Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Megans were lifeforms from the pocket universe realm of nonspace, accessible at the galactic core, where what humans regarded as magic was law.

History and specifics[]

They were inhabitants of a planet known as Megas-Tu, but had once visited Earth and lived among humans at least since the days of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia. They were shapeshifters and took the forms of mythological beings such as devils, satyrs, witches, and demons. One group of their people lived on Earth as late as the 17th century, when they were burned in the Salem witch trials.

When in the year 2270 the USS Enterprise traveled to the core of the Milky Way Galaxy, they were noticed by Lucien, one of the Megans, who brought them to Megas-Tu. However, when the other Megans noticed Lucien's actions, they put the Enterprise crew on trial, and also Lucien for bringing evil to their universe. It was only the intervention of James T. Kirk, who defended Lucien and stated he would sacrifice his own life, which changed the Megans' minds to release everybody and give mankind a second chance. (TAS episode & Log Three novelization: The Magicks of Megas-Tu)

It is unclear when the Megans arrived on Earth, but Ur in Mesopotamia implies at least 3800 BC, the same time in which the Beings and Kukulkan's species, but also the Danons, had visited Earth too.
The episode has many similarities with TOS novel: Devil World, such as the setting near the galactic core. The Megans' partially devilish or demonic appearance inspiring legends of the Devil also mirrors the Furies. However, despite their devil-like appearance, neither the Furies nor the Danons had supernatural powers.


  • Asmodeus
  • Lucien
  • unnamed Megans



External links[]
