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How Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service Development   Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: About This Talk You may have heard about Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, RSS,, Flickr, etc.). But how can they be exploited by cultural heritage organisations with limited funds and technical expertise? This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ‘ lmlag-2007-04 ' tag
About Me / About UKOLN Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus: a Web advisory post based at UKOLN Funded by JISC and MLA to advise HE/FE and cultural heritage sectors Web enthusiast since Jan 1993  Attended & spoke at MW 2007 conference UKOLN: National centre of expertise in digital information management Located at the University of Bath
So… What is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards – “an attitude not technology” Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly,  2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Remix and mash-ups  Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking  Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness
Web 2.0 Summary Blogs (Weblogs) : online diary service (and much more) Wikis : easy-to-use collaborative Web-based authoring tools, e.g. Wikipedia Syndication : RSS/Atom  formats allow content to be reused elsewhere Mashups : syndicated content & applications e.g. Google Maps  Social Networks (1) : sharing services (photos, bookmarks, etc.) such as Flickr, del.ici.ious, … which ‘get better the more people use them’ Social Networks (2) : services for communities such as MySpace, Facebook, etc. which are widely used, especially by young people Creative Commons : supporting openness  Real-time comms : IM, SMS, Gabbly, Skype, …

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Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)
Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)

This document summarizes a presentation about using Elluminate Live, an online conferencing software, to run virtual events. It discusses the key features of Elluminate Live like video conferencing, whiteboarding, and polling. It provides examples of how Elluminate Live has been used at the University of Bath, like for online open days. The document also outlines best practices for moderators and participants. Finally, it briefly introduces some alternative online conferencing tools.

Engaging Digital Natives Through Blogging
Engaging Digital Natives Through BloggingEngaging Digital Natives Through Blogging
Engaging Digital Natives Through Blogging

The document discusses how digital technologies and online participation are transforming education and literacy. It explores concepts like digital natives, Web 2.0, participatory culture, and new literacies skills needed for students. Blogging is presented as a tool that can engage students in creating, sharing, and collaborating while developing these 21st century skills when implemented properly in educational settings.


Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, and photo/video sharing can promote collaboration and information sharing in new ways for K-12 education. These technologies allow students and teachers to become co-creators in the learning process. Blogs allow for commenting and continuing discussions outside the classroom. Podcasts are similar to radio broadcasts and can be listened to anytime while enhanced with images, video, and links. Wikis are online writing spaces that allow multiple authors to collaboratively add, update, and edit content. Social bookmarking allows tagging and sharing bookmarks online. Photo and video sharing provides online storage and the ability to tag and organize digital media.

Enough Talking! How long would it take to a realtime chat service for your organisation? How much would it cost? How about less than 60 seconds (and free)! Issues: The technologies are there now   Many people are using them – are you being left behind? The challenges are primarily social & organisational, not technical Cost: £0
Library Fundamentalist Beware the library fundamentalists who: Think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge Think users should be forced to learn boolean searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them Don't want the users to search for themselves (folksonomies) because they won't get it right Want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links Want services to be perfect before they release them. Are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta'  (they don't believe that users can figure things out themselves) And also beware the museums, archives & IT fundamentalists! Web 2.0: Building the New Library , P Miller, Ariadne, issue 45 “ Users will bypass processes and institutions that they perceive to be slow, unresponsive, unappealing and irrelevant in favour of a more direct approach to services offered by others that just might be 'good enough' for what they need to do.”
There are Barriers … Barriers Technical User Organisational Cultural Legal Performance, security, accessibility, maturity, IT services, interoperability… Assessment, quality, resources, feeling threatened, AUP, e-gov, public perception, … Ownership, control, inertia,  hype,  power, threats, … User needs, millennials & non-millennials, training, trust; information literacy, … Data protection, copyright, FoI, IPR, protection of minors… So what do you do?
Library 2.0 on a Shoestring The good news: Deploying Web 2.0 in your organisation need not be difficult Lots of useful services can be deployed for free   Here’s how we might go about addressing the barriers: Encourage the enthusiast Go for low hanging fruit Learn from others Get senior management on board …

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DM110 Emerging Web Media / Huston Film School, National University of Ireland, Galway / 9th January 2007

Social software in education: an early 2007 overview
Social software in education: an early 2007 overviewSocial software in education: an early 2007 overview
Social software in education: an early 2007 overview

The document discusses the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies and their potential applications for education. It describes several Web 2.0 concepts like wikis, blogs, social networking sites, tagging, and rich media tools. It also examines how these technologies could support new pedagogical approaches by enabling collaborative writing, distributed conversation, and student content creation. While some Web 2.0 uses for education build on earlier Internet-based practices, others may require rethinking traditional models of teaching and learning.

