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Blogs at  University of Wales, Newport Michael Webb Head of IT and Media Services University of Wales, Newport The work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 licence. The University of Wales, Newport logo most not be modified in any way.
Presentation Overview Part 1) An overview of our blogging service What facilities we have How they are used How they are managed Part 2) How we got there How we established the need How we chose the product How we launched it
Part 1 An overview  of our blogging service What facilities we have How they are used How they are managed
About University of Wales, Newport Located in South Wales ( Here we are on Google Maps ) Around 6000 students (about half part-time), plus 3000 franchise students Smallish IT depart (25 staff) supporting all University IT.

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Learning 2.0 - VLE to PLE
Learning 2.0 - VLE to PLELearning 2.0 - VLE to PLE
Learning 2.0 - VLE to PLE

The document discusses personal learning environments (PLEs) as an alternative to virtual learning environments (VLEs). A PLE allows learners to aggregate content from various sources and own the content they create, giving them more control and engagement over their learning. However, adopting PLEs also presents technical, social, and pedagogical challenges for educational institutions to consider, such as integration with existing systems, dealing with issues like plagiarism and assessment, and ensuring equal access for all students. The future may see institutions act more as networking hubs that provide added value services alongside externally-sourced learning options.

Cannaerts Wambeke Verjans_EDEN2007
Cannaerts Wambeke Verjans_EDEN2007Cannaerts Wambeke Verjans_EDEN2007
Cannaerts Wambeke Verjans_EDEN2007

Teacher A discusses integrating Wi-Fi and Wikipedia into lessons to answer student questions and speaking multiple languages. The document then summarizes an online course for teachers on e-didactics that used various online tools like forums, wikis and video conferencing to encourage collaboration and social learning. It explores moving forward with a personal learning environment to continue supporting the community of practice.

ELISE - e-learning for in service teacher training - EDEN2007 conference
ELISE - e-learning for in service teacher training - EDEN2007 conferenceELISE - e-learning for in service teacher training - EDEN2007 conference
ELISE - e-learning for in service teacher training - EDEN2007 conference

Teacher A discusses integrating Wi-Fi and Wikipedia into lessons to answer student questions and speaking multiple languages. The document then summarizes an online course for teachers on e-didactics that used various online tools like forums, wikis and video conferencing to encourage collaboration and social learning. It explores moving forward with a personal learning environment to continue supporting the community of practice.

Our Blogging Service Part of myCommunity Part of myLearning Essential - our ‘VLE’, Provides: Blogs for everyone Forums Photo Galleries Launched Sept 2006 ‘ Build it and they will come’ approach
MyCommunity Demo Publicly accessible at: Quick demo of how it works…
How our blogs are used Used for a variety of purposes: To initiate discussion Disseminating information Comment on the University Share subject specific thoughts and ideas Teaching and Learning project – reflective practice Fun! Examples to follow in a moment.
1% rule If you get a group of 100 people online then one will create content, 10 will "interact" with it (commenting or offering improvements) and the other 89 will just view it (or ‘lurk’).   (see  http:// )

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Emerging  Learning  Spaces - UBC Psychology DeptEmerging  Learning  Spaces - UBC Psychology Dept
Emerging Learning Spaces - UBC Psychology Dept

This document summarizes a workshop on emerging learning technologies. The workshop introduces facilitators Catherine Paul and Emily Renoe and has participants introduce themselves. It discusses definitions of learning technologies, examples of technology use at UBC, and case studies of tools like Flickr, Twitter, Prezi, YouTube, and Facebook. The objectives are to reflect on using technology in teaching and to learn something new. It concludes with sharing uses of technology at UBC and contact information for the facilitators.

