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A Strategy for Web 2.0 Michael Webb Head of IT and Media Services University of Wales, Newport The work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 licence. Caveats:  this excludes the Bebo and Think.Com screenshots. The University of Wales, Newport logo most not be modified in any way.
Presentation Overview Very brief Web 2.0 introduction Our starting point – a change of approach to using the web for teaching and learning How and why we changed our IT Strategy to support Web 2.0 Technical, teaching and marketing challenges and opportunities How we plan to turn our strategy in a service
What do I mean by Web 2.0? “… a second generation of services available on the World Wide Web that lets people collaborate and share information online”  (Wikipedia 12 th  May 2006)
Web for teaching and learning 2003 : We’d reached a crossroads with our (commercial) VLE and had a chance to rethink our strategy. Our Question: “ Which VLE should we use?”   Wrong Question! Our Question v2 What was our strategic aim for the VLE from a Teaching and Learning Perspective? How do we want our staff and students to interact? Our initial answer: We wanted as many lecturers to make course materials available as possible.

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Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?
Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?

Slides for a talk on "Benefits of the Social Web: How Can It Help My Museum?" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the AIM 2009 conference held in Ellesmere Port on 5 June 2009. See

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The document discusses the University of Wales, Newport's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the student experience. It outlines how the university initially focused on using its virtual learning environment (VLE) to distribute course materials but has since recognized the importance of social technologies. The strategy updates the IT strategy to support emerging technologies like blogs and wikis and become a more agile service. It also discusses the technical, teaching, marketing, and legal challenges of implementing this new approach.

Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social WebEngagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web
Engagement, Impact, Value: Measuring and Maximising Impact Using the Social Web

This document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on measuring and maximizing impact using social web services. The presentation explored the benefits and concerns of using social media, discussed approaches to measure its value and effectiveness, and examined how metrics can be used to enhance institutional activities. It also addressed legal, accessibility and sustainability concerns and concluded by soliciting feedback on next steps.

myLearning Essentials 1.0 Our solution: Build a (technically basic) portal Add in the functionality we wanted  Make it so we could add more functionality later (Similar in spirit to the JISC MLE framework but technically much less ambitious!)
myLearning Essentials 1.0 Functionality: Distribute course material Course discussions Access to documents off-site Access to better web email University news Focus was largely on the University communicating with students
myLearning Essentials 1.1 A year later added in more functionality, changing the communication flow: Student-to-Student For Sale boards Accommodation wanted/offered etc Student-to-University ‘ Poll of the month’
2004: Time to update the IT Strategy… University's Strategic Aim No.1 : “ To provide the  highest quality student  experience possible as the  highest priority  for the University of Wales, Newport”  Question : “What is the greatest contribution IT can make to the Student Experience?”

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What Does Openness Mean To The Openness Museum Community
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What Does Openness Mean To The Openness Museum Community

Slides used in a professional forum on "What Does Openness Mean To The Museum Community" given at the Museums and Web 2008 conference. See

Welcome to IWMW2009
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Welcome to IWMW2009

Welcome presentation given by Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly, UKOLN at Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009, University of Essex, 28 - 30, July 2009

Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies
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Predicting and Preparing For Emerging Learning Technologies

The document summarizes Brian Kelly's presentation on predicting and preparing for emerging learning technologies. It discusses identifying technology trends, drivers, and challenges through the Delphi process used by the NMC Horizon Report. It also provides tools and methods for institutions to plan for future technologies, including scenario planning, acknowledging risks, and engaging with challenges. The presentation aims to help attendees understand limitations of future forecasting and apply similar methodologies to plan locally.

What makes a good student experience? Good computing facilities? Reliable service?  Friendly support? Good VLE? … ? What else?
Time to step back and take a wider view Blogs starting to get media coverage eBay and iTunes entering mainstream “ What Can Internet Technologies Offer” - Brian Kelly – UCISA Conference 2004 “ IM” “Blogs” “Wikis” “FOAF” “Let’s Kill Email”
Our conclusion Emerging (Web 2.0) technologies could play an important role in supporting the University’s main strategic aim. i.e. contribute to the  overall  student experience, not  just  improve teaching (although hopefully it would do that as well!)
Updating the IT Strategy Two important statements made: We will support existing (or emerging) Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs, Wikis etc Caveats relate to resourcing rather than technical issues 2)  We are going to become an adaptive, agile service, and quickly support new technologies. Funding for innovation included in the IT strategy .

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The Learning Web
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Slides from presentation made at the League for Innovation CIT 2006. Forgive the title-this is the first attempt at presenting this material. Feel free to leave constructive comments and/or suggestions

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Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?

Slides used by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a meeting on "Web 2.0: How Should IT Services and the Library Respond?" held at the University of Nottingham, on 16 November 2006.

