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Web Preservation, or Managing your
Organisation’s Online Presence After the
Organisation Ceases to Exist
IRMS 2016 conference, Brighton on 15-17 May 2016
Brian Kelly
Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus Ltd.
Contact Details
Brian Kelly
Twitter: @briankelly
Slides and further information available at
UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #irms16
View slides & abstract at
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Idea from Cameron Neylon c
Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero.
Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
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may be useful
in evaluation &
reflections on
this talk
Your organisation has failed to survive cutbacks and will shortly
close. Public sector organisations may feel responsibilities for
ensuring that information about their activities is not lost if their
organisation is closed down. This talk summarises approaches
taken to managing web content provided by UKOLN, a national
centre of expertise in digital information management at the
University of Bath, which closed in July 2015.
UKOLN existed for 30+ years and had an important role to play in
development of online services for the UK’s higher education sector.
This case study summarises approaches taken to minimising loss of
this history.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Strategies for managing the termination of online services
2. Useful tools and services
3. Addressing the challenges and opportunities provide by social
media services
In Other Words …
This talk describes:
• Steps taken over ~6 months to ensure web
products were not lost after cessation of funding
• Approaches taken in updating content
• Services used
• Understanding of risks
What did we want to preserve?
• Documents e.g. PDFs
• Web resources (web sites)
• Software
• Ease of access to online content (e.g. functional links,
Google juice, …)
• Audiences, communities, …
• Resources which could inform stories

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Welcome to IWMW2009
Welcome to IWMW2009Welcome to IWMW2009
Welcome to IWMW2009

Welcome presentation given by Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly, UKOLN at Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009, University of Essex, 28 - 30, July 2009

Practical Blog Preservation (Workshop)
Practical Blog Preservation (Workshop)Practical Blog Preservation (Workshop)
Practical Blog Preservation (Workshop)

Workshop slides for IWMW 2009 workshop discussion on blog preservation for Higher Education institutions. Covers selection, collection, access, IPR.

Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them
Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use ThemOpen Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them
Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them

Slides for a talk on "Open Educational Practices (OEP): What They Mean For Me and How I Use Them" given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton for a webinar organised by Salford University from 09.30-10.30 on Thursday 5 December 2013. See

We Know About Web Preservation!
Web preservation
services are
• UK Web Archive
• Internet Archive
What does this talk
have to add?
Focus Of This Talk
This talk addresses:
• Web preservation challenges when an organisation is
to be closed
• Motivational issues for preserving web products
• Perspectives from higher education:
 Moves towards open access; open practices; …
 Blurring between social & professional online
 Increasing important of online services hosted
beyond the institution
The talk provides:
• Summary of pragmatic approaches
• A real-world case study
• Suggestions on who the “Information Superheroes
who enable business excellence” may be
Funding Will Cease on 31 July 2013!
• Jisc announce cessation
of core funding for
UKOLN in Dec 2012
• 7 months to manage
web preservation work
• What to do; how to do it!
• Why should I do it?!
• Preservation work
• rUKOLN subsequently
folded (July 2015)
Why Bother?
What do I care about web
preservation? I’ve lost my
job, I’ve bills to pay, I don’t
know if I’ll get another job, …
Image from
Available under a CC-0 licence

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Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment (Brian Kelly, UKOLN)
Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment (Brian Kelly, UKOLN)Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment (Brian Kelly, UKOLN)
Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment (Brian Kelly, UKOLN)

Presentation given at the JISC PoWR workshop 3 (Embedding Web Preservation Strategies Within Your Institution), given in the Flexible Learning Space, centre for Excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning (CEEBL), University of Manchester on Friday 12th September 2008.

Managing Your Research Profile
Managing Your Research ProfileManaging Your Research Profile
Managing Your Research Profile

Slides for a workshop on Managing Your Research Profile given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Edinburgh on 20 June 2013. See

Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web
Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social WebBuilding and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web
Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web

Slides for a talk on "Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a UCISA SSG Communications Group Conference on "Using Social Media to Communicate" held at Austin Court, Birmingham on 18 January 2012. See

Motivating Factors
• Established in 1977
• A centre of expertise in
digital information management
• Funded by JISC and MLA (and predecessors)
• A national centre with an international reputation
• Influential in early digital library work in UK (eLib
programme); metadata (Dublin Core); digital
preservation (!); …
About UKOLN Staff:
• Many looking to continue work in digital library
environment post-UKOLN
• “Will evidence of my professional work disappear?”
30th anniversary event held at the
British Library in 2008
Disappearing Content
Web content can
disappear for various
• It’s no longer aligned
with current policies
• It’s embarrassing
• It’s illegal
• …
Painting of famous photograph (which cannot be shown)
Organisations may have online
content of value to others which
they would prefer to vanish
In this case MySociety have
republished Conservative &
Labour party speeches
Learning From Doctor Who!
“The Doctor Who missing
episodes are the portions of
the long-running British
science-fiction television
programme Doctor Who no
longer held by the BBC.
Between 1967 and 1978 the
BBC routinely deleted
archive programmes, for
various practical reasons
(lack of space, scarcity of
materials, a lack of
rebroadcast rights).”
Hobbyists, working under the radar, to the rescue!
Learning From Doctor Who!
“The Doctor Who missing
episodes are the portions of
the long-running British
science-fiction television
programme Doctor Who no
longer held by the BBC.
Between 1967 and 1978 the
BBC routinely deleted
archive programmes, for
various practical reasons
(lack of space, scarcity of
materials, a lack of
rebroadcast rights).”
Hobbyists, working under the radar, to the rescue!

