Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Exocomps were artificial intelligence technological lifeforms designed by the Doctor Farallon. After being used assisting Farallon, the exocomps learned and gained sentience.


The exocomp consisted of a micro-replicator, a boridium power converter and axionic chip network. This axionic network gave the exocomp formidable computational power. The micro-replicator not only created tools which the exocomp could use to solve problems but also created new circuit pathways in the exocomps memory when it performed new tasks. This mechanism gave the exocomp the ability to learn. The more tasks it had to perform, the more pathways were formed in its memory.

Problems to be solved could be entered through a command-pad, after which the exocomp decided what kind of tool it had to use and then replicated that tool.


Exocomp 2409

An Exocomp in employ of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers.

The exocomps purpose were originally to at act maintenance servitors at the Particle Fountain Project, but due to the adaptive nature of their design, several of them evolved, gaining sentience.

In the year 2369, Dr. Farallon experienced several failures where the exocomps failed to complete their tasks to repair a plasma conduit.

Later it was revealed by Lieutenant Commander Data that the exocomps had failed their assignments intentionally as any attempts to repair the conduit would have resulted in termination.

When the particle fountain went critical, the exocomps played a critical role in saving the lives of Geordi and Picard. (TNG episode: "The Quality of Life")

Cereal Killer

Cereal Killer in 2411.

By the year 2380, exocomps had gained fluency in humanoid linguistic communication. They were fully recognized as sentient artificial lifeforms by the United Federation of Planets, and at least one exocomp, who went by the self-chosen name Peanut Hamper, had been granted a commission as a Starfleet officer. (LD episode: "No Small Parts")

By the 2410s, Exocomps enjoyed full citizenship in the Federation. Admiral Leeta from the mirror universe told Fleet Admiral Jorel Quinn in 2411 that she didn't know that. (STO website: House United: Infiltrate and Destroy in Operation: Wolf!)

Alternate timelines[]

Exocomp 2411

An Exocomp in the 2410s.

In an alternate timeline afflicted by the Q Continuum's temporal anomaly crisis, a time displaced Lore used advanced Exocomp drones to attack Starfleet officers boarding his ship and pursuing him. (ST video game: Timelines mission: "A Tale of Forgotten Lore")

In the mirror universe, the second Terran Empire deployed Exocomps but they did not enjoy citizen rights. (STO website: House United: Infiltrate and Destroy in Operation: Wolf!)

Legume Creel was such an Exocomp, and stationed at a data-processing facility. During the infiltration by prime universe Khitomer Alliance officers led by Admiral Leeta, Creel was recruited by the Allies. In the primary universe, Creel joined the Khitomer Alliance as a diagnostics engineer with the rank of master chief petty officer. (STO - Terran Gambit mission: "Firewall")

Known Exocomps[]


Appearances and references[]



External links[]