Emerging Technologies 1
Emerging Technologies 1Emerging Technologies 1
Emerging Technologies 1

The document discusses how digital natives have grown up in a world surrounded by emerging technologies and are accustomed to multitasking, random accessing information, and networking. It notes statistics on time spent on digital activities and contrasts how digital natives process information in a nonlinear, integrated manner compared to digital immigrants. The document then provides an overview of common activities done by digital natives online, such as communicating, sharing, buying/selling, exchanging, meeting, collecting, searching, analyzing, reporting, programming, socializing, learning, coordinating, evaluating and gaming. It concludes with discussing the concept of Web 2.0 and social software.

Address the Barriers How do we address such barriers: A change in culture – are the assumptions we have still valid? Being more open (surely a key aspects of what the public sector is about?) Listening to the concerns, and addressing them Revisiting AUPs - ensure existing guidelines and interpretations in these areas are flexible enough to take into account technological developments, emerging usage patterns etc. Developing more sophisticated models for standards, accessibility, open source, … Developing key principles Ongoing debate and discussion
Low Hanging Fruit Some suggestions: Start off by considering resource implications, impact assessment and value for money Address areas you feel comfortable with (wikis and blogs?) Look at your business needs, what isn’t working, what needs rethinking and think about a deployment strategy Encourage the enthusiasts Gain experience of the browser tools (Firefox extensions!) – and see what you’re missing! Provide staff training and development - this is a useful opportunity for re-skilling staff (keeping up with their children!) Have a risk assessment and management strategy
What Are They Saying About Us? Blogs are very interconnected with each other (bloggers discuss other’s blog postings). This can help to provide feedback; measure impact; engage in discussions; etc. You can also monitor what they are saying about your Web site. Web 2.0 Find out what bloggers have been saying about your blog or your Web site – possibly minutes after they’ve said it. You can then take the praise – or issue a rebuttal in a timely fashion Cost: £0
Finding Resources Technorati  can help find Blog articles, RSS feeds, etc. Technorati search for “ Archives Hub " finds a posting about posted 2 day ago (have found 10 minute old postings!) Web 2.0 What do users want: the home page  and  what people are saying today. Google & Technorati are valuable tools, so organisations should ensure that their Web site can be found in both. Note in FireFox you can add a Technorati search to the built-in search box %22archives+hub%22 Cost: £0

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Why use Social Software?
Why use Social Software?Why use Social Software?
Why use Social Software?

The Community Engagement projects (currently known as e-Learning Creative Community Partnerships) have moved from using discussion forums, to trialling a range of social software tools. We've been invited by the Social Software Research project, to be a case study, and share the progress so far.

Web 2.0 and the LMS
Web 2.0 and the LMSWeb 2.0 and the LMS
Web 2.0 and the LMS

Presentation on Web 2.0 and learning management systems (LMS). NITLE conference on the topic, Reed College, 2006.

Social Bookmarking
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Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking was a presentation offered by Evelyn Izquierdo (UCV-Avealmec founder member) and Jennifer Verschoor (President of ARCALL, the Argentinian CALL Association) as part of "21st Century Learning in the EFL Class", a blended course currently carried out by Professor Doris Molero at Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín (Maracaibo-Venezuela). The course is supported by Webheads in Action and Integrating Technology for Instruction and Learning, a virtual community for ESL/EFL teachers.

Blogs - Reading How do you keep informed of developments?  Do you use a dedicated blog reader? Are you alerted of changes to key blogs? Do you focus on the content, and avoid the distractions of ads, etc. Web 2.0 Bloglines – a Web-based Blog reader. You are informed of changes since you last viewed the page. Cost: £0 BlogBridge – a desktop blog reader. You are informed of changes since you last viewed the page.
Library Blogs “ I can do that!” Why leave it to others to dominate the discussions? Consider how blogs can be used: To engage with your users (cf. Bath Science Library News Blog) To discuss issues with your peers To engage with the gurus … 2007/02/27/upcoming-library-training-sessions/ Cost: £0 the_pragmatic_biblioblogger.html
Staff Development There's a need for your staff to: Understand what Web 2.0 is about Learn how to make use of Web 2.0 This is all subject to constraints of lack of time; resources; etc. The  Library 2.0 Podcasts   Web sites provides a useful resources for learning about new tools, techniques, etc. May be especially useful for those who spend time on public transport! _archives/2006/4/12/1881517.html Cost: £0
Wikis  Wikipedia – best know example of a Wiki Cost: £0 Having an entry in Wikipedia – can generate traffic to your Web site  Or use the Museums Wikia – dedicated for the Museum’s sector Amersham_Museum_photographs

