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Book Allied Health Sciences kmu MCQs.docx
In the realm of education, knowledge becomes the key that unlocks
numerous doors of opportunity. As a student, researcher, and
lifelong learner, I am thrilled to present to you a book that
encapsulates the essence of knowledge acquisition and assessment:
"Muazzam Publications (Past Papers MCQs for BS Nursing, Doctor of
Physical Therapy, and All Allied Health Sciences Disciplines for KMU
I, Dr. Muazzam Saeed, have embarked on a journey to illuminate the
significance of past paper multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as a
powerful tool in the arsenal of education. Within these pages, my
aim is to explore and celebrate the multifaceted features of MCQs
and their transformative impact on the learning landscape.
Features of this book:
1. These MCQs have been entirely chosen and added on a recall
basis from past exams with amendments to fulfill KMU rules ,
regulations and copyright policies.
2. With each MCQ, we have provided the correct option.
3. The most noteworthy feature we have added is the book and page
reference with each MCQ.
4. Each MCQ includes the year in which it was examined.
5. It is made clear that these MCQs have been entirely added on a
Recall basis.
I wish to extend special thanks to MOHIB AFRIDI (KMU -
Emergency Technology) and SHAHAB AHMAD KHAN (KMU -
Radiology Technology) for their invaluable assistance. I also highly
appreciate all the students who aided us in achieving this goal.
Let us embark on this journey of exploration and enlightenment
together, celebrating the past paper MCQs that shape our
understanding and propel us toward a brighter future.
(CEO, Nova Tech & Muazzam Publications)
Gomal Medical College
S No Heading Page No
5. ENGLISH 282
6. ISLAMAIT (‫)اسالمیات‬ 319
7. PAK STUDY (‫پاکستان‬ ‫)مطالعہ‬ 343
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 1

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Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 2
1. Ipsilateral means, organs which
a. the same side of the body
b. On the right side of the body
c. On the different side of the body
d. On the left side of the body
Correct Option: On the same side of the
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms
related to position, Year: 2016.
2. The terms superior indicates.
a Cranial
b Cephalic
c Both a and b
d None
Correct Option: Both a and b.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms
related to position.
3. The nose is on the _______ side of the
a Anterior
b Posterior
c Lateral
d Medial
Correct Option: Anterior.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms
related to position.
4. Supine means.
a Is lying on the back
b Is lying on head
c Is lying on face downward
d Is lying on foot
Correct Option: Is lying on the back.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms
related to position.
5. When thigh is taken away from the median
a Abduction
b addiction
c Rotation
d None
Correct Option: Abduction.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Movements ( lower
6. Proximal is_______ to the core.
a Closer
b Away
c Far from
d None
Correct Option: Closer.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms
related to position.
7. Choose the correct vertebral formula of
vertebral column of human being.
a C7 Th13 L4 S5 C4
b C7 Th12 L5 S5 C4
c C7 Th13 L5 S4 C4
d C7 Th12 L5 S5 C4
Correct Option: C7 Th12 L5 S5 Co4.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,,
Chap no: 2, Topic: Vertebrae, Year: 2020.
8. Skin is divided into parts.
a 2
b 3
c 4
d 5
Correct Option: 2.
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 3
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Skin.
9. The pull of the muscle also causes
dimpling of the skin surface, so called.
a Goose flesh
b Goose pimples
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Both.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1.
10. Backward bending is called.
a Extension
b Flexion
c Rotation
d None
Correct Option: Extension.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Movements in the
11. Bone is
a Living tissue
b Non living tissue
c In organic
d Mater
Correct Option: Living.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone.
12. Bundles of collagen fibers known as
a short fibers
b long fibers
c Sharpey's fibers
d strong fibers
Correct Option: Sharpey's fibers.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone.
13. Shorts bones are found in.
a Hand
b Foot
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Both.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Short
14. Shorts bones are covered with.
a Periosteum
b Omentum
c fibrous band
d Aponeurosis
Correct Option: Periosteum.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Short
15. Vault of the skull is formed by.
a Long bone
b Short bone
c Flat bone
d Irregular bone
Correct Option: Flat bone.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction,
Chap no: 1, Topic: Flat bone.
16. Examples of flat bones are.
a Scaphoid and lunar
b Talus and calcaneum
c Frontal and parietal
d Femur and tibia
Correct Option: Frontal and parietal.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Flat
17. Yellow bone marrow begins to appear in
the distal bone of the limbs at about age
a 7 years
b 8 years
c 9 years
d 10 years
Correct Option: 7 years.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, , Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone marrow.
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 4
18. Cartilage is form of
a Collagen fibers
b Muscular tissue
c Connective tissue
d None
Correct Option: Connective tissue.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic:
19. Pelvic bone is the example of
a Irregular bone
b Small bone
c Flat bone
d Long bone
Correct Option: Irregular bone.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction,
Chap no: 1, Topic: Irregular bone.
20. Total axial skeleton bones are
a 70
b 80
c 90
d 100
Correct Option: 80.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic:
Classification of bones.
21. Largest sesamoid bone is
a Patella( knee cap)
b Elbow joint
c Shoulder joint
d None.
Correct Option: Patella( knee cap).
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Sesamoid
22. Synchondroses are
a Immovable
b Movable
c Partially movable
d Both a and b
Correct Option: Immovable.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Cartilage
23. Stability of joints depends on_ factors.
a Three
b Four
c Five
d Six
Correct Option: Three.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Joint
24. Bone develops by__________ processes.
a Two
b Three
c Four
d Five
Correct Option: Two.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction,
Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone development.
25. Long bones of the limb develops very
slowly and not completed at the age of.
a 15 to 17 years
b 16 to 18 years
c 17 to 19 years
d 18 to 20 years
Correct Option: 18 to 20 years.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Chap no: , Topic: Bone
26. Appendicular skeleton consists of how
many bones.
a 126
b 127
c 128
d 129
Correct Option: 126.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Classification of
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 5
27. A large cavity within a bone is called.
a Sinus
b Condyle
c Both a and b
d None
Correct Option: Sinus.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Cavities.
28. It is means.
a Inflammation
b appendicitis
c dermatitis
d Arthritis
Correct Option: Inflammation.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Terms used in clinical
29. Dystrophy means.
a Decrease in size
b Decrease in number
c Decrease in cell
d Decrease in tissue
Correct Option: Decrease in size.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Terms used in clinical
30. Loss of pain sensibility is called.
a Analgesia
b Anesthesia
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Analgesia.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Introduction, Topic: Terms used in clinical
31. Bones stores_______ % of the body
calcium and phosphate.
a 95
b 96
c 97
d 98
Correct Option: 97%.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Bones function.
32. Axial skeleton includes.
a Skull
b Vertebral column
c cage
d All
Correct Option: All.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Regional classification.
33. According to Wolff's law the bone
formation is________ proportional to stress
and strain.
a Directly
b Inversely
c Equally
d None
Correct Option: Directly.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Structural classification.
34. Dentin and cement occurs in.
a Skull
b Leg
c Teeth
d Leg
Correct Option: Teeth.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Structural classification
35. Medullary cavity is filled with______
bone marrow.
a Red
b Yellow
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Both.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Gross structure of an
adult long bone.

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The document discusses carbohydrates, including their types (monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides), examples of each type (glucose, maltose, sucrose, etc.), and how they are formed. It also addresses lipid and protein composition of lipoproteins like VLDL, LDL, HDL. Enzymes and hormones involved in carbohydrate metabolism are identified, along with conditions like hyperglycemia. Key points covered include the types and examples of carbohydrates, glycolysis process, glycogenesis, gluconeogenesis, lipoprotein composition, and factors affecting blood glucose levels.

Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 6
36. How many type if cartilage we have.
a 3
b 4
c 5
d 6
Correct Option: 3.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Types of cartilage.
37. In rickets which vitamins deficiency
a Vit D
b Vit E
c Vit A
d Vit B
Correct Option: Vitamin D.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Skeleton, Topic: Fracture.
38. ______ is a junction between two or
more bones or cartilage.
a Joint
b Fibrous cartilage
c Cartilaginous cartilage
d None
Correct Option: Joint.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Definition of join.
39. Sutures are.
a Immovable
b Movable
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Immovable.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Fibrous joint.
40. A typical vertebra consists of a__ body.
a Rounded
b Oval
c Spherical
d Both a and b
Correct Option: Rounded.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Chap no: 2, Topic: Vertebrae.
41. The second cervical vertebra is called.
a Atla
b Axis
c Sacral
d Coccyx
Correct Option: Axis.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Chap no: 2, Topic: Vertebrae.
42. Coccyx usually consists of _______
a Four
b Five
c Six
d Seven
Correct Option: Four.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Chap no: 2, Topic: Coccyx.
43. Gomphosis is.
a Peg joint
b Socket joint
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Both.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Fibrous joint.
44. Elbow joint is the example of.
a Hinge joint
b pivot joint
c plane joint
d Ball and socket joint
Correct Option: Hinge joint.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, 66, Topic: Classification of
Synovial joint.
45. Ellipsoid joint example is.
a Wrist joint
b Knee joint
c Sacroiliac
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 7
d Costovertebral
Correct Option: Wrist joint.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Ellipsoid joint.
46. Shoulder joint is the example of.
a Saddle joint
b Pivot joint
c Ball and socket joint
d Hinge joint
Correct Option: Ball and socket joint.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Ball and socket joint.
47. Male surface which is larger in.
a Surface
b Axis
c Position
d None
Correct Option: Surface.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Terminology and definition.
48. Movement of bone is one axis is called.
a Uni axial
b Bi axial
c Multi axial
d Both a and b
Correct Option: Uni axial.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Terminology and definition.
49. Bending and straightening are called.
a Abduction and addiction
b Flexion and extension
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Flexion and extension.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Terminology and definition.
50. The principles of distribution of nerves
to joints were first described by.
a Charles's
b Hilton
c Newton
d Mendel
Correct Option: Hilton.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Joints, Topic: Nerves supply to Synovial
51. Muscules is a ________ tissue.
a Contractile tissue
b Non Contractile tissue
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Contractile.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Muscles, Topic: Muscle definition.
52. How many types of muscles we have.
a Two
b Three
c Four
d Five
Correct Option: Three.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Muscules, Topic: Types of Muscules.
53. The origin is usually_____ to insertion.
a Proximal
b Distal
c Medial
d Lateral
Correct Option: Proximal.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Muscules, Topic: Parts of a muscule.
54. The entire central nervous system (brain
plus spinal cord )is surrounded by ______
a Three
b Four
c Five
d Six
Correct Option: Three.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Topic: Spinal cord meninges.
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 8
55. The outermost meninges is called the.
a Pua mater
b Arachnoid mater
c Dura mater
d None
Correct Option: Dura mater.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Topic: Dura mater.
56. Filum terminale externum is the ligament
of which Vertebrae.
a Thoracic ligament
b Lumbar ligament
c Sacral ligament
d Coccyx ligament
Correct Option: Coccygeal ligament.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Topic: Pia mater.
57. Cerebrospinal fluid is____ color fluid.
a Blue
b Colorless
c Red
d White
Correct Option: Colorless.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Topic: Cerebrospinal fluid.
58. Cerebrospinal fluids circulates through.
a Ventricular system
b Circulatory system
c Both
d None
Correct Option: Ventricular system.
Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,
Topic: Cerebrospinal fluid.
59. When a muscules contracts, it shortens
by_______ of its belly-length, and brings
about a movement.
a One-third(20%)
b One-third (30%)
c One-third (40%)
d aone-third (50%)
Correct Option: One-third(30%).
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Muscules, Topic: Actions of Muscules.
60. Two or more more muscules causing one
movement are.
a Synergist
b Fixators
c Opponents
d Prime movers
Correct Option: Synergist.
Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap:
Muscles, Topic: Actions of muscules.
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 9
61. The thoracic wall is formed by
a)Ribs, sternum, and vertebral column
b)Pelvic bones and sacrum
c)Clavicle and scapula
d)Femur and tibia
Correct Option:A Reference: snells
anatomy; topic:thoracicwall.
62. Which of the following is NOT a
function of the thoracic wall?(2020)
a)Protecting internal organs
b)Assisting in breathing
c)Supporting thearms
d)Anchoring the abdominal muscles
Correct Option:C Reference:snells
anatomy,topic:thoracic wall.
63. The primary muscle responsible for
breathing during quiet respiration ist
a)Rectus abdominis
c)Pectoralis major
Correct Option: B
Reference:snells anatomy;,topic:thoracic
64. The costal cartilages connect the ribs to
Correct Option:A
Reference :snells anatomy; ,topic:thoracic
65. The inter costal muscles are located
between the:(2021)
d)Vertebral column
Correct Option:A
Reference :snells anatomy ;topic:thoracic
66. The thoracic wall provides attachment
points for muscles involved in:(2017)
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
67. Thoracic inlet is also known as
a)Supraclavicular fossa
b)Inguinal ligament
c)Popliteal space
d)Antecub italregion
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
wall (thoracic openings).
68. The thoracic wall is madeup of how
many pairs of ribs?(2020)
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
wall (Ribs).

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Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 10
69. The phrenic nerves play a role in:(2022)
a)Heart rate regulation
b)Motor control of the diaphragm
c)Smell and taste perception
d)Control of abdominal muscles
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, topic :thoracic
wall (Diapghram).
70. The part of the sternum that articulates
with the clavicles is the:(2019)
c)Xiphoid process
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy,topic:thoracic
71. The costal groove is found on the
inferior border of the rib and contains
a)Intercostal vein, artery and nerve
c)Sub clavian artery
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
72. The vertebral level of the sternal angle
(angle of Louis) corresponds to the inter
vertebral disc between:(2018)
a)T2 and T3
b)T4 and T5
c)T6 and T7
d)T10 and T11
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
73. Which structure plays a key role in
equalizing air pressure between the thoracic
cavity and the outside environment?(2020)
b)Inter costal muscles
c)Pectoral muscles
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy ,topic: thoracic
74. The cartilage that forms the tip of the
sternum is called the:(2017)
a)Xiphoid process
d)Rib cartilage
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
wall (Sternum).
75. The primary muscle responsible for
elevating the ribs during inspireation is
b)Intercostal muscles
c)Pectoralis major
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy ,topic :thoracic
wall (Muscles).
76. The thoracic wall provides attachment
points for muscles involved in:(2019)
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy ,topic: thoracic
77. The region of the thoracic wall where
the ribs attach to the vertebral column is
known as the:(2018)
a)Axillary region
b)Costal region
c)Clavicular region
d)Scapular region
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 11
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic
wall (costal cartilages).
78. The structure that separates the thoracic
and abdominal cavities is the:(2019)
a)Pectoral girdle
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy ,thoracic wall
79. The costal marginis formed by
a)Lower border of the sternum
b)Upper border of the scapula
c)Inferior border of the ribs
d)Superior border of the pelvis
Correct Option:C
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
80. The dome-shaped muscle responsible
for inhalation and exhalation is the:(2018)
b)Intercostal muscle
d)Rectus abdominis
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
81. The notch on the superior border of
the manubrium that articulates with the
clavicle is the:(2019)
a)Sternal notch
b)Xiphoid process
c)Costal notch
d)Jugular notch
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
82. The second rib articulates with
a)First rib
c)Fifth rib
d)Second lumbar vertebra
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
83. Which term refers to the movement of
airinto and out of the lungs?(2018)
Correct Option:A
Reference: snellsanatomy, thoracicwall.
84. The cartilage that extends between the
ribs and forms part of the anterior thoracic
wall is called:(2017)
a)Xiphoid process
Correct Option:C
Reference: snellsanatomy ,thoracicwall.
85. The muscular sheet that separates the
thoracic and abdominal cavities is the:(2021)
b)Intercostal muscle
Correct Option:A
Refrence: snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
86. The upper most portion of the sternum
is known as the:(2019)
a)Xiphoid process
d)Body of sternum
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 12
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
87. Which ribs are considered "floating
ribs" in human anatomy?(2020)
a)First two pairs
b)Last two pairs
c)Third to seventh pairs
d)Eighth to twelfth pairs
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
88. The type of joint that connects the costal
cartilages to the sternumisa:(2021)
a) Hinge joint
b) Saddle joint
d) Synovial joint
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
89. Which of the following is NOT a
function of the thoracic wall?(2022)
a)Protecting vital organs
b)Facilitating breathing
c)Supporting the arms
d)Anchoring muscles for movement
Correct Option:C
Reference: snells anatomy; 2020,thoracic
90. The"sternal angle,"also known ast
he"Angle of Louis," is an important landmark
for locating the:(2021)
a)Xiphoid process
c)Second rib
d)Fifth intercostal space
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
91. The muscles responsible for aiding in
deep inspiration during exercise are
a)Inter costal muscles
b)External oblique muscles
c)Internal oblique muscles
d)Transversus abdominis muscles
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
(Intercostal muscles).
92. The joint connecting the costal
cartilages to the sternum allows for what type
of movement?(2017)
a)Flexion and extension
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall.
93. The small,triangular depression on the
inferior order of the sternum is called
a)Xiphoid process
c) Sternal notch
d) Subcostal angle
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
94. The central end on of the diaphragm
attaches to the:(2019)
a) Vertebral column
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall.
95. The primary muscle responsible for
forcing air out of the lungs during active
exhalation is the:(202202
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 13
b)Inter costal muscles
c)Rectus abdominis
d)Internal oblique
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
96. The angle formed by the junction of the
manubrium and the body of the sternum is
known as:(2020)
a) Sternal notch
b)Xiphoid process
c) Jugular notch
d)Sternal angle
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy ,thoracic
97. The process of breathing that requires
active muscle contractions is called:(2021)
a)Quiet respiration
b)Passive respiration
c)Forced respiration
Correct Option:C
Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall.
98. The internal inter costal muscles are
involved in:(2018)
a)Elevating the ribs during inhalation
b)Depressing the ribs during exhalation
c)Stabilizing the clavicle
d)Moving the scapula
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
99. The muscle that separate the thoracic
and abdominal cavities And is involved in
both respiration and maintaining intra-
abdominal pressure is the:(2019)
a)Inter costal muscle
b)Pectoralis major
c)External oblique
d)Rectus abdominis
Correct Option:C
Reference : snells anatomy, thoracic wall
100. The thoracic wall provides attachment
points for muscles that has role in:(2020)
a)Loco motion
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
101. The primary muscle responsible for
inhalation during quiet respiration is
b)Inter costal muscles
c)External oblique
d)Rectus abdominis
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
102. The cartilage that forms the tip of the
sternum is the:(2019)
a)Xiphoid process
d) Rib cartilage
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
103. The term"costovertebral joint"refers to
the connection between:(2020)
a)Ribsand sternum
b)Ribsand spine
c)Sternumand clavicle
d)Scapula and humerus
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall.

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1. Memory is localized in both brain hemispheres. Long-term memory involves continual neuronal activity that travels in reverberating circuits. 2. The basal ganglia include the caudate circuit between the cortex, caudate nucleus, and other structures. Lesions of the putamen can cause rigidity and tremors. 3. Wernicke's area is located in the posterior superior temporal gyrus.

