Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Ni'Var (mirror).

Ni'Var (also known as Vulcan/Vulcanis A II, Nevasa II or 40 Eridani A II) is a planet, the second planet in the 40 Eridani star system, in orbit of the star 40 Eridani A. A class M desert planet, Vulcan is inhabited by the Vulcan civilization, who refer to their world as T'Khasi, Minshara or Ti-Valka'ain.

History and specifics[]

As the Vulcan homeworld, Vulcan was the capital planet of the Confederacy of Vulcan, and a founding world in both the Coalition of Planets and United Federation of Planets. (Last Unicorn RPG modules: The Way of Kolinahr, Planets of the UFP; Decipher RPG module: Aliens; ST references: Star Charts, The Worlds of the Federation; ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru)

Following the Romulan Supernova of 2387 and prior to the 32nd century, Romulans settled on the planet after the successul Reunification. The joined inhabitants renamed their world to Ni'Var. (DSC episode: "Unification III")

This world is known as vulqan to speakers of Klingonese. (ST reference: The Klingon Dictionary)


Vulcan system

The Vulcan star system.

Vulcan orbits 40 Eridani A, known as Nevasa to the Vulcans, the primary orange K class star in the trinary Vulcan system. The other two stars in the system, 40 Eridani B and C, blue and red dwarfs respectively, co-orbited the A star at some distance and were not immediately visible in the Vulcan sky. (ST references: The Worlds of the Federation, Star Charts; TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Exodus; Decipher RPG module: Aliens)

The ST reference: Star Trek Maps identified the system's first world as the planet Vulcan itself, omitting all references to additional planets beside Vulcan's sister world. While most other licensed sources mention Vulcan as the second planet, some (such as FASA RPG module: The Federation) refer to it as the third world, although this is an understandable notation as Vulcan is locked in orbit with third planet T'Khut). The ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology mentions Vulcan as the third planet, but contradicts canon in stating that Vulcan is located at Epsilon Eridani. Likewise, the Star Trek Online website's defunct Points of Interest section stated that Vulcan is located in the Sirius system, though STO itself uses the 40 Eridani location. All other sources since ST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual agree that 40 Eri is the system.

Vulcan's orbital period (year) is 203 days long. [citation needed] According to another source, Vulcan has an orbital radius of 0.56 AU, giving it a period of 177.6 standard days. However, the Vulcan calendar has set the Vulcan year to be about 1.5 times that, or 266.4 standard days. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)


Vulcan vicinity.

Vulcan has no moon, but did have a number of nearby planets, most notably T'Khut, with which it shares an orbit around a common center of gravity; the two worlds were a mere 149,895.3579 kilometers apart, and T'Khut would fill the sky of the single hemisphere of Vulcan it was visible from due to the planets being tidally locked. (TOS episode: "The Man Trap"; ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation; TOS novel: Sarek)

T'Khut itself does have a moon, called T'Rukhemai, home of the Vulcanis Lunar Colony. (TOS novel: Sarek; VOY episode: "Unimatrix Zero"; VOY novel: Pathways)

Also passing near enough in its orbit that Vulcan can be clearly seen in the sky was the icy planet Delta Vega. (TOS movie: Star Trek; TOS comic: "Nero, Number Four")

Explored Galaxy

Vulcan on the explored galaxy map.

Vulcan was noted on star charts of the galaxy's explored regions in the 23rd and 24th centuries, in an area of the projection also containing Sirius, Altair VI and Aldeberan. (TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country, TNG episodes: "Conspiracy", "The Measure of a Man", "The Emissary", "The Mind's Eye", "The Game", DS9 episodes: "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Cardassians")


Vulcan 2137

Vulcan's Forge, circa 2137.

