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Beyond Digital
The Agile University
Higher Education is continually changing.
[ Student information system ]
[ Web portal ]
[ Data warehouse ]
[ Business planning ]
[ Research intelligence ]
[ Collaboration ]
The “performance culture”
Increasing public scrutiny as a response to increasing
scale and complexity of the HE sector.
The “consumerisation of education”
Greater variety of delivery models as a response to
tertiary education becoming a value for money route.Sustained focus on
Widening Participation
1992 re-definition of HEI
Increasing “freedom” in
revenue generation
Introduction of market
Increase in
scale and
complexity of
students and
Shift from
research to
fees as
Increased scale of
transnational education
Increasing links between
HE & enterprise
Over the last few decades, Higher Education has had to
react to sector-reshaping policy decisions…
Nearable technology?
Open learning?
3-D visualisation?
Flipped classroom?
Expand transnationally?
Industry collaboration?
Cut courses / schools?
Add courses / schools?
Collaborate with other unis?
Virtual Learning Environment?
Implement CRM?
Agile delivery skills?
Two speed IT?
Attendance recording?
Social media engagement?
Digital tours?
Open day app?

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Models of aggregate planning
Models of aggregate planningModels of aggregate planning
Models of aggregate planning

This document discusses models of aggregate planning. It describes the objectives of aggregate planning as minimizing costs and maximizing profits, customer service, and utilization of resources. It outlines the aggregate planning process and factors that must be considered from different business functions. The document then explains different strategies for aggregate planning like chase, level, and mixed strategies. It also discusses techniques used in aggregate planning like trial and error, linear programming, linear decision rules, and yield management.


MRP System Structure (Input and Output) Master Production Schedule (MPS) Bill of Material (BOM) Inventory Records File MRP Terminology MRP Explosion Process MRP Management MRP and JIT

Om lect 03_a(r0-aug08)_process selection_process design_mms_sies
Om lect 03_a(r0-aug08)_process selection_process design_mms_siesOm lect 03_a(r0-aug08)_process selection_process design_mms_sies
Om lect 03_a(r0-aug08)_process selection_process design_mms_sies

The document discusses process design and selection. It states that process design determines the overall sequence of operations required to achieve product specifications. Key factors in process design include the product volume and quality, available equipment, degree of automation, and customer needs. Common process types include job shop, batch, assembly line, continuous flow, and project-based systems. The selection of an appropriate process affects production economics and should be done considering various factors like product variety, batch size, capital requirements, and economic analysis of alternatives.

Marketisation of
Higher Education
will not be reversed
and will accelerate The continued
emergence of
substitutes will start
to materially impact
demand for
traditional degrees
Digital will disrupt
every part of the
Introduction of the
‘Teaching Excellence
The pressure to respond to change is set to continue…
Niall Lavery
Director, Innovation, PwC
Dan Babington
Higher Education Digital Lead, PwC
[ Digital is not about technology, it’s about people. ]
IT-alone-led approach to solving
business problems
can be like ‘laying train tracks’
Great for getting places – but only
certain places
If your stakeholders want to go
somewhere different,
you need a more flexible approach

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Material requirements planning in a demand driven world 2
Material requirements planning in a demand driven world 2Material requirements planning in a demand driven world 2
Material requirements planning in a demand driven world 2

The document discusses Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and its limitations in today's volatile supply chain environments. It introduces Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) as a new approach with 5 components: 1) strategic inventory positioning, 2) establishing buffer profiles and levels, 3) dynamic adjustments, 4) demand driven planning, and 5) visible and collaborative execution. DDMRP aims to dampen variability, compress lead times, and better leverage working capital by positioning inventory and pulling materials based on demand rather than pushing materials through the supply chain.

(Mrp 1) Prsntation Slides
(Mrp 1) Prsntation Slides(Mrp 1) Prsntation Slides
(Mrp 1) Prsntation Slides

Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a software-based production planning system used to manage manufacturing processes and inventory. It involves forecasting demand, creating a master production schedule, bills of materials, and using an inventory status file to determine net material requirements. The system generates reports and orders to meet requirements while maintaining low inventory levels. Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) applies MRP principles to distribution by linking customer demand and forecasts to inventory replenishment plans across multiple warehouse locations in the supply chain.


