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Welcome to IWMW 2015
Beyond Digital: Transforming
the Institution
Brian Kelly
Independent consultant
UK Web Focus
Contact Details
Twitter: @briankelly
Slides and further information available at
UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #IWMW15 Talk hashtag: #P0
Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, 27-29 July 2015
About Me
Brian Kelly
• Worked in HE since 1984 (Loughborough,
Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle, Bath and Bolton)
• Set up first(?) institutional Web site at Leeds
University in January 1993
• Formerly UK Web Focus at UKOLN (1996-2013)
and Innovation Advocate at Cetis (2013-2015)
• Since June 2015 an independent consultant &
Associate Partner, Cetis LLP
About You
• Is attending IWMW for the first time?
• Has attended a handful of IWMW events
• Has attended countless IWMW event?
Works for:
• A University
• Other public sector body
• Commercial sector, self-employed, …
About You
Is primarily a:
• Content expert • Developer
• Designer • Customer/user support
• Manager • Other (what?

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Slides for a talk on "Digital Life Beyond The Institution" given by Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus at the ILI 2013 conference in London on Tuesday 15 October 2013. See

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This document is a presentation by Brian Kelly from Cetis on editing Wikipedia and supporting users. The presentation provides 11 top tips for librarians on Wikipedia, including understanding why it is important, being willing to update articles, creating an account and profile, understanding principles, and supporting others. It also discusses case studies on Wikipedia use in education and outlines the structure of a workshop to train others on editing Wikipedia.

About IWMW
• Institutional Web Management Workshop
• Can be pronounced “whim-eh-way”!
• Initially supported by Jisc and delivered by
UKOLN and, last year, Netskills
• Now organised by UK Web Focus
Facts and figures for past 18 years:
• ~2,780 participants
• ~250 hours (over 10 days) of plenary talks
• ~210 hours of workshop sessions
IWMW Locations
IWMW 2016:
• Somewhere new?
• Is location a barrier
to attendance?
• Is time of year a
But is there still
demand for event?
Previous IWMW events hosted throughout UK:
• Capital cities: London, Edinburgh & Belfast
• Large cities: Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester,
Birmingham, Reading, Glasgow & Aberdeen
• Smaller historic tourist cities: Bath, York,
Canterbury & Colchester
• England (north east, northwest, midlands, south
east & south west), Scotland & Northern Ireland
• Old universities, universities since 1966 & fomer
IWMW 2015:
• In Ormskirk, a small market town
• Established as a university in 2006
• Focus on teaching
IWMW 2015
IWMW 2015:
• The 19th in the series
• Theme “Beyond Digital: Transforming the
The theme inspired by:
• Various talks and final panel session at IWMW 2014:
“Is ‘Web’ old fashioned?”
• Discussions with IWMW 2015 advisory group:
Ross Ferguson, Alison Kerwin, Mike McConnell,
Claire Gibbons & Michael Nolan
IWMW 2015: Timetable
In brief:
• Opening theme “Putting the Web
Manager First”
• Themes for day 2:
 “Supporting Our Users,
Revolutionising the User
 “Managing the Content;
Developing the Services”
• Themes for day 3:
 “Beyond the Institution”
 “Looking to the Future”
Change of emphasis this year. Mix of
talks from:
• Higher education community (5)
• Commercial sector (4)
titles shown

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Rehearsal (with audio) of the Welcome slides used by Brian Kelly, UKOLN in a workshop on "Metrics and Social Web Services: Quantitative Evidence for their Use & Impact " held at the Open University on 11 July 2011. See

Metrics for the Social Web
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- The document is a slide presentation from the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010 that provides an overview and history of the event as well as discussion of current challenges and the future. - It discusses how the IWMW event has been held annually since 1997 to provide a forum for UK higher education institutions to discuss web management best practices and innovations. - Recent budget cuts and changing priorities threaten the sustainability of the event, raising questions around reducing its length, making it virtual, or allowing commercial alternatives. The role of professional networks and adapting to change are emphasized.