Vulcan is a harsh, desert planet with barely a quarter of its surface area containing water. It possesses a thin atmosphere and high gravity (1.4 G). (Decipher RPG module: Aliens) Furthermore, solar radiation is noted to be much higher when compared to other M-class planets such as Earth. (TOS novel: Captain's Glory)

Vulcan has three primary continents called Na'nam, Han-shir and Xir'tan. The first are enormous land masses that were divided into various provinces while the third was an island somewhat larger than the Earth continent of Australia. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans) Due to the strong tidal forces brought about by the planet's interaction with T'Khut Vulcan was highly volcanically active. This generates a number of impressive lava spectacles, such as the Fire Plains. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "Tempered by the Forge"; ENT episode: "Home") Around four to five billion years ago, Vulcan was a highly geologically active environment. (TOS novel: Firestorm)

Furthermore, there are frequent energy discharges in the air that shimmered in the red sky in a region near the Gateway where there was an area that had a distorted magnetic field as a result of Vulcan's ancient atomic wars. This serves as a form of third magnetic pole that disrupted most electrical as well as transtator currents in the region that are instead absorbed energy leak out into the wind. This is responsible for creating the spectacular lightning displays that are often seen in the clouds of sand. (TOS novel: Captain's Glory)

Vulcan's geology and desert environment produce starkly up-thrust craggy and inhospitable mountains, with jagged and steep formations cut out by wind swept sand. (Decipher RPG modules: Aliens, Worlds)

Vulcan maintains the oxygen in its atmosphere by deriving phytoplankton from its oceans, which existed as microscopic organisms that make up 90% of all planetary oxygenation processes, including those of Earth. Despite being a desert planet and not having a suitable source of oxygen in viable plant-life throughout most of their year, there is a sufficient amount of oxygenation occurring within the environment from the microbic water. [citation needed]


Vulcan's surface

Vulcan's surface.

See main article Vulcan history.

Though a dry desert occupied 96% of the planet's surface by the 23rd century, fossil records indicated that early Vulcan possessed 90% water along with a few islands with nothing but a hot sea present on the planet. Thousands of years later, when the proto-Vulcans developed and began to form tribes, 40 Eridani A erupted a massive solar flare that scorched the planet's surface; resulting in many native creatures dying, those which survived taking shelter in caves or other safe places on the opposite end of the planet. (TOS novel: Spock's World)

Early in the Dominion War, Benjamin Sisko expressed his concerns to Admiral Zach Warner that the Dominion would eventually be able to invade Vulcan if Starfleet kept up its defense posture. The routes between Vulcan and Earth and Alpha Centauri were critical to the Federation. (DS9 novelizations: Call to Arms..., ...Sacrifice of Angels) The concerns for Vulcan lasted throughout the year, with fighting near the Vulcan border. Later, the fall of Betazed made the possibility of an invasion of Vulcan very likely. (DS9 episodes: "Favor the Bold", "In the Pale Moonlight", "The Reckoning")

During the Borg Invasion of 2381, several Borg cubes moved to attack Vulcan. They managed to begin an orbital bombardment which inflicted severe damage to notable locations on the planet, including the Vulcan's Forge. However, the planet was saved from destruction when former Earth Captain Erika Hernandez managed to influence the collective to attack itself, severely damaging the cubes attacking Vulcan, which were later destroyed by a Starfleet task force including the USS Atlas and USS Prometheus. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls)

In 2468 of a timeline where the Federation chose not to intervene in the fight between the Borg and Cybermen, the Cybermen invaded Vulcan. Using his TARDIS, The Doctor and Jean-Luc Picard from 2368 witnessed these events. (TNG comic: "Assimilation², Issue 5")

Eventually, the Vulcans allowed the Romulans to return to their ancestral home. Eventually, they were able to share their planet and eventually rename it Ni'Var. (DSC episode: "Unification III")

Vulcans end

Destruction of Vulcan.


The Decipher RPG module: Worlds and Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans exhibit some consistency in their depiction of Vulcan geography, while the early The Worlds of the Federation shows a different Vulcan surface, which has much less ocean and more minor lakes.