Turning the strategy into action We needed to learn more. Our approach: Use the technology!  Find out what your future students may want  Find out what the students are doing Ask the students what they want
Using the technology: What did we find out? We set up our own Blogs, Wiki and Jabber services, and used them to discuss the technologies – it worked!
What are our future students doing? School children being are introduced to blogging when they are as young as 7 or 8 years old… … see  as a great example
What are our current students doing? Our students use Web 2.0 applications eg.   to form social networks relating to the University. Join it! (although it may make you feel old!)

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Web Preservation in a Web 2.0 Environment (Brian Kelly, UKOLN)

Presentation given at the JISC PoWR workshop 3 (Embedding Web Preservation Strategies Within Your Institution), given in the Flexible Learning Space, centre for Excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning (CEEBL), University of Manchester on Friday 12th September 2008.

Welcome to IWMW 2010
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Welcome to IWMW 2010

- The document is a slide presentation from the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010 that provides an overview and history of the event as well as discussion of current challenges and the future. - It discusses how the IWMW event has been held annually since 1997 to provide a forum for UK higher education institutions to discuss web management best practices and innovations. - Recent budget cuts and changing priorities threaten the sustainability of the event, raising questions around reducing its length, making it virtual, or allowing commercial alternatives. The role of professional networks and adapting to change are emphasized.

Using Internet Technology for Learning
Using Internet Technology for LearningUsing Internet Technology for Learning
Using Internet Technology for Learning

The document discusses various online learning tools that can be used to provide information, gather information, and allow people to work together online, including: 1) Online courses that allow self-directed learning through facilitated modules and may include certificates of completion. 2) Webinars that allow "live" online meetings using video, chat, and screensharing. They can be recorded and made available later. 3) Collaborative websites using content management systems like blogs and wikis to allow groups to jointly publish and update information online.

What are our current students are doing (2) ? Student are using freely available web applications to create their own communities. Some presented the University in a good light, others maybe didn’t
What do our current students want? myLearning Essentials Poll Showed some level of interest in all technologies: 64% wanted SMS notifications 45% IM 40% Discussion Boards 33% Blogs, wiki, web space, social networking
Summary of the things we learnt (1) Students are already using Web 2.0 technologies, both to support their courses and for socials reasons. We can no longer control the University’s web presence, even if we wanted to. Providing these sorts of services is not without risks The risks don’t all go away if we ignore these technologies.
Summary of the things we learnt (2) We can change the communication channels: University     Student  (1.0) Student   University (1.1) Student     Student  (1.1) Staff/Student     Staff/Student  (2.0) Staff/Student     The World  (2.0) This is exciting from a student experience perspective! The world is changing rapidly and we really do need to change too if our services aren’t going to be boring and irrelevant!

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Practical Blog Preservation (Workshop)
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Practical Blog Preservation (Workshop)

Workshop slides for IWMW 2009 workshop discussion on blog preservation for Higher Education institutions. Covers selection, collection, access, IPR.

Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals
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Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for information professionals

Marieke Guy from UKOLN will help you find out how Web 2.0 applications are being used in libraries and information centres, and what actually works. Blogs, wikis, RSS? Podcasts, Slideshare, Flickr and Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and Video Sharing are the buzz words.

F1: Summary: Future Technologies and Their Applications
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F1: Summary: Future Technologies and Their Applications

Slides for a 1-day workshop on "Future Technologies and Their Applications" facilitated by Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst at the ILI 2013 conference on Monday 14 October 2013. See See

Technical/IT Challenges (1) What services, if any do we need to provide?  Isn’t it all available out there for free? What ‘value-added’ can/should we provide? Conclusion:  We do need to provide some services: At the moment students and staff aren’t all able to ‘just do it’ We can provide good user support for beginners We can combine services to create a sense of community There are some important extras that we can add if we provide services ourselves (eg auto creation of RSS feed lists)
Technical/IT Challenges (2) Services we think we should provide: Blogs Instant Messaging Wiki(s) RSS enable Forums Photo Galleries SMS texting Web 1.0 space Services we think we should support/encourage Social networking Instant Messaging (external) …
Technical/IT Challenges (3) How does our technical strategy need to change? Move to open source software? What extra skills do we need? Being more agile and providing services quicker How much change can uses take? Accepting the world of perpetual beta? Standardisation? One package fits all?
Teaching and Learning Challenges (1) Do we need to engage academic staff, or is this just a social media? How do we engage academic staff? Find a few advocates – others will be thinking the same thing Give them early access to the technology Ask for their views! How could this technology be used? How does this relate to traditional VLE functionaility? Specific projects - eg Blogs as reflective journals? What about information literacy?

