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Web 2.0: Behind The Hype Panel Being Web 2.0 – In 30 Minute Steps  Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, Blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
Contents This brief talk will cover: No Web 2.0 … The Concerns Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 RSS    Mashups Blogs  Wikis Microformats    Comms tools Social bookmarking    … Deployment Strategies User Focus Risk assessment
No Web 2.0 … No Web 2.0 … without responsibility Title of talk by Andy Clarke, Stuff & Nonsense at WWW 2006 , May 206 Web 2.0 can be useful but need to: Learn from mistakes from Web 2.0 It will be used by marketers (just like Web 1.0) Need to remember accessibility Need to be user-focussed …  This talk: Describes use of Web 2.0 at IWMW 2006 Outlines user-focussed approach Recommends use of a risk management approach Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Just like the Web in the 1990s!
Don’t Like The Term? Don’t like the Web 2.0 term? Simply use the following XSLT script with the digital audio channel to convert all occurrences of Web 2.0 in talk to your preferred alternative <xsl:template match=&quot;text()&quot;>   <xsl:choose>     <xsl:when test=&quot;contains(.,'Web 2.0')&quot;>       <xsl:value-of select=&quot;substring-before(.,'Web 2.0')&quot;/>       <xsl:text>Blogs, Wikis and other Social networking software with a user focus, always beta and a long tail</xsl:text>       <xsl:value-of select=&quot;substring-after(.,'Web 2.0')&quot;/>     </xsl:when>     <xsl:otherwise>       <xsl:value-of select=&quot;.&quot;/>     </xsl:otherwise>   </xsl:choose>  </xsl:template>  NOTE Due to increased time in saying alternative version, anyone using this will find the talk concludes when everyone else is in the bar XSLT script by Sebastian Rahtz, OSS Watch. OSS licence available.

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This document provides an introduction to Web 2.0 tools that can enhance online learning. It discusses technologies like Ajax, wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, and social bookmarking/tagging that allow for more dynamic and interactive content. Specific Web 2.0 tools are highlighted like Google Docs, Flickr, YouTube, and social media platforms that can engage students and encourage collaboration.

Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionalsBlogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals

Marieke Guy from UKOLN will help you find out how Web 2.0 applications are being used in libraries and information centres, and what actually works. Blogs, wikis, RSS? Podcasts, Slideshare, Flickr and Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and Video Sharing are the buzz words.

Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social WebEngagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web

This document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on measuring and maximizing impact using social web services. The presentation explored the benefits and concerns of using social media, discussed approaches to measure its value and effectiveness, and examined how metrics can be used to enhance institutional activities. It also addressed legal, accessibility and sustainability concerns and concluded by soliciting feedback on next steps.

Latest News Interested in marketing: Google for IWMW 2006 or IWMW2006.  Where are the top links from? And reflect on importance of Wikipedia Interested in user-created content: Look at Flickr with IWMW2006 tag Upload last night’s photos & video clip
RSS & OPML RSS: Used at IWMW 2005 for news Used at IWMW 2006 for news and syndication of content (talks, parallel sessions) OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language): Used to group RSS files OPML viewers (e.g. Grazr) allows our RSS files to be embedded in others’ Web sites Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Why RSS?  Widely acknowledged as key news & syndication format. Why OPML?  Experimentation in maximising benefits of RSS. Effort : Simple (and trivial if appropriate tools/scripts used).  Additional effort may be needed if RSS/OPML become obsolete Syndication
Mashups Mashup - aggregating content from various sources IWMW 2006: Set up IWMW 2006 Suprgru page Content mashup from: IWMW 2006 Web site Third party services such as Blogs, Wikis, search engines, … Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Syndication Risk Assessment The Web site is not currently available (Sun 4 Jun) Does this mean Web 2.0 concept is flawed? Thoughts: Little content stored (addresses of RSS feeds and a title) Alternatives are available (lots of RSS aggregators, such as Netvibes, PLEX, …) Experimentation and learning is a fundamental aspect of what we do! Why?  Simple demonstration to encourage debate about the issues. Effort : Simple (fill in a Web form)  Experiences : Superglu service not always available (so what, use, PLEX, …)
Blogs Blogs: We link to Blogs provided by IWMW 2006 delegates We recommend a tag (IWMW2006) to make it easier to find other Blogs, photos, bookmarks, etc. related to the event (e.g. using  Technorati ) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Why?  Facilitates sharing of thoughts about event. Effort : None – the Bloggers are doing the work! Risks : They say nasty things; upset people; … Blogs Users Syndication

