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Preparing for the Future: Technological
Challenges and Beyond
C1: Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques
Brian Kelly
Independent researcher/consultant at
UK Web Focus Ltd.
Tony Hirst
Senior lecturer at The Open University
Contact Details
Brian Kelly Tony Hirst
Email: Email:
Twitter: @briankelly Twitter: @psychemedia
Blog: Blog:
Slides and further information available at
UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #ili2015fut
C: Tools & Techniques
Some Tools and Techniques
Some tools and techniques we may use:
• “What did you notice for the first time?”
• Trend analyses (pros and cons)
• How did we get here?
• The history of the world backwards
• “Did you try the library?”
• Listening to experts
• Asking the audience
C: Tools & Techniques
“What did you notice for the first time?”
Use of this approach at ILI 2013:
• Get people thinking
• Help to reflect on changes (“when did
policeman start to look young!”)
• May highlight relevant examples (esp. from
international audience) 3
C: Tools & Techniques
Trend Analysis: Mobile (1)
• We now
know of the
of Mobile
Tecmark Digital Marketing Agency

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F1: Summary: Future Technologies and Their Applications
F1: Summary:  Future Technologies and Their ApplicationsF1: Summary:  Future Technologies and Their Applications
F1: Summary: Future Technologies and Their Applications

Slides for a 1-day workshop on "Future Technologies and Their Applications" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2013 conference on Monday 14 October 2013. See See

Open Data in and from schools
Open Data in and from schoolsOpen Data in and from schools
Open Data in and from schools

My proposal at the 2011 OGD Camp in Warsaw: all schools can and should be both users and producers of Open Data

open datacivismteenagers
Outcomes from the Digital Student Skills project
Outcomes from the Digital Student Skills projectOutcomes from the Digital Student Skills project
Outcomes from the Digital Student Skills project

The document summarizes the outcomes of several phases of the Jisc Digital Student projects. It discusses focus groups conducted with over 120 learners from various skills sectors to understand their technology needs, experiences, and expectations. It also identifies challenges for different types of learners, such as work-based learners needing experience with workplace software and prison learners having very restricted access to technology.

by Jisc
C: Tools & Techniques
Trend Analysis: Mobile (2)
Need to
C: Tools & Techniques
Trend Analysis: Mobile (3)
We now know of the importance of Mobile: but did we say
the same when WAP came along?
C: Tools & Techniques
Trend Analysis: Search Engines
• “#Blekko traffic goes through the roof
– for good reason. Try it out!”
• Based on blog post entitled “Blekko’s
Traffic Is Up Almost 400 Percent;
Here Are The CEO’s Five Reasons
Why” (includes dissatisfaction with
Is Blekko’s Traffic Really Going Through The Roof? Will It Challenge Google?,
UK Web Focus blog, 18 April 2012
C: Tools & Techniques
Spinning the Trends!
Membership numbers for your
organisation, 2002-2014
8Your competitors
You are the in charge of marketing
and have to write the annual report.
How can you provide a positive report
on membership figures?

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What the learners say: FE learners' expectations and experiences of technolog...
What the learners say: FE learners' expectations and experiences of technolog...What the learners say: FE learners' expectations and experiences of technolog...
What the learners say: FE learners' expectations and experiences of technolog...

Is your college meeting your learners’ needs and expectations in relation to technology? This workshop shares current practice from providers who are engaging learners as active participants in the development of digital practices and strategies and will help equip you to develop best practice in your own college.

by Jisc
Who Controls The Demand Pull And Supply Push In E Learning
Who Controls The Demand Pull And Supply Push In E LearningWho Controls The Demand Pull And Supply Push In E Learning
Who Controls The Demand Pull And Supply Push In E Learning

The document discusses the shifting control over e-learning and who is driving demand and supply in the e-learning field. It notes that most believe control is shifting and that various groups, including educators, researchers, governments, students, employers and parents all play a role in both driving demand and pushing supply simultaneously. The document also examines challenges in implementing innovations in education and increasing the impact of educational research on customers' needs.

