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Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies
Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus
A presentation for the SAOIM 2014 conference
Predicting and Preparing For Emerging
Learning Technologies
CILIP West Midlands 2017 Annual Members Day, Birmingham on 10 Feb 2017
Brian Kelly
Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus
UK Web Focus at UKOLN, 1997-2013
Innovation Advocate at CETIS, 2013-2015
Contact Details
Brian Kelly
Twitter: @briankelly
Slides and further information available at
UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #MembersDay17
View slides & abstract at
Tweet comments with #MembersDay17
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Idea from Cameron Neylon c
Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero.
Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
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in evaluation &
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this talk
We continue to see developments in online services which provide
both opportunities and challenges for librarians. The implications of
technical developments on library services is made difficult to predict
in light of financial, political and cultural uncertainties.
Brian Kelly will describe the methodology used by the NMC (New
Media Consortium) for the NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Library Edition,
NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Higher Education Edition and
the forthcoming NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Library Edition for
identifying technological developments likely to be important.
Brian will then introduce a methodology for developing plans for
making use of such developments within the institution.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand limitations of approaches to future-gazing
2. Learn about future-gazing methodology used by NMC
3. Hear about application of methodologies across library sectors
4. Be aware of resources which can be used locally 4

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Led by Esther Barrett, subject specialist in teaching, learning and assessment, Jisc. With contributions from: Geoff Elliott, learning and technology development manager, Pembrokeshire College Berni Tyler, managing director, ISA Training Connect more in Wales, Thursday 7 July 2016

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Led by Lawrie Phipps, senior co-design manager, Jisc. With contributions from: Terri Smith, head of innovative learning, West College Scotland Sheila MacNeill, senior lecturer in blended learning, Glasgow Caledonian University Jisc Connect more in Scotland, 16 June 2016

by Jisc
Reflections On Personal Experiences In Using Wikis
Reflections On Personal Experiences In Using WikisReflections On Personal Experiences In Using Wikis
Reflections On Personal Experiences In Using Wikis

This talk was given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at UKOLN's "Exploiting the Potential Of Wikis" workshop held on 3 November 2006. See

• About me
Identifying Developments
• The NMC Horizon Report for Libraries & the Delphi
 What are the major technology trends?
 Beyond the technology trends – the drivers
accelerating technology adoption
 Beyond the technology trends & drivers – the
challenges impeding technology adoption
• Carrying out your own future-gazing & planning work
Institutional Planning
• Preparing for the implications
• Conclusions 5
About Me
Brian Kelly
• UK Web Focus at UKOLN from 1996-2013
• Innovative Advocate at Cetis from 2013-2015
• Now independent consultant
• Interests in promoting use of innovative technologies
and practices in higher education & library sectors
In recent years:
• Gave talks on planning for the future at ILI
(Internet Librarian International) & JIBS events
• Delivered “planning for the future” half-day
workshops at international library conferences
in South Africa, London & Bath
• Presented paper on “Reflecting on Yesterday,
Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow”
paper at Umbrella 2013
• Invited expert for NMC Horizon Report, Academic Libraries 2014
Today’s environment:
• Experts are being criticised
and growth in terms such as:
• “Post-truth”
• “Alternative facts”
Critiquing Brexiteers / Trumpeters
is easy – but what if there is
some validity to argument?!
The real reason that we don‘t trust
experts anymore, Julie Shaw, The
Independent, 8 July 2016
The real reason that we don‘t trust
experts anymore, Julia Shaw, The
Independent, 8 July 2016
Predicting the Future: The Risks
Risks in attempting to predict the future:
• We get it wrong
– the future didn’t materialise
• We get it wrong
– we were too cautious
• Futurologists have biases

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Led by Scott Hibberson, subject specialist - online learning and the digital student experience, Jisc. With contributions from: Marcus Elliott and Kerry Pinny, digital educational developers, University of Lincoln Connect more in Nottingham, Tuesday 12 July 2016.

by Jisc
Becoming a digital scholar
Becoming a digital scholarBecoming a digital scholar
Becoming a digital scholar

This document discusses becoming a digital scholar and engaging in digital scholarship. It introduces digital scholarship as changing scholarly practices through digital and networked technologies. Examples of digital scholarship practices mentioned include open access publishing, open educational resources, digital scholarly profiles, online research tools, and personal learning networks. The document also discusses open access publishing models like gold, green, and hybrid open access and their benefits and challenges. It addresses choosing an openness option for one's work and sharing scholarly outputs online while selecting appropriate licenses and platforms.

academic publishingdigital scholarshipresearch
Reflecting on Jisc's summer of student innovation - Paul Bailey and Andy McGr...
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Reflecting on Jisc's summer of student innovation - Paul Bailey and Andy McGr...