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Keynote presentation for the South Central Kansas Library System (SCKLS) Technology Day, Wichita, KS, 2 November 2006

Welcome to IWMW 2010
Welcome to IWMW 2010Welcome to IWMW 2010
Welcome to IWMW 2010

- The document is a slide presentation from the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010 that provides an overview and history of the event as well as discussion of current challenges and the future. - It discusses how the IWMW event has been held annually since 1997 to provide a forum for UK higher education institutions to discuss web management best practices and innovations. - Recent budget cuts and changing priorities threaten the sustainability of the event, raising questions around reducing its length, making it virtual, or allowing commercial alternatives. The role of professional networks and adapting to change are emphasized.

Web 2.0 stuff to make your life easier
Web 2.0 stuff to make your life easierWeb 2.0 stuff to make your life easier
Web 2.0 stuff to make your life easier

New Technologies and Library Services discusses how libraries can harness Web 2.0 technologies to improve information provision and address common problems like keeping up with information overload and updating remote colleagues. It outlines several Web 2.0 tools like weblogs, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, wikis, and podcasting that can help libraries better share and collaborate on knowledge, stay up-to-date, and overcome issues like geography. The document advocates experimenting with these tools to determine which are easiest to implement and most useful for individual library needs.

Wikis Wikis: Used successfully at IWMW 2005  and UKOLN / UCISA events for note-taking in breakout groups, social use, … Available at IWMW 2006: UKOLN Wiki (MediaWiki) Other Wikis (for various parallel sessions) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/wiki-test/ Why?  Wikis have proved popular at other UKOLN events Why diversity : To allow us to gain a feel of different Wikis and their strength & weaknesses. Wikis Users Syndication
Podcasts Podcasts: Used at IWMW 2005 (prior to general public interest) Podcasting session at IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/podcasts/podcast.xml Why?  Gain experiences at popular technology; explore difference usages and technical and non-technical issues Effort : Non – work being led by workshop facilitator. RSS Users Syndication
Communications: Chat IRC chat facility used successfully at IWMW 2005. Gabbly being evaluated: If no systems effort available  On-the-fly chatting How long to set up: Go to < > Create chat on your institution’s home page How long? This provides on-the-fly creation of chat facilities   Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Too good to be true?  Suspicious of anything this simple?  See risk assessment page Users   Collaboration AJAX Syndication
Communications: Sound & Video VoIP, Access Grid technologies, streaming video, … have rich potential in supporting events: Speakers who can't travel Delegates who can't travel Maximising impact Reaching potential delegates Reaching sceptics Just-in-time speakers (cf Blended Learning 2006 conf.) Accessibility (slept in/ hungover?!) Issues : Technical difficulties; privacy; trust; business models; … Plans : Evaluate; reflect on issues & act accordingly; …

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web 2.0

The document discusses the unique aspects of Web 2.0 applications compared to Web 1.0. It analyzes how well modern web applications implement the original aspirations of hypertext pioneers, such as supporting search, dynamic content, collaboration and more. Web 2.0 applications fulfill many of these aspirations through features like tagging, comments, APIs and continual updates. However, their structures are not always navigable due to the "feral hypertext" that emerges from widespread collaboration.

Accessibility 2.0: People, Policies and Processes
Accessibility 2.0: People, Policies and ProcessesAccessibility 2.0: People, Policies and Processes
Accessibility 2.0: People, Policies and Processes

Slides for a paper by Brian Kelly, UKOLN presented at the W4A 2007 conference in Banff, Canada in May 2007. See

Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?
Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?
Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?

