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Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Challenge For IT Support Staff?   Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ' ucisa-sdg-2007 ' tag  Let’s use Gabbly pointing at for chat
About Me Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus: a Web advisory post based at UKOLN Funded by JISC and MLA to advise HE/FE and cultural heritage sectors Web enthusiast since Jan 1993  Committee member of UCISA TLIG/SDG and predecessor groups in 1980/90s UKOLN: National centre of expertise in digital information management Located at the University of Bath
Contents Introduction Web 2.0 – An Opportunity Web 2.0 - what you know Technologies (blogs, wikis, RSS, comms) Culture (openness, user-focus, always beta) Web 2.0 – A Challenge Institutional conservatism Addressing the sceptics Deployment Strategies User focus; Information literacy; staff development Safe experimentation; risk assessment / risk management Where To From Here? Doing it  Sharing experience Avoiding risks of doing nothing
Context  Assumptions – you’re excited & terrified: You’re all familiar with Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, RSS) & services (Flickr, YouTube, ..)  You’re excited by Web 2.0’s potential You’re horrified that: People are falling for the marketing hype Easy-to-use apps will marginalise you User-Generated Content will lead to deterioration in quality … Aim of this talk: To explain why you should be excited To explore how the concerns can be addressed To outline how Web 2.0 can support and develop IT Support staff

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What Uses for New Digital Technologies?
What Uses for New Digital Technologies?What Uses for New Digital Technologies?
What Uses for New Digital Technologies?

Brian Kelly gave a presentation on new digital technologies and their uses. He discussed concepts like Web 2.0, social media, mobile access, and cloud computing. He acknowledged challenges like sustainability, privacy, and organizational barriers, but argued against overly simplistic or fundamentalist approaches. A balanced, managed approach was needed to harness new technologies while mitigating risks.

Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0
Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0
Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0

Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0 discusses how Web 2.0 has changed the rules for e-learning by providing new technical capabilities and shifting user behaviors and expectations. It argues that academic and educational institutions need to fund development differently, deploy services differently, and revisit their relevance in light of these changes. Specifically, it suggests that global social networks will become more important, that embracing constraints can provide useful services quickly, and that outsourcing infrastructure can deliver cost savings and richer functionality.

Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?
Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?
Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?

Slides used by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a meeting on "Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?" held at the University of Nottingham, on 16 November 2006.

IT Services Today “ IT Services: Help Or Hindrance? ” talk: At UCISA Management conference, Mar 2006 Web 2.0 is changing things – adapt or die! Follow-up for EMUIT, Nov 2006 (& elsewhere): “ Web 2.0 is changing things – adapt or die!” We know – so tell us how to adapt! Reflections: Willingness to change (at various levels) Conservatism (at various levels) Need opportunities to try Web 2.0 things IT Services possibly lagging behind Librarians (and museums?!)
Web 2.0 – You’ll Know This What Is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology”  Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups  Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking  Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness Web 2.0
Blogs (1) Michael Webb’s blog at Newport College: IT Service’s director College’s Web 2.0 strategy decided after my talk at UCISA 2006 Lead from top Sustainable: ~weekly post Web 2.0 Strategy talk available at IWMW 2006 Web side (& Slideshare) Video on Google Video Using Web 2.0 Thoughts:1 Blogging is so mainstream that even senior managers do it Are smaller colleges quicker to innovate?
Blogs (2) John Dale’s blog at Warwick University: E-lab’s head of development Pioneer in providing student blogging service Engages Warwick users in discussions Talks about non-IT interests Using Web 2.0 Thoughts: IT staff can have a personal interests and talk about them Yes students will swear on blogs – and the world doesn’t fall apart Rapid respond to problems, rather than banning

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Exploiting The Potential Of Blogs and Social Networks Introduction
Exploiting The Potential Of Blogs and Social Networks Introduction Exploiting The Potential Of Blogs and Social Networks Introduction
Exploiting The Potential Of Blogs and Social Networks Introduction

Slides used in the Introduction talk at the UKOLN workshop on "Exploiting The Potential Of Blogs and Social Networks ". See

“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”
“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”
“Library 2.0: Balancing the Risks and Benefits to Maximise the Dividends”

The document discusses various challenges and barriers to the successful adoption of Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 technologies. It identifies issues such as sustainability of third-party services, data lock-in, lack of expertise, inappropriate content, and accessibility concerns. It proposes balanced approaches to address these barriers, including risk assessment and management, staff development, clarifying responsibilities, and embracing new media literacy.