Jisc's summer of student innovation program received a large amount of engagement from students. 37 ideas were submitted by students, with 33 reaching their target number of votes to be considered for funding. The program received over 6,000 votes and extensive social media attention. In the end, 4 projects were selected for further funding based on student votes and ideas. An additional 2 new projects emerged from the final event. The program was very successful at engaging students and crowdsourcing ideas for new digital initiatives.

by Jisc
Looking at the Futurologists
• Gartner report
Beware vested
interests which
may be
threatened by
implications of
Gartner May Be Too
Scared To Say It, But the
PC Is Dead,
Mark Hachman,
Readwrite Web, 5 April
We commission
reports from
experts in the field
We commission
reports from
experts in the field
… is an information professional who has specialized
in the fields of electronic information provision for over
20 years.
In recent years, he has specialized in metadata for
digital libraries, in which capacity he is a member of
the editorial board for the METS (Metadata Encoding
and Transmission Standard) standard for digital library

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Rising to the challenge of the digital age

This document summarizes a presentation on developing digital leadership in higher education. It discusses the need for organizational responses and shared leadership to meet challenges of the digital age. It suggests preparing learners for a global, networked society; ensuring new business models meet learner expectations; and making it easier to disrupt institutional practices. Examples are provided of developing digital capabilities at Oxford Brookes University through various initiatives like open online courses and building communities of digital leaders.

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This document discusses leveraging change through digital capability at Kingston University London (KUL). It provides an overview of the Centre for Higher Education Research and Practice (CHERP), which advances pedagogy, professional practice and research in higher education. It outlines KUL's history with technology enhanced learning (TEL) and key drivers for change, including the new university education strategy and targets. The summary discusses KUL's new virtual learning environment (VLE) procurement and approach, which aligns with its educational strategy and curriculum design principles through a universal design for learning. The new approach also includes a strengthened TEL team, quality framework and governance.

by Jisc
Enabling mobile learning - Jisc Digital Festival 2014
Enabling mobile learning - Jisc Digital Festival 2014Enabling mobile learning - Jisc Digital Festival 2014
Enabling mobile learning - Jisc Digital Festival 2014

Mobile learning is the “exploitation of ubiquitous handheld hardware, wireless networking and mobile telephony to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching and learning” (MoLeNET, quoted in Jisc infoNet’s Mobile Learning infoKit). This meta-workshop brings together Jisc’s advisory services to deliver a wide-ranging guide to best practice and pitfall avoidance to allow learners to work with the gadgets and platforms most suitable and accessible for their context. Whether the context is learners using their own devices (that smartphone attached to their hand, that birthday present tablet), or, in some cases, institution-provided devices, there are technical, pedagogic and organisational challenges to providing the learners with a high-quality, seamless experience. This workshop will introduce the wide range of practical, relevant Jisc resources, services and tools enabling the delivery of versatile, expectation-meeting, fit for purpose mobile learning. This session will introduce the relevant resources, distil the key issues, and outline best practice in respect to mobile learning. Jisc’s expertise has already considered issues in relation to strategy and relationship to institutional mission, pedagogy, curriculum design and delivery, learning resource issues, technical implementation, legal issues, accessibility and inclusion, and training needs.

by Jisc
Invention, Innovation, Improvement
From Wikipedia:
Invention: the creation of the idea or method itself.
Innovation: the use of a better and, as a result, novel
idea or method.
Improvement: doing current activities better.
Assertion 1:
Our focus is on innovation and improvement
Assertion 2:
Innovations and improvements probably already known
to us (forget inventions such as the Web!)
Assertion 3:
You will learn about relevant innovations and
improvements from your peers
A Collaborative Approach
We could use Twitter
Tweet your ideas
with event hashtag
I think teleporting could have implications for libraries in the future!
Teleporting could have implications for libraries as people won’t be put off
from visiting when it’s raining! #MembersDay17
and implications
for libraries
We would therefore need larger physical spaces for the teleporting visitors to
the library #MembersDay17
Discuss alternative
implications …
So maybe the books could be teleported. Would we need a physical library
building #MembersDay17
& issues such as legal
implications, business
models, …
What about the legal implication? Border control? Which VAT rate to use?
Importing banned book? … #MembersDay17 #wtf
Feel free to add
implications for users
Open collaborative approaches can help minimise biases, provide fresh
insights, … but Twitter probably isn’t the best tool for this!
THE Article
Article which summarised the
“6 key trends accelerating
technology adoption in
higher education in 2015”
published in Times Higher
Education on 23 Feb 2015
Based on the NMC Horizon
Report: 2015 Higher
Education Edition
About the NMC Horizon Library Study
NMC Horizon Report, 2014:
Library edition:
• Published in Aug 2014
• Based on ideas from panel
of experts
• Ideas refined using Delphi
• Report available under
Creative Commons licence
Your interests:
• What are the technology trends? What are the implications for me?
• What is the ‘Delphi process’? Can I use it?

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Led by Martin Hamilton, futurist, Jisc. With contribution from James Bruton, digital inclusion worker at Bristol City Council. This session will explore the potential that technology can bring to all forms of collaboration, and consider the difference that it has made to some local organisations and their practices. Connect more in Cheltenham, 30 June 2016

by Jisc
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The benefits and challenges of open access: lessons from practice - Helen Bla...