DigiLearn: A practice informed approach to recognition and development
DigiLearn: A practice informed approach to recognition and developmentDigiLearn: A practice informed approach to recognition and development
DigiLearn: A practice informed approach to recognition and development

Speakers: Chris Melia, senior learning technologist, University of Central Lancashire Alice Thompson, senior lecturer, University of Central Lancashire Nick Bohannon, principal lecturer in mental health nursing, University of Central Lancashire DigiLearn is a digital recognition initiative that has been successfully rolled out across the academic community at the University of Central Lancashire. Centering around peer support and the interdisciplinary sharing of TEL best practice. In this session, university colleagues will share the transformational impact of the initiative on: teaching practice, the student experience and professional development.

by Jisc
C: Tools & Techniques
Spinning the Trends!
“Looking at the year
on year graph of
membership figure,
2013 definitely
shows signs of
compared with
previous years”
“xxx has steered [organisation] through a period of change and reform,
which has seen membership numbers stabilise and member services
improve.” Annual Review 2014
C: Tools & Techniques
About These Figures
Membership numbers for CILIP
BCS (British Computer Society)
• We will want to be positive
But will:
• lack of awareness mean we fail to
take action?
• we make invalid assumptions (e.g.
significant decreases during Labour
ALA (American Library Association)
C: Tools & Techniques
How Did We Get Here?
It’s 2020.
Despite sceptism from critics the technology you
spotted as significant ten years early is now widely
Explain the technical, social, political and economic
reasons which affected the take-up of the
Describe the impact on competitive technologies.
Possible limitations of approach:
• Over-optimism (“it’s open source; government encourages
innovation; …”)
• Unlikely to provide new insights to sceptics
C: Tools & Techniques
The History of the Web Backwards
Take today’s
technology and
reverse time to
find reasons for
its demise
• Can provide
new insights
• May be
useful for
fans of the
12Another alternative history is given by Alan Cann

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DigiLearn: Building on the Microsoft Educator Community
DigiLearn: Building on the Microsoft Educator CommunityDigiLearn: Building on the Microsoft Educator Community
DigiLearn: Building on the Microsoft Educator Community

The document outlines the DigiLearn initiative at UCLan which aims to support staff in developing digital and technology-enabled approaches to learning, teaching, research and leadership. It describes the tiered DigiLearn framework including practitioner, advocate and champion levels achieved through completing digital pathways and activities. Examples are given of two staff members' digital journeys and how DigiLearn has benefited them, including accessing training, widening their networks, and enhancing their teaching practices. Role profiles are provided for the levels of engagement within the DigiLearn community.

Leveraging change through digital capability - Scott Hibberson, Saf Arfan and...
Leveraging change through digital capability - Scott Hibberson, Saf Arfan and...Leveraging change through digital capability - Scott Hibberson, Saf Arfan and...
Leveraging change through digital capability - Scott Hibberson, Saf Arfan and...

Led by Scott Hibberson, subject specialist - online learning and the digital student experience, Jisc. With contributions from Saf Arfan, vice-principal for development and innovation at Salford City College Dr Liz Bennett, director of learning and teaching at the University of Huddersfield Connect more in Liverpool, 21 June 2016

by Jisc
Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Chris Thomson, Esam B...
Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Chris Thomson, Esam B...Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Chris Thomson, Esam B...
Making a difference with technology-enhanced learning - Chris Thomson, Esam B...

Led by Chris Thomson, subject specialist for online learning and the digital student experience, Jisc. With contributions from Esam Baboukhan, advanced practitioner, City of Westminster College. There will be a focus how technology can support learning and teaching for a better student experience. Local providers will be sharing how their technology-based approaches have made a difference for learners and teachers. Connect more in London, 28 June 2016