Welcome to IWMW 2010
Welcome to IWMW 2010Welcome to IWMW 2010
Welcome to IWMW 2010

- The document is a slide presentation from the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010 that provides an overview and history of the event as well as discussion of current challenges and the future. - It discusses how the IWMW event has been held annually since 1997 to provide a forum for UK higher education institutions to discuss web management best practices and innovations. - Recent budget cuts and changing priorities threaten the sustainability of the event, raising questions around reducing its length, making it virtual, or allowing commercial alternatives. The role of professional networks and adapting to change are emphasized.

Blogs (3) In-Cider Knowledge blog: Mark Sammons, Computing Officer at Edinburgh Univ Posts about Firefox administration – and reflections on Web 2.0 stuff An unofficial blog Regular posting since Dec 2004! Using Web 2.0 Thoughts: IT staff will want to do good, even if the university doesn’t (yet) approve Universities may take time to catch up: Edinburgh’s Web 2.0 action plan published on 31 May 2007 (ahead of yours?)
Wikis Wetpaint wiki used for several UKOLN events: Easy to set up & use Free But it’s externally-hosted? Yes   Avoids dependencies on busy IT staff Usability proven by large nos. of users Avoids techie ideologies Using Web 2.0 Thoughts: Various access levels can be granted / various alerting tools Easy-to-use collaboration working which minimises effort required – surely a no-brainer?
Communications - Chat Gabbly: A chat facility for your Web site in less than 30 seconds! RSS output Much potential: Just-in-time comms Multiple discussions in lecture theatres …  Using Web 2.0 workshops/archivists-2007-06/gabbly/ Thoughts: We could do this in our VLE; using MSN, IRC, … But: Access issues; ID issues; usability issues, …
Communications - Skype Skype: Easy-to-use Users love it Approaches to concerns: Bath Univ banned on Resnet in response to users concerns, but removed restriction recently Manchester Univ. bought technology to provide a quality Skype service for its users Oxford Univ provided user education on best practices for configuring software Using Web 2.0 Uses: Explore non-technical issues Just-in-time accessibility Green agenda (do you have one?)

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Meda5400 Web2.0.ppt
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The document provides a history of the development of the World Wide Web from its origins with ARPANET in the late 1950s through the modern Internet today. It describes Web 1.0 as the original static web with fixed information and Web 2.0 as the more dynamic, interactive web that allows for user contributions and sharing through technologies like blogs, social media, and wikis. The key difference is that Web 2.0 aims to provide an engaging online experience to encourage return visits.

From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability
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From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability

Rehearsal of a talk on "From Web Accessibility to Web Adaptability" given at Techshare 2009 conference on 17 September 2009. See

Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social WebEngagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web

This document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on measuring and maximizing impact using social web services. The presentation explored the benefits and concerns of using social media, discussed approaches to measure its value and effectiveness, and examined how metrics can be used to enhance institutional activities. It also addressed legal, accessibility and sustainability concerns and concluded by soliciting feedback on next steps.

