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Web 2.0 And The Institutional Web Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, Blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) scottish-web-folk-2006-08  tag used in
Contents Web 2.0 / E-Learning 2.0 / Library 2.0 It's great Organisational barriers Technology is immature Legal risks It's too costly … Addressing the barriers Understanding our culture Risk assessment and risk management Deployment strategies Exploiting Our Strengths The IWMC The Scottish Web Folk community
Web 2.0, E-Learning 2.0 & Library 2.0 We know how: Blogs  allow our users to easily create content and share their views Wikis  allow communities to easily collaborate in creation of content Social networking services  (e.g., Flickr, etc) allow communities to share resources (e.g. bookmarks, photographs, …) Syndication technologies  (e.g. RSS, Atom) allow communities to be easily repurposed ('mashups') Messaging  technologies (e.g. MSN, Jabber, Skype) allow people to communicate And this relates directly with our learning & teaching & research activities  Web 2.0 So we will all be deploying these services within our institutions.  Are we?
Takeup Of  New Technologies The Gartner curve Developers Rising expectations Trough  of despair Service plateau Enterprise software Large budgets Mainstream… Early  adopters Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy Listening to users Addressing concerns Deployment strategies … This talks looks at approaches for avoiding the chasm

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Leveraging Mashups In The Context Of Critical Business Data, Soa, And Enterpi...
Leveraging Mashups In The Context Of Critical Business Data, Soa, And Enterpi...Leveraging Mashups In The Context Of Critical Business Data, Soa, And Enterpi...
Leveraging Mashups In The Context Of Critical Business Data, Soa, And Enterpi...

This document discusses leveraging mashups within enterprises by combining internal and external data and services. It recommends creating an inventory of enterprise assets available for mashups, developing metadata models, and understanding how to properly incorporate services. The document also covers challenges around governance, security, and technical integration required to connect internal systems to external services and leverage mashups across organizational boundaries.

Salesforce Platform Keynote - Dreamforce 2012 - 9/18
Salesforce Platform Keynote - Dreamforce 2012 - 9/18Salesforce Platform Keynote - Dreamforce 2012 - 9/18
Salesforce Platform Keynote - Dreamforce 2012 - 9/18

Transform your business with the Salesforce Platform. Cloud App Platforms are the fastest growing sector in IT and the fastest path to innovation for your enterprise. Join Parker Harris, Salesforce’s EVP of Technology, along with senior IT business executives from leading organizations as they discuss how they’ve innovated and delivered amazing social and mobile apps on the Salesforce Platform. Plus, when you attend the keynote, you'll be eligible to win one of five brand new MacBook Airs. Please see official rules available at the campground for more details.

Beyond The Intranet: Digital Workplace Apps, Solutions & Bots
Beyond The Intranet: Digital Workplace Apps, Solutions & BotsBeyond The Intranet: Digital Workplace Apps, Solutions & Bots
Beyond The Intranet: Digital Workplace Apps, Solutions & Bots

Now that your organization has implemented an Office 365 Intranet, what’s next? In this session we will respond to the ever-increasing demand for powerful and integrated solutions that support users’ needs across their digital workplace and beyond. Leveraging Office 365 means that you have access to entirely new ways of building solutions faster than ever before. The best part? It’s not just IT that can build these great solutions! What you’ll learn: Join Richard Harbridge as we explore real world examples and best practices for how organizations can deliver more value with integrated solutions. We will discuss Bots, Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, Microsoft Forms, Integrations, Office 365 development, Industry innovation, and more!