The document outlines a roadmap for implementing a Just-in-Time (JIT) system in 3 phases over 7 months to achieve rapid and balanced flow from planning to scheduling. It discusses reviewing product design and processes, establishing pull systems and kanban cards, reducing inventory, developing skills, improving supplier relationships, and continuously measuring performance. The goal is to streamline production with minimal waste through quality control, stable schedules, small lot sizes, and a philosophy of continuous improvement.

kanbanproduction kanbancontinuous improvement
Digital programmes are
created by the right
departments, not just IT
All digital activity is
linked to the university’s
overall strategy
The end user is fully
involved in all the
decisions about digital
Academics, staff and students
receive the right training
and ongoing support
Benefits-focused approach to
project delivery
Common IT function capabilities
required by all HEI functions…
Structured programme & project
delivery lifecycle
Digital literacy by default
(supported by L&D)
User-centricity and willingness to
Common IT function behaviours
required by all HEI functions…
Structured problem-solving
(“project thinking”)
Digital adoption and comfort with
new ways of working
Software licensing & vendor
Common IT function activities to
leave in the IT function…
Systems maintenance &
Hardware & network design and
• Planning staff seconded to the project: none.
• Academic / college involvement: minimal.
• Training approach: eGuide.
• Good technology platform delivered: yes.
• Business impact: slightly different monthly report now
used for SMT reporting.
• Project over-ran by £500k.
One simple example: the impact of under-investment in business change
• Ambitious Russell Group University.
• Invested ~£1m in a new web-based Business
Intelligence platform.
• Objective was to “join up disparate data” and
enable “performance reporting”.
• Project led by the Planning team.
Project context
• Finance staff seconded to the project: two.
• Academic / college involvement: regular, structured.
• Training approach: User involvement in development,
testing and formal training with follow-on support.
• Good technology platform delivered: yes.
• Business impact: game-changing long- and short-term
planning capability.
Same software  Same University Same IT team  Same supplier Very different outcomes
• Ambitious Russell Group University.
• Invested ~£1m in a new web-based modelling
and analytics platform.
• Objective was to allow colleagues from different
teams to collaborate in business planning.
• Project led by the Finance team.
Project context
“Thinking digitally means taking a whole
institution approach – this is the only way
that the levels of innovation and cultural
change required to become a digital
university can be achieved.”
The 2018 digital university: staying relevant in the digital age, PwC 2015

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Delayed Product Differentiation
Delayed Product DifferentiationDelayed Product Differentiation
Delayed Product Differentiation

The document discusses several approaches to delayed product differentiation in supply chain systems including standardization, modular design, and process restructuring. Standardization involves using common components or processes to reduce complexity and increase flexibility. Modular design decomposes products into submodules that are assembled after a common process. Process restructuring involves resequencing steps so common steps are performed before product-specific ones. The document provides examples and models for evaluating these approaches.


This paper consists of basic understanding of JIT and TQM philosophies, the inter-linkages between these and challenges associated in their implementation. Paper also discusses how JIT can feeds to the accomplishment of TQM. JIT and TQM are perfectly complimentary to each other. The objective of both is to expose and correct problems at source, so as to avoid wasting resources on production of defective products. Paper illustrates how TQM and JIT can enhance value for customers and at the same time can ensure higher profits for firm.

quality of servicetime managementtotal quality management
Optimized Production Technology
Optimized Production TechnologyOptimized Production Technology
Optimized Production Technology

OPT is a computer-based production planning and scheduling system that seeks to maximize throughput by balancing flow rather than capacity, minimizing or eliminating bottlenecks, and using variable lot sizes. It identifies bottlenecks and focuses on keeping them 100% utilized in order to increase throughput, with the goal of increasing profit by increasing throughput, decreasing inventory, and decreasing operating expenses. The document provides an analogy comparing OPT principles to arranging marching troops to maintain a steady flow without unnecessary spreading out.

[ Digital is not about technology, it’s about collaboration. ]
You don’t need a digital strategy, you need
a business strategy fit for the digital age.
(Continuous) Self-
Scientific &
Contribute to the
community &
Generate income
Provide fulfilling
Purpose of an
Agile University
• Design and implementation of a new Directorate: The
Office for Digital Learning.
• Academic-led strategy development
• A new “ecosystem” approach to the learning
environment delivered by IT and the ODL.
• Ambitious Post-1992 University.
• Recognised need for new educational approach.
• Project sponsored by SMT.
Project context
One simple example: collaboration to deliver better education
“Dissatisfaction reduces steadily
in line with increasing amounts
of contact.”
The academic experience of students at
English Universities, Bekhradnia, 2012
The nature and volume of time
spent with learners is critical.
“~40% of students say managing
to balance working hours and
study hours is having a negative
effect on their education.”
Student Experience Report, National
Union of Students, 2008
The timing and flexibility of
learning activities is important.
“It is obvious to students where
blended learning is implemented
as an add-on. It needs to be
Student Expectations and Perceptions,
Kandiko, Mawer, 2013
Pedagogical change is complex
and it can go wrong.