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Developing My Online Professional Learning Network
Developing My Online Professional Learning NetworkDeveloping My Online Professional Learning Network
Developing My Online Professional Learning Network

The document discusses Brian Kelly developing his online professional learning network. It describes how the Hyperlinked Library MOOC helped Brian plan his network by providing assignments. Brian identified goals for his network, such as finding funding opportunities and staying interested in his work. He defined the scope of his network to include communities relevant to his new role. Brian listed key resources like Twitter, blogs and conferences. The document outlines Brian's plan to maintain his network by pruning irrelevant accounts and using tools to understand his connections. He created a visualization of his network using Coggle.

Social Media: For Ourselves and For Our Customers
Social Media: For Ourselves and For Our CustomersSocial Media: For Ourselves and For Our Customers
Social Media: For Ourselves and For Our Customers

Slides for a talk on "Social Media: For Ourselves and For Our Customers" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the UCISA Support Services Conference held in Crewe on 10-12 July 20-12. See

Accessibility, Automation and Metadata
Accessibility, Automation and MetadataAccessibility, Automation and Metadata
Accessibility, Automation and Metadata

Slides from a talk on "Accessibility, Automation and Metadata" given at a WAI meeting held in Toronto in 1999. See

Why We Can’t Rely on the Funders
Ownership of online
• Typically managed by
• Being positive
• Looking to the future
• “If web content is not
relevant to current
strategy it must go!”
For example consider the
• A “visionary new initiative”
• Gained international support
(New Zealand & Netherlands)
The Site Today
• Learning (from apparent
Preservation of:
• Content (beyond news
• Provence (who funded /
carried out work)
• Significant dates (when
started; when partners
joined; when work
• Why it stopped:
technical reasons?
politics? funding? …
• What can be learnt from
Approaches Taken At UKOLN
Summary of approaches published on 29
July 2013:
• Identifying UKOLN’s web assets and
the owner.
• Preparing the content so that it was
suitable for preservation.
• Submitting details of web resources to
UK Web Archive.
• Liaison with UK Web Archive to ensure
that resources successfully archived.
Looking back:
• Uncertainties of rUKOLN continuation
(lasted for 2 years)
• Assess and manage risks of
dependencies (technical &
• Addressing motivational issues
• Continuation of preservation activities
• Sharing experiences with others
UKOLN Projects
projects and
activities page used
as (public) list of
archiving work
Note some activities
may have
continued after
cessation of Jisc
funding and
continuation of
UKOLN at reduced
staffing levels (e.g.
Ariadne ejournal)

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Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?

Slides for a talk on "Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the AIM 2009 conference held in Ellesmere Port on 5 June 2009. See

The 'Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World' Report: Implications For IT Service...
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The document discusses implications of a report on higher education in a Web 2.0 world for IT service departments. It suggests that IT services embrace cloud computing and make use of social web tools. Departments should provide infrastructure while respecting user preferences and explore opportunities like new funding models. Risk management, resource investigation, and frameworks are recommended to guide strategic deployment of new technologies.

What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?
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What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?

Slides for a talk on "What if Web 2.0 Really Does Change Everything?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the UCISA CISG 2009 conference on 18-20 November 2009. See

UKOLN Projects
Typical archived site:
• Status clearly visible
on home page
• Content updated
where possible
(removed ‘will’; years
for events included;
• Summary of
archiving approaches
• Audit provided
• Links provided to
significant resources
• Information on key
contributors provided
• Links to archive
copies provided
Second Example QA Focus project web
• Migrate key reports to
more trusted
environment (Bath
Uni repository)
• Summarise licences
for reuse
• Describe technical
architecture (and
remove ‘dynamic’
aspects; search
interfaces: …)
Note much of this work was
carried out when the project
funding finished in 2012, as an
example of best practice on
project termination (QA for
mothballing project sites)
Trusted Hosting Agencies
The content has been updated. What happens next?
• Ensure key papers are migrated to Opus, University
of Bath institutional repository
• Update links to point to copy on Opus
Web sites
• Explore resources which are available on Internet
Archive and provide links
• Submit content to UK Web Archive
• Discussions with local computer service. Agreement
to mirror content to new server and maintain static
web site with existing URLs
• Notification of closure of online services (analysis of
incoming links & usage patterns)
• Software deposited in repositories e.g. Google Code
When Things Go Wrong
The UKOLN IRG Web site:
• Continuation of UKOLN
work after cessation of
core funding
• Ceased 2 year’s later
due to lack of
continuation funding,
departure of director,
lack of technical
• Web site migrated to
static mirror hosted
locally, but …

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Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0

Slides for a talk on "Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0 " given be Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University 2.0 conference in Santander on 8 September 2010. See

Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project
Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR ProjectPreservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project
Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project

Slides for talk on "Preservation of Web Resources: The JISC PoWR Project" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the iPRES 2008 conference on 29 September 2008. See

UKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentations
UKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentationsUKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentations
UKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentations

for ease of use on the day, this is a single presentation containing all the slides for UKOLN's blogs and social networking workshop on the 26th November 2007 in irmingham.

