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Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond? Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Feel free to use WiFi network to support aims of meeting Recording / broadcasting is  not  permitted Confidentiality related to the talk & discussions should be respected.  This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) emuit-meeting-2006-11  tag used in
About Me Brian Kelly: Employed as UK Web Focus since Nov 1996 Based at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management Located at the University of Bath Funded by JISC & MLA Background: Computer office at Loughborough from 1984-90 (applications support, information & training) Information Officer at Liverpool U. from 1990-91 Information Officer at Leeds U. from 1991-95 Discovered Web in Jan 1992 & evangelised it since Senior Trainer at Netskills from 1995-96
About This Meeting Talks given on:  “ What Can Internet Technologies Offer? ”, UCISA Conference 2004 “ IT Services: Help or Hindrance? ”, UCISA Conference 2006 Aims: Raise awareness of Web 2.0 technologies & challenges these present to IT services Encourage IT Services to respond to the challenges Succeeded! So this meeting will look at ways of responding brian_kelly_gesticulating_wildly_about_it_services/2111
Timetable Feedback 12.10-12.20 Conclusions 13.50-14.00 Implementation  13.30-13.50 Web 2.0: A Recap [BK] 11.40-11.55 Finish 14.00 Addressing the Concerns [BK] 13.00-13.30 Lunch 12.20-13.00 Web 2.0: Your Concerns 11.55-12.10 Introduction 11.30-11.40 Session Time

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Web2 Seminar

This is a presentation by the Division of Information and Technology Studies, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. Advances in information and communication technology, especially the rapid developments in social technology such as wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, etc. have opened up new opportunities as well as challenges to education in schools as well as human resource development and training in public and business sectors. In the seminar, a group of experts introduce recent developments in learning technology and how these have been applied in different educational and human resource development contexts internationally and locally.

Web 2.0: trendy nonsense?
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Web 2.0: trendy nonsense?

Presentation for the JISC-CETIS conference 14-15th November 2006 in Manchester. Session title "Thinking the unthinkable".

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Slides for a talk on "Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a UCISA SSG Communications Group Conference on "Using Social Media to Communicate" held at Austin Court, Birmingham on 18 January 2012. See

Web 2.0 What Is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology”  Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Remix and mash-ups  Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking  Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness Clean URIs Always beta & long tail Web 2.0
Takeup Of  New Technologies The Gartner curve Developers Rising expectations Trough  of despair Service plateau Enterprise software Large budgets … Early  adopters Web 2.0 Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy (this morning) Listening to users Addressing concerns Deployment strategies … We now need to look at approaches for avoiding the chasm
Blogs – A Steer From Management Warwick’s Blog service illustrates how an institutional Blog can provide a thriving community  (and isn’t this a key part of the university experience?) Web 2.0 John Dale’s Blog shows how: IT Service staff can engage with their users A more egalitarian approach - the IT Manager know something about IT, but users may know more! (this reflects current learning orthodoxies) Michael Webb, Newport is an example of a Blogging IT Director
Blogs – Grassroots Approach Science librarian at University of Bath has set up a Blog on Blogger Users love it – “ Why isn’t there a Blog for the rest of the library ” Q : Should I be doing this? A : No – make a recommendation to your manager; write a proposal; if accepted then WG set up; it reports back and recommendations probably deferred! This is a good example of Web 2.0 philosophies of “user-focus”, “always beta” and “trust”: trust your professionals do be innovative in supporting their users & to be flexible & learn from experiences

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- The document is a slide presentation from the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010 that provides an overview and history of the event as well as discussion of current challenges and the future. - It discusses how the IWMW event has been held annually since 1997 to provide a forum for UK higher education institutions to discuss web management best practices and innovations. - Recent budget cuts and changing priorities threaten the sustainability of the event, raising questions around reducing its length, making it virtual, or allowing commercial alternatives. The role of professional networks and adapting to change are emphasized.


The document discusses different dimensions of social software including content, communication, collaboration, and community. It analyzes typologies of social software based on these dimensions and how they can be used to optimize consumer insight and marketing strategies. Examples are given of how specific social software like Delicious, Flickr, and emphasize different dimensions. The document also discusses how social software can be used to create virtual communities like an arts center.