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Mcq abd thorax
Mcq abd thoraxMcq abd thorax
Mcq abd thorax

This document provides information about a book titled "MCQs in Anatomy - An aid to revision and self assessment". The book contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) about anatomy of the thorax, abdomen, pelvis and perineum. It is aimed at medical and dental undergraduates and postgraduates for self-assessment. The document outlines the contents of the book, including preface and chapters on thorax, abdomen and pelvis/perineum regions. It introduces the authors and their credentials, as well as acknowledgements.

2 amino acids mcq
2 amino acids mcq2 amino acids mcq
2 amino acids mcq

1. The document contains an amino acids quiz with 83 multiple choice questions covering topics like the basic properties of amino acids, their classification, examples of different types of amino acids, proteins containing amino acids and their structures. 2. The questions test knowledge of essential vs non-essential amino acids, basic vs acidic amino acids, amino acids containing certain functional groups like hydroxyl, sulfhydryl, and properties like optical activity. 3. Protein structures from primary to quaternary are also assessed, with examples of fibrous, globular and other proteins discussed in the quiz.

Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 14
104. The primary muscle responsible for
breathing during quiet respiration is
a) Rectus abdominus
c) Pectoralis major
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
105. The costal cartilages connect the ribs to
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
106. The inter costal muscles are located
Between the:(2017)
d)Vertebral column
Correct Option:A
Reference: thoracic wall.
107. Which of the following structures form
the superior boundary of the thoracic
c) Sternal angle
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
108. What is the primary function of the
thoracic wall?(2021)
a)Protection of abdominal organs
b)Respiration and gas exchange
c)Digestion of food
d)Filtration of blood
Correct Option:B Reference : snells
anatomy ,thoracic wall(wall).
109. Which bone forms the posterior
boundary of the thoracic cage?(2016)
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
110. The main type of joint between the ribs
and the vertebrae is:(2020)
a)Synovial joint
c)Hinge joint
d)Cartilaginous joint
Correct Option:D
Reference: snells anatomy ,thoracic
111. How many pairs of true ribs are found
in the human thoracic wall?(2020)
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall
112. The costal cartilages of the first seven
pairs of ribs connect to the:(2021)
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 15
113. Which intercostal space is located just
below the clavicle?(2020)
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
114. Which muscle is the primary muscle of
a)Pectoralis major
d)Rectus abdominis
Correct Option:C
Refrence: snellsanatomy, thoracic
115. The groove for the subclavian arteryis
located on which rib?(2018)
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic
116. The breast overlies which ribs?(2018)
a)3rd to 7th
b)4th to 8th
c)2nd to 6th
d)1st to 5th
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
117. The sternal angle(angle of Louis) is
located at the level of which vertebral
a) T7
b) T4
c) T12
d) L1
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
118. The costal cartilage of the last two pairs
of ribs is:(2019)
b)Articulated with the sternum
c)Attached to the scapula
d)Fused with the vertebral bodies
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
119. Which muscle separates the thoracic
and abdominal cavities and aids in
b)Pectoralis major
c)Latissimus dorsi
d)External oblique
Correct Option:A
Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall
120. The sympathetic chain lies on which
aspect of the vertebral bodies?(2019)
Correct Option:C
Refrence: snells anatomy, thoracic
121. The costovertebral joint is an example
of which type of joint?(2020)
a)Hinge joint
b)Pivot joint
d)Plane joint
Correct Option:D
Refrence: snellsanatomy, thoracic
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 16
122. Which of the following structures
passes through the diaphragm?(2019)
Correct Option:A
Refrence: snellsanatomy, thoracic
123. The internal thoracic artery is a branch
of which major artery?(2020)
b)Sub clavian artery
c)Brachio cephalic ctrunk
d)Commoniliac artery
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy ,thoracic
124. The primary muscle responsible for
elevating the ribs during inspiration is
a)External inter costal muscle
b)Internal inter costal muscle
c)Transversus thoracis muscle
d)Serratu santerio rmuscle
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
125. The thoracic duct drain slymphin to
which major vein?(2020)
a)Superior venacava
b)Inferior venacava
d)Sub clavianvein
Correct Option:D
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
126. Which part of the sternum is most
commonly used for sternal puncture in bone
marrow aspiration?(2021)
b)Xiphoid process
d)Body of the sternum
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
127. The external jugular vein drains blood
from the:(2022)
b) Face and scalp
c) Upper extremity
d)Abdominal organs
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
(arteries and veins).
128. The groove for the subclavian vein is
located on which rib?(2023)
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
129. Which ligament connects the xiphoid
process to the umbilicus?(2022)
a)Falci for mligament
b)Round ligament
c)Median umbilical ligament
d)Suspensory ligament of the liver
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
130. The trans verse thoracic muscle attaches
to whichs tructures?(2018)
a)Ribs and sternum
b)Scapula and clavicle
c)Vertebral column and pelvis
d)Diaphragm and liver
Correct Option:A
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 17
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
131. The thoracic wall is in nervated by
intercostal nerves,which are branches of
a) Vagus nerve
b) Phrenic nerve
c)Spinal accessory nerve
d)Spinal nerves T1-T11
Correct Option:D
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic
132. Which structure separates the superior
and inferior mediastinum?(2022)
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
133. Which rib articulates with only on
evertebral body?(2017)
Correct Option:D
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
134. The pectoral branch of the thoraco
acromial artery supplies blood to the:(2018)
b)Pectoral muscles
c)Abdominal organs
d)Pelvic organs
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
(arteries and veins).
135. The manubrium articulates with which
a)1st and 2nd
b)2nd and 3rd
c)3rd and 4th
d)4th and 5th
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
136. The phrenicnerve originates from which
spinal levels?(2018)
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
137. The thoracic wall is divided into how
many layers?(2017)
Correct Option:C
Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall
138. Which muscle is responsible for rotating
the scapula during arm movement?(2020)
a)Serratus anterior
b)Rhomboid major
d)Levator scapulae
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
139. The superior border of the scapula is
also called the:(2019)
a)Axillary border
b)Medial border
c)Lateral border

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1. The document provides an anatomy and physiology multiple choice questions (MCQs) for pharmacy technicians. It contains questions related to topics like anatomy, physiology, surface anatomy and respiratory system. 2. The questions cover terminology used in anatomy like proximal, distal, medial, lateral etc. It also includes questions about different body parts and their structure and functions. 3. The MCQs aim to help pharmacy technicians in understanding basic human anatomy and physiology concepts which are important for their role.

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Biochemistry mc qs

The document contains questions and answers related to biochemistry, techniques in biochemistry, animal biotechnology, and bioinformatics. Some key topics covered include the first person to introduce the term biochemistry, the first protein sequenced, discoveries related to nucleic acids and viruses, techniques like paper chromatography, electrophoresis, and ultracentrifugation, molecular farming in animal biotechnology, early bioinformatics databases, tools for sequence alignment and analysis, and relationships between genomics and drug identification.

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1. The document is a multiple choice quiz on the nervous system covering topics like the development of different parts of the nervous system, cell types in various regions, and age-related changes. 2. Questions are asked about the cells and tissues that make up regions like the spinal ganglia, spinal cord, and cortex. Multiple choice answers are provided relating to neuron types, surrounding cell types, and the layers and cells of different nervous system structures. 3. The quiz was checked by a professor named Saltanat Uzbekova and is for a student named Hament Sharma in a Histology-II course at Semey State Medical University.

Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 18
d)Superior angle
Correct Option:D
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
140. Which nerve in nervates the
serratusanterior muscle?(2017)
a) Long thoracic nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Radial nerve
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
(muscles table).
141. The serratus anterior muscle attaches to
which part of the thoracic wall?(2018)
Correct Option:D
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
(serratus anterior muscle).
142. The triangle of auscultation is bordered
by which muscles?(2020)
a)Trapezius ,latissimus dorsi ,rhomboid
b)Trapezius ,deltoid, pectoralis major
c)Latissimus dorsi ,trapezius, serratus
d)Rhomboid major ,serratus anterior,
pectoralis minor
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall
143. Which structure passes through the
triangle of a us cultation?(2019)
a) Intercostal nerves
b) Internal thoracic artery
c) Axillary nerve
d) Thoracic duct
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
144. The external inter costal muscles are
responsible for:(2020)
a)Elevating the ribs during inspiration
b)Depressing the ribs during expiration
c)Stabilizing the scapula
d)Flexing the vertebral column
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall
145. The inter costal arteries and veins run
between which structures?(2021)
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall
(arteries and veins).
146. The sub costal nerveis typically found
below which rib?(2022)
Correct Option:C
References: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
147. The pectoral muscles are primarily
responsible for:(2021)
a)Abduction of the arm
b)Adduction of the arm
c)Flexion of the elbow
d)Extension of the wrist
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
148. The internal thoracic vein drains blood
into which major vein?(2016)
a)Inferior vena cava
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 19
b) Subclavian vein
c)Brachiocephalic vein
d)Superior vena cava
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
149. The transversus thoracis muscle is
responsible for:(2017)
a)Elevating the ribs during inspiration
b)Depressing the ribs during expiration
c)Rotating the vertebral column
d)Flexing the neck
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
150. The thoracic sympathetic chain ganglia
are part of which division of the autonomic
nervous system?(2020)
Correct Option:C
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
151. The diaphragm is in nervated by which
a) Vagus nerve
b) Phrenic nerve
c) Brachial plexus
d) Femoral nerve
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
152. The thoracic outlet syndrome involves
compression of structures passing through
b) Inguinal canal
c) Popliteal fossa
d) Carpal tunnel
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
153. The costal cartilage of the
8th,9th,and10th ribs is attached to:(2019)
b) Vertebral bodies
c) Floating ribs
d) Xiphoid ess
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall
154. The internal thoracic artery is
a)Between the external and internal inter
costal muscles
b)Between the internal and innermost inter
costal muscles
c)Between the innermost inter costaland
transversus thoracis muscles
d)Between the transversus thoracis and
diaphragm muscles
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
155. The costal groove on the rib
accommodates the:(2020)
a)Vein, artery, andnerve
b)Artery andvein
c)Nerve and lymphatic vessel
d)Artery and lymphatic vessel
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
156. The parietal pleura lines the:(2017)
a) Lung surface
b) Inner surface of the rib cage
c)Heart surface
d)Esophageal surface
Correct Option:B
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 20
157. Which muscle is responsible for forced
b)External inter costal muscles
c)Internal inter costal muscles
d)Transversus thoracis muscle
Correct Option:C
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
158. The subclavian artery becomes the
axillary artery at the lateral border of which
a) Pectoralis major
c)Latissimus dorsi
Correct Option:A
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
159. The sternocostal joint between the
sternum and the ribs is classified as
a)Synovial joint
b)Fibrous joint
c)Cartilaginous joint
d)Ball-and-socket joint
Correct Option:C
Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 21
160. On the outside of the heart at the
junction between the right atrium and right
auricle is a vertical groove called
a) Crista terminalis
b) Sulcus terminalis
c) Musculi pectinate
d) Chordae tendineae
Correct option. B
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Right
161. The chamber of heart receives
deoxygenated blood from the body
a) Right atrium
b) Right ventricle
c) Left atrium
d) Left ventricle
Correct option. C
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart page
162. Median partition on thoracic cavity is
a) Pleura
b) Diaphragm
c) Mediastinum
d) Pericardium
Correct option. C
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Thoracic
163. Pericardium lies with in the
a) Middle mediastinum
b) Superior mediastinum
c) Posterior mediastinum
d) Anterior mediastinum
Correct option. A
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
164. One of the following is responsible for
pumping of blood into the lungs
a) Right atrium
b) Left atrium
c) Right ventricle
d) Left ventricle
Correct option. C
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
165. Regarding Bronchopulmonary
segments All are true Except
a) Can be surgically removed
without affecting the adjacent
b) Are 10 in each lung
c) Are aerated by terminal
d) Tributaries of pulmonary viens are
Correct option. B
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Beoncho pulmonary

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This document provides information about a medical physiology MCQ book authored by Dr. Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi. It includes sections on the author's background, dedication, acknowledgements, reference materials, contents of the book, and images of bone structures. The document serves as a preface and introduction to the MCQ book, outlining its scope and providing context for the questions that follow.

mcqsmedical studenthealth
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 22
166. Origin of bronchial artery
a) Phrenic artery
b) Pulmonary artery
c) Descending thoracic aorta
d) Subclavian artery
Correct option. C
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic blood
167. The structure which connect the cusp
of tricuspid valve to papillary muscle
a) Crista terminalis
b) Sulcus terminalis
c) Musculi pectinate
d) Chordae tendineae
Correct option. D
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Right
168. Apex of heart is mainly formed by
a) Right atrium
b) Right ventricle
c) Left atrium
d) Left ventricle
Correct option. D
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Oreintation of heart
169. All are true regarding visceral pleura
a) Is pain sensitive
b) Is supplied by autonomic nerves
c) Lines the fissures of the lungs
d) Is adherent to the surface of lung
Correct option. A
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve Supply of Pleura
170. No of Bronchopulmonary segments in
middle lobe of right lung
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
Correct option. B
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchopulomonary
171. In conducting system of heart the
impulse pause at
a) AV Node
b) SA Node
c) Bundle of HIS
d) Purkinje fibers
Correct option. A
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Conductin System of
172. No of papillary muscles in left
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
Correct option. B
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Left
Ventricle page 247
173. Fibrous pericardium is innervated by
a) Phrenic nerve
b) Intercostal nerves
c) Vagus nerve
d) Sympathetic trunk
Correct option. A
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 23
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve supply of
174. Diaphragmatic surface of heart is
formed mainly by the right and left
ventricle and separated by
a) Anterior interventricular groove
b) Anterior atrioventricular groove
c) Posterior interventricular groove
d) Posterior atrioventricular groove
Correct option. C
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
Surfaces of heart
175. Left lung divided into
a) 2 Lobes
b) 3 Lobes
c) 4 Lobes
d) 5 Lobes
Correct option. A
Year. 2023 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs
176. Inferior mediastinum lies between
sternal angle and:
a) Thoracic inlet
b) Middle mediastinum
c) Diaphragm
d) Inferior mediastinum
Correct option. C
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum.
177. Thoracic duct, trachea, and esophagus
are present in:
a) Anterior mediastinum
b) Superior mediastinum
c) Middle mediastinum
d) Posterior mediastinum
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Superior
178. Brachiocephalic veins pass through:
a) Anterior mediastinum
b) Middle mediastinum
c) Superior mediastinum
d) Inferior mediastinum
Correct option. C
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity
179. Trachea is located at level of:
a) C3 to T4
b) C4 to T2
c) C5 to T5
d) C6 to T5
Correct option. D
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
180. What carries the oxygenated blood
from the lungs to the left atrium of the
a) Atria
b) Semilunar
c) Aorta
d) Pulmonary veins
Correct option. D
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
ChapterThoracic Cavity Heart.
181. The trachea is lined internally with:
a) Ciliated columnar epithelium
b) Stratified columnar epithelium
c) Simple columnar
d) Pseudo-Stratified columnar
Correct option. D
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 24
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
182. Trachea consists of number of
cartilaginous rings:
a) 15-16
b) 16-20
c) 18-22
d) 18-21
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
183. The blood vessel bringing the
deoxygenated blood from head and upper
parts of the body into the heart is:
a) Superior vena cava
b) Inferior vena cava
c) Coronary sinus
d) Coronary vein
Correct option. A
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Heart.
184. The esophagus positioned _______ to
a) Laterally
b) Superiorly
c) Anteriorly
d) Posteriorly
Correct option. D
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Trachea
185. In which of the following chambers of
the heart the Superior vena cava enters?
a) Right atrium
b) Left atrium
c) Right ventricle
d) Left ventricle
Correct option. A
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart
186. Length of left bronchi:
a) 3 cm
b) 3.5 cm
c) 4 cm
d) 5 cm
Correct option. D
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
187. Left bronchi enters the hilum opposite
to the:
a) T3 vertebra
b) T4 vertebra
c) T5 vertebra
d) T6 vertebra
Correct option. D
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
188. Segmental bronchi are also known as:
a) Primary bronchi
b) Secondary bronchi
c) Tertiary bronchi
d) Lobar bronchus
Correct option. C
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
189. There is a bronchus present for each
lobe of lung:
a) Primary bronchi
b) Secondary bronchi
c) Tertiary bronchi
d) Lobar bronchus
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 25
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
190. Trachea receives its blood supply
a) Superior thyroid
b) Inferior thyroid
c) Middle thyroid
d) Posterior thyroid
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
191. The apex of lungs projects above:
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
Correct option. A
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs
192. The mediastinal surface lies against
the mediastinum:
a) Superiorly
b) Inferiorly
c) Posteriorly
d) Anteriorly
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter
Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum
193. The hilum, where structures:
a) Enter
b) Leave.
c) Enter & leave
d) Connects
Correct option. C
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs
194. The potential space between the
visceral and parietal layers of pleura is
known as:
a) The pleural cavity
b) The visceral hang out place
c) Peritoneal cavity
d) The parietoplural plaza
Correct option. A
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
195. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of
the lungs, and is the placewhere
pulmonary vessels, bronchial vessels,
lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and
leave the lung:
a) Root of lung
b) Bronchioles
c) Hilum
d) A and C
Correct option. C
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs
196. The pleural cavity Contains serous
pleural fluid, which lubricates the pleural
surfaces and allows the layers of pleura to
slide smoothly over each other during
a) True
b) False
Correct option. A
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura
197. The bronchi and parenchymal tissue
of the lungs are supplied by:
a) Pulmonary arteries
b) Phrenic arteries
c) Bronchial arteries
d) Inferior bronchial arteries
Correct option. C
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics

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BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, Upper Limb and Thorax -Volume1-4th.pdf
BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, Upper Limb and Thorax -Volume1-4th.pdfBD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, Upper Limb and Thorax -Volume1-4th.pdf
BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, Upper Limb and Thorax -Volume1-4th.pdf

This is the book for MBBS students, you can learn easily your body and it's function by read this book . This is the most famous and preferred book for MBBS .

Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 26
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve
supplu of Lungs
198. Pleura is a membrane which folds
back onto itself:
a) Viscous
b) Serous
c) Hard
d) Soft
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura
199. The inner pleura cover the lungs and
adjoining structures:
a) Parietal pleura
b) Visceral pleura
c) Serous membrane
d) Rectal sheath
Correct option. B
Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura
200. All the following are in the Rt atrium,
a) azygos vein
b) anterior cardiac vein
c) coronary sinus
d) SVC
e) IVC
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Pleura Right
201. Regarding Rt ventricle all the
following are True, EXCEPT:
a) have three papillary muscle
b) the septomarginal trabecula
(moderatorband) extend from the
septum to the base o the anterior
papillary muscle
c) have a pectinate muscle which
passes anteriorly
d) The outflow portion of the
champer inferior to the pulmonary
orifice called infandibulum
e) The infandibulum is smooth and
the remainder of the ventricle is
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Right
202. X-ray of the Lt border of mediastinum
show the following, EXCEPT:
a) left auricle
b) aortic arch
c) pulmonary trunk
d) left ventricle
e) right atrium
Correct option. E
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
203. superior mediastinum shows all the
following, EXCEPT:
a) trachea
b) ascending aorta
c) arch of aorta
d) left brachiocaphalic vein
e) vagus nerve
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
204. Regarding the Arch of the aorta, the
incorrect statements is:
a) Located in superior mediastinum
b) Located below the brachiocaphalic
c) Connected to the pulmonary trunk
byligamentum arteriosum
d) It is arches over the Lt main
e) The Rt recurrent laryngeal nerves
hocks around it
Correct option. E
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 27
205. the correct statement about Thoracic
duct is:
a) it is enter to the thorax through
caval opening
b) it lies posterior to the esophagus in
the superior mediastinum
c) it lies in the superior & posterior
d) drain into Rt subclavian vein
e) it receives the lymph from both
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart
206. Regarding pericardium:
a) visceral part supplied by phrenic
b) Fibrous pericardium consist of
visceral & parietal parts
c) serous pericardium down represent
the attachment of central tendon of
d) Located laterally to the esophagus
e) The oblique sinus is bounded
anteriorly by the visceral layer of
serous pericardium
Correct option. E
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
207. All the following are related
posteriorly to the heart, EXCEPT:
a) Oblique sinus
b) Rt bronchus
c) Thoracic aorta
d) Lt vagus
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart
208. Regarding Rt main bronchus all the
following are True, EXCEPT:
a) wider than the Lt
b) longer than the Lt
c) more vertical than the Lt
d) bacteria pass through it easily
e) gives off the Rt superior lobe
bronchi before entering the hilum
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
209. Regarding the pleura the incorrect
statement is:
a) cervical part is above the clavicle
b) diaphragmatic pleura supplied by
intercostal nerves ONLY
c) cervical pleura is crossed by
subclavian vessels
d) pleural cavity is a potential space
e) the visceral & parietal pleurae are
continuous around the root of the
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura
210. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of
the lungs, and is the place where
pulmonary vessels, bronchial vessels,
lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and
leave the lung?
a) The hilum
b) The helium
c) The milum
d) The ileum
e) The jejunum
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs
211. Mediastinum, which lies between the
pericardium and the vertebral column is
a) anterior mediastinum
b) inferior mediastinum
c) middle mediastinum
d) superior mediastinum
e) posterior mediastinum
Correct option. E
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
212. The heart is innervated by sympathetic
and parasympathetic fibers of the
autonomic nervous system via the
a) Brachial plexus
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 28
b) cardiac plexus
c) femoral plexus
d) Lumber plexus
e) portal plexus
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve
supply of Heart
213. The upper two thirds of trachea are
supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries
and the lower third is supplied by the
a) Axillary arteries
b) Alveolar arteries
c) Bronchial arteries
d) Carotid artery
e) Subclavian arteries
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Blood
supply of Trachea
214. ____Large arteries supply to thoracic
a) Ascending aorta
b) arch of aorta
c) both A and B
d) None of these
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Nerve
215. Veins are supply to thoracic artery
a) Superior vena cava
b) Azygous vein
c) both A and B
d) None of these
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Blood
216. Heart are ________ long
a) 10 cm
b) 12 cm
c) 15 cm
d) both a and b
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart
217. Outer layer of heart is called
a) Pericardium
b) Myocardium
c) Non of these
d) Endocardium
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart
218. Trachea is divided at about the level
of…………. Thoracic vertebra .
a) T6
b) T7
c) T4
d) T5
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic
219. Left Lung have…………. Lobes.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs
220. Right Lung have………….. fissure.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs
221. Right bronchus is …………. Cm long
a) 2cm
b) 5cm
c) 4cm
d) None of the above.
Correct option. D
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 29
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
222. Lungs are surrounded by
a) Pleura
b) Pericardium
c) Peritoneum
d) All of the Above
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs
223. 49. Superior mediastinum contain all
of the following accept?
a) Thymus
b) Heart
c) Trachea
d) Esophagus
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
224. Inferior mediastinum is divided
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) having no division.
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
225. The mediastinum contains all of the
following except:
a) Heart
b) Trachea
c) Great vessels
d) Lungs
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
226. The lingula of the left lung is similar
to which structure of right lobe:
a) Superior lobe
b) Inferior lobe
c) Middle lobe
d) Oblique fissure
e) Horizontal fissure
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs
227. The Heart is located in which division
of mediastinum:
a) Anterior portion of superior
b) Posterior portion of superior
c) Posterior portion of inferior
d) Middle portion of inferior division
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
228. The inferior boarder of the heart:
a) Is primarily the left ventricle
b) Is the right atrium
c) Is primarily the right ventricle
d) Is the junction where great vessels
leave and enter the heart
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
Borders Of Heart
229. At which intercostal space one able to
auscultate the aortic valve:
a) Left 4th
or 5th
intercostal space
b) Left 2nd
intercostal space
c) Right 2nd
intercostal space
d) The aortic valve cannot be
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
230. Which of the following correctly
describes the conducting pathway of the

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This document contains a chapter from The Language of Medicine textbook covering terms pertaining to the body as a whole. It includes multiple choice, spelling, pronunciation, and matching questions about anatomical terms related to cells, tissues, body cavities, planes, and positions. Key topics covered include the structural organization of the body, divisions of the abdomen and back, anatomical directions, and word parts used in medical terminology.

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Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 30
a) SA node -> AV bundle of His ->
AV node -> L/R bundle branch ->
Purkinje fibers
b) AV node -> SA node -> L/R
bundle branch -> AV bundle of
His ->Purkinje fibers
c) SA node -> AV node ->AV
bundle of His -> Purkinje fibers ->
AV bundle of His
d) SA node -> AV node -> AV
bundle of His -> L/R bundle
branch -> Purkinje fibers
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
Conducting pathway of heart
231. At T4/T5 level:
a) The costal cartilage of rib 2
articulates with the sternum
b) The trachea bifurcates
c) The superior mediastinum is
separated from inferior
d) All of the above
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
232. The Sternocostal surface of the heart
is formed primarily by the anterior wall of
which heart chamber:
a) Left atrium
b) Left ventricle
c) Right atrium
d) Right ventricle
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
Surfaces of heart
233. The aortic arch is located in which sub
division of mediastinum:
a) Superior
b) Middle
c) Anterior
d) Posterior
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
234. Which group of structures empties
directly into right atrium:
a) Superior vena cava, coronary sinus
& azygous vein
b) Coronary sinus & pulmonary vein
c) Pulmonary & bronchial veins
d) Superior & inferior vena cava &
coronary sinus
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Right
235. The sinuatrial node is located in the:
a) Right atrial wall
b) Left atrial wall
c) Left ventricle
d) Interventricular septum
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Right
236. The anterior boundary of posterior
mediastinum is the:
a) Manubrium
b) Sternal angle
c) Body of the sternum
d) Pericardium of the heart
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
237. The azygous vein drains into the:
a) Superior vena cava
b) Inferior vena cava
c) Right atrium
d) Left brachiocephalic vein
Correct option. A
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Blood
supply of heart
238. A mobile cartilaginous and
membranous tube which begins in the
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 31
neck as a continuation of the larynx at the
lower border of the cricoid cartilage is?
a) Bronchus
b) Esophagus
c) Pharynx
d) Trachea
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
239. Base of the heart is mainly consisting of
a) Right atrium
b) Left atrium
c) Right venticle
d) Left ventricle
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
240. Apex of the hear is formed by left
ventricle and present at
a) 3rd intercostal space
b) 4th intercostal space
c) 5th intercostal space
d) 6th intercostal space
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
241. Which part of the bronchioles tree
divide into 2 to 11 alveolar ducts that
enter the alveolar sac is
a) Secondary bronchioles
b) Primary bronchioles
c) Tertiary bronchioles
d) Respiratory bronchioles
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
Bronchopulmonary segments
242. Which heart valve has two cusps
a) Aortic
b) Mitral
c) Pulmonary
d) Pulmonary and aortic
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
243. A bronchopulmonary segment is
associated with all features except
a) Surrounded by connective tissues
b) Has segmental vein
c) Has segmental artery, bronchus
and lymph vessel
d) Structural unit of lung
Correct option. B
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Broncho
pulmonary segmnets
244. The posterior mediastinum contains
all but which of the following
a) Thoracic aorta
b) Oesophagus sdf
c) Accessory hemizygous vein
d) The parasympathetic trunks
Correct option. D
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic
245. The trachea
a) Drains to axillary lymph nodes
b) Is supplied by glossopharyngeal
c) Is marked at its lower end by the
sternal angle
d) All of the above
Correct option. C
Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy
Thoracic Cavity Topic Trachea
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 32
246. What is the primary function of the
abdominal wall?**
a) Protection of internal organs
b) Synthesis of digestive enzymes
c) Production of blood cells
d) Regulation of body temperature
Correct Option: A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
247. Which muscle is not part of the
anterolateral abdominal wall?**
a) Rectus abdominis
b) External oblique
c) Transverse abdominis
d) Erector spinae
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
248. Which muscle is responsible for
flexion of the lumbar spine and
compressing the abdominal contents?**
a) Internal oblique
b) Transverse abdominis
c) Rectus abdominis
d) External oblique
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
249. Which abdominal layer is the
a) Skin
b) Subcutaneous fat
c) External oblique
d) Transverse abdominis
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
250. Which muscle has fibers that run
perpendicular to those of the external
oblique muscle?**
a) Internal oblique
b) Transverse abdominis
c) Rectus abdominis
d) Diaphragm
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
251. Which abdominal muscle is
innervated by the lower six
thoracoabdominal nerves?**
a) External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Transverse abdominis
d) Rectus abdominis
Correct Option: D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
252. Which structure separates the rectus
abdominis muscles?**
a) Tendinous intersections
b) Linea alba
c) Linea semilunaris
d) Linea transversalis
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall.
253. What is the primary role of the linea
a) Flexion of the lumbar spine
b) Rotation of the trunk
c) Support of the abdominal organs
d) Attachment of the ribs
Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
254. Which abdominal muscle(s)
contribute(s) to forced expiration by
increasing intra-abdominal pressure?**
External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Transverse abdominis
d) Both a and b
Correct Option:D
Refrence:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
255. Which of the following is not a
function of the abdominal wall
a) Maintaining posture
b) Assisting in childbirth
c) Facilitating urination
d) Stabilizing the shoulder joint
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 33
256. Which artery supplies blood to the
anterior abdominal wall?**
a) Subclavian artery
b) Celiac artery
c) Superior mesenteric artery
d) External iliac artery
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
257. The superficial epigastric artery is a
branch of which artery?**
a) Internal thoracic artery
b) Inferior epigastric artery
c) Femoral artery
d) Superior mesenteric artery
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
258. Which layer of the abdominal wall
contains the arcuate line?**
a) External oblique aponeurosis
b) Internal oblique muscle
c) Transverse abdominis muscle
d) Rectus sheath
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
259. The conjoined tendon is formed by the
fusion of which two muscles?
a) External oblique and internal
b) Internal oblique and transverse
c) External oblique and transverse
d) Internal oblique and rectus
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
260. Which nerve is responsible for the
sensation of the skin over the suprapubic
a) Ilioinguinal nerve
b) Iliohypogastric nerve
c) Genitofemoral nerve
d) Femoral nerve
Correct Option:B
Reference: snells anatomy chp[abdominal
261. Which ligament extends from the
pubic tubercle to the anterior superior
iliac spine and defines the inguinal
a) Inguinal ligament
b) Round ligament of uterus
c) Suspensory ligament of ovary
d) Ligamentum teres hepatis
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
262. The rectus sheath is formed by the
aponeuroses of which muscles?**
a) External oblique and internal
b) Internal oblique and transverse
c) External oblique and transverse
d) Rectus abdominis and transverse
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
263. Which structure passes through the
inguinal canal in males?**
a) Round ligament of uterus
b) Ovarian ligament
c) Spermatic cord
d) Ureter
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
264. Which of the following is not a
boundary of the femoral triangle?**
a) Inguinal ligament
b) Sartorius muscle
c) Adductor longus muscle
d) Rectus abdominis muscle
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
265. Which nerve innervates the muscles of
the anterolateral abdominal wall?**
a) Femoral nerve
b) Iliohypogastric nerve
c) Ilioinguinal nerve
d) Genitofemoral nerve
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].

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This document provides an overview of the field of human anatomy. It discusses the various subdivisions of anatomy including cadaveric anatomy, living anatomy, embryology, histology, surface anatomy, radiographic anatomy, comparative anatomy, physical anthropology, applied anatomy, experimental anatomy, and genetics. It also provides a brief history of anatomy from the Greek period with Hippocrates and Herophilus to the Roman period with Galen being some of the early contributors to the field. The document serves as an introduction to the topic of human anatomy, its various areas of study, and its historical development.

Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 34
266. The transversalis fascia lines which
surface of the transversus abdominis
a) Anterior
b) Posterior
c) Lateral
d) Medial
Correct Option:B
Refrence:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
267. Which layer of the abdominal wall
contains the deep epigastric artery?**
a) Skin
b) Subcutaneous fat
c) Transversalis fascia
d) Transversus abdominis muscle
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].]
268. Which muscle is responsible for
maintaining intra-abdominal pressure
during activities such as lifting heavy
a) Rectus abdominis
b) External oblique
c) Internal oblique
d) Transverse abdominis
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
269. What is the name of the opening in
the diaphragm that allows the passage of
the aorta, thoracic duct, and azygos
a) Esophageal hiatus
b) Caval opening
c) Aortic hiatus
d) Diaphragmatic foramen
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
270. Which of the following layers of the
abdominal wall is formed by the fusion of
the aponeuroses of all three flat
abdominal muscles?**
a) External oblique aponeurosis
b) Internal oblique aponeurosis
c) Transversus abdominis
d) Rectus sheath
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
271. What is the term for the condition in
which a portion of the abdominal contents
protrudes through a weakened area of the
abdominal wall?**
a) Hernia
b) Diverticulitis
c) Appendicitis
d) Strangulation
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
272. Which type of hernia occurs through
the Hesselbach's triangle region?**
a) Direct inguinal hernia
b) Indirect inguinal hernia
c) Femoral hernia
d) Umbilical hernia
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
273. Which abdominal hernia extends
through the linea alba and commonly
occurs in the midline of the abdomen?**
a) Umbilical hernia
b) Epigastric hernia
c) Incisional hernia
d) Femoral hernia
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
274. Which abdominal hernia passes
through the femoral canal and appears as
a bulge in the upper thigh just below the
inguinal ligament?**
a) Indirect inguinal hernia
b) Direct inguinal hernia
c) Femoral hernia
d) Ventral hernia
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
275. Which type of hernia involves a
protrusion of abdominal contents through
a previous surgical incision site?**
a) Direct inguinal hernia
b) Incisional hernia
c) Umbilical hernia
d) Hiatal hernia
Correct Option:B
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 35
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
276. Which abdominal hernia is
commonly associated with coughing or
straining, leading to the herniation of
abdominal contents through the inguinal
a) Direct inguinal hernia
b) Indirect inguinal hernia
c) Femoral hernia
d) Hiatal hernia
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
277. Which hernia occurs when a portion
of the stomach protrudes through the
diaphragmatic opening known as the
esophageal hiatus?**
a) Direct inguinal hernia
b) Indirect inguinal hernia
c) Femoral hernia
d) Hiatal hernia
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
278. Which abdominal hernia commonly
appears as a protrusion near the navel?**
a) Direct inguinal hernia
b) Incisional hernia
c) Umbilical hernia
d) Epigastric hernia
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
279. Which ligament helps anchor the liver
to the anterior abdominal wall and
a) Falciform ligament
b) Round ligament of liver
c) Ligamentum teres hepatis
d) Suspensory ligament of liver
Correct Option:A
280. What is the primary blood supply to
the anterior abdominal wall?**
a) Superior epigastric artery
b) Inferior epigastric artery
c) Internal thoracic artery
d) Lumbar arteries
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
281. Which muscle acts to increase intra-
abdominal pressure during micturition,
defecation, and childbirth?**
a) Transverse abdominis
b) Rectus abdominis
c) Internal oblique
d) Levator ani
Correct Option: C
282. Which nerve passes through the
inguinal canal and is responsible for the
sensation of the skin over the upper thigh
and scrotum/labia majora?**
a) Genitofemoral nerve
b) Ilioinguinal nerve
c) Iliohypogastric nerve
d) Femoral nerve
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
283. What is the name of the fibrous band
that extends from the xiphoid process to
the pubic symphysis and divides the
rectus abdominis into right and left
a) Arcuate line
b) Tendinous intersections
c) Linea alba
d) Linea semilunaris
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal
284. Which nerve is responsible for the
motor innervation of the rectus abdominis
a) Ilioinguinal nerve
b) Iliohypogastric nerve
c) Subcostal nerve
d) Intercostal nerves
Correct Option:C
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
285. Which of the following structures is
not located in the rectus sheath?**
a) Rectus abdominis muscle
b) Pyramidalis muscle
c) Inferior epigastric artery
d) Linea alba
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 36
286. Which muscle acts to flex and rotate
the trunk, as well as compress the
abdominal contents?**
a) External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Transverse abdominis
d) Rectus abdominis
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
287. What is the term for the small
outpouchings of the colonic mucosa and
submucosa through weak points in the
abdominal wall?**
a) Hernia
b) Diverticulum
c) Appendix
d) Mesentery
Correct Option:B
288. Which nerve runs along the lateral
border of the rectus abdominis muscle,
providing sensory innervation to the skin
of the flank and gluteal region?**
a) Ilioinguinal nerve
b) Iliohypogastric nerve
c) Genitofemoral nerve
d) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Correct Option:B
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
289. Which muscle forms the floor of the
inguinal canal and is responsible for
raising the testes during contraction?**
a) External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Transverse abdominis
d) Cremaster muscle
Correct Option:D
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
290. Which of the following is not a
function of the transverse abdominis
a) Flexion of the lumbar spine
b) Compression of abdominal
c) Maintenance of abdominal wall
d) Stabilization of the spine
Correct Option:A
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
291. Which of the following layers forms
the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?**
a) External oblique aponeurosis
b) Internal oblique aponeurosis
c) Transversalis fascia
d) Transversus abdominis muscle
Answer: c) Transversalis fascia
Reference: snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
292. What is the name of the ligament that
attaches the liver to the anterior
abdominal wall and diaphragm,
containing the portal triad?**
a) Round ligament of liver
b) Falciform ligament
c) Coronary ligament
d) Ligamentum teres hepatis
Answer: b) Falciform ligament
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
293. Which of the following is not a
function of the rectus abdominis
a) Flexion of the thoracic spine
b) Compression of abdominal
c) Stabilization of the pelvis
d) Assisting in forced expiration
Answer: a) Flexion of the thoracic spine
Reference: snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
294. Which layer of the abdominal wall is
continuous with the fascia of the back and
provides support for the paravertebral
a) External oblique aponeurosis
b) Internal oblique aponeurosis
c) Transversalis fascia
d) Transversus abdominis muscle
Answer: c) Transversalis fascia
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
295. Which structure provides a passage
for the spermatic cord to travel from the
abdominal cavity to the scrotum in
a) Inguinal canal
b) Femoral canal
c) Obturator canal
d) Rectus sheath
Answer: a) Inguinal canal
Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 37
296. The most tubular part of stomach
which contains sphincters
a) pylorus
b) Body of stomach
c) pyloric antrum
d) Fundus
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
297. Reddish color , oval shaped and
largest single mass of lymphoid tissue
a) spleen
b) pancreas
c) liver
d) kidney
Correct option A
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
298. 3rd part of duodenum is also called
a) Ascending part
b) Horizontal part
c) Descending part
d) superior part
Correct option B
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
299. Two layered fold of peritoneum that
connect the stomach to another viscera is
a) Omenta
b) Mesenteries
c) Falciform ligament
d) porta hepatis
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
300. The part of duodenum containing
major duodenal papillae
a) 1st part
b) 2nd part
c) 3rd part
d) 4th part
Correct option D
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
301. Common Bile duct is formed by
a) cystic and pancreatic duct
b) cystic and Common hepatic duct
c) common hepatic and pancreatic duct
d) Right and left hepatic duct
Correct option B
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
302. Lesser sac of peritoneum lie behind
a) Liver
b) Kidney
c) spleen
d) stomach
Correct option D
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
303. The longitudinal muscle in the colon
restricted to three flat bands
a) Haustrum