by Jisc
C: Tools & Techniques
The History of the Social Web Backwards
From a fan of social web and user of Facebook, the 13 year
history of the demise and death of Facebook, backwards
• EU decision on illegality of “Safe Harbor” agreement
marked the demise of global social web services and a
move towards decentralised services, ownership of content
and a revival of and Diaspora
• After a slow decrease in usage, the enforced removal of
ads on mobile apps led to unprofitability and eventual
cessation of mobile apps
• The retreat of social web to the desktop wasn’t enough and
the rejection of the coalition government in 2010 and the
election of a socialist “New Labour government” heralded
the demise of the social web
• By 2005 Facebook was only used by a few students in
21 universities around the world
• Facebook officially ceased to exist in October 2003 and
Mark Zuckerberg started a course at Harvard University
Legal drivers
Business models
Political changes
C: Tools & Techniques
“Did You Try the Library?”
slide 41 – a thought
experiment I have high
hopes for in the right
workshop setting…! if
you overheard
someone answer a
question you didn’t hear
with the phrase “did you
try the library?”, what
might the question be?
You can then also pivot
the question to identify
possible competitors;
for example, if a
sensible answer to the
same question is “did
you try Amazon?”,
Amazon might be a
competitor for the
delivery of that service.14
From report on workshop at ILI 2013
C: Tools & Techniques
Listening to Experts
• Go to a conference and listen to an expert
• Read a report written to expert in sector
• Organise an event with input from experts
The experts identify relevant solutions
But does this always work?
• SGML for sharing computer documentation
• METS metadata standard
C: Tools & Techniques
Should ACOCG Use SGML?
2-day SGML workshop organised by ACOCG in March
ACOCG wish to distribute viewgraphs; teaching
material and manual across HE sector so they can be
updated for local use
Questions for workshop delegates:
• Is SGML the right protocol to use?
• If so, are DAPHNE DTDs good starting point?
• If so, what changes are used?
• …

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The Legal Year in Review: Digital Access Cases
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The Legal Year in Review: Digital Access Cases

While every year is active in the federal and state courts, 2015 saw several cases focused on the accessibility of online content. These cases demonstrate that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Office for Civil Rights (OCR) are taking a more comprehensive position on digital access, and organizations across industries should take note of the precedents being set to better understand their legal obligations. In this webinar, Paul Grossman, who served as the OCR Chief Regional Attorney in San Francisco for 30 years, will analyze key illustrative cases and decisions in 2015 that have potential impact on campus and organization policies, practices, and environments as they relate to web accessibility. This presentation will cover: - Legal requirements impacting web accessibility - What is a "public accommodation" subject to Title III of the ADA? - Captioning lawsuit against Harvard and MIT - Cases of "deliberate indifference" - Key DOJ/OCR compliance reviews in 2015 - Accommodating employees - The legal horizon for web accessibility

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Presentation delivered by Kellie Mote, accessibility specialist at Jisc, as part of a webinar in partnership with College Development Network (CDN), streamed on 20th February, 2020.

accessibilitypublic sectorweb accessibility regulations
Student experience experts group meet up, April 2020
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Student experience experts group meet up, April 2020

This document summarizes the agenda for the 46th meeting of Jisc's student experience experts group. The meeting will include presentations and discussions on the future of assessment, transforming assessment and feedback through technology, and equipping staff with digital capabilities. Presentations will cover Jisc's research on the future of assessment, examples of effective practice from Manchester Metropolitan University and Preston's College, and supporting new students' digital experience. The agenda also includes virtual coffee breaks and a lunch break. Recordings and materials from the event will be made available on Jisc's website.

by Jisc
C: Tools & Techniques
Should ACOCG Use SGML?
• 13 speakers and additional 15 delegates
• Included SGML experts
Main Recommendations
• SGML should be adopted for document distribution
• A set of DTDs should be established
• Experiences should be shared across sector
• Documentation probably produced using MS Word!
• SGML was too heavyweight
• Sector was gaining expertise in DTP and WYSIWYG
word processors
• In 1998 XML standard released, a lightweight update to
C: Tools & Techniques
We commission
reports from
experts in the field
C: Tools & Techniques
We commission
reports from experts in
a field
Should we be
surprised that they
highlight the
importance of the area
they are experts in?!
Their expertise is
important, but we need
to have counter-
… is an information professional who has specialized
in the fields of electronic information provision for over
20 years.
In recent years, he has specialized in metadata for
digital libraries, in which capacity he is a member of
the editorial board for the METS (Metadata Encoding
and Transmission Standard) standard for digital library
C: Tools & Techniques
Asking the Audience
Hands up if you have:
Used a mobile device for work-related purposes in bed
Options: Yes, No or I’m indecisive!
“20% of the iPad users spent time with their iPad in bed” 2010
Informal survey
(Twitter & blog post),
March 2012