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Presentation for Clinic New Caseworkers Brainstorming Session Law Society of Upper Canada Friday November 27, 2009

online courseswebinarssocial networking
Wikis – Grassroots Approach Same librarian used a Wiki for a group planning production of a Podcast guide to the Library: User engagement in process Users (including students) make use of emerging technologies (Wiki, Podcasts) Advantages: No waiting for IT Services evaluation of Wiki software Can feed experiences back to IT Services Can address non-IT issues  Grass roots experiences can feed into process for an institutional solution, including technical; training & strategy issues
Wikis – Institutional Approach There’s an awareness of a need for institutional Wiki strategies. Addressed at UKOLN’s “ Exploiting The Potential Of Wikis ” workshop, Nov 2006 Need for Wikis seems to be agreed. Challenges: Wiki strategy options: Centralised Wiki provision (and the best is …) De-centralised Wiki provision (horses for courses) Bundled Wiki provision (it comes with the VLE) Out-sourced Wiki provision (Thatcherite or Web 2.0 network as an application provider) Confluence and MediaWiki seemed preferred options at workshop.
Communications – Skype  Skype:  Evil bandwidth-stealing proprietary software – use SIP software Innovative, easy-to-use, immensely popular software – and all my friends & colleagues use it Case studies:  Ban  Buy network shaper box to “remove illegal P2P traffic in order to provide quality Skype service to users” Respond to user concerns in halls by banning, but allow managed use on campus, until better solution available Educate user: don’t use over WiFi; … (AUP at UKOLN Wiki workshop) Just-in-time accessibility:  participants missed train, but used Skype (and Gabbly) to take part in Accessibility Summit.  Conclusion: have Skype ID just-in-case (and as carbon-quota plan)!
Syndication - RSS Syndication is a no-brainer: Simple, neutral format Allows content to be reused in many places; on many devices; … Challenges: Creation model (from CMS; transform; …) User viewing tools (Web-based; dedicated; training; …) Breaking the presentation-based paradigm RSS 1.0, 2.0 or Atom issues aren’t show-stoppers – use whichever works best for you Does your calendar interoperate with these remote services (and with mobile devices)? If not, you’ve got problems!

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What Does Openness Mean To The Openness Museum Community
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Slides used in a professional forum on "What Does Openness Mean To The Museum Community" given at the Museums and Web 2008 conference. See

Martinis & Higher Education
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Martinis & Higher Education

Blogs, wikis, and podcasts can be used in higher education to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, and reflective activities. They allow for flexible participation and communication. However, challenges include ensuring quality contributions, assessing individual work, addressing intellectual property issues, maintaining control of content, and developing necessary technical skills.

higher education
Network As Platform Who uses Google or has Google search box on their Web site? Evil Thatcherite out-sourcing or sensible, cost-effective use of networking applications, which builds on HE’s use of JISC services & forms part of JISC’s E-Framework strategy and SOA development approach? Applications can be provided on network: Disk storage & CPU cycles (Amazon) Middleware services Application services: Blogs; Wikis; email; spreadsheets; …
Learning Through Games Not my area (too old – “ when I were a lad … ”!) but: Well-established theoretical basis How do today’s kids learn? Service such as Second Life have strong business models & communities JISC & funding bodies fund R&D in this area Issues: Should IT service have the rights to ban such stuff? How do we (can we) differentiate between learning & playing?
Other Web 2.0 Aspects A Culture of Openness We’re addressing this in areas of open source & open access.  This is a key part of what HE is about! HE has a culture of openness & sharing (e.g. UCISA, SCONUL, …)  We’re well positioned to use social networks to build on this. Always Beta Learning is about taking risks Innovative lecturers & researchers will want to explore the potential of emerging technologies Trust Your Users Do you trust your staff? Do we want to provide a supportive framework for students to be creative Won’t industry expect us to provide graduates who are experienced in Web 2.0 technologies and (more importantly) in the non-technical aspects of their use? The Long Tail Your minority area has a potential large global audience (cf. selling to niche markets
Discussion Groups Web 2.0: Your Concerns You’ve had a brief overview of Web 2.0 benefits Colleagues and users may be making similar points But: What are the technical obstacles? What are the legal obstacles? What are the organisational (national, institutional & departmental) obstacles? What are the user barriers? What are the cultural obstacles?  Describe the barriers – we’ll look at solutions later E Web 2.0 Barriers

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Slides for a talk on "Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them" given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton for a webinar organised by Salford University from 09.30-10.30 on Thursday 5 December 2013. See

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What Does Openness Mean to the Web Manager?
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Slides from a talk by Brian Kelly, UKOLN on "What Does Openness Mean to the Web Manager?" given at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 (IWMW 2006) on 15 June 2006. See