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Week Three Quiz NSCI/280 Version 5 1 University of Phoenix Material Week Three Quiz Chapter 6 Skeletal System: Bones and Bone Tissue 1. Important functions of the skeletal system include  a. protection of the brain and soft organs. b. storage of water. c. production of Vitamin E. d. regulation of acid-base balance. e. integration of other systems. 2. Cartilage a. is composed of osteons. b. is surrounded by a membrane called the periosteum. c. contains chondrocytes located in lacunae. d. does not need nutrients and oxygen so it has no blood vessels. e. is well vascularized. 3. Collagen and calcium hydroxyapatite are the primary constituents of  a. bone matrix. b. hyaline cartilage. c. fibrous cartilage. d. ligaments. e. blood. 4. The primary function of osteoblasts is to  a. prevent osteocytes from forming. b. resorb bone along the epiphyseal plate. c. inhibit the growth of bone. d. stimulate bone growth. e. lay down bone matrix. 5. A cord of connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone is a  a. ligament. b. periosteum. c. endosteum. d. tendon. e. muscle spindle. 6. A passageway connecting neighboring osteocytes in an osteon is a  a. central canal. b. lamella. c. canaliculus. d. lacuna. e. osteocanal. 7. Which of the following is correctly matched?  a. short bone - carpal bone b. long bone – vertebra c. irregular bone – femur d. flat bone - phalanges of the toes e. short bone – humerus 8. What is the area where marrow is located?  a. epiphysis b. Sharpey's fibers c. growth plate d. medullary cavity e. endosteum 9. Which of the following events occurs last in intramembranous ossification?  a. Osteoprogenitor cells become osteoblasts. b. A membrane of delicate collagen fibers develops. c. Cancellous bone is formed. d. Periosteum is formed. e. Many tiny trabeculae of woven bone develop. 10. Which of the following statements regarding calcium homeostasis is true?  a. Parathyroid hormone inhibits osteoclast activity. b. When blood calcium levels are too low, osteoclast activity increases. c. Increased osteoblast activity increases blood calcium levels. d. Parathyroid hormone increases calcium loss from the kidney. e. Calcitonin elevates blood calcium levels. Chapter 7 Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy 1. Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton?  a. rib b. radius c. clavicle d. scapula e. coax 2. Which of the following bones are paired? (select two answers) a. vomer b. temporal c. sphenoid d. mandible e. maxilla 3. Which of the following bones contains a sinus?  a. Maxilla b. nasal bone c. occipital bone d. zygomatic bone e. temporal 4. Which of the following statements is true?  a. The first cervical vertebra is called the axis. b. The spinal cord protects the vertebral column. c. Thoracic vertebrae have long, thin spinous processes. d. The sacral vertebrae are superior to the lumbar vertebrae. e. Lumbar vertebrae are generally smaller than thoracic vertebrae. 5.

Form 4 Biology exam.docx
Form 4 Biology exam.docxForm 4 Biology exam.docx
Form 4 Biology exam.docx

This document contains instructions for a science exam consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions testing knowledge of integrated science. The exam has three sections: Section A has 20 multiple choice questions; Section B contains 5 short answer questions; and diagrams are provided for labeling. Students are instructed to write their name, answer all questions, and are encouraged to pray before beginning. The exam tests knowledge of topics including photosynthesis, the respiratory and circulatory systems, diffusion, and the cardiac cycle.


this all-in-one PDF guide designed to help you excel in various competitive exams. Packed with essential study materials, practice questions, and tips, this comprehensive guide covers a wide range of competitive exams, making it your go-to resource for exam preparation success. Whether you're preparing for entrance tests, government exams, or any other competitive assessment, this PDF book has you covered. Download it now and take a significant step towards achieving your academic and career goals.

Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 38
b) Appendix epiploica
c) Tiniae coli
d) plica circularis
Correct option C
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
304. which of the following divide liver
into left and Right Lobe
a) Falciform ligament
b) coronary ligament
c) Triangular ligament
d) Bare area
Correct option A
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
305. Left gastric artery arise from
a) Directly from aorta
b) splenic artery
c) celiac artery
d) superior mesenteric artery
Correct option C
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
306. All of Following are intraperitoneal
structures except
a) Stomach
b) Spleen
c) Kidney
d) Ileum
Correct option C
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
307. Regarding parts of Small intestine all
are true except
a) Duodenum
b) Jejunum
c) Colon
d) Ileum
Correct option C
Year 2023
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal
308. Kidneys extends from the level
a) 12th thoracic vertebrae to 3rd lumbar
b) 10th thoracic vertebrae to the 2nd
lumbar vertebrae
c) 11th lumbar vertebrae to 4th vertebrae
d) None of above
Correct option A
Year 2017
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal
309. _____ is slightly lower than the left
a) left kidney
b) Right kidney
c) Both are at same level
d) None of above
Correct option B
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
310. kidney are ____ long
a) 12 cm
b) 11 cm
c) 10 to 13 cm
d) None of above
Correct option C
Year 2022
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 39
311. Outer layer of kidney are surrounded
a) capsule
b) cortex
c) Medulla
d) None of above
Correct option A
Year 2022
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
312. kidney is composed of about _____
of functional units
a) 1- 4 million
b) 1- 3 million
c) 1 million
d) 4 million
Correct option C
Year 2016
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
313. Cup shaped structure of nephron is
a) Glomerulus capsule
b) Bowman capsule
c) Both A and B
d) None of above
Correct option B
Year 2017
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
314. Glomerulus filtration rate is about
a) 115 ml
b) 130 ml
c) 125 ml
d) 120 ml
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
315. Filtrate are formed each day by both
a) 200 L
b) 150 L
c) 100 L
d) 180 L
Correct option D
Year 2017
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
316. Ureters are about ____ long
a) 20 to 30 cm
b) 25 to 30 cm
c) 35 to 40 cm
d) None of above
Correct option B
Year 2017
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
317. Diameter of ureter is about
a) 3 to 4 mm
b) 6 mm
c) 3 mm
d) 5 mm
Correct option A
Year 2017
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
318. Stomach is ____ shaped organ
a) H shaped
b) D shaped
c) N shaped
d) None of above
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 40
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
319. Stomach have ____ parts
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
320. Stomach have ____ sphincters
a) 2
b) 3
c) 0
d) None of above
Correct option A
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
321. Small intestine is ___ long
a) 6m
b) 7m
c) 5.5 m
d) None of above
Correct option c
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
322. Small intestine is divided into ___
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Correct option B
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
323. Hepatopancreatic ampulla opens into
a) ilium
b) Jejunum
c) Duodenum
d) None of above
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
324. small intestine is about ___ long
a) 1.5 m
b) 2.5 m
c) 2 m
d) None of above
Correct option D
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
325. Diameter of Large intestine is about
a) 5.5 cm
b) 6.5 cm
c) 7.5 cm
d) 4.8 cm
Correct option D
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
326. junction between large intestine and
small intestine is called
a) iliocaocal valve
b) Jejuniocaocal valve
c) deudonocaocal valve
d) None of above
Correct option A
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 41
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
327. The colon have ____ parts
a) 3
b) 2
c) 5
d) 4
Correct option D
Year 2017
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
328. weight of pancreas is about
a) 60-100 g
b) 70 g
c) 80 g
d) None of above
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
329. Pancreas are about ____ long
a) 10 to 16 cm
b) 12 to 15 cm
c) 8 to 12 cm
d) None of above
Correct option B
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
330. All are retroperitoneal organs except
a) Duodenum
b) Kidney
c) pancreas
d) spleen
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
331. Two yellowish organs that lie on the
upper poles of the kidney are
a) pituitary gland
b) suprarenal gland
c) Thymus gland
d) Thyroid gland
Correct option B
Year 2018
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
332. A thin serous membrane that lines the
walls of abdomen and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a) Mesentery
b) mesoappendix
c) Omenta
d) peritoneum
e) None of above
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
333. Largest gland in the body is
a) Liver
b) pituitary gland
c) Thymus gland
d) Thyroid gland
e) None of above
Correct option A
Year 2020
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
334. The liver may be divided into a large
right Lobe by the attachment of the
peritoneum of the ligament is ?
a) Falciform ligament
b) ligamentum teres
c) Caudate Lobe
d) ligamentum venosus
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell

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Upper limb mcqs
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Upper limb mcqs

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upper limb mcqsanatomyupper limb
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 42
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
335. 1st part of small intestine is
a) Jejunum
b) ilium
c) Duodenum
d) colon
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
336. The dome shaped full of gas part of
stomach is
a) Antrum
b) Body of stomach
c) Fundus
d) cardiac orifice
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
337. A tubular structure that joins the
pharynx to the stomach is ?
a) Esophagus
b) crania
c) cricoid cartilage
d) Trachea
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
338. A muscular tube that extends from the
kidney to posterior surface of bladder is ?
a) epididymis
b) seminal vesicles
c) ureter
d) urinary bladder
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
339. Dilated part of the alimentary canal
between the esophagus and small intestine
is called?
a) spleen
b) Kidney
c) Large intestine
d) stomach
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
340. The stomach is dialated part of
alimentary canal between esophagus and
the ___
a) Large intestine
b) pharynx
c) rectum
d) small intestine
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
341. because left lobe of liver is smaller
than the right so
a) left kidney is higher then right
b) left kidney is lower than right
c) Both kidneys are at same level
d) None of above
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
342. The short gastric veins and the left
gastroepiploic vein joins the
a) Gastric vein
b) Hepatic vein
c) iliac vein
d) splenic vein
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 43
343. Villi are absent in
a) small intestine
b) Large intestine
c) Appendix
d) cecum
e) E colon
Correct option B
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
344. Liver is divided into
a) 5 lobes
b) 2 lobes
c) 4 lobes
d) 3 lobes
Correct option B
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
345. A soft mass of lymphatic tissue that
occupies the left upper part of the
abdomen between the stomach and the
diaphragm is
a) pancreas
b) liver
c) gall bladder
d) spleen
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
346. Diameter of Large intestine is about
a) 5.5cm
b) 6.5cm
c) 7.5cm
d) 4.8 cm
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
347. hepatopancreatic ampulla opens into
a) Ilieum
b) Jejunum
c) Duodenum
d) colon
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
348. weight of kidney is :
a) 300 g
b) 170 g
c) 200 g
d) 150 g
Correct option D
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
349. The largest lymphoid tissue is
a) Appendix
b) Spleen
c) Thymus
d) liver
Correct option B
Year 202
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
350. superior epigastric vein is a branch of
a) Femoral vein
b) saphenous vein
c) pudendal vein
d) Superior mesenteric vein
Correct option
Year 202
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 44
351. Right Gastric artery is branch of
a) splenic artery
b) left gastric artery
c) Hepatic artery
d) celiac artery
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
352. Left gastric artery is branch of
a) celiac artery
b) splenic artery
c) superior mesenteric artery
d) colic artery
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
353. spleen is located ___ to stomach
a) Anterior
b) posterior
c) superior
d) supero-inferioir
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
354. The greater curvature of stomach
provides space for the attachment of
a) Greater omentum
b) lesser omentum
c) inferior mesenteric
d) superior mesenteric
e) visceral peritoneum
Correct option A
Year 2020
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
355. The opening between esophagus and
stomach is known as
a) cardiac orifice
b) papilla
c) pyloric orifice
d) pyloric sphincter
Correct option A
Year 2020
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
356. Blood supply to the skin of abdomenal
cavity is from
a) Bronchial artery
b) Epigastric artery
c) Lumbar artery
d) intercostal artery
Correct option B
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
357. The superior fascia of abdomenal
cavity is divided into
a) 2 layers
b) 3 layers
c) 4 layers
d) 5 layers
Correct option A
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
358. Deep membranous layer of abdomen
a) Superficial layer
b) Fascia of camper
c) Fascia of scarpa
d) serous membrane
Correct option B
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
359. Gallbladder
a) divided into 4 part
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 45
b) has capicity of about 70 ml
c) drains through cystic, hepatic and
celiac ymph nodes
d) neck is continuous with portal vein
Correct option C
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
360. Location of spleen in abdomen is
a) Epigastrium
b) left hypochondriac region
c) left iliac fossa
d) Right hypochondria
e) Right iliac fossa
Correct option B
Year 202
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
361. following structures are present in
porta hapatis except
a) hepatic vein
b) portal vein
c) hepatic artery
d) Peyer's patches
Correct option D
Year 202
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
362. All of Following are veins which
drain the stomach except
a) gastroepiploic artery
b) gastroduodenal artery
c) Right Gastric artery
d) short gastric artery
Correct option B
In Year 202
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
363. All of the following are Retroperitoneal
organs except
a) Cisterna chyli
b) sympathetic trunk
c) ureter
d) Duodenum
Year 202
Correct Option
Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions
Richard S.Snell
Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity

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Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology.pdfEssentials of Anatomy and Physiology.pdf
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology.pdf

This document provides a table of contents for a textbook on anatomy and physiology. It lists the chapter titles and section numbers that will be covered in the book. The chapters cover topics like tissues and organs, the blood, solutions, genetic diseases, the skin, muscles, the nervous system, senses, the endocrine system, blood disorders, the cardiovascular system, and more. It also notes that clinical applications discussed in the book will be set apart from the main text in boxed inserts.

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology ( PDFDrive ).pdf
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology ( PDFDrive ).pdfEssentials of Anatomy and Physiology ( PDFDrive ).pdf
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology ( PDFDrive ).pdf


Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 46
364. Regarding hip joint one of the following is
true ; ( year : 2023)
a) Synovial joint
b) Syndosmosis
c) Cartilaginous joint
d) Fibrous joint
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8, topic : pelvic joints
365. Which of the following forms
the posterior border of pelvic inlet ; (
year : 2023)
a) Symphysis pubis
b) Arcuate line
c) Tip of the coccyx
d) Sacral promontory
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , topic : biological sex
366. The iliam, ischium and pubis
form the ;
a) Shoulder
b) Hip bone
c) Femur bone
d) None of the above
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , topic : hip bone
367. The which is the upper
flattened part of the bone, possesses
the illiac crest ;
a) Ilium
b) Pubis
c) Ischium
d) Ilium and pubis
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , topic : lateral pelvic wall.
368. The can be divided into a
body , a superior ramus and an inferior
a) Pubis
b) Ischium
c) Ilium and pubis
d) Ilium
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , topic : lateral pelvic wall.
369. On the outer surface of the hip
bone is a deep depression called the;
a) Trochanter
b) Tuberosity
c) Acetabulum
d) Glenoid fossa
Correct option : C
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 ,, topic : lateral pelvic wall
370. Hip joint is a type of ;
a) Ball and socket
b) Pivot
c) Saddle
d) Gliding
Correct option :A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , general .
371. Pelvic joints and ligaments ;
a) The sacroiliac joint is a fibrous joint
between the auricular surface of the ilium
and sacrum
b) The wedge shape of the sacrum contributes
to it's stability
c) The coccygeous muscle lie on the pelvic
surface of the sacrotuberous ligament
d) The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous
ligaments enclose the greater sciatic
e) The iliolumbar ligament is V-shaped with
the apex attached to L5
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
topic : sacrotuberous and sacrospinous
372. Pelvic joints and ligaments ;
a) Muscle of the pelvis include obturator
externus and piriformis
b) Piriformis arises from the lower third
part of the sacrum
c) The sigmoid colon becomes the
section at the level of the 4th part of
the sacrum
d) The rectum has no mesentery
e) The pelvic brim follows the line of the
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 47
pubic crest ,pectineal line of pubis ,
iliac crest and ala and promentary of
the sacrum
Correct option :D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , general.
373. emale pelvis is adapted for
childbearing with an increased with
brim ;
a) Square
b) Pyramid
c) Rounded
d) Rectangle
Correct option : C
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , topic : biological sex
differences .
374. Acetabulum , ischial tuberosity and
ischial spine are parts of ;
a) Ilium
b) Ischium
c) Pubic bone
d) Iliac fossa
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 topic : hip bone
375. Angle between the inferior rami of the
pubic bone:
a) Inferior rami
b) Superior rami
c) Pubic symphysis
d) Sub pubic angle
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , general .
376. Sacrum is made up of fused bones:
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , topic : sacrum
377. Prominent upper margin of first sacral
vertebrae, projectsinwards:
a) Ala of sacrum
b) Sacral promontory
c) Wings of sacrum
d) Hollow of sacrum
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy,
chapter# 8 , topic : sacrum
378.They connect the spine to the pelvis &
are the strongest joints in body:
a) Pubic symphysis joint
b) Sacrococcygeal joint
c) Sacro iliac joints
d) Sacro ischial joint
Correct option : C
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy, chapter
# 8 , topic : pelvic joints
379. The ligament run from sacrum to the
ischial tuberosity:
a) Sacro iliac ligament
b) Sacro tuberous ligament
c) Pubic ligament
d) Sacro spinus ligament
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : sacrotuberous ligament
380. It is formed by the upper flared out portion
of the ilium:
a) False pelvis
b) True pelvis
c) Ischial tuberosity
d) Pubic symphysis
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8,topic : false pelvis
381. levator ani does not include:
a) coccygeus.
b) levator prostate.
c) puborectalis.
d) pubococcygeus.
e) iliococcygeus.
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : levator Ani muscle
382. The pelvic diaphragm:
a) Encloses the whole inferior aperture of the
b) Is located in the anal triangle.
c) Consists of levator ani, sphincter ani
externus, superior and inferior fascia of
pelvic diaphragm.
d) Can support the pelvic viscera.
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : pelvic diaphragm
383. The area of pelvis below the pelvic brim &
above the pelvic outlet:
a) True pelvis
b) False pelvis
c) Perineum
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 48
d) Anal canal
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic pelvis
384. Anterior boundary of pelvic outlet:
a) Superior margin of pubic symphysis
b) Inferior margin of pubic symphysis
c) Coccyx
d) Ischial tuberosity
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy, chapter #
8, topic : pelvic outlet .
385. Posterior boundary of pelvic inlet:
a) Pubic symphysis
b) Linea terminalis
c) Sacrum
d) Ischial tuberosity
Correct option : C
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : pelvic inlet .
386. The pelvis occurs frequently in men:
a) Android
b) Gynaecoid
c) Anthropoid
d) Platypelloid
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 topic : biological sex differences.
387. The pelvis in which childbirth is difficult:
a) Gynaecoid
b) Android
c) Anthropoid
d) Platypelloid
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : female pelvis .
388. Which of the following structures is
located between the ischial spine and the
ischial tuberosity;
a) obturator foramen
b) lesser sciatic notch
c) acetabular notch
d) pubic arch
e) arcuate line
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : pelvic walls.
389. The lateral part of the superior ramus of
the pubis forms which of the following
structures ;
a) iliopubic eminence
b) pubic tubercle
c) pecten pubis
d) anterior inferior iliac spine
e) acetabulum
Correct option : E
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : hip bone
390. All of the following structures provide
boundaries for the pelvic inlet EXCEPT
a) inferior ramus of the pubis
b) sacral promontory
c) anterior border of the ala of the sacrum
d) arcuate line of the ilium
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : pelvic inlet .
391. Weak areas of the pelvis include all of the
following EXCEPT ;
a) ischial tuberosities
b) alae of the ilium
c) pubic rami
d) sacroiliac joint
e) acetabulam
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , , topic : sacroiliac joint
392. All of the following arteries enter the true
pelvis EXCEPT ;
a) internal iliac
b) median sacral
c) superior rectal
d) ovarian
e) testicular
Correct option : E
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8,
topic : pelvic arteries.
393. Which of the following arteries is
considered to be the artery of the pelvis ;
a) obturator
b) pudendal
c) uterine
d) internal iliac
e) sacral
Correct option : D
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : internal iliac artery
394. Which of the following arteries arises
from the anterior division of the internal
iliac ;
Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 49
a) superior rectal
b) iliolumbar msuperior
c) Gluteal mgonadal
d) obturator
Correct option : E
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : internal iliac artery
395. All of the following osseofibrous
structures mark the boundaries of the
perineum EXCEPT ;
a) pubic symphysis
b) inferior pubic rami
c) sacrospinous ligament
d) ischial tuberosities
e) ischial rami
Correct option : C
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , general
396. The perineum is divided into two
triangles by drawing a transverse line
between which of the following structures
a) anterior ends of the ischial tuberosities
b) coccyx to pubic tubercles
c) inferior iliac spines to pubic symphysis
d) medial ends of inguinal ligament to tip
of coccyx sacrum to pubic symphysis
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy ,
chapter # 8 , general MCQ MCQ
397. The ligament connects the back of the
sacrum to the ischial tuberosity ;
a) Sacrospinous
b) Sacrotuberous
c) Ischiofemoral
d) Iliofemoral
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : sacrotuberous ligament
398. The four vertebrae fused together to form a
small triangular bone called;
a) Coccyx
b) Hilum
c) Sacrum
d) Scapula
e) Skull
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8,
topic : coccyx
399. Which bone consist of five rudimentary
vertebrae fused together to form a single
wedge shaped bone with a forward concavity
is ;
a) Coccyx
b) Hip bone
c) Sacrum
d) Vertebral column
e) None of above
Correct option : C
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8, topic : coccyx
400. Insertion of piriformis muscle ; ( year :
2023 )
a) Greater trochanter of femur
b) Lesser trochanter of femur
c) Pubic tubercle
d) Inguinal ligament
Correct option : A
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8, topic : pelvic wall and floor muscles
401. Shape of obstetrical outlet is:
a) Oval
b) Diamond
c) Pyramid
d) Round
Correct option : B
Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter #
8 , topic : pelvic outlet.
402. The neck of bladder lies inferiorly and
rests on upper surface of
a) Thyroid
b) pituitary
c) pineal
d) Thymus
e) prostate
Correct options:E
Year 2019
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
(urinary bladder)
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
403. The widest part of uterine tube is
a) isthmus
b) infundibulum
c) Fimbriae
d) Ampulla

