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UKOLN is supported  by: Blogs, Wikis and more:  Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals Eastern RSC event  Monday 23rd February from 11:00 - 12:00. Marieke Guy Research Officer This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
Introduction to UKOLN UKOLN is a National centre of expertise in digital information management Library and cataloguing background Located at the University of Bath Funded by JISC and MLA to advise UK HE and FE communities and the cultural heritage sector Many areas of work including: Digital preservation: DCC Metadata, registry work Repositories: eBank, Intute, SWORD, DRIVER Dissemination: Ariadne, International Journal of Digital Curation eScience: eCrystals….etc.
Introduction to Me Been at UKOLN 9 years Now a remote worker Member of the Community & Outreach Team Currently working on: Good APIs project Chair of the Institutional Web Management Workshop  Cultural heritage work Previous roles/projects include: JISC-PoWR, JISC Standards Catalogue, QA Focus, SPP Project Manager, ePrints UK project manager, Public Library Focus work, NOF-digitise, Web Magazines

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DM110 - Week 1 - Introductions / Web 2.0
DM110 - Week 1 - Introductions / Web 2.0DM110 - Week 1 - Introductions / Web 2.0
DM110 - Week 1 - Introductions / Web 2.0

DM110 Emerging Web Media / Huston Film School, National University of Ireland, Galway / 9th January 2007

Web 2 0 Workshopslideshare
Web 2 0 WorkshopslideshareWeb 2 0 Workshopslideshare
Web 2 0 Workshopslideshare

This document summarizes a staff development workshop on using Web 2.0 tools in libraries. It defines Web 2.0 as aiming to enhance information sharing and collaboration among users. It describes characteristics of Web 2.0 like fostering collaboration and sharing. It provides examples of how libraries can use tools like wikis, blogs, podcasts, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, and social networking to improve workflows, communicate, collaborate and share information.

Mayo Clinic Social Media Update
Mayo Clinic Social Media UpdateMayo Clinic Social Media Update
Mayo Clinic Social Media Update

This presentation is the full version of one I'm delivering several times in September 2009, and is posted here for reference. It's updated with some of our latest Mayo Clinic social media activities.

youtubehealthcarelee aase
Workshop Programme Presentation on  Blogs, Wikis and more 20 minutes Do It Yourself - A chance for you to try out some of the tools 20 minutes Discussion - A chance for you to think about the challenges 5/10 minutes Presentation/Discussion on Challenges of Web 2.0 for the Information Professional 10 minutes Final Feedback -Any final questions, comments etc. 5 minutes Will use this logo when it’s time for questions
Workshop Resources All resources (and more) linked with Delicious tag: Wiki for you to work on
So…What is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology”   Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups  Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking  Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness

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Social Networking in Academic Libraries
Social Networking in Academic LibrariesSocial Networking in Academic Libraries
Social Networking in Academic Libraries

The document provides an overview of various social media platforms and how they can be used in academic libraries. It defines social networking and lists common features such as user profiles, friending, groups, messaging, and privacy controls. Specific platforms summarized include Facebook, LiveJournal, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, SlideShare, Google Docs, Flickr, Skype, Pinterest, Scoop it, Prezi, and QR codes. Examples are given for how libraries have used some of these tools for outreach, marketing resources, and engaging users. References are provided at the end.

flickrpinterestgoogle docs
L2.0 for health librarians
L2.0 for health librariansL2.0 for health librarians
L2.0 for health librarians

The document discusses Library 2.0, which refers to a new approach for libraries to utilize modern web technologies in a more interactive and user-driven way. It provides examples of technologies like blogs, RSS feeds, wikis, podcasts, and social media platforms. The document acknowledges common concerns about not having time or IT support, but argues that Library 2.0 can improve the user experience at low cost. It encourages libraries to experiment with different technologies and find what works best for their clients.

Web 2.0
Web 2.0Web 2.0
Web 2.0

The document discusses Web 2.0 and its importance for libraries. It defines Web 2.0 as the participatory, social, user-focused web that allows users to create and share content. The document explains that Web 2.0 is important for libraries because it enables content creation, patron interaction, participation in knowledge communities, and collaboration. It provides examples of Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, photo sharing, and video sharing that libraries can use to engage with users.

Blogs Flickr:
Blogs A blog is a Web log, online diary Professionals are increasingly using blogs to describe what they are doing A social phenomenon of the 21 st  Century Key characteristics are openess, collaboration and syndication  There is a need for information professionals to: Understand blogging and related technologies (e.g. RSS, Technorati) Be able to find resources in the 'Bloggosphere' Explore how to use blogs to support business functions (support users, staff & organisation)
Why Blog? Community of library professionals Long tradition of sharing experiences and knowledge New issues – need to find new communities Blogs can be a timely way to Offer advice and commentary Make new connections Record discussion over time Also provide a different view to email discussion threads
Reading Blogs There are lots of dedicated blog readers You can sign up for RSS feeds to be alerted to changes Try not to be distracted by adverts etc Web 2.0 Bloglines – a Web-based Blog reader. You are informed of changes since you last viewed the page.

