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Digital Life Beyond The Institution
Digital Life Beyond The Institution
Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus
Digital Life Beyond The Institution
Talk at the MmIT 2015 conference on “With Power Comes Great
Responsibility – How Librarians can Harness the Power of Social
Media for the Benefit of its Users”
Brian Kelly
Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus Ltd.
Formerly at Cetis (Bolton University, 2013-2015), UKOLN (Bath University, 1996-
2013) and universities of Newcastle (1995-96), Leeds (1991-95), Liverpool
(1990-91) and Loughborough (1984-90)
Contact Details
Twitter: @briankelly
Slides and further information available at
UK Web Focus
30+ years working in university sector!
3 3
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Idea from Cameron Neylon
Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero.
Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
About This Talk
Social media is widely acknowledged as having a valuable role to play across a range of
institutional activities, including marketing, learning and research.
However use of social media challenges certain beliefs and practices such as ‘software must be
open source’, ‘the institution must manage its IT infrastructure’ and ‘users’ privacy is paramount’.
It appears that there are inconsistencies across the institution in how social media can or should
be used, with, perhaps, IT service departments stating use of services such as Dropbox
contravene institutional policies whilst academics & researchers may encourage their use.
However the importance of Cloud services should become self-evident when we consider the
continued use of online services when members of an institution leave their host institution and
wish to continue using services they are familiar with and continue to engage with their peers.
Ironically it appears that many in-house services will act as an ‘institutional silo’, with staff and
students having little time to migrate content and communities when they leave their institution.
The importance of making effective use of an IT environment after leaving one’s host institution
should be regarded as an aspect of an institution’s digital literacy policy, since digital literacy
covers the ability to be able to evaluate and use digital resources as part of life-long learning. Yet
the institution’s VLE, VRE, etc. are likely to be inaccessible once the user has left their institution.
This talk explores such tensions, describe a risks and opportunities framework for assessing and
addressing the risks in using Cloud services and explore the role of librarians in supporting a
digital life beyond the host institution.
The session will be informed by the presenter’s personal experiences in leaving two institutions
recently and facing the challenges in continuing to be able to exploit his areas of expertise,
content and professional networks in order to continue to be a productive member of society! 4

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About This Talk
Social media is widely acknowledged as having a valuable role to play across a range of
institutional activities, including marketing, learning and research.
However social media challenges certain beliefs and practices such as ‘software must be open
source’, ‘the institution must manage its IT infrastructure’ and ‘users’ privacy is paramount’.
It appears that there are inconsistencies across the institution in how social media can or
should be used, with, perhaps, IT service departments stating use of services such as Dropbox
contravene institutional policies whilst academics & researchers may encourage their use.
However the importance of Cloud services should become self-evident when we consider the
continued use of online services when members of an institution leave their host institution
and wish to continue using services they are familiar with and continue to engage with their peers.
Ironically it appears that many in-house services will act as an ‘institutional silo’, with staff and
students having little time to migrate content and communities when they leave their institution.
The importance of making effective use of an IT environment after leaving one’s host institution
should be regarded as an aspect of an institution’s digital literacy policy, since digital literacy
covers the ability to be able to evaluate and use digital resources as part of life-long learning. Yet
the institution’s VLE, VRE, etc. are likely to be inaccessible once the user has left their institution.
This talk explores such tensions, describe a risks and opportunities framework for assessing
and addressing the risks in using Cloud services and explore the role of librarians in supporting a
digital life beyond the host institution.
The session will be informed by the presenter’s personal experiences in leaving two institutions
recently and facing the challenges in continuing to be able to exploit his areas of expertise, content
and professional networks in order to continue to be a productive member of society!
About Me
Brian Kelly
• Innovation Advocate at Cetis, Bolton University from Oct 2013 –
May 2015
• UK Web Focus at UKOLN, University of Bath from 1996-2013
Now an independent consultant and researcher
Interests in
• Encouraging use of innovative technologies and practices to
support institutional activities
• Areas of work have included:
 Web standards ■ Web accessibility
 Social web ■ Digital preservation
A change of direction
• Redundancy in July 2013 / May 2015 for most UKOLN/Cetis staff
• Desire to continue professional work
The Challenge – for Many of Us!
What happens when:
• “The axeman cometh” and staff are made redundant or
take early retirement?
• They wish to continue to exploit their professional
interests as:
 In a new organisation
 A consultant
 An itinerant researcher
 A means of developing their CV
• The researcher’s contract expires and they wish to
further their research elsewhere?
Who has responsibilities for ensuring staff and researchers
are able to respond appropriately to such ‘life events’?
Changing Work Environment
“By 2015, there will be more Britons over 65 than under
15. We cannot afford to discard their expertise.”
“Studies show that on average each of us will have
seven careers, two of which are yet to exist.”
Stella Creasy, Labour MP for Walthamstow
In New Statesman, 20th Sept 2013

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“Last night, I wrote reference for an ex-colleague, and
noticed that the form expected me to belong to an
institution. I guess that identity formation is ongoing
work. Am I retired just because I have a pension?
Retired is a deadly label I think.”
Recently retired academic from a northern university
About You
What is the role of librarians in
supporting users who may find
themselves in this predicament?
Can you identify:
• Concrete institutional
• Training and support
which prepare staff and
researchers for digital life after
they leave the institution?
Information Literacy
• Defined as “the ability to find, use, evaluate and
communicate information”
• Felt to be “an essential skill in this digital age and era
of life-long learning”
LILAC Conference home page
Should we say:
• “the ability to find, use and reuse, evaluate and
communicate information”
where reuse includes future use in a different work
The University environment typically assumes:
• You can trust the institution
• We will provide the appropriate IT infrastructure
• We are here to help you
• When you leave we don’t care (unless you donate
• Our auditors tell us we must delete accounts when
people leave
• We run courses for new staff & students (our assets)
but not when they are about to leave (our liabilities)
Will the institution’s IT environment be regarded as a
silo (a ‘walled garden’) afer you leave the institution?

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Policy at Bath University
See ×
University gives very brief details when:
Policy at Bath University
Detailed policies• Detailed policies
• Staff leave
• Staff have a new job in the Uni
• Staff are dismissed
• Staff die
But is leaving the institution really an unusual event?
The Open Agenda
We are seeing how moves to openness can provide
benefits for life-long learners:
• Open source software: avoids licence costs which
enable software to be used outside the institution
• Open content: avoids licensing restrictions so
content can be used and modified
• Open access: avoids licensing restrictions so
research papers can continue to be accessed
• Open educational practices: working in an open
and transparent way
Education and user support and – the missing
component? An opportunity for librarians?!
My Move to The Cloud:
A Case Study
Following announcement of cessation of funding for
UKOLN I identified that need to ensure:
• Minimal loss of digital content
• Minimal loss of professional networks
• Continued access to use and modify social
media services
• Identify and implement strategies for ongoing
digital presence
Note that since I didn’t intent to die in my job,
such plans should have been in place in any

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This document summarizes a presentation on supporting digital life beyond one's host institution. It discusses how staff and researchers may find themselves needing to continue their work after leaving an institution, but face barriers like inaccessible internal systems and digital content locked within the institution. The presentation explores tensions between institutional policies and needs after leaving, and frames digital literacy as including the ability to continue accessing resources after departing. It advocates open practices to avoid restrictions, and suggests libraries could help with education and support for digital preservation strategies to facilitate professional life beyond any single institution.

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for ease of use on the day, this is a single presentation containing all the slides for UKOLN's blogs and social networking workshop on the 26th November 2007 in irmingham.

The University in a Bind
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The University in a Bind

The document discusses the conflicting pressures facing universities and argues they may be caught in a double bind. It outlines pressures to publish research while also connecting through the web, and to adopt new models like MOOCs while maintaining traditional practices. Universities also face pressures to support students but balance budgets. Performance indicators are used to enforce contradictions and shape university identity around measured factors. This systemic double bind may lead universities to exploit the system, become incoherent, find creative solutions, or spur the creation of alternatives. The best question for universities is to redefine their purpose given changes, but the double bind may prohibit that questioning.

The Institutional Repository
Opus, the University
of Bath institutional
repository, provides
a secure, reliable &
repository for my
research papers,
project reports, etc. 17
My Opus entry, which provides a record of my
publications from 1997-2013. See
Persistency of Records
Opus policy seeks to ensure
long-term persistency of content.
When people leave will they still
have their contributions listed?
Opus repository continues to provide content,
ownership details (in part) and usage statistics
Or their usage statistics?
Persistency of Records
Informal feedback:
• "Records disappear when someone leaves
because that's entirely appropriate."
• "Staff leaving the university have a different
relationship to the organisation. By rights we should
shut off ALL accounts the day the relationship with
the organisation ends."
Institutional context:
• “this is obviously down to institutional management
of people records”
Where does your policy fit in the spectrum?
• We’re focussing on the REF and our CRIS
(Current Research Information System)
• We are loyal to former employees
The Institutional Silo
Opus, the University
of Bath institutional
repository, provides
a secure, reliable &
repository for my
research papers,
project reports, etc. 20
An out-of-date view of research
activities (and typically only PDFs
available, not the original master copy).

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a presentation summarising recent research at the University of Southampton in the Centre for innovation in technologies and education. Content analysis and online survey looking at motivation factors - research ongoing in the group

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Manage Your Own Records
Ensure that:
• A record of your work
(e.g. your
publications) is
available beyond the
institution (e.g. on
• You maintain the
(publications; current
position; etc.)
Manage Your Own Content
Ensure that your (open
access) publications are
hosted in an environment
you can maintain when
you leave the institution.
For example:
• ResearchGate
Papers hosted initially in local open
access repository
Manage Your Own Content
Ensure that your (open
access) publications are
hosted in an environment
you can maintain when
you leave the institution.
For example:
• ResearchGate
• …
No permission to upload book
chapter, so metadata-only records
Full-text of open access paper available
Manage Your Own Ideas
Ensure that if you
have a blog it isn’t
trapped in the
institution (and
potentially deleted
when you leave).
Some options:
• Create a blog in
the Cloud initially
• Migrate your blog
to the Cloud
Blog at continued with
no need to migrate content (now at

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 The understanding that personal learning environments provide a more realistic and workable perspective of learners’ interactions with and use of technology has gained widespread acceptance across many of the communities interested in learning and teaching technologies within higher education. However in universities the service which normally purchases and deploys technology infrastructure is typically, and understandable, risk-averse, the more so, because the consequences of expensive decisions about infrastructure will stay with the organisations for many years. Furthermore across the broader academic community the awareness of and familiarity with technologies in support of learning may be varied. In this context work to innovate the learning environment will require considerable team effort and collective commitment. This paper presents a case study account of institutional processes harnessed to establish a universal personal learning environment fit for the 21st century. The challenges encountered were consequential of our working definition of a learning environment which went beyond simple implementation – in our experience the requirements became summarised as ‘its more than a system, it’s a mindset’. As well as deploying technology ‘fit for purpose’ we were seeking to create an environment which could play an integral and catalytic part in the university’s role of enabling transformative education. Our ambitions and aspirations derive from evidence in the literature, for example, van Harmelen on personal learning environments (2006), Downes on e-learning 2.0 (2005) and the recent report by Bradwell for Demos on the Edgeless University (2009). We have also drawn on evidence of our recent and current performance; gauged by institutional benchmarking and an extensive student survey. The paper will present and analyse this qualitative and quantitative data. We will provide an account and analysis of our progress to achieve change, the methods we used, problems encountered and the decisions we made on the way. Dr Su White is based in the Learning Societies Lab, in Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. Su’s research interests include the impact of emerging technologies on Higher Education. Su is a part of the curriculum innovation project Southampton Learning Environment team and a member of the university’s TEL-SIG.

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presentation summarising extensive research into MOOCs undertaken at the University of Southampton in centre for innovation in technologies and education

moocs; web science; education; tel; elearning
Lisa's Research 3rd Oct 2011
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Lisa's Research 3rd Oct 2011

Lisa Harris is interested in innovative applications of technology in education, business, and society. She is currently involved in projects investigating digital literacy, social activism, social CRM, and social learning. Some of her work includes exploring social shopping behaviors on social networks and the role of social media in online activism. She is also developing blended learning modules and working to embed digital literacy into university curriculums.

Use Cloud Sharing Services
Have you got your OneDrive,
Google Drive or Dropbox
Case study
Since 2012 I’ve used OneDrive for collaborative
peer-reviewed papers:
• Can use MS Word in the Cloud
• File in one place (avoids multiple master
copies problem).
• Can be viewed (and updated) on mobile
• Not part of an ‘institutional silo’
Manage Your Research Identifier
Take control of your
research identity!
• Open Researcher and
Contributor ID
• Non-proprietary
alphanumeric code to
uniquely identify
scientific / academic
• Managed by ORCID
Inc. an open &
independent registry
My ORCID: 0000-0001-5875-8744
Not coupled to
institutional ID
Know How To Migrate Your Email
After 17 years of email
use I had:
• Large number of
• Large number of
• Personal &
professional uses
Need to know how to:
• Set up new email accounts (Gmail) & re-subscribe to lists of interest
• Migrate old email messages, sender details, etc.
• Associate social media services with new email accounts
• Rationalise use of email
• Understand risks of loss of email account
Email For Authentication
Change your email address to
ensure you aren’t locked out
of Cloud services!
Claim your papers in Google
Scholar while your
institutional email is valid –
otherwise you might not be
able to claim them!

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What Uses for New Digital Technologies?
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Brian Kelly gave a presentation on new digital technologies and their uses. He discussed concepts like Web 2.0, social media, mobile access, and cloud computing. He acknowledged challenges like sustainability, privacy, and organizational barriers, but argued against overly simplistic or fundamentalist approaches. A balanced, managed approach was needed to harness new technologies while mitigating risks.

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This document provides an overview of Lisa Harris' background and interests which include 10 years of experience in banking, an MBA from Oxford Brookes, a PhD from Brunel investigating technological change in banking, and teaching roles at various universities. She is interested in innovative applications of technology in education, business, and society, and is currently involved in projects investigating social learning and social activism.

MOOCs for Professional Development: Transformative Learning Environments and ...
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The document discusses the use of MOOCs for professional development in library and information science (LIS). It describes a connectivist MOOC called #hyperlibMOOC that was created for LIS professionals. The MOOC had over 300 registered students and incorporated lectures, readings, assignments and peer interaction through blogs and discussion forums. A survey of students found that most felt successful in the course and that it provided opportunities for networking, learning new concepts and renewing their professional outlook. The document concludes that MOOCs can engage and educate LIS professionals in new ways and that libraries may take on roles as creators, instructors and guides within MOOCs.

moocsmoocinformation profession
Manage Your Own Domain
A spectrum of ownership:
• Your CV and list of
• Your publications
• Your blog content
• Your digital identity
• Your email (content,
• Your domain name
• Your own server
Risks & Opportunities Framework
Intended use: Rather than talking about social web services in an
abstract context (“shall we have a Facebook page” for example) specific
details of intended use should be provided.
Perceived benefits: A summary of the perceived benefits which use of
the social web service are expected to provide should be documented.
Perceived risks: A summary of the perceived risks which use of the
social web service may entail should be documented.
Missed opportunities: A summary of the missed opportunities and
benefits which a failure to make use of the social web service should be
Costs: A summary of the costs and other resource implications of use of
the service should be documented.
Risk minimisation: Once risks have been identified the approaches to
risk minimisation should be documented.
Evidence base: Evidence which back up the assertions made in use of
the framework.
“Empowering users and their institutions : A risks and opportunities framework
for exploiting the potential of the social web” Kelly, B & Oppenheim, C
The Role of Librarians
What is the role of librarians in ensuring staff and
researchers and other members of staff can exploit their
potential when they leave their host institution?
• Many IT services provided by the institution
• Librarians (and IT staff) provided advice &
support on use of such services
• External services banned (access to Second
Life) or deprecated (“the content isn’t secure”,
“the service isn’t reliable”, “they’ll claim
ownership of your content”, “it’s a ‘creepy
treehouse’ - students won’t want us in their
space”, … )
A New Role for Librarians
In the past:
• The IT infrastructure was
mainly hosted in the
• The IT support infrastructure
focussed primarily on
institutional services, with
some appreciation of (and
warnings about) Cloud

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Lisa's Projects October 2013

Lisa Harris is a researcher interested in innovative applications of technology in education, business, and society. She has a PhD from Brunel University investigating technological change in banking and teaches at Brunel and Southampton universities. Her current projects include digital literacy, social activism, social customer relationship management, and social learning. She aspires to open scholarship by openly archiving and sharing her work. She discusses her use of blogs, social media, and collaborative projects like her work with Student Digital Champions and massive open online courses (MOOCs).