Slides for a talk on "Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the AIM 2009 conference held in Ellesmere Port on 5 June 2009. See

ukolnaim09 social bookmarking service available for use to: Provide access to resources mentioned in talks & workshops Allow others to bookmark related resources Allow users to view others’ bookmarks Monitor who’s bookmarked your resources Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Tags   AJAX Collaboration Tag misuse?  Not needed in some areas (e.g. citation analysis, other people interests)  So if misspelt still gain benefits.
Microformats (1) Microformats: Highlight of WWW 2006 Semantic markup on the cheap – builds on existing XHTML pages No need for complex software See <> Using microformats: Add some simple semantics using <span>, <div>, etc. classes: <span class=&quot;fn&quot;>Brian Kelly</span> Firefox plugins, harvesters, etc can process the semantic markup e.g. add names to your Outlook contacts, events to your Google calendar, etc Bath Univ created thousands of pages with microformats using simple tweak to Perl scripts   Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Tags   Collaboration
Microformats (2) Pages on IWMW 2006 Web site have microformats Plugins such as Tails display contact and event details & allow them to be uploaded to Outlook, Google Calendar, etc Web 2.0 workshops/webmaster-2006/sessions/kelly World Cup Web site also has microformats.  This avoids the cumbersome downloading dates, entering calendar, selecting import, finding file, … Tags   Collaboration
Web As A Platform has delivered visitors to IWMW 2006 Web site They provide Event details Microformats (event, location) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Exporting functionality Community space Other people can take my data and use it to provide my event. They also provide additional functionality for me   Network Users   Tags Collaboration

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This document provides a summary of a blog post from 2009 discussing technology trends and forecasting the future. It begins by describing the optimistic views of technologies at the time, like videoconferencing and Twitter. However, it notes critics who argue this is "technological determinism" that promises more than technologies deliver. The blog post then discusses an approach the author took - forecasting technologies backwards in time to give plausible reasons for their demise. For example, it suggests Twitter would not scale and become "clogged", seen as similar to email spam, and be replaced by meeting in real pubs with real friends. For videoconferencing, it speculates research may find people prefer face-to-face meetings and

The Use of the Social Web in Scholarly Communication
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The Use of the Social Web in Scholarly Communication

The document discusses the role of social web tools like blogs, microblogs, wikis and social sharing in scholarly communication. It describes the author's personal experiences using these tools to support writing a paper, get feedback and maximize the paper's impact. However, it also notes challenges like not all researchers finding these tools suitable, sustainability issues if services disappear, and lack of clear evidence on tangible benefits. More research is needed but some researchers are starting to adopt these tools.

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Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0

Slides for a talk on "Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0 " given be Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University 2.0 conference in Santander on 8 September 2010. See

Creative Commons Hasn’t Upcoming contributor infringed my copyright (even though it’s to my benefit?)  Creative Commons licence assigned to publicity details Also described in microformat to allow software to find Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2006/publicity/ Openness Tags   Collaboration
Wikipedia Summary of IWMW series available in Wikipedia: High profile location Google friendly Maximise impact Community can update Good guys seem to win (and I’ve now a Wikipedia track record) CC rights assigned Clean URI May provide stable URI Clean, stable URIs? Mashups, integration, annotation, etc. helped by use of clean (e.g. application independent) and stable URIs URIs   Wikis Collaboration
Maps Google Map of University of Bath embedded on Web site Provides: Usability (rescalable and repositioning through use of AJAX)  Can be personalised (map from my home) Effective use of scarce resources (avoids techies duplicating existing services) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2006/maps/ Risk : What if Google go out-of-business?  Response : What if local staff leave? What if other development work they should do fails to get done?  Note : Northumbria have better example APIs AJAX Mashups   Syndication
User Focus Why are we doing this?  For Our Users: Making our users aware of emerging new stuff Demonstrating how they can be used Describing possible problems and solutions To provide richer services Engaging With Users Getting our users involved in using the applications, listening to their feedback Risk If We Don’t We’re aware of the risks of not doing this: Shouldn’t UKOLN be able to advise us? What do we pay them for? Deployment Strategy

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From Web Accessibility 2.0 to Web Adaptability (1.0)