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Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0

Slides for a talk on "Embedding & Sustaining University 2.0 " given be Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University 2.0 conference in Santander on 8 September 2010. See

The Social Aspect Of Resource Discovery
The Social Aspect Of Resource DiscoveryThe Social Aspect Of Resource Discovery
The Social Aspect Of Resource Discovery

The document discusses resource discovery through social means such as writing blog posts, chatting with colleagues, listening to people, and sharing resources using popular networked services. It provides examples of how writing blog posts attracts relevant comments and links, and how Twitter can be used to find examples related to a talk. The conclusion is that social resource discovery is natural, requires little effort, allows the use of popular services, and helps the community.

Web Strategy & Websites Using SharePoint
Web Strategy & Websites Using SharePointWeb Strategy & Websites Using SharePoint
Web Strategy & Websites Using SharePoint

This presentation discusses web strategies and how to create websites using SharePoint. It covers creating an effective web strategy, providing an overview of SharePoint and its benefits for websites, and presenting three case studies of organizations that implemented websites using SharePoint. The case studies demonstrate how SharePoint helped consolidate online presences, align websites with business strategies, provide a unified content management platform, and reduce costs.

Teaching and Learning Challenges (2) How to we stop ‘technology overload’ for academic staff? Many are still getting to grips with our VLE/Web 1.0 technologies We are going to ‘sell’ this is a service for students in the first instance. What sort language do we use to describe these services? Person-centric vs Topic-centric? Asking vs Telling? How do you explain when to use a blog, a wiki or a forum?
Marketing Challenges How does this fit into our existing Web 1.0 site? Still a need for this for formal, structured information What if people say ‘the wrong thing’? They will anyway! Hopefully people will present a positive image as well. How do we use this technologies to sell the University?
Other issues Clear from our forum experience you need clear guidelines on use Legal issue e.g. libel – need good procedures for removing material if necessary What do we do if it all goes wrong? Make services internal only? Remove them completely?
What we plan to do next… Fully deploy Web 2.0 technology! Plans for next academic year: MyCommunity (working title!) – blogs, wikis, RSS enabled forums etc provided to everyone Instant Messenger and SMS Texting services added  Research projects on using Web 2.0 technologies for teaching

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This is an accompanying slidedeck for the podcast with Adaptive Path. A case study where design has driven the web strategy for this science research organisation.

Digital marketing management
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1. The document discusses best practices for managing digital marketing in 2014 based on research from Smart Insights and TFM&A. 2. It finds that over half of businesses have significant potential to improve their digital marketing capabilities, describing them as inconsistent, basic, or non-existent. Only 44% had advanced or optimized capabilities. 3. Nearly half of businesses surveyed do not have a defined digital marketing plan or strategy, though they are active in digital marketing. Nearly half also lack a defined marketing plan to align strategies. The document recommends creating long-term digital and marketing strategies aligned with business priorities.

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Community Led Activities
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Community Led Activities

Talk on "Community Led Activities" given at JISC Emerge online event on 7 June 2007. See

Question and Contact Details Any Questions? Contact details: Email: Blog:

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Developing a Web 2.0 Strategy