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Wiki presentation
Wiki presentationWiki presentation
Wiki presentation

This document discusses wikis and their use in education. It begins by defining what a wiki is - a collaboratively edited website that allows all users to freely edit pages. Wikis use simple formatting and do not require specialized software. The document then discusses how teachers can use wikis to facilitate writing, collaboration on projects, and service learning. Potential obstacles for teachers include students being uncomfortable with public and collaborative writing or reluctant to contribute due to concerns about authorship and credit. The document encourages visiting to create and experience a wikispace firsthand.


Presentation given at ASTD TechKnowledge 2010. Covers open education, social media, and tools and technologies used to facilitate open education and new media.

technologytoolsopen educational resources
2 SM a closer look
2 SM a closer look2 SM a closer look
2 SM a closer look

The document provides an overview of various social media services and platforms. It discusses blogging sites like Blogger and Wordpress, microblogging platforms like Twitter, social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, media sharing sites like Flickr and YouTube, and other services like RSS feeds, wikis, forums, and location sharing. It also covers topics like content ownership, monitoring and aggregating sites, and measuring social media influence and reach over time.

coursesocial meddia
Library Blogs Lots of Individuals creating blogs: Phil Bradley’s, Peter Scott, Technobiblio, Library Techtronics, Shifted Librarian, Free Range Librarian, DIY Librarian Lots of themed blogs: Going Green at your library, Librarians for Human Rights, The ‘M’ Word - Marketing Libraries Lots of branch specific blogs: i Know Gateshead Libraries, Oxford University Library, Manchester Lit List Some subject specialist and medical blogs, moving more towards library teams British Librarian Bloggers list (lis-bloggers) Hot Stuff 2.0 – great list of library blogs (over 800) collated by Dave Pattern
Paige Turner
The Unquiet Librarian -

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CCLS Discovery 2.0 101308
CCLS Discovery 2.0 101308CCLS Discovery 2.0 101308
CCLS Discovery 2.0 101308

Web 2.0 is defined as both a marketing term and set of principles that allow users to have more control over online content and collaborate through technologies like wikis, blogs, social networking sites, tagging, and RSS feeds. It represents a shift from static, top-down websites to more dynamic and customizable user-generated content. The document discusses examples of how libraries can use blogs and wikis to communicate with patrons, facilitate staff communication, and stay up to date on professional developments.

Using social media for research & researcher development
Using social media for research & researcher developmentUsing social media for research & researcher development
Using social media for research & researcher development

This document provides an overview of a workshop on using social media for research and researcher development. The morning session will focus on integrating social media into academic research, including understanding what social media is and how different applications can be used in the research process while considering ethics. The afternoon session will discuss becoming a networked researcher and using tools like RSS feeds, social bookmarking, online networks, and sharing tools to collaborate and disseminate research. The workshop aims to illustrate how social media can support the research process and researcher development through participation, networking, and knowledge sharing.

phdacademiaresearcher development
Web 2.0 By Naveen
Web 2.0 By NaveenWeb 2.0 By Naveen
Web 2.0 By Naveen

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin Toffler Web 2.0 refers to second-generation internet-based services that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users and encourage users to add value through tagging, commenting, and modifying content. Some key characteristics include rich, interactive interfaces; user-generated content; and network effects from user contributions.

Using Blogs Blogs are very interconnected with each other (bloggers discuss other blog postings, blogrolls etc.). This can help to provide feedback; measure impact; engage in discussions; etc. Web Monkey extension can give blog comments on your pages Technorati can help find Blog articles, etc. A search for “Oxford University Library Services” returns 87 hits, was mainly student blogs, now many others The comments field can allow you to engage in discussions Time for you to establish a blog?
Ideas for Blogs A News Blog New branches, stock areas, user services, service changes, opening hours, fines, event information From the Librarian’s Desk Blogging about your daily work, provides transparency and openness Library Resources Blog Special collections Special Projects Blog/ Task Groups Blog Reflective Blog Use as a ‘try it out’ experience Professional Development Blog Chronicle your daily activities, identify progression, achievements, use it for annual appraisal
A Few Issues… Institutional Issues – e.g. Can you have a corporate voice, do you want one? Technical Issues – e.g. What software will you use? Barriers to making the decision to blog e.g. Do you want all your thoughts to be accessible to all? What about an internal blog? Barriers to getting started Gaining momentum e.g. A huge number of blogs are not read and become deserted by their writers Keeping your momentum! e.g. Will you be able to come up with content? Stopping? Right person for the job!
Gaining Momentum Participate: embed yourself in the community, social networks e.g. Ning, Facebook (need to be aware of privacy issues, ownership of data, dangers of data lock-in) Identify and follow other blogs Get a great feed reader like Google Reader Link, a lot, especially to other blogs Comment, and use your URL when you do Be fairly shameless in self-promoting: “I like what you’re saying but over on our library  blog we’ve taken a different approach..” Spread the URL around

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Maite ways to learn
Maite ways to learnMaite ways to learn
Maite ways to learn

This document discusses various social media and online networking platforms. It provides information on Facebook as a social networking service started in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg for personal profiles and messaging between friends. It also describes Wikipedia as a free, open-content online encyclopedia owned by the Wikimedia Foundation, and Twitter as a microblogging service allowing users to send and read short 140-character messages. Finally, it mentions Google+ as a social network launched by Google in 2011.