When Things Go Wrong
The UKOLN IRG Web site:
• Continuation of UKOLN
work after cessation of
core funding
• Ceased 2 year’s later due
to lack of continuation
funding, departure of
director, lack of technical
• Web site migrated to static
mirror hosted locally, but
• Link is to a dynamic page:
When Things Go Wrong
Let’s Google the
missing page - “New
UKOLN Informatics
news site”:
• A static version of
page exists
• Nobody would
know this!
• Need to preserve
links and not just
• Don’t use
Note also problems accessing
Mirroring processes may not know about
redirects & other server configuration options
When Things Go Wrong
 Ran from
October 2011 to
July 2013
 Project reports
hosted on Bath
 Staff list provided
 Link provided by
project blog,
hosted by Bath
University (not
When Things Go Wrong
Research 360 blog
hosted by Bath
• After(?) UKOLN
demise blog
deleted and link
provided to copy
on Internet Archive
• Most recent copy
taken on 25 April

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Demystifying the Social Web
Demystifying the Social WebDemystifying the Social Web
Demystifying the Social Web

Slides for a talk on "Demystifying the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the Readeast's "R-e-@ding: reaching out to readers in a digital world" Conference held in Flitwick on 26 November 2009. See

Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionalsBlogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals

Marieke Guy from UKOLN will help you find out how Web 2.0 applications are being used in libraries and information centres, and what actually works. Blogs, wikis, RSS? Podcasts, Slideshare, Flickr and Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and Video Sharing are the buzz words.

UKWebFocus blog posts
UKWebFocus blog postsUKWebFocus blog posts
UKWebFocus blog posts

This document provides a summary of a blog post from 2009 discussing technology trends and forecasting the future. It begins by describing the optimistic views of technologies at the time, like videoconferencing and Twitter. However, it notes critics who argue this is "technological determinism" that promises more than technologies deliver. The blog post then discusses an approach the author took - forecasting technologies backwards in time to give plausible reasons for their demise. For example, it suggests Twitter would not scale and become "clogged", seen as similar to email spam, and be replaced by meeting in real pubs with real friends. For videoconferencing, it speculates research may find people prefer face-to-face meetings and

When Things Go Wrong
Research 360 blog
hosted by Bath
• After(?) UKOLN
demise blog deleted
and link provided to
copy on Internet
• 20 copies taken
between 2012 and
• Most recent copy
taken on 25 April
When Things Go Wrong
Internet Archive copy, Oct 2013.
Looks good!
Internet Archive copy, April 2013.
Looks different. Branding, blog theme & site
navigation changed.
When Things Go Wrong
Archived copy from 24 April 2014 …
linked to About page archived on 21 April 2013
Archived copies held on Internet Archive may be incomplete, missing
images and inconsistent
University of Bath’s
repository, Opus:
• Hosts many of
• Provides a CV of
Apparently I have 81 items –
but 1 (at least) isn’t mine!
• Open access papers held in
several places (LOCKS)
• Location unknown for
papers with strict copyright

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Developing Winning Attitiudes
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This document provides an overview of a training on developing a winning attitude for customer service. The training comprises 9 modules that will be completed over 9 weeks. Trainees will learn techniques for active listening, using positive language, adapting communication styles, handling complaints, asking questions, educating customers, and controlling calls. The goal is for participants to discover how to provide exceptional customer service and develop the right winning attitudes.

An examination of data quality on QSAR Modeling in regards to the environment...
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The development of QSAR models is critically dependent on the quality of available data. As part of our efforts to develop public platforms to provide access to predictive models, we have attempted to discriminate the influence of the quality versus quantity of data available to develop and validate QSAR models. We have focused our efforts on the widely used EPISuite software that was initially developed over two decades ago and, specifically, on the PHYSPROP dataset used to train the EPISuite prediction models. This presentation will review our approaches to examining key datasets, the delivery of curated data and the development of machine-learning models for thirteen separate property endpoints of interest to environmental science. We will also review how these data will be made freely accessible to the community via a new “chemistry dashboard”. This abstract does not reflect U.S. EPA policy

open datachemistryenvironmental toxicology
From Data Availability to Information Accessibility: The WellWiki Project
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From Data Availability to Information Accessibility: The WellWiki Project

This slides accompanied a talk I gave on January 27, 2016, at Startup Edmonton's "Lunchalytics" speaker series. The event was held in the Mercer Warehouse, 10359 104 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

policyanalyticsbig data
Opus University of Bath’s
repository, Opus:
• Hosts many of
• Provides a list of
UKOLN staff &
their outputs
• Only some have
their own CV
• Others don’t:
 Left ages ago
 Left recently
Problems probably due
to bugs rather than
Take Control of Your CV!
• IR profile pages have
• No longer access to
• IR is now a read-only
• Use Researchgate
to list publications
• Use them to host
• Control regained over
content &
• Richer functionality
Events IWMW (Institutional Web
Management Workshop)
launched in 1997
• 20th anniversary this
• 16 years of event web
site hosted on UKOLN
• Not research
• But evidence of 17
years of development of
institutional web
services in UK HE
• My main area of work
over 20 years!
Content at risk. Need to
preserve content and
contextualise experiences
IWMW Content
IWMW resources
• Hosted on UK Web
• Not fully functional
• Not maintainable