Continents and provinces[]

Bodies of water[]

Great T'Kala Sea • Lake Yuron • Straits of Ha'zen • Thanor Sea • Voroth Sea

Mountains and volcanos[]

Llangon Mountains • Mount P-Ta • Mount Tarhana • Mountains of Gol (Mount Seleya) • T'raan • T'regar • T'riall

Other regions[]

Caves of Kolinar • Cheleb-khor • Fire Plains • Go'an • Ishaya plain • Kendha-Ya • Nal'shin • Na'ree • Osana caverns • Raal • Shival Flats • T'Ralor • Vulcan's Forge (Gateway • Plain of Blood • Womb of Fire) • Vuldi Gorge

Vulcan settlements[]

Typically, there are no lost civilizations on the planet as new cities were always integrated into the older ones which meant that ruins remained. In addition, the planet's manufacturing and heavy industry has, for centuries, been conducted in the asteroid belt within the system. The only industry that was allowed on the surface were those that neither despoiled the environment nor disturbed its tranquility such as music crafting. (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)

The Vulcan population was approximately 4.9 billion in the year 2378. (ST reference: Star Charts)

AraKahr • Da'kum'ulcha • Da'Leb • Fort Aba'kur • Jaleyl • Khir Ahl • Kir • K'Lan-ne • Kwil'inor • Naweeth City • Rh'Iahr • SanaiKahr • ShanaiKahr • ShiGral • Shi'Kahr • T'lingShar • T'Paal • Ta'Vistar • Vulcana Regar • Vulcinis
Other locations[]
Ancients of Days • Diplomatic Institute • Hall of Ancient Thought • Hall of Voices • Temple of T'Panit • Temple of Amonak • Temple of Logic • T'Karath Sanctuary • Sarek School of Diplomacy and Ambassadorial Studies • ShiKahr Academy • Vulcan Science Academy • Vulcan Space Central • Vulcan Space Institute

Natural history[]

The heat of Vulcan's summer often kills off most vegetation, with plant life only flourishing once the rains come. In times of drought, out in the desert carnivorous plants are able to survive by catching any animal weakened by thirst. (TOS novel: The Vulcan Academy Murders)


Adun cactus • Ches'lintak • Cholla • Cir-cen • Crying Plant • d'mallu • Favinit • G'teth • Gal-en-du'un • Gesper • Induku tree • Isuke bush • Kal'ta • Karanji • Kylin'the • Pel-tar'uk • S'gagerat • Shin-Ka-Ti • Sir-soss'im • Tir-nuk • Vulcan palm tree • Death Star • Wahmlat


A'lazb • Aylak • Ch'kariya • Firebird • K'karee • Krovill • Lanka-gar • Le-matya • Mah-tor-pahlah • Myrmidex • Sa-te kru • Sand worm • Sand viper • Sehlat • Shatarr • Shavokh • Sundweller • Tcha'besheh • Valit • Vai-sehlat

Alternate realities[]

In an alternate timeline in which Khan Noonien Singh won the Eugenics Wars and Humanity underwent genetic engineering en masse, the Khanate of Earth conquered Vulcan during the 21st century. The Vulcan government's unconditional surrender was presented to Khan in the rubble of the temple atop of Mount Seleya. The Vulcans remained helots of Humans well into the 24th century. (DS9 - Myriad Universes novel: Seeds of Dissent)

In the alternate timeline created by Nero's temporal incursion, Vulcan was destroyed in the year 2258. The planet was obliterated by an artificial singularity created when Nero launched a red matter device into the planet's core. Of a population of 6 billion, approximately ten thousand escaped the devastation, and though their cultural legacy would survive, the Vulcan people became an endangered species. (TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek)