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Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 50
e) All
Correct option: D
Year 2019
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
(uterine tube )
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
404. The part of the uterus that lies above
the uterine tube called
a) fundus
b) body
c) cervix
d) vagina
e) ampulla
Correct option:A
Year 2019
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
405. The narrow part of the uterine tube is
a) ampulla
b) infundibulum
c) Fimbriae
d) isthmus
e) intramural
Correct option:D
Year 2019
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
(uterine tube)
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
406. Ureters are layers
a) 4 layers
b) 2 layers
c) 3 layers
d) 5 layers
Correct option: C
Year 2017
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
407. Diameter of ureter is about
a) 4mm
b) 6mm
c) 3mm
d) 5mm
Correct option: B
Year 2017
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
Book Snell clinical anatomy by regions
408. ureters are long
a) about 20 to 30 cm
b)25 to 30cm
c)35 to 40cm
Correct option: A
Year 2017
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
409. Bladder is roughly shaped
a) apple
b) oval
c) pear
d) none
Correct option: C
Year 2017
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
(urinary bladder)
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
410. Female urethra is approximately long
c) 6cm
Correct option: A
Year 2017
Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic
(female urethra)
Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions
411. A fibromuscular gland that surrounds
the prosthetic urethra is
a) Epididymis
b) prostate gland
c) scrotum
d) tunica albuginae
Correct option : B
Year 2017
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Book Allied Health Sciences kmu MCQs.docx