IWMW 2015: Overview
Workshop sessions (Mon)
• Well-established 90 minute sessions
• Should be interactive & participative
• 6 workshop sessions this year
Master classes (Tues)
• Half day sessions
• New this year (inspired by
Ross Fergusson)
• Include “embed yourself in a
web team for a short period”
• Learn from their successes &
failures (and unknowns)
• One abbreviated master class
run as workshop session (Edge Hill)
• Sessions B1 & B2 will be merged
B1 Moving from the Old Web Team to
a New Digital Services – Liverpool
John Moores University
Mandy Phillips
B2 Working with an Institutional Web
Team – University of Bradford
Claire Gibbons & Bradford colleagues
B3 Working in an Agile Way – Content
Creation, Delivery and Standard,
Rich Prowse & Bath colleagues
B5 Lessons Learned From Helping HE
Institutions Develop Their Digital
Strategies, Headscape
Will the “embed yourself in a web
team” master classes lead to job
shadowing, etc. across sector?
B4 cancelled due to illness
IWMW 2015: Your Sessions
Workshops & Master Classes:
• All held in Business School
(ground floor or level 1)
• Your sessions shown on
O: Organiser
C: Session chair
S: Plenary speaker
W: Facilitator
Profiling the Attendance
“Am I the only female speaker?”, Tracy Playle, opening
speaker at IWMW 2014
Aim: speaker/facilitator gender ratio >= audience ratio
11 plenary speakers: 10 male; 1 female
9 w/shop facilitators: 4 male; 5 female
9 m/class facilitators: 5 male; 5 female
110 delegates: 77 male; 33 female 70% 30%
63% 37%
Locations of talks and
social events
IWMW 2015: Social
Ormskirk (~15 mins)
Ormskirk (~15 mins) Halls: Dewhurst & Holt, Founders Court (B)
NB breakfasts in The Hub (2)
Business School (9): all talks
The Hub (2):
• BBQ tonight
• Breakfasts
• Wine reception
• Meal tonight
• Wine reception tomorrow
Explore Ormskirk after BBQ
Eat tomorrow after wine reception
IWMW 2015: Social
• Conference dinner at 7pm
• Opportunity for drinks in
Ormskirk after meal (~15
mins walk)
• Go to bars, restaurants
with friends & colleagues
• Opportunity for buffet in
Salt & Liquor
• Salt & Liquor upstairs bar
reserved for all delegates
Many long-standing professional and
personal relationships have developed
over 18 years of IWMW events

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Slides for a talk on "What Can We Learn From Amplified Events?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Girona on 2 September 2010. See

Welcome to the Metrics and Social Web Services workshop
Welcome to the Metrics and Social Web Services workshopWelcome to the Metrics and Social Web Services workshop
Welcome to the Metrics and Social Web Services workshop

Welcome slides to be used by Brian Kelly, UKOLN in a workshop on "Metrics and Social Web Services: Quantitative Evidence for their Use & Impact " to be held at the Open University on 11 July 2011. See

IWMW 2015: Social
Normally (in large cities) lots of options for food
Not the case in Ormskirk
Suggestions (for tomorrow):
Salt and Liquor
• Buffet: sandwiches or Mexican chilli (veg options too) –
need minimum of 30 orders. Served in upstairs bar
• Standard S&L meals in main bar. 20% disco0unt with
IWMW badge!
Piri Piri
• Excellent Portuguese restaurant
• £10.95 for 2 courses
Show of hands
Fill in form near registration (need to give numbers)
Upstairs bar in Salt and Liquor open to all IWMWerrs – licence till 1am!
IWMW 2015: Technologies
• Eduroam or ask for guest account
• Conference app
• Agenda, attendee list, ..
• Alerting (by organisers, in case of urgent
info, changes, etc.)
• Connect with colleagues
• Usability issues: “Say Hi” sends “Brian, who
also attends IWMW 2015, finds your profile
very impressive and would like to exchange
contact info with you.”
• Not to be used for inappropriate messages
• Passcode needed to access (don’t divulge)
IWMW 2015: Sponsors & Exhibitors
Many thanks to IWMW 2015 sponsors
& exhibitors:
• Helps financial viability of event
Provide opportunities:
• For delegates to speak to vendors
• For vendors to listen to
• Beneficial for all
• Numbers down this year
• How will forthcoming funding
changes affect sector? (NB
UKOLN to close on 31 July) 15
The Bigger Picture
“Sajid Javid (new secretary of state) has made it
clear that he is not a friend of universities”
“Javid’s real interest is not industrial policy or the
health of the knowledge economy, but the political
success of the Conservative Party that he would one
day like to lead”
From WonkHE, 20 July 2015,
Daily Mail: “Universities
'are doing too much
research'” 23 July 2015
“BIS must find a £450m saving this year and prepare
itself for a 20% cut in its budget as part of the
coming Comprehensive Spending Review”

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This document discusses future trends in digital technologies and learning, focusing on open educational resources (OER). It notes that digital content is growing exponentially and that networked technologies allow widespread participation and collaboration. It advocates engaging participatory tools like social media and adopting an "eLearning" approach using digital technologies. It also promotes open educational resources to reduce costs for students, arguing that open licensing allows resources to be shared globally for education. The document suggests community colleges cooperate by sharing digital instructional materials through open licensing to cut costs while improving access to education.