Sirius sector block
Orion sector Kinjer system (Kinjer Prime) • Lackey system (Lackey III) • Reytan system (Reytan) • Starbase 24 (Starbase 24's system) • Una system (Una II) Beta Quadrant locator logo.
Orion trinary system Stars: Pi-3 Orionis trinary star (Orion A, Orion B, Orion C)
Planets and moons: I. Orion I • II. Orion II (prison moon of Orion II) • III.: Orion III/Orion Prime (Luna Orionis) • Hoan • Thaspa
Risa sector Bomari system (Bomari II) • Donia system (Donia) • Gamma Orionis transwarp conduit • Imaga system (Imaga • Imaga II) • Koolhaas system (Koolhaas) • Omar system (Omar) • Tazi system (Tazi)
Risa system Stars and outposts: Epsilon Ceti A • Epsilon Ceti B (Granicus binary) • Epsilon Ceti C • Epsilon Ceti Outpost Alpha Quadrant locator logo.
Planets: Epsilon Ceti B I (Suam) • B II.: Risa (Inobe) • Lowoion • Rusanej
Vulcan sector Beytan system (Beytan V) • Bhea system (Bhea) • Delta Volanis Cluster • Kei system (Kei III) • P'Jem system (P'Jem) • Pellme system (Pellme II) • Pico system (Pico) • Wolf 359 system (Wolf 359 VI)
Vulcan system Stars: 40 Eridani A • 40 Eridani B • 40 Eridani C
Planets and moons: I. Ket-Cheleb • II & III.: Vulcan • T'Khut (T'Rukhemai) • IV. Delta Vega • V. Kal-Apton • VI. Kir Alep • Vulcanis VII • Kerkhov (Kerkhovian moon)
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) during Captain Kirk's initial five-year mission (2265-2270)
various Capory • Cygnet IV • Garrus • Rheel • Triangularis III
2265 Earth • Yko • Draxis II • Tally • Karabos II • Gamma Alpha V • Pollux II • Starbase 8 planet • Sector Vega 6 planet • M-155 • Archernar IV • Dimorus • Mandylion V • Tendar IV • Mestiko • Alpha Ortelina VII • Arronus VII • Aldebaran III • Delta Vega I • Starbase 12 • Vellurius • Earth • Globular planet • Norus • Junkyard planet • Palnak's planet • Santar • Nova XIII • Zeltok • Korak • the Traveler's homeworld • Dukar • Orthoo • Algenib II
2266 Crucial-3 • Vultra • Robots' planet • Angoma • Mantis planet • Nuofo • Stai • Vrex • Balant planet • Galaxy T-21 planet • Zargot • Coltac • Rigel XII • Alfa 177 • M-113 • Psi 2000 • Tlaoli IV • Skur • Selkye • Taragon • Alpha 332 • Ynobe II • Ecnal • Raylo • Noriga • Alpha Proxima II • Kynardi • Argylus • Ominnus • Earth • K-G • Nekros • Seggor • Fornia • Angira • Beta II • Neesan • Kujal • Razlak • Luna • Bwuja • Fayo • Hercula • Earth • Kibo/Ndora • Nraka • Sacro • Alpha 23-C • Oordon • Mobita • Jodarr • Quodar • Zarta • Floe I • Metamorpha • Inicrust • Morti • Terrellian II • Voodoo planet • Riza homeworld • Mila Xa • Krugar III remnant • Quaraxus • Arima • Mazda • Numero Uno • Beta Carinae • Exo III • 1324-IV • 7348-II • Tantalus V • Miri's homeworld • Planet Q • Benecia • Zorat planet