  • 2. AUTHOR'S NOTE In the realm of education, knowledge becomes the key that unlocks numerous doors of opportunity. As a student, researcher, and lifelong learner, I am thrilled to present to you a book that encapsulates the essence of knowledge acquisition and assessment: "Muazzam Publications (Past Papers MCQs for BS Nursing, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and All Allied Health Sciences Disciplines for KMU Students)." I, Dr. Muazzam Saeed, have embarked on a journey to illuminate the significance of past paper multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as a powerful tool in the arsenal of education. Within these pages, my aim is to explore and celebrate the multifaceted features of MCQs and their transformative impact on the learning landscape. Features of this book: 1. These MCQs have been entirely chosen and added on a recall basis from past exams with amendments to fulfill KMU rules , regulations and copyright policies. 2. With each MCQ, we have provided the correct option. 3. The most noteworthy feature we have added is the book and page reference with each MCQ. 4. Each MCQ includes the year in which it was examined. 5. It is made clear that these MCQs have been entirely added on a Recall basis. I wish to extend special thanks to MOHIB AFRIDI (KMU - Emergency Technology) and SHAHAB AHMAD KHAN (KMU - Radiology Technology) for their invaluable assistance. I also highly appreciate all the students who aided us in achieving this goal. Let us embark on this journey of exploration and enlightenment together, celebrating the past paper MCQs that shape our understanding and propel us toward a brighter future. DR.MUAZZAM SAEED (CEO, Nova Tech & Muazzam Publications) Gomal Medical College
  • 3. LIS OF CONTENTS S No Heading Page No 1. ANATOMY 1 2. PHYSIOLOGY 81 3. BIO CHEMISTRY 126 4. COMPUTER 249 5. ENGLISH 282 6. ISLAMAIT (‫)اسالمیات‬ 319 7. PAK STUDY (‫پاکستان‬ ‫)مطالعہ‬ 343
  • 4. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 1 ANATOMY
  • 5. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 2 GENERAL ANATOMY 1. Ipsilateral means, organs which are________? a. the same side of the body b. On the right side of the body c. On the different side of the body d. On the left side of the body Correct Option: On the same side of the body. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms related to position, Year: 2016. 2. The terms superior indicates. a Cranial b Cephalic c Both a and b d None Correct Option: Both a and b. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms related to position. 3. The nose is on the _______ side of the head. a Anterior b Posterior c Lateral d Medial Correct Option: Anterior. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms related to position. 4. Supine means. a Is lying on the back b Is lying on head c Is lying on face downward d Is lying on foot Correct Option: Is lying on the back. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms related to position. 5. When thigh is taken away from the median plane. a Abduction b addiction c Rotation d None Correct Option: Abduction. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Movements ( lower limb). 6. Proximal is_______ to the core. a Closer b Away c Far from d None Correct Option: Closer. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Terms related to position. 7. Choose the correct vertebral formula of vertebral column of human being. a C7 Th13 L4 S5 C4 b C7 Th12 L5 S5 C4 c C7 Th13 L5 S4 C4 d C7 Th12 L5 S5 C4 Correct Option: C7 Th12 L5 S5 Co4. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back,, Chap no: 2, Topic: Vertebrae, Year: 2020. 8. Skin is divided into parts. a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 Correct Option: 2.
  • 6. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 3 Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Skin. 9. The pull of the muscle also causes dimpling of the skin surface, so called. a Goose flesh b Goose pimples c Both d None Correct Option: Both. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1. 10. Backward bending is called. a Extension b Flexion c Rotation d None Correct Option: Extension. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Movements in the Trunk. 11. Bone is a Living tissue b Non living tissue c In organic d Mater Correct Option: Living. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone. 12. Bundles of collagen fibers known as a short fibers b long fibers c Sharpey's fibers d strong fibers Correct Option: Sharpey's fibers. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone. 13. Shorts bones are found in. a Hand b Foot c Both d None Correct Option: Both. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Short Bones. 14. Shorts bones are covered with. a Periosteum b Omentum c fibrous band d Aponeurosis Correct Option: Periosteum. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Short Bones. 15. Vault of the skull is formed by. a Long bone b Short bone c Flat bone d Irregular bone Correct Option: Flat bone. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Flat bone. 16. Examples of flat bones are. a Scaphoid and lunar b Talus and calcaneum c Frontal and parietal d Femur and tibia Correct Option: Frontal and parietal. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Flat bone. 17. Yellow bone marrow begins to appear in the distal bone of the limbs at about age a 7 years b 8 years c 9 years d 10 years Correct Option: 7 years. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, , Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone marrow.
  • 7. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 4 18. Cartilage is form of a Collagen fibers b Muscular tissue c Connective tissue d None Correct Option: Connective tissue. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Cartilage. 19. Pelvic bone is the example of a Irregular bone b Small bone c Flat bone d Long bone Correct Option: Irregular bone. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Irregular bone. 20. Total axial skeleton bones are a 70 b 80 c 90 d 100 Correct Option: 80. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Classification of bones. 21. Largest sesamoid bone is a Patella( knee cap) b Elbow joint c Shoulder joint d None. Correct Option: Patella( knee cap). Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Sesamoid bone. 22. Synchondroses are a Immovable b Movable c Partially movable d Both a and b Correct Option: Immovable. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Cartilage joint. 23. Stability of joints depends on_ factors. a Three b Four c Five d Six Correct Option: Three. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Joint Stability. 24. Bone develops by__________ processes. a Two b Three c Four d Five Correct Option: Two. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: 1, Topic: Bone development. 25. Long bones of the limb develops very slowly and not completed at the age of. a 15 to 17 years b 16 to 18 years c 17 to 19 years d 18 to 20 years Correct Option: 18 to 20 years. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Chap no: , Topic: Bone development. 26. Appendicular skeleton consists of how many bones. a 126 b 127 c 128 d 129 Correct Option: 126. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Classification of bones.
  • 8. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 5 27. A large cavity within a bone is called. a Sinus b Condyle c Both a and b d None Correct Option: Sinus. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Cavities. 28. It is means. a Inflammation b appendicitis c dermatitis d Arthritis Correct Option: Inflammation. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Terms used in clinical anatomy 29. Dystrophy means. a Decrease in size b Decrease in number c Decrease in cell d Decrease in tissue Correct Option: Decrease in size. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Terms used in clinical anatomy. 30. Loss of pain sensibility is called. a Analgesia b Anesthesia c Both d None Correct Option: Analgesia. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Introduction, Topic: Terms used in clinical anatomy. 31. Bones stores_______ % of the body calcium and phosphate. a 95 b 96 c 97 d 98 Correct Option: 97%. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Bones function. 32. Axial skeleton includes. a Skull b Vertebral column c cage d All Correct Option: All. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Regional classification. 33. According to Wolff's law the bone formation is________ proportional to stress and strain. a Directly b Inversely c Equally d None Correct Option: Directly. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Structural classification. 34. Dentin and cement occurs in. a Skull b Leg c Teeth d Leg Correct Option: Teeth. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Structural classification (microscopically). 35. Medullary cavity is filled with______ bone marrow. a Red b Yellow c Both d None Correct Option: Both. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Gross structure of an adult long bone.
  • 9. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 6 36. How many type if cartilage we have. a 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 Correct Option: 3. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Types of cartilage. 37. In rickets which vitamins deficiency occurs. a Vit D b Vit E c Vit A d Vit B Correct Option: Vitamin D. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Skeleton, Topic: Fracture. 38. ______ is a junction between two or more bones or cartilage. a Joint b Fibrous cartilage c Cartilaginous cartilage d None Correct Option: Joint. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Definition of join. 39. Sutures are. a Immovable b Movable c Both d None Correct Option: Immovable. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Fibrous joint. 40. A typical vertebra consists of a__ body. a Rounded b Oval c Spherical d Both a and b Correct Option: Rounded. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Chap no: 2, Topic: Vertebrae. 41. The second cervical vertebra is called. a Atla b Axis c Sacral d Coccyx Correct Option: Axis. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Chap no: 2, Topic: Vertebrae. 42. Coccyx usually consists of _______ vertebrae. a Four b Five c Six d Seven Correct Option: Four. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Chap no: 2, Topic: Coccyx. 43. Gomphosis is. a Peg joint b Socket joint c Both d None Correct Option: Both. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Fibrous joint. 44. Elbow joint is the example of. a Hinge joint b pivot joint c plane joint d Ball and socket joint Correct Option: Hinge joint. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, 66, Topic: Classification of Synovial joint. 45. Ellipsoid joint example is. a Wrist joint b Knee joint c Sacroiliac
  • 10. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 7 d Costovertebral Correct Option: Wrist joint. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Ellipsoid joint. 46. Shoulder joint is the example of. a Saddle joint b Pivot joint c Ball and socket joint d Hinge joint Correct Option: Ball and socket joint. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Ball and socket joint. 47. Male surface which is larger in. a Surface b Axis c Position d None Correct Option: Surface. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Terminology and definition. 48. Movement of bone is one axis is called. a Uni axial b Bi axial c Multi axial d Both a and b Correct Option: Uni axial. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Terminology and definition. 49. Bending and straightening are called. a Abduction and addiction b Flexion and extension c Both d None Correct Option: Flexion and extension. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Terminology and definition. 50. The principles of distribution of nerves to joints were first described by. a Charles's b Hilton c Newton d Mendel Correct Option: Hilton. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Joints, Topic: Nerves supply to Synovial joint. 51. Muscules is a ________ tissue. a Contractile tissue b Non Contractile tissue c Both d None Correct Option: Contractile. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Muscles, Topic: Muscle definition. 52. How many types of muscles we have. a Two b Three c Four d Five Correct Option: Three. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Muscules, Topic: Types of Muscules. 53. The origin is usually_____ to insertion. a Proximal b Distal c Medial d Lateral Correct Option: Proximal. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Muscules, Topic: Parts of a muscule. 54. The entire central nervous system (brain plus spinal cord )is surrounded by ______ meninges. a Three b Four c Five d Six Correct Option: Three. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Topic: Spinal cord meninges.
  • 11. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 8 55. The outermost meninges is called the. a Pua mater b Arachnoid mater c Dura mater d None Correct Option: Dura mater. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Topic: Dura mater. 56. Filum terminale externum is the ligament of which Vertebrae. a Thoracic ligament b Lumbar ligament c Sacral ligament d Coccyx ligament Correct Option: Coccygeal ligament. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Topic: Pia mater. 57. Cerebrospinal fluid is____ color fluid. a Blue b Colorless c Red d White Correct Option: Colorless. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Topic: Cerebrospinal fluid. 58. Cerebrospinal fluids circulates through. a Ventricular system b Circulatory system c Both d None Correct Option: Ventricular system. Reference: Snell anatomy, Chap: The back, Topic: Cerebrospinal fluid. 59. When a muscules contracts, it shortens by_______ of its belly-length, and brings about a movement. a One-third(20%) b One-third (30%) c One-third (40%) d aone-third (50%) Correct Option: One-third(30%). Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Muscules, Topic: Actions of Muscules. 60. Two or more more muscules causing one movement are. a Synergist b Fixators c Opponents d Prime movers Correct Option: Synergist. Reference: Book BD Chaurasia, Chap: Muscles, Topic: Actions of muscules.
  • 12. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 9 THORACIC WALL 61. The thoracic wall is formed by the:(2019) a)Ribs, sternum, and vertebral column b)Pelvic bones and sacrum c)Clavicle and scapula d)Femur and tibia Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy; topic:thoracicwall. 62. Which of the following is NOT a function of the thoracic wall?(2020) a)Protecting internal organs b)Assisting in breathing c)Supporting thearms d)Anchoring the abdominal muscles Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy,topic:thoracic wall. 63. The primary muscle responsible for breathing during quiet respiration ist he:(2018.2019) a)Rectus abdominis b)Diaphragm c)Pectoralis major d)Trapezius Correct Option: B Reference:snells anatomy;,topic:thoracic wall. 64. The costal cartilages connect the ribs to the:(2020) a)Sternum b)Spine c)Clavicle d)Scapula Correct Option:A Reference :snells anatomy; ,topic:thoracic wall. 65. The inter costal muscles are located between the:(2021) a)Ribs b)Clavicles c)Scapulae d)Vertebral column Correct Option:A Reference :snells anatomy ;topic:thoracic wall. 66. The thoracic wall provides attachment points for muscles involved in:(2017) a)Digestion b)Locomotion c)Vision d)Respiration Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall. 67. Thoracic inlet is also known as the(2019) a)Supraclavicular fossa b)Inguinal ligament c)Popliteal space d)Antecub italregion Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall (thoracic openings). 68. The thoracic wall is madeup of how many pairs of ribs?(2020) a)10 b)12 c)14 d)16 Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall (Ribs).
  • 13. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 10 69. The phrenic nerves play a role in:(2022) a)Heart rate regulation b)Motor control of the diaphragm c)Smell and taste perception d)Control of abdominal muscles Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, topic :thoracic wall (Diapghram). 70. The part of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles is the:(2019) a)Manubrium b)Body(gladiolus) c)Xiphoid process d)Acromion Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy,topic:thoracic wall(sternum). 71. The costal groove is found on the inferior border of the rib and contains the:(2021) a)Intercostal vein, artery and nerve b)Vagusnerve c)Sub clavian artery d)Aorta Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall(Ribs). 72. The vertebral level of the sternal angle (angle of Louis) corresponds to the inter vertebral disc between:(2018) a)T2 and T3 b)T4 and T5 c)T6 and T7 d)T10 and T11 Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall(vertebrae). 73. Which structure plays a key role in equalizing air pressure between the thoracic cavity and the outside environment?(2020) a)Diaphragm b)Inter costal muscles c)Pectoral muscles d)Epiglottis Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy ,topic: thoracic wall(Diaphgram). 74. The cartilage that forms the tip of the sternum is called the:(2017) a)Xiphoid process b)Manubrium c)Clavicle d)Rib cartilage Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall (Sternum). 75. The primary muscle responsible for elevating the ribs during inspireation is the:(2020) a)Diaphragm b)Intercostal muscles c)Pectoralis major d)Trapezius Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy ,topic :thoracic wall (Muscles). 76. The thoracic wall provides attachment points for muscles involved in:(2019) a)Digestion b)Locomotion c)Vision d)Respiration Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy ,topic: thoracic wall(Diaphgram). 77. The region of the thoracic wall where the ribs attach to the vertebral column is known as the:(2018) a)Axillary region b)Costal region c)Clavicular region d)Scapular region
  • 14. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 11 Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, topic: thoracic wall (costal cartilages). 78. The structure that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities is the:(2019) a)Pectoral girdle b)Diaphragm c)Pleura d)Sternum Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy ,thoracic wall (diaphgram). 79. The costal marginis formed by the:(2022) a)Lower border of the sternum b)Upper border of the scapula c)Inferior border of the ribs d)Superior border of the pelvis Correct Option:C Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(Ribs). 80. The dome-shaped muscle responsible for inhalation and exhalation is the:(2018) a)Diaphragm b)Intercostal muscle c)Trapezius d)Rectus abdominis Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(Diaphgram). 81. The notch on the superior border of the manubrium that articulates with the clavicle is the:(2019) a)Sternal notch b)Xiphoid process c)Costal notch d)Jugular notch Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(Sternum). 82. The second rib articulates with the:(2021) a)First rib b)Sternum c)Fifth rib d)Second lumbar vertebra Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(sternum). 83. Which term refers to the movement of airinto and out of the lungs?(2018) a)Ventilation b)Circulation c)Perfusion d)Oxygenation Correct Option:A Reference: snellsanatomy, thoracicwall. 84. The cartilage that extends between the ribs and forms part of the anterior thoracic wall is called:(2017) a)Xiphoid process b)Manubrium c)Costalcartilage d)Acromion Correct Option:C Reference: snellsanatomy ,thoracicwall. 85. The muscular sheet that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities is the:(2021) a)Diaphragm b)Intercostal muscle c)Pectoralismajor d)Trapezius Correct Option:A Refrence: snells anatomy, thoracic wall. 86. The upper most portion of the sternum is known as the:(2019) a)Xiphoid process b)Manubrium c)Clavicle d)Body of sternum
  • 15. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 12 Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(sternum). 87. Which ribs are considered "floating ribs" in human anatomy?(2020) a)First two pairs b)Last two pairs c)Third to seventh pairs d)Eighth to twelfth pairs Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(Ribs). 88. The type of joint that connects the costal cartilages to the sternumisa:(2021) a) Hinge joint b) Saddle joint c)Ball-and-socketjoint d) Synovial joint Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (joints) 89. Which of the following is NOT a function of the thoracic wall?(2022) a)Protecting vital organs b)Facilitating breathing c)Supporting the arms d)Anchoring muscles for movement Correct Option:C Reference: snells anatomy; 2020,thoracic wall 90. The"sternal angle,"also known ast he"Angle of Louis," is an important landmark for locating the:(2021) a)Xiphoid process b)Manubrium c)Second rib d)Fifth intercostal space Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (sternum) 91. The muscles responsible for aiding in deep inspiration during exercise are the:(2020) a)Inter costal muscles b)External oblique muscles c)Internal oblique muscles d)Transversus abdominis muscles Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (Intercostal muscles). 92. The joint connecting the costal cartilages to the sternum allows for what type of movement?(2017) a)Flexion and extension b)Rotation c)Circumduction d)Gliding Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall. 93. The small,triangular depression on the inferior order of the sternum is called the:(2018) a)Xiphoid process b)Manubrium c) Sternal notch d) Subcostal angle Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(sternum). 94. The central end on of the diaphragm attaches to the:(2019) a) Vertebral column b)Sternum c)Ribs d)Clavicle Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall. 95. The primary muscle responsible for forcing air out of the lungs during active exhalation is the:(202202 a)Diaphragm
  • 16. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 13 b)Inter costal muscles c)Rectus abdominis d)Internal oblique Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (Muscles). 96. The angle formed by the junction of the manubrium and the body of the sternum is known as:(2020) a) Sternal notch b)Xiphoid process c) Jugular notch d)Sternal angle Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy ,thoracic wall(sternum) 97. The process of breathing that requires active muscle contractions is called:(2021) a)Quiet respiration b)Passive respiration c)Forced respiration d)Apnea Correct Option:C Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall. 98. The internal inter costal muscles are involved in:(2018) a)Elevating the ribs during inhalation b)Depressing the ribs during exhalation c)Stabilizing the clavicle d)Moving the scapula Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall. 99. The muscle that separate the thoracic and abdominal cavities And is involved in both respiration and maintaining intra- abdominal pressure is the:(2019) a)Inter costal muscle b)Pectoralis major c)External oblique d)Rectus abdominis Correct Option:C Reference : snells anatomy, thoracic wall (Muscles). 100. The thoracic wall provides attachment points for muscles that has role in:(2020) a)Loco motion b)Vision c)Digestion d)Respiration Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(Muscles). 101. The primary muscle responsible for inhalation during quiet respiration is the:(2019) a)Diaphragm b)Inter costal muscles c)External oblique d)Rectus abdominis Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(Diaphgram). 102. The cartilage that forms the tip of the sternum is the:(2019) a)Xiphoid process b)Manubrium c)Clavicle d) Rib cartilage Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(sternum). 103. The term"costovertebral joint"refers to the connection between:(2020) a)Ribsand sternum b)Ribsand spine c)Sternumand clavicle d)Scapula and humerus Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
  • 17. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 14 104. The primary muscle responsible for breathing during quiet respiration is the:(2022) a) Rectus abdominus b)Diaphragm c) Pectoralis major d)Trapezius Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall. 105. The costal cartilages connect the ribs to the:(2020) a)Sternum b)Spine c)Clavicle d)Scapula Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall. 106. The inter costal muscles are located Between the:(2017) a)Ribs b)Clavicles c)Scapulae d)Vertebral column Correct Option:A Reference: thoracic wall. 107. Which of the following structures form the superior boundary of the thoracic cavity?(2018) a)Diaphragm b)Ribcage c) Sternal angle d)Clavicle Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(thoracicinlet) 108. What is the primary function of the thoracic wall?(2021) a)Protection of abdominal organs b)Respiration and gas exchange c)Digestion of food d)Filtration of blood Correct Option:B Reference : snells anatomy ,thoracic wall(wall). 109. Which bone forms the posterior boundary of the thoracic cage?(2016) a)Clavicle b)Sternum c)Scapula d)Vertebra Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(vertebrae). 110. The main type of joint between the ribs and the vertebrae is:(2020) a)Synovial joint b)Ball-and-socketjoint c)Hinge joint d)Cartilaginous joint Correct Option:D Reference: snells anatomy ,thoracic wall(vertebrae). 111. How many pairs of true ribs are found in the human thoracic wall?(2020) a)7 b)10 c)12 d)5 Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy , thoracic wall (ribs). 112. The costal cartilages of the first seven pairs of ribs connect to the:(2021) a)Sternum b)Clavicle c)Scapula d)Vertebrae Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (ribs).
  • 18. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 15 113. Which intercostal space is located just below the clavicle?(2020) a)1st b)2nd c)3rd d)4th Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(ribs). 114. Which muscle is the primary muscle of respiration?(2017) a)Pectoralis major b)Deltoid c)Diaphragm d)Rectus abdominis Correct Option:C Refrence: snellsanatomy, thoracic wall(muscles). 115. The groove for the subclavian arteryis located on which rib?(2018) a)1st b)2nd c)3rd d)12th Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(artries). 116. The breast overlies which ribs?(2018) a)3rd to 7th b)4th to 8th c)2nd to 6th d)1st to 5th Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (ribs). 117. The sternal angle(angle of Louis) is located at the level of which vertebral body?(2019) a) T7 b) T4 c) T12 d) L1 Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (vertebrae). 118. The costal cartilage of the last two pairs of ribs is:(2019) a)Floating b)Articulated with the sternum c)Attached to the scapula d)Fused with the vertebral bodies Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (ribs). 119. Which muscle separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and aids in respiration?(2018) a)Diaphragm b)Pectoralis major c)Latissimus dorsi d)External oblique Correct Option:A Reference: snells anatomy, thoracic wall (muscles). 120. The sympathetic chain lies on which aspect of the vertebral bodies?(2019) a)Anterior b)Lateral c)Posterior d)Superior Correct Option:C Refrence: snells anatomy, thoracic wall(vertebrae). 121. The costovertebral joint is an example of which type of joint?(2020) a)Hinge joint b)Pivot joint c)Ball-and-socketjoint d)Plane joint Correct Option:D Refrence: snellsanatomy, thoracic wall(vertebrae).
  • 19. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 16 122. Which of the following structures passes through the diaphragm?(2019) a)Vagusnerve b)Spinalcord c)Brachialartery d)Femoralvein Correct Option:A Refrence: snellsanatomy, thoracic wall(diaphragm). 123. The internal thoracic artery is a branch of which major artery?(2020) a)Aorta b)Sub clavian artery c)Brachio cephalic ctrunk d)Commoniliac artery Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy ,thoracic wall(artries). 124. The primary muscle responsible for elevating the ribs during inspiration is the:(2017) a)External inter costal muscle b)Internal inter costal muscle c)Transversus thoracis muscle d)Serratu santerio rmuscle Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(muscles). 125. The thoracic duct drain slymphin to which major vein?(2020) a)Superior venacava b)Inferior venacava c)Azygosvein d)Sub clavianvein Correct Option:D Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(lympatics). 126. Which part of the sternum is most commonly used for sternal puncture in bone marrow aspiration?(2021) a)Manubrium b)Xiphoid process c)Sternalangle d)Body of the sternum Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(sternum). 127. The external jugular vein drains blood from the:(2022) a)Brain b) Face and scalp c) Upper extremity d)Abdominal organs Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (arteries and veins). 128. The groove for the subclavian vein is located on which rib?(2023) a)1st b)2nd c)3rd d)4th Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(artriesandveins). 129. Which ligament connects the xiphoid process to the umbilicus?(2022) a)Falci for mligament b)Round ligament c)Median umbilical ligament d)Suspensory ligament of the liver Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(daiphram). 130. The trans verse thoracic muscle attaches to whichs tructures?(2018) a)Ribs and sternum b)Scapula and clavicle c)Vertebral column and pelvis d)Diaphragm and liver Correct Option:A
  • 20. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 17 Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(muscles). 131. The thoracic wall is in nervated by intercostal nerves,which are branches of the:(2020) a) Vagus nerve b) Phrenic nerve c)Spinal accessory nerve d)Spinal nerves T1-T11 Correct Option:D Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall(daiphram). 132. Which structure separates the superior and inferior mediastinum?(2022) a)Diaphragm b)Trachea c)Pericardium d)Esophagus Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (sternum). 133. Which rib articulates with only on evertebral body?(2017) a)1st b)2nd c)7th d)12th Correct Option:D Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (ribs). 134. The pectoral branch of the thoraco acromial artery supplies blood to the:(2018) a)Arm b)Pectoral muscles c)Abdominal organs d)Pelvic organs Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (arteries and veins). 135. The manubrium articulates with which ribs?(2019) a)1st and 2nd b)2nd and 3rd c)3rd and 4th d)4th and 5th Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (manubrium). 136. The phrenicnerve originates from which spinal levels?(2018) a)C3-C5 b)C5-C7 c)C1-C2 d)T1-T4 Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (daiphram). 137. The thoracic wall is divided into how many layers?(2017) a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 Correct Option:C Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall (muscles). 138. Which muscle is responsible for rotating the scapula during arm movement?(2020) a)Serratus anterior b)Rhomboid major c)Trapezius d)Levator scapulae Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (muscles). 139. The superior border of the scapula is also called the:(2019) a)Axillary border b)Medial border c)Lateral border