office 365 intranet 2.0modern workplacedigital workplace bots
The Barriers There are barriers to the deployment of Web 2.0: It's scary:  I've just mastered CSS; we've just spend a lot of money on a CMS; … It's immature:  I've heard it all before (XML, Semantic Web, …).  This is just the latest hype. There are legal risks:  Copyright infringement; data protection; protection of minors; … Infringement of guidelines:  Web 2.0 infringes our AUP; accessibility legislation; e-Gov legislation; .. Institutional inertia:  We'd like to do it but we have large existing systems; reluctant colleagues; … Web 2.0 Barriers How do we go about addressing these barriers?  (And should we – what if the concerns are legitimate!)
Addressing The Barriers In order to address these barriers we need to: Understand our organisation's culture Recognise the limitations of the services we're seeking to deploy Be user-focussed in the services we seek to implement Support safe, possibly small-scale usage Have a deployment strategy to build on small-scale pilots and move to larger-scale usage (if appropriate) We may also wish to: Work within our organisation's culture Instigate cultural change within our organisation  Web 2.0 Barriers
Nobody Likes Us - The Users' View IT Services: Don't understand learning and teaching  and think that students only ever use the Web for messing around. Have no interest in what the users actually want  and generally prefer to give the users what they themselves think they want.  (I've seen senior IS staff dismiss the data gathered in formal user requirements gathering exercises because it doesn't fit their own viewpoint.) Tend to  work in silos  (example: student information systems team which won't talk to the VLE team), and will do anything to avoid working with others outside of their own silo.  They have no concept of team working across services or with academic staff. Consultation  usually  consists of them telling you what they are going to do . If you tell them what you want they don't listen! IT Services Barrier Do these comments ring any bells?  If not, how can you be sure?
Beware The IT Fundamentalists We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist:  we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist:  we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist:  we must need next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist:  we must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist:  we must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist:  it breaches copyright, … Ownership   Fundamentalist:  must own everything we use Perfectionist : it doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing Simplistic Developer : I've developed a perfect solution –  I don't care if it doesn't run in the real world IT Services Barrier IT Director, March 2006 " I could give names of the individuals in my department! "

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The document discusses extending Salesforce using the AppExchange marketplace. It provides examples of how three companies - First Advantage CREDCO, Quantum Track, and a leading storage manufacturer - leveraged AppExchange apps and components to address key business challenges and improve sales processes, data quality, and user adoption of Salesforce. The companies saw benefits like reduced cycle times, increased conversions, automated processes, and improved data quality and user experience.

Salesforce Spring 17 features for Higher Ed, HEDA best practices and Free apps
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Salesforce Spring 17 features for Higher Ed, HEDA best practices and Free apps

The document provides guidance on preparing for and making the most of the Spring '17 Salesforce release for higher education institutions. It recommends reviewing new features, signing up for a preview sandbox, testing for impacts, and creating test classes. It also discusses using new features like predictive lead scoring and picklist integrations. Tips are provided for student communities, development, and common issues to watch out for in the Summer '17 release. The document concludes with recommendations for apps and Chrome plugins to enhance the Salesforce experience.

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People are complex. Office 365 is complex. Add the two together and you get some of the most challenging, difficult, and stressful situations, especially if you are responsible for facilitating shared understanding between them. Join Richard Harbridge to learn about actionable techniques to improve, simplify and amplify your leadership, business analysis and information architecture efforts with Office 365. Walk away with improved confidence when dealing with business and non-technical related challenges of Office 365, and be familiarized with effective tools and techniques that make Office 365 implementations more successful.

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The Librarian Fundamentalists Librarians: Think they know better than the user  e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge (who cares that users find it easier to use Google Scholar & finds references they need that way?) Think that  users should be forced to learn Boolean  searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them (despite Sheffield's study).  Don't want the users to search for themselves  (cf folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They still  want to classify the entire Web  - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links. Want services to be perfect before they release them  to users.  They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta'  (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs). Library Barrier
The Problem With The Users  The enthusiastic users will be: Here, encouraged by Web 2.0 descriptions Cheering the critiques of the service departments However: Many users are conservative & won't care Many will feel threatened Many won't like WiFi in libraries, lecture theatres, students chatting on IRC, Googling answers, … Many will soon ask for WiFi to be removed, blocked from lecture theatres (including areas where it's not yet available!) The Users Barrier
Addressing the Barriers How do we address such barriers: A change in culture Being more open (surely what HE is about?) Revisiting AUPs Developing more sophisticated models for standards, accessibility, open sources, … Developing key principles Ongoing debate and discussion Cultural Change
Implement An Open Approach Implementing an open approach should not be difficult: We have tradition of sharing & using OSS The HE sector is now more open to discussing open access issues (e-prints, financial issues, …) Creative Commons (CC) provides a legal framework What can we do: Make support services resources available with CC licence: see paper on " Let's Free IT Support Materials! " Exploit UKOLN's QA Focus briefing documents:  100+ documents available with CC licence  … Using other's resources and service may be unpopular (job security, ideology, …).  For example, should IT services host email, … when this can be outsourced? Cultural Change