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Slides for a paper by Brian Kelly, UKOLN presented at the W4A 2007 conference in Banff, Canada in May 2007. See

You have three days to:
• Learn new skills
• Engage with your peers
• Identify new approaches for your institution
In addition time to:
• Think about implications of “Web” and “Digital” in a
wider context
• Discuss how you see the future of your Web/Digital
team in current political environment
• “Whither academics and pedagogy?” Are we now
driven by a culture of managerialism?
• Give your thoughts on IWMW 2016 (should there
be one; if so, where and when?)
17And also have fun over the next few days!

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Welcome to IWMW 2015

  • 1. Welcome to IWMW 2015 Beyond Digital: Transforming the Institution Brian Kelly Independent consultant UK Web Focus Contact Details Email: Twitter: @briankelly Blog: 1 Slides and further information available at UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #IWMW15 Talk hashtag: #P0 Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, 27-29 July 2015
  • 2. #IWMW15 #P0 About Me Brian Kelly • Worked in HE since 1984 (Loughborough, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle, Bath and Bolton) • Set up first(?) institutional Web site at Leeds University in January 1993 • Formerly UK Web Focus at UKOLN (1996-2013) and Innovation Advocate at Cetis (2013-2015) • Since June 2015 an independent consultant & Associate Partner, Cetis LLP 2
  • 3. #IWMW15 #P0 About You Who: • Is attending IWMW for the first time? • Has attended a handful of IWMW events (2-5)? • Has attended countless IWMW event? Works for: • A University • Other public sector body • Commercial sector, self-employed, … 3
  • 4. #IWMW15 #P0 About You 4 Is primarily a: • Content expert • Developer • Designer • Customer/user support • Manager • Other (what?
  • 5. #IWMW15 #P0 About IWMW IWMW • Institutional Web Management Workshop • Can be pronounced “whim-eh-way”! • Initially supported by Jisc and delivered by UKOLN and, last year, Netskills • Now organised by UK Web Focus Facts and figures for past 18 years: • ~2,780 participants • ~250 hours (over 10 days) of plenary talks • ~210 hours of workshop sessions 5
  • 6. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW Locations 6 IWMW 2016: • Somewhere new? • Is location a barrier to attendance? • Is time of year a factor? But is there still demand for event? Previous IWMW events hosted throughout UK: • Capital cities: London, Edinburgh & Belfast • Large cities: Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham, Reading, Glasgow & Aberdeen • Smaller historic tourist cities: Bath, York, Canterbury & Colchester Or: • England (north east, northwest, midlands, south east & south west), Scotland & Northern Ireland • Old universities, universities since 1966 & fomer polytechnic IWMW 2015: • In Ormskirk, a small market town • Established as a university in 2006 • Focus on teaching
  • 7. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015 IWMW 2015: • The 19th in the series • Theme “Beyond Digital: Transforming the Institution” The theme inspired by: • Various talks and final panel session at IWMW 2014: “Is ‘Web’ old fashioned?” • Discussions with IWMW 2015 advisory group: Ross Ferguson, Alison Kerwin, Mike McConnell, Claire Gibbons & Michael Nolan 7
  • 8. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Timetable In brief: • Opening theme “Putting the Web Manager First” • Themes for day 2:  “Supporting Our Users, Revolutionising the User Experience”  “Managing the Content; Developing the Services” • Themes for day 3:  “Beyond the Institution”  “Looking to the Future” 8 Change of emphasis this year. Mix of talks from: • Higher education community (5) • Commercial sector (4) HE HE HE HE HE CO CO CO CO Abbreviated titles shown
  • 9. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Overview Workshop sessions (Mon) • Well-established 90 minute sessions • Should be interactive & participative • 6 workshop sessions this year Master classes (Tues) • Half day sessions • New this year (inspired by Ross Fergusson) • Include “embed yourself in a web team for a short period” • Learn from their successes & failures (and unknowns) • One abbreviated master class run as workshop session (Edge Hill) • Sessions B1 & B2 will be merged 9 B1 Moving from the Old Web Team to a New Digital Services – Liverpool John Moores University Mandy Phillips B2 Working with an Institutional Web Team – University of Bradford Claire Gibbons & Bradford colleagues B3 Working in an Agile Way – Content Creation, Delivery and Standard, Rich Prowse & Bath colleagues B5 Lessons Learned From Helping HE Institutions Develop Their Digital Strategies, Headscape Will the “embed yourself in a web team” master classes lead to job shadowing, etc. across sector? B4 cancelled due to illness