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On Friday September 16th I was honored with the award for the North Carolina American Chemical Society Distinguished Speaker Award and got to review the past 20 years of my career. This was my short intro bio "Antony Williams is a Ph.D. NMR spectroscopist and cheminformatician who has worked in academia, government, a Fortune 500 company, and two start-ups. He is co-founder of the free online chemical database ChemSpider, originally started as a hobby project and ultimately acquired by the Royal Society of Chemistry (in the UK) and now used by over 50,000 users per day. He is now a computational chemist at the Environmental Protection Agency in the National Center for Computational Toxicology and is focused on developing web applications to support data dissemination and progress efforts in allowing for faster and cheaper approaches to identify potential toxicological effects of chemicals. He has published >180 papers, >25 book chapters and a number of books. He is known as the ChemConnector on social networks. "

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Delivering The Benefits of Chemical-Biological Integration in Computational T...
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Researchers at the EPA’s National Center for Computational Toxicology integrate advances in biology, chemistry, and computer science to examine the toxicity of chemicals and help prioritize chemicals for further research based on potential human health risks. The intention of this research program is to quickly evaluate thousands of chemicals for potential risk but with much reduced cost relative to historical approaches. This work involves computational and data driven approaches including high-throughput screening, modeling, text-mining and the integration of chemistry, exposure and biological data. We have developed a number of databases and applications that are delivering on the vision of developing a deeper understanding of chemicals and their effects on exposure and biological processes that are supporting a large community of scientists in their research efforts. This presentation will provide an overview of our work to bring together diverse large scale data from the chemical and biological domains, our approaches to integrate and disseminate these data, and the delivery of models supporting computational toxicology. This abstract does not reflect U.S. EPA policy.

bioinformaticschemical biologycheminformatics
Open PHACTS Chemistry Platform Update and Learnings
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Open PHACTS Chemistry Platform Update and Learnings

This presentation was a webinar update to the Open PHACTS community regarding the release of the OPen PHACTS open source components of the Chemical Registration System and, more specifically, the Chemical validation and Standardization Platform. The need for a community set of rules was driven home with the Chemical validation and Standardization Platform potentially being an example platform for the rules.

cvspchemical databasesstructure validation and standardization
IWMW Content
IWMW content migrated to
• Timetable
• Abstracts
• Speaker details
Content provided for recent
post-UKOLN events
Plus links to:
• Speaker slides
• Twitter archives (where
• Other related resources
IWMW Content
IWMW content migrated to
• Timetable
• Abstracts
• Speaker details
• Other related resources
Slides uploaded to
Slideshare and embedded
in Lanyrd pages
Twotter Captioning
Links from Lanyrd
entry to resources for
Chris Sexton’s plenary
at IWMW 2010:
• Slides hosted on
• Video of talk on
• Twitter commentary
of videos on iTitle
service by Martin
Hawksey, ALT
Long-term access to this
information is uncertain.
Record of what was done
described on UK Web Focus
Slideshare Repository
(Most) slides from IWMW
events hosted on UKOLN web
site since 1997 uploaded to
Note to facilitate discoverability:
• Slides embedded in Lanyrd
• Use of tags (iwmw1997)
Only PPT & PDF files uploaded
(not HTML, etc!)

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NSF Data Management Requirements 101
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The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides over $7 billion annually to fund basic research through competitive grants. The NSF requires all grant proposals to include a Data Management Plan that describes how research data will be managed and shared. In 2015, the NSF published a Public Access Plan outlining new, more extensive requirements for researchers to share both published works and original research data. These include depositing data in repositories and making it publicly available with appropriate metadata. Directorates may provide additional guidance for specific research communities. The plan aims to maximize access to and reuse of research funded by the NSF.

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The document discusses how a library shares development and maintenance of technical and public services. It describes how the library maintains databases, ebooks, print books, and websites. Content developed on template guides can be mapped to FAQ posts on multiple platforms for discoverability. Newspaper boxes created on a template guide were copied and pasted into corresponding FAQ posts to dynamically map the content. Link assets were then mapped from the template guide to a newspapers guide to centrally manage all newspaper content from a single page.

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This presentation highlights known challenges with the production of high quality chemical databases and outline recent efforts made to address these challenges. Specific examples will be provided illustrating these challenges within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Computational Toxicology Program. This includes consolidating EPA’s ACToR and DSSTox databases, augmenting computed properties and list search features, and introducing quality metrics to assess confidence in chemical structure assignments across hundreds of thousands of chemical substance records. The past decade has seen enormous investments in the generation and release of data from studies of chemicals and their toxicological effects. There is, however, commonly little concern given to provenance and, more generally, to the quality of the data. The presentation will emphasize the importance of rigorous data review procedures, progress in web-based public access to accurate chemical data sets for use in predictive modeling, and the benefits that these efforts will deliver to toxicologists to embrace the “Big Data” era. This abstract does not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

qsar modelsicss chemistry dashboardchemistry data
Writing The Book
Who will be able to write
about 25 years of edtech
developments in UK HE?
Compare challenges of writing
400+ page history of the JANET
network, published by JANET,
with writing one on the history of
web developments in UK HE,
The IWMW Blog
Some questions:
• What’s the point of
• What’s missing
beyond resources?
My thoughts:
• Understand the past
in order to plan for the
• But we need the
context and
Hence establishment of
IWMW blog, for 20th
anniversary of event
The IWMW Blog
Derek Law’s reflection
on his IWMW 2009
plenary talk:
• Link to post about
talk is now to a
marketing page
[Risk – professionals
repurpose old content]
• JISC PoWR blog
has closed
[Risk – blog service
provider at could
terminate service]
Closed using
described practices
“So the challenge for Brian and his remarkable array of
colleagues is to keep the faith, keep proselytising and make
sure that the links to this 20th birthday set of blog posts blog
posts still work when the 25th birthday comes along!”
The Individual’s Perspective
We should all expect to lose access to our institutional
digital environment!
We should therefore make plans for migrating content
from institutional silos!