Questions Any brief questions or comments? More challenging issues can be addressed in discussion groups
Feedback Please provide your feedback Assessment, quality, resources, feeling threatened, public perception, … Ownership, control, power, threats, … Performance, security, interoperability, … Data protection, copyright, IPR, FoI, ... Barriers Technical User Legal Organisational Cultural User needs, millennials & non-millennials, training, trust; information literacy, …
Addressing The Barriers Predicting the Future Understanding, then changing, your culture You’re the problem! No, the users are the problem Maybe the technology is the problem Assessing and managing the risks Being user-centric Safe experimentation – low-hanging fruits More sophisticated model Working as a community Addressing The Barriers The following ideas are intended to stimulate discussion here, but, more importantly, to take back & implement locally. Feel free to use any of the material you find useful,
Predicting the Future  From The Past What were the big issues back then? What did we expect of 2006? Were we conservative or over-optimistic?  XML, Semantic Web (SW) New  job.  W3C will deliver all good things. PC, not Unix, is the future Discovered Web.  “It’s the future!” “You’re crazy” Gopher will rule; PCs vs Mac vs mainframe battles Honey Multics will rule; can students have email? 2000 1996 19951993 1990 1984  I was right : Importance of the Web; ubiquity of PC I was wrong : W3C alone would drive the vision; SW; commercialisation (good & bad); VRML I don’t know : OSS vs proprietary vs networked service; the mixed public/private sector IT provision; trust; openness vs privacy; cultural change; … Vision For The Future

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URMA Conference 2009
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URMA Conference 2009

This document summarizes a conference on university research magazine associations. It discusses various sessions on topics like choosing cover stories, writing for print vs web, and communicating research through social media. It also discusses managing blogs and the benefits of a managed web hosting approach. Overall it provides an overview of the conference topics and discussions around integrating print and digital media for university communications.

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What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?
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Slides for a talk on "What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Girona on 2 September 2010. See

Predicting the Future What will think we like in 2010? Will significant numbers of students be Blogging?  What about  staff & researchers? Will mobile devices (phone; video; sound; WiFi) be ubiquitous? Will collaborative authoring of student work; research papers; etc. we seen as the norm? Anybody feel this will not be the case? If not, the challenge is the deployment strategy, not the underlying principles! Vision For The Future Paraphrase of talk by Bill Thompson, Bath 8 Nov 2006 The future for 2010 has already arrived. We just need to disseminate it, deploy it & make mainstream. So look at what the kids, the innovators & the rich are doing today – the stuff will be easier to use & much cheaper then.
My Scary Moments The vision: ‘ Millennials’ comfortable with technology support a well-educated, information-literate society (and pay for my pension) The nightmare: Technologies break; are slow; go out of business Privacy; identity theft; fraud; etc. are prevalent Government spies on me & everyone – reinvention of analogue phones & F2F meetings Evil Google empire – “ things were so much better when Microsoft were in charge ” ‘ Millennials’ spend all their time in YouTube & we have a poorly-educated future generation The backlash Concerns
The Barriers There are barriers to the deployment of Web 2.0: It's scary:  I've just mastered Dreamweaver; we've just spend a lot of money on a CMS; … It's immature:  I've heard it all before (XML, Semantic Web, …) .  This is just new hype  There are legal risks:  Copyright infringement; data protection; protection of minors; … Infringement of guidelines:  Web 2.0 infringes our AUP; accessibility legislation; e-Gov legislation; .. Institutional inertia:  We'd like to do it but we have large existing systems; reluctant colleagues; … Culture : We’ve always first evaluated & then mastered the software; how can we support multiple Web 2.0 service?  And it needs to be open source so we can tweak it Web 2.0 Barriers How do we go about addressing these barriers?  (And should we – what if the concerns are legitimate!)
Addressing The Barriers It breaks accessibility guidelines; open standards; AUPs; etc. There is a need to ensure existing guidelines & interpretations in these areas are flexible enough to take into account technological developments, emerging usage patterns, etc See work on holistic approach to Web accessibility See work on contextual approach to standards Need for an Acceptable Use Policy Process (AUPP) to ensure that AUPs aren’t used as a control mechanisms but as a means of maximising benefits of services for IT users & providers

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The document discusses the emergence of Web 2.0 and the increased emphasis on user participation and collaboration online. It defines Web 2.0 as services that allow users to create and share content. Examples mentioned include social networks, wikis, blogs, and other applications. Key characteristics of Web 2.0 include users owning their own data, adding value by contributing information, and interacting through rich interfaces. The document also discusses how Web 2.0 has strengthened the user's role and democratized the flow of information through new models like social news promotion and open access scientific journals.

Real World Emerging Technologies
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Slides from a talk by Chris Scott on "Real World Emerging Technologies" given at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 on 14 June 2006. See <>.

Digital Natives Run by Digital Immigrants: IT Services Are Dead – Long Live I...
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Digital Natives Run by Digital Immigrants: IT Services Are Dead – Long Live I...

The document discusses how IT services must transform to keep up with "digital natives" who are accustomed to web 2.0 tools. It argues that IT services should embrace these tools by using them to deliver services collaboratively at scale, rather than seeing them as a threat. IT managers have a role to play by adopting policies that encourage openness and participation in community activities to help transform IT services into "IT services 2.0".