Slides for the opening plenary talk on "From Web Accessibility 2.0 to Web Adaptability (1.0)" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the OzeWAI 2009 conference held in Melbourne, Australia on 21-23 January 2009. See

Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment
Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 EnvironmentWeb Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment
Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment

Slides for a talk on "Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a Web site preservation workshop at the UKOLN IWMW 2008 event. See

IOL 2007 Web 2 0
IOL 2007   Web 2 0 IOL 2007   Web 2 0
IOL 2007 Web 2 0

This document discusses the concept of Web 2.0 and how it can be used in education. Web 2.0 emphasizes online collaboration and user-generated content rather than static websites. It describes several Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, podcasts, and video that can be used for distance learning, sharing course materials, and facilitating student collaboration. Specific examples of how tools like Google Docs, Skype, and Second Life can enhance education are provided. Course management systems that incorporate Web 2.0 features are also outlined.

It’s Scary Remember Web in early 1990s: It’s a toy Gopher is the future We’ve a home-grown CWIS And the word and other wars: World Wide Web, worldwideweb, WWW, W 3 You can’t use the Web for Intranets – content must be open Nothing’s changed (Web 2.0 is scary) We’ve just bought a CMS Legal issues Don’t understand the technologies We’re losing control … Deployment Strategy Northgate Rapper and their double asymmetric somersault debuted at international DERT 2006 competition Addressing fears: Experimentation, practice, working with enthusiasts & youngsters, getting support of friends & colleagues, having a plan B, alcohol?, … We Sometimes Do Scary Things
IWMW 2006 & Risk Management  IWMW 2006 has taken a risk management approach to its evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies: Agreements : e.g. in the case of the Chatbot. Use of  well-established services : Google & are well-established and have financial security.  Notification : warnings that services could be lost.  Engagement : with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services.  Provision of  alternative  services: multiple OMPL tools.  Use in  non-mission critical  areas: not for bookings!  Long term experiences  of services:  usage stats Availability of  alternative sources of data : e.g. standard Web server log files. Data  export  and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc. Deployment Strategy
Risks (2) File Formats Microformats are a bottom-up approach OPML is simple but ambiguous How scalable? Will formats change in light of experience? Approaches: Use to provide services today Look for tools which will allow for changes Applications No longer critical in many areas! If application is flawed, no longer available through it away and use an alterative Deployment Strategy
Web 2.0 With Responsibility Web 2.0 software and services: Will be poor, over-hyped, inaccessible, … Web 1.0 software an Web sites was the same Still need to: Make use of standards & best practices Address usability & accessibility issues Have migration plans (e.g. create microformats with scripts, use for events in near future, …) Deployment Strategy AJAX And Accessibility Argument : AJAX use JavaScript and WAI guidelines implies JavaScript is bad.  Counter-Argument : But WCAG 2.0 removes this, and JavaScript can provide accessibility & usability benefits. Advice : Right decent JavaScript and test it! (or provide alternatives).

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Wikis, Web 2.0
Wikis, Web 2.0Wikis, Web 2.0
Wikis, Web 2.0

The document discusses the history and evolution of the World Wide Web and user-generated content. It describes the overhyped rise of the dot-com era in the 1990s, the crash in 2001, and the emergence of more stable Web 2.0 technologies post-2002 that enabled user participation through blogs, wikis, and social media. It outlines how content creation shifted from traditional media to the masses through various self-publishing tools and user-generated content on sites like Wikipedia, YouTube, and social networks.

Web 2.0 Chillicothe High School
Web 2.0 Chillicothe High SchoolWeb 2.0 Chillicothe High School
Web 2.0 Chillicothe High School

Blogs and wikis can be used to differentiate instruction by allowing students to communicate outside of the classroom, collaborate on projects, and publish examples of work. Both tools allow for instant publishing and free or low-cost use. While blogs are more linear and directed, wikis are more collaborative and dynamic. Popular wikis include Wikipedia and Wikispecies. Teachers can use blogs to provide materials and Q&A sessions and wikis for group projects and collaborative works. RSS feeds allow users to aggregate news and updates from blogs and other sources.

What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?

