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Why and How Librarians Should 
Engage With Wikipedia 
Presentation by Brian Kelly, UKOLN on 25 October 2012 
for an Open Access Week event at the University of Exeter 
Talk by Brian Kelly, Cetis on 30 October 2014 at the 
CILIPS Autumn Gathering in Edinburgh
Event hashtag: #CILIPSAG14 
Why and How Librarians Should 
Engage With Wikipedia 
Brian Kelly 
Innovation Advocate 
University of Bolton 
Bolton, UK 
Contact Details 
Twitter: @briankelly 
Cetis Web site: 
Slides and further information available at 
Source cited! 
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Idea from Cameron Neylon 
copy, share, adapt, or re-mix; 
photograph, film, or broadcast; 
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this presentation provided that: 
You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights 
and licences associated with its components. 
Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero. 
Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
About Me 
Brian Kelly: 
• Innovation Advocate at Cetis, Bolton University 
Involvement in Wikipedia and Wikimedia UK: 
• Created first article in 2004 and involved in training / edit-a-thons 
since 2013 as an accredited Wikipedia trainer 
• Recent talks on: 
 Wikipedia, Wikimedia UK and Higher Education: Developments in 
the UK, Eduwiki Serbia 2014 
 Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your 
Users, CILIP Wales 2014 
 Wikipedia Editing Workshop – In a Nutshell, LILAC 2014 
 Open Knowledge: Wikipedia and Beyond, Cetis 2014 
• Poster display on Wikimedia & Metrics at 1:AM Alt.metrics conference 
Regard Wikipedia as: 
• An example of an Open Educational Practice 
• Of particular importance to library sector 

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Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, with over 3 million English articles as of July 2010. It has a simple interface and covers topics from multiple perspectives globally. While some criticize its open editing model, it has processes to ensure information is verifiable and from a neutral point of view, with over 1500 administrators monitoring content. Educators and librarians are increasingly using Wikipedia for assignments and instruction to teach information and digital literacy skills.

online encyclopedialibrarianwikipedia
Creating an online space using wikis
Creating an online space using wikisCreating an online space using wikis
Creating an online space using wikis

This document discusses creating online learning spaces using wikis. It provides context about wikis and their uses in education by describing wikis, comparing them to blogs, and giving examples of how wikis can be used. Potential uses of wikis discussed include classroom or unit learning spaces, subject-specific wikis, individual student digital portfolios, and project or inquiry learning. The document also notes that wiki content can relate to standards across the whole curriculum, specifically personal and interpersonal learning standards.

What if knowledge was free? : Open Educational Resources and their place in o...
What if knowledge was free? : Open Educational Resources and their place in o...What if knowledge was free? : Open Educational Resources and their place in o...
What if knowledge was free? : Open Educational Resources and their place in o...

Open Education Resources (OERs) are becoming more common throughout educational institutions, however, there is still a need for conversation and to promote the free resources that are available. OERs can be used as an outreach tool for patrons to gain access to works and materials that may only be available through a paid educational institution, school or for profit entities.

oeropen educational resourcescreative commons
About This Talk 
It's a popular information resource: it's one of the 
five most popular websites in the world, clocking 
over 21 billion hits every month. 
So why wouldn't librarians engage with 
Don't librarians and information professionals 
have responsibilities to ensure that not only are 
they able to evaluate Wikipedia articles and 
advise their users but also for improving 
Wikipedia articles and helping their users to do 
this? 5
Your Approaches 
Which aspect of following 
spectrum best summarises your 
library’s approaches to use of 
Wikipedia by your users: 
A. Against: Warn against it 
B. Neutral, but negative: 
Accept it will be used, but 
C. Neutral, but positive: 
Accept it will be used, and 
content with this approach 
D. Positive & pro-active: 
Welcome its use and advise 
on its strengths and 
weaknesses (courses, 
posters, etc.) 
Poster on teaching Wikipedia to school 
pupils at University of Birmingham
About You 
Who has: 
• Used Wikipedia? 
• Has a Wikipedia account? 
• Has edited Wikipedia 
• Has taught or advised their 
users on use of Wikipedia 
Who would: 
• Like to create an account? 
• Create a user profile? 
• Perhaps even update an 
Feel free to do this during this 
Is the article accurate? 
Can it be improved?
Wikipedia's Purpose and Key Principles 
Wikipedia's purpose is: 
to benefit readers by acting as an 
encyclopedia, a comprehensive written 
compendium that contains information 
on all branches of knowledge. 
As described by Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia's founder: 
Imagine a world in which every single person on the 
planet is given free access to the sum of all human 
knowledge. That's what we're doing. 

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Wikipedia as a Platform for Change
Wikipedia as a Platform for ChangeWikipedia as a Platform for Change
Wikipedia as a Platform for Change

This document discusses making Wikipedia more diverse by addressing biases. It provides an overview of Wikipedia, noting its size but also biases like gender, racial, and cultural representation gaps in coverage and the editor base. It discusses initiatives like WikiProjects, AfroCROWD and Whose Knowledge that aim to broaden representation. The document encourages non-profits to use and contribute to Wikipedia to share knowledge, but notes challenges like biases that organizations could help address by editing, contributing content about underrepresented groups, and collaborating with Wikimedia through outreach.

Wikipedia Powerpoint
Wikipedia PowerpointWikipedia Powerpoint
Wikipedia Powerpoint

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that allows anyone to edit its articles. It contains over 270 language editions and was founded in 2001 as an offshoot of Nupedia. Wikipedia appeals to students and others as a starting point for research due to its wide range of general and detailed information on various topics. While free editing allows factual errors to be quickly corrected, it also opens the possibility of non-factual information being posted. Wikipedia utilizes various applications and features like discussion pages and tabs to facilitate collaborative editing and improve the user experience.

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The document is a slide presentation about open education. It discusses acknowledging the traditional lands where the presentation is taking place. It then discusses making open the default practice in education and defines open education as resources, tools and practices that are free of barriers and can be fully used, shared and adapted digitally. It provides examples of open education initiatives like open textbooks and MOOCs. It emphasizes benefits like increasing access, improving learning, and enabling collaboration. It suggests rethinking learning resources, experiences and recognition to further open education goals.