  • 1. A Strategy for Web 2.0 Michael Webb Head of IT and Media Services University of Wales, Newport The work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 licence. Caveats: this excludes the Bebo and Think.Com screenshots. The University of Wales, Newport logo most not be modified in any way.
  • 2. Presentation Overview Very brief Web 2.0 introduction Our starting point – a change of approach to using the web for teaching and learning How and why we changed our IT Strategy to support Web 2.0 Technical, teaching and marketing challenges and opportunities How we plan to turn our strategy in a service
  • 3. What do I mean by Web 2.0? “… a second generation of services available on the World Wide Web that lets people collaborate and share information online” (Wikipedia 12 th May 2006)
  • 4. Web for teaching and learning 2003 : We’d reached a crossroads with our (commercial) VLE and had a chance to rethink our strategy. Our Question: “ Which VLE should we use?” Wrong Question! Our Question v2 What was our strategic aim for the VLE from a Teaching and Learning Perspective? How do we want our staff and students to interact? Our initial answer: We wanted as many lecturers to make course materials available as possible.
  • 5. myLearning Essentials 1.0 Our solution: Build a (technically basic) portal Add in the functionality we wanted Make it so we could add more functionality later (Similar in spirit to the JISC MLE framework but technically much less ambitious!)
  • 6. myLearning Essentials 1.0 Functionality: Distribute course material Course discussions Access to documents off-site Access to better web email University news Focus was largely on the University communicating with students
  • 7. myLearning Essentials 1.1 A year later added in more functionality, changing the communication flow: Student-to-Student For Sale boards Accommodation wanted/offered etc Student-to-University ‘ Poll of the month’
  • 8. 2004: Time to update the IT Strategy… University's Strategic Aim No.1 : “ To provide the highest quality student experience possible as the highest priority for the University of Wales, Newport” Question : “What is the greatest contribution IT can make to the Student Experience?”
  • 9. What makes a good student experience? Good computing facilities? Reliable service? Friendly support? Good VLE? … ? What else?
  • 10. Time to step back and take a wider view Blogs starting to get media coverage eBay and iTunes entering mainstream “ What Can Internet Technologies Offer” - Brian Kelly – UCISA Conference 2004 “ IM” “Blogs” “Wikis” “FOAF” “Let’s Kill Email”
  • 11. Our conclusion Emerging (Web 2.0) technologies could play an important role in supporting the University’s main strategic aim. i.e. contribute to the overall student experience, not just improve teaching (although hopefully it would do that as well!)
  • 12. Updating the IT Strategy Two important statements made: We will support existing (or emerging) Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs, Wikis etc Caveats relate to resourcing rather than technical issues 2) We are going to become an adaptive, agile service, and quickly support new technologies. Funding for innovation included in the IT strategy .
  • 13. Turning the strategy into action We needed to learn more. Our approach: Use the technology! Find out what your future students may want Find out what the students are doing Ask the students what they want
  • 14. Using the technology: What did we find out? We set up our own Blogs, Wiki and Jabber services, and used them to discuss the technologies – it worked!
  • 15. What are our future students doing? School children being are introduced to blogging when they are as young as 7 or 8 years old… … see as a great example
  • 16. What are our current students doing? Our students use Web 2.0 applications eg. to form social networks relating to the University. Join it! (although it may make you feel old!)
  • 17. What are our current students are doing (2) ? Student are using freely available web applications to create their own communities. Some presented the University in a good light, others maybe didn’t
  • 18. What do our current students want? myLearning Essentials Poll Showed some level of interest in all technologies: 64% wanted SMS notifications 45% IM 40% Discussion Boards 33% Blogs, wiki, web space, social networking
  • 19. Summary of the things we learnt (1) Students are already using Web 2.0 technologies, both to support their courses and for socials reasons. We can no longer control the University’s web presence, even if we wanted to. Providing these sorts of services is not without risks The risks don’t all go away if we ignore these technologies.
  • 20. Summary of the things we learnt (2) We can change the communication channels: University  Student (1.0) Student  University (1.1) Student  Student (1.1) Staff/Student  Staff/Student (2.0) Staff/Student  The World (2.0) This is exciting from a student experience perspective! The world is changing rapidly and we really do need to change too if our services aren’t going to be boring and irrelevant!
  • 21. Technical/IT Challenges (1) What services, if any do we need to provide? Isn’t it all available out there for free? What ‘value-added’ can/should we provide? Conclusion: We do need to provide some services: At the moment students and staff aren’t all able to ‘just do it’ We can provide good user support for beginners We can combine services to create a sense of community There are some important extras that we can add if we provide services ourselves (eg auto creation of RSS feed lists)
  • 22. Technical/IT Challenges (2) Services we think we should provide: Blogs Instant Messaging Wiki(s) RSS enable Forums Photo Galleries SMS texting Web 1.0 space Services we think we should support/encourage Social networking Instant Messaging (external) …
  • 23. Technical/IT Challenges (3) How does our technical strategy need to change? Move to open source software? What extra skills do we need? Being more agile and providing services quicker How much change can uses take? Accepting the world of perpetual beta? Standardisation? One package fits all?
  • 24. Teaching and Learning Challenges (1) Do we need to engage academic staff, or is this just a social media? How do we engage academic staff? Find a few advocates – others will be thinking the same thing Give them early access to the technology Ask for their views! How could this technology be used? How does this relate to traditional VLE functionaility? Specific projects - eg Blogs as reflective journals? What about information literacy?
  • 25. Teaching and Learning Challenges (2) How to we stop ‘technology overload’ for academic staff? Many are still getting to grips with our VLE/Web 1.0 technologies We are going to ‘sell’ this is a service for students in the first instance. What sort language do we use to describe these services? Person-centric vs Topic-centric? Asking vs Telling? How do you explain when to use a blog, a wiki or a forum?
  • 26. Marketing Challenges How does this fit into our existing Web 1.0 site? Still a need for this for formal, structured information What if people say ‘the wrong thing’? They will anyway! Hopefully people will present a positive image as well. How do we use this technologies to sell the University?
  • 27. Other issues Clear from our forum experience you need clear guidelines on use Legal issue e.g. libel – need good procedures for removing material if necessary What do we do if it all goes wrong? Make services internal only? Remove them completely?
  • 28. What we plan to do next… Fully deploy Web 2.0 technology! Plans for next academic year: MyCommunity (working title!) – blogs, wikis, RSS enabled forums etc provided to everyone Instant Messenger and SMS Texting services added Research projects on using Web 2.0 technologies for teaching
  • 29. Question and Contact Details Any Questions? Contact details: Email: Blog: