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Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0   Brian Kelly,  UKOLN, University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording this talk, taking photographs, and discussions using  blogs,  instant messaging, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Also a Creative Commons licence for the talk and slides is available - as this can maximise impact of my ideas! This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ‘fellows-conference-2007' tag
About The Speaker Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus – an advisory post which provides advices on making effective use of the on Web (with focus on standards, emerging Web technologies) Involved in Web work since January 1993 Focus on Web technologies and not e-learning! About UKOLN: National centre of expertise in digital information management Based at the University of Bath Funded by MLA and JISC to support the cultural heritage and higher/further education sectors Introduction
About This Introduction Your context: You’ve explored interesting e-learning issues in your project, including pedagogical & technical aspects We’ll hear from several projects Are you still relevant? Has Web 2.0: Changed the rules Changed users’ behaviours and expectations? Redefined who the various service providers are? And do we (as academic, developers, managers…): Need to fund development work differently? Need to deploy services differently? Need to revisit our relevance? Introduction
1  Web 2.0 As Platform Web 2.0 is the platform for doing things Technical infrastructure now available (RSS, REST, URIs,…) It’s in place now It was designed (since 1990) to be global, scalable, … (Web 2.0 was Sir Tim’s original vision) What’s the future for the application? Google (and others) threatening MS Assertions Web 2.0 will bring about the demise (radical transformation?) of the monolithic VLE – and the open source VLE

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Web 2.0 describes second-generation websites that enable user-generated content and information sharing through features like social media, blogs, and user uploads. It allows for dynamic and collaborative interactions between users on the World Wide Web. Some key benefits include more social and user-generated content online, while disadvantages include websites having difficulties handling large volumes of traffic, data, and security checks that can slow performance.

The Vet Elearning Landscape
The Vet Elearning LandscapeThe Vet Elearning Landscape
The Vet Elearning Landscape

This document discusses issues related to the use of eLearning and social media tools in vocational education. It notes a disconnect between how technology is used outside of education versus inside. Barriers like institutional firewalls and policies prevent educators from modeling latest tech uses and conducting good practices. Possible solutions include separating education networks, giving workgroups admin rights over parts of servers, and designating staff for support.

Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...
Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching profess...

Presentation (Blogs, Wikis and more: Web 2.0 demystified for learning and teaching professionals) given by Marieke Guy, UKOLN at Eastern RSC event: on Wednesday 25th February from 11:00 - 12:00 .

2  Global Social Networks Web 2.0 made us aware of benefits of social networks (why did we miss it?): Things that get better as numbers grow (Google link analysis algorithm) Our social nature Our diversity of social networks: school, work, play, professional, … Experiences from Facebook (connections from school) Assertions Social networking systems need a critical mass,  Global is good; is a class, a department or a university too small?
3  “Embrace Constraints” Traditional public sector IT development: Standards defined (technical, accessibility, legal, …) Technical architecture defined (fully interoperable with everything and use the latest TLA standards) Well-funded programme call Two/three year funded projects Formal advisory groups, reporting structures, … Results in: Driving out innovation Flawed services arriving too late Assertions Let’s agree to ‘embrace constraints’ and provide a useful service quickly (cf Basecamp)
4  Cost Effectiveness Challenge public sector norms: Must be universally accessible Must work on all platforms Must work on legacy systems Must be managed in-house Tell me: Why? Does the best drive out the good? Don’t you encounter the ‘IT Services barrier’ (Skype is evil, doesn’t use the right standards,…) Assertions Have you costed Amazon S3 and EC2 (e.g. 2-click installation of Moodle for $9/month)?
5  Live (slightly) Dangerously Can’t use social networks: Data protection, privacy, … Need to protect students from embarrassing themselves It’s not what IT should be used for It’s not what university is about You’ll catch viruses You’ll meet the wrong type of people The data isn’t preserved The data is preserved Assertions Make IT blended; part of University life.  It’s like student bars, accommodation, parties, …

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Social networking connects people through online networks, while socio-semantic networking connects people through shared terminology and classifications of information. Some examples of social networking sites are Delicious and Scuttle, while socio-semantic sites include Teachershare and Delicious which allow users to tag and classify shared bookmarks and resources. These types of online networks may be useful in education by allowing teachers and students to collectively develop knowledge structures through shared tagging of information.

Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)
Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)
Elluminate: Usage Scenarios and Best Practices (UKOLN Staff Seminar)

This document summarizes a presentation about using Elluminate Live, an online conferencing software, to run virtual events. It discusses the key features of Elluminate Live like video conferencing, whiteboarding, and polling. It provides examples of how Elluminate Live has been used at the University of Bath, like for online open days. The document also outlines best practices for moderators and participants. Finally, it briefly introduces some alternative online conferencing tools.