Led by Helen Blanchett, subject specialist, scholarly communications, Jisc. With contribution from Andrew Simpson, associate university librarian (procurement and metadata and systems), Portsmouth University. In this session you’ll hear in this session you’ll hear about the benefits and challenges of open access. Connect more in London, 28 June 2016

by Jisc
Student experience experts group meet up, April 2020
Student experience experts group meet up, April 2020Student experience experts group meet up, April 2020
Student experience experts group meet up, April 2020

This document summarizes the agenda for the 46th meeting of Jisc's student experience experts group. The meeting will include presentations and discussions on the future of assessment, transforming assessment and feedback through technology, and equipping staff with digital capabilities. Presentations will cover Jisc's research on the future of assessment, examples of effective practice from Manchester Metropolitan University and Preston's College, and supporting new students' digital experience. The agenda also includes virtual coffee breaks and a lunch break. Recordings and materials from the event will be made available on Jisc's website.

by Jisc
NMC Panel
Panel composed of 47
library and technology
experts from 16
countries on five
continents (including 3
from UK)
Note NMC Horizon
Library Report 2017 is
still being prepared (due
for publication at ACRL
2017 on 23 March 2017)
Short-Term Technology Trends
What technology trends did the NMC Horizon panel identify?
Seven key categories were identified:
Short-Term Technology Trends
Two areas of importance in the short-term (<1 year to
adoption) were identified and prioritised:
“electronic publishing is redefining the tools between print and digital,
still image and video, passive and interactive”
Report gives examples of innovative uses e.g. ANU Press, established
in 2003 to explore & enable new modes of scholarly publishing.
“the way we think about software itself is changing, and whole industries
are adjusting to a new world in which sophisticated but simple tools
routinely sell for 99 cents or are completely free”
What’s Missing?
Let’s use the Delphi process (abbreviated version!):
• What significant learning technology trends do you
feel will have an impact in the short term (< 1 year)
• Tweet (or shout) your ideas!
• Session chair will record ideas
This is an example of crowd-sourcing ideas from a group
of experts
Vote on two ideas which you feel are most important:
• Area 1
• Area 2
This is an example of how crowd-sourced ideas can be
refined and prioritised
hashtag: #membersday17

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Closing plenary - Connect more with the future - Andy McGregor and Sarah SpeightClosing plenary - Connect more with the future - Andy McGregor and Sarah Speight
Closing plenary - Connect more with the future - Andy McGregor and Sarah Speight

This document outlines Jisc's visions for 2020 and how they developed those visions. It discusses key points from each vision, including data, student/learner control, AI and automation, staff skills, and more. It also notes how Jisc's current portfolio partly delivers the visions and how they can add to the portfolio. The document encourages readers to get involved and provides contact information.

by Jisc
A Strategy for Web 2.0
A Strategy for Web 2.0A Strategy for Web 2.0
A Strategy for Web 2.0

The document outlines a university's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to improve the student experience. Key points include: 1) The strategy commits to supporting emerging technologies like blogs, wikis, and instant messaging to better engage students and change communication flows. 2) Implementing the strategy involved learning more about these technologies and how students currently use them. 3) There are technical, teaching, and marketing challenges to address, but the benefits of improving the student experience are seen as outweighing the risks.

Qatar University Technology Enhanced Learning & Openness for Faculty
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Qatar University Technology Enhanced Learning & Openness for Faculty

Presentation given as part of Office of Faculty and Instructional Development (OFID) Facutly Faculty PD Workshop. Doha October 30, 2014

open education resourcesoercreative commons
Medium-Term Drivers
What trends driving technology adoption in the medium
term (3-5 years?) did the NMC Horizon panel identify?
Trends are sorted into three movement-related
categories: (1) fast-moving trends that will realize their
impact in the next 1-2 years and two categories of
slower-moving trends that will realize their impact within
(2) 3-5 or (3) 5+ years.
After summarising technologies important in short-term,
lets look at medium-term drivers of technology adoption
Medium-Term Drivers
Two drivers of technology adoption in medium term (3-5
years to adoption) were identified and prioritised:
“Once limited to print-based journals and monographic series, scholarly
communications now reside in networked environments and can be
accessed through an expansive array of publishing platforms”.
“Academic & research libraries are gradually embracing the movement
toward openness as the Internet has opened the floodgates of
information and scientific knowledge”.
What’s Missing?
Let’s use the Delphi process:
• What significant drivers of learning technology
adoption do you feel will have an impact in the
medium term (3-5 years)
• Tweet (or shout) your ideas!
• Session chair will record ideas
This is a further example of crowd-sourcing ideas from a
group of experts
Vote on two ideas which you feel are most important:
• Area 1
• Area 2
This is a further example of how crowd-sourced ideas can
be refined based on your experiences
hashtag: #membersday17
The Challenges
What challenges impeding technology adoption in
academic and research libraries did the NMC Horizon
panel identify?
These were classed as:
• Solvable Challenges: those that we
understand and know how to solve
• Difficult Challenges: Those that
we understand but for which
solutions are elusive
• Wicked Challenges: Those that are
complex to even define, much less

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Building digital capability
Building digital capabilityBuilding digital capability
Building digital capability