Softer Aspects of Web 2.0 Web 2.0: Always beta Services that change & develop Reflects life, reflects learning Web 2.0: Openness Open standards, open source, open access, open culture Underpins education and research  Web 2.0: User-focussed, trust Users are what we’re about Society expects us to deliver educated citizens, who can exploit their learning for benefit of society Web 2.0 Softer aspects of Web 2.0 characterise key aspects of higher education and the role of the University system
Web 2.0 and IT Support Staff We have seen: Benefits of Web 2.0 to users Relationships between Web 2.0 and higher education We’ll now explore how: Web 2.0 is changing user communities’ views of IT Web 2.0 is changing nature of IT support Web 2.0 can enhance career development for IT support staff Web 2.0 and Users
Web 2.0 and Users What if: Applications are easy to develop Applications are easy to deploy Facebook seems to have “disposable apps” Try it, use it, dump it, replace it And what if data is also disposable: The use was the purpose I don’t care about preservation  I need to forget my past Web 2.0 and Users
“ Embracing Constraints” We must ensure: Application work on all browsers Comply with accessibility guidelines Data can be imported & exported But Cities I’ve Visited: Works well for me (places I’ve spoken at) Quick data input (AJAX) No data export (yet?) Doesn’t work in Opera (yet?) What if this is good enough for the individual user?

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Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0

Slides for a talk on "Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0 " given be Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University 2.0 conference in Santander on 8 September 2010. See

Accessibility 2.0: People, Policies and Processes
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Accessibility 2.0: People, Policies and Processes

Slides for a paper by Brian Kelly, UKOLN presented at the W4A 2007 conference in Banff, Canada in May 2007. See

What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?

Slides for a talk on "What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Girona on 2 September 2010. See

“ Technology: Stuff that Doesn’t Quite Work” IT has always been a technology Stuff that works: Radio; TV; phone; consumer goods; … What if IT does work: good news or bad? Reduced need for training Learn from your mates Peer-support Diversity of choice for consumers, not imposition of supported solution Selection: Functionality Interoperability Colour / coolness Web 2.0 and Users
Role of IT Services Will IT Services be needed in the future? Yes – if we embrace the future and are seen to enhance it No – if we are seen to fight it and justify yesterday’s norms Yer, but no, but yer, but –  of course it’s more complex than that! And we’ve been through radical changes in the past: Demise of mainframe PC revolution (standalone then networked) Demise of Computer Board Distributed staff Web 1.0 IT has changed HEIs; so it will change IT Services Web 2.0 and IT Support
IT Services Director 2.0 Michael Nowlan, Director, TCD: “ Any time I am talking about innovative or disruptive technologies, I refer to your talk [at UCISA 2006]. My mantras are now: Yes before No Allow before disallow Open rather than closed Connect to the network on a device-agnostic basis” Would an IT Director at a UK University say this? Are we behind the Irish?  And if  so, why? conference2005/nowlan.wmv
Opportunities: IT Development Web 2.0 technologies are providing an opportunity to: Simplify & democratise development work Develop valuable service for out users Enhance status of our institution Why haven’t we all got a Google map of our campus? unimapper/?view=Standard

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Slides for a talk on "This Year's Technology That Has Blown Me Away" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at Bathcamp on 21 July 2009.

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The document discusses several emerging concepts related to mobile learning including mobile web 2.0, microlearning, widgets, and intertwingularity. Mobile web 2.0 extends the principles of harnessing collective intelligence to mobile devices. Microlearning involves learning from small content units and short activities. Widgets are small, reusable web applications that can be used to deliver microlearning content on both desktop and mobile devices by leveraging open standards. Intertwingularity refers to the complex interrelationships between topics that are reflected in a fragmented and networked web.

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Presentation for WOW AzTEA Conference by Peggy George and Ann Lumm. Slideshow created originally by April Chamberlain, Darren Kuropatwa, Shawn Nutting, Sheryl Nussbuam-Beach, and Wesley Fryer--"Lessons Learned from K-12 Online 2006" and modified slightly for our hands-on workshop. April 28, 2007.