A New Role for Librarians
In the future:
• The IT infrastructure no
longer revolves around the
• The IT infrastructure will
focus on the services
chosen by the individual
(with warning about the
transient nature of
institutional services)
My current place of work
My first university
Stimulating The Economy
New approaches can help librarians to ensure that the
departure of researchers can stimulate the economy:
• Support the migration of intellectual assets so that they
can continue to be used
• Ensure that training to do so is embedded in institution34
Who has
• No digital
literacies for staff
& researchers?
• Limited view on
‘digital literacy’?

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JISC Co-design group
JISC Co-design
Focus on:
• Authenticating
access to
• Institutional
Relevance to
former staff
deemed out-of-
The Research
“an agreement between
funders and employers of
research staff to improve
the employment and
support for researchers
and research careers in
UK higher education.”
Research Concordat
skills to
content be
addressed in
Survey Across The
Survey of institutional
approaches to information
literacy & Cloud services
carried out in March 2014:
• 89 responses received
• Only 15% of IL policies
cover Cloud services
• Only 2 institutions
addressed needs of
staff leaving institution
• “It’s not our
Poster presented at LILAC 2014

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Slide deck to support a keynote at Libraries Developing Digital Literacies in Cardiff, Wales, UK on 17 July 2015. The keynote offers some personal reflections as well as some pointers to current Jisc work in the area of digital capability and related themes. This pdf version includes speaker notes.

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efil_digital_literacy_updated.pptx student
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This document provides an overview of digital literacy and frameworks for understanding it. Digital literacy involves having the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to engage safely and meaningfully in a digital society. It overlaps with information and academic literacies. The focus should be on cognitive abilities and contextual practices, not just functional skills. Effective digital literacy initiatives embed it in curricula, involve stakeholders collaboratively, and measure impact. Case studies from LSE and UEA showcase successful student-centered programs.

Using Google
Leavers Procedures states:
• “it might be possible to get a small
extension to the [email] account, if
there are University-related work issues
that will need finalising”
• “any files or documents saved under
‘my documents’ will be deleted when
the email account is closed”
Email Policy states:
• “Entitlement to access e-mail systems
will normally automatically cease on the
date on which employment relationship
Policy on email addresses for ex-staff:
• “Many academics who have used their
Edinburgh email address on papers …
believe that they personally should be
able to be communicated with through
this address into the future, whether
they work at this institution or not. …
There is also a desire to be friendly to
all staff by retaining their e-mail
address for a while until they re-
establish themselves.” 41
Not accessible
What Happens To Your Cloud Account
When You Die?
“You agree that your Account is non-transferable and that any rights to
your Apple ID or Content within your Account terminate upon your
death. Upon receipt of a copy of a death certificate your Account may
be terminated and all Content within your Account deleted.”
“today [Apr 2013], we’re launching a new feature that makes it easy to
tell Google what you want done with your digital assets when you die
or can no longer use your account.”
“Facebook has an FAQ section dedicated to the three options people
have with a deceased individual’s account: memorializing the account,
requesting to delete the account, or downloading the contents of the
account, and then having it deleted.”
“Microsoft Next of Kin process allows for the release of
contents, including all emails and their attachments, address book, and
Messenger contact list, to the next of kin of a deceased or
incapacitated account holder and/or closure of the Microsoft account,
following a short authentication process.”
Which is ,  or 
Digital life is now primarily in the Cloud, so why are we ignoring this?
We seek to prepare our students with life-long learning skills for working in a digital
environment after they graduate.
But members of staff and researchers are only given training in institutionally-
approved & support technologies. We fail to provide training and support for staff
for their digital life beyond the institution.
And yet everyone will leave the institution (unless they die in the job!)
Professional practices and institutions are in conflict here: on the one hand, we
have a duty to our employer to support the needs of the institution; on the other
hand, our profession, and the higher education sector, believes in the value of life-
long learning.
How can this be resolved? The digital literacies summary espoused SCONUL and
promoted by Jisc, seem insufficient, as it focusses on teaching of digital literacies.
Do we need a new, more agile approach that can deal with contemporary need for
digital life beyond the institution? And if so, can we find this within existing
professional frameworks or do we need to do this for ourselves?
From “Jisc NUS Benchmarking Tool” …
… … … … …