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 The influence of data curation on QSAR Modeling – examining issues of qualit... The influence of data curation on QSAR Modeling – examining issues of qualit...
The influence of data curation on QSAR Modeling – examining issues of qualit...

The construction of QSAR models is critically dependent on the quality of available data. As part of our efforts to develop public platforms to provide access to predictive models, we have attempted to discriminate the influence of the quality versus quantity of data available to develop and validate QSAR models. We have focused our efforts on the widely used EPISuite software that was initially developed over two decades ago. Specific examples of quality issues for the EPISuite data include multiple records for the same chemical structure with different measured property values, inconsistency between the structure, chemical name and CAS registry number for single records, the inability to convert the SMILES strings into chemical structures, hypervalency in the chemical structures and the absence of stereochemistry for thousands of data records. Relative to the era of EPISuite development, modern cheminformatics tools allow for more advanced capabilities in terms of chemical structure representation and storage, as well as enabling automated data validation and standardization approaches to examine data quality. This presentation will review both our manual and automated approaches to examining key datasets related to the EPISuite training and test data. This includes approaches to validate between chemical structure representations (e.g. molfile and SMILES) and identifiers (chemical names and registry numbers), as well as approaches to standardize the data into QSAR-consumable formats for modeling. We have quantified and segregated the data into various quality categories to allow us to thoroughly investigate the resulting models that can be developed from these data slices and to examine to what extent efforts into the development of large high-quality datasets have the expected pay-off in terms of prediction performance. This abstract does not reflect U.S. EPA policy.

chemistryqsar modelsnational center of computational toxicology
Where Did My Work Go?!
Developer /
• Worked at Bristol
• Evidence of
research work
• Online legacy is
harder to find
“The Individual as Institution”
of individual
as agent for
Individual as Institution, Lawrie :
converged blog, Lawrie Phipps, 7 May
After Institutional The Need For Individual …
Jisc focus on institutional
digital preservation issues
Others address personal
digital preservation
Gaps for individual in:
• An institutional
• An UK context
• A HE context
• A research context
Revisiting the Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes:
1. Strategies for managing termination of online
Update content (provide context; removal of
problematic links & services; …)
2. Useful tools and services
UK Web Archive & Internet Archive
Institutional Repository
Research repositories; Slideshare; Lanyrd; …
3. Addressing the challenges and opportunities
provide by social media services
Opportunities to complement institutional, national &
international services

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The EPA iCSS Chemistry Dashboard to Support Compound Identification Using Hig...
The EPA iCSS Chemistry Dashboard to Support Compound Identification Using Hig...The EPA iCSS Chemistry Dashboard to Support Compound Identification Using Hig...
The EPA iCSS Chemistry Dashboard to Support Compound Identification Using Hig...

There is a growing need for rapid chemical screening and prioritization to inform regulatory decision-making on thousands of chemicals in the environment. We have previously used high-resolution mass spectrometry to examine household vacuum dust samples using liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF/MS). Using a combination of exact mass, isotope distribution, and isotope spacing, molecular features were matched with a list of chemical formulas from the EPA’s Distributed Structure-Searchable Toxicity (DSSTox) database. This has further developed our understanding of how openly available chemical databases, together with the appropriate searches, could be used for the purpose of compound identification. We report here on the utility of the EPA’s iCSS Chemistry Dashboard for the purpose of compound identification using searches against a database of over 720,000 chemicals. We also examine the benefits of QSAR prediction for the purpose of retention time prediction to allow for alignment of both chromatographic and mass spectral properties. This abstract does not reflect U.S. EPA policy.

cheminformaticsmass spectrometrystructure identification
Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...
Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...
Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...

The iCSS Chemistry Dashboard is a publicly accessible dashboard provided by the National Center for Computation Toxicology at the US-EPA. It serves a number of purposes, including providing a chemistry database underpinning many of our public-facing projects (e.g. ToxCast and ExpoCast). The available data and searches provide a valuable path to structure identification using mass spectrometry as the source data. With an underlying database of over 720,000 chemicals, the dashboard has already been used to assist in identifying chemicals present in house dust. However, it can also be applied to many other purposes, e.g., the identification of agrochemicals in waste streams. This presentation will provide a review of the EPA’s platform and underlying algorithms used for the purpose of compound identification using high-resolution mass spectrometry data. We will also discuss progress towards a high-throughput non-targeted analysis platform for use by the mass spectrometry community. This abstract does not reflect U.S. EPA policy.

national center of computational toxicologyenvironmental toxicologyopen data for chemistry
Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...
Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...
Structure Identification Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and the...