part-time instructoropenpractice
Wikipedia's Key Principles 
Wikipedia seeks to achieve its goal by its five pillars: 
1. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia: Wikipedia is not, for example, a soapbox, 
an advertising platform, a vanity press, an indiscriminate collection of 
information, or a web directory. 
2. Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view: Wikipedia strives for 
articles that document & explain the major points of view, giving due weight 
with respect to their prominence in an impartial tone. It avoids advocacy 
and we characterize information and issues rather than debate them. 
3. Wikipedia is free content that anyone can use, edit, and distribute: 
Since all editors freely licence their work to the public, no editor owns an 
article and any contributions can and will be freely edited and redistributed. 
4. Editors should treat each other with respect and civility: Contributors 
are expected to respect fellow Wikipedians, even when you disagree. 
Apply Wikipedia etiquette, and don't engage in personal attacks. 
5. Wikipedia has no firm rules: Wikipedia has policies and guidelines, but 
they are not carved in stone; their content and interpretation can evolve 
over time. Their principles and spirit matter more than their literal wording, 
and sometimes improving Wikipedia requires making an exception. 
Characteristics of Librarians 
According to key characteristics 
of librarians include: 
• A love of knowledge and learning 
• A desire to work around people 
• Broad overall knowledge of life and the world 
• Strong organisational skills 
• Good with numbers 
• Friendly 
• Ethical 
• Personable 
• Affinity for working with large volumes of information 
• Computer skills 
In addition, IMHO, a desire to: 
• Share these interests & passions 
with others 
• Enhance the information literacy of 
• Encourage others to adopt ethical 
approaches in use of information 
Librarians and Wikipedia – An Ideal Match! 
Librarian Characteristics Relevance to Wikipedia 
A love of knowledge and 
Aligned with Wikipedia's goal of "a world in which every single 
person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all 
human knowledge". 
A desire to work around 
There is a strong Wikipedia community: in October 2013 there 
were 31,000 active editors with about half of the active 
editors spending at least one hour a day editing. 
Broad overall knowledge of 
life and the world 
Wikipedia provides access to broad knowledge of life and the 
world and the ability to share such knowledge with others. 
Strong organizational skills In order to help manage the 4,616,531+ articles there will be a 
need to have good organisation skills. 
Friendly and personable Aligned with Wikipedia principle that Editors should treat 
each other with respect and civility. 
Ethical Ethical considerations underpin the five pillars. 
Affinity for working with 
This is of direct relevance to Wikipedia. 
large amount of information 
Computer skills This is of direct relevance to Wikipedia.
Wikipedia and Librarians – An Ideal Match! 
How do Wikipedia’s five pillars relate to librarians: 
1. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia: Librarians are familiar with encyclopedias, 
including their strengths and weaknesses. 
2. Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view: Librarians will warn 
against personalisation features of Google, which can act as an ‘echo 
chamber’ and not provide neutral answers to queries. 
3. Wikipedia is free content that anyone can use, edit, and distribute: 
Librarians have been pro-active in encouraging open access policies, to 
minimise costs of journal subscriptions and maximise access to research. 
4. Editors should treat each other with respect and civility: Librarians will 
have similar rules regarding use of library space. 
5. Wikipedia has no firm rules: Hmm 
Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science (1931): 
And growth due to technological developments! 
5: The library is a growing organism 
This law focused on the need for internal change than on changes in the environment itself. 
Ranganathan argued that library organizations must accommodate growth in staff, the physical 
collection and patron use. This involved allowing for growth in the physical building, reading 
areas, shelving, and in space for the catalog.

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The document provides an overview of wikis including: 1. Wikis allow for collaborative editing and knowledge sharing in real-time. Jimmy Wales envisioned wikis providing free access to all human knowledge. 2. Wikis have various types including wikitextbooks, wikirecipes, and wikis focused on specific topics. They allow anyone to add, fix, or erase content. 3. Wikis can be used in classrooms to motivate students and encourage participation. Students can work collaboratively on group projects and manage documents. Challenges include potential for vandalism and unreliable information from anonymous authors.

Wikipedia workshop, SpotOn 2013 Conference
Wikipedia workshop, SpotOn 2013 ConferenceWikipedia workshop, SpotOn 2013 Conference
Wikipedia workshop, SpotOn 2013 Conference

This document summarizes a Wikipedia editing workshop given at the SpotOn 2013 conference. The workshop provided an introduction to editing Wikipedia, including how to create a user account and profile page, identify pages to improve, and create stub articles. Attendees were encouraged to edit Wikipedia pages during the session. The facilitators explained basic Wikipedia syntax for formatting text and inserting links. They also discussed strategies for creating new articles and key principles like relying on published sources and maintaining a neutral point of view. An overview was given of the Wikimedia Foundation and various Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects.

Open Practices for the Connected Researcher
Open Practices for the Connected ResearcherOpen Practices for the Connected Researcher
Open Practices for the Connected Researcher

Slides for a talk on "Open Practices for the Connected Researcher" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Exeter on 23 October 2012, as part of a series of Open Access Week events held at the university. See

Creating A Wikipedia Account 
Who would: 
• Like to create an account? 
• Create a user profile? 
Feel free to do this during this 
talk. Note: 
• Creating a user account 
takes ~ a minute! 
• Creating / updating a user 
profile takes ~ 1 - 5 minutes! 
Click here from any Wikipedia page 
If you create a Wikipedia account or create/ update a profile page, feel free to: 
• Send a Twitter message that you have done so. 
• Say how long it took
Is Wikipedia Relevant? 
Is Wikipedia: 
• Relevant to your engagement with your 
user community? 
• A problem for your engagement with your 
user community? 
Wikipedia in the library - the elephant in the 
(reading) room? Nancy Graham and Andrew 
Gray, LILAC 2014 
Is Wikipedia Relevant? 
Is Wikipedia: 
• Relevant to your engagement with your 
user community? 
• A problem for your engagement with your 
user community? 
Wikipedia in the library - the elephant in the 
(reading) room? Nancy Graham and Andrew 
Gray, LILAC 2014 
Why Wikipedia is Important 
From Wikimedia UK

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Presentation for Small Museum Association 2014 Conference, #SMA_14, on Wikipedia for GLAMS (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums). By Tracy Jentzsch of the University of Delaware's Museum Studies Program and Mary Mark Okerbloom, Wikipedian in Residence at the Chemical Heritage Foundation.

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Lecture 24 2012 Wikis & Writing
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Lecture 24 2012 Wikis & Writing

This document provides an overview of wikis and Wikipedia. It discusses how wikis allow collaborative editing of web pages through simplified markup languages. Key points include: - Wikis are websites that allow users to easily create and edit pages through a web browser. - Wikipedia was formally launched in 2001 and allows anyone to contribute or modify content. - Wikis promote open editing but also provide version histories and oversight to catch mistakes or vandalism.

Encyclopedias 2003 version
Encyclopedias  2003 versionEncyclopedias  2003 version
Encyclopedias 2003 version

An encyclopedia is a set of books or online resource that provides information on many topics in alphabetical order. Encyclopedias have evolved from printed books to include online and multimedia versions. While Wikipedia allows open collaboration, traditional encyclopedias ensure accuracy through expert editing of contributed content. The purpose of an encyclopedia continues to be debated, between providing quick facts versus authoritative in-depth information.