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More slides and instruction to e-learning in my blog (Finnish, English):

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Michael Webb, SCHoMs 2008 - Celtic Manor
Michael Webb, SCHoMs 2008 - Celtic ManorMichael Webb, SCHoMs 2008 - Celtic Manor
Michael Webb, SCHoMs 2008 - Celtic Manor

The document discusses the virtual learning spaces used at Newport Schools. It introduces three key tools: 1) MyCommunity, a blogging/forum platform for students and staff. 2) MyNewport on Facebook, which provides access to course materials on Facebook. 3) Text messaging services to easily contact students. The tools aim to engage different learners and take advantage of web technologies. MyCommunity sees most use for communication rather than courses. MyNewport on Facebook had few active users but was a learning experiment. Texting could replace email but has cost concerns. Overall the goal is matching technology to pedagogy and improving the overall learning environment.

Overview of usage stats 80 -130 blogs (depending how you count them!) 500+ blog postings 350 blog comments 350 + authors across myCommunity Approx 250,000 post views
Blog uses: Initiating discussion Staff getting feedback from students Future of our Computer Suites Students getting feedback from students Advice on indoor photography General debate Why don’t young people get involved in Charity Work?
Disseminating Information Staff using blogs to communicate with potential students HSS  Fresher’s   blogs Students advertising events eg  Big Ask Live
Comment on the University Less than you might imagine at the moment! Students Union Wireless networking is rubbish…!

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This presentation merges the benefits from mobile learning and MOOCs. The presentation was given during one of ADL Interagency Mobile Learning Webinars on 16 July 2013.

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Edmodo pp
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Edmodo is a social networking site aimed at students that allows them to communicate with teachers and complete assignments outside of school hours. As a Web 2.0 tool, it emphasizes interaction, collaboration, and constant updates between users. Students can access forums, groups, and assignments through Edmodo using just a username and password, leaving a low digital footprint without needing their real name or email.

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web 2.0: Creative and Inexpensive Ways to Train Your Staff

The document discusses how Web 2.0 tools can be used for lifelong learning and inexpensive training of staff. It defines and provides examples of 10 different Web 2.0 tools, including podcasts, Delicious, SlideShare, webinars, YouTube, social networking sites, Twitter, VoiceThread, PBWiki, and Zuiprezi. It suggests ways these tools can be used for activities like organizing trainings, sharing resources, and creating presentations.

Subject specific thoughts and ideas Students – blogging about their work Indiewood  project Subject area blogs… Note from the Cupboard … Feedback from outside the University
Reflective Practice Possibly most exciting use of myCommunity! Around 60 education students blogging their teaching practice experience Blogs restricted to the group plus lecturers Unique way of: a) Working as a group remotely b) Reflecting on their experiences
Management Issues Currently low management overhead Students (and staff!) using the service in a very responsible way Checked regularly by IT/Learning Technology group but currently no formal moderation. Only had to ‘censor’ one posting so far.
Part 2 How we got there… How we established the need How we chose the product

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Keynote presentation at the Workbased Learning Conference in Swansea, 25 March 2009 Links appear on

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Experience Sharing of Introducing Free Software to Campus: Example of Geng-fang Elementary School, I-lan County, Taiwan

How we got there… Part of a strategy to support the overall student experience More on strategy side at:
myLearning Essentials… myLearning Essentials is our own learning environment  (we don’t use Blackboard/Web CT etc) Why? Focus should be what your organisation wants to achieve. Easy to build  your own learning environment from existing/bespoke components MyCommunity and the blogs are part of this approach…
2004: Time to update the IT Strategy… University's Strategic Aim No.1 : “ To provide the  highest quality student  experience possible as the  highest priority  for the University of Wales, Newport”  Question : “What is the greatest contribution IT can make to the Student Experience?”
What makes a good student experience? Good computing facilities? Reliable service?  Friendly support? Good VLE? … ? What else?

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The document outlines the Learning Technology Support team, their roles, and services provided. The team is led by Dave Harden and includes learning technologists, technicians, and an administrator. They provide e-learning support, computer aided assessment, ICT training including ECDL, and a plagiarism detection service. Support is offered through individual assistance, workshops, course development support, and policy advice. Skills support includes ICT training programs and an ECDL test center. A plagiarism detection pilot is underway along with development of an LPD CD-Rom and web resource.

Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility case study
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The Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility provides a gateway to accessibility for web professionals. The course is offered online over six weeks by the University of South Australia and W3C member Media Access Australia. Here, lecturers Associate Professor Denise Wood and Dr Scott Hollier talk through the Professional Certificate in Web Accessibility at OZeWAI 2012. More info:

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Edmodo pp 3
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Edmodo pp 3

Edmodo is a social networking site aimed at students that allows them to communicate with teachers and access assignments outside of school hours. It is a Web 2.0 tool that encourages interaction and collaboration through features like forums and groups. Edmodo has a low digital footprint since students only need to create an account using a username, and it is easy for both teachers and students to use.

Time to step back and take a wider view Blogs starting to get media coverage eBay and iTunes entering mainstream Early adoptors and evangelists starting to promote educational use of Web 2.0 technology eg “What Can Internet Technologies Offer” - Brian Kelly –  UCISA Conference 2004
Our conclusion Emerging (Web 2.0) technologies could play an important role in supporting the University’s main strategic aim. i.e. contribute to the  overall  student experience, not  just  improve teaching (although hopefully it would do that as well!)
Updating the IT Strategy Two important statements made: We will support existing (or emerging) Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs, Wikis etc Caveats relate to resourcing rather than technical issues 2)  We are going to become an adaptive, agile service, and quickly support new technologies. Funding for innovation included in the IT strategy .
Turning the strategy into action We needed to learn more. Our approach: Use the technology!  Find out what your future students may want  Find out what the students are doing Ask the students what they want

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1. The document discusses how technology can be leveraged for collaboration but often fails to deliver on promises of knowledge sharing due to cultural and process issues. 2. It provides examples of technologies that can enable collaboration such as web conferencing and outlines roles for collaboratories in areas like distance education and employee management. 3. Successful virtual teams require strong communication, clear goals, trust, and occasional in-person meetings to overcome challenges of invisibility and isolation that technology-enabled distance can create.

SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic Shifting our Learning Centers Online Pt 1
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Presentation as part of the SUNY Remote Teaching Clinic - The Remote Teaching Clinic is designed to help you temporarily deliver your face-to-face instructional materials at a distance. The free webinars in this clinic will provide you with the information and skills you need to teach anywhere.

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Este documento lista numerosos "false friends" o palabras falsas amigas entre el español e inglés. Estas son palabras que se escriben de forma similar en ambos idiomas pero tienen significados diferentes. Se proporcionan ejemplos como "conductor" que significa chofer en español pero director de orquesta o cobrador en inglés, y "actual" que significa actual en español pero real o efectivo en inglés. La lista contiene más de 100 pares de palabras falsas amigas comunes entre español e inglés con sus respectivos significados en cada

Using the technology: What did we find out? Release our inner ‘digital native’… We set up our own Blogs, Wiki and Jabber services, and used them to discuss the technologies – it worked!
What are our future students doing? School children being are introduced to blogging when they are as young as 7 or 8 years old… … see  as a great example
What are our current students doing? Our students use Web 2.0 applications eg.   to form social networks relating to the University. Join it! (although it may make you feel old!)
What are our current students are doing (2) ? Student are using freely available web applications to create their own communities. Some presented the University in a good light, others maybe didn’t

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El cerebro, ojos, corazón, estómago y piernas discutieron sobre quién debería ser el jefe del cuerpo humano. Cuando la mierda pidió ser el jefe y se negó a salir durante cinco días, causando dolor al cuerpo, los órganos accedieron y declararon que cualquier mierda puede ser jefe.

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Un negocio de cibercafé tiene potencial de éxito ya que ofrece un servicio necesario en la era de la información: acceso a Internet. Se necesitaría alrededor de 8 computadoras, mobiliario, una impresora y scanner, instalación de redes e Internet, y servicio eléctrico. El costo total de inversión inicial sería de aproximadamente $66,374 pesos mexicanos.