The iCSS CompTox Dashboard is a publicly accessible dashboard provided by the National Center for Computation Toxicology at the US-EPA. It serves a number of purposes, including providing a chemistry database underpinning many of our public-facing projects (e.g. ToxCast and ExpoCast). The available data and searches provide a valuable path to structure identification using mass spectrometry as the source data. With an underlying database of over 720,000 chemicals, the dashboard has already been used to assist in identifying chemicals present in house dust. However, it can also be applied to many other purposes, e.g., the identification of agrochemicals in waste streams. This presentation will provide a review of the EPA’s platform and underlying algorithms used for the purpose of compound identification using high-resolution mass spectrometry data. In order to examine its performance for structure identification, especially in terms of rank-ordering database hits, we have compared it with the ChemSpider database, a well-regarded public database that has become one of the community standards for structure identification. The study has shown that the CompTox Dashboard outperforms ChemSpider in terms of structure identification and ranking providing improved outcomes for mass spectrometry analysis of “known unknowns”.

mass spectrometryenvironmental exposurenon-targeted screening
Who are the information superheroes who will ensure
that UK’s higher education digital memories are
maintained for future generations?
• The British Library
• The research councils
• The funders
• The digital preservation services
• The institutions
• The motivated professionals
• The staff who support the motivated professionals
and help shape institutional policies who embrace
the role of the “individual as institution”
The Information Superheros
Preservation of UKOLN resources
• A learning journey (doing the work and then reflecting
on the work)
• Just letting the Internet Archive to archive your site
isn’t sufficient (but can be useful)
• Submitting your site to the UK Web Archive is useful,
but not sufficient by itself
• Management of mothballing sites should be carried
out routinely
• Motivational factors are important
• Importance of ‘refreshing’ content, especially by
motivated professionals
• Need to consider implications of “Individual as
institution” – by both individuals and institutions!
• An ongoing process with multiple key stakeholders!

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Web Preservation, or Managing your Organisation’s Online Presence After the Organisation Ceases to Exist