Using Social Software in Health Libraries
Using Social Software in Health LibrariesUsing Social Software in Health Libraries
Using Social Software in Health Libraries

1. The document discusses the use of social software tools like blogs, wikis, podcasts, and RSS feeds in health libraries. 2. It provides definitions and examples of different social media tools and their potential benefits for knowledge sharing and communication among health professionals. 3. The workshop engaged participants in hands-on activities using tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts to experience their interactive features and discuss their future applications in health libraries.

Riding The Shift: Keeping Up and Staying Sane
Riding The Shift: Keeping Up and Staying SaneRiding The Shift: Keeping Up and Staying Sane
Riding The Shift: Keeping Up and Staying Sane

Step 1: Accept that you can't keep up with everything. Step 2: Determine important topics for continuing education. Step 3: Choose "filters" like professional journals, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, and networking to stay informed. Step 4: Find tools like RSS and social bookmarking to easily keep up with filters. Step 5: Foster lifelong learning by giving time for professional development activities.

Keeping Momentum Use Technorati, Google Blog search, etc  Start to embed these in people’s lives by reporting Make sure you post regularly, and with high quality: Don’t post because you haven’t done one in a while... Do post because you’ve got something to say If you’re losing momentum, maybe there’s a reason? Do some evaluation of your blog: ask readers Look for co-authors. Guest posts. You may be surprised!  if it’s getting stale, try some alternative approaches: Interviews, podcasts, surveys or polls Video or other media embedding, live blogging creative, and copy other people
Wikis Flickr:
Wikis Wikis are collaborative Web-based authoring tools –read state and write state They can be used for: team work and collaborative papers (avoiding emailed MS Word file around) Note-taking and social discussions at events As an easy way to set up a group Web site A great e-learning tool Uses a simple markup language (wikitext or wikisyntax) Ability to compare previous versions of a page, revert back and track who edited the page Many allow users to discuss issues prior to making changes Increasing popularity in the public sector
Wikipedia Easy to create Provides high-profile information (Google-friendly) Allows the community to enhance and develop content Is time your library had an entry? Who will edit it?

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Blogs, Wikis, and Flickr: Oh My!: Syllabus
Blogs, Wikis, and Flickr: Oh My!: SyllabusBlogs, Wikis, and Flickr: Oh My!: Syllabus
Blogs, Wikis, and Flickr: Oh My!: Syllabus

14 May 2009, "Blogs, Wikis, and Flickr: Oh My!: Sharing and Collaborating on the Modern Web," NGS Family History Conference, Raleigh, NC, Syllabus

flickrgenealogyweb 20
Where is New Media Now? Some Ideas...
Where is New Media Now? Some Ideas...Where is New Media Now? Some Ideas...
Where is New Media Now? Some Ideas...

The document discusses the current state of new media and online literacy. It notes that more people are using social media and participating in user-generated content like blogs. New media allows for personalization, interaction, content creation and collaboration between users. Stories online can be interactive and involve the reader directly, take many forms beyond just text, and can be both individually authored and collaboratively written. Folksonomies and tagging allow users to organize content in personalized ways and say something about how individuals categorize information.

Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...

Presentation (Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching professionals) given by Marieke Guy, UKOLN at Eastern RSC event: on Wednesday 25th February from 11:00 - 12:00 .

Wiki Issues Vandalism, spam Wiki etiquette Searching (more tagging needed), archiving (ephemeral), organisation of pages – no heirarchy Mark up – no standardisation…yet – training implications Stopping your wiki from becoming an unmaintained storehouse of out-of-date information! Organisational Culture - Freedom to move away from usual design, protocols, habits Resources - Staff training, time, costs How will librarians add wikis and blogs to their collections?
Potential for Libraries “ At their best, they can become true community resources that can position the library as a an online hub of their local community” Meredith Farkas Book reviews, FAQs  Comments section, suggestion box Commonly asked questions (reference or general library) Local history, personal stories Course collaboration, e-portfolios Library project work, input for research work Workshops
Social Web
Social Networks Sharing and community are what Web 2.0 is all about Some of the most famous networks are MySpace, Facebook,, Frappr and Flickr Library is a social network in itself so the implications for it are huge Tagging – allows users to add keywords to items Created by groups/communities who are the resource users Natural language – common understanding No hierarchy, feedback RSS Feeds

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Web2 UKOLN MLA Workshop
Web2 UKOLN MLA WorkshopWeb2 UKOLN MLA Workshop
Web2 UKOLN MLA Workshop

An introduction to Web 2.0 given by Stephanie Taylor of UKOLN, based on an orginal presentation by Marieke Guy of UKOLN.

LAD 2008
LAD  2008LAD  2008
LAD 2008

The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools like social networking sites, wikis, RSS feeds, and media sharing sites and their implications for libraries. It encourages libraries to embrace these new technologies and allow users to collaboratively share and generate knowledge using the library's online spaces. Some specific Web 2.0 tools highlighted include wikis for knowledge sharing among library staff and patrons, Twitter for news and event monitoring, Flickr and YouTube for media sharing, and SlideShare for sharing presentations. The document argues that libraries must actively engage with these new technologies and platforms or risk being left out of important conversations.