Top Tips 
No. 1: Understand why Wikipedia is important to librarians 
Eduwiki (UK) 2013 
Eduwiki 2013 conference: 
• Held in Cardiff on 1-2 Dec 
• Second EduWiki UK 
• Case studies from higher 
education and schools 
• Broader considerations 
Eduwiki 2014 conference to be 
held in St Leonard's Hall, 
Edinburgh tomorrow (fully booked)
Two Case Studies 
Summary of two case studies presented at EduWiki 2013: 
• Safe Use of Wikipedia in the Transition from School 
to University, Lisa Anderson and Nancy Graham, 
University of Birmingham (now Roehampton) 
• Introducing Students to Independent Research 
through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English 
Villages, Humphrey Southall, University of 
EduWiki 2013
Outreach work by University 
of Birmingham Library 
• Demonstrate information 
literacy approaches to 
school pupils 
• Students surprised that 
Wikipedia was shown 

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Wiki Presentation
Wiki PresentationWiki Presentation
Wiki Presentation

A wiki is an editable web page that allows for collaboration, with each page containing a discussion board, page history, and feed. It provides a collaborative workspace where pages can be edited and modified by users, and includes features like discussion boards and page histories to track changes over time. Users can get help with wikis from Geoff Cain in the Distance Learning & Multimedia Services department if needed.

Wikipedia: The Basics V2
Wikipedia: The Basics V2Wikipedia: The Basics V2
Wikipedia: The Basics V2

This document provides guidance for contributing to Wikipedia, the world's largest online encyclopedia. It outlines that anyone can edit Wikipedia by creating a user account or editing anonymously. When editing, contributors should follow Wikipedia policies on notability, no original research, reliable sources, and avoiding conflicts of interest. The document encourages finding a topic to improve, asking questions, and participating in edit-a-thon events to learn how to contribute constructively to Wikipedia.

Lecture 23 Wikis & Writing
Lecture 23  Wikis & WritingLecture 23  Wikis & Writing
Lecture 23 Wikis & Writing

This document provides an overview of wikis and Wikipedia. It discusses how wikis allow collaborative editing of web pages through simplified markup languages. Key points include: - Wikis were created to be the simplest online databases that could work and allow easy correcting of mistakes. - Wikipedia was formally launched in 2001 and anyone can edit pages, though recent changes are monitored for quality. - An example collaborative novel project called "A Million Penguins" that allowed open editing is discussed. - Basic wiki markup for formatting text is demonstrated. - An assignment is outlined where students will expand a stub article on Wikipedia.

Introducing Students to Independent Research 
through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages 
This was the assignment (see “Telling the stories of rural 
England with Wikipedia” ) 
Humphrey Southall at 
EduWiki conference 
Introducing Students to Independent Research 
through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages 
Notice how Neutral Point of View principle was 
Introducing Students to Independent Research 
through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages 
Original Wikipedia article for 
Sawley, North Yorkshire 
Example of article chosen for updating by student 23
After Updates 
EduWiki 2013 
Map and factual 
information in “infobox” 
Introduction (with 
links to other relevant 
Wikipedia articles 
Table of contents 

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Document published at Wikimedia UK AGM in Bristol April 2011 - bringing the work of the Chapter up to date

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The British Columbia Open Textbook Project aims to increase access to post-secondary education by reducing student costs. It has created 40 open textbooks for the highest enrolled first and second year courses. The project has expanded to include open educational resources and professional development for faculty. A group of BC librarians called BCOER collaborates on projects like an OER assessment rubric and subject guides to support faculty adoption of open educational resources.

open textbooksoer
Open Knowledge: Wikipedia and Beyond
Open Knowledge: Wikipedia and BeyondOpen Knowledge: Wikipedia and Beyond
Open Knowledge: Wikipedia and Beyond

Slides for a workshop session on "Open Knowledge: Wikipedia and Beyond" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Simon Grant, Cetis at the Cetis 2014 conference at the University of Bolton on 17-18 June 2014. See

Introducing Students to Independent Research 
through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages 
Students learn about researching and citations 
Top Tips 
No. 2: Understand how Wikipedia is being used in 
Wikipedia Behind the Article 
Who has looked at the information about a Wikipedia 
article (the Talk and View history pages)? 27
Wikipedia Behind the Article 
We can see the history of the development of an 
article (contributors, update dates; …) 28

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Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users
Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your UsersEditing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users
Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users

This document is a presentation by Brian Kelly from Cetis on editing Wikipedia and supporting users. The presentation provides 11 top tips for librarians on Wikipedia, including understanding why it is important, being willing to update articles, creating an account and profile, understanding principles, and supporting others. It also discusses case studies on Wikipedia use in education and outlines the structure of a workshop to train others on editing Wikipedia.

Wikipedia, Wikimedia UK and Higher Education: Developments in the UK
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Wikipedia, Wikimedia UK and Higher Education: Developments in the UK

Slides for a talk on "Wikipedia, Wikimedia UK and Higher Education: Developments in the UK" given by Brian Kelly, Cetis at the Eduwiki 2014 conference in Belgrade, Serbia on 24 March 2014. Note that due to the talk being limited to 15 minutes rather than the 45 minutes originally expected only a summary version of these slides was presented, For further information see

Information Literacy Lessons in Wikipedia
Information Literacy Lessons in WikipediaInformation Literacy Lessons in Wikipedia
Information Literacy Lessons in Wikipedia

Can you imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge? Every day Wikipedia’s audacious vision comes closer to reality, as humans (and other information services) exploit this top-ranking information source. Here is an opportunity for educators to learn about how Wikipedia works to realise its position as a ‘neutral compilation of verifiable, established facts.’ and consider what information literacy education looks like in 2015, and how Wikipedia projects provide a way to move from a consumer to creator culture of learning.

teacher librariandigital mediadigital literacy
Top Tips 
No. 3: Gain a better understanding of the Wikipedia service 
Be Willing to Update Wikipedia Articles 
• Spot an error in a 
Wikipedia article 
Are there still 28 public 
libraries in Edinburgh?
Be Willing to Update Wikipedia Articles 
• Spot an error in a 
Wikipedia article 
• Identify an area for 
As an information professional 
wouldn’t you wish to ensure that 
information (text, links & 
metadata) is accurate and 
comprehensive? Especially if: 
• This can be done in 
minutes (or seconds!) 
• Page is likely to be easily 
found in Google 
Do these links still work? 
Are these categories 
Text & images 
Top Tips 
No. 4: Be willing to update Wikipedia articles 

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Developing an Ethical Approach to Using Wikipedia as the Front Matter to all ...
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Developing an Ethical Approach to Using Wikipedia as the Front Matter to all ...