Opportunities: Integration There’s a need to: Integrate information from disparate sources: Institutional blog aggregation Discipline-based aggregation Just-in-case harvesting … Librarians are starting to do the  advocacy – but we can do the techie stuff! OSS Watch use Planet to aggregate feeds from related services. Bath Univ do likewise for institutional feeds.
Opportunities: Competitions Funding for 2 year projects can be dangerous (try to do too much) Innovation competition at IWMW 2007: Encourage lightweight development Could use tools such as Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, … Could create a mashup, a YouTube video, … workshops/webmaster-2007/competition/ Note UK Museums & Web conf is hosting a mashup developers day today. Should UCISA catch up and organise something similar?
Opportunities: Collaboration Email is dying; social networks are growing So let’s use SNs to support collaborative work: Facebook group to explore potential prior to IWMW 2007 event Note need active participants (Americans/Australians?)… Email is dying! See UK Web Focus blog post Let’s help kill it off – or engage with the technologies are users want to use.
On Facebook Enhancing my development: My peers have: Joined Library 2.0 group  Installed Splashcast Sharing papers using Scribd Providing access to blogs My university’s interests: 10,000+ students on Bath network! Market research Exploiting Facebook platform … Is it perfect? No.  Is it good enough? Maybe.  Perhaps we should be ‘embracing constraints’ in our work

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UKWebFocus blog posts
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UKWebFocus blog posts

This document provides a summary of a blog post from 2009 discussing technology trends and forecasting the future. It begins by describing the optimistic views of technologies at the time, like videoconferencing and Twitter. However, it notes critics who argue this is "technological determinism" that promises more than technologies deliver. The blog post then discusses an approach the author took - forecasting technologies backwards in time to give plausible reasons for their demise. For example, it suggests Twitter would not scale and become "clogged", seen as similar to email spam, and be replaced by meeting in real pubs with real friends. For videoconferencing, it speculates research may find people prefer face-to-face meetings and

Welcome to IWMW2009
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Welcome to IWMW2009

Welcome presentation given by Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly, UKOLN at Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009, University of Essex, 28 - 30, July 2009

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting and All That (Pre-Release)
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Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting and All That (Pre-Release)

Slidecast of talk on "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting and All That". See

Opportunities: UCISA  What can UCISA groups do? Document Sharing Archive : Creative Commons Metadata Distributed searching Search interfaces Scraping … docs/docshare.htm Shouldn’t UCISA be leading in developing best practices for using WiFi at events? TLIG/docs/handbook/ Info/Training Handbooks: Wiki for updates Syndicated content Use of …
Opportunities: Staff Development How do you learn how to use new tools & how they’re being used? Watch video clips on YouTube Download Podcasts Note: US librarians seem ahead of us Why doesn’t UCISA SDG respond! Note: Use Google Video for videos longer than 10 mins.  And why aren’t you recording / videoing talks at UCISA conferences?
Web 2.0 Backlash When significant new things appear: Enthusiasts / early adopters predict a transformation of society Sceptics outline the limitations & deficiencies There’s a need to: Promote the benefits to the wider community (esp. those willing to try if convinced of benefits) Be realistic and recognise limitations Address inappropriate criticisms Web 2.0:  It’s a silly name. It’s just a marketing term.  There are lots of poor Web 2.0 services. There wasn’t a Web 1.0. What follows it? It does have a marketing aspect – and that’s OK. It isn’t formally defined – it describes a pattern of related usage. There will be poor (and good) Web 2.0 services – just like anything else. Any usage will arrive at a follow-up term. Deployment Challenges
Takeup Of  New Technologies The Gartner curve Developers Rising expectations Trough  of despair Service plateau Enterprise software Large budgets … Early  adopters Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy Listening to users Addressing concerns Deployment strategies …

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Sector Stats

Slides from a talk by Ranjit Sidhu on "Sector Stats" given at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 on 15 June 2006.

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Slides on "Let's Predict the Future: Predicting Needs and Risks" for a workshop session on "Predicting the Future" held on 3 June 2014 at the SAOIM 2014 conference in Pretoria, South Africa and facilitated by Brian Kelly, Cetis. See

Standards Through Interoperability? Really?
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Standards Through Interoperability? Really?

A polemic which critiques current orthodox thinking on open standards. Presented at the "Thinking the Unthinable" strand of the CETIS 2006 conference. See <>.