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Tra diem thi dai hoc pham van dong 2014 - diemthisieutoc.vnTra diem thi dai hoc pham van dong 2014 -
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Summary of the things we learnt (1) Students are already using Web 2.0 technologies, both to support their courses and for socials reasons. We can no longer control the University’s web presence, even if we wanted to. Providing these sorts of services is not without risks The risks don’t all go away if we ignore these technologies.
Summary of the things we learnt (2) We can change the communication channels: University     Student  (mLE 1.0) Student   University (mLE 1.0 1.1) Student     Student  (mLE 1.0 1.1) Staff/Student     Staff/Student  (mLE 1.0 2.0) Staff/Student     The World  (mLE 1.0 2.0) This is exciting from a student experience perspective! The world is changing rapidly and we really do need to change too if our services aren’t going to be boring and irrelevant!
How to decide how to do it… Use the technology yourselves! Get some of your users, technical people and decision makes to use it too! Only then will you be in position to set some criteria
Our Criteria Good multi-user functionality  Easy to use  Support for multi-media  Good RSS support  Easy to customise  Big Question: Did we need to provide our own service to achieve that???

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Sheema S is seeking an innovative career opportunity where she can grow with the organization. She has a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication from Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College of Engineering with 70.75% and expertise in programming languages like C and VB Script. She has experience with testing tools like QC, QTP and Selenium. She participated in projects like Automatic Number Plate Recognition using PHP and the Human Resources Management System recruitment module. She is ISTQB certified and actively participated in college cultural and sports events during her studies from 2010 to 2014.

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Good multi-user functionality Would be possible to manage with our limited resources Need some sort of security model We didn’t want all blogs to be public (eg reflective practice project) Need some sort of aggregation/hub facility Otherwise blogs would be isolated – who would read them?
Easy to use… Good user support Minimal barriers… No (or minimal) sign-up process No extra passwords… Easy for ‘non-techie’ people to get started
Good RSS Support A requirement of reflective practise. Need a good mechanism whereby academics can be alerted to postings from a group of students
Conclusion We needed to host the service ourselves smallest barrier to use security model, Automatic generation of  RSS lists (OPML) Therefore needed to evaluate available software…

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A Strategy For Web 2 0 (Tin180 Com)
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The document discusses the University of Wales, Newport's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the student experience. It outlines how the university changed its approach from focusing only on course materials to recognizing how technologies like blogs, wikis and social networking could improve communication between students, staff and the university. The strategy aims to provide some Web 2.0 services while also supporting external tools, address technical, teaching and marketing challenges, and fully deploy these technologies in the next academic year.

Options We trialled various products… Community Server b2Evolution WordPress MU DasBlog … We chose Community Server Best match to criteria at the time (WordPress MU looks like a serious contender now)
Community Server Free basic version Runs on Windows/SQL Server Fairly small cost for extra authentication features we needed Source code available (we’ve made minor modifications) See
Implementing MyCommunity Fairly rapid deployment. Open development – we let people use it as we were developing it! Good feedback that way… CSS/skinning mean could easily be integrated to myLearning Essentials Accepting the world of perpetual beta…it’s perfectly acceptable to gradually improve services
Launching myCommunity “ Build it and they will come” Formally launched Sept 2006 We just made it available without any publicity… Does this sort of thing work better if people discover themselves? Didn’t want to ‘over-hype’ Once we had sufficient content publicised and debated more. That brings us up to date!

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The document discusses the University of Wales, Newport's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the student experience. It outlines how the university initially focused on using its virtual learning environment (VLE) to distribute course materials but has since recognized the importance of social technologies. The strategy updates the IT strategy to support emerging technologies like blogs and wikis and become a more agile service. It also discusses the technical, teaching, marketing, and legal challenges of implementing this new approach.