Slides for a talk on "What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Girona on 2 September 2010. See

Conclusions To conclude: Web 2.0 is here and ready for use It can provide valuable user services It’s particularly appropriate for use in education & research, which seeks to make use of innovation There will be poor applications, mistakes, etc. Planning, flexibility & sharing can help Conclusions Note resources cited in the talk are bookmarked in using tag  '' iwmw2006-web2.0-panel &quot;

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Ram Srivastava
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Bill Albing
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Similar to Web 2.0: Behind The Hype Panel (20)

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Web 2.0: What Can It Offer The Research Community?
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Engaging Virtual Communities: Web 2.0
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Engaging Virtual Communities: Web 2.0
Info2006 Web20 Taly Print
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Info2006 Web20 Taly Print
An Introduction to Web 2.0 and the Social Web".
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An Introduction to Web 2.0 and the Social Web".
Web Futures: Implications For HE
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Web Futures: Implications For HE
Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?
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Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?
Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?
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Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?
Web 2.0: characteristics and tools (2010 eng)
Web 2.0: characteristics and tools (2010 eng)Web 2.0: characteristics and tools (2010 eng)
Web 2.0: characteristics and tools (2010 eng)
Reflections On Personal Experiences In Using Wikis
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Reflections On Personal Experiences In Using Wikis
“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”
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Web2 UKOLN MLA Workshop
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Web 2.0: a course
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Web 2.0: a course
Smwcon spring2011 tutorial applied semantic mediawiki
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MS PowerPoint format
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Using a Wiki as an Organization Portal (at TriXML2006)
Using a Wiki as an Organization Portal (at TriXML2006)Using a Wiki as an Organization Portal (at TriXML2006)
Using a Wiki as an Organization Portal (at TriXML2006)
Web2.0 Oakley 10 Jun07
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Web2.0 Oakley 10 Jun07

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Web 2.0: Behind The Hype Panel