Beware The IT Fundamentalists We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist:  we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist:  we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist:  we must use next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist:  we must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist:  must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist:  it breaches copyright, … Ownership   Fundamentalist:  must own everything we use Perfectionist : It doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing Simplistic Developer : I've developed a perfect solution – I don't care if it doesn't run in the real world Web 2.0 : It’s new; its cool! IT Services Barrier
The Librarian Fundamentalists Librarians: Think they know better than the user  e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge (who cares that users find it easier to use Google Scholar & finds references they need that way?) Think that  users should be forced to learn Boolean  searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them (despite Sheffield's study).  Don't want the users to search for themselves  (cf folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They still  want to classify the entire Web  - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links. Want services to be perfect before they release them  to users.  They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta'  (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs). Library Barrier
Deployment Strategies Interested in using Web 2.0 in your organisation? Worried about corporate inertia, power struggles, etc? There’s a need for a deployment strategy: Addressing business needs Low-hanging fruits Encouraging the enthusiasts Gain experience of the browser tools – and see what you’re missing! Staff training & development Address areas you feel comfortable with Risk management strategies “ Embracing constraints” Avoiding missed opportunity costs …  Deployment Challenges But what if you ignore all of this?
Memo From Next Year (1) From : VC, University of Poppleton Topic : IT Conservatism Date : 21 June 2008 The University SMT has been alerted that some depts. Are still using the so-called Web 1.0 / classic Web. Although devolved decision-making allows depts to do this, the University requires annual IT strategy returns to address the following risks this entails: Dangers to student recruitment : as current students inform 6 th  formers using Facebook of our views Revolting students : The University wishes to avoid the mistakes made at other Universities in which Facebook has been banned, leading to a severe backlash (at a time when we are seeking to incrase student fees)

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The document discusses barriers that museums face in adopting Web 2.0 technologies and allowing user-generated content. Some of the key barriers mentioned include doubts that users would be interested; concerns about protecting institutional reputation and brand; lack of technical expertise; and issues around content ownership, legality, and context. The document argues that museums should start embracing Web 2.0 to remain relevant and engage new audiences, and that many perceived barriers can be addressed through things like user testing, separating user and institutional content, developing technical skills, and being open to new models of content sharing and funding.

"Let's Predict the Future: G3 The Hyperlinked Library
"Let's Predict the Future: G3 The Hyperlinked Library"Let's Predict the Future: G3 The Hyperlinked Library
"Let's Predict the Future: G3 The Hyperlinked Library

Slides on "Let's Predict the Future: The Hyperlinked Library" for a workshop session on "Predicting the Future" held on 3 June 2014 at the SAOIM 2014 conference in Pretoria, South Africa and facilitated by Brian Kelly, Cetis. See

Accessibility, Automation and Metadata
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Accessibility, Automation and Metadata

Slides from a talk on "Accessibility, Automation and Metadata" given at a WAI meeting held in Toronto in 1999. See

Memo From Next Year (2) Additional concerns: Failure to maximise impact of university work : as research & teaching outputs fail to be visible to Web 2.0  Staff retention : As IT staff move elsewhere to further their careers Risks of going-it-alone : Following TCD’s successful move to Google’s email service, we are in isolated position in using our in-house solution Costs : The costs in in-house development when free services are available have been criticised by Gordon Brown’s government The head of IT Services will be expected to justify such decisions
Conclusions To conclude: Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for our users – and for IT staff! However organisations tend to be conservative, so we therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. risk management We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us: Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Develop your own social networks based on openness, trust, collaboration, .. Read my  blog Web 2.0: opportunity or challenge – a great opportunity! Conclusions

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Chapter-2-Era-of-One-party-Dominance-Class-12-Political-Science-Notes-2 (1).pptx

Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Threat For IT Support Staff?