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Lexdis - technology strategies for studying
Lexdis - technology strategies for studyingLexdis - technology strategies for studying
Lexdis - technology strategies for studying

This document summarizes the LexDis website and its goals of being participatory, empowering, social, and casual while also building skills. It discusses how the website was originally created in 2009 to share learner experiences with e-learning and how it has evolved, including an external evaluation in 2016 that found 17% of users had disabilities. The document outlines feedback from 2016 users including suggestions to break up content into smaller sections, add date filtering and sharing options on social media. It concludes by thanking E.A. Draffan and listing some strategies for all students including MOOCs, flipped classrooms, alternate formats for media and assessments, and open educational resources.

by Jisc
The Anatomy of an IT Accessibility Coordinator
The Anatomy of an IT Accessibility CoordinatorThe Anatomy of an IT Accessibility Coordinator
The Anatomy of an IT Accessibility Coordinator

With accessibility on many schools' minds, campuses across the country are creating new roles (IT Accessibility Coordinator, Accessible Technology Specialist, Accessibility Manager, etc.) to help them comply with web accessibility laws and guidelines. But what exactly does an IT Accessibility Coordinator do? In this webinar, you'll learn the answer to that question directly from Kara Zirkle, the IT Accessibility Coordinator at George Mason University. Looking at the responsibilities and expectations of the role, Kara will discuss strategies for accomplishing accessibility goals at the university level. This presentation will cover: - What are the responsibilities of an IT Accessibility Coordinator? - What are the expectations and the realistic goals for the role? - Budgeting for accessibility - Building an accessibility strategy at your school - Getting administrative buy-in & centralizing efforts - George Mason University's road to accessibility - Challenges Kara has encountered along the way

web accessibilitygeorge mason universityaccessibility coordinator
Building digital capability
Building digital capabilityBuilding digital capability
Building digital capability

Building capability for new digital leadership, pedagogy and efficiency, delivered by Sarah Davies at the Jisc Learning and teaching practice experts group

by Jisc
jisclearning and teaching practice experts group
C: Tools & Techniques

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C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques

  • 1. Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond C1: Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques Brian Kelly Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus Ltd. Tony Hirst Senior lecturer at The Open University Contact Details Brian Kelly Tony Hirst Email: Email: Twitter: @briankelly Twitter: @psychemedia Blog: Blog: Slides and further information available at UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #ili2015fut
  • 2. C: Tools & Techniques Some Tools and Techniques Some tools and techniques we may use: • “What did you notice for the first time?” • Trend analyses (pros and cons) • How did we get here? • The history of the world backwards • “Did you try the library?” • Listening to experts • Asking the audience 2
  • 3. C: Tools & Techniques “What did you notice for the first time?” Use of this approach at ILI 2013: • Get people thinking • Help to reflect on changes (“when did policeman start to look young!”) • May highlight relevant examples (esp. from international audience) 3
  • 4. C: Tools & Techniques Trend Analysis: Mobile (1) • We now know of the importance of Mobile 4 Tecmark Digital Marketing Agency
  • 5. C: Tools & Techniques Trend Analysis: Mobile (2) Need to gather evidence from multiple sources 5
  • 6. C: Tools & Techniques Trend Analysis: Mobile (3) We now know of the importance of Mobile: but did we say the same when WAP came along? 6
  • 7. C: Tools & Techniques Trend Analysis: Search Engines • “#Blekko traffic goes through the roof – for good reason. Try it out!” • Based on blog post entitled “Blekko’s Traffic Is Up Almost 400 Percent; Here Are The CEO’s Five Reasons Why” (includes dissatisfaction with Google) 7 Is Blekko’s Traffic Really Going Through The Roof? Will It Challenge Google?, UK Web Focus blog, 18 April 2012
  • 8. C: Tools & Techniques Spinning the Trends! Membership numbers for your organisation, 2002-2014 8Your competitors You are the in charge of marketing and have to write the annual report. How can you provide a positive report on membership figures?
  • 9. C: Tools & Techniques Spinning the Trends! “Looking at the year on year graph of membership figure, 2013 definitely shows signs of improvement compared with previous years” 9 “xxx has steered [organisation] through a period of change and reform, which has seen membership numbers stabilise and member services improve.” Annual Review 2014 2013 2012 2010 2011 PDF
  • 10. C: Tools & Techniques About These Figures Membership numbers for CILIP 10 BCS (British Computer Society) Issues: • We will want to be positive But will: • lack of awareness mean we fail to take action? • we make invalid assumptions (e.g. significant decreases during Labour government) ALA (American Library Association)
  • 11. C: Tools & Techniques How Did We Get Here? Scenario: It’s 2020. Despite sceptism from critics the technology you spotted as significant ten years early is now widely used. Explain the technical, social, political and economic reasons which affected the take-up of the technology. Describe the impact on competitive technologies. 11 Possible limitations of approach: • Over-optimism (“it’s open source; government encourages innovation; …”) • Unlikely to provide new insights to sceptics
  • 12. C: Tools & Techniques The History of the Web Backwards Take today’s embedded technology and reverse time to find reasons for its demise • Can provide new insights • May be especially useful for fans of the technology 12Another alternative history is given by Alan Cann
  • 13. C: Tools & Techniques The History of the Social Web Backwards From a fan of social web and user of Facebook, the 13 year history of the demise and death of Facebook, backwards • EU decision on illegality of “Safe Harbor” agreement marked the demise of global social web services and a move towards decentralised services, ownership of content and a revival of and Diaspora • After a slow decrease in usage, the enforced removal of ads on mobile apps led to unprofitability and eventual cessation of mobile apps • The retreat of social web to the desktop wasn’t enough and the rejection of the coalition government in 2010 and the election of a socialist “New Labour government” heralded the demise of the social web • By 2005 Facebook was only used by a few students in 21 universities around the world • Facebook officially ceased to exist in October 2003 and Mark Zuckerberg started a course at Harvard University 13 Legal drivers Business models Political changes Reality Reality
  • 14. C: Tools & Techniques “Did You Try the Library?” slide 41 – a thought experiment I have high hopes for in the right workshop setting…! if you overheard someone answer a question you didn’t hear with the phrase “did you try the library?”, what might the question be? You can then also pivot the question to identify possible competitors; for example, if a sensible answer to the same question is “did you try Amazon?”, Amazon might be a competitor for the delivery of that service.14 From report on workshop at ILI 2013
  • 15. C: Tools & Techniques Listening to Experts You: • Go to a conference and listen to an expert • Read a report written to expert in sector • Organise an event with input from experts The experts identify relevant solutions But does this always work? • SGML for sharing computer documentation • METS metadata standard 15
  • 16. C: Tools & Techniques Should ACOCG Use SGML? 2-day SGML workshop organised by ACOCG in March 1990 Context: ACOCG wish to distribute viewgraphs; teaching material and manual across HE sector so they can be updated for local use Questions for workshop delegates: • Is SGML the right protocol to use? • If so, are DAPHNE DTDs good starting point? • If so, what changes are used? • … 16
  • 17. C: Tools & Techniques Should ACOCG Use SGML? Audience • 13 speakers and additional 15 delegates • Included SGML experts Main Recommendations • SGML should be adopted for document distribution • A set of DTDs should be established • Experiences should be shared across sector Reality • Documentation probably produced using MS Word! Observations • SGML was too heavyweight • Sector was gaining expertise in DTP and WYSIWYG word processors • In 1998 XML standard released, a lightweight update to SGML 17
  • 18. C: Tools & Techniques We commission reports from experts in the field 18PDF
  • 19. C: Tools & Techniques We commission reports from experts in a field Should we be surprised that they highlight the importance of the area they are experts in?! Their expertise is important, but we need to have counter- balances 19 … is an information professional who has specialized in the fields of electronic information provision for over 20 years. In recent years, he has specialized in metadata for digital libraries, in which capacity he is a member of the editorial board for the METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) standard for digital library metadata.
  • 20. C: Tools & Techniques Asking the Audience Hands up if you have: Used a mobile device for work-related purposes in bed Options: Yes, No or I’m indecisive! 20 “20% of the iPad users spent time with their iPad in bed” 2010 Informal survey (Twitter & blog post), March 2012
  • 21. C: Tools & Techniques Questions? 21

Editor's Notes

  1. I’d welcome questions and comments. Note that I’ve published a blog post on which can be used for questions. Thank you.