  • 21. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 18 d)Superior angle Correct Option:D Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (structures). 140. Which nerve in nervates the serratusanterior muscle?(2017) a) Long thoracic nerve b) Axillary nerve c) Ulnar nerve d) Radial nerve Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (muscles table). 141. The serratus anterior muscle attaches to which part of the thoracic wall?(2018) a)Ribs b)Sternum c)Vertebralcolumn d)Scapula Correct Option:D Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (serratus anterior muscle). 142. The triangle of auscultation is bordered by which muscles?(2020) a)Trapezius ,latissimus dorsi ,rhomboid major b)Trapezius ,deltoid, pectoralis major c)Latissimus dorsi ,trapezius, serratus anterior d)Rhomboid major ,serratus anterior, pectoralis minor Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall (muscles). 143. Which structure passes through the triangle of a us cultation?(2019) a) Intercostal nerves b) Internal thoracic artery c) Axillary nerve d) Thoracic duct Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (muscles). 144. The external inter costal muscles are responsible for:(2020) a)Elevating the ribs during inspiration b)Depressing the ribs during expiration c)Stabilizing the scapula d)Flexing the vertebral column Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall (muscles). 145. The inter costal arteries and veins run between which structures?(2021) a)Ribs b)Vertebrae c)Sternum d)Scapula Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall (arteries and veins). 146. The sub costal nerveis typically found below which rib?(2022) a)1st b)10th c)12th d)8th Correct Option:C References: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (nerves). 147. The pectoral muscles are primarily responsible for:(2021) a)Abduction of the arm b)Adduction of the arm c)Flexion of the elbow d)Extension of the wrist Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (musles). 148. The internal thoracic vein drains blood into which major vein?(2016) a)Inferior vena cava
  • 22. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 19 b) Subclavian vein c)Brachiocephalic vein d)Superior vena cava Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (veins). 149. The transversus thoracis muscle is responsible for:(2017) a)Elevating the ribs during inspiration b)Depressing the ribs during expiration c)Rotating the vertebral column d)Flexing the neck Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (muscles). 150. The thoracic sympathetic chain ganglia are part of which division of the autonomic nervous system?(2020) a)Parasympathetic b)Somatic c)Sympathetic d)Central Correct Option:C Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (nerves) 151. The diaphragm is in nervated by which nerve?(2021) a) Vagus nerve b) Phrenic nerve c) Brachial plexus d) Femoral nerve Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (diaphragm). 152. The thoracic outlet syndrome involves compression of structures passing through the:(2022) a)Axilla b) Inguinal canal c) Popliteal fossa d) Carpal tunnel Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (clinicalnotes). 153. The costal cartilage of the 8th,9th,and10th ribs is attached to:(2019) a)Sternum b) Vertebral bodies c) Floating ribs d) Xiphoid ess Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy , thoracic wall (ribs). 154. The internal thoracic artery is located:(2018) a)Between the external and internal inter costal muscles b)Between the internal and innermost inter costal muscles c)Between the innermost inter costaland transversus thoracis muscles d)Between the transversus thoracis and diaphragm muscles Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (artries). 155. The costal groove on the rib accommodates the:(2020) a)Vein, artery, andnerve b)Artery andvein c)Nerve and lymphatic vessel d)Artery and lymphatic vessel Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (ribs). 156. The parietal pleura lines the:(2017) a) Lung surface b) Inner surface of the rib cage c)Heart surface d)Esophageal surface Correct Option:B Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall
  • 23. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 20 (diaphragm). 157. Which muscle is responsible for forced expiration?(2020) a)Diaphragm b)External inter costal muscles c)Internal inter costal muscles d)Transversus thoracis muscle Correct Option:C Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (muscles). 158. The subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery at the lateral border of which muscle?(2019) a) Pectoralis major b)Deltoid c)Latissimus dorsi d)Trapezius Correct Option:A Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall (artries) 159. The sternocostal joint between the sternum and the ribs is classified as a:(2018,2019) a)Synovial joint b)Fibrous joint c)Cartilaginous joint d)Ball-and-socket joint Correct Option:C Reference: Snells anatomy, thoracic wall.
  • 24. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 21 THORACIC CAVITY 160. On the outside of the heart at the junction between the right atrium and right auricle is a vertical groove called a) Crista terminalis b) Sulcus terminalis c) Musculi pectinate d) Chordae tendineae Correct option. B Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Right atrium. 161. The chamber of heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body a) Right atrium b) Right ventricle c) Left atrium d) Left ventricle Correct option. C Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart page 243 162. Median partition on thoracic cavity is a) Pleura b) Diaphragm c) Mediastinum d) Pericardium Correct option. C Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Thoracic cavity 163. Pericardium lies with in the a) Middle mediastinum b) Superior mediastinum c) Posterior mediastinum d) Anterior mediastinum Correct option. A Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum 164. One of the following is responsible for pumping of blood into the lungs a) Right atrium b) Left atrium c) Right ventricle d) Left ventricle Correct option. C Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart 165. Regarding Bronchopulmonary segments All are true Except a) Can be surgically removed without affecting the adjacent segments b) Are 10 in each lung c) Are aerated by terminal bronchioles d) Tributaries of pulmonary viens are intersegmental Correct option. B Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Beoncho pulmonary segments
  • 25. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 22 166. Origin of bronchial artery a) Phrenic artery b) Pulmonary artery c) Descending thoracic aorta d) Subclavian artery Correct option. C Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic blood supply 167. The structure which connect the cusp of tricuspid valve to papillary muscle a) Crista terminalis b) Sulcus terminalis c) Musculi pectinate d) Chordae tendineae Correct option. D Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Right ventricle 168. Apex of heart is mainly formed by a) Right atrium b) Right ventricle c) Left atrium d) Left ventricle Correct option. D Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Oreintation of heart 169. All are true regarding visceral pleura except a) Is pain sensitive b) Is supplied by autonomic nerves c) Lines the fissures of the lungs d) Is adherent to the surface of lung Correct option. A Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve Supply of Pleura 170. No of Bronchopulmonary segments in middle lobe of right lung a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 5 Correct option. B Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchopulomonary segnets 171. In conducting system of heart the impulse pause at a) AV Node b) SA Node c) Bundle of HIS d) Purkinje fibers Correct option. A Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Conductin System of heart 172. No of papillary muscles in left ventricle a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 Correct option. B Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Left Ventricle page 247 173. Fibrous pericardium is innervated by a) Phrenic nerve b) Intercostal nerves c) Vagus nerve d) Sympathetic trunk Correct option. A
  • 26. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 23 Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve supply of pericardium 174. Diaphragmatic surface of heart is formed mainly by the right and left ventricle and separated by a) Anterior interventricular groove b) Anterior atrioventricular groove c) Posterior interventricular groove d) Posterior atrioventricular groove Correct option. C Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Surfaces of heart 175. Left lung divided into a) 2 Lobes b) 3 Lobes c) 4 Lobes d) 5 Lobes Correct option. A Year. 2023 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs lobes 176. Inferior mediastinum lies between sternal angle and: a) Thoracic inlet b) Middle mediastinum c) Diaphragm d) Inferior mediastinum Correct option. C Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum. 177. Thoracic duct, trachea, and esophagus are present in: a) Anterior mediastinum b) Superior mediastinum c) Middle mediastinum d) Posterior mediastinum Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Superior Medistinum 178. Brachiocephalic veins pass through: a) Anterior mediastinum b) Middle mediastinum c) Superior mediastinum d) Inferior mediastinum Correct option. C Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity 179. Trachea is located at level of: a) C3 to T4 b) C4 to T2 c) C5 to T5 d) C6 to T5 Correct option. D Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Trachea. 180. What carries the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart? a) Atria b) Semilunar c) Aorta d) Pulmonary veins Correct option. D Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy ChapterThoracic Cavity Heart. 181. The trachea is lined internally with: a) Ciliated columnar epithelium b) Stratified columnar epithelium c) Simple columnar d) Pseudo-Stratified columnar epithelium Correct option. D Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
  • 27. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 24 Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Trachea 182. Trachea consists of number of cartilaginous rings: a) 15-16 b) 16-20 c) 18-22 d) 18-21 Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Trachea 183. The blood vessel bringing the deoxygenated blood from head and upper parts of the body into the heart is: a) Superior vena cava b) Inferior vena cava c) Coronary sinus d) Coronary vein Correct option. A Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Heart. 184. The esophagus positioned _______ to trachea: a) Laterally b) Superiorly c) Anteriorly d) Posteriorly Correct option. D Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Trachea 185. In which of the following chambers of the heart the Superior vena cava enters? a) Right atrium b) Left atrium c) Right ventricle d) Left ventricle Correct option. A Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart 186. Length of left bronchi: a) 3 cm b) 3.5 cm c) 4 cm d) 5 cm Correct option. D Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchi. 187. Left bronchi enters the hilum opposite to the: a) T3 vertebra b) T4 vertebra c) T5 vertebra d) T6 vertebra Correct option. D Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchi 188. Segmental bronchi are also known as: a) Primary bronchi b) Secondary bronchi c) Tertiary bronchi d) Lobar bronchus Correct option. C Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchi. 189. There is a bronchus present for each lobe of lung: a) Primary bronchi b) Secondary bronchi c) Tertiary bronchi d) Lobar bronchus Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
  • 28. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 25 Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchi 190. Trachea receives its blood supply from: a) Superior thyroid b) Inferior thyroid c) Middle thyroid d) Posterior thyroid Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Trachea. 191. The apex of lungs projects above: a) 1st rib b) 2nd rib c) 3rd rib d) 4th rib Correct option. A Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs 192. The mediastinal surface lies against the mediastinum: a) Superiorly b) Inferiorly c) Posteriorly d) Anteriorly Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum 193. The hilum, where structures: a) Enter b) Leave. c) Enter & leave d) Connects Correct option. C Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs 194. The potential space between the visceral and parietal layers of pleura is known as: a) The pleural cavity b) The visceral hang out place c) Peritoneal cavity d) The parietoplural plaza Correct option. A Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura. 195. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the placewhere pulmonary vessels, bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung: a) Root of lung b) Bronchioles c) Hilum d) A and C Correct option. C Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs 196. The pleural cavity Contains serous pleural fluid, which lubricates the pleural surfaces and allows the layers of pleura to slide smoothly over each other during respiration. a) True b) False Correct option. A Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura 197. The bronchi and parenchymal tissue of the lungs are supplied by: a) Pulmonary arteries b) Phrenic arteries c) Bronchial arteries d) Inferior bronchial arteries Correct option. C Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics
  • 29. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 26 Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve supplu of Lungs 198. Pleura is a membrane which folds back onto itself: a) Viscous b) Serous c) Hard d) Soft Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura 199. The inner pleura cover the lungs and adjoining structures: a) Parietal pleura b) Visceral pleura c) Serous membrane d) Rectal sheath Correct option. B Year. 2017/18 BS Paramedics Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura 200. All the following are in the Rt atrium, EXCEPT: a) azygos vein b) anterior cardiac vein c) coronary sinus d) SVC e) IVC Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Pleura Right atrium 201. Regarding Rt ventricle all the following are True, EXCEPT: a) have three papillary muscle b) the septomarginal trabecula (moderatorband) extend from the septum to the base o the anterior papillary muscle c) have a pectinate muscle which passes anteriorly d) The outflow portion of the champer inferior to the pulmonary orifice called infandibulum e) The infandibulum is smooth and the remainder of the ventricle is rough Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Right ventricle 202. X-ray of the Lt border of mediastinum show the following, EXCEPT: a) left auricle b) aortic arch c) pulmonary trunk d) left ventricle e) right atrium Correct option. E Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum 203. superior mediastinum shows all the following, EXCEPT: a) trachea b) ascending aorta c) arch of aorta d) left brachiocaphalic vein e) vagus nerve Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum 204. Regarding the Arch of the aorta, the incorrect statements is: a) Located in superior mediastinum b) Located below the brachiocaphalic vein c) Connected to the pulmonary trunk byligamentum arteriosum d) It is arches over the Lt main bronchus e) The Rt recurrent laryngeal nerves hocks around it Correct option. E Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart
  • 30. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 27 205. the correct statement about Thoracic duct is: a) it is enter to the thorax through caval opening b) it lies posterior to the esophagus in the superior mediastinum c) it lies in the superior & posterior mediastinum d) drain into Rt subclavian vein e) it receives the lymph from both lungs Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart 206. Regarding pericardium: a) visceral part supplied by phrenic nerve b) Fibrous pericardium consist of visceral & parietal parts c) serous pericardium down represent the attachment of central tendon of diaphragm d) Located laterally to the esophagus e) The oblique sinus is bounded anteriorly by the visceral layer of serous pericardium Correct option. E Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Pericardium 207. All the following are related posteriorly to the heart, EXCEPT: a) Oblique sinus b) Rt bronchus c) Thoracic aorta d) Lt vagus Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart 208. Regarding Rt main bronchus all the following are True, EXCEPT: a) wider than the Lt b) longer than the Lt c) more vertical than the Lt d) bacteria pass through it easily e) gives off the Rt superior lobe bronchi before entering the hilum Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Bronchi 209. Regarding the pleura the incorrect statement is: a) cervical part is above the clavicle b) diaphragmatic pleura supplied by intercostal nerves ONLY c) cervical pleura is crossed by subclavian vessels d) pleural cavity is a potential space e) the visceral & parietal pleurae are continuous around the root of the lung Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Pleura 210. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the place where pulmonary vessels, bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung? a) The hilum b) The helium c) The milum d) The ileum e) The jejunum Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs 211. Mediastinum, which lies between the pericardium and the vertebral column is a) anterior mediastinum b) inferior mediastinum c) middle mediastinum d) superior mediastinum e) posterior mediastinum Correct option. E Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Mediastinum 212. The heart is innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system via the a) Brachial plexus
  • 31. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 28 b) cardiac plexus c) femoral plexus d) Lumber plexus e) portal plexus Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Nerve supply of Heart 213. The upper two thirds of trachea are supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries and the lower third is supplied by the a) Axillary arteries b) Alveolar arteries c) Bronchial arteries d) Carotid artery e) Subclavian arteries Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Blood supply of Trachea 214. ____Large arteries supply to thoracic cavity a) Ascending aorta b) arch of aorta c) both A and B d) None of these Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Nerve Supply 215. Veins are supply to thoracic artery a) Superior vena cava b) Azygous vein c) both A and B d) None of these Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Blood supply 216. Heart are ________ long a) 10 cm b) 12 cm c) 15 cm d) both a and b Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart 217. Outer layer of heart is called a) Pericardium b) Myocardium c) Non of these d) Endocardium Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Heart 218. Trachea is divided at about the level of…………. Thoracic vertebra . a) T6 b) T7 c) T4 d) T5 Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Trachea 219. Left Lung have…………. Lobes. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity topic Lungs 220. Right Lung have………….. fissure. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1 Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs 221. Right bronchus is …………. Cm long a) 2cm b) 5cm c) 4cm d) None of the above. Correct option. D
  • 32. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 29 Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Bronchi 222. Lungs are surrounded by a) Pleura b) Pericardium c) Peritoneum d) All of the Above Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs 223. 49. Superior mediastinum contain all of the following accept? a) Thymus b) Heart c) Trachea d) Esophagus Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 224. Inferior mediastinum is divided by………….region. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) having no division. Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 225. The mediastinum contains all of the following except: a) Heart b) Trachea c) Great vessels d) Lungs Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 226. The lingula of the left lung is similar to which structure of right lobe: a) Superior lobe b) Inferior lobe c) Middle lobe d) Oblique fissure e) Horizontal fissure Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Lungs 227. The Heart is located in which division of mediastinum: a) Anterior portion of superior division b) Posterior portion of superior division c) Posterior portion of inferior division d) Middle portion of inferior division Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 228. The inferior boarder of the heart: a) Is primarily the left ventricle b) Is the right atrium c) Is primarily the right ventricle d) Is the junction where great vessels leave and enter the heart Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Borders Of Heart 229. At which intercostal space one able to auscultate the aortic valve: a) Left 4th or 5th intercostal space b) Left 2nd intercostal space c) Right 2nd intercostal space d) The aortic valve cannot be auscultated Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart 230. Which of the following correctly describes the conducting pathway of the heart:
  • 33. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 30 a) SA node -> AV bundle of His -> AV node -> L/R bundle branch -> Purkinje fibers b) AV node -> SA node -> L/R bundle branch -> AV bundle of His ->Purkinje fibers c) SA node -> AV node ->AV bundle of His -> Purkinje fibers -> AV bundle of His d) SA node -> AV node -> AV bundle of His -> L/R bundle branch -> Purkinje fibers Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Conducting pathway of heart 231. At T4/T5 level: a) The costal cartilage of rib 2 articulates with the sternum b) The trachea bifurcates c) The superior mediastinum is separated from inferior mediastinum d) All of the above Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Trachea 232. The Sternocostal surface of the heart is formed primarily by the anterior wall of which heart chamber: a) Left atrium b) Left ventricle c) Right atrium d) Right ventricle Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Surfaces of heart 233. The aortic arch is located in which sub division of mediastinum: a) Superior b) Middle c) Anterior d) Posterior Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 234. Which group of structures empties directly into right atrium: a) Superior vena cava, coronary sinus & azygous vein b) Coronary sinus & pulmonary vein c) Pulmonary & bronchial veins d) Superior & inferior vena cava & coronary sinus Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Right atrium 235. The sinuatrial node is located in the: a) Right atrial wall b) Left atrial wall c) Left ventricle d) Interventricular septum Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Right atrium 236. The anterior boundary of posterior mediastinum is the: a) Manubrium b) Sternal angle c) Body of the sternum d) Pericardium of the heart Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 237. The azygous vein drains into the: a) Superior vena cava b) Inferior vena cava c) Right atrium d) Left brachiocephalic vein Correct option. A Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Blood supply of heart 238. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube which begins in the
  • 34. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 31 neck as a continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage is? a) Bronchus b) Esophagus c) Pharynx d) Trachea Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Trachea 239. Base of the heart is mainly consisting of a) Right atrium b) Left atrium c) Right venticle d) Left ventricle Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart structure 240. Apex of the hear is formed by left ventricle and present at a) 3rd intercostal space b) 4th intercostal space c) 5th intercostal space d) 6th intercostal space Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart structure 241. Which part of the bronchioles tree divide into 2 to 11 alveolar ducts that enter the alveolar sac is a) Secondary bronchioles b) Primary bronchioles c) Tertiary bronchioles d) Respiratory bronchioles Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Bronchopulmonary segments 242. Which heart valve has two cusps a) Aortic b) Mitral c) Pulmonary d) Pulmonary and aortic Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Heart 243. A bronchopulmonary segment is associated with all features except a) Surrounded by connective tissues b) Has segmental vein c) Has segmental artery, bronchus and lymph vessel d) Structural unit of lung Correct option. B Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Broncho pulmonary segmnets 244. The posterior mediastinum contains all but which of the following a) Thoracic aorta b) Oesophagus sdf c) Accessory hemizygous vein d) The parasympathetic trunks Correct option. D Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Mediastinum 245. The trachea a) Drains to axillary lymph nodes b) Is supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve c) Is marked at its lower end by the sternal angle d) All of the above Correct option. C Reference. Snell's Clinical Anatomy Chapter Thoracic Cavity Topic Trachea
  • 35. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 32 ABDOMINAL WALL 246. What is the primary function of the abdominal wall?** a) Protection of internal organs b) Synthesis of digestive enzymes c) Production of blood cells d) Regulation of body temperature Correct Option: A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 247. Which muscle is not part of the anterolateral abdominal wall?** a) Rectus abdominis b) External oblique c) Transverse abdominis d) Erector spinae Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 248. Which muscle is responsible for flexion of the lumbar spine and compressing the abdominal contents?** a) Internal oblique b) Transverse abdominis c) Rectus abdominis d) External oblique Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 249. Which abdominal layer is the deepest?** a) Skin b) Subcutaneous fat c) External oblique d) Transverse abdominis Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 250. Which muscle has fibers that run perpendicular to those of the external oblique muscle?** a) Internal oblique b) Transverse abdominis c) Rectus abdominis d) Diaphragm Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall. 251. Which abdominal muscle is innervated by the lower six thoracoabdominal nerves?** a) External oblique b) Internal oblique c) Transverse abdominis d) Rectus abdominis Correct Option: D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 252. Which structure separates the rectus abdominis muscles?** a) Tendinous intersections b) Linea alba c) Linea semilunaris d) Linea transversalis Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall. 253. What is the primary role of the linea alba?** a) Flexion of the lumbar spine b) Rotation of the trunk c) Support of the abdominal organs d) Attachment of the ribs Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 254. Which abdominal muscle(s) contribute(s) to forced expiration by increasing intra-abdominal pressure?** a ) External oblique b) Internal oblique c) Transverse abdominis d) Both a and b Correct Option:D Refrence:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 255. Which of the following is not a function of the abdominal wall muscles?** a) Maintaining posture b) Assisting in childbirth c) Facilitating urination d) Stabilizing the shoulder joint Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
  • 36. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 33 256. Which artery supplies blood to the anterior abdominal wall?** a) Subclavian artery b) Celiac artery c) Superior mesenteric artery d) External iliac artery Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 257. The superficial epigastric artery is a branch of which artery?** a) Internal thoracic artery b) Inferior epigastric artery c) Femoral artery d) Superior mesenteric artery Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 258. Which layer of the abdominal wall contains the arcuate line?** a) External oblique aponeurosis b) Internal oblique muscle c) Transverse abdominis muscle d) Rectus sheath Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 259. The conjoined tendon is formed by the fusion of which two muscles? a) External oblique and internal oblique b) Internal oblique and transverse abdominis c) External oblique and transverse abdominis d) Internal oblique and rectus abdominis Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 260. Which nerve is responsible for the sensation of the skin over the suprapubic region?** a) Ilioinguinal nerve b) Iliohypogastric nerve c) Genitofemoral nerve d) Femoral nerve Correct Option:B Reference: snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall. 261. Which ligament extends from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine and defines the inguinal canal?** a) Inguinal ligament b) Round ligament of uterus c) Suspensory ligament of ovary d) Ligamentum teres hepatis Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 262. The rectus sheath is formed by the aponeuroses of which muscles?** a) External oblique and internal oblique b) Internal oblique and transverse abdominis c) External oblique and transverse abdominis d) Rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 263. Which structure passes through the inguinal canal in males?** a) Round ligament of uterus b) Ovarian ligament c) Spermatic cord d) Ureter Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 264. Which of the following is not a boundary of the femoral triangle?** a) Inguinal ligament b) Sartorius muscle c) Adductor longus muscle d) Rectus abdominis muscle Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 265. Which nerve innervates the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall?** a) Femoral nerve b) Iliohypogastric nerve c) Ilioinguinal nerve d) Genitofemoral nerve Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
  • 37. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 34 266. The transversalis fascia lines which surface of the transversus abdominis muscle?** a) Anterior b) Posterior c) Lateral d) Medial Correct Option:B Refrence:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 267. Which layer of the abdominal wall contains the deep epigastric artery?** a) Skin b) Subcutaneous fat c) Transversalis fascia d) Transversus abdominis muscle Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].] 268. Which muscle is responsible for maintaining intra-abdominal pressure during activities such as lifting heavy objects?** a) Rectus abdominis b) External oblique c) Internal oblique d) Transverse abdominis Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 269. What is the name of the opening in the diaphragm that allows the passage of the aorta, thoracic duct, and azygos vein?** a) Esophageal hiatus b) Caval opening c) Aortic hiatus d) Diaphragmatic foramen Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 270. Which of the following layers of the abdominal wall is formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of all three flat abdominal muscles?** a) External oblique aponeurosis b) Internal oblique aponeurosis c) Transversus abdominis aponeurosis d) Rectus sheath Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 271. What is the term for the condition in which a portion of the abdominal contents protrudes through a weakened area of the abdominal wall?** a) Hernia b) Diverticulitis c) Appendicitis d) Strangulation Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 272. Which type of hernia occurs through the Hesselbach's triangle region?** a) Direct inguinal hernia b) Indirect inguinal hernia c) Femoral hernia d) Umbilical hernia Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall] 273. Which abdominal hernia extends through the linea alba and commonly occurs in the midline of the abdomen?** a) Umbilical hernia b) Epigastric hernia c) Incisional hernia d) Femoral hernia Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall. 274. Which abdominal hernia passes through the femoral canal and appears as a bulge in the upper thigh just below the inguinal ligament?** a) Indirect inguinal hernia b) Direct inguinal hernia c) Femoral hernia d) Ventral hernia Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 275. Which type of hernia involves a protrusion of abdominal contents through a previous surgical incision site?** a) Direct inguinal hernia b) Incisional hernia c) Umbilical hernia d) Hiatal hernia Correct Option:B