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Operations Management Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Operations ManagementMaterial Requirements Planning (MRP)Operations ManagementMaterial Requirements Planning (MRP)
Operations Management Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

The document discusses material requirements planning (MRP) and its use at Collins Industries, a large ambulance manufacturer. Collins requires an MRP system to manage its large inventory of 18,000 item codes and meet production needs. An effective MRP system requires accurate data on the bill of materials, inventory levels, outstanding orders and component lead times. The MRP system then calculates material needs based on the master production schedule to ensure availability of all parts.

Ch17 Mrp
Ch17  MrpCh17  Mrp
Ch17 Mrp

The document discusses materials requirements planning (MRP), which coordinates the flow of components and inputs through the production process. MRP was developed after World War II to improve upon quarterly ordering systems as demand became more based on forecasts rather than confirmed orders. It takes production forecasts and breaks them down into weekly schedules using a bill of materials to determine dependent demand for components. MRP provides schedules and priorities to help manage inventory levels and avoid stockouts. It requires accurate data on master production schedules, bills of materials, inventory levels, and order status.

Transaction or transformation
Transaction or transformationTransaction or transformation
Transaction or transformation

The document discusses the tension modern universities face in balancing student consumer demands with their commitment to intellectual transformation. It explores how the view of higher education as a private investment focusing on employability clashes with ideas of universities providing public good. While metrics like the National Student Survey emphasize student satisfaction, universities aim to cultivate critical thinking through challenges. The document advocates for pedagogical reforms, use of technology, and leadership emphasizing shared strategic purpose to bridge these perspectives.

[ Digital is not about technology, it’s about me. ]
The HE landscape is getting more and more competitive, and each and
every stakeholder in your University will be getting more demanding.
Agile Universities need to have the ability to engage with each and every
one of them on a personal basis – whatever the channel of engagement.
Gaining a clear understanding of who these stakeholders are, and be
responsive to their needs is a critical success factor – and current systems
and processes generally don’t support this.
The University’s stakeholder community is complex and constantly changing…
Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
Which types of prospective students do I want to target?
• Do I know which location, language, socio-economic group, gender, academic field,
learning style, social behaviours, etc. represent a student that I want to attract?
• Similarly, do I know which students are most likely to be successful at my University?
How do I convert them?
• How do these students decide which University to apply to?
• How do I honestly compare against my competitors against these criteria?
• What can I do to improve this performance and effectively communicate that?
Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
Proximity to home is the primary decision making criteria for 31% of prospective
• In socio-economic group A, it is only 22%; and
• In socio-economic group DE, it is 53%.
Many students will decide on criteria that the usual “attraction” techniques won’t
• 81% of students at Russell Group Unis chose their University based on academic
• 71% of post-1992 HEIs chose their University because it provided the specific course
they wanted.
Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…

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Engage in a discussion about how leading institutions are applying social technologies to attract new students, engage and retain their existing student population, and inspire and re-connect with alumni.

social_communitieshigher educationonline community
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Forging Successful Learning Centers: Critical Considerations and Evidence-Bas...Forging Successful Learning Centers: Critical Considerations and Evidence-Bas...
Forging Successful Learning Centers: Critical Considerations and Evidence-Bas...

This document provides an overview of a presentation for new learning center directors on forging successful learning centers. It discusses critical considerations like programs and services, use of technology, assessment and evaluation, professional development, and budgeting. Participants will gain knowledge on evidence-based best practices and utilize a work plan to develop actions and timelines for center improvements. The document includes discussion questions to involve participants.

learning centerslearning center directorslearning center management
Transformation Strategies for Higher Education
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Transformation Strategies for Higher Education

Across the education ecosystem, the basic tenets of teaching and learning are being challenged by business and technology drivers -- compelling institutions in the higher education field to adopt a new playbook in order to remain relevant.