Building capability for new digital leadership, pedagogy and efficiency, delivered by Sarah Davies at the Jisc Learning and teaching practice experts group

by Jisc
jisclearning and teaching practice experts group
Welcome plenary - Helen Lazarus, Michael Heanue and Catherine Knivett
Welcome plenary - Helen Lazarus, Michael Heanue and Catherine KnivettWelcome plenary - Helen Lazarus, Michael Heanue and Catherine Knivett
Welcome plenary - Helen Lazarus, Michael Heanue and Catherine Knivett

Led by your host Helen Lazarus, head of Jisc London, the opening session will set the scene for the day and will include a strategic update, and the latest news from Jisc. With contributions from Michael Heanue and Catherine Knivett, principal policy officers, Greater London Authority. Jisc Connect more in London, 28 June 2016

by Jisc
Major Technology Trends that will Impact Library Services?
Major Technology Trends that will Impact Library Services?Major Technology Trends that will Impact Library Services?
Major Technology Trends that will Impact Library Services?

Slides for talk on "What are the Major Technology Trends that will Impact Library Services and their Users?" to be given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate, Cetis at the ILI 2014 conference in London on 21-22 October 2014. See

The Challenges
Two difficult challenges were identified:
“It is important for these new digital data sets to be preserved alongside
the research derived from them for future use and in longitudinal
studies, but this presents a perpetual challenge for library acquisition
and archiving practices as formats continue to evolve”.
“.. advents in Internet technology are fostering changes in patron
behavior, challenging libraries to either participate in the online
knowledge exchange or risk becoming obsolete over time. ”.
What’s Missing?
Let’s use the Delphi process:
• What:
 Solvable  Difficult  Wicked
challenges are missing?
• Tweet (or shout) your ideas!
• Session chair will record ideas
Choose one idea per category:
• Solvable
• Difficult
• Wicked
This is a further example of how crowd-sourced ideas can
be prioritised based on your personal/institutional context
hashtag: #membersday17
NMC Horizon report:
• Provides insights into technological trends,
driver & barriers for library
• Open methodology which caters for experts
highlighting their own particular interests
• It may not be applicable to your specific
• It doesn’t address “What do I need to do
The Full NMC Horizon Report
NMC Horizon report
for Libraries 2014:
• 50 pages
• 18 topics
 6 key trends
 6 significant
 6 important

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Identifying preparing-for-technological-developments
Identifying preparing-for-technological-developmentsIdentifying preparing-for-technological-developments
Identifying preparing-for-technological-developments

The document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on identifying and preparing for technological developments. Kelly discusses approaches for identifying technology trends, such as reviewing reports from experts like Gartner and commissioning reports. He also advocates using a collaborative approach like Twitter to minimize biases and gain fresh insights. Kelly summarizes the key findings of the NMC Horizon Report, including short-term technology trends in electronic publishing and affordable software. He outlines the Delphi process used to identify drivers of adoption and challenges. The presentation stresses the importance of considering future implications and preparing institutions for technological changes.

D1: The NMC Methodology
D1: The NMC MethodologyD1: The NMC Methodology
D1: The NMC Methodology

Slides "D1: The NMC Methodology" for a one-day workshop on "Preparing for the Future: Technological Challenges and Beyond" by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2015 conference. Held on Monday 19 October 2015 For further information see

Reflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow
Reflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for TomorrowReflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow
Reflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow

Slides for a paper on "Reflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow" presented by Brian Kelly at the Umbrella 2013 conference in Manchester on 2 July 2013. See

Tools for Futurists
Some tools which can help you to predict the future:
• Quick surveys
• Observing recent developments
• Trip reports from conferences (cf Sarah Purcell)
Not covered in talk (ideas for reinterpreting the present
and providing fresh insights):
• The History Of The Web Backwards, UK Web
Focus blog, 19 Nov 2007
• Reversible, Reverse History and Side-by-Side
Storytelling, OUseful blog, 22 March 2010
The Future Is Already Here!
Hands up if you have:
Used a mobile device for work-related purposes in bed
Options: Yes, No or I’m indecisive!
“20% of the iPad users spent time with their iPad in bed” 2010
Informal survey
(Twitter & blog post),
March 2012
“The future is already
here - it's just not very
evenly distributed”
What are the implications
of this ‘platform’?
Trip Reports
• What topics are covered at conferences
• What topics interested my peers
Our favourite sessions
Louise Drumm, from Glasgow Caledonian
University, presented ‘Connections between
theory and practice: rhizomatic teaching with
digital technologies’ where she discussed the …
findings of a doctoral research project which
asked the question ‘what role does theory play in
university teaching with digital technologies?’
Andrew Raistrick and Steven Bentley, from the
University of Huddersfield, discussed their new
approach to staff development courses in ‘Flipping
heck! Be careful what you wish for‘.
Manchester Metropolitan University’s presentation,
‘An experiment in open-access, micro-learning for
educational technology training’ gave an
interesting look at how they are engaging
academic colleagues in technology enhanced
learning training.
What Did You Notice Recently?
“What did you notice for the first time today (recently)?”
• Can be important for trend spotting
• May signify that something is becoming mainstream
that you hadn’t appreciated before (WiFi on bus, …)
Amazon locker (Feb 2013)
Video on underground
(Dec 2008)
Thanks to
Tony Hirst
View slides & abstract at
Tweet comments with #MembersDay17