2267 Taurus II • Makus III • Ximega II • Hydra Epsilon III • Perseus Arm planetoid • Yko • Tenkara • Salvum • Grotus • Varanu planet • Yko • Talos IV • Tekton • Rifas-L • Amusement Park planet • Heitius VII • Planet of Fire • Ice Planet • Centaurus V • Fomalhaut V • Emben III • Cynur IV • Tyrtaeus II • Gothos • Beta VI • Theta VII • Ramedes III • Cestus III • Metron planet • Alva • Lazarus's planet • Galaxy Zekbran planet • Cygnet XIV • Earth • Canara • Beta III • Draqqana • Iach'tu Prime • Eminiar VII • Ceti Alpha V • Gamma 400 • Vartax • Dak-Alpha • Thark • Morkol • Timshel • Omicron • Omicron Ceti III • Janus VI • 7348-II • Chandra IV • Organia • Angrena • Yko • Earth Colony II • Gateway • Earth • Deneva • Janvar • Zentar • Zettin • Winged Dreamers' planet • "the Frontier" • Modala • Lado • Gamma Xaridian • Elsinor H-25 • Starbase 10 planet • Beta Mariotia III • Vega III • Tondus • Tekkor • Carnak • Pyris VII • Earth • Pentam V • Gamma Canaris N • Vandros VII • Nukolee • Styra • Lurota • Oorego IV • Giant Brain asteroid • Otari II • Gateway • Isis III • Not Eden • Maaba S'Ja • Capella IV • Pollux IV • Vulcan • Mestiko • CJ-884 planet • Nador • Tactis II • Beta Nirobi II • Phygma IV • Outpost Omega-70 • Tau Gamma IV • M-370 • Argelius II • Merope IV • Malur • Eulus • Donico II • Gamma Trianguli VI • Tyrtaeus II • Halka • Ixtolde • Gamma Hydra IV • Levinius V • Calydon • Starbase 10 planet • Turan Tot Narut's planet • Gamma Canaris N • Taunus • Planet 656 • Beton III • Sklurr • Karr • Graktan • Plixes • Andrius • Deneva • Mudd • Earth • Aneher II • Wezonvu • Nalaing • Magna Roma • Bavarya • Neolithia • Mythra • Rimillia • Babel • Gamma Canaris N • Vulcan • Nisus • Certax • Narnel's World • NGC 667 • Neural
2268 Fornax II • Gamma II • Triskelion • Rudimon • Argus X • Tycho IV • Theta VII • Centaurus • Usilde • Signi Beta • Tautee system • Prometheus IV • Syngreal • Glisten IV • Billybob • Gamma Hydra Gamma • Milo • Thrint • Throckmorton • Urf Durfal • Orgone • Vulcan • Beta Canzandia III • Alpha Maluria VI • Rariar III • Karxen V • Dekian II • Mevinna • Sigma Iotia II • Xanvia • Xoxxa • Inquisitor planet • Beta Reticuli • Delta Vega • Nalogen IV • Delta Vega • Delta Canaris IV • Alnath II • Ammdon • Arret • Mu Arigulon V • Ekos • Eeiauo • Sivao • Aprilia III • Kahless • Omega IV • Earth • Theta Kiokis II • Elas • Troyius • Elethia • Alsand • Kos • Tau Delta IX • Kroy's planet • Amerind • Starbase 14 planet • Andru 4/6 • Tranquility VII • Minos V • Earth • Exo III • T'nufo • Minos V • Eando 375 • Starbase 10 planet • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet • Exo III • Tortuga VI • Taos IV • Triacus • Marcos XII • Wokkle III • Cawley IV • Makon III • Kala • Lowaria • Dreamers' planet • Sigma Draconis VI • Direidi • Medusa • Iolos VI • Giermos • Persis Nova • Midgwis • Minara II • Gamma VI • Octavius IV • Beta Cabrini colony • Pegasus IV • Careta IV • Beta XII-A • Platonius • Earth • Scalos • M-317 • Beta Aurigae III • Sanoora host planet • Rhinegelt • Kalandan outpost • Distrel • Prastor • York III • Tttnicktttnor • Ariannus • Cheron • Elba II • Sanctuary • Gideon • Kolya • Tau Omega IV • Tau Omega III • Tareel III