adaptive learningdigital textbooksonline learning
Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
However – there are many criteria that you can use to engage prospects very
effectively. What are the top 3?
1. Will I get value for money…specifically how will you educate me?
• Maybe by combining digital tech, academic input and clear policies and
processes to enable prospects to participate in SPOCs before applying.
• Maybe by providing a richness of narrative that can avoid misunderstandings
around SSRs.
• Can I see evidence that you have thought about, and care about, how you will
educate me in the best way possible?
Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
However – there are a bunch of really important things that you can use to
engage prospects very effectively. What are the top 3?
2. Will I be able to feedback to the Uni on my experience, and will it be acted on
in time for me to benefit?
• “Feedback” is a very broad subject, and the perceived priority of this within
prospective and current students is something that surprises many unis.
• Students nowadays are used to instant communication, followed by immediate
action – which is not really compatible with how most Universities are currently
set up. This can be a real differentiator….
Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
However – there are a bunch of really important things that you can use to
engage prospects very effectively. What are the top 3?
3. Once you convert me, then what – will you still value me?
• Whether or not everyone agrees, students perceive themselves to be a
University’s greatest asset, and they need to be convinced that they will be
valued – publishing a toothless student charter is no good – can I see evidence
that you’re living the principles it contains?
• Also, students are now wary of the “attention gap” following conversion – how
are the various parts of the university collaborating to provide a high quality,
“seamless” student experience from first contact forevermore?
Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
How to win?
+ +
Platform approach

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The social phenomenon is impacting every facet of Higher Education. From the onslaught of new ways students are communicating, sharing, collaborating, and learning via social media to the innovative digital and social breakthroughs that stand to reinvent the way knowledge is transferred in a Higher Education setting, change is coming to this sector. And it will be disruptive. Learn first-hand what these big changes mean today and how to prepare for their effects tomorrow. Join Jive Software, 7Summits, Penn Foster, and Milwaukee School of Engineering as they share best best practices and discuss how institutions can apply social technologies to attract new students, engage and retain their existing student population, and inspire and re-connect with alumni for measurable business benefits. During this presentation, you will learn: - How social technologies can drive value throughout the student experience (prospects, students, alumni) - How to engage and influence high school students and their parents - Suggested strategies for implementing social technologies within your institution - Lessons learned from two leading institutions, Milwaukee School of Engineering and Penn Foster

msoehigher educationonline_communities
Global Leadership Academy, March 2013
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Global Leadership Academy, March 2013

The Global Citizenship Program (GCP) at Webster University underwent revision beginning in 2009 and was approved by the Faculty Assembly in 2011. The GCP aims to provide students with the competencies required for responsible global citizenship in the 21st century by integrating knowledge and skills development. Research indicates the GCP aligns with employer needs, student needs, and national best practices. It emphasizes skills like critical thinking, communication, and intercultural competence that lead to career success. The next steps are to ensure all GCP courses are of high quality and effectively integrate knowledge and skills.

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Digital Transformation in Higher Education M Nagarajan IAS
Digital Transformation in Higher Education   M Nagarajan IASDigital Transformation in Higher Education   M Nagarajan IAS
Digital Transformation in Higher Education M Nagarajan IAS

Future of Digital Education is already here. Blended learning with plethora of technology choices is the way to go.

digital educationonline learningdigital transformation
Integrated student journey platform
Student Info
Lecture capture
Performance reporting
Student analytics
Social media
Improved attraction, retention,
Coverage across the entire student journey
in a single integrated platform
Identify Attract &
Engage, Educate &
Collaborate, Innovate
& Reward
Improved attraction, retention,
Data-driven responsiveness, delivering a
truly personalised experience for all
Increase student satisfaction by acting on
feedback in real-time
Predict and resolve
retention issues
Improved attraction, retention,
Designed from the ground-up for
the Agile University
blended learning

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Focusing and working locally - while reaching globally
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Universities face increasing challenges from changing student expectations, financial pressures, and disruptive technologies. Students now demand more flexible, personalized, and technology-enabled educational experiences. Increased competition comes from private providers adopting new models. To succeed, universities must focus on recruiting, engaging, and satisfying diverse students through tailored programming and services available anytime on any device. Leveraging student data and technology, universities can better understand student needs and intervene to improve retention, outcomes, and employability. This will help universities develop sustainable models and compete in today's shifting landscape of higher education.

studentseducation and trainingsocial media
Focusing and working locally - while reaching globally
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Focusing and working locally - while reaching globally

Student recruitment, student experience, rankings and employability are all so important, but how can you do this and still support the local community and economy? Do you look to wealthy international students or recruit from your local talent pool? Do you diversify into new types of teaching? The intelligent use of ‘big data’ and embracing modern marketing techniques can hold the key to identifying the right students for your university, and giving them more personalised support. Making use of this data/information can not only increase retention rates but can nurture talent, push up attainment and improve the student experience.

narictribalhigher education
The Future Looks Digital - TCCTA
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The Future Looks Digital - TCCTA

Many institutions see technology as a strategy to increase revenues and decrease campus-bases classrooms and resources. However, as emerging technologies shift the course from teaching-centered to learning-centered, historically effective strategies may no longer provide the same return on investment. This session examines how we can maximize the return on value of technology to increase learner engagement, add instructional options, and improve faculty efficacy.