Nobody Likes Us - The Users' View IT Services – providing the answers or blocking the users? Don't understand learning and teaching  and think that students only ever use the Web for messing around. Have no interest in what the users actually want  and generally prefer to give the users what they themselves think they want.  (I've seen senior IS staff dismiss the data gathered in formal user requirements gathering exercises because it doesn't fit their own viewpoint.) Tend to  work in silos  (example: student information systems team which won't talk to the VLE team), and will do anything to avoid working with others outside of their own silo.  They have no concept of team working across services or with academic staff. Consultation  usually  consists of them telling you what they are going to do . If you tell them what you want they don't listen! IT Services Barrier Do these comments ring any bells?  If not, how can you be sure?
Beware The IT Fundamentalists We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist:  we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist:  we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist:  we must need next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist:  must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist:  we must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist:  it breaches copyright, … Ownership   Fundamentalist:  must own everything Perfectionist : It doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing Simplistic Developer : I've developed a perfect solution –  I don't care if it doesn't run in the real world Web 2.0 Fundamentalist : Must use latest cool stuff IT Services Barrier
The Librarian Fundamentalists Librarians: Think they know better than the user  e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge (who cares that users find it easier to use Google Scholar & finds references they need that way?) Think that  users should be forced to learn Boolean  searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them (despite Sheffield's study).  Don't want the users to search for themselves  (cf folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They still  want to classify the entire Web  - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links. Want services to be perfect before they release them  to users.  They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta'  (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs). Library Barrier
Addressing the Barriers How do we address such barriers: A change in culture Being more open (surely what HE & public sector is about?) Revisiting AUPs Developing more sophisticated models for standards, accessibility, open sources, … Developing key principles Ongoing debate and discussion Cultural Change

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How Social Media Can Enhance Your Research Activities
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Need To Change Catch Phrases Computer Says No! Time to ditch this catch phrase Wikis?  IT Services  says no Folksonomies? Library says no Skype? UKERNA says no Culture Change X Yer, but, no, but, yer Time to embrace the ambiguities acknowledged by Vicky Pollard  Yer, like Wikis are well cool,  but, OK so I copied my homework,  but, like I always copy my homework Images from BBC Web site
Implement An Open Approach Implementing an open approach should not be difficult: We have tradition of sharing & using OSS The HE sector is now more open to discussing open access issues (e-prints, financial issues, …) Creative Commons (CC) provides a legal framework What can we do: Make support services resources available with CC licence: see paper on &quot; Let's Free IT Support Materials! &quot; Exploit UKOLN's QA Focus briefing documents:  100+ documents available with CC licence  … Using other's resources and service may be unpopular (job security, ideology, …).  For example, should IT services host email, … when this can be outsourced? Cultural Change
Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) Is Skype Permitted over JANET? &quot;The Computing Service is frequently asked for a ruling on whether Skype may legitimately be used ... the Computing Service considers that use of Skype contravenes the JANET Acceptable Use Policy, although UKERNA does not concur with this view.&quot; (now toned down) Missing The Point? There may be (religious) debates over the interpretation of UKERNA's words. But Did the policy come from God? Is it infallible? Why do we hide behind AUPs? Revisiting AUPs Proposal :  An AUP is meant to work on behalf of an organisation, helping to ensure the effective use of IT by its users. An AUP should not be used as a control mechanism to prevent usage which IT staff may frown upon.
The Need For An AUPP AUPs: Shouldn't be cast in stone: technologies change; usage changes; culture changes  (e.g. AUPs banning social use; email; Web; messaging; …) Therefore need for mechanisms for changing AUPs and engagement with users Proposal: We need an Acceptable Use Policy Process (AUPP)  We need mechanisms to ensure users can input into the discussion process We need more flexibility in our AUPs (e.g. to reflect blended learning, pervasiveness of IT; …)  Cultural Change Note see OUCS’s policy on Skype, which has evolved

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Using social web services like blogs, wikis, social networks and video sharing sites can help maximize access to an organization's resources, ideas and brand. These services allow engagement with potential audiences and monitoring how the organization is discussed online. An example is given of the Brooklyn Museum which uses services like blogs, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube very effectively. It is concluded that ignoring the potential of social media risks losing out to peers, and using these services can support an organization's mission.

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Challenges in Making Use of the Social Web
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Slides for talk on "Challenges in Making Use of the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN in a workshop session.