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… To “Beyond Institution Benchmarking
staff to use
beyond the
staff digital
their career
After they start work they
are made aware of the
importance of services
beyond the institution.
From the start staff know
they have to take
responsibilities for
migrating their content
and access to
communities and
Staff are confident in
managing their own IT
infrastructure, migrating
content between services
and ensuring best
practices for digital
preservation are carried
… … … … …
University commitment
to supporting staff
throughout their career
recognised as an
‘exemplar’ and used as
model by others.
Will This Work?
Proposed policy:
The University seeks to ensure that staff and students
are able to be productive and effective in their work
and study at the university and are able to continue to
exploit their skills, knowledge and content when they
leave provide this does not conflict with licence
conditions, etc.
During induction staff and students are advised on how
to maximise long-term access to content and services.
Prior to leaving staff and students will be able to
access support on how to migrate their content,
communities and access from institutional services.
Who’ll Run This Course?
Title: Preparation for Digital Life When You Leave
Audience: Staff and researchers who are making plans to
leave the university and wish to continue to exploit their digital
resources, networks and services.
In this course you will:
• Learn about the limitations of in-house IT services
• Hear about relevant Cloud service which you can use
when you leave
• Have an opportunity to migrate your content to Cloud
This course is provided to support our “Preparing for life outside
the institution” policy as part of our institutional commitment to
life-long learning
Note slides on “Managing Your Digital Profile” used for UKOLN staff prior
to redundancy may provide starting point (available with CC-BY licence)
Photo from
Where Do You Stand?
Today we’re learning
about the risks of using
Web 2.0 services

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Rearticulating what we value: a new vision for learning technology professionals Speakers: Maren Deepwell, chief executive, Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Susan Greig, learning technology adviser, University of Edinburgh Sarah Davies, head of higher education and student experience, Jisc This session will bring together new survey data, case studies and the CMALT professional development framework to explore how learning technology professionals develop. Join us in formulating a new vision for cpd and professional practice in edtech! Learning to tutor online and digital transformations: supporting, awarding and accrediting colleagues' development in the digital age Speakers: Jonathan Rhodes, educational developer, University of Wolverhampton Gemma Witton and Elora Marston, advisers/educational developers, University of Wolverhampton In this session we will share our journey: designing, developing and delivering two courses that support, award and accredit colleagues' development, pursuing learning and teaching excellence in the digital age.

by Jisc
The future of the information professional
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The document discusses the future of the information professional field. It notes that the field is facing challenges from changing technologies and user needs but that the future remains exciting with endless possibilities. Information professionals must embrace change, continue learning and adapting, and avoid being trapped by past successes or focusing only on today's needs. CILIP is evolving to support the profession by advocating for skills and ethics, developing the workforce, and securing recognition and support for the field in policymaking. Information professionals should keep developing skills, networking, and championing new ways of working to ensure they remain indispensable in the future.

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Why Library 2
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Why Library 2

The document discusses how libraries can engage users through Web 2.0 technologies. It outlines 21st century literacy skills needed and how an information literate society benefits countries, industries, and individuals. Examples of Web 2.0 applications that could be used in libraries are provided, as well as tips for implementing new technologies like establishing clear objectives and involving stakeholders. The importance of libraries adapting to remain relevant by making the most of tools like social networking, videos and knowledge sharing is emphasized.

Photo from
Where Do You Stand?
Today I’ve explained why you
need to migrate to Web 2.0
services and avoid the
institutional silo
To conclude:
• There will be an increase in the numbers of staff and
researchers who will need to manage digital content
and services when they leave their host institution.
• Current institutional and national plans do not seem
to address such needs.
• An opportunity to take a lead in developing an
institutional (national) strategy?
Any questions, comments, …?
Carry on the discussion – see the blog post at
This presentation, “Digital Life Beyond The Institution” by Brian Kelly,
UK Web Focus is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Note the licence covers most of the text in this presentation. Quotations
may have other licence conditions.
Images may have other licence conditions. Where possible links are
provided to the source of images so that licence conditions can be found.
Slides and further information available at
Licence and Additional Resources

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Digital Life Beyond The Institution