  • 1. Web 2.0: Opportunity Or Challenge For IT Support Staff? Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ' ucisa-sdg-2007 ' tag Let’s use Gabbly pointing at for chat
  • 2. About Me Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus: a Web advisory post based at UKOLN Funded by JISC and MLA to advise HE/FE and cultural heritage sectors Web enthusiast since Jan 1993 Committee member of UCISA TLIG/SDG and predecessor groups in 1980/90s UKOLN: National centre of expertise in digital information management Located at the University of Bath
  • 3. Contents Introduction Web 2.0 – An Opportunity Web 2.0 - what you know Technologies (blogs, wikis, RSS, comms) Culture (openness, user-focus, always beta) Web 2.0 – A Challenge Institutional conservatism Addressing the sceptics Deployment Strategies User focus; Information literacy; staff development Safe experimentation; risk assessment / risk management Where To From Here? Doing it  Sharing experience Avoiding risks of doing nothing
  • 4. Context Assumptions – you’re excited & terrified: You’re all familiar with Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, RSS) & services (Flickr, YouTube, ..) You’re excited by Web 2.0’s potential You’re horrified that: People are falling for the marketing hype Easy-to-use apps will marginalise you User-Generated Content will lead to deterioration in quality … Aim of this talk: To explain why you should be excited To explore how the concerns can be addressed To outline how Web 2.0 can support and develop IT Support staff
  • 5. IT Services Today “ IT Services: Help Or Hindrance? ” talk: At UCISA Management conference, Mar 2006 Web 2.0 is changing things – adapt or die! Follow-up for EMUIT, Nov 2006 (& elsewhere): “ Web 2.0 is changing things – adapt or die!” We know – so tell us how to adapt! Reflections: Willingness to change (at various levels) Conservatism (at various levels) Need opportunities to try Web 2.0 things IT Services possibly lagging behind Librarians (and museums?!)
  • 6. Web 2.0 – You’ll Know This What Is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology” Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness Web 2.0
  • 7. Blogs (1) Michael Webb’s blog at Newport College: IT Service’s director College’s Web 2.0 strategy decided after my talk at UCISA 2006 Lead from top Sustainable: ~weekly post Web 2.0 Strategy talk available at IWMW 2006 Web side (& Slideshare) Video on Google Video Using Web 2.0 Thoughts:1 Blogging is so mainstream that even senior managers do it Are smaller colleges quicker to innovate?
  • 8. Blogs (2) John Dale’s blog at Warwick University: E-lab’s head of development Pioneer in providing student blogging service Engages Warwick users in discussions Talks about non-IT interests Using Web 2.0 Thoughts: IT staff can have a personal interests and talk about them Yes students will swear on blogs – and the world doesn’t fall apart Rapid respond to problems, rather than banning
  • 9. Blogs (3) In-Cider Knowledge blog: Mark Sammons, Computing Officer at Edinburgh Univ Posts about Firefox administration – and reflections on Web 2.0 stuff An unofficial blog Regular posting since Dec 2004! Using Web 2.0 Thoughts: IT staff will want to do good, even if the university doesn’t (yet) approve Universities may take time to catch up: Edinburgh’s Web 2.0 action plan published on 31 May 2007 (ahead of yours?)
  • 10. Wikis Wetpaint wiki used for several UKOLN events: Easy to set up & use Free But it’s externally-hosted? Yes  Avoids dependencies on busy IT staff Usability proven by large nos. of users Avoids techie ideologies Using Web 2.0 Thoughts: Various access levels can be granted / various alerting tools Easy-to-use collaboration working which minimises effort required – surely a no-brainer?
  • 11. Communications - Chat Gabbly: A chat facility for your Web site in less than 30 seconds! RSS output Much potential: Just-in-time comms Multiple discussions in lecture theatres … Using Web 2.0 workshops/archivists-2007-06/gabbly/ Thoughts: We could do this in our VLE; using MSN, IRC, … But: Access issues; ID issues; usability issues, …
  • 12. Communications - Skype Skype: Easy-to-use Users love it Approaches to concerns: Bath Univ banned on Resnet in response to users concerns, but removed restriction recently Manchester Univ. bought technology to provide a quality Skype service for its users Oxford Univ provided user education on best practices for configuring software Using Web 2.0 Uses: Explore non-technical issues Just-in-time accessibility Green agenda (do you have one?)
  • 13. Softer Aspects of Web 2.0 Web 2.0: Always beta Services that change & develop Reflects life, reflects learning Web 2.0: Openness Open standards, open source, open access, open culture Underpins education and research Web 2.0: User-focussed, trust Users are what we’re about Society expects us to deliver educated citizens, who can exploit their learning for benefit of society Web 2.0 Softer aspects of Web 2.0 characterise key aspects of higher education and the role of the University system