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B1 Predicting developments: Future Technologies and Their Applications
B1 Predicting developments: Future Technologies and Their ApplicationsB1 Predicting developments: Future Technologies and Their Applications
B1 Predicting developments: Future Technologies and Their Applications

Slides for a 1-day workshop on "Future Technologies and Their Applications" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2013 conference on Monday 14 October 2013. See See

Making Sense of the Future
Making Sense of the FutureMaking Sense of the Future
Making Sense of the Future

Slides for a talk on "Making Sense of the Future" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the ILI 2012 (#ILI2012) conference held at Olympia, London on 30-31 October 2012. See

Preparing For The Future: Helping Libraries Respond to Changing Technological...
Preparing For The Future: Helping Libraries Respond to Changing Technological...Preparing For The Future: Helping Libraries Respond to Changing Technological...
Preparing For The Future: Helping Libraries Respond to Changing Technological...

Slides for a workshop on "Preparing For The Future: Helping Libraries Respond to Changing Technological, Economic and Political Change" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a staff development workshop at the University of York on 4 July 2013. See .

Action Brief Statement
Technology Will Not Defeat Us: Next Steps
Having identified future developments of relevance to
the organisation, you will now need to convince senior
management of the potential.
From the Hyperlinked Library MOOC
Planning template from assignment 2:
Action Brief Statement:
Convince ______ that by _______ they will ________
will ________ because _______.
33Acknowledgements to Michael Stephens and Kyle Jones
This tool was used in a number of Planning for Future workshops
(with voting and prizes)
The Need to Explicitly Address Risks
From “Risks and Opportunities Framework for
Exploiting the Social Web” by Kelly & Oppenheim:
• Summarise risks
• Summary risks of not adopting
• Summarise strategies for minimising
(or accepting) risks
• Evidence base
• Document biases and prejudices
Can you innovate without taking risks?
Warning From The Past
Tim Berners-Lee didn’t
let evidence of the
popularity of Gopher
hinder development of
the Web
In 1993 Gopher was the
safe bet for an important
technological innovation
The Serenity Prayer
• The Serenity Prayer
36Serenity Prayer

Recommended for you

Preparing for Tomorrow’s World
Preparing for Tomorrow’s WorldPreparing for Tomorrow’s World
Preparing for Tomorrow’s World

Slides for a workshop session on "Preparing for Tomorrow’s World: Helping University Information Services Respond to Technological, Economic and Political Change" facilitated by Brian Kelly at the Information Services 2014 conference held on 24 June 2014 at the University of Brighton. For further information see

Uksg 2013-kelly
Uksg 2013-kellyUksg 2013-kelly
Uksg 2013-kelly

Brian Kelly presented a methodology for identifying emerging technologies that may impact organizations. He discusses scanning for weak and strong signals of emerging technologies. The methodology includes gathering evidence from blogs, reports and trends to understand limitations and have informed discussions. Open sense-making is important to get feedback and avoid misinterpretations that could influence decisions. Examples showed applying the methodology to social media usage, open data, and signals around funding changes.

Spotting Tomorrow's Key Technologies
Spotting Tomorrow's Key TechnologiesSpotting Tomorrow's Key Technologies
Spotting Tomorrow's Key Technologies

Slides for a talk on "Spotting Tomorrow's Key Technologies" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the UKSG 2013 conference held in Bournemouth on 8-10 April 2013. See

Scenario Planning for Addressing the
Devolved ownership
The niche librarian
Everyone’s an IT
Possible scenarios
for libraries and the
Steady as she goes
Outline challenges and opportunities for libraries
based on an expanded version of these scenarios)
Everyone’s a
Acknowledge & Engage With
Need to acknowledge unpleasant truth and engage with
• Trump  Brexit
• Post-truth  Privacy
• Commercialisation (commercial providers of HE)
• Aging work force  ….
Difficult Challenges:
• Truth, trust, advocacy
• Existential challenges
• ‘Librarian’ brand
Thinking the Unthinkable
When does ‘engage’ mean
‘challenge’ and when ’accept’?
Do it For Yourself
Do it for yourself!
• Slides, exercises, etc. for half-day workshop
available under a Creative Commons licence
Workshop held at SAOIM 2014 (South Africa) & ELAG 2014 (Bath) conferences.
As described
Institutional planning
Further Reading
NMC Horizon
• Libraries 2017
Wiki (report in
March 2017)
• Higher Education
2017 (Preview)
• Higher Education
• Libraries 2015
TEF? TEF+Libraries

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Uksg 2013-kelly
Uksg 2013-kellyUksg 2013-kelly
Uksg 2013-kelly

Brian Kelly presented a methodology for identifying emerging technologies that may impact organizations. He discussed scanning for weak and strong signals of future trends, making sense of findings, and obtaining feedback to inform planning. Examples highlighted the importance of mobile technologies, social media, open data and monitoring privatization discussions for early signals of change. The methodology can help organizations understand technological changes and determine how to adapt strategies accordingly.