  • 1. Digital Life Beyond The Institution 1 Digital Life Beyond The Institution Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus
  • 2. Digital Life Beyond The Institution Talk at the MmIT 2015 conference on “With Power Comes Great Responsibility – How Librarians can Harness the Power of Social Media for the Benefit of its Users” Brian Kelly Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus Ltd. Formerly at Cetis (Bolton University, 2013-2015), UKOLN (Bath University, 1996- 2013) and universities of Newcastle (1995-96), Leeds (1991-95), Liverpool (1990-91) and Loughborough (1984-90) Contact Details Email: Twitter: @briankelly Blog: Slides and further information available at UK Web Focus 30+ years working in university sector!
  • 3. 3 3 You are free to: copy, share, adapt, or re-mix; photograph, film, or broadcast; blog, live-blog, or post video of this presentation provided that: You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights and licences associated with its components. Idea from Cameron Neylon Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero. Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
  • 4. About This Talk Social media is widely acknowledged as having a valuable role to play across a range of institutional activities, including marketing, learning and research. However use of social media challenges certain beliefs and practices such as ‘software must be open source’, ‘the institution must manage its IT infrastructure’ and ‘users’ privacy is paramount’. It appears that there are inconsistencies across the institution in how social media can or should be used, with, perhaps, IT service departments stating use of services such as Dropbox contravene institutional policies whilst academics & researchers may encourage their use. However the importance of Cloud services should become self-evident when we consider the continued use of online services when members of an institution leave their host institution and wish to continue using services they are familiar with and continue to engage with their peers. Ironically it appears that many in-house services will act as an ‘institutional silo’, with staff and students having little time to migrate content and communities when they leave their institution. The importance of making effective use of an IT environment after leaving one’s host institution should be regarded as an aspect of an institution’s digital literacy policy, since digital literacy covers the ability to be able to evaluate and use digital resources as part of life-long learning. Yet the institution’s VLE, VRE, etc. are likely to be inaccessible once the user has left their institution. This talk explores such tensions, describe a risks and opportunities framework for assessing and addressing the risks in using Cloud services and explore the role of librarians in supporting a digital life beyond the host institution. The session will be informed by the presenter’s personal experiences in leaving two institutions recently and facing the challenges in continuing to be able to exploit his areas of expertise, content and professional networks in order to continue to be a productive member of society! 4
  • 5. About This Talk Social media is widely acknowledged as having a valuable role to play across a range of institutional activities, including marketing, learning and research. However social media challenges certain beliefs and practices such as ‘software must be open source’, ‘the institution must manage its IT infrastructure’ and ‘users’ privacy is paramount’. It appears that there are inconsistencies across the institution in how social media can or should be used, with, perhaps, IT service departments stating use of services such as Dropbox contravene institutional policies whilst academics & researchers may encourage their use. However the importance of Cloud services should become self-evident when we consider the continued use of online services when members of an institution leave their host institution and wish to continue using services they are familiar with and continue to engage with their peers. Ironically it appears that many in-house services will act as an ‘institutional silo’, with staff and students having little time to migrate content and communities when they leave their institution. The importance of making effective use of an IT environment after leaving one’s host institution should be regarded as an aspect of an institution’s digital literacy policy, since digital literacy covers the ability to be able to evaluate and use digital resources as part of life-long learning. Yet the institution’s VLE, VRE, etc. are likely to be inaccessible once the user has left their institution. This talk explores such tensions, describe a risks and opportunities framework for assessing and addressing the risks in using Cloud services and explore the role of librarians in supporting a digital life beyond the host institution. The session will be informed by the presenter’s personal experiences in leaving two institutions recently and facing the challenges in continuing to be able to exploit his areas of expertise, content and professional networks in order to continue to be a productive member of society! 5
  • 6. About Me Brian Kelly Formerly: • Innovation Advocate at Cetis, Bolton University from Oct 2013 – May 2015 • UK Web Focus at UKOLN, University of Bath from 1996-2013 Now an independent consultant and researcher Interests in • Encouraging use of innovative technologies and practices to support institutional activities • Areas of work have included:  Web standards ■ Web accessibility  Social web ■ Digital preservation A change of direction • Redundancy in July 2013 / May 2015 for most UKOLN/Cetis staff • Desire to continue professional work Introduction 6
  • 7. The Challenge – for Many of Us! What happens when: • “The axeman cometh” and staff are made redundant or take early retirement? • They wish to continue to exploit their professional interests as:  In a new organisation  A consultant  An itinerant researcher  A means of developing their CV • The researcher’s contract expires and they wish to further their research elsewhere? 7 Who has responsibilities for ensuring staff and researchers are able to respond appropriately to such ‘life events’?
  • 8. Changing Work Environment “By 2015, there will be more Britons over 65 than under 15. We cannot afford to discard their expertise.” “Studies show that on average each of us will have seven careers, two of which are yet to exist.” Stella Creasy, Labour MP for Walthamstow In New Statesman, 20th Sept 2013 8
  • 9. VIEW OF A RETIRED ACADEMIC “Last night, I wrote reference for an ex-colleague, and noticed that the form expected me to belong to an institution. I guess that identity formation is ongoing work. Am I retired just because I have a pension? Retired is a deadly label I think.” Recently retired academic from a northern university 9
  • 10. About You What is the role of librarians in supporting users who may find themselves in this predicament? Can you identify: • Concrete institutional strategies • Training and support services which prepare staff and researchers for digital life after they leave the institution? 10
  • 11. Information Literacy • Defined as “the ability to find, use, evaluate and communicate information” • Felt to be “an essential skill in this digital age and era of life-long learning” LILAC Conference home page 11 Should we say: • “the ability to find, use and reuse, evaluate and communicate information” where reuse includes future use in a different work context
