariDrakina Forest dwellerDralianDrayanDream speciesDreshDruodaEnaranEntabanEntharanEtanianFantome's speciesFarnFinorianFradduusGaranGarenorGh'rrrvnGorenyeGreechHaakonianHarkonianHazariHirogenIlariIlidarianImhotepIndignIscoyJelinianKadiKarlonKartelanKazonKesatKinboriKindirKmadaKobaliKohlKolaatiKolhariKomarKradinKraylorKrenimKyrianLedosianLeodtLokirrimLyridianMakull's speciesMaldorianMalkothMalonMariMarkonianMawasiMikhal TravelerMisleniteMogholixianMokraMondasianMoneanMorphinianMotaliMyleanN'KreeNasariNassordinNechaniNeyserNezuNight AlienNihydronNijianNorcadianNumiriNuu'BariNygeanNyrianOcampaOctantiOmianOvionPareinPathonPeliorinePendariPensarkanPoneaPorcionPralorPyrinthianQomarQuarrenRakosanRam IzadRamuranRectilianReptohumanoidRewadianRhombolianRidionRilnarSakariSerosianSha'KurianShivolianSikarianSilver BloodSkedanSkeenSky SpiritSpecies 116Species 125Species 149Species 259Species 262Species 263Species 312Species 571Species 5174Species 5973Species 10026SrivaniSwarmTabricTahal-IsutTak TakTakarianTakritTalaxianTaresianTarkanTarkannanTaumaTelsianTerkellianTerrellianTokathTrabeTrevinTureiUxaliVaadwaurVarroVaskanVashnarVau N'AkatVentuVidiianVohrsothVojeanVok'shaVoriVostigyeVothWyngariWysantiXannoYallitianYawkinYaxYudooZahlZolianunnamed Delta Quadrant races and cultures the galaxy's Delta Quadrant icon image.