  • 14. Web 2.0 and IT Support Staff We have seen: Benefits of Web 2.0 to users Relationships between Web 2.0 and higher education We’ll now explore how: Web 2.0 is changing user communities’ views of IT Web 2.0 is changing nature of IT support Web 2.0 can enhance career development for IT support staff Web 2.0 and Users
  • 15. Web 2.0 and Users What if: Applications are easy to develop Applications are easy to deploy Facebook seems to have “disposable apps” Try it, use it, dump it, replace it And what if data is also disposable: The use was the purpose I don’t care about preservation I need to forget my past Web 2.0 and Users
  • 16. “ Embracing Constraints” We must ensure: Application work on all browsers Comply with accessibility guidelines Data can be imported & exported But Cities I’ve Visited: Works well for me (places I’ve spoken at) Quick data input (AJAX) No data export (yet?) Doesn’t work in Opera (yet?) What if this is good enough for the individual user?
  • 17. “ Technology: Stuff that Doesn’t Quite Work” IT has always been a technology Stuff that works: Radio; TV; phone; consumer goods; … What if IT does work: good news or bad? Reduced need for training Learn from your mates Peer-support Diversity of choice for consumers, not imposition of supported solution Selection: Functionality Interoperability Colour / coolness Web 2.0 and Users
  • 18. Role of IT Services Will IT Services be needed in the future? Yes – if we embrace the future and are seen to enhance it No – if we are seen to fight it and justify yesterday’s norms Yer, but no, but yer, but – of course it’s more complex than that! And we’ve been through radical changes in the past: Demise of mainframe PC revolution (standalone then networked) Demise of Computer Board Distributed staff Web 1.0 IT has changed HEIs; so it will change IT Services Web 2.0 and IT Support
  • 19. IT Services Director 2.0 Michael Nowlan, Director, TCD: “ Any time I am talking about innovative or disruptive technologies, I refer to your talk [at UCISA 2006]. My mantras are now: Yes before No Allow before disallow Open rather than closed Connect to the network on a device-agnostic basis” Would an IT Director at a UK University say this? Are we behind the Irish? And if so, why? conference2005/nowlan.wmv
  • 20. Opportunities: IT Development Web 2.0 technologies are providing an opportunity to: Simplify & democratise development work Develop valuable service for out users Enhance status of our institution Why haven’t we all got a Google map of our campus? unimapper/?view=Standard
  • 21. Opportunities: Integration There’s a need to: Integrate information from disparate sources: Institutional blog aggregation Discipline-based aggregation Just-in-case harvesting … Librarians are starting to do the advocacy – but we can do the techie stuff! OSS Watch use Planet to aggregate feeds from related services. Bath Univ do likewise for institutional feeds.
  • 22. Opportunities: Competitions Funding for 2 year projects can be dangerous (try to do too much) Innovation competition at IWMW 2007: Encourage lightweight development Could use tools such as Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, … Could create a mashup, a YouTube video, … workshops/webmaster-2007/competition/ Note UK Museums & Web conf is hosting a mashup developers day today. Should UCISA catch up and organise something similar?
  • 23. Opportunities: Collaboration Email is dying; social networks are growing So let’s use SNs to support collaborative work: Facebook group to explore potential prior to IWMW 2007 event Note need active participants (Americans/Australians?)… Email is dying! See UK Web Focus blog post Let’s help kill it off – or engage with the technologies are users want to use.
  • 24. On Facebook Enhancing my development: My peers have: Joined Library 2.0 group Installed Splashcast Sharing papers using Scribd Providing access to blogs My university’s interests: 10,000+ students on Bath network! Market research Exploiting Facebook platform … Is it perfect? No. Is it good enough? Maybe. Perhaps we should be ‘embracing constraints’ in our work
  • 25. Opportunities: UCISA What can UCISA groups do? Document Sharing Archive : Creative Commons Metadata Distributed searching Search interfaces Scraping … docs/docshare.htm Shouldn’t UCISA be leading in developing best practices for using WiFi at events? TLIG/docs/handbook/ Info/Training Handbooks: Wiki for updates Syndicated content Use of …
  • 26. Opportunities: Staff Development How do you learn how to use new tools & how they’re being used? Watch video clips on YouTube Download Podcasts Note: US librarians seem ahead of us Why doesn’t UCISA SDG respond! Note: Use Google Video for videos longer than 10 mins. And why aren’t you recording / videoing talks at UCISA conferences?