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If They Build It They Will Come
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If They Build It They Will Come

My presentation for the Universitas 21 E-learning and Pedagogy Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico on 28-30 November 2006.

Wikis in the efl classroom.
Wikis in the efl classroom.Wikis in the efl classroom.
Wikis in the efl classroom.

A new breed of collaborative, knowledge-building tools.  Downes, S. (2006). Learning networks and connective knowledge.  Shetzer, H., & Warschauer, M. (2000). An electronic literacy approach to network-based language teaching.  Pegrum, M. (2009). From blogs to bombs: The future of digital technologies in education.  Warschauer, M. (1997). Computer-mediated collaborative learning: Theory and practice. 38

Blogs and Wikis for Beginners
Blogs and Wikis for BeginnersBlogs and Wikis for Beginners
Blogs and Wikis for Beginners

This document discusses the evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and highlights some key Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, photo sharing, video sharing, blog search, news aggregation and mashups. It outlines educational benefits of blogs and wikis like helping students communicate, collaborate, motivate participation and provide opportunities to read and write. It also provides some tips for preparing a classroom for blogging and using wikis for collaboration.

Risk Management Take risk management approach to evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies (as UKOLN did with IWMW 2006) Establish agreements: e.g. in the case of the Chatbot Use well-established services: Google & are well-established and have financial security  Notification: warnings that services could be lost.  Engagement: with the user community for evaluation Provision of alternatives: multiple OPML tools Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings!  Pragmatic approach to legal issues Long term experiences of services:  usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data: e.g. standard Web server log files. Data  export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc.
Senior Management Approaches you could take: Just do it anyway – much of this is fairly small scale stuff management don’t need to know about Explain the benefits of Web 2.0, introduce enthusiasts, demonstrate great sites, make sure what you do supports your Institutional aims Explain what it will cost you to  not  get involved (and the risks of in-house solutions, projects, government initiatives, etc) Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries “ the Web will continue to change rapidly for some time. Web 2.0 is an early one of many. Libraries must adapt to it, much as they did the Web originally, and must continually adapt for the foreseeable future. In this "perpetual beta", any stability other than the acceptance of instability is insufficient.”
A Deployment Strategy Some suggestions: Use blog reading tools to find out what’s happening in your area Use RSS for news items (and syndication) Explore Wikipedia – and see if there are entries which you can improve Experiment with blogs (one-off activities, internal use, …) Upload photos of your organisation to Flickr and allow others to reuse Evaluate, reflect, and plan for more substantive uses
Engage Feel free to engage in discussions on the UK Web Focus blog at <> Cost: £0

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Web 2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint
Web 2.0 a learning and teaching viewpointWeb 2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint
Web 2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint

Web 2.0 technologies allow for new approaches to learning and teaching such as creating and sharing work, collecting and remixing content from different sources, and collaborating with others globally. Learners can take advantage of opportunities for discovery through searching, building on previous work, and serendipitous findings, potentially forming learning networks with peers before even joining a course. Institutions may need to facilitate these learner-driven networks rather than solely providing traditional courses.

Web 2.0: What Is It, How Can I Use It, How Can I Deploy It?
Web 2.0: What Is It, How Can I Use It, How Can I Deploy It?Web 2.0: What Is It, How Can I Use It, How Can I Deploy It?
Web 2.0: What Is It, How Can I Use It, How Can I Deploy It?

Slides used in a presentation on "Web 2.0: What Is It, How Can I Use It, How Can I Deploy It?" given by Brian Kelly at an Aslib Engineering Group seminar on "Engineering Information: Today And Tomorrow" on 22 November 2006. See

Web 2.0 and pedagogy overview, Wesleyan 2006
Web 2.0 and pedagogy overview, Wesleyan 2006Web 2.0 and pedagogy overview, Wesleyan 2006
Web 2.0 and pedagogy overview, Wesleyan 2006

The document discusses the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies and their potential applications for education. It covers topics like wikis, blogs, social networking sites, tagging, podcasting and how they can be used for collaborative learning, student content creation, and new forms of digital storytelling. The document argues that while some educational practices predate Web 2.0, new technologies allow for more distributed, participatory, and object-oriented pedagogies.