School Libraries And The Future
School Libraries And The FutureSchool Libraries And The Future
School Libraries And The Future

The document discusses preparing school libraries for future challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies. It examines key issues like the increasing use of ICT and information literacy. It then explores specific technologies like blogs, wikis, RSS, social networking, tagging and more. The document provides tips on how libraries can enhance their role by experimenting with and integrating these technologies. It also discusses strategies for convincing school leadership of the importance of adapting to changing technologies and student needs.

Sharing - Flickr Web 2.0 includes community-building You can help support your community-building by making it easy to share photos at events (e.g. this seminar) Simply suggest a tag and encourage delegates to upload their photos with this tag Flickr Commons Web 2.0
Sharing – Delicious Another aspect of sharing is sharing bookmarks This can be used to: Manage your bookmarks Allow others to contribute resources Allow lists of bookmarks to be repurposed Carry out impact analysis Web 2.0 Who else has bookmarked this resources?  What are their interests? (I may have similar interests) How many have bookmarked my resource?
Sharing - Slideshare Many other resources can be shared e.g.: Slides Photos Maps Video Travel info Events info Music  Etc.
Google Maps/Mashups Web 2.0 provides valuable opportunity to provide mapping & location services: Embedding Google maps on your Web sites Developing rich services using this Providing location metadata / microformats which can be processed by simple browser tools Web 2.0 workshops/webmaster-2007/maps/

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Central PA K-16 Librarians Workshop 041609
Central PA K-16 Librarians Workshop 041609Central PA K-16 Librarians Workshop 041609
Central PA K-16 Librarians Workshop 041609

Presentation about Blogs and Wikis and ways libraries can use them to communicate with different constituent groups.

Library 2.0
Library 2.0Library 2.0
Library 2.0

This document discusses the concept of Library 2.0 and how libraries are adopting technologies associated with Web 2.0 to become more user-centered and participatory. It defines key terms like blogs, wikis, folksonomy/tagging, RSS, social bookmarking, mashups and describes how libraries are using these tools. Examples are provided of libraries using social networking sites, photo sharing, video streaming, tagging systems and more to engage users and adapt to Web 2.0 principles of interactivity and user participation.

Blogs and Web 2.0 - Cuba Health Informatics 2007
Blogs and Web 2.0 - Cuba Health Informatics 2007Blogs and Web 2.0 - Cuba Health Informatics 2007
Blogs and Web 2.0 - Cuba Health Informatics 2007

Talk given by Peter Murray at Informatica en salud (Havana, Cuba, February 2007) based in CHIRAD and members; work

Creative Commons Creative Commons offers copyright holders licences to assign to their work The licences aim to clarify the conditions of use and avoid many of the problems current copyright laws pose when attempting to share information.  CC maximises impact of work Web 2.0 Openess is a key aspect of Web 2.0: open source; open standards and open content can all help to bring benefits through maximising usage of services
Facebook The Facebook platform provides access to (a) Skype (b) Twitter micro-blogging service (c) mini-questions   Facebook: A social networking Web site Had the largest number of registered users among college-focused sites with over 30 million members worldwide  Ranked between top 10–20 Web sites Seventh most visited site in the US
Podcasts Podcasts are syndicated MP3 files New items in a podcast can appear automatically in your Podcast client (e.g. iPod) or RSS reader Resources can be accessed via iTunes Web 2.0 The University of Bath won a European award for its podcasts from guest lecturers, etc.  We can regard this as maximising impacts of the ideas and promoting the University, at little cost
Communication Realtime discussion is a key part of the Web 2.0 and the .net generation (IM, SMS…) Can be used by patrons, chat reference services with transcript How much effort does it take to provide an instant messaging service for your library? Try What about Skype? Web 2.0

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Librarian2.0(9 12)
Librarian2.0(9 12)Librarian2.0(9 12)
Librarian2.0(9 12)

Web 1.0 focused on content delivery and consumption by students, driven by institutional needs rather than learners. Web 2.0 aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, and collaboration among users through user-generated content and two-way information flows. Popular Web 2.0 tools for teachers include blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, social networking, podcasts and video sharing which facilitate knowledge creation and sharing in new ways.

Web 2.0 for_science_educators spr 2012
Web 2.0 for_science_educators spr 2012Web 2.0 for_science_educators spr 2012
Web 2.0 for_science_educators spr 2012

Web 2.0 allows users to create and share dynamic content, moving from a "read only" web to an interactive "read and write" experience. It includes social media sites, blogs, wikis, video and photo sharing. Using these tools in education provides opportunities for students to collaborate, share information, and engage in constructivist learning. Educators should consider their objectives and appropriate tools to achieve them while balancing privacy and security issues. Examples of free Web 2.0 tools discussed are blogs, wikis, YouTube, social bookmarking, and social networking.

science eweb 2.0
Social Software To Manage Your World
Social Software To Manage Your WorldSocial Software To Manage Your World
Social Software To Manage Your World

Social software tools like blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking sites allow users to share and organize information online in new ways. These applications fall into categories like sharing images, video, documents, or bookmarks. They are most useful when they solve real tasks rather than just being trendy. Setting clear goals and getting enough engaged users are keys to the successful adoption of social software in libraries and other organizations.