2269 Rontelm • Memory Alpha • Ardana • Merak II • Avalon • Pollux V • Beta Myamid VIII • Chameleon • Zamphor • Hrakkour IV • Scythe • Balkos III • Gothos • Onyius II • Nova Atar III • Masaba • Lekythos • Shroud IV • Sigma Iotia II • Tarnak II • Vesbius • Janus VI • Beta Niobe III • Tree of Life planetoid • Gamma Cygnet planetoid • Centaurus • Raga's Planet • Eden • Theta Tau V • Holberg 917G • Lothor • Tau Beta IV • Excalbia • Sarpeidon • Feudal planet • Camus II • Duwamish • Ephrata IV • Sigma Niobe II • Gateway • Krasni's Folly • Vestalan • Maltos IV • Organia • Kyros • Nesta • Anomaly • Academy • Yko • Arachnae • Babel • Epsilon Delta IV • Heartland • Gothos • Cherela • Starbase 8 planet • Syhaar Prime • The Strand • Aarak III • Phi XI • Ur homeworld • Viden • Gobi III • Pacifica • Dolysia • Gralafi • Loren V • Gelladorn/R-775 I • Dengella II • Lloyd Zeta IX • Sigma Iotia II • Hesperides I • Tombstone • Waycross • Perry's planet • Delta Gamma IV • Trefolg • Trellisane • Holox • Boaco VI • Juram V • Vancadia • Veletus V • Pollux II • Leora IV • Patria I • Memory Prime • Talin IV • I'Qos • Circe V • Gateway • Mantilles • Moauv • Pomplance • Ribol II • Marpaplu • Valeria • Taurus II • Kinshasa
2270 Janus VI • Phylos II • Amusement Park planet • Motherlode • Rock creature planet • Darius IV • Megas-Tu • Terratin • Verdanis • Sherman's Planet • Argo • Deneb V • Vedala asteroid • Dramia • Dramia II • Arret • Lactra VII • Boqu II • Delta Theta III • Pandro • Dengella II • Briamos • Finder's planet • Procrustean planet • Yko • Belarius IV • DT-262 • Kwettir • Waasertla • Mygdalus III • Artemys 314 • Velat Nol/R-836 II • Pillagra (R-855 III) • Polymax VIII • Cenotaph • Emilla II • Vehtora IV • Anabarra colony • Hollow Planet • N'cai • Muldoon • Coridan III • Akladi • Mudd • Kuban • Sarai • CJ-884 planet • Stella Mudd's planet • Mudd • Taygeta V • Okeanos • Beta Omicron Delta III • Zeta Gibraltar • Yoondri • Earth (alternate) • Vrotii outpost planet • Sycorax • Baldur III • Bira III • Njura • Omne's planet • Voran • Razar • Mercan • Starbase 9 planet • Yalbo • Aritani • Vulcan • Hoshan planets • Tanis • Starbase 9 planet • Aragos planet • Aleph Prime • Aleph III • Antos IV • Takoi homeworld • Jinks' planet • Gateway • Andros • Yusub • Earth • Denebia • Veneu II • Gribbin II • Klondike VI • Isitra Zero • Gateway • Aleriad • Andoria • Proxima Centauri • Vulcan • Earth • Pelos • Talos IV • Gateway • Earth • Starbase 12 • Tomarii
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (2273-2285)
James T. Kirk's second five-year mission (2273 - 2278)
2273 Earth • Gallus III • Nelestra • Lorina • Sherman's Planet • Earth • Starbase 16 planet • Yannid VI • Andrea IV • Omega IX • Turages • Moonsek • 897-JOJ • Calibus VII • Earth • Manlikt • Grokh • Shadir • Toltan colony • Forma VI • Agena IV • Tarsus II • Zaran II • Telos • Abaris • Mycena • Starbase 8 planet • Barak VII • Hohweyn VII • Cragon V • Andronicus • Starbase 28 planet • Persephone II • Sherman's Planet • Skaftar • Rakatan