Developing a Web 2.0 Strategy
Developing a Web 2.0 StrategyDeveloping a Web 2.0 Strategy
Developing a Web 2.0 Strategy

Slides from a talk by Michael Webb on "Developing a Web 2.0 Strategy" given at the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2006 on 14 June 2006. See

Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies
Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative TechnologiesLet's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies
Let's Do It Now! Mainstream Uses Of Collaborative Technologies

This document discusses strategies for mainstream adoption of collaborative technologies like blogs and wikis in organizations. It acknowledges barriers like legal risks, inertia and cultural resistance. It recommends addressing barriers through advocacy, listening to users, flexible policies, and safe experimentation. Risks can be minimized through approaches like piloting technologies at events and supporting widely-used external services. Adopting principles of openness, user focus, and collaboration from Web 2.0 can help organizations overcome conservatism and benefit users.

Questions/Discussion Contact details: [email_address]

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Blogs at University of Wales, Newport

  • 1. Blogs at University of Wales, Newport Michael Webb Head of IT and Media Services University of Wales, Newport The work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 licence. The University of Wales, Newport logo most not be modified in any way.
  • 2. Presentation Overview Part 1) An overview of our blogging service What facilities we have How they are used How they are managed Part 2) How we got there How we established the need How we chose the product How we launched it
  • 3. Part 1 An overview of our blogging service What facilities we have How they are used How they are managed
  • 4. About University of Wales, Newport Located in South Wales ( Here we are on Google Maps ) Around 6000 students (about half part-time), plus 3000 franchise students Smallish IT depart (25 staff) supporting all University IT.
  • 5. Our Blogging Service Part of myCommunity Part of myLearning Essential - our ‘VLE’, Provides: Blogs for everyone Forums Photo Galleries Launched Sept 2006 ‘ Build it and they will come’ approach
  • 6. MyCommunity Demo Publicly accessible at: Quick demo of how it works…
  • 7. How our blogs are used Used for a variety of purposes: To initiate discussion Disseminating information Comment on the University Share subject specific thoughts and ideas Teaching and Learning project – reflective practice Fun! Examples to follow in a moment.
  • 8. 1% rule If you get a group of 100 people online then one will create content, 10 will "interact" with it (commenting or offering improvements) and the other 89 will just view it (or ‘lurk’). (see http:// )
  • 9. Overview of usage stats 80 -130 blogs (depending how you count them!) 500+ blog postings 350 blog comments 350 + authors across myCommunity Approx 250,000 post views
  • 10. Blog uses: Initiating discussion Staff getting feedback from students Future of our Computer Suites Students getting feedback from students Advice on indoor photography General debate Why don’t young people get involved in Charity Work?
  • 11. Disseminating Information Staff using blogs to communicate with potential students HSS Fresher’s blogs Students advertising events eg Big Ask Live
  • 12. Comment on the University Less than you might imagine at the moment! Students Union Wireless networking is rubbish…!
  • 13. Subject specific thoughts and ideas Students – blogging about their work Indiewood project Subject area blogs… Note from the Cupboard … Feedback from outside the University
  • 14. Reflective Practice Possibly most exciting use of myCommunity! Around 60 education students blogging their teaching practice experience Blogs restricted to the group plus lecturers Unique way of: a) Working as a group remotely b) Reflecting on their experiences
  • 15. Management Issues Currently low management overhead Students (and staff!) using the service in a very responsible way Checked regularly by IT/Learning Technology group but currently no formal moderation. Only had to ‘censor’ one posting so far.
  • 16. Part 2 How we got there… How we established the need How we chose the product
  • 17. How we got there… Part of a strategy to support the overall student experience More on strategy side at:
  • 18. myLearning Essentials… myLearning Essentials is our own learning environment (we don’t use Blackboard/Web CT etc) Why? Focus should be what your organisation wants to achieve. Easy to build your own learning environment from existing/bespoke components MyCommunity and the blogs are part of this approach…
  • 19. 2004: Time to update the IT Strategy… University's Strategic Aim No.1 : “ To provide the highest quality student experience possible as the highest priority for the University of Wales, Newport” Question : “What is the greatest contribution IT can make to the Student Experience?”