  • 27. Web 2.0 Backlash When significant new things appear: Enthusiasts / early adopters predict a transformation of society Sceptics outline the limitations & deficiencies There’s a need to: Promote the benefits to the wider community (esp. those willing to try if convinced of benefits) Be realistic and recognise limitations Address inappropriate criticisms Web 2.0: It’s a silly name. It’s just a marketing term. There are lots of poor Web 2.0 services. There wasn’t a Web 1.0. What follows it? It does have a marketing aspect – and that’s OK. It isn’t formally defined – it describes a pattern of related usage. There will be poor (and good) Web 2.0 services – just like anything else. Any usage will arrive at a follow-up term. Deployment Challenges
  • 28. Takeup Of New Technologies The Gartner curve Developers Rising expectations Trough of despair Service plateau Enterprise software Large budgets … Early adopters Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy Listening to users Addressing concerns Deployment strategies …
  • 29. Beware The IT Fundamentalists We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist: we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist: we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist: we must use next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist: we must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist: must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist: it breaches copyright, … Ownership Fundamentalist: must own everything we use Perfectionist : It doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing Simplistic Developer : I've developed a perfect solution – I don't care if it doesn't run in the real world Web 2.0 : It’s new; its cool! IT Services Barrier
  • 30. The Librarian Fundamentalists Librarians: Think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge (who cares that users find it easier to use Google Scholar & finds references they need that way?) Think that users should be forced to learn Boolean searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them (despite Sheffield's study). Don't want the users to search for themselves (cf folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They still want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links. Want services to be perfect before they release them to users. They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta' (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs). Library Barrier
  • 31. Deployment Strategies Interested in using Web 2.0 in your organisation? Worried about corporate inertia, power struggles, etc? There’s a need for a deployment strategy: Addressing business needs Low-hanging fruits Encouraging the enthusiasts Gain experience of the browser tools – and see what you’re missing! Staff training & development Address areas you feel comfortable with Risk management strategies “ Embracing constraints” Avoiding missed opportunity costs … Deployment Challenges But what if you ignore all of this?
  • 32. Memo From Next Year (1) From : VC, University of Poppleton Topic : IT Conservatism Date : 21 June 2008 The University SMT has been alerted that some depts. Are still using the so-called Web 1.0 / classic Web. Although devolved decision-making allows depts to do this, the University requires annual IT strategy returns to address the following risks this entails: Dangers to student recruitment : as current students inform 6 th formers using Facebook of our views Revolting students : The University wishes to avoid the mistakes made at other Universities in which Facebook has been banned, leading to a severe backlash (at a time when we are seeking to incrase student fees)
  • 33. Memo From Next Year (2) Additional concerns: Failure to maximise impact of university work : as research & teaching outputs fail to be visible to Web 2.0 Staff retention : As IT staff move elsewhere to further their careers Risks of going-it-alone : Following TCD’s successful move to Google’s email service, we are in isolated position in using our in-house solution Costs : The costs in in-house development when free services are available have been criticised by Gordon Brown’s government The head of IT Services will be expected to justify such decisions
  • 34. Conclusions To conclude: Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for our users – and for IT staff! However organisations tend to be conservative, so we therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. risk management We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us: Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Develop your own social networks based on openness, trust, collaboration, .. Read my blog Web 2.0: opportunity or challenge – a great opportunity! Conclusions