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This document introduces App Cloud and provides an overview of its capabilities. It discusses how App Cloud allows users to build three types of apps - productivity apps, engagement apps, and connected apps. It highlights features like Lightning, Process Builder, and Heroku that give users agility and speed in app development. App Cloud provides the infrastructure, tools, and ecosystem to build any type of app across web, mobile, and desktop. Over 5.5 million apps have been built on App Cloud to date.

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Now that your organization has implemented an Office 365 Intranet, what’s next? In this session we will respond to the ever-increasing demand for powerful and integrated solutions that support users’ needs across their digital workplace and beyond. Leveraging Office 365 means that you have access to entirely new ways of building solutions faster than ever before. The best part? It’s not just IT that can build these great solutions! What you’ll learn: Join Richard Harbridge as we explore real world examples and best practices for how organizations can deliver more value with integrated solutions. We will discuss Bots, Power Automate, PowerApps, Microsoft Forms, Integrations, Office 365 development, Industry innovation, and more!

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The document summarizes the Sylvan Union School District's 2005-2006 technology plan funded by the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) federal grant. The plan focuses on using technology to improve student learning in social studies and science by correlating online resources to state standards. It outlines initial equipment purchases, staff training, deployment of an online portal, and the goal of spreading technology integration across other subjects and schools. It also discusses server, software, and hardware updates as well as usage statistics for email, spam filtering, and a video streaming resource.

Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) Is Skype Permitted over JANET? "The Computing Service is frequently asked for a ruling on whether Skype may legitimately be used ... the Computing Service considers that use of Skype contravenes the JANET Acceptable Use Policy, although UKERNA does not concur with this view." (Mar 2006 - now toned down) Missing The Point? There may be (religious) debates over the interpretation of UKERNA's words. But Did the policy come from God? Is it infallible? Why do we hide behind AUPs? Revisiting AUPs Proposal :  An AUP is meant to work on behalf of an organisation, helping to ensure the effective use of IT by its users. An AUP should not be used as a control mechanism to prevent usage which IT staff may frown upon.
The Need For An AUPP AUPs: Shouldn't be cast in stone: technologies change; usage changes; culture changes  (e.g. AUPs banning social use; email; Web; messaging; …) Therefore need for mechanisms for changing AUPs and engagement with users Proposal: We need an Acceptable Use Policy Process (AUPP)  We need mechanisms to ensure users can input into the discussion process We need more flexibility in our AUPs (e.g. to reflect blended learning, pervasiveness of IT; …)  Cultural Change
Risk Management (1) IWMW 2006 has taken a risk management approach to its evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies: Agreements : e.g. in the case of the Chatbot. Use of  well-established services : Google & are well-established and have financial security.  Notification : warnings that services could be lost.  Engagement : with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services.  Provision of  alternative  services: multiple OMPL tools.  Use in  non-mission critical  areas: not for bookings!  Long term experiences  of services:  usage stats Availability of  alternative sources of data : e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export  and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc. Taking Risks
Risk Management (2) File Formats Microformats are a bottom-up approach OPML is simple but ambiguous How scalable? Will formats change in light of experience? Approaches: Use to provide services today Look for tools which will allow for changes Applications No longer critical in many areas! If application is flawed, no longer available through it away and use an alterative Taking Risks Note that you also take risks in not providing a service!  Will your users go elsewhere?