  • 20. What makes a good student experience? Good computing facilities? Reliable service? Friendly support? Good VLE? … ? What else?
  • 21. Time to step back and take a wider view Blogs starting to get media coverage eBay and iTunes entering mainstream Early adoptors and evangelists starting to promote educational use of Web 2.0 technology eg “What Can Internet Technologies Offer” - Brian Kelly – UCISA Conference 2004
  • 22. Our conclusion Emerging (Web 2.0) technologies could play an important role in supporting the University’s main strategic aim. i.e. contribute to the overall student experience, not just improve teaching (although hopefully it would do that as well!)
  • 23. Updating the IT Strategy Two important statements made: We will support existing (or emerging) Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs, Wikis etc Caveats relate to resourcing rather than technical issues 2) We are going to become an adaptive, agile service, and quickly support new technologies. Funding for innovation included in the IT strategy .
  • 24. Turning the strategy into action We needed to learn more. Our approach: Use the technology! Find out what your future students may want Find out what the students are doing Ask the students what they want
  • 25. Using the technology: What did we find out? Release our inner ‘digital native’… We set up our own Blogs, Wiki and Jabber services, and used them to discuss the technologies – it worked!
  • 26. What are our future students doing? School children being are introduced to blogging when they are as young as 7 or 8 years old… … see as a great example
  • 27. What are our current students doing? Our students use Web 2.0 applications eg. to form social networks relating to the University. Join it! (although it may make you feel old!)
  • 28. What are our current students are doing (2) ? Student are using freely available web applications to create their own communities. Some presented the University in a good light, others maybe didn’t
  • 29. Summary of the things we learnt (1) Students are already using Web 2.0 technologies, both to support their courses and for socials reasons. We can no longer control the University’s web presence, even if we wanted to. Providing these sorts of services is not without risks The risks don’t all go away if we ignore these technologies.
  • 30. Summary of the things we learnt (2) We can change the communication channels: University  Student (mLE 1.0) Student  University (mLE 1.0 1.1) Student  Student (mLE 1.0 1.1) Staff/Student  Staff/Student (mLE 1.0 2.0) Staff/Student  The World (mLE 1.0 2.0) This is exciting from a student experience perspective! The world is changing rapidly and we really do need to change too if our services aren’t going to be boring and irrelevant!
  • 31. How to decide how to do it… Use the technology yourselves! Get some of your users, technical people and decision makes to use it too! Only then will you be in position to set some criteria
  • 32. Our Criteria Good multi-user functionality Easy to use Support for multi-media Good RSS support Easy to customise Big Question: Did we need to provide our own service to achieve that???
  • 33. Good multi-user functionality Would be possible to manage with our limited resources Need some sort of security model We didn’t want all blogs to be public (eg reflective practice project) Need some sort of aggregation/hub facility Otherwise blogs would be isolated – who would read them?
  • 34. Easy to use… Good user support Minimal barriers… No (or minimal) sign-up process No extra passwords… Easy for ‘non-techie’ people to get started
  • 35. Good RSS Support A requirement of reflective practise. Need a good mechanism whereby academics can be alerted to postings from a group of students
  • 36. Conclusion We needed to host the service ourselves smallest barrier to use security model, Automatic generation of RSS lists (OPML) Therefore needed to evaluate available software…
  • 37. Options We trialled various products… Community Server b2Evolution WordPress MU DasBlog … We chose Community Server Best match to criteria at the time (WordPress MU looks like a serious contender now)
  • 38. Community Server Free basic version Runs on Windows/SQL Server Fairly small cost for extra authentication features we needed Source code available (we’ve made minor modifications) See
  • 39. Implementing MyCommunity Fairly rapid deployment. Open development – we let people use it as we were developing it! Good feedback that way… CSS/skinning mean could easily be integrated to myLearning Essentials Accepting the world of perpetual beta…it’s perfectly acceptable to gradually improve services
  • 40. Launching myCommunity “ Build it and they will come” Formally launched Sept 2006 We just made it available without any publicity… Does this sort of thing work better if people discover themselves? Didn’t want to ‘over-hype’ Once we had sufficient content publicised and debated more. That brings us up to date!
  • 41. Questions/Discussion Contact details: [email_address]