Slides for a talk on "Developing an Ethical Approach to Using Wikipedia as the Front Matter to all Research" given by Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus Ltd. at the Wikipedia Science 2015 conference at The Wellcome Trust, London on 3 September 2015. See

From Frenemies to Friends: Embracing Wikipedia
From Frenemies to Friends: Embracing WikipediaFrom Frenemies to Friends: Embracing Wikipedia
From Frenemies to Friends: Embracing Wikipedia

Since Wikipedia launched in 2001, librarians have maintained a cautious and, at times, hostile relationship with the online, crowd-sourced encyclopedia. Librarians have largely ignored Wikipedia, citing it as an unreliable and non-authoritative resource, and steering information seekers toward traditional reference materials. While librarians waged this quiet war, Wikipedia has gained increasing dominance as an information resource, and is now the indisputable starting point for most quick research. In this presentation, attendees will learn how to wield the power of Wikipedia in their libraries and embrace Wikipedia as an information resource. Presenters will discuss how to use Wikipedia for reference and instruction, linking online resources, increasing search engine optimization, and creating linked data for the semantic web. Presenters will also discuss the great need for librarians to delve into the world of Wikipedia as researchers and contributors; including the ethics of contributing to Wikipedia. Presenters: Dustin Fife, Rebekah Cummings, Jessica Breiman

wikipediasemantic webdigital discovery
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Lo and Behold: Reveries of a Connected Campus

Slides from presentation at the Open Educational Resources Conference 2017 held at Resource for London on 5-6 April 2017. The innovation remit of the Wikimedia residency at the University of Edinburgh has been to raise awareness of Wikimedia and its sister projects, design and deliver digital skills engagement events such as editathons (groups of staff & student editors coming together to edit Wikipedia pages on a focused theme – both inside and outside the curriculum) and to work with colleagues all across the institution to find ways in which the University – as a knowledge creation organisation – can most benefit and contribute to the development of this huge open knowledge resource.

wikimedia residencywikidataaltmetrics
Metadata for Wikipedia Articles 
• Identify gaps in 
Does this category cover all 
Libraries in Edinburgh with 
Wikipedia articles? Note there 
are 28 public libraries
Metadata for Wikipedia Articles 
• Identify gaps in 
Does this category cover all 
Cities in Scotland with 
Libraries 
Top Tips 
No. 5: Be willing to create new Wikipedia articles 
(but first learn editing basics by creating a Wikipedia profile) 
Why You Should Have a Wikipedia 
Using a Wikipedia 
account to edit 
articles is 
• Openness 
• Record of 
Ability to: 
• Create new 
• Join in 
• Have customised 
• … 

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Wikipedia and Medicine
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Wikipedia and Medicine

This document discusses Wikipedia and its role in medicine. It notes that Wikipedia is one of the most popular websites globally, containing over 4 million English articles. Though editor numbers have declined since 2007, automated processes and experienced editors help ensure accuracy. Medical articles receive around 200 million monthly views. While anyone can edit, safeguards like required citations and experienced editors help ensure quality. The goal is to provide free access to health information for all in their preferred language.

Wikipedia and libraries
Wikipedia and librariesWikipedia and libraries
Wikipedia and libraries

An overview of Wikipedia, followed by a discussion of the relationship between libraries and Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a really important resource but a lot of people don’t fully understand how it works, and I think it’s particularly important for educators and librarians to do so. This presentation is about what WIkipedia is, how to edit it, and why we can use it as not only a useful source of information but a great information literacy teaching tool.

wikipedialibrariesinformation literacy
Teaching with Wikipedia
Teaching with WikipediaTeaching with Wikipedia
Teaching with Wikipedia

Brief introduction to Wikimedia, and overview of classroom Wikipedia assignments -- benefits, best practices, pitfalls and gains. (Updated May 2014). Thanks to LiAnna Davis and Jami Mathewson at WMF for their help and content (quotes, education project slides).

higher educationwikipediawikimedia foundation
Creating an Account 
Feel free to: 
• Go to a Wikipedia page 
and click Create 
• Then complete the form 
A: New 
Did you do it in less than 
a minute?
Top Tips 
No. 6: Create a Wikipedia account 
Create a User Profile 
Nancy Graham’s user profile 
Use search box as a quick 
way to find user profiles 
User: msnancygraham
Create a User Profile 
Nancy Graham’s user profile 
User: msnancygraham

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This document introduces wikis and their educational uses. It discusses the differences between read-only and read/write web environments. Wikis allow collaborative writing and editing. The document then guides participants through activities to evaluate educational wikis, edit a wiki page, create their own wiki, and share their wiki with others. Benefits of wikis include engagement, collaboration and 21st century skills, while concerns include information literacy and inappropriate content.

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Wikipedia and Higher Education: Teaching with Wikipedia

Presentation on Wikipedi and Higher Education given at University of Sydney Writing Hub during symposium on teaching with Wikipedia.

Wikipedia & Cultural Heritage Institutions: Opportunities for Partnership
Wikipedia & Cultural Heritage Institutions: Opportunities for PartnershipWikipedia & Cultural Heritage Institutions: Opportunities for Partnership
Wikipedia & Cultural Heritage Institutions: Opportunities for Partnership

This document discusses opportunities for cultural heritage institutions like museums, libraries, and archives to partner with Wikipedia. It outlines Wikipedia's uniqueness as the 5th most visited site worldwide that is volunteer-driven and non-profit. Reasons for institutions to partner include meeting information demands, attracting new audiences, and reviewing publicly available information. Challenges include losing control and prestige as well as rights management issues. The document then provides examples of successful partnerships between institutions and Wikipedia through programs like Wikipedians in Residence. It concludes by discussing challenges and the importance of Wikipedia in furthering the open access movement.

wikipediaglam-wikiopen access
Today’s Goal : Create a User Profile 
Top Tips 
No. 7: Create a Wikipedia profile 
Be Ethical! 
Quality of 
articles is 
provided by 
volunteer effort 
Please do not: 
• Introduce 
errors to see 
how soon 
they are 
Outreach work by Uni of 
Birmingham Library 
• Demonstrate information 
literacy approaches to 
school pupils 
• Surprise that Wikipedia 
was shown 
“Live edit a Wikipedia entry – highlight 
how quickly edits are corrected” 
But should pages be ‘vandalised’ in order 
to demonstrate how the community fixes 
such vandalism? 
Highlighted need to address best practices 
for those who teach use of Wikipedia. 

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Wikipedia and Archives: The Why and How of Using Wikipedia for Archival AccessWikipedia and Archives: The Why and How of Using Wikipedia for Archival Access
Wikipedia and Archives: The Why and How of Using Wikipedia for Archival Access

Presented at "Access Techniques and Systems for Archives" LIS course (Kenneth Heger) at University of Maryland iSchool 4/16/2014. This presentation covers an introduction to the principles and practices of using Wikipedia for archives and other cultural institutions. I focus especially on profession's conception of access and Wikipedia's place within an archival framework, with some discussion of the history of archives, NARA, and the GLAM-Wiki movement.