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It’s crucial for a business to be well informed when considering which system architecture to implement. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has come to the forefront of IT architectures because the Internet makes it easier than ever before to connect to and subscribe to services. View the original Blog post: Website: Twitter: @eprentise Google+: Facebook: Ensure your data is Complete, Consistent, and Correct by using eprentise software to transform your Oracle® E-Business Suite.

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Safe Experimentation How can we gain experiences of Web 2.0: Safe environment Which minimise risks Which allow learning Possibilities: Using technologies at events such as ILI! Supporting the services which your users use (e.g. Google!) Using services which require minimal effort Piloting Web 2.0 Let's quickly review how Web 2.0 was used at the IWMW 2006 event, June 2006. Slides taken from " Web 2.0: Behind The Hype " panel session
Blogs Blogs: We link to Blogs provided by IWMW 2006 delegates We recommend a tag (IWMW2006) to make it easier to find other Blogs, photos, bookmarks, etc. related to the event (e.g. using  Technorati ) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Why?  Facilitates sharing of thoughts about event. Effort : None – the Bloggers are doing the work! Risks : They say nasty things; upset people; … Blogs Users Syndication
Wikis Wikis: Used successfully at IWMW 2005  and UKOLN / UCISA events for note-taking in breakout groups, social use, … Available at IWMW 2006: UKOLN Wiki (MediaWiki) Other Wikis (for various parallel sessions) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/wiki-test/ Why?  Wikis have proved popular at other UKOLN events Why diversity : To allow us to gain a feel of different Wikis and their strength & weaknesses. Wikis Users Syndication
Maps Google Map of University of Bath embedded on Web site Provides: Usability (rescalable and repositioning through use of AJAX)  Can be personalised (map from my home) Effective use of scarce resources (avoids techies duplicating existing services) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2006/maps/ Risk : What if Google go out-of-business?  Response : What if local staff leave? What if other development work they should do fails to get done?  Note : Northumbria have better examples APIs AJAX Mashups   Syndication

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This document discusses Qcodo, a PHP code generation framework for rapid MySQL/AJAX application development. It begins with a poll asking about experience with PHP MVC frameworks. It then presents buzz phrases used to describe popular web frameworks like Symfony, CakePHP, Zend Framework, eZ Components, Ruby on Rails, Tapestry, and Django, with the goal of positioning Qcodo as allowing developers to "code less and do more."

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The document summarizes the Winter12 Release Party for the Orlando Salesforce User Group meeting. It includes a safe harbor statement, an agenda for the meeting covering Winter12 highlights and ways to get more involved in the community. Winter12 features for Collaboration Cloud, Sales Cloud, Analytics, and more are briefly outlined. Upcoming community events are mentioned and contact info provided.

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The document summarizes a virtual career fair and job shadowing project held in 2010 in southeastern Pennsylvania. Over three days, the event included 8 live webinars attended by over 200 people and additional pre-recorded content. Feedback was positive about the convenience of the virtual format and ease of participation. Lessons learned included the importance of presenter preparation and interaction, advance technology testing, and expanded promotion. A related virtual job shadowing portal featuring video profiles of local professionals was also created to further career exploration.

Building A Community Building a community for your Web site can: Maximise impact by allowing interested parties to discuss their shared interests Provide you with feedback & ideas Allow you to provide targetted information Web 2.0 services such as Frappr, Blogger, MySpace, etc. allow Web communities to be easily set up (and may be particularly valuable to the 'Net Generation') Mashup   AJAX Collaboration social bookmarking service available for use to: Provide access to resources mentioned in talks & workshops Allow others to bookmark related resources Allow users to view others’ bookmarks Monitor who’s bookmarked your resources Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Tags   AJAX Collaboration Tag misuse?  Not needed in some areas (e.g. citation analysis, other people interests)  So if, e.g., misspellings users still gain benefits.
Mashups Mashup - aggregating content from various sources IWMW 2006: Set up IWMW 2006 Suprgru page Mashup from: IWMW 2006 Web site Third party services such as Blogs, Wikis, bookmarking services, Flickr, search engines, … Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Syndication Why?  Simple demonstration to encourage debate about the issues. Effort : Simple (fill in a Web form)  Experiences : Superglu service not always available (so what, use, PLEX, …)
Microformats Pages on IWMW 2006 Web site have microformats Plugins such as Tails display contact and event details & allow them to be uploaded to Outlook, Google Calendar, etc Further information on microformats given in " An Introduction to Microformats " QA Focus briefing document no. 100" Web 2.0 workshops/webmaster-2006/sessions/kelly/ Tags   Collaboration