  • 12. Assumptions The University environment typically assumes: • You can trust the institution • We will provide the appropriate IT infrastructure • We are here to help you But: • When you leave we don’t care (unless you donate money!) • Our auditors tell us we must delete accounts when people leave • We run courses for new staff & students (our assets) but not when they are about to leave (our liabilities) 12 Will the institution’s IT environment be regarded as a silo (a ‘walled garden’) afer you leave the institution?
  • 13. Policy at Bath University 13 See ×
  • 14. University gives very brief details when: Policy at Bath University 14 Detailed policies• Detailed policies • Staff leave • Staff have a new job in the Uni • Staff are dismissed • Staff die But is leaving the institution really an unusual event?
  • 15. The Open Agenda We are seeing how moves to openness can provide benefits for life-long learners: • Open source software: avoids licence costs which enable software to be used outside the institution • Open content: avoids licensing restrictions so content can be used and modified • Open access: avoids licensing restrictions so research papers can continue to be accessed • Open educational practices: working in an open and transparent way 15 Education and user support and – the missing component? An opportunity for librarians?!
  • 16. My Move to The Cloud: A Case Study Following announcement of cessation of funding for UKOLN I identified that need to ensure: • Minimal loss of digital content • Minimal loss of professional networks • Continued access to use and modify social media services • Identify and implement strategies for ongoing digital presence 16 Note that since I didn’t intent to die in my job, such plans should have been in place in any case!
  • 17. The Institutional Repository Opus, the University of Bath institutional repository, provides a secure, reliable & maintained repository for my research papers, project reports, etc. 17 My Opus entry, which provides a record of my publications from 1997-2013. See
  • 18. Persistency of Records Opus policy seeks to ensure long-term persistency of content. 18 When people leave will they still have their contributions listed? Opus repository continues to provide content, ownership details (in part) and usage statistics Or their usage statistics?
  • 19. Persistency of Records Informal feedback: • "Records disappear when someone leaves because that's entirely appropriate." • "Staff leaving the university have a different relationship to the organisation. By rights we should shut off ALL accounts the day the relationship with the organisation ends." Institutional context: • “this is obviously down to institutional management of people records” Where does your policy fit in the spectrum? • We’re focussing on the REF and our CRIS (Current Research Information System) • We are loyal to former employees 19
  • 20. The Institutional Silo Opus, the University of Bath institutional repository, provides a secure, reliable & maintained repository for my research papers, project reports, etc. 20 An out-of-date view of research activities (and typically only PDFs available, not the original master copy).
  • 21. Manage Your Own Records Ensure that: • A record of your work (e.g. your publications) is available beyond the institution (e.g. on LinkedIn) • You maintain the information (publications; current position; etc.) 21
  • 22. Manage Your Own Content Ensure that your (open access) publications are hosted in an environment you can maintain when you leave the institution. For example: • ResearchGate 22 Papers hosted initially in local open access repository
  • 23. Manage Your Own Content Ensure that your (open access) publications are hosted in an environment you can maintain when you leave the institution. For example: • ResearchGate • • … 23 No permission to upload book chapter, so metadata-only records Full-text of open access paper available
  • 24. Manage Your Own Ideas Ensure that if you have a blog it isn’t trapped in the institution (and potentially deleted when you leave). Some options: • Create a blog in the Cloud initially • Migrate your blog to the Cloud 24 Blog at continued with no need to migrate content (now at
  • 25. Use Cloud Sharing Services Have you got your OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox accounts? 25 Case study Since 2012 I’ve used OneDrive for collaborative peer-reviewed papers: • Can use MS Word in the Cloud • File in one place (avoids multiple master copies problem). • Can be viewed (and updated) on mobile devices • Not part of an ‘institutional silo’
  • 26. Manage Your Research Identifier Take control of your research identity! ORCID: • Open Researcher and Contributor ID • Non-proprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific / academic authors • Managed by ORCID Inc. an open & independent registry 26 My ORCID: 0000-0001-5875-8744 Not coupled to institutional ID
  • 27. Know How To Migrate Your Email After 17 years of email use I had: • Large number of messages • Large number of contacts • Personal & professional uses 27 Need to know how to: • Set up new email accounts (Gmail) & re-subscribe to lists of interest • Migrate old email messages, sender details, etc. • Associate social media services with new email accounts • Rationalise use of email • Understand risks of loss of email account
  • 28. Email For Authentication Change your email address to ensure you aren’t locked out of Cloud services! 28 Claim your papers in Google Scholar while your institutional email is valid – otherwise you might not be able to claim them!
  • 29. Manage Your Own Domain A spectrum of ownership: • Your CV and list of publications • Your publications themselves • Your blog content • Your digital identity • Your email (content, connections, authentication) • Your domain name • Your own server 29
  • 30. Risks & Opportunities Framework Intended use: Rather than talking about social web services in an abstract context (“shall we have a Facebook page” for example) specific details of intended use should be provided. Perceived benefits: A summary of the perceived benefits which use of the social web service are expected to provide should be documented. Perceived risks: A summary of the perceived risks which use of the social web service may entail should be documented. Missed opportunities: A summary of the missed opportunities and benefits which a failure to make use of the social web service should be documented. Costs: A summary of the costs and other resource implications of use of the service should be documented. Risk minimisation: Once risks have been identified the approaches to risk minimisation should be documented. Evidence base: Evidence which back up the assertions made in use of the framework. 30 “Empowering users and their institutions : A risks and opportunities framework for exploiting the potential of the social web” Kelly, B & Oppenheim, C
  • 31. The Role of Librarians What is the role of librarians in ensuring staff and researchers and other members of staff can exploit their potential when they leave their host institution? 31 Traditionally: • Many IT services provided by the institution • Librarians (and IT staff) provided advice & support on use of such services • External services banned (access to Second Life) or deprecated (“the content isn’t secure”, “the service isn’t reliable”, “they’ll claim ownership of your content”, “it’s a ‘creepy treehouse’ - students won’t want us in their space”, … )
  • 32. A New Role for Librarians In the past: • The IT infrastructure was mainly hosted in the institution • The IT support infrastructure focussed primarily on institutional services, with some appreciation of (and warnings about) Cloud services 32 My University Slideshare Google