We want help!

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The Agile University

  • 2. Higher Education is continually changing.
  • 3. [ Student information system ] [ Web portal ] [ Data warehouse ] [ Business planning ] [ Research intelligence ] [ Collaboration ] The “performance culture” Increasing public scrutiny as a response to increasing scale and complexity of the HE sector. The “consumerisation of education” Greater variety of delivery models as a response to tertiary education becoming a value for money route.Sustained focus on Widening Participation 1992 re-definition of HEI landscape Increasing “freedom” in revenue generation Introduction of market forces Increase in scale and complexity of students and courses Shift from research to fees as primary “manageable” funding stream Increased scale of transnational education Increasing links between HE & enterprise Over the last few decades, Higher Education has had to react to sector-reshaping policy decisions…
  • 4. Next? Nearable technology? Open learning? 3-D visualisation? Flipped classroom? Expand transnationally? Industry collaboration? Cut courses / schools? Add courses / schools? Collaborate with other unis? Virtual Learning Environment? Implement CRM? Agile delivery skills? Two speed IT? Attendance recording? Social media engagement? Digital tours? Open day app?
  • 5. Marketisation of Higher Education will not be reversed and will accelerate The continued emergence of substitutes will start to materially impact demand for traditional degrees Digital will disrupt every part of the institution Introduction of the ‘Teaching Excellence Framework’ The pressure to respond to change is set to continue…
  • 6. Niall Lavery Director, Innovation, PwC Dan Babington Higher Education Digital Lead, PwC
  • 7. [ Digital is not about technology, it’s about people. ]
  • 8. IT-alone-led approach to solving business problems can be like ‘laying train tracks’ Great for getting places – but only certain places If your stakeholders want to go somewhere different, you need a more flexible approach
  • 9. Digital programmes are created by the right departments, not just IT All digital activity is linked to the university’s overall strategy The end user is fully involved in all the decisions about digital Academics, staff and students receive the right training and ongoing support
  • 10. Benefits-focused approach to project delivery Common IT function capabilities required by all HEI functions… Structured programme & project delivery lifecycle Digital literacy by default (supported by L&D) User-centricity and willingness to change Common IT function behaviours required by all HEI functions… Structured problem-solving (“project thinking”) Digital adoption and comfort with new ways of working Software licensing & vendor management Common IT function activities to leave in the IT function… Systems maintenance & deployment Hardware & network design and management
  • 11. • Planning staff seconded to the project: none. • Academic / college involvement: minimal. • Training approach: eGuide. • Good technology platform delivered: yes. • Business impact: slightly different monthly report now used for SMT reporting. • Project over-ran by £500k. One simple example: the impact of under-investment in business change • Ambitious Russell Group University. • Invested ~£1m in a new web-based Business Intelligence platform. • Objective was to “join up disparate data” and enable “performance reporting”. • Project led by the Planning team. Project context • Finance staff seconded to the project: two. • Academic / college involvement: regular, structured. • Training approach: User involvement in development, testing and formal training with follow-on support. • Good technology platform delivered: yes. • Business impact: game-changing long- and short-term planning capability. Same software  Same University Same IT team  Same supplier Very different outcomes • Ambitious Russell Group University. • Invested ~£1m in a new web-based modelling and analytics platform. • Objective was to allow colleagues from different teams to collaborate in business planning. • Project led by the Finance team. Project context
  • 12. “Thinking digitally means taking a whole institution approach – this is the only way that the levels of innovation and cultural change required to become a digital university can be achieved.” The 2018 digital university: staying relevant in the digital age, PwC 2015
  • 13. [ Digital is not about technology, it’s about collaboration. ]
  • 14. You don’t need a digital strategy, you need a business strategy fit for the digital age.
  • 15. Securing employment (Continuous) Self- development Scientific & humanitarian advancement Contribute to the community & economy Generate income Provide fulfilling careers Purpose of an Agile University
  • 16. • Design and implementation of a new Directorate: The Office for Digital Learning. • Academic-led strategy development • A new “ecosystem” approach to the learning environment delivered by IT and the ODL. • Ambitious Post-1992 University. • Recognised need for new educational approach. • Project sponsored by SMT. Project context One simple example: collaboration to deliver better education “Dissatisfaction reduces steadily in line with increasing amounts of contact.” The academic experience of students at English Universities, Bekhradnia, 2012 The nature and volume of time spent with learners is critical. 1 “~40% of students say managing to balance working hours and study hours is having a negative effect on their education.” Student Experience Report, National Union of Students, 2008 The timing and flexibility of learning activities is important. 2 “It is obvious to students where blended learning is implemented as an add-on. It needs to be planned.” Student Expectations and Perceptions, Kandiko, Mawer, 2013 Pedagogical change is complex and it can go wrong. 3