WOW Presentation-K12 Online Conference
WOW Presentation-K12 Online ConferenceWOW Presentation-K12 Online Conference
WOW Presentation-K12 Online Conference

Presentation for WOW AzTEA Conference by Peggy George and Ann Lumm. Slideshow created originally by April Chamberlain, Darren Kuropatwa, Shawn Nutting, Sheryl Nussbuam-Beach, and Wesley Fryer--"Lessons Learned from K-12 Online 2006" and modified slightly for our hands-on workshop. April 28, 2007.

6  Addressing Your Concerns But what about: Risks of using 3 rd  party services Sustainability Quality assurance Assessment Changes to political, cultural & economic framework … Assertions “ Events, dear boy, events!”  That’s life, and we’ve been though it before.
Summary What if: The VLE is dying? Flickr & Facebook define students expectations for social networks? The lightweight stuff wins over the masses; the slow-moving worthy stuff doesn’t get used? Out-sourcing the infrastructure delivers benefits to the institution (cost-savings) and users (richer functionality (cf. TCD and Google Mail) Web 2.0 today is like student life in 1960s Everything I have said is completely wrong! Will your project fit in with a changed environment?  Will it have the flexibility to respond to possible changes?
Questions Any questions?

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Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0

  • 1. Technological Challenges Posed By Web 2.0 Brian Kelly, UKOLN, University of Bath Bath Email [email_address] UKOLN is supported by: Acceptable Use Policy Recording this talk, taking photographs, and discussions using blogs, instant messaging, etc. is permitted providing distractions to others is minimised. Also a Creative Commons licence for the talk and slides is available - as this can maximise impact of my ideas! This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (but note caveat) Resources bookmarked using ‘fellows-conference-2007' tag
  • 2. About The Speaker Brian Kelly: UK Web Focus – an advisory post which provides advices on making effective use of the on Web (with focus on standards, emerging Web technologies) Involved in Web work since January 1993 Focus on Web technologies and not e-learning! About UKOLN: National centre of expertise in digital information management Based at the University of Bath Funded by MLA and JISC to support the cultural heritage and higher/further education sectors Introduction
  • 3. About This Introduction Your context: You’ve explored interesting e-learning issues in your project, including pedagogical & technical aspects We’ll hear from several projects Are you still relevant? Has Web 2.0: Changed the rules Changed users’ behaviours and expectations? Redefined who the various service providers are? And do we (as academic, developers, managers…): Need to fund development work differently? Need to deploy services differently? Need to revisit our relevance? Introduction
  • 4. 1 Web 2.0 As Platform Web 2.0 is the platform for doing things Technical infrastructure now available (RSS, REST, URIs,…) It’s in place now It was designed (since 1990) to be global, scalable, … (Web 2.0 was Sir Tim’s original vision) What’s the future for the application? Google (and others) threatening MS Assertions Web 2.0 will bring about the demise (radical transformation?) of the monolithic VLE – and the open source VLE
  • 5. 2 Global Social Networks Web 2.0 made us aware of benefits of social networks (why did we miss it?): Things that get better as numbers grow (Google link analysis algorithm) Our social nature Our diversity of social networks: school, work, play, professional, … Experiences from Facebook (connections from school) Assertions Social networking systems need a critical mass, Global is good; is a class, a department or a university too small?
  • 6. 3 “Embrace Constraints” Traditional public sector IT development: Standards defined (technical, accessibility, legal, …) Technical architecture defined (fully interoperable with everything and use the latest TLA standards) Well-funded programme call Two/three year funded projects Formal advisory groups, reporting structures, … Results in: Driving out innovation Flawed services arriving too late Assertions Let’s agree to ‘embrace constraints’ and provide a useful service quickly (cf Basecamp)
  • 7. 4 Cost Effectiveness Challenge public sector norms: Must be universally accessible Must work on all platforms Must work on legacy systems Must be managed in-house Tell me: Why? Does the best drive out the good? Don’t you encounter the ‘IT Services barrier’ (Skype is evil, doesn’t use the right standards,…) Assertions Have you costed Amazon S3 and EC2 (e.g. 2-click installation of Moodle for $9/month)?
  • 8. 5 Live (slightly) Dangerously Can’t use social networks: Data protection, privacy, … Need to protect students from embarrassing themselves It’s not what IT should be used for It’s not what university is about You’ll catch viruses You’ll meet the wrong type of people The data isn’t preserved The data is preserved Assertions Make IT blended; part of University life. It’s like student bars, accommodation, parties, …
  • 9. 6 Addressing Your Concerns But what about: Risks of using 3 rd party services Sustainability Quality assurance Assessment Changes to political, cultural & economic framework … Assertions “ Events, dear boy, events!” That’s life, and we’ve been though it before.
  • 10. Summary What if: The VLE is dying? Flickr & Facebook define students expectations for social networks? The lightweight stuff wins over the masses; the slow-moving worthy stuff doesn’t get used? Out-sourcing the infrastructure delivers benefits to the institution (cost-savings) and users (richer functionality (cf. TCD and Google Mail) Web 2.0 today is like student life in 1960s Everything I have said is completely wrong! Will your project fit in with a changed environment? Will it have the flexibility to respond to possible changes?