Avoid Perfection! In higher education we like to investigate limitations of systems (it’s our job). But: Need to separate such research from deployment of good enough services Need to be more user-centred – if users can do it (at home; in Starbucks; from their memory stick) why can’t IT Services provide similar services (students pay enough!) An  always beta  approach: the software and its use may not be perfect, but that’s not a barrier to deployment Cultural Change If the Sun can provide Blogs, it’s very strange if HE can’t! portal/site/mysun/
Risk Management IWMW 2006 has taken a risk management approach to its evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies: Agreements : e.g. in the case of the Chatbot. Use of  well-established services : Google & are well-established & financially stable.  Notification : warnings that services could be lost.  Engagement : with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services.  Provision of  alternative  services: multiple OMPL tools.  Use in  non-mission critical  areas: not for bookings!  Long term experiences  of services:  usage stats Availability of  alternative sources of data : e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export  and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc. Taking Risks Note that you also take risks in  not  providing a service!  Will your users go elsewhere?
Users Are The Problem! Warwick Blogs contains swearing, trivial remarks, insults and copyright infringements *  & not just insightful observations from staff contributors! Background: They expected this! They got buy-in from University SMT They actively promoted service to students Issues: is this a serious barrier, or something to be dealt with (cf. misuse of email, Usenet, …).  Derek Law: If students download ‘flesh-tone images’ in their halls at 3 am on networks they’ve paid for, is it our problem?
Safe Experimentation How can we gain experiences of Web 2.0: Safe environment Which minimise risks Which allow learning Possibilities: Encourage enthusiasts Using technologies at events such as this! Supporting the services which your users use (e.g. Google!) Using services which require minimal effort Working with your peers elsewhere Piloting Web 2.0

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Slides from a debate on "CMS: Challenging the Consensus" given at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 on 16 June 2006. See <>.

Realising Potential Of Web 2 0
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Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting and All That
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LibraryThing Can you try this for a departmental Library: Gain experience Use by administrators, who’ll be unconcerned about technical dogma Explore social network benefits See recent Blog posting Safe Experiments
Slideshare A digital repository for slides Do you have a digital repository? Are you planning to install or develop one? If so: Look at services such as Slideshare Read Andy Powell’s Blog about the advantages of this approach
Over To You What can you do? You’re unconvinced – so you’ll need to be able to justify this Areas of safe experimentation – what works for you, your department, your organisation? Culture change – how?
Conclusions To conclude: Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for our users However organisations tend to be conservative We therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. through a risk management approach We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us: Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Have a social network with peers based on openness, trust, collaboration, .. Conclusions

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Slides for talk on "An Introduction to Web 2.0" given at the "Sharing Made Simple: a Practical Approach to Social Software" workshop on 6 June 2007. See

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Slides for a talk on "Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the AIM 2009 conference held in Ellesmere Port on 5 June 2009. See

D1: The NMC Methodology
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Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?