2274 Mestiko • Hus-24 • Arroool planet • Sarsithia • Vulpecula 12 IV • Iskonia • Hamal IV (Starbase 18) • Mimit • Earth • Thoris Amarnis IV • Zeta-Atez • Argus IV • Cytherius • Phaeton • Hephaestus • Zeta Reticuli II • Starbase 9 planet • Miaplacidus V • Valerian • Goran IV • Nordstral • Helva • Cephalus IV
2275 Earth • Flyspeck • Vulcan • Feeniks-Denn IV • Nova Empyrea • Yko • Miri's homeworld • Perinda IV • Oblik III • Garrus
2276 Sigma 1212 • Zenna IV • Duran XII • Shad • Parides IV • Levaeri V • Artaleirh
2277 Manark V • Murakami IX • Lycos V • Varda III • Myra • Khepri • Pollox IV • Upsilon Xi III • Lieberman's World • Macedon III • Marris V • Omicron Theta V • Ayin Aleph III • Lam Qaf Kha II • Kappa Rho IV
2278 Cathy • Granotoulomines planet • Hippocrates IV • Dekkanar • Mars • Akkalla • Earth
Spock's command (2278 - 2285) Bright Tree • Kaferia • Mestiko • Earth • Fortenue • Circe II • Earth • Belle Terre • Thieurrull • Starbase 12 • Regula I • Earth • Hellguard • Earth • Delta IV • Rator • Yko • Mestiko • Earth
Admiral Kirk's command (2285) Earth • Regula I • Genesis Planet • Azphari • Organia • Beta Epsilon VI • Babel • Vulcan • Romulan planetoid • Earth • Genesis Planet
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (Kelvin timeline)
Earth • Vulcan • Delta Vega (Vulcan system) • Saturn • Titan • Delta Vega (Delta Vega sector) • Taurus II • Makus III • Deneva • Beta III • Iota Geminorum IV • Gamma Trianguli VI • uninhabited planetoid • Phaedus • Nibiru • Earth • New Vulcan • Parthenon 559 • Khitomer • Qo'noS • Kassen V • Hinrichs V • Menzies 216 • Dark Market • Banks-216 • Nodell-16 • Oa • Ceti Alpha V • Vondem • Artel planet • Altamid
Planets visited by the USS Enterprise-D
2364 Earth • Deneb IV • Archaria III • Ligon II • Styris IV • Omicron Theta • Gamma Tauri IV • Delphi Ardu IV • Peacekeepers' World • Parliament • Rubicun III • Quadra Sigma III • Haven • Torona IV • Angel I • Starbase 74 planet • Bynaus • Tigan VII • Syntagus Theluv • Tarod IX • Faltos • Persephone V • Mordan IV • Aldea • Velara III • Relva VII • Minos • Brentis VI • Treva • Vagra II • Ornara • Brekka • Vandor IV • Sarona VIII • Dytallix B
2365 'aucdet IX • Tenara • Epsilon Miranda V • DQN 1196 • Raimon • Feeniks-Denn IV • Himalias V • Thiopa • Gravesworld • Ramatis III • Solais V • Gagarin IV • Elysia • Iconia • Theta 116 VIII • Pacifica • Bringloid V • Mariposa • Drema IV • Yuri • Surata IV
2366 Kavis Alpha IV • Tau Cygna V • Galorndon Core • Acamar III • Orelious IX • Bre'el IV • Cassiopeia Delta VII • Archer IV • Betazed • Vulcan • Rutia IV • Cawley IV • Grindelwald • Jouret IV
2367 Saturn • Earth • Ogus II • Terlina III • Daa'V • Turkana IV • Qo'noS • Alpha Onias III • Domarus IV • Alpha Hydros V • Beta Hydros IV • Lanatos • Gamelan V • Lambda Paz • Adelphous IV • Modala • Ventax II • Harrakis V • Evadne IV • Malcor III • Koorn • Tarchannen III • Cytheria • Tagus III • Torgu-Va • Kaelon II • Peliar Zel • Torona IV • Krios Prime • Qo'noS