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There is a growing trend of organisations moving to “the cloud” to meet their intranet needs. While some organisations are running their Intranets “on premises,” others are considering entirely cloud-based solutions or running them on platforms like Office 365. The question for many companies is not “should our intranet be built with Office 365?” but “how should we integrate or build our Intranets with Office 365.” This is even more true today with the emergence of new modern Intranet capabilities and continued innovation from Microsoft that must be reconciled with enterprise Intranet/Digital Workplace needs. In this session Richard Harbridge will explore: • The benefits Office 365 brings to an intranet... • Where the issues and challenges lie... • Practical guidance on when and how you can integrate Office 365 with your existing intranet today...

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- Guides you through a recommended 3-phase process - Provides step-by-step guidance and supporting resources Rollout Pack: - Customizable templates and resources to plan and execute your rollout - Presentations, checklists, communications, etc. Together, these tools provide a complete path to a successful MFA rollout.

Working with Wikimedia Serbia
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Working with Wikimedia Serbia

Slides for a talk on "Working with Wikimedia Serbia" given by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton at the Eduwiki 2014 conference in Edinburgh on Friday 31 October 2013. See

Podcasts Podcasts: Used at IWMW 2005 (prior to general public interest) Podcasting session at IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/podcasts/podcast.xml Why?  Gain experiences at popular technology; explore difference usages and technical and non-technical issues Effort : Non – work being led by workshop facilitator. RSS Users Syndication
Communications: Chat IRC chat facility was popular at IWMW 2005/6. Gabbly being evaluated: If no systems effort available  On-the-fly chatting How long to set up: Go to < > Create chat on your institution’s home page How long? This provides on-the-fly creation of chat facilities   Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Too good to be true?  Suspicious of anything this simple?  See risk assessment page Users   Collaboration AJAX Syndication
Wikipedia Summary of IWMW series available in Wikipedia: High profile location Google friendly Maximise impact Community can update Good guys seem to win (and I’ve now a Wikipedia track record) CC rights assigned Clean URI May provide stable URI Clean, stable URIs? Mashups, integration, annotation, etc. helped by use of clean (e.g. application independent) and stable URIs URIs   Wikis Collaboration
IWMC Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW): Highly successful event for community 10 workshops held since 1997 IMWM 2006 and  website-info-mgt  email discussion: we're a community; let's do more   Suggestions: Let's build on IWMW success Let's support a IWMC (IWM Community) Based on Web 2.0 principles: User-focussed  Trust User responsibility Lightweight centralised coordination, but not control Benefits of social networking … Next Steps

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Next Steps What can you do? Contribute to Wikis Blog and share your experiences Set up community Blogs Use Creative Commons Map your buildings, create appropriate metadata; integrate with Google Maps Use microformats for events; … … You can also think locally and act globally: Address your local and regional needs And share with the wider community What do you suggest? Next Steps
Summary  We have seen: Several lightweight example of how Web 2.0 technologies can be used Examples of the benefits of Web 2.0 attitudes (user-focus; benefits of collaborative approaches; trust) Ways of minimising risks and costs  Use of Web 2.0 in our institutions can be helped by a IWMC with a Web 2.0 ethos Conclusions &quot; Do not ask what the community can do for you, ask what you can do for the community &quot;

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Web 2.0 And The Institutional Web