Understanding the Past; Being Honest about the Present; Planning for the Future
Understanding the Past; Being Honest about the Present; Planning for the FutureUnderstanding the Past; Being Honest about the Present; Planning for the Future
Understanding the Past; Being Honest about the Present; Planning for the Future

Slides for an invited talk on "Understanding the Past; Being Honest about the Present; Planning for the Future" given by Brian Kelly, Cetis at the SAOIM 2014 conference in Pretoria on 4-5 June 2014. For further information see Slides available at:

Let's Predict the Future: C1 Some Approaches
Let's Predict the Future: C1 Some ApproachesLet's Predict the Future: C1 Some Approaches
Let's Predict the Future: C1 Some Approaches

Slides on "Let's Predict the Future: Some Approaches" for a workshop session on "Predicting the Future" held on 3 June 2014 at the SAOIM 2014 conference in Pretoria, South Africa and facilitated by Brian Kelly, Cetis. See

We have:
• Seen examples of technology trends, drivers &
challenges as agreed by NMC Library panel
• Learnt about the NMC’s Delphi processes
• Contributed our perspectives
• Voted on the ideas provided
• Heard about follow-up approaches
Next steps:
• Read the NMC Horizon Report and use it to
inform planning processes
• Implement an institutional event to help prepare
your organisation for the future (run it annually?)
• Invite an independent consultant to facilitate  41

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Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies

  • 1. 1 Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus A presentation for the SAOIM 2014 conference
  • 2. Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies CILIP West Midlands 2017 Annual Members Day, Birmingham on 10 Feb 2017 Brian Kelly Independent researcher/consultant at UK Web Focus Ltd. UK Web Focus at UKOLN, 1997-2013 Innovation Advocate at CETIS, 2013-2015 Contact Details Brian Kelly Email: Twitter: @briankelly Blog: Slides and further information available at UK Web Focus Event hashtag: #MembersDay17 View slides & abstract at Tweet comments with #MembersDay17
  • 3. 3 3 You are free to: copy, share, adapt, or re-mix; photograph, film, or broadcast; blog, live-blog, or post video of this presentation provided that: You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights and licences associated with its components. Idea from Cameron Neylon c Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero. Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at: Please tweet! Your comments may be useful in evaluation & subsequent reflections on this talk
  • 4. Abstract We continue to see developments in online services which provide both opportunities and challenges for librarians. The implications of technical developments on library services is made difficult to predict in light of financial, political and cultural uncertainties. Brian Kelly will describe the methodology used by the NMC (New Media Consortium) for the NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Library Edition, NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Higher Education Edition and the forthcoming NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Library Edition for identifying technological developments likely to be important. Brian will then introduce a methodology for developing plans for making use of such developments within the institution. Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand limitations of approaches to future-gazing 2. Learn about future-gazing methodology used by NMC 3. Hear about application of methodologies across library sectors 4. Be aware of resources which can be used locally 4
  • 5. Contents Introduction • About me Identifying Developments • The NMC Horizon Report for Libraries & the Delphi process:  What are the major technology trends?  Beyond the technology trends – the drivers accelerating technology adoption  Beyond the technology trends & drivers – the challenges impeding technology adoption • Carrying out your own future-gazing & planning work Institutional Planning • Preparing for the implications • Conclusions 5 Introduction
  • 6. 6 About Me Brian Kelly • UK Web Focus at UKOLN from 1996-2013 • Innovative Advocate at Cetis from 2013-2015 • Now independent consultant • Interests in promoting use of innovative technologies and practices in higher education & library sectors In recent years: • Gave talks on planning for the future at ILI (Internet Librarian International) & JIBS events • Delivered “planning for the future” half-day workshops at international library conferences in South Africa, London & Bath • Presented paper on “Reflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow” paper at Umbrella 2013 • Invited expert for NMC Horizon Report, Academic Libraries 2014 Introduction
  • 7. “Experts” Today’s environment: • Experts are being criticised and growth in terms such as: • “Post-truth” • “Alternative facts” 7 Critiquing Brexiteers / Trumpeters is easy – but what if there is some validity to argument?! The real reason that we don‘t trust experts anymore, Julie Shaw, The Independent, 8 July 2016 The real reason that we don‘t trust experts anymore, Julia Shaw, The Independent, 8 July 2016
  • 8. Predicting the Future: The Risks Risks in attempting to predict the future: • We get it wrong – the future didn’t materialise • We get it wrong – we were too cautious • Futurologists have biases 8 Predictions
  • 9. Looking at the Futurologists • Gartner report 9
  • 10. Gartner Beware vested interests which may be threatened by implications of predictions 10 Gartner May Be Too Scared To Say It, But the PC Is Dead, Mark Hachman, Readwrite Web, 5 April 2013
  • 12. We commission reports from experts in the field 12 … is an information professional who has specialized in the fields of electronic information provision for over 20 years. In recent years, he has specialized in metadata for digital libraries, in which capacity he is a member of the editorial board for the METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) standard for digital library metadata.
  • 13. Invention, Innovation, Improvement From Wikipedia: Invention: the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation: the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method. Improvement: doing current activities better. Assertion 1: Our focus is on innovation and improvement Assertion 2: Innovations and improvements probably already known to us (forget inventions such as the Web!) Assertion 3: You will learn about relevant innovations and improvements from your peers 13
  • 14. A Collaborative Approach We could use Twitter 14 Tweet your ideas with event hashtag I think teleporting could have implications for libraries in the future! #MembersDay17 Teleporting could have implications for libraries as people won’t be put off from visiting when it’s raining! #MembersDay17 and implications for libraries We would therefore need larger physical spaces for the teleporting visitors to the library #MembersDay17 Discuss alternative implications … So maybe the books could be teleported. Would we need a physical library building #MembersDay17 14 & issues such as legal implications, business models, … What about the legal implication? Border control? Which VAT rate to use? Importing banned book? … #MembersDay17 #wtf Feel free to add implications for users … Open collaborative approaches can help minimise biases, provide fresh insights, … but Twitter probably isn’t the best tool for this!
  • 15. THE Article Article which summarised the “6 key trends accelerating technology adoption in higher education in 2015” published in Times Higher Education on 23 Feb 2015 Based on the NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition 15
  • 16. About the NMC Horizon Library Study 16 NMC Horizon Report, 2014: Library edition: • Published in Aug 2014 • Based on ideas from panel of experts • Ideas refined using Delphi process • Report available under Creative Commons licence Your interests: • What are the technology trends? What are the implications for me? • What is the ‘Delphi process’? Can I use it?
  • 17. NMC Panel Panel composed of 47 library and technology experts from 16 countries on five continents (including 3 from UK) 17 Note NMC Horizon Library Report 2017 is still being prepared (due for publication at ACRL 2017 on 23 March 2017)
  • 18. Short-Term Technology Trends What technology trends did the NMC Horizon panel identify? 18 Seven key categories were identified: TechnologyTrends
  • 19. Short-Term Technology Trends Two areas of importance in the short-term (<1 year to adoption) were identified and prioritised: 19 “electronic publishing is redefining the tools between print and digital, still image and video, passive and interactive” Report gives examples of innovative uses e.g. ANU Press, established in 2003 to explore & enable new modes of scholarly publishing. “the way we think about software itself is changing, and whole industries are adjusting to a new world in which sophisticated but simple tools routinely sell for 99 cents or are completely free” TechnologyTrends
  • 20. What’s Missing? Let’s use the Delphi process (abbreviated version!): • What significant learning technology trends do you feel will have an impact in the short term (< 1 year) • Tweet (or shout) your ideas! • Session chair will record ideas This is an example of crowd-sourcing ideas from a group of experts 20 Vote on two ideas which you feel are most important: • Area 1 • Area 2 This is an example of how crowd-sourced ideas can be refined and prioritised TechnologyTrends hashtag: #membersday17