  • 1. Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond? Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Feel free to use WiFi network to support aims of meeting Recording / broadcasting is not permitted Confidentiality related to the talk & discussions should be respected. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) emuit-meeting-2006-11 tag used in
  • 2. About Me Brian Kelly: Employed as UK Web Focus since Nov 1996 Based at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management Located at the University of Bath Funded by JISC & MLA Background: Computer office at Loughborough from 1984-90 (applications support, information & training) Information Officer at Liverpool U. from 1990-91 Information Officer at Leeds U. from 1991-95 Discovered Web in Jan 1992 & evangelised it since Senior Trainer at Netskills from 1995-96
  • 3. About This Meeting Talks given on: “ What Can Internet Technologies Offer? ”, UCISA Conference 2004 “ IT Services: Help or Hindrance? ”, UCISA Conference 2006 Aims: Raise awareness of Web 2.0 technologies & challenges these present to IT services Encourage IT Services to respond to the challenges Succeeded! So this meeting will look at ways of responding brian_kelly_gesticulating_wildly_about_it_services/2111
  • 4. Timetable Feedback 12.10-12.20 Conclusions 13.50-14.00 Implementation 13.30-13.50 Web 2.0: A Recap [BK] 11.40-11.55 Finish 14.00 Addressing the Concerns [BK] 13.00-13.30 Lunch 12.20-13.00 Web 2.0: Your Concerns 11.55-12.10 Introduction 11.30-11.40 Session Time
  • 5. Web 2.0 What Is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology” Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Remix and mash-ups Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness Clean URIs Always beta & long tail Web 2.0
  • 6. Takeup Of New Technologies The Gartner curve Developers Rising expectations Trough of despair Service plateau Enterprise software Large budgets … Early adopters Web 2.0 Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy (this morning) Listening to users Addressing concerns Deployment strategies … We now need to look at approaches for avoiding the chasm
  • 7. Blogs – A Steer From Management Warwick’s Blog service illustrates how an institutional Blog can provide a thriving community (and isn’t this a key part of the university experience?) Web 2.0 John Dale’s Blog shows how: IT Service staff can engage with their users A more egalitarian approach - the IT Manager know something about IT, but users may know more! (this reflects current learning orthodoxies) Michael Webb, Newport is an example of a Blogging IT Director
  • 8. Blogs – Grassroots Approach Science librarian at University of Bath has set up a Blog on Blogger Users love it – “ Why isn’t there a Blog for the rest of the library ” Q : Should I be doing this? A : No – make a recommendation to your manager; write a proposal; if accepted then WG set up; it reports back and recommendations probably deferred! This is a good example of Web 2.0 philosophies of “user-focus”, “always beta” and “trust”: trust your professionals do be innovative in supporting their users & to be flexible & learn from experiences
  • 9. Wikis – Grassroots Approach Same librarian used a Wiki for a group planning production of a Podcast guide to the Library: User engagement in process Users (including students) make use of emerging technologies (Wiki, Podcasts) Advantages: No waiting for IT Services evaluation of Wiki software Can feed experiences back to IT Services Can address non-IT issues Grass roots experiences can feed into process for an institutional solution, including technical; training & strategy issues
  • 10. Wikis – Institutional Approach There’s an awareness of a need for institutional Wiki strategies. Addressed at UKOLN’s “ Exploiting The Potential Of Wikis ” workshop, Nov 2006 Need for Wikis seems to be agreed. Challenges: Wiki strategy options: Centralised Wiki provision (and the best is …) De-centralised Wiki provision (horses for courses) Bundled Wiki provision (it comes with the VLE) Out-sourced Wiki provision (Thatcherite or Web 2.0 network as an application provider) Confluence and MediaWiki seemed preferred options at workshop.
  • 11. Communications – Skype Skype: Evil bandwidth-stealing proprietary software – use SIP software Innovative, easy-to-use, immensely popular software – and all my friends & colleagues use it Case studies: Ban Buy network shaper box to “remove illegal P2P traffic in order to provide quality Skype service to users” Respond to user concerns in halls by banning, but allow managed use on campus, until better solution available Educate user: don’t use over WiFi; … (AUP at UKOLN Wiki workshop) Just-in-time accessibility: participants missed train, but used Skype (and Gabbly) to take part in Accessibility Summit. Conclusion: have Skype ID just-in-case (and as carbon-quota plan)!
  • 12. Syndication - RSS Syndication is a no-brainer: Simple, neutral format Allows content to be reused in many places; on many devices; … Challenges: Creation model (from CMS; transform; …) User viewing tools (Web-based; dedicated; training; …) Breaking the presentation-based paradigm RSS 1.0, 2.0 or Atom issues aren’t show-stoppers – use whichever works best for you Does your calendar interoperate with these remote services (and with mobile devices)? If not, you’ve got problems!
  • 13. Network As Platform Who uses Google or has Google search box on their Web site? Evil Thatcherite out-sourcing or sensible, cost-effective use of networking applications, which builds on HE’s use of JISC services & forms part of JISC’s E-Framework strategy and SOA development approach? Applications can be provided on network: Disk storage & CPU cycles (Amazon) Middleware services Application services: Blogs; Wikis; email; spreadsheets; …
  • 14. Learning Through Games Not my area (too old – “ when I were a lad … ”!) but: Well-established theoretical basis How do today’s kids learn? Service such as Second Life have strong business models & communities JISC & funding bodies fund R&D in this area Issues: Should IT service have the rights to ban such stuff? How do we (can we) differentiate between learning & playing?
  • 15. Other Web 2.0 Aspects A Culture of Openness We’re addressing this in areas of open source & open access. This is a key part of what HE is about! HE has a culture of openness & sharing (e.g. UCISA, SCONUL, …) We’re well positioned to use social networks to build on this. Always Beta Learning is about taking risks Innovative lecturers & researchers will want to explore the potential of emerging technologies Trust Your Users Do you trust your staff? Do we want to provide a supportive framework for students to be creative Won’t industry expect us to provide graduates who are experienced in Web 2.0 technologies and (more importantly) in the non-technical aspects of their use? The Long Tail Your minority area has a potential large global audience (cf. selling to niche markets