Conclusions Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for your organisation and your users However organisations tend to be conservative We therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. risk management A change of culture We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us: Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Develop your own social network based on openness, trust, collaboration, …
Any Questions?

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[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
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[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
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[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
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[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
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[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
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How Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service Development

  • 1. How Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service Development Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: About This Talk You may have heard about Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, RSS,, Flickr, etc.). But how can they be exploited by cultural heritage organisations with limited funds and technical expertise? This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ‘ lmlag-2007-04 ' tag
  • 2. About Me / About UKOLN Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus: a Web advisory post based at UKOLN Funded by JISC and MLA to advise HE/FE and cultural heritage sectors Web enthusiast since Jan 1993 Attended & spoke at MW 2007 conference UKOLN: National centre of expertise in digital information management Located at the University of Bath
  • 3. So… What is Web 2.0? Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns') rather than technical standards – “an attitude not technology” Web2MemeMap, Tim O’Reilly, 2005 Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform Always beta Remix and mash-ups Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking Social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness
  • 4. Web 2.0 Summary Blogs (Weblogs) : online diary service (and much more) Wikis : easy-to-use collaborative Web-based authoring tools, e.g. Wikipedia Syndication : RSS/Atom formats allow content to be reused elsewhere Mashups : syndicated content & applications e.g. Google Maps Social Networks (1) : sharing services (photos, bookmarks, etc.) such as Flickr, del.ici.ious, … which ‘get better the more people use them’ Social Networks (2) : services for communities such as MySpace, Facebook, etc. which are widely used, especially by young people Creative Commons : supporting openness Real-time comms : IM, SMS, Gabbly, Skype, …
  • 5. Enough Talking! How long would it take to a realtime chat service for your organisation? How much would it cost? How about less than 60 seconds (and free)! Issues: The technologies are there now  Many people are using them – are you being left behind? The challenges are primarily social & organisational, not technical Cost: £0
  • 6. Library Fundamentalist Beware the library fundamentalists who: Think they know better than the user e.g. they don't like people using Google Scholar; they should use Web of Knowledge Think users should be forced to learn boolean searching & other formal search techniques because this is good for them Don't want the users to search for themselves (folksonomies) because they won't get it right Want to classify the entire Web - despite the fact that users don't use their lists of Web links Want services to be perfect before they release them. Are uneasy with the concept of 'forever beta' (they don't believe that users can figure things out themselves) And also beware the museums, archives & IT fundamentalists! Web 2.0: Building the New Library , P Miller, Ariadne, issue 45 “ Users will bypass processes and institutions that they perceive to be slow, unresponsive, unappealing and irrelevant in favour of a more direct approach to services offered by others that just might be 'good enough' for what they need to do.”
  • 7. There are Barriers … Barriers Technical User Organisational Cultural Legal Performance, security, accessibility, maturity, IT services, interoperability… Assessment, quality, resources, feeling threatened, AUP, e-gov, public perception, … Ownership, control, inertia, hype, power, threats, … User needs, millennials & non-millennials, training, trust; information literacy, … Data protection, copyright, FoI, IPR, protection of minors… So what do you do?
  • 8. Library 2.0 on a Shoestring The good news: Deploying Web 2.0 in your organisation need not be difficult Lots of useful services can be deployed for free  Here’s how we might go about addressing the barriers: Encourage the enthusiast Go for low hanging fruit Learn from others Get senior management on board …
  • 9. Address the Barriers How do we address such barriers: A change in culture – are the assumptions we have still valid? Being more open (surely a key aspects of what the public sector is about?) Listening to the concerns, and addressing them Revisiting AUPs - ensure existing guidelines and interpretations in these areas are flexible enough to take into account technological developments, emerging usage patterns etc. Developing more sophisticated models for standards, accessibility, open source, … Developing key principles Ongoing debate and discussion
  • 10. Low Hanging Fruit Some suggestions: Start off by considering resource implications, impact assessment and value for money Address areas you feel comfortable with (wikis and blogs?) Look at your business needs, what isn’t working, what needs rethinking and think about a deployment strategy Encourage the enthusiasts Gain experience of the browser tools (Firefox extensions!) – and see what you’re missing! Provide staff training and development - this is a useful opportunity for re-skilling staff (keeping up with their children!) Have a risk assessment and management strategy
  • 11. What Are They Saying About Us? Blogs are very interconnected with each other (bloggers discuss other’s blog postings). This can help to provide feedback; measure impact; engage in discussions; etc. You can also monitor what they are saying about your Web site. Web 2.0 Find out what bloggers have been saying about your blog or your Web site – possibly minutes after they’ve said it. You can then take the praise – or issue a rebuttal in a timely fashion Cost: £0
  • 12. Finding Resources Technorati can help find Blog articles, RSS feeds, etc. Technorati search for “ Archives Hub &quot; finds a posting about posted 2 day ago (have found 10 minute old postings!) Web 2.0 What do users want: the home page and what people are saying today. Google & Technorati are valuable tools, so organisations should ensure that their Web site can be found in both. Note in FireFox you can add a Technorati search to the built-in search box %22archives+hub%22 Cost: £0
  • 13. Blogs - Reading How do you keep informed of developments? Do you use a dedicated blog reader? Are you alerted of changes to key blogs? Do you focus on the content, and avoid the distractions of ads, etc. Web 2.0 Bloglines – a Web-based Blog reader. You are informed of changes since you last viewed the page. Cost: £0 BlogBridge – a desktop blog reader. You are informed of changes since you last viewed the page.
  • 14. Library Blogs “ I can do that!” Why leave it to others to dominate the discussions? Consider how blogs can be used: To engage with your users (cf. Bath Science Library News Blog) To discuss issues with your peers To engage with the gurus … 2007/02/27/upcoming-library-training-sessions/ Cost: £0 the_pragmatic_biblioblogger.html
  • 15. Staff Development There's a need for your staff to: Understand what Web 2.0 is about Learn how to make use of Web 2.0 This is all subject to constraints of lack of time; resources; etc. The Library 2.0 Podcasts Web sites provides a useful resources for learning about new tools, techniques, etc. May be especially useful for those who spend time on public transport! _archives/2006/4/12/1881517.html Cost: £0
  • 16. Wikis Wikipedia – best know example of a Wiki Cost: £0 Having an entry in Wikipedia – can generate traffic to your Web site Or use the Museums Wikia – dedicated for the Museum’s sector Amersham_Museum_photographs
  • 17. Risk Management Take risk management approach to evaluation of Web 2.0 technologies (as UKOLN did with IWMW 2006) Establish agreements: e.g. in the case of the Chatbot Use well-established services: Google & are well-established and have financial security Notification: warnings that services could be lost. Engagement: with the user community for evaluation Provision of alternatives: multiple OPML tools Use in non-mission critical areas: not for bookings! Pragmatic approach to legal issues Long term experiences of services: usage stats Availability of alternative sources of data: e.g. standard Web server log files. Data export and aggregation: RSS feeds, aggregated in Suprglu, OPML viewers, etc.
  • 18. Senior Management Approaches you could take: Just do it anyway – much of this is fairly small scale stuff management don’t need to know about Explain the benefits of Web 2.0, introduce enthusiasts, demonstrate great sites, make sure what you do supports your Institutional aims Explain what it will cost you to not get involved (and the risks of in-house solutions, projects, government initiatives, etc) Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries “ the Web will continue to change rapidly for some time. Web 2.0 is an early one of many. Libraries must adapt to it, much as they did the Web originally, and must continually adapt for the foreseeable future. In this &quot;perpetual beta&quot;, any stability other than the acceptance of instability is insufficient.”
  • 19. A Deployment Strategy Some suggestions: Use blog reading tools to find out what’s happening in your area Use RSS for news items (and syndication) Explore Wikipedia – and see if there are entries which you can improve Experiment with blogs (one-off activities, internal use, …) Upload photos of your organisation to Flickr and allow others to reuse Evaluate, reflect, and plan for more substantive uses
  • 20. Engage Feel free to engage in discussions on the UK Web Focus blog at <> Cost: £0
  • 21. Conclusions Web 2.0 can provide real benefits for your organisation and your users However organisations tend to be conservative We therefore need: Advocacy To listen to users' concerns To address users' concerns e.g. risk management A change of culture We can all benefit by adopting Web 2.0 principles of openness and sharing. So let us: Share our advocacy resources, risk management techniques, etc. Develop your own social network based on openness, trust, collaboration, …