  • 1. Web Preservation, or Managing your Organisation’s Online Presence After the Organisation Ceases to Exist IRMS 2016 conference, Brighton on 15-17 May 2016 Brian Kelly Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus Ltd. Contact Details Brian Kelly Email: Twitter: @briankelly Blog: Slides and further information available at UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #irms16 View slides & abstract at Tweet comments using #irms16 #kelly
  • 2. 2 2 You are free to: copy, share, adapt, or re-mix; photograph, film, or broadcast; blog, live-blog, or post video of this presentation provided that: You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights and licences associated with its components. Idea from Cameron Neylon c Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero. Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at: Your comments may be useful in evaluation & subsequent reflections on this talk
  • 3. Abstract Abstract Your organisation has failed to survive cutbacks and will shortly close. Public sector organisations may feel responsibilities for ensuring that information about their activities is not lost if their organisation is closed down. This talk summarises approaches taken to managing web content provided by UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management at the University of Bath, which closed in July 2015. UKOLN existed for 30+ years and had an important role to play in development of online services for the UK’s higher education sector. This case study summarises approaches taken to minimising loss of this history. Learning Outcomes: 1. Strategies for managing the termination of online services 2. Useful tools and services 3. Addressing the challenges and opportunities provide by social media services 3
  • 4. In Other Words … This talk describes: • Steps taken over ~6 months to ensure web products were not lost after cessation of funding • Approaches taken in updating content • Services used • Understanding of risks 4 What did we want to preserve? • Documents e.g. PDFs • Web resources (web sites) • Software • Ease of access to online content (e.g. functional links, Google juice, …) • Audiences, communities, … • Resources which could inform stories
  • 5. We Know About Web Preservation! Web preservation services are available: • UK Web Archive • Internet Archive What does this talk have to add? 5
  • 6. Focus Of This Talk This talk addresses: • Web preservation challenges when an organisation is to be closed • Motivational issues for preserving web products • Perspectives from higher education:  Moves towards open access; open practices; …  Blurring between social & professional online services  Increasing important of online services hosted beyond the institution The talk provides: • Summary of pragmatic approaches • A real-world case study • Suggestions on who the “Information Superheroes who enable business excellence” may be 6
  • 7. Funding Will Cease on 31 July 2013! Background: • Jisc announce cessation of core funding for UKOLN in Dec 2012 • 7 months to manage web preservation work Challenges: • What to do; how to do it! • Why should I do it?! Outcomes: • Preservation work completed • rUKOLN subsequently folded (July 2015) 7
  • 8. Why Bother? x 8 What do I care about web preservation? I’ve lost my job, I’ve bills to pay, I don’t know if I’ll get another job, … Image from Available under a CC-0 licence
  • 9. Motivating Factors About UKOLN • Established in 1977 • A centre of expertise in digital information management • Funded by JISC and MLA (and predecessors) • A national centre with an international reputation • Influential in early digital library work in UK (eLib programme); metadata (Dublin Core); digital preservation (!); … About UKOLN Staff: • Many looking to continue work in digital library environment post-UKOLN • “Will evidence of my professional work disappear?” 9 30th anniversary event held at the British Library in 2008
  • 10. Disappearing Content Web content can disappear for various reasons: • It’s no longer aligned with current policies • It’s embarrassing • It’s illegal • … 10 Painting of famous photograph (which cannot be shown) Organisations may have online content of value to others which they would prefer to vanish In this case MySociety have republished Conservative & Labour party speeches
  • 11. Learning From Doctor Who! “The Doctor Who missing episodes are the portions of the long-running British science-fiction television programme Doctor Who no longer held by the BBC. Between 1967 and 1978 the BBC routinely deleted archive programmes, for various practical reasons (lack of space, scarcity of materials, a lack of rebroadcast rights).” 11 Doctor_Who_missing_episodes Hobbyists, working under the radar, to the rescue!
  • 12. Learning From Doctor Who! “The Doctor Who missing episodes are the portions of the long-running British science-fiction television programme Doctor Who no longer held by the BBC. Between 1967 and 1978 the BBC routinely deleted archive programmes, for various practical reasons (lack of space, scarcity of materials, a lack of rebroadcast rights).” 12 Doctor_Who_missing_episodes Hobbyists, working under the radar, to the rescue!
  • 13. Why We Can’t Rely on the Funders Ownership of online content: • Typically managed by marketing • Being positive • Looking to the future • “If web content is not relevant to current strategy it must go!” 13 For example consider the eFramework • A “visionary new initiative” • Gained international support (New Zealand & Netherlands)
  • 14. The Site Today Issues: • Learning (from apparent failures) Preservation of: • Content (beyond news items) • Provence (who funded / carried out work) • Significant dates (when started; when partners joined; when work finished) • Why it stopped: technical reasons? politics? funding? … • What can be learnt from this? 14
  • 15. Approaches Taken At UKOLN Summary of approaches published on 29 July 2013: • Identifying UKOLN’s web assets and the owner. • Preparing the content so that it was suitable for preservation. • Submitting details of web resources to UK Web Archive. • Liaison with UK Web Archive to ensure that resources successfully archived. Looking back: • Uncertainties of rUKOLN continuation (lasted for 2 years) • Assess and manage risks of dependencies (technical & organisational) • Addressing motivational issues • Continuation of preservation activities • Sharing experiences with others (today!) 15
  • 16. UKOLN Projects 16 UKOLN A-Z of projects and activities page used as (public) list of archiving work Note some activities may have continued after cessation of Jisc funding and continuation of UKOLN at reduced staffing levels (e.g. Ariadne ejournal)
  • 17. UKOLN Projects 17 Typical archived site: • Status clearly visible on home page • Content updated where possible (removed ‘will’; years for events included; …) • Summary of archiving approaches documented • Audit provided • Links provided to significant resources • Information on key contributors provided • Links to archive copies provided
  • 18. Second Example QA Focus project web site • Migrate key reports to more trusted environment (Bath Uni repository) • Summarise licences for reuse • Describe technical architecture (and remove ‘dynamic’ aspects; search interfaces: …) 18 Note much of this work was carried out when the project funding finished in 2012, as an example of best practice on project termination (QA for mothballing project sites)
  • 19. Trusted Hosting Agencies The content has been updated. What happens next? Papers • Ensure key papers are migrated to Opus, University of Bath institutional repository • Update links to point to copy on Opus Web sites • Explore resources which are available on Internet Archive and provide links • Submit content to UK Web Archive • Discussions with local computer service. Agreement to mirror content to new server and maintain static web site with existing URLs Software • Notification of closure of online services (analysis of incoming links & usage patterns) • Software deposited in repositories e.g. Google Code 19