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Wikipedia Demystified: A GLAM Perspective
Wikipedia Demystified: A GLAM PerspectiveWikipedia Demystified: A GLAM Perspective
Wikipedia Demystified: A GLAM Perspective

A presentation to the 2015 Virginia Humanities Conference about the relationship between museums and Wikipedia.

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Clicklaw wikibooks for CBA dial-a-law
Clicklaw wikibooks for CBA dial-a-lawClicklaw wikibooks for CBA dial-a-law
Clicklaw wikibooks for CBA dial-a-law

This document introduces Clicklaw Wikibooks, a wiki platform for collaboratively creating legal information books. It allows numerous legal experts and organizations to jointly edit and publish materials that can be accessed online or in multiple formats like PDF and EPUB. Clicklaw Wikibooks aims to make plain language legal information more findable, up-to-date and accessible for British Columbians. Over 30 legal professionals currently use it to maintain publications, with the most popular receiving over 14,000 monthly views. The platform continues expanding to include more titles, languages and customization options to serve the public.

Top Tips 
No. 8: Be ethical 
Content Can Change! 
Changes to the Jalalpur, Bihar arty=icle 
Pages which can be improved are 
tagged (can be useful for new editors) 
Minor edit made
Content Can Change! 
Changes to the Jalalpur, Bihar arty=icle 
This article was proposed for deletion by 
Lfstevens on 2 May 2014 with the comment: 
unnotable, uncited stub 
It was contested by Necrothesp on 7 May 2014 
with the comment: 
deprod; all settlements are considered to be 
notable; cleaned up
Content Can Change! 
Current version (15 Oct 2014)48

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1. The document introduces wikis and their educational uses. Wikis allow for collaborative writing and sharing of resources online. 2. Examples of educational uses of wikis include collaboratively writing class texts, group projects, sharing teaching resources, and professional learning communities. 3. Attendees participated in activities like evaluating educational wikis, editing a wiki page, and creating their own wiki to use in their teaching.

Top Tips 
No. 9: Be prepared for your contributions to be changed 
(normally improved!) 
The Five Pillars 
Fundamental principles by which the Wikimedia 
community operates... 
1. is an encyclopedia 
2. is written from a neutral point of view 
3. is free content that anyone can 
edit / use/ modify / share 
4. editors should respect each other 
5. does not have any firm rules 
Key Principles for Content (1) 
No original research 
All research must come from published sources e.g. 
• Peer-reviewed journals 
• Peer-reviewed books 
• University-level textbooks 
• Magazines, journals and books published by 
respected publishing houses 
• Mainstream newspapers 
Key Principles for Content (2) 
Neutral Point of View 
Content should be provided from a neutral point of view: 
• If your viewpoint is in the majority, then it should be 
easy to substantiate it with reference to commonly 
accepted reference texts; 
• If your viewpoint is held by a significant minority, 
then it should be easy to name prominent 
• If your viewpoint is held by an extremely small 
minority, then — whether it's true or not, whether 
you can prove it or not — it doesn't belong in 
Wikipedia, except perhaps in some ancillary article. 

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Editing Wikipedia articles is simple, as anyone can edit an article by clicking the 'edit' link. Wikipedia is self-correcting as more people contribute and entries improve over time. There is also an extensive infrastructure for people to comment or provide other viewpoints on editorial matters. The community is typically fast to react to questionable changes and either rollback or question them. Wikipedia contains the largest collection of knowledge in human history, with over 6 million entries in the English version alone, more than 20 times the size of the largest printed encyclopedia. The success of Wikipedia depends primarily on its users, or Wikipedians, who have unique traits like openness, computer knowledge, motivation, and neutrality that allow the collaborative creation and sharing

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This document provides the agenda and brief technical tips for Wyld Morris Zoom Meeting No. 7, which is a new members evening that will include welcoming new potential members, learning about morris dancing from the squire, understanding the basic moves, and perspectives from a new dancer on why they enjoy morris dancing. The technical tips explain how to switch between speaker and gallery view and how to pin a video to focus on one participant.

Top Tips 
No. 10: Understand the Wikipedia principles 
Be Bold! 
The “Be bold” principle 
User Queries About CILIP 
Queries which you might expect answers to be easily 
• How many members does CILIP have? 
• What are the trends in membership numbers 
since CILIP was founded? 
• (What are the reasons for trends in membership 
CILIP Entry (June 2014) 
CILIP Entry (June 2014) - 

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The document provides information about an online meeting of the Wyld Morris group who enjoy morris dancing and singing. It outlines that the group will continue enjoying their interests during lockdown, support each other, and be even better when they next meet in person. The meeting agenda includes introductions, warm-ups, demonstrations, group dancing and music, an open discussion, and tips for using Zoom including muting audio when not speaking and only having one musician unmuted at a time. Links to online dance instruction videos and resources are also provided.

Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies
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Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies

The document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on predicting and preparing for emerging learning technologies. It discusses identifying technology trends, drivers, and challenges through the Delphi process used by the NMC Horizon Report. It also provides tools and methods for institutions to plan for future technologies, including scenario planning, acknowledging risks, and engaging with challenges. The presentation aims to help attendees understand limitations of future forecasting and apply similar methodologies to plan locally.

Web Preservation, or Managing your Organisation’s Online Presence After the O...
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Slides for talk on "Web Preservation, or Managing your Organisation’s Online Presence After the Organisation Ceases to Exist" given by Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus at the IRMS 2016 conference in Brighton on 17 May 2016. See

CILIP entry, Sept 2014 
CILIP entry, Sept 2014 
CILIP Entry (Soon!) 
Planned update to CILIP article 
What Do The Numbers Tell Us? 
Linear trends in decline of CILIP membership numbers 
No evidence of impact of: 
• Change of government 
• Onset of austerity measures 
• Changes in CILIP management 
• Changes in CILIP governance 
ALA membership numbers 
ALA membership nos. available 
(and easily found) since 1900
Advocacy Or Unbiased Information? 
Member attrition 1st 
January – 28th February 
.. Whilst there has been a 
slight increase in attrition 
rates for the same period 
last year, the recent 
figures support the trend 
towards an “attrition 
Looking at the year on 
year graph of 
membership figure, 2014 
continues to reflect 
positive trends compared 
with previous years, but 
this will become more 
realistic as the year 
Taken from Financial report for the year ended 
December 2013 and membership report to 28 
February 2014 (page 8)

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G1 Conclusions
G1 ConclusionsG1 Conclusions
G1 Conclusions

This document provides a summary and conclusions from a workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond". It recaps the workshop which explored tools for thinking differently about the future, used a Delphi process to gather expert opinions, and developed an action brief planning template. It notes limitations in approaches and the importance of acknowledging risks while also learning from past examples. Contact details and additional resources are provided for those interested in further information.