  • 16. Discussion Groups Web 2.0: Your Concerns You’ve had a brief overview of Web 2.0 benefits Colleagues and users may be making similar points But: What are the technical obstacles? What are the legal obstacles? What are the organisational (national, institutional & departmental) obstacles? What are the user barriers? What are the cultural obstacles? Describe the barriers – we’ll look at solutions later E Web 2.0 Barriers
  • 17. Questions Any brief questions or comments? More challenging issues can be addressed in discussion groups
  • 18. Feedback Please provide your feedback Assessment, quality, resources, feeling threatened, public perception, … Ownership, control, power, threats, … Performance, security, interoperability, … Data protection, copyright, IPR, FoI, ... Barriers Technical User Legal Organisational Cultural User needs, millennials & non-millennials, training, trust; information literacy, …
  • 19. Addressing The Barriers Predicting the Future Understanding, then changing, your culture You’re the problem! No, the users are the problem Maybe the technology is the problem Assessing and managing the risks Being user-centric Safe experimentation – low-hanging fruits More sophisticated model Working as a community Addressing The Barriers The following ideas are intended to stimulate discussion here, but, more importantly, to take back & implement locally. Feel free to use any of the material you find useful,
  • 20. Predicting the Future From The Past What were the big issues back then? What did we expect of 2006? Were we conservative or over-optimistic? XML, Semantic Web (SW) New job. W3C will deliver all good things. PC, not Unix, is the future Discovered Web. “It’s the future!” “You’re crazy” Gopher will rule; PCs vs Mac vs mainframe battles Honey Multics will rule; can students have email? 2000 1996 19951993 1990 1984 I was right : Importance of the Web; ubiquity of PC I was wrong : W3C alone would drive the vision; SW; commercialisation (good & bad); VRML I don’t know : OSS vs proprietary vs networked service; the mixed public/private sector IT provision; trust; openness vs privacy; cultural change; … Vision For The Future
  • 21. Predicting the Future What will think we like in 2010? Will significant numbers of students be Blogging? What about staff & researchers? Will mobile devices (phone; video; sound; WiFi) be ubiquitous? Will collaborative authoring of student work; research papers; etc. we seen as the norm? Anybody feel this will not be the case? If not, the challenge is the deployment strategy, not the underlying principles! Vision For The Future Paraphrase of talk by Bill Thompson, Bath 8 Nov 2006 The future for 2010 has already arrived. We just need to disseminate it, deploy it & make mainstream. So look at what the kids, the innovators & the rich are doing today – the stuff will be easier to use & much cheaper then.
  • 22. My Scary Moments The vision: ‘ Millennials’ comfortable with technology support a well-educated, information-literate society (and pay for my pension) The nightmare: Technologies break; are slow; go out of business Privacy; identity theft; fraud; etc. are prevalent Government spies on me & everyone – reinvention of analogue phones & F2F meetings Evil Google empire – “ things were so much better when Microsoft were in charge ” ‘ Millennials’ spend all their time in YouTube & we have a poorly-educated future generation The backlash Concerns
  • 23. The Barriers There are barriers to the deployment of Web 2.0: It's scary: I've just mastered Dreamweaver; we've just spend a lot of money on a CMS; … It's immature: I've heard it all before (XML, Semantic Web, …) . This is just new hype There are legal risks: Copyright infringement; data protection; protection of minors; … Infringement of guidelines: Web 2.0 infringes our AUP; accessibility legislation; e-Gov legislation; .. Institutional inertia: We'd like to do it but we have large existing systems; reluctant colleagues; … Culture : We’ve always first evaluated & then mastered the software; how can we support multiple Web 2.0 service? And it needs to be open source so we can tweak it Web 2.0 Barriers How do we go about addressing these barriers? (And should we – what if the concerns are legitimate!)
  • 24. Addressing The Barriers It breaks accessibility guidelines; open standards; AUPs; etc. There is a need to ensure existing guidelines & interpretations in these areas are flexible enough to take into account technological developments, emerging usage patterns, etc See work on holistic approach to Web accessibility See work on contextual approach to standards Need for an Acceptable Use Policy Process (AUPP) to ensure that AUPs aren’t used as a control mechanisms but as a means of maximising benefits of services for IT users & providers
  • 25. Nobody Likes Us - The Users' View IT Services – providing the answers or blocking the users? Don't understand learning and teaching and think that students only ever use the Web for messing around. Have no interest in what the users actually want and generally prefer to give the users what they themselves think they want. (I've seen senior IS staff dismiss the data gathered in formal user requirements gathering exercises because it doesn't fit their own viewpoint.) Tend to work in silos (example: student information systems team which won't talk to the VLE team), and will do anything to avoid working with others outside of their own silo. They have no concept of team working across services or with academic staff. Consultation usually consists of them telling you what they are going to do . If you tell them what you want they don't listen! IT Services Barrier Do these comments ring any bells? If not, how can you be sure?
  • 26. Beware The IT Fundamentalists We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist: we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist: we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist: we must need next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist: must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist: we must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist: it breaches copyright, … Ownership Fundamentalist: must own everything Perfectionist : It doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing Simplistic Developer : I've developed a perfect solution – I don't care if it doesn't run in the real world Web 2.0 Fundamentalist : Must use latest cool stuff IT Services Barrier