  • 1. Web 2.0: Behind The Hype Panel Being Web 2.0 – In 30 Minute Steps Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, Blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
  • 2. Contents This brief talk will cover: No Web 2.0 … The Concerns Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 RSS  Mashups Blogs  Wikis Microformats  Comms tools Social bookmarking  … Deployment Strategies User Focus Risk assessment
  • 3. No Web 2.0 … No Web 2.0 … without responsibility Title of talk by Andy Clarke, Stuff & Nonsense at WWW 2006 , May 206 Web 2.0 can be useful but need to: Learn from mistakes from Web 2.0 It will be used by marketers (just like Web 1.0) Need to remember accessibility Need to be user-focussed … This talk: Describes use of Web 2.0 at IWMW 2006 Outlines user-focussed approach Recommends use of a risk management approach Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Just like the Web in the 1990s!
  • 4. Don’t Like The Term? Don’t like the Web 2.0 term? Simply use the following XSLT script with the digital audio channel to convert all occurrences of Web 2.0 in talk to your preferred alternative <xsl:template match=&quot;text()&quot;>  <xsl:choose>    <xsl:when test=&quot;contains(.,'Web 2.0')&quot;>      <xsl:value-of select=&quot;substring-before(.,'Web 2.0')&quot;/>      <xsl:text>Blogs, Wikis and other Social networking software with a user focus, always beta and a long tail</xsl:text>      <xsl:value-of select=&quot;substring-after(.,'Web 2.0')&quot;/>    </xsl:when>    <xsl:otherwise>      <xsl:value-of select=&quot;.&quot;/>    </xsl:otherwise>  </xsl:choose> </xsl:template> NOTE Due to increased time in saying alternative version, anyone using this will find the talk concludes when everyone else is in the bar XSLT script by Sebastian Rahtz, OSS Watch. OSS licence available.
  • 5. Latest News Interested in marketing: Google for IWMW 2006 or IWMW2006. Where are the top links from? And reflect on importance of Wikipedia Interested in user-created content: Look at Flickr with IWMW2006 tag Upload last night’s photos & video clip
  • 6. RSS & OPML RSS: Used at IWMW 2005 for news Used at IWMW 2006 for news and syndication of content (talks, parallel sessions) OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language): Used to group RSS files OPML viewers (e.g. Grazr) allows our RSS files to be embedded in others’ Web sites Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Why RSS? Widely acknowledged as key news & syndication format. Why OPML? Experimentation in maximising benefits of RSS. Effort : Simple (and trivial if appropriate tools/scripts used). Additional effort may be needed if RSS/OPML become obsolete Syndication
  • 7. Mashups Mashup - aggregating content from various sources IWMW 2006: Set up IWMW 2006 Suprgru page Content mashup from: IWMW 2006 Web site Third party services such as Blogs, Wikis, search engines, … Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Syndication Risk Assessment The Web site is not currently available (Sun 4 Jun) Does this mean Web 2.0 concept is flawed? Thoughts: Little content stored (addresses of RSS feeds and a title) Alternatives are available (lots of RSS aggregators, such as Netvibes, PLEX, …) Experimentation and learning is a fundamental aspect of what we do! Why? Simple demonstration to encourage debate about the issues. Effort : Simple (fill in a Web form) Experiences : Superglu service not always available (so what, use, PLEX, …)
  • 8. Blogs Blogs: We link to Blogs provided by IWMW 2006 delegates We recommend a tag (IWMW2006) to make it easier to find other Blogs, photos, bookmarks, etc. related to the event (e.g. using Technorati ) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Why? Facilitates sharing of thoughts about event. Effort : None – the Bloggers are doing the work! Risks : They say nasty things; upset people; … Blogs Users Syndication
  • 9. Wikis Wikis: Used successfully at IWMW 2005 and UKOLN / UCISA events for note-taking in breakout groups, social use, … Available at IWMW 2006: UKOLN Wiki (MediaWiki) Other Wikis (for various parallel sessions) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/wiki-test/ Why? Wikis have proved popular at other UKOLN events Why diversity : To allow us to gain a feel of different Wikis and their strength & weaknesses. Wikis Users Syndication
  • 10. Podcasts Podcasts: Used at IWMW 2005 (prior to general public interest) Podcasting session at IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/podcasts/podcast.xml Why? Gain experiences at popular technology; explore difference usages and technical and non-technical issues Effort : Non – work being led by workshop facilitator. RSS Users Syndication
  • 11. Communications: Chat IRC chat facility used successfully at IWMW 2005. Gabbly being evaluated: If no systems effort available On-the-fly chatting How long to set up: Go to < > Create chat on your institution’s home page How long? This provides on-the-fly creation of chat facilities  Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Too good to be true? Suspicious of anything this simple? See risk assessment page Users Collaboration AJAX Syndication
  • 12. Communications: Sound & Video VoIP, Access Grid technologies, streaming video, … have rich potential in supporting events: Speakers who can't travel Delegates who can't travel Maximising impact Reaching potential delegates Reaching sceptics Just-in-time speakers (cf Blended Learning 2006 conf.) Accessibility (slept in/ hungover?!) Issues : Technical difficulties; privacy; trust; business models; … Plans : Evaluate; reflect on issues & act accordingly; …
  • 13. social bookmarking service available for use to: Provide access to resources mentioned in talks & workshops Allow others to bookmark related resources Allow users to view others’ bookmarks Monitor who’s bookmarked your resources Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Tags AJAX Collaboration Tag misuse? Not needed in some areas (e.g. citation analysis, other people interests) So if misspelt still gain benefits.