  • 1. Web 2.0 And The Institutional Web Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording/broadcasting of this talk, taking photographs, discussing the content using email, instant messaging, Blogs, SMS, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) scottish-web-folk-2006-08 tag used in
  • 2. Contents Web 2.0 / E-Learning 2.0 / Library 2.0 It's great Organisational barriers Technology is immature Legal risks It's too costly … Addressing the barriers Understanding our culture Risk assessment and risk management Deployment strategies Exploiting Our Strengths The IWMC The Scottish Web Folk community
  • 3. Web 2.0, E-Learning 2.0 & Library 2.0 We know how: Blogs allow our users to easily create content and share their views Wikis allow communities to easily collaborate in creation of content Social networking services (e.g., Flickr, etc) allow communities to share resources (e.g. bookmarks, photographs, …) Syndication technologies (e.g. RSS, Atom) allow communities to be easily repurposed ('mashups') Messaging technologies (e.g. MSN, Jabber, Skype) allow people to communicate And this relates directly with our learning & teaching & research activities Web 2.0 So we will all be deploying these services within our institutions. Are we?
  • 4. Takeup Of New Technologies The Gartner curve Developers Rising expectations Trough of despair Service plateau Enterprise software Large budgets Mainstream… Early adopters Chasm Failure to go beyond developers & early adopters (cf Gopher) Need for: Advocacy Listening to users Addressing concerns Deployment strategies … This talks looks at approaches for avoiding the chasm
  • 5. The Barriers There are barriers to the deployment of Web 2.0: It's scary: I've just mastered CSS; we've just spend a lot of money on a CMS; … It's immature: I've heard it all before (XML, Semantic Web, …). This is just the latest hype. There are legal risks: Copyright infringement; data protection; protection of minors; … Infringement of guidelines: Web 2.0 infringes our AUP; accessibility legislation; e-Gov legislation; .. Institutional inertia: We'd like to do it but we have large existing systems; reluctant colleagues; … Web 2.0 Barriers How do we go about addressing these barriers? (And should we – what if the concerns are legitimate!)
  • 6. Addressing The Barriers In order to address these barriers we need to: Understand our organisation's culture Recognise the limitations of the services we're seeking to deploy Be user-focussed in the services we seek to implement Support safe, possibly small-scale usage Have a deployment strategy to build on small-scale pilots and move to larger-scale usage (if appropriate) We may also wish to: Work within our organisation's culture Instigate cultural change within our organisation Web 2.0 Barriers
  • 7. Nobody Likes Us - The Users' View IT Services: Don't understand learning and teaching and think that students only ever use the Web for messing around. Have no interest in what the users actually want and generally prefer to give the users what they themselves think they want. (I've seen senior IS staff dismiss the data gathered in formal user requirements gathering exercises because it doesn't fit their own viewpoint.) Tend to work in silos (example: student information systems team which won't talk to the VLE team), and will do anything to avoid working with others outside of their own silo. They have no concept of team working across services or with academic staff. Consultation usually consists of them telling you what they are going to do . If you tell them what you want they don't listen! IT Services Barrier Do these comments ring any bells? If not, how can you be sure?
  • 8. Beware The IT Fundamentalists We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist: we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist: we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist: we must need next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist: we must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist: we must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist: it breaches copyright, … Ownership Fundamentalist: must own everything we use Perfectionist : it doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing Simplistic Developer : I've developed a perfect solution – I don't care if it doesn't run in the real world IT Services Barrier IT Director, March 2006 &quot; I could give names of the individuals in my department! &quot;
  • 9. The Librarian Fundamentalists Librarians: Think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge (who cares that users find it easier to use Google Scholar & finds references they need that way?) Think that users should be forced to learn Boolean searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them (despite Sheffield's study). Don't want the users to search for themselves (cf folksonomies) because they won't get it right. They still want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links. Want services to be perfect before they release them to users. They are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta' (they don't believe that users have the ability to figure things out themselves and work around the bugs). Library Barrier