  • 17. [ Digital is not about technology, it’s about me. ]
  • 18. The HE landscape is getting more and more competitive, and each and every stakeholder in your University will be getting more demanding. Agile Universities need to have the ability to engage with each and every one of them on a personal basis – whatever the channel of engagement. Gaining a clear understanding of who these stakeholders are, and be responsive to their needs is a critical success factor – and current systems and processes generally don’t support this. The University’s stakeholder community is complex and constantly changing… Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses
  • 19. Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach… Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses Which types of prospective students do I want to target? • Do I know which location, language, socio-economic group, gender, academic field, learning style, social behaviours, etc. represent a student that I want to attract? • Similarly, do I know which students are most likely to be successful at my University? How do I convert them? • How do these students decide which University to apply to? • How do I honestly compare against my competitors against these criteria? • What can I do to improve this performance and effectively communicate that?
  • 20. Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses Proximity to home is the primary decision making criteria for 31% of prospective students….but: • In socio-economic group A, it is only 22%; and • In socio-economic group DE, it is 53%. Many students will decide on criteria that the usual “attraction” techniques won’t influence: • 81% of students at Russell Group Unis chose their University based on academic reputation. • 71% of post-1992 HEIs chose their University because it provided the specific course they wanted. Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
  • 21. Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses However – there are many criteria that you can use to engage prospects very effectively. What are the top 3? 1. Will I get value for money…specifically how will you educate me? • Maybe by combining digital tech, academic input and clear policies and processes to enable prospects to participate in SPOCs before applying. • Maybe by providing a richness of narrative that can avoid misunderstandings around SSRs. • Can I see evidence that you have thought about, and care about, how you will educate me in the best way possible? Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
  • 22. Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses However – there are a bunch of really important things that you can use to engage prospects very effectively. What are the top 3? 2. Will I be able to feedback to the Uni on my experience, and will it be acted on in time for me to benefit? • “Feedback” is a very broad subject, and the perceived priority of this within prospective and current students is something that surprises many unis. • Students nowadays are used to instant communication, followed by immediate action – which is not really compatible with how most Universities are currently set up. This can be a real differentiator…. Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
  • 23. Stakeholders’ needs will change as their relationship with the University progresses However – there are a bunch of really important things that you can use to engage prospects very effectively. What are the top 3? 3. Once you convert me, then what – will you still value me? • Whether or not everyone agrees, students perceive themselves to be a University’s greatest asset, and they need to be convinced that they will be valued – publishing a toothless student charter is no good – can I see evidence that you’re living the principles it contains? • Also, students are now wary of the “attention gap” following conversion – how are the various parts of the university collaborating to provide a high quality, “seamless” student experience from first contact forevermore? Exceeding stakeholders expectations requires a joined up approach…
  • 24. How to win? TECHNOLOGY METHOD PARTNERSHIP + + Platform approach
  • 25. Integrated student journey platform Student Info CRM CMS Registry Welfare Exams Lecture capture VLE Collaboration Performance reporting Student analytics Social media
  • 26. Improved attraction, retention, attainment Coverage across the entire student journey in a single integrated platform Identify Attract & Convert Engage, Educate & Enrich Collaborate, Innovate & Reward
  • 27. Improved attraction, retention, attainment Data-driven responsiveness, delivering a truly personalised experience for all Increase student satisfaction by acting on feedback in real-time Predict and resolve retention issues
  • 28. Improved attraction, retention, attainment Designed from the ground-up for the Agile University 100% cloud-based 100% open 100% blended learning 100% partnership