  • 14. Microformats (1) Microformats: Highlight of WWW 2006 Semantic markup on the cheap – builds on existing XHTML pages No need for complex software See <> Using microformats: Add some simple semantics using <span>, <div>, etc. classes: <span class=&quot;fn&quot;>Brian Kelly</span> Firefox plugins, harvesters, etc can process the semantic markup e.g. add names to your Outlook contacts, events to your Google calendar, etc Bath Univ created thousands of pages with microformats using simple tweak to Perl scripts  Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Tags Collaboration
  • 15. Microformats (2) Pages on IWMW 2006 Web site have microformats Plugins such as Tails display contact and event details & allow them to be uploaded to Outlook, Google Calendar, etc Web 2.0 workshops/webmaster-2006/sessions/kelly World Cup Web site also has microformats. This avoids the cumbersome downloading dates, entering calendar, selecting import, finding file, … Tags Collaboration
  • 16. Web As A Platform has delivered visitors to IWMW 2006 Web site They provide Event details Microformats (event, location) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Exporting functionality Community space Other people can take my data and use it to provide my event. They also provide additional functionality for me  Network Users Tags Collaboration
  • 17. Creative Commons Hasn’t Upcoming contributor infringed my copyright (even though it’s to my benefit?) Creative Commons licence assigned to publicity details Also described in microformat to allow software to find Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2006/publicity/ Openness Tags Collaboration
  • 18. Wikipedia Summary of IWMW series available in Wikipedia: High profile location Google friendly Maximise impact Community can update Good guys seem to win (and I’ve now a Wikipedia track record) CC rights assigned Clean URI May provide stable URI Clean, stable URIs? Mashups, integration, annotation, etc. helped by use of clean (e.g. application independent) and stable URIs URIs Wikis Collaboration
  • 19. Maps Google Map of University of Bath embedded on Web site Provides: Usability (rescalable and repositioning through use of AJAX) Can be personalised (map from my home) Effective use of scarce resources (avoids techies duplicating existing services) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2006/maps/ Risk : What if Google go out-of-business? Response : What if local staff leave? What if other development work they should do fails to get done? Note : Northumbria have better example APIs AJAX Mashups Syndication
  • 20. User Focus Why are we doing this? For Our Users: Making our users aware of emerging new stuff Demonstrating how they can be used Describing possible problems and solutions To provide richer services Engaging With Users Getting our users involved in using the applications, listening to their feedback Risk If We Don’t We’re aware of the risks of not doing this: Shouldn’t UKOLN be able to advise us? What do we pay them for? Deployment Strategy
  • 21. It’s Scary Remember Web in early 1990s: It’s a toy Gopher is the future We’ve a home-grown CWIS And the word and other wars: World Wide Web, worldwideweb, WWW, W 3 You can’t use the Web for Intranets – content must be open Nothing’s changed (Web 2.0 is scary) We’ve just bought a CMS Legal issues Don’t understand the technologies We’re losing control … Deployment Strategy Northgate Rapper and their double asymmetric somersault debuted at international DERT 2006 competition Addressing fears: Experimentation, practice, working with enthusiasts & youngsters, getting support of friends & colleagues, having a plan B, alcohol?, … We Sometimes Do Scary Things
  • 22. IWMW 2006 & Risk Management IWMW 2006 has taken a risk management approach to its evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies: Agreements : e.g. in the case of the Chatbot. Use of well-established services : Google & are well-established and have financial security. Notification : warnings that services could be lost. Engagement : with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services. Provision of alternative services: multiple OMPL tools. Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings! Long term experiences of services: usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data : e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc. Deployment Strategy
  • 23. Risks (2) File Formats Microformats are a bottom-up approach OPML is simple but ambiguous How scalable? Will formats change in light of experience? Approaches: Use to provide services today Look for tools which will allow for changes Applications No longer critical in many areas! If application is flawed, no longer available through it away and use an alterative Deployment Strategy
  • 24. Web 2.0 With Responsibility Web 2.0 software and services: Will be poor, over-hyped, inaccessible, … Web 1.0 software an Web sites was the same Still need to: Make use of standards & best practices Address usability & accessibility issues Have migration plans (e.g. create microformats with scripts, use for events in near future, …) Deployment Strategy AJAX And Accessibility Argument : AJAX use JavaScript and WAI guidelines implies JavaScript is bad. Counter-Argument : But WCAG 2.0 removes this, and JavaScript can provide accessibility & usability benefits. Advice : Right decent JavaScript and test it! (or provide alternatives).
  • 25. Conclusions To conclude: Web 2.0 is here and ready for use It can provide valuable user services It’s particularly appropriate for use in education & research, which seeks to make use of innovation There will be poor applications, mistakes, etc. Planning, flexibility & sharing can help Conclusions Note resources cited in the talk are bookmarked in using tag '' iwmw2006-web2.0-panel &quot;