F1 Making the Case
F1 Making the CaseF1 Making the Case
F1 Making the Case

This document discusses making a case to senior management for funding to explore innovative technologies. It provides guidance on identifying implications, risks, and risk management strategies for new technologies. It also presents an action brief statement template to convince management of a technology's potential benefits. The document concludes with an exercise where attendees in groups prepare a short presentation making a case for funding to investigate one technology.

E1 Scenario Planning
E1 Scenario PlanningE1 Scenario Planning
E1 Scenario Planning

This document discusses scenario planning as a strategic planning method. It describes the scenario planning process, which involves defining assumptions and drivers of change, developing initial scenarios, and identifying issues. The document then provides examples of scenarios for the library sector, including the effects of UK withdrawal from the EU or greater power for the European Court. Small groups are asked to develop scenarios focusing on alternative discovery sources, changed librarian roles, or other topics. Finally, the document summarizes scenarios developed in a previous workshop on commercialization of libraries, devolved ownership of services, universal skills, and niche librarians.

Advocacy Or Unbiased Information? 
“CILIP is the leading body representing the information 
professions. We believe in a literate, knowledgeable and 
connected society. We build the professionalism of our 
members by supporting the development of skills, 
knowledge and excellence. We provide unity through 
shared values and advocate on behalf of the information 
Tension: CILIP acts as a advocacy body for a profession in which 
neutrality and objectivity are an important characteristic
A Wikipedia Article for CILIPS? 
Should there be a 
Wikipedia article 
for CILIPS? 
• Sources of 
information for 
an article. 
• Having a 
neutral POV 
• See CILI talk 
Top Tips 
No. 11: Be aware of tensions and conflicts of interest when 
seeking to provide factual information on Wikipedia 
(and use Talk page to declare possible conflicts of interest) 
1. Understand why Wikipedia is important to librarians 
2. Understand how Wikipedia is being used in 
3. Gain a better understanding of the Wikipedia service 
4. Be willing to update Wikipedia articles 
5. Be willing to create Wikipedia articles 
6. Create a Wikipedia account 
7. Create a Wikipedia profile 
8. Be ethical 
9. Be prepared for your contributions to be changed 
10.Understand the Wikipedia principles 
11.Be aware of tensions and conflicts of interest when 
seeking to provide factual information on Wikipedia 

Recommended for you

D1: The NMC Methodology
D1: The NMC MethodologyD1: The NMC Methodology
D1: The NMC Methodology

Slides "D1: The NMC Methodology" for a one-day workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond" by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2015 conference. Held on Monday 19 October 2015 For further information see

C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques
C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & TechniquesC1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques
C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques

Slides "C1: Future Technology Detecting Tools & Techniques" for a one-day workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond" by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2015 conference. Held on Monday 19 October 2015 See

B1: Exploring emerging technologies
B1: Exploring emerging technologiesB1: Exploring emerging technologies
B1: Exploring emerging technologies

This document discusses exploring emerging technologies. It provides information on discovering new technologies through peers, publications, experts, and online sources. The document outlines the ILI 2015 conference program and highlights some topics that may be relevant or surprising. It also describes the NMC Horizon Report, which is produced by an international community of experts and identifies important emerging technologies for libraries through a refined expert panel process. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of exploring emerging technologies through various approaches, but also understanding the wider context for implications and planning.

Any questions, comments, …? 
Licence and Additional Resources 
This presentation, “Why and How Librarians Should Engage With 
Wikipedia” by Brian Kelly, Cetis is licensed under the Creative Commons 
Attribution 4.0 Licence 
Note the licence covers most of the text in this presentation. Quotations 
may have other licence conditions. 
Images may have other licence conditions. Where possible links are 
provided to the source of images so that licence conditions can be found. 
Slides and further information available at 

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Why and how librarians should engage with Wikipedia