  • 10. The Problem With The Users The enthusiastic users will be: Here, encouraged by Web 2.0 descriptions Cheering the critiques of the service departments However: Many users are conservative & won't care Many will feel threatened Many won't like WiFi in libraries, lecture theatres, students chatting on IRC, Googling answers, … Many will soon ask for WiFi to be removed, blocked from lecture theatres (including areas where it's not yet available!) The Users Barrier
  • 11. Addressing the Barriers How do we address such barriers: A change in culture Being more open (surely what HE is about?) Revisiting AUPs Developing more sophisticated models for standards, accessibility, open sources, … Developing key principles Ongoing debate and discussion Cultural Change
  • 12. Implement An Open Approach Implementing an open approach should not be difficult: We have tradition of sharing & using OSS The HE sector is now more open to discussing open access issues (e-prints, financial issues, …) Creative Commons (CC) provides a legal framework What can we do: Make support services resources available with CC licence: see paper on &quot; Let's Free IT Support Materials! &quot; Exploit UKOLN's QA Focus briefing documents: 100+ documents available with CC licence … Using other's resources and service may be unpopular (job security, ideology, …). For example, should IT services host email, … when this can be outsourced? Cultural Change
  • 13. Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) Is Skype Permitted over JANET? &quot;The Computing Service is frequently asked for a ruling on whether Skype may legitimately be used ... the Computing Service considers that use of Skype contravenes the JANET Acceptable Use Policy, although UKERNA does not concur with this view.&quot; (Mar 2006 - now toned down) Missing The Point? There may be (religious) debates over the interpretation of UKERNA's words. But Did the policy come from God? Is it infallible? Why do we hide behind AUPs? Revisiting AUPs Proposal : An AUP is meant to work on behalf of an organisation, helping to ensure the effective use of IT by its users. An AUP should not be used as a control mechanism to prevent usage which IT staff may frown upon.
  • 14. The Need For An AUPP AUPs: Shouldn't be cast in stone: technologies change; usage changes; culture changes (e.g. AUPs banning social use; email; Web; messaging; …) Therefore need for mechanisms for changing AUPs and engagement with users Proposal: We need an Acceptable Use Policy Process (AUPP) We need mechanisms to ensure users can input into the discussion process We need more flexibility in our AUPs (e.g. to reflect blended learning, pervasiveness of IT; …)  Cultural Change
  • 15. Risk Management (1) IWMW 2006 has taken a risk management approach to its evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies: Agreements : e.g. in the case of the Chatbot. Use of well-established services : Google & are well-established and have financial security. Notification : warnings that services could be lost. Engagement : with the user community: users actively engage in the evaluation of the services. Provision of alternative services: multiple OMPL tools. Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings! Long term experiences of services: usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data : e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc. Taking Risks
  • 16. Risk Management (2) File Formats Microformats are a bottom-up approach OPML is simple but ambiguous How scalable? Will formats change in light of experience? Approaches: Use to provide services today Look for tools which will allow for changes Applications No longer critical in many areas! If application is flawed, no longer available through it away and use an alterative Taking Risks Note that you also take risks in not providing a service! Will your users go elsewhere?
  • 17. Safe Experimentation How can we gain experiences of Web 2.0: Safe environment Which minimise risks Which allow learning Possibilities: Using technologies at events such as ILI! Supporting the services which your users use (e.g. Google!) Using services which require minimal effort Piloting Web 2.0 Let's quickly review how Web 2.0 was used at the IWMW 2006 event, June 2006. Slides taken from &quot; Web 2.0: Behind The Hype &quot; panel session
  • 18. Blogs Blogs: We link to Blogs provided by IWMW 2006 delegates We recommend a tag (IWMW2006) to make it easier to find other Blogs, photos, bookmarks, etc. related to the event (e.g. using Technorati ) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Why? Facilitates sharing of thoughts about event. Effort : None – the Bloggers are doing the work! Risks : They say nasty things; upset people; … Blogs Users Syndication