Twitter Micro Blogs Twitter: Best known of the micro-blogging applications Web application, with desktop & mobile clients Uses: Community-building Support from your peers Answers to questions Ideas Marketing …
Do It Yourself (20 Minutes) Time try out some of the applications that have been mentioned Try to keep in mind how this could be applied in your working environment Any problems just communicate in the chat area
Discussion (10 Minutes) So what are the challenges of Web 2.0 for information  professionals? The top 5 challenges for the information Professionals community? Possible ways that you can meet these challenges Best to write thoughts in notepad, refresh wiki page, paste  onto wiki then save
Librarian/IP Stereotypes They think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge  They think that users should be forced to learn boolean searching and other formal search techniques because this is good for them They don't want the users to search for themselves ( folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links They want services to be perfect before they release them to users.  They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta'  (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs).

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Web 2.0
Web 2.0Web 2.0
Web 2.0

The document discusses the evolution of Web 2.0 and its applications for education. Some key aspects of Web 2.0 include user-generated content through blogs, wikis, social bookmarking and folksonomies. This allows for more collaborative and social forms of learning. The document provides examples of how Web 2.0 tools like RSS feeds, social networking, Google Docs, and wikis can be used to create a more distributed, collaborative model of e-learning called eLearning 2.0. This emphasizes social constructivism and peer learning through reflective blogging, collaborative writing and discussion.

Web 2.0 Tools and their Educationsl Applications
Web 2.0 Tools and their Educationsl ApplicationsWeb 2.0 Tools and their Educationsl Applications
Web 2.0 Tools and their Educationsl Applications

The document discusses Web 2.0 tools and their potential educational applications. It defines Web 2.0 as the transition from isolated websites to interconnected platforms that act like software. Some key Web 2.0 tools mentioned include wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, social bookmarking sites like Delicious, and social networks. The document argues that these tools allow for more interactive and collaborative knowledge building compared to traditional Web 1.0, and provide ways for students to share resources, work on group projects, and publish content.

Library 2.0 Presentation: SC&I 550 Fall 2009
Library 2.0 Presentation: SC&I 550 Fall 2009Library 2.0 Presentation: SC&I 550 Fall 2009
Library 2.0 Presentation: SC&I 550 Fall 2009

Powerpoint presentation discussing some prominent web 2.0 technologies and their roles in libraries, including blogs, wikis, Flickr, and others.

Web 2.0 Backlash When significant new things appear: Enthusiasts / early adopters predict a transformation of society Sceptics outline the limitations & deficiencies There’s a need to: Promote the benefits to the wider community (esp. those willing to try if convinced of benefits) Be realistic and recognise limitations Address inappropriate criticisms, avoid the chasm in the Gartner curve
Library 2.0 Paul Miller stated that he saw Web 2.0 as being about: freeing of data, remixing and the opening up of the long tail the building of virtual applications, participation, sharing, communication and facilitating community  applications that work for the user, are modular and are smart Web 2.0 + Library = Library 2.0 With Web 2.0 libraries have an opportunity to work their wealth of data harder and serve their existing audiences better Warning: Users will bypass processes and institutions that they perceive to be slow, unresponsive, unappealing and irrelevant in favour of a more direct approach to services offered by others that just might be 'good enough' for what they need to do.
Safe Experimentation Are you interested in using Web 2.0 in your organisation? Worried about corporate inertia, power struggles, etc? What you need is a deployment strategy: Addressing business needs Low-hanging fruits Encouraging the enthusiasts Gain experience of the browser tools – and see what you’re missing! Staff training and development Address areas you feel comfortable with Risk management strategy …
Staff Development There's a need for your staff to: Understand what Web 2.0 is about Learn how to make use of Web 2.0 This is all subject to constraints of lack of time; resources; etc. The  Library 2.0 Podcasts   Web sites provides a useful resources for learning about new tools, techniques, etc. Deployment Challenges _archives/2006/4/12/1881517.html

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Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts: Web 2.0 Tools You Can Use
Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts: Web 2.0 Tools You Can UseBlogs, Wikis and Podcasts: Web 2.0 Tools You Can Use
Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts: Web 2.0 Tools You Can Use

The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools that libraries can use including blogs, wikis, and podcasts. It describes what each tool is, provides examples of libraries using each tool, and discusses how to set up and maintain blogs, wikis, and podcasts. The goal is to help libraries learn how to use these new social tools to better share and distribute content to users.

Wiki on Library Perspective
Wiki on Library PerspectiveWiki on Library Perspective
Wiki on Library Perspective

Wiki in web 2.0 scenerio concept emerged as a response to the technologies and setting the libraries into more user-centered, networking faculty, students, and librarians to create a vital and evolving organization designed to meet the need of the of the user in digital library era.