  • 33. A New Role for Librarians In the future: • The IT infrastructure no longer revolves around the institution • The IT infrastructure will focus on the services chosen by the individual (with warning about the transient nature of institutional services) 33 My PLE/PRE My current place of work My first university
  • 34. Stimulating The Economy New approaches can help librarians to ensure that the departure of researchers can stimulate the economy: • Support the migration of intellectual assets so that they can continue to be used • Ensure that training to do so is embedded in institution34
  • 36. SCONUL 36 Thoughts: • No digital literacies for staff & researchers? • Limited view on ‘digital literacy’?
  • 37. JISC Co-design group JISC Co-design group Focus on: • Authenticating access to library resources • Institutional perspective Relevance to former staff deemed out-of- scope 37
  • 38. 38 The Research Concordat: “an agreement between funders and employers of research staff to improve the employment and support for researchers and research careers in UK higher education.” Research Concordat
  • 40. Survey Across The Community Survey of institutional approaches to information literacy & Cloud services carried out in March 2014: • 89 responses received • Only 15% of IL policies cover Cloud services • Only 2 institutions addressed needs of staff leaving institution • “It’s not our responsibility!” 40 Poster presented at LILAC 2014
  • 41. Using Google Surrey: Leavers Procedures states: • “it might be possible to get a small extension to the [email] account, if there are University-related work issues that will need finalising” • “any files or documents saved under ‘my documents’ will be deleted when the email account is closed” Email Policy states: • “Entitlement to access e-mail systems will normally automatically cease on the date on which employment relationship [ceases]” Edinburgh Policy on email addresses for ex-staff: • “Many academics who have used their Edinburgh email address on papers … believe that they personally should be able to be communicated with through this address into the future, whether they work at this institution or not. … There is also a desire to be friendly to all staff by retaining their e-mail address for a while until they re- establish themselves.” 41 Not accessible
  • 42. What Happens To Your Cloud Account When You Die? Apple: “You agree that your Account is non-transferable and that any rights to your Apple ID or Content within your Account terminate upon your death. Upon receipt of a copy of a death certificate your Account may be terminated and all Content within your Account deleted.” Google: “today [Apr 2013], we’re launching a new feature that makes it easy to tell Google what you want done with your digital assets when you die or can no longer use your account.” Facebook: “Facebook has an FAQ section dedicated to the three options people have with a deceased individual’s account: memorializing the account, requesting to delete the account, or downloading the contents of the account, and then having it deleted.” Microsoft: “Microsoft Next of Kin process allows for the release of contents, including all emails and their attachments, address book, and Messenger contact list, to the next of kin of a deceased or incapacitated account holder and/or closure of the Microsoft account, following a short authentication process.” 42     Which is ,  or 
  • 43. Reflections Digital life is now primarily in the Cloud, so why are we ignoring this? We seek to prepare our students with life-long learning skills for working in a digital environment after they graduate. But members of staff and researchers are only given training in institutionally- approved & support technologies. We fail to provide training and support for staff for their digital life beyond the institution. And yet everyone will leave the institution (unless they die in the job!) Professional practices and institutions are in conflict here: on the one hand, we have a duty to our employer to support the needs of the institution; on the other hand, our profession, and the higher education sector, believes in the value of life- long learning. How can this be resolved? The digital literacies summary espoused SCONUL and promoted by Jisc, seem insufficient, as it focusses on teaching of digital literacies. Do we need a new, more agile approach that can deal with contemporary need for digital life beyond the institution? And if so, can we find this within existing professional frameworks or do we need to do this for ourselves? 43
  • 44. From “Jisc NUS Benchmarking Tool” … perience_benchmarking_tool.pdf 44 … … … … …
  • 45. … To “Beyond Institution Benchmarking Tool” perience_benchmarking_tool.pdf 45 PDF Prepare staff to use services hosted beyond the institution Support and progress staff digital capabilities throughout their career After they start work they are made aware of the importance of services beyond the institution. From the start staff know they have to take responsibilities for migrating their content and access to communities and services. Staff are confident in managing their own IT infrastructure, migrating content between services and ensuring best practices for digital preservation are carried out. … … … … … University commitment to supporting staff throughout their career recognised as an ‘exemplar’ and used as model by others.
  • 46. Will This Work? Proposed policy: The University seeks to ensure that staff and students are able to be productive and effective in their work and study at the university and are able to continue to exploit their skills, knowledge and content when they leave provide this does not conflict with licence conditions, etc. How? During induction staff and students are advised on how to maximise long-term access to content and services. Prior to leaving staff and students will be able to access support on how to migrate their content, communities and access from institutional services. 46
  • 47. Who’ll Run This Course? Title: Preparation for Digital Life When You Leave Audience: Staff and researchers who are making plans to leave the university and wish to continue to exploit their digital resources, networks and services. Abstract: In this course you will: • Learn about the limitations of in-house IT services • Hear about relevant Cloud service which you can use when you leave • Have an opportunity to migrate your content to Cloud services. This course is provided to support our “Preparing for life outside the institution” policy as part of our institutional commitment to life-long learning 47 Note slides on “Managing Your Digital Profile” used for UKOLN staff prior to redundancy may provide starting point (available with CC-BY licence)
  • 48. Photo from Where Do You Stand? Today we’re learning about the risks of using Web 2.0 services
  • 49. Photo from Where Do You Stand? Today I’ve explained why you need to migrate to Web 2.0 services and avoid the institutional silo
  • 50. Conclusions To conclude: • There will be an increase in the numbers of staff and researchers who will need to manage digital content and services when they leave their host institution. • Current institutional and national plans do not seem to address such needs. • An opportunity to take a lead in developing an institutional (national) strategy? 50
  • 51. Questions? Any questions, comments, …? 51 Carry on the discussion – see the blog post at
  • 52. This presentation, “Digital Life Beyond The Institution” by Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence Note the licence covers most of the text in this presentation. Quotations may have other licence conditions. Images may have other licence conditions. Where possible links are provided to the source of images so that licence conditions can be found. 52 Slides and further information available at Licence and Additional Resources