  • 20. When Things Go Wrong The UKOLN IRG Web site: • Continuation of UKOLN work after cessation of core funding • Ceased 2 year’s later due to lack of continuation funding, departure of director, lack of technical expertise • Web site migrated to static mirror hosted locally, but … 20
  • 21. When Things Go Wrong The UKOLN IRG Web site: • Continuation of UKOLN work after cessation of core funding • Ceased 2 year’s later due to lack of continuation funding, departure of director, lack of technical expertise • Web site migrated to static mirror hosted locally, but … • Link is to a dynamic page: html?p=2206.html 21
  • 22. When Things Go Wrong Let’s Google the missing page - “New UKOLN Informatics news site”: • A static version of page exists • Nobody would know this! • Need to preserve links and not just content! • Don’t use 22 Note also problems accessing Mirroring processes may not know about redirects & other server configuration options
  • 23. When Things Go Wrong A UKOLN IRG project:  Ran from October 2011 to July 2013  Project reports hosted on Bath repository  Staff list provided  Link provided by project blog, hosted by Bath University (not in-house) 23
  • 24. When Things Go Wrong Research 360 blog hosted by Bath University: • After(?) UKOLN demise blog deleted and link provided to copy on Internet Archive • Most recent copy taken on 25 April 2014 24
  • 25. When Things Go Wrong Research 360 blog hosted by Bath University: • After(?) UKOLN demise blog deleted and link provided to copy on Internet Archive • 20 copies taken between 2012 and 2014 • Most recent copy taken on 25 April 2014 25
  • 26. When Things Go Wrong Internet Archive copy, Oct 2013. Looks good! 26 Internet Archive copy, April 2013. Looks different. Branding, blog theme & site navigation changed.
  • 27. When Things Go Wrong Archived copy from 24 April 2014 … 27 linked to About page archived on 21 April 2013 Archived copies held on Internet Archive may be incomplete, missing images and inconsistent
  • 28. Opus University of Bath’s institutional repository, Opus: • Hosts many of UKOLN’s important publications • Provides a CV of research-like outputs 28 Apparently I have 81 items – but 1 (at least) isn’t mine! Note: • Open access papers held in several places (LOCKS) • Location unknown for papers with strict copyright
  • 29. Opus University of Bath’s institutional repository, Opus: • Hosts many of UKOLN’s important publications • Provides a list of UKOLN staff & their outputs But: • Only some have their own CV page • Others don’t:  Left ages ago  Left recently http:// Problems probably due to bugs rather than policy
  • 30. 30 Take Control of Your CV! Background: • IR profile pages have disappeared • No longer access to IR • IR is now a read-only silo Decision: • Use Researchgate (and to list publications Then: • Use them to host papers • Control regained over content & presentation • Richer functionality
  • 31. Events IWMW (Institutional Web Management Workshop) launched in 1997 • 20th anniversary this year • 16 years of event web site hosted on UKOLN site Thoughts: • Not research • But evidence of 17 years of development of institutional web services in UK HE • My main area of work over 20 years! 31 Content at risk. Need to preserve content and contextualise experiences
  • 32. IWMW Content IWMW resources • Hosted on UK Web Archive • Not fully functional • Not maintainable 32
  • 33. IWMW Content IWMW content migrated to Lanyrd • Timetable • Abstracts • Speaker details Content provided for recent post-UKOLN events Plus links to: • Speaker slides • Twitter archives (where available) • Other related resources 33
  • 34. IWMW Content IWMW content migrated to Lanyrd • Timetable • Abstracts • Speaker details • Other related resources 34 Slides uploaded to Slideshare and embedded in Lanyrd pages
  • 35. Twotter Captioning Links from Lanyrd entry to resources for Chris Sexton’s plenary at IWMW 2010: • Slides hosted on Slideshare • Video of talk on Vimeo • Twitter commentary of videos on iTitle service by Martin Hawksey, ALT 35 Long-term access to this information is uncertain. Record of what was done described on UK Web Focus blog
  • 36. Slideshare Repository 36 (Most) slides from IWMW events hosted on UKOLN web site since 1997 uploaded to Slideshare. Note to facilitate discoverability: • Slides embedded in Lanyrd • Use of tags (iwmw1997) Only PPT & PDF files uploaded (not HTML, etc!)
  • 37. Writing The Book Who will be able to write about 25 years of edtech developments in UK HE? 37 Compare challenges of writing 400+ page history of the JANET network, published by JANET, with writing one on the history of web developments in UK HE,
  • 38. The IWMW Blog 38 Some questions: • What’s the point of preservation? • What’s missing beyond resources? My thoughts: • Understand the past in order to plan for the future • But we need the context and reflections Hence establishment of IWMW blog, for 20th anniversary of event
  • 39. The IWMW Blog Derek Law’s reflection on his IWMW 2009 plenary talk: • Link to post about talk is now to a marketing page [Risk – professionals repurpose old content] • JISC PoWR blog has closed [Risk – blog service provider at could terminate service] 39 Closed using described practices “So the challenge for Brian and his remarkable array of colleagues is to keep the faith, keep proselytising and make sure that the links to this 20th birthday set of blog posts blog posts still work when the 25th birthday comes along!”
  • 40. The Individual’s Perspective We should all expect to lose access to our institutional digital environment! 40 We should therefore make plans for migrating content from institutional silos!
  • 41. Where Did My Work Go?! Developer / researcher: • Worked at Bristol University • Evidence of research work available (publications) • Online legacy is harder to find 41
  • 42. “The Individual as Institution” Importance of individual as agent for preservation 42 Individual as Institution, Lawrie : converged blog, Lawrie Phipps, 7 May 2013,
  • 43. After Institutional The Need For Individual … Jisc focus on institutional digital preservation issues Others address personal digital preservation Gaps for individual in: • An institutional perspective • An UK context • A HE context • A research context 43
  • 44. Revisiting the Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes: 1. Strategies for managing termination of online services Update content (provide context; removal of problematic links & services; …) 2. Useful tools and services UK Web Archive & Internet Archive Institutional Repository Research repositories; Slideshare; Lanyrd; … 3. Addressing the challenges and opportunities provide by social media services Opportunities to complement institutional, national & international services 44
  • 45. Who are the information superheroes who will ensure that UK’s higher education digital memories are maintained for future generations? • The British Library • The research councils • The funders • The digital preservation services • The institutions • The motivated professionals • The staff who support the motivated professionals and help shape institutional policies who embrace the role of the “individual as institution” The Information Superheros 45
  • 46. Conclusions Preservation of UKOLN resources • A learning journey (doing the work and then reflecting on the work) • Just letting the Internet Archive to archive your site isn’t sufficient (but can be useful) • Submitting your site to the UK Web Archive is useful, but not sufficient by itself • Management of mothballing sites should be carried out routinely • Motivational factors are important • Importance of ‘refreshing’ content, especially by motivated professionals • Need to consider implications of “Individual as institution” – by both individuals and institutions! • An ongoing process with multiple key stakeholders! 46

Editor's Notes

  1. I’d welcome questions and comments. Note that I’ve published a blog post on which can be used for questions. Thank you.