  • 21. Medium-Term Drivers What trends driving technology adoption in the medium term (3-5 years?) did the NMC Horizon panel identify? 21 Trends are sorted into three movement-related categories: (1) fast-moving trends that will realize their impact in the next 1-2 years and two categories of slower-moving trends that will realize their impact within (2) 3-5 or (3) 5+ years. After summarising technologies important in short-term, lets look at medium-term drivers of technology adoption TechnologyDrivers
  • 22. Medium-Term Drivers Two drivers of technology adoption in medium term (3-5 years to adoption) were identified and prioritised: 22 “Once limited to print-based journals and monographic series, scholarly communications now reside in networked environments and can be accessed through an expansive array of publishing platforms”. “Academic & research libraries are gradually embracing the movement toward openness as the Internet has opened the floodgates of information and scientific knowledge”. TechnologyDrivers
  • 23. What’s Missing? Let’s use the Delphi process: • What significant drivers of learning technology adoption do you feel will have an impact in the medium term (3-5 years) • Tweet (or shout) your ideas! • Session chair will record ideas This is a further example of crowd-sourcing ideas from a group of experts 23 Vote on two ideas which you feel are most important: • Area 1 • Area 2 This is a further example of how crowd-sourced ideas can be refined based on your experiences TechnologyDrivers hashtag: #membersday17
  • 24. The Challenges What challenges impeding technology adoption in academic and research libraries did the NMC Horizon panel identify? 24 These were classed as: • Solvable Challenges: those that we understand and know how to solve • Difficult Challenges: Those that we understand but for which solutions are elusive • Wicked Challenges: Those that are complex to even define, much less address TheChallenges
  • 25. The Challenges Two difficult challenges were identified: 25 “It is important for these new digital data sets to be preserved alongside the research derived from them for future use and in longitudinal studies, but this presents a perpetual challenge for library acquisition and archiving practices as formats continue to evolve”. “.. advents in Internet technology are fostering changes in patron behavior, challenging libraries to either participate in the online knowledge exchange or risk becoming obsolete over time. ”. TheChallenges
  • 26. What’s Missing? Let’s use the Delphi process: • What:  Solvable  Difficult  Wicked challenges are missing? • Tweet (or shout) your ideas! • Session chair will record ideas 26 Choose one idea per category: • Solvable • Difficult • Wicked This is a further example of how crowd-sourced ideas can be prioritised based on your personal/institutional context TheChallenges hashtag: #membersday17
  • 27. Review NMC Horizon report: • Provides insights into technological trends, driver & barriers for library • Open methodology which caters for experts highlighting their own particular interests But: • It may not be applicable to your specific context • It doesn’t address “What do I need to do next?” 27 Review
  • 28. The Full NMC Horizon Report NMC Horizon report for Libraries 2014: • 50 pages • 18 topics  6 key trends  6 significant challenges  6 important technologies 28 2 1 3
  • 29. Tools for Futurists Some tools which can help you to predict the future: • Quick surveys • Observing recent developments • Trip reports from conferences (cf Sarah Purcell) Not covered in talk (ideas for reinterpreting the present and providing fresh insights): • The History Of The Web Backwards, UK Web Focus blog, 19 Nov 2007 • Reversible, Reverse History and Side-by-Side Storytelling, OUseful blog, 22 March 2010 29 Tools
  • 30. The Future Is Already Here! Hands up if you have: Used a mobile device for work-related purposes in bed Options: Yes, No or I’m indecisive! 30 “20% of the iPad users spent time with their iPad in bed” 2010 Informal survey (Twitter & blog post), March 2012 “The future is already here - it's just not very evenly distributed” What are the implications of this ‘platform’? Tools
  • 31. Trip Reports • What topics are covered at conferences • What topics interested my peers 31 Tools Our favourite sessions Louise Drumm, from Glasgow Caledonian University, presented ‘Connections between theory and practice: rhizomatic teaching with digital technologies’ where she discussed the … findings of a doctoral research project which asked the question ‘what role does theory play in university teaching with digital technologies?’ Andrew Raistrick and Steven Bentley, from the University of Huddersfield, discussed their new approach to staff development courses in ‘Flipping heck! Be careful what you wish for‘. Manchester Metropolitan University’s presentation, ‘An experiment in open-access, micro-learning for educational technology training’ gave an interesting look at how they are engaging academic colleagues in technology enhanced learning training.
  • 32. What Did You Notice Recently? “What did you notice for the first time today (recently)?” • Can be important for trend spotting • May signify that something is becoming mainstream that you hadn’t appreciated before (WiFi on bus, …) 32 Amazon locker (Feb 2013) Video on underground (Dec 2008) Tools Thanks to Tony Hirst View slides & abstract at Tweet comments with #MembersDay17
  • 33. Action Brief Statement Technology Will Not Defeat Us: Next Steps Having identified future developments of relevance to the organisation, you will now need to convince senior management of the potential. From the Hyperlinked Library MOOC Planning template from assignment 2: Action Brief Statement: Convince ______ that by _______ they will ________ which will ________ because _______. 33Acknowledgements to Michael Stephens and Kyle Jones This tool was used in a number of Planning for Future workshops (with voting and prizes) Planning
  • 34. Risks The Need to Explicitly Address Risks From “Risks and Opportunities Framework for Exploiting the Social Web” by Kelly & Oppenheim: • Summarise risks • Summary risks of not adopting technology • Summarise strategies for minimising (or accepting) risks • Evidence base • Document biases and prejudices 34 Can you innovate without taking risks? Planning
  • 35. Warning From The Past Tim Berners-Lee didn’t let evidence of the popularity of Gopher hinder development of the Web 35 In 1993 Gopher was the safe bet for an important technological innovation
  • 36. The Serenity Prayer • The Serenity Prayer 36Serenity Prayer
  • 37. Scenario Planning for Addressing the Unexpected 37 Commercialisation Devolved ownership The niche librarian Everyone’s an IT expert Possible scenarios for libraries and the Cloud Steady as she goes Outline challenges and opportunities for libraries based on an expanded version of these scenarios) Everyone’s a librarian Planning
  • 38. Acknowledge & Engage With Challenges Need to acknowledge unpleasant truth and engage with realities: • Trump  Brexit • Post-truth  Privacy • Commercialisation (commercial providers of HE) • Aging work force  …. 38 Planning Difficult Challenges: • Truth, trust, advocacy • Existential challenges • ‘Librarian’ brand Thinking the Unthinkable When does ‘engage’ mean ‘challenge’ and when ’accept’?
  • 39. Do it For Yourself Do it for yourself! • Slides, exercises, etc. for half-day workshop available under a Creative Commons licence 39 Workshop held at SAOIM 2014 (South Africa) & ELAG 2014 (Bath) conferences. See: • • As described Institutional planning Planning
  • 40. Further Reading NMC Horizon Reports: • Libraries 2017 Wiki (report in March 2017) • Higher Education 2017 (Preview) • Higher Education 2016 • Libraries 2015 40 TEF? TEF+Libraries
  • 41. Conclusions We have: • Seen examples of technology trends, drivers & challenges as agreed by NMC Library panel • Learnt about the NMC’s Delphi processes • Contributed our perspectives • Voted on the ideas provided • Heard about follow-up approaches Next steps: • Read the NMC Horizon Report and use it to inform planning processes • Implement an institutional event to help prepare your organisation for the future (run it annually?) • Invite an independent consultant to facilitate  41

Editor's Notes

  1. I’d welcome questions and comments. Note that I’ve published a blog post on which can be used for questions. Thank you.