  • 38. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 35 Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 276. Which abdominal hernia is commonly associated with coughing or straining, leading to the herniation of abdominal contents through the inguinal canal?** a) Direct inguinal hernia b) Indirect inguinal hernia c) Femoral hernia d) Hiatal hernia Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 277. Which hernia occurs when a portion of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragmatic opening known as the esophageal hiatus?** a) Direct inguinal hernia b) Indirect inguinal hernia c) Femoral hernia d) Hiatal hernia Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 278. Which abdominal hernia commonly appears as a protrusion near the navel?** a) Direct inguinal hernia b) Incisional hernia c) Umbilical hernia d) Epigastric hernia Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 279. Which ligament helps anchor the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm?** a) Falciform ligament b) Round ligament of liver c) Ligamentum teres hepatis d) Suspensory ligament of liver Correct Option:A 280. What is the primary blood supply to the anterior abdominal wall?** a) Superior epigastric artery b) Inferior epigastric artery c) Internal thoracic artery d) Lumbar arteries Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 281. Which muscle acts to increase intra- abdominal pressure during micturition, defecation, and childbirth?** a) Transverse abdominis b) Rectus abdominis c) Internal oblique d) Levator ani Correct Option: C 282. Which nerve passes through the inguinal canal and is responsible for the sensation of the skin over the upper thigh and scrotum/labia majora?** a) Genitofemoral nerve b) Ilioinguinal nerve c) Iliohypogastric nerve d) Femoral nerve Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 283. What is the name of the fibrous band that extends from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis and divides the rectus abdominis into right and left halves?** a) Arcuate line b) Tendinous intersections c) Linea alba d) Linea semilunaris Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 284. Which nerve is responsible for the motor innervation of the rectus abdominis muscle?** a) Ilioinguinal nerve b) Iliohypogastric nerve c) Subcostal nerve d) Intercostal nerves Correct Option:C Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 285. Which of the following structures is not located in the rectus sheath?** a) Rectus abdominis muscle b) Pyramidalis muscle c) Inferior epigastric artery d) Linea alba Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
  • 39. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 36 286. Which muscle acts to flex and rotate the trunk, as well as compress the abdominal contents?** a) External oblique b) Internal oblique c) Transverse abdominis d) Rectus abdominis Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 287. What is the term for the small outpouchings of the colonic mucosa and submucosa through weak points in the abdominal wall?** a) Hernia b) Diverticulum c) Appendix d) Mesentery Correct Option:B 288. Which nerve runs along the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle, providing sensory innervation to the skin of the flank and gluteal region?** a) Ilioinguinal nerve b) Iliohypogastric nerve c) Genitofemoral nerve d) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Correct Option:B Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 289. Which muscle forms the floor of the inguinal canal and is responsible for raising the testes during contraction?** a) External oblique b) Internal oblique c) Transverse abdominis d) Cremaster muscle Correct Option:D Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 290. Which of the following is not a function of the transverse abdominis muscle?** a) Flexion of the lumbar spine b) Compression of abdominal contents c) Maintenance of abdominal wall tension d) Stabilization of the spine Correct Option:A Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 291. Which of the following layers forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?** a) External oblique aponeurosis b) Internal oblique aponeurosis c) Transversalis fascia d) Transversus abdominis muscle Answer: c) Transversalis fascia Reference: snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 292. What is the name of the ligament that attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm, containing the portal triad?** a) Round ligament of liver b) Falciform ligament c) Coronary ligament d) Ligamentum teres hepatis Answer: b) Falciform ligament Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 293. Which of the following is not a function of the rectus abdominis muscle?** a) Flexion of the thoracic spine b) Compression of abdominal contents c) Stabilization of the pelvis d) Assisting in forced expiration Answer: a) Flexion of the thoracic spine Reference: snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 294. Which layer of the abdominal wall is continuous with the fascia of the back and provides support for the paravertebral muscles?** a) External oblique aponeurosis b) Internal oblique aponeurosis c) Transversalis fascia d) Transversus abdominis muscle Answer: c) Transversalis fascia Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall]. 295. Which structure provides a passage for the spermatic cord to travel from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum in males?** a) Inguinal canal b) Femoral canal c) Obturator canal d) Rectus sheath Answer: a) Inguinal canal Reference:snells anatomy chp[abdominal wall].
  • 40. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 37 ABDOMINAL CAVITY 296. The most tubular part of stomach which contains sphincters a) pylorus b) Body of stomach c) pyloric antrum d) Fundus Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell 297. Reddish color , oval shaped and largest single mass of lymphoid tissue a) spleen b) pancreas c) liver d) kidney Correct option A Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 298. 3rd part of duodenum is also called a) Ascending part b) Horizontal part c) Descending part d) superior part Correct option B Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 299. Two layered fold of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscera is a) Omenta b) Mesenteries c) Falciform ligament d) porta hepatis Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 300. The part of duodenum containing major duodenal papillae a) 1st part b) 2nd part c) 3rd part d) 4th part Correct option D Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 301. Common Bile duct is formed by a) cystic and pancreatic duct b) cystic and Common hepatic duct c) common hepatic and pancreatic duct d) Right and left hepatic duct Correct option B Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 302. Lesser sac of peritoneum lie behind the a) Liver b) Kidney c) spleen d) stomach Correct option D Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 303. The longitudinal muscle in the colon restricted to three flat bands a) Haustrum
  • 41. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 38 b) Appendix epiploica c) Tiniae coli d) plica circularis Correct option C Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 304. which of the following divide liver into left and Right Lobe a) Falciform ligament b) coronary ligament c) Triangular ligament d) Bare area Correct option A Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 305. Left gastric artery arise from a) Directly from aorta b) splenic artery c) celiac artery d) superior mesenteric artery Correct option C Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 306. All of Following are intraperitoneal structures except a) Stomach b) Spleen c) Kidney d) Ileum Correct option C Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 307. Regarding parts of Small intestine all are true except a) Duodenum b) Jejunum c) Colon d) Ileum Correct option C Year 2023 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 308. Kidneys extends from the level a) 12th thoracic vertebrae to 3rd lumbar vertebrae b) 10th thoracic vertebrae to the 2nd lumbar vertebrae c) 11th lumbar vertebrae to 4th vertebrae d) None of above Correct option A Year 2017 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 309. _____ is slightly lower than the left a) left kidney b) Right kidney c) Both are at same level d) None of above Correct option B Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 310. kidney are ____ long a) 12 cm b) 11 cm c) 10 to 13 cm d) None of above Correct option C Year 2022 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
  • 42. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 39 311. Outer layer of kidney are surrounded by a) capsule b) cortex c) Medulla d) None of above Correct option A Year 2022 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 312. kidney is composed of about _____ of functional units a) 1- 4 million b) 1- 3 million c) 1 million d) 4 million Correct option C Year 2016 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 313. Cup shaped structure of nephron is called a) Glomerulus capsule b) Bowman capsule c) Both A and B d) None of above Correct option B Year 2017 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 314. Glomerulus filtration rate is about a) 115 ml b) 130 ml c) 125 ml d) 120 ml Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 315. Filtrate are formed each day by both kidneys a) 200 L b) 150 L c) 100 L d) 180 L Correct option D Year 2017 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 316. Ureters are about ____ long a) 20 to 30 cm b) 25 to 30 cm c) 35 to 40 cm d) None of above Correct option B Year 2017 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 317. Diameter of ureter is about a) 3 to 4 mm b) 6 mm c) 3 mm d) 5 mm Correct option A Year 2017 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 318. Stomach is ____ shaped organ a) H shaped b) D shaped c) N shaped d) None of above Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell
  • 43. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 40 Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 319. Stomach have ____ parts a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 320. Stomach have ____ sphincters a) 2 b) 3 c) 0 d) None of above Correct option A Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 321. Small intestine is ___ long a) 6m b) 7m c) 5.5 m d) None of above Correct option c Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 322. Small intestine is divided into ___ parts a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Correct option B Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 323. Hepatopancreatic ampulla opens into a) ilium b) Jejunum c) Duodenum d) None of above Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 324. small intestine is about ___ long a) 1.5 m b) 2.5 m c) 2 m d) None of above Correct option D Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 325. Diameter of Large intestine is about a) 5.5 cm b) 6.5 cm c) 7.5 cm d) 4.8 cm Correct option D Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 326. junction between large intestine and small intestine is called a) iliocaocal valve b) Jejuniocaocal valve c) deudonocaocal valve d) None of above Correct option A Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell
  • 44. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 41 Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 327. The colon have ____ parts a) 3 b) 2 c) 5 d) 4 Correct option D Year 2017 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 328. weight of pancreas is about a) 60-100 g b) 70 g c) 80 g d) None of above Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 329. Pancreas are about ____ long a) 10 to 16 cm b) 12 to 15 cm c) 8 to 12 cm d) None of above Correct option B Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 330. All are retroperitoneal organs except a) Duodenum b) Kidney c) pancreas d) spleen Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 331. Two yellowish organs that lie on the upper poles of the kidney are a) pituitary gland b) suprarenal gland c) Thymus gland d) Thyroid gland Correct option B Year 2018 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 332. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of abdomen and pelvic cavities and clothes the viscera called? a) Mesentery b) mesoappendix c) Omenta d) peritoneum e) None of above Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 333. Largest gland in the body is a) Liver b) pituitary gland c) Thymus gland d) Thyroid gland e) None of above Correct option A Year 2020 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 334. The liver may be divided into a large right Lobe by the attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is ? a) Falciform ligament b) ligamentum teres c) Caudate Lobe d) ligamentum venosus Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell
  • 45. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 42 Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 335. 1st part of small intestine is a) Jejunum b) ilium c) Duodenum d) colon Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 336. The dome shaped full of gas part of stomach is a) Antrum b) Body of stomach c) Fundus d) cardiac orifice Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 337. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is ? a) Esophagus b) crania c) cricoid cartilage d) Trachea Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 338. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to posterior surface of bladder is ? a) epididymis b) seminal vesicles c) ureter d) urinary bladder Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 339. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and small intestine is called? a) spleen b) Kidney c) Large intestine d) stomach Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 340. The stomach is dialated part of alimentary canal between esophagus and the ___ a) Large intestine b) pharynx c) rectum d) small intestine Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 341. because left lobe of liver is smaller than the right so a) left kidney is higher then right b) left kidney is lower than right c) Both kidneys are at same level d) None of above Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 342. The short gastric veins and the left gastroepiploic vein joins the a) Gastric vein b) Hepatic vein c) iliac vein d) splenic vein Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
  • 46. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 43 343. Villi are absent in a) small intestine b) Large intestine c) Appendix d) cecum e) E colon Correct option B Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 344. Liver is divided into a) 5 lobes b) 2 lobes c) 4 lobes d) 3 lobes Correct option B Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 345. A soft mass of lymphatic tissue that occupies the left upper part of the abdomen between the stomach and the diaphragm is a) pancreas b) liver c) gall bladder d) spleen Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 346. Diameter of Large intestine is about a) 5.5cm b) 6.5cm c) 7.5cm d) 4.8 cm Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 347. hepatopancreatic ampulla opens into a) Ilieum b) Jejunum c) Duodenum d) colon Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 348. weight of kidney is : a) 300 g b) 170 g c) 200 g d) 150 g Correct option D Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 349. The largest lymphoid tissue is a) Appendix b) Spleen c) Thymus d) liver Correct option B Year 202 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 350. superior epigastric vein is a branch of : a) Femoral vein b) saphenous vein c) pudendal vein d) Superior mesenteric vein Correct option Year 202 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
  • 47. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 44 351. Right Gastric artery is branch of a) splenic artery b) left gastric artery c) Hepatic artery d) celiac artery Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 352. Left gastric artery is branch of a) celiac artery b) splenic artery c) superior mesenteric artery d) colic artery Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 353. spleen is located ___ to stomach a) Anterior b) posterior c) superior d) supero-inferioir Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 354. The greater curvature of stomach provides space for the attachment of a) Greater omentum b) lesser omentum c) inferior mesenteric d) superior mesenteric e) visceral peritoneum Correct option A Year 2020 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 355. The opening between esophagus and stomach is known as a) cardiac orifice b) papilla c) pyloric orifice d) pyloric sphincter Correct option A Year 2020 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 356. Blood supply to the skin of abdomenal cavity is from a) Bronchial artery b) Epigastric artery c) Lumbar artery d) intercostal artery Correct option B Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 357. The superior fascia of abdomenal cavity is divided into a) 2 layers b) 3 layers c) 4 layers d) 5 layers Correct option A Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 358. Deep membranous layer of abdomen cavity a) Superficial layer b) Fascia of camper c) Fascia of scarpa d) serous membrane Correct option B Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 359. Gallbladder a) divided into 4 part
  • 48. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 45 b) has capicity of about 70 ml c) drains through cystic, hepatic and celiac ymph nodes d) neck is continuous with portal vein Correct option C Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 360. Location of spleen in abdomen is a) Epigastrium b) left hypochondriac region c) left iliac fossa d) Right hypochondria e) Right iliac fossa Correct option B Year 202 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 361. following structures are present in porta hapatis except a) hepatic vein b) portal vein c) hepatic artery d) Peyer's patches Correct option D Year 202 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 362. All of Following are veins which drain the stomach except a) gastroepiploic artery b) gastroduodenal artery c) Right Gastric artery d) short gastric artery Correct option B In Year 202 Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity 363. All of the following are Retroperitoneal organs except a) Cisterna chyli b) sympathetic trunk c) ureter d) Duodenum Year 202 Correct Option Reference: clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S.Snell Chapter 5 Abdominal cavity
  • 49. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 46 PELVIC WALL 364. Regarding hip joint one of the following is true ; ( year : 2023) a) Synovial joint b) Syndosmosis c) Cartilaginous joint d) Fibrous joint Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8, topic : pelvic joints 365. Which of the following forms the posterior border of pelvic inlet ; ( year : 2023) a) Symphysis pubis b) Arcuate line c) Tip of the coccyx d) Sacral promontory Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : biological sex differences 366. The iliam, ischium and pubis form the ; a) Shoulder b) Hip bone c) Femur bone d) None of the above Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : hip bone 367. The which is the upper flattened part of the bone, possesses the illiac crest ; a) Ilium b) Pubis c) Ischium d) Ilium and pubis Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : lateral pelvic wall. 368. The can be divided into a body , a superior ramus and an inferior ramus: a) Pubis b) Ischium c) Ilium and pubis d) Ilium Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : lateral pelvic wall. 369. On the outer surface of the hip bone is a deep depression called the; a) Trochanter b) Tuberosity c) Acetabulum d) Glenoid fossa Correct option : C Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 ,, topic : lateral pelvic wall . 370. Hip joint is a type of ; a) Ball and socket b) Pivot c) Saddle d) Gliding Correct option :A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , general . 371. Pelvic joints and ligaments ; a) The sacroiliac joint is a fibrous joint between the auricular surface of the ilium and sacrum b) The wedge shape of the sacrum contributes to it's stability c) The coccygeous muscle lie on the pelvic surface of the sacrotuberous ligament d) The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments enclose the greater sciatic foramen e) The iliolumbar ligament is V-shaped with the apex attached to L5 Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # topic : sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments 372. Pelvic joints and ligaments ; a) Muscle of the pelvis include obturator externus and piriformis b) Piriformis arises from the lower third part of the sacrum c) The sigmoid colon becomes the section at the level of the 4th part of the sacrum d) The rectum has no mesentery e) The pelvic brim follows the line of the
  • 50. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 47 pubic crest ,pectineal line of pubis , iliac crest and ala and promentary of the sacrum Correct option :D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , general. 373. emale pelvis is adapted for childbearing with an increased with brim ; a) Square b) Pyramid c) Rounded d) Rectangle Correct option : C Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : biological sex differences . 374. Acetabulum , ischial tuberosity and ischial spine are parts of ; a) Ilium b) Ischium c) Pubic bone d) Iliac fossa Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 topic : hip bone 375. Angle between the inferior rami of the pubic bone: a) Inferior rami b) Superior rami c) Pubic symphysis d) Sub pubic angle Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , general . 376. Sacrum is made up of fused bones: a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : sacrum 377. Prominent upper margin of first sacral vertebrae, projectsinwards: a) Ala of sacrum b) Sacral promontory c) Wings of sacrum d) Hollow of sacrum Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy, chapter# 8 , topic : sacrum 378.They connect the spine to the pelvis & are the strongest joints in body: a) Pubic symphysis joint b) Sacrococcygeal joint c) Sacro iliac joints d) Sacro ischial joint Correct option : C Reference Snell's clinical anatomy, chapter # 8 , topic : pelvic joints 379. The ligament run from sacrum to the ischial tuberosity: a) Sacro iliac ligament b) Sacro tuberous ligament c) Pubic ligament d) Sacro spinus ligament Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : sacrotuberous ligament 380. It is formed by the upper flared out portion of the ilium: a) False pelvis b) True pelvis c) Ischial tuberosity d) Pubic symphysis Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8,topic : false pelvis 381. levator ani does not include: a) coccygeus. b) levator prostate. c) puborectalis. d) pubococcygeus. e) iliococcygeus. Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : levator Ani muscle 382. The pelvic diaphragm: a) Encloses the whole inferior aperture of the pelvis. b) Is located in the anal triangle. c) Consists of levator ani, sphincter ani externus, superior and inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm. d) Can support the pelvic viscera. Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : pelvic diaphragm 383. The area of pelvis below the pelvic brim & above the pelvic outlet: a) True pelvis b) False pelvis c) Perineum
  • 51. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 48 d) Anal canal Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic pelvis 384. Anterior boundary of pelvic outlet: a) Superior margin of pubic symphysis b) Inferior margin of pubic symphysis c) Coccyx d) Ischial tuberosity Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy, chapter # 8, topic : pelvic outlet . 385. Posterior boundary of pelvic inlet: a) Pubic symphysis b) Linea terminalis c) Sacrum d) Ischial tuberosity Correct option : C Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : pelvic inlet . 386. The pelvis occurs frequently in men: a) Android b) Gynaecoid c) Anthropoid d) Platypelloid Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 topic : biological sex differences. 387. The pelvis in which childbirth is difficult: a) Gynaecoid b) Android c) Anthropoid d) Platypelloid Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : female pelvis . 388. Which of the following structures is located between the ischial spine and the ischial tuberosity; a) obturator foramen b) lesser sciatic notch c) acetabular notch d) pubic arch e) arcuate line Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : pelvic walls. 389. The lateral part of the superior ramus of the pubis forms which of the following structures ; a) iliopubic eminence b) pubic tubercle c) pecten pubis d) anterior inferior iliac spine e) acetabulum Correct option : E Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : hip bone 390. All of the following structures provide boundaries for the pelvic inlet EXCEPT a) inferior ramus of the pubis b) sacral promontory c) anterior border of the ala of the sacrum d) arcuate line of the ilium Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : pelvic inlet . 391. Weak areas of the pelvis include all of the following EXCEPT ; a) ischial tuberosities b) alae of the ilium c) pubic rami d) sacroiliac joint e) acetabulam Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , , topic : sacroiliac joint 392. All of the following arteries enter the true pelvis EXCEPT ; a) internal iliac b) median sacral c) superior rectal d) ovarian e) testicular Correct option : E Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8, topic : pelvic arteries. 393. Which of the following arteries is considered to be the artery of the pelvis ; a) obturator b) pudendal c) uterine d) internal iliac e) sacral Correct option : D Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : internal iliac artery 394. Which of the following arteries arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac ;
  • 52. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 49 a) superior rectal b) iliolumbar msuperior c) Gluteal mgonadal d) obturator Correct option : E Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : internal iliac artery 395. All of the following osseofibrous structures mark the boundaries of the perineum EXCEPT ; a) pubic symphysis b) inferior pubic rami c) sacrospinous ligament d) ischial tuberosities e) ischial rami Correct option : C Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , general 396. The perineum is divided into two triangles by drawing a transverse line between which of the following structures ; a) anterior ends of the ischial tuberosities b) coccyx to pubic tubercles c) inferior iliac spines to pubic symphysis d) medial ends of inguinal ligament to tip of coccyx sacrum to pubic symphysis Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , general MCQ MCQ 397. The ligament connects the back of the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity ; a) Sacrospinous b) Sacrotuberous c) Ischiofemoral d) Iliofemoral Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : sacrotuberous ligament 398. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called; a) Coccyx b) Hilum c) Sacrum d) Scapula e) Skull Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8, topic : coccyx 399. Which bone consist of five rudimentary vertebrae fused together to form a single wedge shaped bone with a forward concavity is ; a) Coccyx b) Hip bone c) Sacrum d) Vertebral column e) None of above Correct option : C Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8, topic : coccyx 400. Insertion of piriformis muscle ; ( year : 2023 ) a) Greater trochanter of femur b) Lesser trochanter of femur c) Pubic tubercle d) Inguinal ligament Correct option : A Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8, topic : pelvic wall and floor muscles 401. Shape of obstetrical outlet is: a) Oval b) Diamond c) Pyramid d) Round Correct option : B Reference Snell's clinical anatomy , chapter # 8 , topic : pelvic outlet. 402. The neck of bladder lies inferiorly and rests on upper surface of a) Thyroid b) pituitary c) pineal d) Thymus e) prostate Correct options:E Year 2019 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (urinary bladder) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 403. The widest part of uterine tube is called a) isthmus b) infundibulum c) Fimbriae d) Ampulla
  • 53. Anatomy Compiled By Dr. Muazzam Page 50 e) All Correct option: D Year 2019 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (uterine tube ) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 404. The part of the uterus that lies above the uterine tube called a) fundus b) body c) cervix d) vagina e) ampulla Correct option:A Year 2019 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (uterus) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 405. The narrow part of the uterine tube is a) ampulla b) infundibulum c) Fimbriae d) isthmus e) intramural Correct option:D Year 2019 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (uterine tube) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 406. Ureters are layers a) 4 layers b) 2 layers c) 3 layers d) 5 layers Correct option: C Year 2017 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (ureter) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 407. Diameter of ureter is about a) 4mm b) 6mm c) 3mm d) 5mm Correct option: B Year 2017 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (ureter) Book Snell clinical anatomy by regions 408. ureters are long a) about 20 to 30 cm b)25 to 30cm c)35 to 40cm d)none Correct option: A Year 2017 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (ureter) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 409. Bladder is roughly shaped a) apple b) oval c) pear d) none Correct option: C Year 2017 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (urinary bladder) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 410. Female urethra is approximately long a)4cm b)5cm c) 6cm d)3cm Correct option: A Year 2017 Reference : Chapter 7 , Pelvic cavity. Topic (female urethra) Book Snell clinical anotmy by regions 411. A fibromuscular gland that surrounds the prosthetic urethra is a) Epididymis b) prostate gland c) scrotum d) tunica albuginae Correct option : B Year 2017