  • 19. Wikis Wikis: Used successfully at IWMW 2005 and UKOLN / UCISA events for note-taking in breakout groups, social use, … Available at IWMW 2006: UKOLN Wiki (MediaWiki) Other Wikis (for various parallel sessions) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/wiki-test/ Why? Wikis have proved popular at other UKOLN events Why diversity : To allow us to gain a feel of different Wikis and their strength & weaknesses. Wikis Users Syndication
  • 20. Maps Google Map of University of Bath embedded on Web site Provides: Usability (rescalable and repositioning through use of AJAX) Can be personalised (map from my home) Effective use of scarce resources (avoids techies duplicating existing services) Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2006/maps/ Risk : What if Google go out-of-business? Response : What if local staff leave? What if other development work they should do fails to get done? Note : Northumbria have better examples APIs AJAX Mashups Syndication
  • 21. Building A Community Building a community for your Web site can: Maximise impact by allowing interested parties to discuss their shared interests Provide you with feedback & ideas Allow you to provide targetted information Web 2.0 services such as Frappr, Blogger, MySpace, etc. allow Web communities to be easily set up (and may be particularly valuable to the 'Net Generation') Mashup AJAX Collaboration
  • 22. social bookmarking service available for use to: Provide access to resources mentioned in talks & workshops Allow others to bookmark related resources Allow users to view others’ bookmarks Monitor who’s bookmarked your resources Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Tags AJAX Collaboration Tag misuse? Not needed in some areas (e.g. citation analysis, other people interests) So if, e.g., misspellings users still gain benefits.
  • 23. Mashups Mashup - aggregating content from various sources IWMW 2006: Set up IWMW 2006 Suprgru page Mashup from: IWMW 2006 Web site Third party services such as Blogs, Wikis, bookmarking services, Flickr, search engines, … Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Syndication Why? Simple demonstration to encourage debate about the issues. Effort : Simple (fill in a Web form) Experiences : Superglu service not always available (so what, use, PLEX, …)
  • 24. Microformats Pages on IWMW 2006 Web site have microformats Plugins such as Tails display contact and event details & allow them to be uploaded to Outlook, Google Calendar, etc Further information on microformats given in &quot; An Introduction to Microformats &quot; QA Focus briefing document no. 100&quot; Web 2.0 workshops/webmaster-2006/sessions/kelly/ Tags Collaboration
  • 25. Podcasts Podcasts: Used at IWMW 2005 (prior to general public interest) Podcasting session at IWMW 2006 workshops/webmaster-2005/podcasts/podcast.xml Why? Gain experiences at popular technology; explore difference usages and technical and non-technical issues Effort : Non – work being led by workshop facilitator. RSS Users Syndication
  • 26. Communications: Chat IRC chat facility was popular at IWMW 2005/6. Gabbly being evaluated: If no systems effort available On-the-fly chatting How long to set up: Go to < > Create chat on your institution’s home page How long? This provides on-the-fly creation of chat facilities  Web 2.0 and IWMW 2006 Too good to be true? Suspicious of anything this simple? See risk assessment page Users Collaboration AJAX Syndication
  • 27. Wikipedia Summary of IWMW series available in Wikipedia: High profile location Google friendly Maximise impact Community can update Good guys seem to win (and I’ve now a Wikipedia track record) CC rights assigned Clean URI May provide stable URI Clean, stable URIs? Mashups, integration, annotation, etc. helped by use of clean (e.g. application independent) and stable URIs URIs Wikis Collaboration
  • 28. IWMC Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW): Highly successful event for community 10 workshops held since 1997 IMWM 2006 and website-info-mgt email discussion: we're a community; let's do more  Suggestions: Let's build on IWMW success Let's support a IWMC (IWM Community) Based on Web 2.0 principles: User-focussed  Trust User responsibility Lightweight centralised coordination, but not control Benefits of social networking … Next Steps
  • 29. Next Steps What can you do? Contribute to Wikis Blog and share your experiences Set up community Blogs Use Creative Commons Map your buildings, create appropriate metadata; integrate with Google Maps Use microformats for events; … … You can also think locally and act globally: Address your local and regional needs And share with the wider community What do you suggest? Next Steps
  • 30. Summary We have seen: Several lightweight example of how Web 2.0 technologies can be used Examples of the benefits of Web 2.0 attitudes (user-focus; benefits of collaborative approaches; trust) Ways of minimising risks and costs Use of Web 2.0 in our institutions can be helped by a IWMC with a Web 2.0 ethos Conclusions &quot; Do not ask what the community can do for you, ask what you can do for the community &quot;