  • 1. Event hashtag: #CILIPSAG14 Why and How Librarians Should Engage With Wikipedia Presentation by Brian Kelly, UKOLN on 25 October 2012 for an Open Access Week event at the University of Exeter 1 Talk by Brian Kelly, Cetis on 30 October 2014 at the CILIPS Autumn Gathering in Edinburgh
  • 2. Event hashtag: #CILIPSAG14 Why and How Librarians Should Engage With Wikipedia Brian Kelly Innovation Advocate Cetis University of Bolton Bolton, UK Contact Details Email: Twitter: @briankelly Cetis Web site: Blog: Slides and further information available at with-wikipedia/
  • 3. 3 Source cited! 3 You are free to: Idea from Cameron Neylon copy, share, adapt, or re-mix; photograph, film, or broadcast; blog, live-blog, or post video of this presentation provided that: You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights and licences associated with its components. Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero. Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
  • 4. About Me Brian Kelly: • Innovation Advocate at Cetis, Bolton University Involvement in Wikipedia and Wikimedia UK: • Created first article in 2004 and involved in training / edit-a-thons since 2013 as an accredited Wikipedia trainer • Recent talks on:  Wikipedia, Wikimedia UK and Higher Education: Developments in the UK, Eduwiki Serbia 2014  Editing Wikipedia: Why You Should and How You Can Support Your Users, CILIP Wales 2014  Wikipedia Editing Workshop – In a Nutshell, LILAC 2014  Open Knowledge: Wikipedia and Beyond, Cetis 2014 • Poster display on Wikimedia & Metrics at 1:AM Alt.metrics conference Regard Wikipedia as: • An example of an Open Educational Practice • Of particular importance to library sector Introduction 4
  • 5. About This Talk Abstract It's a popular information resource: it's one of the five most popular websites in the world, clocking over 21 billion hits every month. So why wouldn't librarians engage with Wikipedia? Don't librarians and information professionals have responsibilities to ensure that not only are they able to evaluate Wikipedia articles and advise their users but also for improving Wikipedia articles and helping their users to do this? 5
  • 6. Your Approaches Which aspect of following spectrum best summarises your library’s approaches to use of Wikipedia by your users: A. Against: Warn against it B. Neutral, but negative: Accept it will be used, but begrudgingly C. Neutral, but positive: Accept it will be used, and content with this approach D. Positive & pro-active: Welcome its use and advise on its strengths and weaknesses (courses, posters, etc.) 6 Poster on teaching Wikipedia to school pupils at University of Birmingham
  • 7. About You Who has: • Used Wikipedia? • Has a Wikipedia account? • Has edited Wikipedia articles? • Has taught or advised their users on use of Wikipedia Who would: • Like to create an account? • Create a user profile? • Perhaps even update an article? Feel free to do this during this talk! 7 Is the article accurate? Can it be improved?
  • 8. Wikipedia's Purpose and Key Principles Wikipedia's purpose is: to benefit readers by acting as an encyclopedia, a comprehensive written compendium that contains information on all branches of knowledge. As described by Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia's founder: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing. 8
  • 9. Wikipedia's Key Principles Wikipedia seeks to achieve its goal by its five pillars: 1. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia: Wikipedia is not, for example, a soapbox, an advertising platform, a vanity press, an indiscriminate collection of information, or a web directory. 2. Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view: Wikipedia strives for articles that document & explain the major points of view, giving due weight with respect to their prominence in an impartial tone. It avoids advocacy and we characterize information and issues rather than debate them. 3. Wikipedia is free content that anyone can use, edit, and distribute: Since all editors freely licence their work to the public, no editor owns an article and any contributions can and will be freely edited and redistributed. 4. Editors should treat each other with respect and civility: Contributors are expected to respect fellow Wikipedians, even when you disagree. Apply Wikipedia etiquette, and don't engage in personal attacks. 5. Wikipedia has no firm rules: Wikipedia has policies and guidelines, but they are not carved in stone; their content and interpretation can evolve over time. Their principles and spirit matter more than their literal wording, and sometimes improving Wikipedia requires making an exception. 9
  • 10. Characteristics of Librarians According to key characteristics of librarians include: • A love of knowledge and learning • A desire to work around people • Broad overall knowledge of life and the world • Strong organisational skills • Good with numbers • Friendly • Ethical • Personable • Affinity for working with large volumes of information • Computer skills 10 In addition, IMHO, a desire to: • Share these interests & passions with others • Enhance the information literacy of others • Encourage others to adopt ethical approaches in use of information See
  • 11. Librarians and Wikipedia – An Ideal Match! zz 11 Librarian Characteristics Relevance to Wikipedia A love of knowledge and learning Aligned with Wikipedia's goal of "a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge". A desire to work around people There is a strong Wikipedia community: in October 2013 there were 31,000 active editors with about half of the active editors spending at least one hour a day editing. Broad overall knowledge of life and the world Wikipedia provides access to broad knowledge of life and the world and the ability to share such knowledge with others. Strong organizational skills In order to help manage the 4,616,531+ articles there will be a need to have good organisation skills. Friendly and personable Aligned with Wikipedia principle that Editors should treat each other with respect and civility. Ethical Ethical considerations underpin the five pillars. Affinity for working with This is of direct relevance to Wikipedia. large amount of information Computer skills This is of direct relevance to Wikipedia.
  • 12. Wikipedia and Librarians – An Ideal Match! How do Wikipedia’s five pillars relate to librarians: 1. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia: Librarians are familiar with encyclopedias, including their strengths and weaknesses. 2. Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view: Librarians will warn against personalisation features of Google, which can act as an ‘echo chamber’ and not provide neutral answers to queries. 3. Wikipedia is free content that anyone can use, edit, and distribute: Librarians have been pro-active in encouraging open access policies, to minimise costs of journal subscriptions and maximise access to research. 4. Editors should treat each other with respect and civility: Librarians will have similar rules regarding use of library space. 5. Wikipedia has no firm rules: Hmm 12 Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science (1931): And growth due to technological developments! 5: The library is a growing organism This law focused on the need for internal change than on changes in the environment itself. Ranganathan argued that library organizations must accommodate growth in staff, the physical collection and patron use. This involved allowing for growth in the physical building, reading areas, shelving, and in space for the catalog.
  • 13. Creating A Wikipedia Account Who would: • Like to create an account? • Create a user profile? Feel free to do this during this talk. Note: • Creating a user account takes ~ a minute! • Creating / updating a user profile takes ~ 1 - 5 minutes! 13 Click here from any Wikipedia page If you create a Wikipedia account or create/ update a profile page, feel free to: • Send a Twitter message that you have done so. • Say how long it took
  • 14. Is Wikipedia Relevant? Is Wikipedia: • Relevant to your engagement with your user community? • A problem for your engagement with your user community? Wikipedia in the library - the elephant in the (reading) room? Nancy Graham and Andrew Gray, LILAC 2014 14
  • 15. Is Wikipedia Relevant? Is Wikipedia: • Relevant to your engagement with your user community? • A problem for your engagement with your user community? Wikipedia in the library - the elephant in the (reading) room? Nancy Graham and Andrew Gray, LILAC 2014 15
  • 16. Why Wikipedia is Important From Wikimedia UK
  • 17. Top Tips No. 1: Understand why Wikipedia is important to librarians 17
  • 18. Eduwiki (UK) 2013 Eduwiki 2013 conference: • Held in Cardiff on 1-2 Dec 2013 • Second EduWiki UK conference Covered: • Case studies from higher education and schools • Broader considerations 18 Note Eduwiki 2014 conference to be held in St Leonard's Hall, Edinburgh tomorrow (fully booked)
  • 19. Two Case Studies Summary of two case studies presented at EduWiki 2013: • Safe Use of Wikipedia in the Transition from School to University, Lisa Anderson and Nancy Graham, University of Birmingham (now Roehampton) • Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages, Humphrey Southall, University of Portsmouth 19 EduWiki 2013