  • 10. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Your Sessions Workshops & Master Classes: • All held in Business School (ground floor or level 1) • Your sessions shown on badge/folder 10 Note: O: Organiser C: Session chair S: Plenary speaker W: Facilitator Profiling the Attendance “Am I the only female speaker?”, Tracy Playle, opening speaker at IWMW 2014 Aim: speaker/facilitator gender ratio >= audience ratio 11 plenary speakers: 10 male; 1 female 9 w/shop facilitators: 4 male; 5 female 9 m/class facilitators: 5 male; 5 female 110 delegates: 77 male; 33 female 70% 30% M F 63% 37%
  • 11. #IWMW15 #P0 Locations of talks and social events IWMW 2015: Social 11 Ormskirk (~15 mins) Ormskirk (~15 mins) Halls: Dewhurst & Holt, Founders Court (B) NB breakfasts in The Hub (2) Business School (9): all talks The Hub (2): • BBQ tonight • Breakfasts • Wine reception • Meal tonight • Wine reception tomorrow Explore Ormskirk after BBQ Eat tomorrow after wine reception
  • 12. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Social Tonight: • Conference dinner at 7pm • Opportunity for drinks in Ormskirk after meal (~15 mins walk) Tomorrow: • Go to bars, restaurants with friends & colleagues • Opportunity for buffet in Salt & Liquor • Salt & Liquor upstairs bar reserved for all delegates 12 Many long-standing professional and personal relationships have developed over 18 years of IWMW events
  • 13. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Social Normally (in large cities) lots of options for food Not the case in Ormskirk Suggestions (for tomorrow): Salt and Liquor • Buffet: sandwiches or Mexican chilli (veg options too) – need minimum of 30 orders. Served in upstairs bar • Standard S&L meals in main bar. 20% disco0unt with IWMW badge! Piri Piri • Excellent Portuguese restaurant • £10.95 for 2 courses 13 Near station Show of hands Fill in form near registration (need to give numbers) Upstairs bar in Salt and Liquor open to all IWMWerrs – licence till 1am!
  • 14. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Technologies WiFi: • Eduroam or ask for guest account Whova: • Conference app • Agenda, attendee list, .. • Alerting (by organisers, in case of urgent info, changes, etc.) • Connect with colleagues Note: • Usability issues: “Say Hi” sends “Brian, who also attends IWMW 2015, finds your profile very impressive and would like to exchange contact info with you.” • Not to be used for inappropriate messages • Passcode needed to access (don’t divulge) 14
  • 15. #IWMW15 #P0 IWMW 2015: Sponsors & Exhibitors Many thanks to IWMW 2015 sponsors & exhibitors: • Helps financial viability of event Provide opportunities: • For delegates to speak to vendors • For vendors to listen to community • Beneficial for all Note: • Numbers down this year • How will forthcoming funding changes affect sector? (NB UKOLN to close on 31 July) 15
  • 16. #IWMW15 #P0 universities-is-more-political-than-ever/ The Bigger Picture 16 “Sajid Javid (new secretary of state) has made it clear that he is not a friend of universities” “Javid’s real interest is not industrial policy or the health of the knowledge economy, but the political success of the Conservative Party that he would one day like to lead” From WonkHE, 20 July 2015, is-more-political-than-ever/ Daily Mail: “Universities 'are doing too much research'” 23 July 2015 “BIS must find a £450m saving this year and prepare itself for a 20% cut in its budget as part of the coming Comprehensive Spending Review”
  • 17. #IWMW15 #P0 Conclusions You have three days to: • Learn new skills • Engage with your peers • Identify new approaches for your institution In addition time to: • Think about implications of “Web” and “Digital” in a wider context • Discuss how you see the future of your Web/Digital team in current political environment • “Whither academics and pedagogy?” Are we now driven by a culture of managerialism? • Give your thoughts on IWMW 2016 (should there be one; if so, where and when?) 17And also have fun over the next few days!