Web 2.0 session for library staff - 2008 version
Web 2.0 session for library staff - 2008 versionWeb 2.0 session for library staff - 2008 version
Web 2.0 session for library staff - 2008 version

This document discusses the concept of Web 2.0 and its potential impact for information professionals. It defines Web 2.0 as the second generation of web-based communities and services that aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing among users. Some key Web 2.0 technologies discussed include blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, social networking, podcasts/webcasts, and instant messaging. The document explores how libraries can use these technologies both to interact with and better serve their users.

Some Low Hanging Fruit… Librarything provides a good example of a Web 2.0 service: Catalogue your books AJAX interface Exploit data provided by the community Export capabilities Other books you may like Implications for reader recommendations …
Other Ideas RSS feeds, create them and use them Wikipedia Secondlife, Cybrary city Slideshare Bookmarks -, citeulike, connotea Librarylookup – Library mashups Folksonomies – different ways of organising information  YouTube – video, streaming of video OPACs - Think of your library system as “an interlocking set of functional components rather than a monolithic black box” – Plinkit (Public Library Interface Kit)
Risk Managment Take a risk management approach to your evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies (as we do with IWMW) Establish Agreements Use well-established services: Google & Delicious are well-established and have financial security.  Notification: warnings that services could be lost.  Engagement: with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services.  Provision of alternative services Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings!  Long term experiences of services:  usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data: e.g. standard Web server log files. Data  export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc.
Conclusions Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for our users, however organisations tend to be conservative We therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. risk management A change of culture We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Develop your own social network based on openness, trust, collaboration, ..

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Library 2.0 Presentation
Library 2.0 PresentationLibrary 2.0 Presentation
Library 2.0 Presentation

The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, Flickr, RSS, and instant messaging and how libraries can use them. It provides examples of how libraries have used these tools for communication with staff and patrons, to share information and photos, and to expand their services. The best practices highlighted include training staff, setting goals and guidelines, promoting new tools, and using them to engage and share information with library communities.

Library 2.0 Presentation (Ltr Group 2)
Library 2.0 Presentation (Ltr Group 2)Library 2.0 Presentation (Ltr Group 2)
Library 2.0 Presentation (Ltr Group 2)

The document discusses how libraries can use various Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, wikis, instant messaging, RSS feeds, and Flickr to better engage with patrons and staff. It provides examples of how libraries are using these tools to communicate announcements, share information and resources, and foster participation and collaboration. The document advocates that libraries embrace these new technologies to expand their services and connect with users in innovative ways.

Library2 Presentation
Library2 PresentationLibrary2 Presentation
Library2 Presentation

This document discusses how libraries can use various Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, wikis, Flickr, RSS feeds, and instant messaging to better engage with users and provide services. It provides examples of how libraries are using these tools, best practices, and tips for implementation. The key benefits highlighted are improved communication, collaboration, and participation between the library and its users.


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Similar to Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals

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Marieke Guy
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Emily R
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Ways to ensure “buy in” from the academics in the transition to digitised ass...
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Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals

  • 1. UKOLN is supported by: Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals Eastern RSC event Monday 23rd February from 11:00 - 12:00. Marieke Guy Research Officer This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
  • 2. Introduction to UKOLN UKOLN is a National centre of expertise in digital information management Library and cataloguing background Located at the University of Bath Funded by JISC and MLA to advise UK HE and FE communities and the cultural heritage sector Many areas of work including: Digital preservation: DCC Metadata, registry work Repositories: eBank, Intute, SWORD, DRIVER Dissemination: Ariadne, International Journal of Digital Curation eScience: eCrystals….etc.
  • 3. Introduction to Me Been at UKOLN 9 years Now a remote worker Member of the Community & Outreach Team Currently working on: Good APIs project Chair of the Institutional Web Management Workshop Cultural heritage work Previous roles/projects include: JISC-PoWR, JISC Standards Catalogue, QA Focus, SPP Project Manager, ePrints UK project manager, Public Library Focus work, NOF-digitise, Web Magazines
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  • 5. Workshop Programme Presentation on Blogs, Wikis and more 20 minutes Do It Yourself - A chance for you to try out some of the tools 20 minutes Discussion - A chance for you to think about the challenges 5/10 minutes Presentation/Discussion on Challenges of Web 2.0 for the Information Professional 10 minutes Final Feedback -Any final questions, comments etc. 5 minutes Will use this logo when it’s time for questions
  • 6. Workshop Resources All resources (and more) linked with Delicious tag: Wiki for you to work on
  • 7. So…What is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards - “an attitude not a technology” Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness
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  • 10. Blogs A blog is a Web log, online diary Professionals are increasingly using blogs to describe what they are doing A social phenomenon of the 21 st Century Key characteristics are openess, collaboration and syndication There is a need for information professionals to: Understand blogging and related technologies (e.g. RSS, Technorati) Be able to find resources in the 'Bloggosphere' Explore how to use blogs to support business functions (support users, staff & organisation)
  • 11. Why Blog? Community of library professionals Long tradition of sharing experiences and knowledge New issues – need to find new communities Blogs can be a timely way to Offer advice and commentary Make new connections Record discussion over time Also provide a different view to email discussion threads
  • 12. Reading Blogs There are lots of dedicated blog readers You can sign up for RSS feeds to be alerted to changes Try not to be distracted by adverts etc Web 2.0 Bloglines – a Web-based Blog reader. You are informed of changes since you last viewed the page.
  • 13. Library Blogs Lots of Individuals creating blogs: Phil Bradley’s, Peter Scott, Technobiblio, Library Techtronics, Shifted Librarian, Free Range Librarian, DIY Librarian Lots of themed blogs: Going Green at your library, Librarians for Human Rights, The ‘M’ Word - Marketing Libraries Lots of branch specific blogs: i Know Gateshead Libraries, Oxford University Library, Manchester Lit List Some subject specialist and medical blogs, moving more towards library teams British Librarian Bloggers list (lis-bloggers) Hot Stuff 2.0 – great list of library blogs (over 800) collated by Dave Pattern
  • 16. The Unquiet Librarian -
  • 17. Using Blogs Blogs are very interconnected with each other (bloggers discuss other blog postings, blogrolls etc.). This can help to provide feedback; measure impact; engage in discussions; etc. Web Monkey extension can give blog comments on your pages Technorati can help find Blog articles, etc. A search for “Oxford University Library Services” returns 87 hits, was mainly student blogs, now many others The comments field can allow you to engage in discussions Time for you to establish a blog?
  • 18. Ideas for Blogs A News Blog New branches, stock areas, user services, service changes, opening hours, fines, event information From the Librarian’s Desk Blogging about your daily work, provides transparency and openness Library Resources Blog Special collections Special Projects Blog/ Task Groups Blog Reflective Blog Use as a ‘try it out’ experience Professional Development Blog Chronicle your daily activities, identify progression, achievements, use it for annual appraisal
  • 19. A Few Issues… Institutional Issues – e.g. Can you have a corporate voice, do you want one? Technical Issues – e.g. What software will you use? Barriers to making the decision to blog e.g. Do you want all your thoughts to be accessible to all? What about an internal blog? Barriers to getting started Gaining momentum e.g. A huge number of blogs are not read and become deserted by their writers Keeping your momentum! e.g. Will you be able to come up with content? Stopping? Right person for the job!
  • 20. Gaining Momentum Participate: embed yourself in the community, social networks e.g. Ning, Facebook (need to be aware of privacy issues, ownership of data, dangers of data lock-in) Identify and follow other blogs Get a great feed reader like Google Reader Link, a lot, especially to other blogs Comment, and use your URL when you do Be fairly shameless in self-promoting: “I like what you’re saying but over on our library blog we’ve taken a different approach..” Spread the URL around
  • 21. Keeping Momentum Use Technorati, Google Blog search, etc Start to embed these in people’s lives by reporting Make sure you post regularly, and with high quality: Don’t post because you haven’t done one in a while... Do post because you’ve got something to say If you’re losing momentum, maybe there’s a reason? Do some evaluation of your blog: ask readers Look for co-authors. Guest posts. You may be surprised! if it’s getting stale, try some alternative approaches: Interviews, podcasts, surveys or polls Video or other media embedding, live blogging creative, and copy other people
  • 23. Wikis Wikis are collaborative Web-based authoring tools –read state and write state They can be used for: team work and collaborative papers (avoiding emailed MS Word file around) Note-taking and social discussions at events As an easy way to set up a group Web site A great e-learning tool Uses a simple markup language (wikitext or wikisyntax) Ability to compare previous versions of a page, revert back and track who edited the page Many allow users to discuss issues prior to making changes Increasing popularity in the public sector
  • 24. Wikipedia Easy to create Provides high-profile information (Google-friendly) Allows the community to enhance and develop content Is time your library had an entry? Who will edit it?
  • 25. Wiki Issues Vandalism, spam Wiki etiquette Searching (more tagging needed), archiving (ephemeral), organisation of pages – no heirarchy Mark up – no standardisation…yet – training implications Stopping your wiki from becoming an unmaintained storehouse of out-of-date information! Organisational Culture - Freedom to move away from usual design, protocols, habits Resources - Staff training, time, costs How will librarians add wikis and blogs to their collections?
  • 26. Potential for Libraries “ At their best, they can become true community resources that can position the library as a an online hub of their local community” Meredith Farkas Book reviews, FAQs Comments section, suggestion box Commonly asked questions (reference or general library) Local history, personal stories Course collaboration, e-portfolios Library project work, input for research work Workshops