  • 27. The Librarian Fundamentalists Librarians: Think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge (who cares that users find it easier to use Google Scholar & finds references they need that way?) Think that users should be forced to learn Boolean searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them (despite Sheffield's study). Don't want the users to search for themselves (cf folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They still want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links. Want services to be perfect before they release them to users. They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta' (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs). Library Barrier
  • 28. Addressing the Barriers How do we address such barriers: A change in culture Being more open (surely what HE & public sector is about?) Revisiting AUPs Developing more sophisticated models for standards, accessibility, open sources, … Developing key principles Ongoing debate and discussion Cultural Change
  • 29. Need To Change Catch Phrases Computer Says No! Time to ditch this catch phrase Wikis? IT Services says no Folksonomies? Library says no Skype? UKERNA says no Culture Change X Yer, but, no, but, yer Time to embrace the ambiguities acknowledged by Vicky Pollard Yer, like Wikis are well cool, but, OK so I copied my homework, but, like I always copy my homework Images from BBC Web site
  • 30. Implement An Open Approach Implementing an open approach should not be difficult: We have tradition of sharing & using OSS The HE sector is now more open to discussing open access issues (e-prints, financial issues, …) Creative Commons (CC) provides a legal framework What can we do: Make support services resources available with CC licence: see paper on &quot; Let's Free IT Support Materials! &quot; Exploit UKOLN's QA Focus briefing documents: 100+ documents available with CC licence … Using other's resources and service may be unpopular (job security, ideology, …). For example, should IT services host email, … when this can be outsourced? Cultural Change
  • 31. Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) Is Skype Permitted over JANET? &quot;The Computing Service is frequently asked for a ruling on whether Skype may legitimately be used ... the Computing Service considers that use of Skype contravenes the JANET Acceptable Use Policy, although UKERNA does not concur with this view.&quot; (now toned down) Missing The Point? There may be (religious) debates over the interpretation of UKERNA's words. But Did the policy come from God? Is it infallible? Why do we hide behind AUPs? Revisiting AUPs Proposal : An AUP is meant to work on behalf of an organisation, helping to ensure the effective use of IT by its users. An AUP should not be used as a control mechanism to prevent usage which IT staff may frown upon.
  • 32. The Need For An AUPP AUPs: Shouldn't be cast in stone: technologies change; usage changes; culture changes (e.g. AUPs banning social use; email; Web; messaging; …) Therefore need for mechanisms for changing AUPs and engagement with users Proposal: We need an Acceptable Use Policy Process (AUPP) We need mechanisms to ensure users can input into the discussion process We need more flexibility in our AUPs (e.g. to reflect blended learning, pervasiveness of IT; …)  Cultural Change Note see OUCS’s policy on Skype, which has evolved
  • 33. Avoid Perfection! In higher education we like to investigate limitations of systems (it’s our job). But: Need to separate such research from deployment of good enough services Need to be more user-centred – if users can do it (at home; in Starbucks; from their memory stick) why can’t IT Services provide similar services (students pay enough!) An always beta approach: the software and its use may not be perfect, but that’s not a barrier to deployment Cultural Change If the Sun can provide Blogs, it’s very strange if HE can’t! portal/site/mysun/
  • 34. Risk Management IWMW 2006 has taken a risk management approach to its evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies: Agreements : e.g. in the case of the Chatbot. Use of well-established services : Google & are well-established & financially stable. Notification : warnings that services could be lost. Engagement : with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services. Provision of alternative services: multiple OMPL tools. Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings! Long term experiences of services: usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data : e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc. Taking Risks Note that you also take risks in not providing a service! Will your users go elsewhere?
  • 35. Users Are The Problem! Warwick Blogs contains swearing, trivial remarks, insults and copyright infringements * & not just insightful observations from staff contributors! Background: They expected this! They got buy-in from University SMT They actively promoted service to students Issues: is this a serious barrier, or something to be dealt with (cf. misuse of email, Usenet, …). Derek Law: If students download ‘flesh-tone images’ in their halls at 3 am on networks they’ve paid for, is it our problem?
  • 36. Safe Experimentation How can we gain experiences of Web 2.0: Safe environment Which minimise risks Which allow learning Possibilities: Encourage enthusiasts Using technologies at events such as this! Supporting the services which your users use (e.g. Google!) Using services which require minimal effort Working with your peers elsewhere Piloting Web 2.0
  • 37. LibraryThing Can you try this for a departmental Library: Gain experience Use by administrators, who’ll be unconcerned about technical dogma Explore social network benefits See recent Blog posting Safe Experiments
  • 38. Slideshare A digital repository for slides Do you have a digital repository? Are you planning to install or develop one? If so: Look at services such as Slideshare Read Andy Powell’s Blog about the advantages of this approach
  • 39. Over To You What can you do? You’re unconvinced – so you’ll need to be able to justify this Areas of safe experimentation – what works for you, your department, your organisation? Culture change – how?
  • 40. Conclusions To conclude: Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for our users However organisations tend to be conservative We therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. through a risk management approach We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us: Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Have a social network with peers based on openness, trust, collaboration, .. Conclusions