2368 Qo'noS • El-Adrel IV • Valo I • Valo II • Qualor II • Vulcan • Galorndon Core • Hermeticus II • Phaedra • Votar VII • Sindar • J'naii • Naia VII • Delta IV • Cogen V • Tau Lee • Tessen III • Rajatha Prime • Earth
2369 Frigis • Hobson Delta II • Bajor • Eloh • Riat • Dyson Sphere • Tagra IV • Deinonychus VII • Epictetus III • Tyrus VII-A • Farisi • Mardion III • Earth • Megara • Capulon IV • Detria II • Detria VI • Lisarion • Arkaria • Buran • Iomides • Bersallis III • Ruah IV • Indri VIII • Loren III • Vilmor II • Ne'elat • Beta Maradi VII • Aklar • Eloh • Nervala IV • Velex • Ohniaka III
2370 Terellian crashsite world • Marijne VII • N'trahn • Dessica II • Barradas III • Calder II • Vulcan • Kesprytt III • Enoch VII • Dyson Sphere • Hera • Atrea IV • Vacca VI • Dorvan V • Hera • Krantin • Syng II • Earth
2371 Sindikash • Thanet • Ntignano • Akavan III • Damiano • Veridian III
2401–2402 Athan Prime • Jupiter
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Earth • Elamin IX • Algenib II • Salva IV • Chiaros IV • Kendaray • Denobula • Galor IV • Gornar • Betazed • Raknal V • Ba'ku • Halka • Primus IV • Gemworld • TaD • Blossom IV • Terra Galan • Bajor • Narendra III • Pelleus V • Solosos III • Davlos VI • Cygnet IV • Myrmidon • Tezwa • Kolarus III • Romulus • Tolochon II • Dokalaan homeworld • Dokaalan colony • Carrea • Delta Sigma IV • Gorsach IX • Trophy World • Ramatis III • Fromander IV • Vulcan
planets visited by the USS Stargazer
Vulcan • Earth • Tewa III • Raimon • Gnala • Xenex • Chalna • Maxia Zeta IV
explored galaxy map
states and organizations First Federation • Tholian Assembly Explored galaxy map.
regions Kling • Romulan Neutral Zone • Sarpeid
stars and systems Aldeberan • Alpha Carinae • Alpha Centuri • Alpha Majoris • Beta Aurigae • Beta Geminorum • Beta Lyrae • Beta Niobe • Beta Portalan • Capella • Deneb • Eminiar • Fabrina • Gamma Trianguli • Ingraham B • Omega Cygni • Orion • Pallas 14 • Phylos • Regulus • Rigel • Sirius • Sol • Talos • Tau Ceti
planets and planetoids Alfa 177 • Altair VI • Andor • Arret • Ariannus • Babel • Benecia • Berengaria VII • Camus II • Canopus III • Daran V • Gamma Canaris N • Holberg 917G • Janus VI • Kzin • Lactra VII • Makus III • Marcos XII • Marnak IV • Memory Alpha • Mudd • Omega IV • Organia • Pollux IV • Psi 2000 • Pyrix VII • Remus • Romulus • Theta III • Vulcan
Vulcan planets and planetoids
Vulcan system inhabited worlds Vulcan/T'Khut • Delta Vega Federation icon image. Vulcan icon image.
Other Vulcan colonies and outpost worlds Abyss • Adoss • Aesa IX • Callista • Calanara • Calsa • Harmony • Heprinala • Heristis • Hexentrex • Hostoria • Hurlin • Idix • Jalinitir • Jungar • Jurisa • Justinia • Khonsu • Laxaren • Lexor VII • Lixis XI • Maklin VIII • Makus III • Marcus • Maxtor • Memoxa • Merak • Minidine IV • Minora • Narcissus III • New Victoria • Norassil • P'Jem • Primidara II • Primavera • Resolution • Sigma Draconis • Silicasca • Silivis • Sojourn • Surak I • Surak II • T'Rillan • Trimarka • Typerias • Ursula • Vistil Major • Weytahn

Appearances and references[]




External links[]