  • 28. Social Networks Sharing and community are what Web 2.0 is all about Some of the most famous networks are MySpace, Facebook,, Frappr and Flickr Library is a social network in itself so the implications for it are huge Tagging – allows users to add keywords to items Created by groups/communities who are the resource users Natural language – common understanding No hierarchy, feedback RSS Feeds
  • 29. Sharing - Flickr Web 2.0 includes community-building You can help support your community-building by making it easy to share photos at events (e.g. this seminar) Simply suggest a tag and encourage delegates to upload their photos with this tag Flickr Commons Web 2.0
  • 30. Sharing – Delicious Another aspect of sharing is sharing bookmarks This can be used to: Manage your bookmarks Allow others to contribute resources Allow lists of bookmarks to be repurposed Carry out impact analysis Web 2.0 Who else has bookmarked this resources? What are their interests? (I may have similar interests) How many have bookmarked my resource?
  • 31. Sharing - Slideshare Many other resources can be shared e.g.: Slides Photos Maps Video Travel info Events info Music Etc.
  • 32. Google Maps/Mashups Web 2.0 provides valuable opportunity to provide mapping & location services: Embedding Google maps on your Web sites Developing rich services using this Providing location metadata / microformats which can be processed by simple browser tools Web 2.0 workshops/webmaster-2007/maps/
  • 33. Creative Commons Creative Commons offers copyright holders licences to assign to their work The licences aim to clarify the conditions of use and avoid many of the problems current copyright laws pose when attempting to share information. CC maximises impact of work Web 2.0 Openess is a key aspect of Web 2.0: open source; open standards and open content can all help to bring benefits through maximising usage of services
  • 34. Facebook The Facebook platform provides access to (a) Skype (b) Twitter micro-blogging service (c) mini-questions Facebook: A social networking Web site Had the largest number of registered users among college-focused sites with over 30 million members worldwide Ranked between top 10–20 Web sites Seventh most visited site in the US
  • 35. Podcasts Podcasts are syndicated MP3 files New items in a podcast can appear automatically in your Podcast client (e.g. iPod) or RSS reader Resources can be accessed via iTunes Web 2.0 The University of Bath won a European award for its podcasts from guest lecturers, etc. We can regard this as maximising impacts of the ideas and promoting the University, at little cost
  • 36. Communication Realtime discussion is a key part of the Web 2.0 and the .net generation (IM, SMS…) Can be used by patrons, chat reference services with transcript How much effort does it take to provide an instant messaging service for your library? Try What about Skype? Web 2.0
  • 37. Twitter Micro Blogs Twitter: Best known of the micro-blogging applications Web application, with desktop & mobile clients Uses: Community-building Support from your peers Answers to questions Ideas Marketing …
  • 38. Do It Yourself (20 Minutes) Time try out some of the applications that have been mentioned Try to keep in mind how this could be applied in your working environment Any problems just communicate in the chat area
  • 39. Discussion (10 Minutes) So what are the challenges of Web 2.0 for information professionals? The top 5 challenges for the information Professionals community? Possible ways that you can meet these challenges Best to write thoughts in notepad, refresh wiki page, paste onto wiki then save
  • 40. Librarian/IP Stereotypes They think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge They think that users should be forced to learn boolean searching and other formal search techniques because this is good for them They don't want the users to search for themselves ( folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links They want services to be perfect before they release them to users. They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta' (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs).
  • 41. Web 2.0 Backlash When significant new things appear: Enthusiasts / early adopters predict a transformation of society Sceptics outline the limitations & deficiencies There’s a need to: Promote the benefits to the wider community (esp. those willing to try if convinced of benefits) Be realistic and recognise limitations Address inappropriate criticisms, avoid the chasm in the Gartner curve
  • 42. Library 2.0 Paul Miller stated that he saw Web 2.0 as being about: freeing of data, remixing and the opening up of the long tail the building of virtual applications, participation, sharing, communication and facilitating community applications that work for the user, are modular and are smart Web 2.0 + Library = Library 2.0 With Web 2.0 libraries have an opportunity to work their wealth of data harder and serve their existing audiences better Warning: Users will bypass processes and institutions that they perceive to be slow, unresponsive, unappealing and irrelevant in favour of a more direct approach to services offered by others that just might be 'good enough' for what they need to do.
  • 43. Safe Experimentation Are you interested in using Web 2.0 in your organisation? Worried about corporate inertia, power struggles, etc? What you need is a deployment strategy: Addressing business needs Low-hanging fruits Encouraging the enthusiasts Gain experience of the browser tools – and see what you’re missing! Staff training and development Address areas you feel comfortable with Risk management strategy …
  • 44. Staff Development There's a need for your staff to: Understand what Web 2.0 is about Learn how to make use of Web 2.0 This is all subject to constraints of lack of time; resources; etc. The Library 2.0 Podcasts Web sites provides a useful resources for learning about new tools, techniques, etc. Deployment Challenges _archives/2006/4/12/1881517.html
  • 45. Some Low Hanging Fruit… Librarything provides a good example of a Web 2.0 service: Catalogue your books AJAX interface Exploit data provided by the community Export capabilities Other books you may like Implications for reader recommendations …
  • 46. Other Ideas RSS feeds, create them and use them Wikipedia Secondlife, Cybrary city Slideshare Bookmarks -, citeulike, connotea Librarylookup – Library mashups Folksonomies – different ways of organising information YouTube – video, streaming of video OPACs - Think of your library system as “an interlocking set of functional components rather than a monolithic black box” – Plinkit (Public Library Interface Kit)
  • 47. Risk Managment Take a risk management approach to your evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies (as we do with IWMW) Establish Agreements Use well-established services: Google & Delicious are well-established and have financial security. Notification: warnings that services could be lost. Engagement: with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services. Provision of alternative services Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings! Long term experiences of services: usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data: e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc.
  • 48. Conclusions Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for our users, however organisations tend to be conservative We therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. risk management A change of culture We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Develop your own social network based on openness, trust, collaboration, ..