  • 20. Outreach work by University of Birmingham Library • Demonstrate information literacy approaches to school pupils • Students surprised that Wikipedia was shown 20
  • 21. Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages This was the assignment (see “Telling the stories of rural England with Wikipedia” ) Humphrey Southall at EduWiki conference 21
  • 22. Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages 22 Notice how Neutral Point of View principle was addressed
  • 23. Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages Original Wikipedia article for Sawley, North Yorkshire Example of article chosen for updating by student 23
  • 24. After Updates 24 EduWiki 2013 Map and factual information in “infobox” Introduction (with links to other relevant Wikipedia articles Table of contents (auto-generated) History
  • 25. Introducing Students to Independent Research through Editing Wikipedia Articles on English Villages Students learn about researching and citations 25
  • 26. Top Tips No. 2: Understand how Wikipedia is being used in education 26
  • 27. Wikipedia Behind the Article Who has looked at the information about a Wikipedia article (the Talk and View history pages)? 27
  • 28. Wikipedia Behind the Article We can see the history of the development of an article (contributors, update dates; …) 28
  • 29. Top Tips No. 3: Gain a better understanding of the Wikipedia service 29
  • 30. Be Willing to Update Wikipedia Articles You: • Spot an error in a Wikipedia article 30 Are there still 28 public libraries in Edinburgh?
  • 31. Be Willing to Update Wikipedia Articles You: • Spot an error in a Wikipedia article • Identify an area for improvement As an information professional wouldn’t you wish to ensure that information (text, links & metadata) is accurate and comprehensive? Especially if: 31 • This can be done in minutes (or seconds!) • Page is likely to be easily found in Google Do these links still work? Are these categories comprehensive? Text & images Links Metadata
  • 32. Top Tips No. 4: Be willing to update Wikipedia articles 32
  • 33. Metadata for Wikipedia Articles You: • Identify gaps in Wikipedia’s coverage 33 Does this category cover all Libraries in Edinburgh with Wikipedia articles? Note there are 28 public libraries
  • 34. Metadata for Wikipedia Articles You: • Identify gaps in Wikipedia’s coverage 34 Does this category cover all Cities in Scotland with Libraries 
  • 35. Top Tips No. 5: Be willing to create new Wikipedia articles (but first learn editing basics by creating a Wikipedia profile) 35
  • 36. Why You Should Have a Wikipedia Account Using a Wikipedia account to edit articles is recommended: • Openness • Record of contributions Ability to: • Create new articles • Join in discussions • Have customised preferences • … 36
  • 37. Creating an Account Feel free to: • Go to a Wikipedia page and click Create Account • Then complete the form A: New users 37 Did you do it in less than a minute?
  • 38. Top Tips No. 6: Create a Wikipedia account 38
  • 39. Create a User Profile Nancy Graham’s user profile 39 Use search box as a quick way to find user profiles User: msnancygraham
  • 40. Create a User Profile Nancy Graham’s user profile 40 User: msnancygraham
  • 41. Today’s Goal : Create a User Profile wiki/User:Lawsonstu 41
  • 42. Top Tips No. 7: Create a Wikipedia profile 42
  • 43. Be Ethical! Quality of Wikipedia articles is provided by volunteer effort Please do not: • Introduce errors to see how soon they are corrected 43 [[London]]
  • 44. Outreach work by Uni of Birmingham Library • Demonstrate information literacy approaches to school pupils • Surprise that Wikipedia was shown Discussion: “Live edit a Wikipedia entry – highlight how quickly edits are corrected” But should pages be ‘vandalised’ in order to demonstrate how the community fixes such vandalism? Highlighted need to address best practices for those who teach use of Wikipedia. 44
  • 45. Top Tips No. 8: Be ethical 45
  • 46. Content Can Change! Changes to the Jalalpur, Bihar arty=icle 46 Pages which can be improved are tagged (can be useful for new editors) Minor edit made
  • 47. Content Can Change! Changes to the Jalalpur, Bihar arty=icle 47 This article was proposed for deletion by Lfstevens on 2 May 2014 with the comment: unnotable, uncited stub It was contested by Necrothesp on 7 May 2014 with the comment: deprod; all settlements are considered to be notable; cleaned up
  • 48. Content Can Change! Current version (15 Oct 2014)48
  • 49. Top Tips No. 9: Be prepared for your contributions to be changed (normally improved!) 49
  • 50. The Five Pillars Fundamental principles by which the Wikimedia community operates... Wikipedia: 1. is an encyclopedia 2. is written from a neutral point of view 3. is free content that anyone can edit / use/ modify / share 4. editors should respect each other 5. does not have any firm rules 50
  • 51. Key Principles for Content (1) No original research All research must come from published sources e.g. • Peer-reviewed journals • Peer-reviewed books • University-level textbooks • Magazines, journals and books published by respected publishing houses • Mainstream newspapers 51
  • 52. Key Principles for Content (2) Neutral Point of View Content should be provided from a neutral point of view: • If your viewpoint is in the majority, then it should be easy to substantiate it with reference to commonly accepted reference texts; • If your viewpoint is held by a significant minority, then it should be easy to name prominent adherents; • If your viewpoint is held by an extremely small minority, then — whether it's true or not, whether you can prove it or not — it doesn't belong in Wikipedia, except perhaps in some ancillary article. 52
  • 53. Top Tips No. 10: Understand the Wikipedia principles 53
  • 54. Be Bold! The “Be bold” principle 54
  • 55. User Queries About CILIP Queries which you might expect answers to be easily found: • How many members does CILIP have? • What are the trends in membership numbers since CILIP was founded? • (What are the reasons for trends in membership numbers?) 55
  • 56. CILIP Entry (June 2014) CILIP Entry (June 2014) - itute_of_Library_and_Information_Professionals&oldid= 613774361 56
  • 57. CILIP entry, Sept 2014 CILIP entry, Sept 2014 57
  • 58. CILIP Entry (Soon!) Planned update to CILIP article 58
  • 59. What Do The Numbers Tell Us? Linear trends in decline of CILIP membership numbers No evidence of impact of: • Change of government • Onset of austerity measures • Changes in CILIP management • Changes in CILIP governance 59 ALA membership numbers ALA membership nos. available (and easily found) since 1900
  • 60. Advocacy Or Unbiased Information? Member attrition 1st January – 28th February 2014 .. Whilst there has been a slight increase in attrition rates for the same period last year, the recent figures support the trend towards an “attrition plateau”. Trends Looking at the year on year graph of membership figure, 2014 continues to reflect positive trends compared with previous years, but this will become more realistic as the year progresses. 60 Taken from Financial report for the year ended December 2013 and membership report to 28 February 2014 (page 8)
  • 61. Advocacy Or Unbiased Information? “CILIP is the leading body representing the information professions. We believe in a literate, knowledgeable and connected society. We build the professionalism of our members by supporting the development of skills, knowledge and excellence. We provide unity through shared values and advocate on behalf of the information professions.” 61 Tension: CILIP acts as a advocacy body for a profession in which neutrality and objectivity are an important characteristic
  • 62. A Wikipedia Article for CILIPS? Should there be a Wikipedia article for CILIPS? Issues: • Is CILIPS 62 noteworthy? • Sources of information for an article. • Having a neutral POV • See CILI talk page
  • 63. Top Tips No. 11: Be aware of tensions and conflicts of interest when seeking to provide factual information on Wikipedia (and use Talk page to declare possible conflicts of interest) 63
  • 64. Conclusions 1. Understand why Wikipedia is important to librarians 2. Understand how Wikipedia is being used in education 3. Gain a better understanding of the Wikipedia service 4. Be willing to update Wikipedia articles 5. Be willing to create Wikipedia articles 6. Create a Wikipedia account 7. Create a Wikipedia profile 8. Be ethical 9. Be prepared for your contributions to be changed 10.Understand the Wikipedia principles 11.Be aware of tensions and conflicts of interest when seeking to provide factual information on Wikipedia 64
  • 66. Questions? Any questions, comments, …? 66
  • 67. Licence and Additional Resources This presentation, “Why and How Librarians Should Engage With Wikipedia” by Brian Kelly, Cetis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence Note the licence covers most of the text in this presentation. Quotations may have other licence conditions. Images may have other licence conditions. Where possible links are provided to the source of images so that licence conditions can be found. 67 Slides and further information available at with-wikipedia/