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Web2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint Scott Wilson, CETIS This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence
web 2.0 >>> eLearning 2.0 Going personal  and  global Symmetric relationships Mashing and remixing
Learning & Teaching in a Web 2.0 world Discover  opportunities to learn Create  and  share  work Collect  and  remix Collaborate  with others Innovate  and develop  technique
Discovery and Learning and Discovery and Learning and … Cyclic process Sometimes the point of an episode is to shape discovery For the learner, the processes of doing and choosing what to do next are closely bound together Shared goals form social bonds and can enable formation of networks

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web 2.0

The document discusses the University of Wales, Newport's strategy for adopting and supporting Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the student experience. It outlines how the university initially focused on using its virtual learning environment (VLE) to distribute course materials but has since recognized the importance of social technologies. The strategy updates the IT strategy to support emerging technologies like blogs and wikis and become a more agile service. It also discusses the technical, teaching, marketing, and legal challenges of implementing this new approach.

How Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service Development
How Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service DevelopmentHow Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service Development
How Recent Web Developments Offer Low-cost Opportunities for Service Development

Talk given at the London Museums Librarians and Archivists Group Biennial One Day Conference held at the British Museum, London on 26 April 2007. See

Commercialization of Wikis
Commercialization of WikisCommercialization of Wikis
Commercialization of Wikis

This document discusses commercial wiki business models and rules for operating commercial wikis. It identifies four main types of commercial wiki businesses: service providers, content hosts, consultants, and content developers. It argues that commerce can have a place in wikis as part of a healthy ecology, as long as commercial entities demonstrate value to users, are transparent in their operations, extract value only where they provide value, set appropriate boundaries, and are personally involved in the community. Overall, the document concludes that commercial wikis can be a positive addition if community, content, and commercialism are carefully managed.

Strategies for discovery Searching Matching goals/interests/competencies Building on previous achievements Collaborative social filtering Collaborative social intelligence Finding a pathway to a future goal Serendipity
2.0: Going Global with  Learning Networks Combining (mashups) of formal and informal learning episodes Using shared goals to forge a social identity Symmetry of experience in informal and formal discovery and action Global community of peers The Long Tail
Aggregating opportunities Formal learning Prospectuses XCRI - RSS for the prospectus! AND Informal learning 43Things LiveJournal Communities Flickr Groups MeCanBe
Learning networks In the future, will learners already be part of a learning network before joining a course? Will they have a pre-existing community of peers? Inversion - can institutions be facilitators of learning networks instead of purveyors of courses?  tencompetence

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Web 2.0 Chillicothe High School
Web 2.0 Chillicothe High SchoolWeb 2.0 Chillicothe High School
Web 2.0 Chillicothe High School

Blogs and wikis can be used to differentiate instruction by allowing students to communicate outside of the classroom, collaborate on projects, and publish examples of work. Both tools allow for instant publishing and free or low-cost use. While blogs are more linear and directed, wikis are more collaborative and dynamic. Popular wikis include Wikipedia and Wikispecies. Teachers can use blogs to provide materials and Q&A sessions and wikis for group projects and collaborative works. RSS feeds allow users to aggregate news and updates from blogs and other sources.

WOW Presentation-K12 Online Conference
WOW Presentation-K12 Online ConferenceWOW Presentation-K12 Online Conference
WOW Presentation-K12 Online Conference

Presentation for WOW AzTEA Conference by Peggy George and Ann Lumm. Slideshow created originally by April Chamberlain, Darren Kuropatwa, Shawn Nutting, Sheryl Nussbuam-Beach, and Wesley Fryer--"Lessons Learned from K-12 Online 2006" and modified slightly for our hands-on workshop. April 28, 2007.

Welcome to IWMW2009
Welcome to IWMW2009Welcome to IWMW2009
Welcome to IWMW2009

Welcome presentation given by Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly, UKOLN at Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009, University of Essex, 28 - 30, July 2009

Creating and Sharing Writing (and photographing, drawing, filming, recording…)  Developing a professional identity Developing competence, confidence, and independence Going global for feedback
Collecting and Remixing: Pedagogy Constructivism attenuating and labelling a subset of the knowledge environment; re-categorising a conception of the knowledge environment into a personal schema; synthesis (dialectic)  Connectivism Forming new connections and generating networks that extend the power of the individual; however, actionable knowledge (learning) resides in the network, not necessarily the individual
Tagging and republishing Sharing playlists RSS, Atom, OPML, XSPF… identity, priority, shared understanding extending (globally) the power of an individual act of tagging/mixing Flickr,, …
Collaboration Collaboration is at the heart of many pedagogic strategies Collaborative knowledge construction Group activity

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Wikis Blogs and Podcasts
Wikis Blogs and PodcastsWikis Blogs and Podcasts
Wikis Blogs and Podcasts

This document discusses emerging web-based tools for virtual collaboration in clinical practice and education. It focuses on wikis, blogs, and podcasts which have grown in popularity in recent years. These tools allow for powerful information sharing and collaboration. Wikis allow anyone with access to edit collaborative web pages, while blogs are online journals that can attract large readerships. Podcasts allow audio and video files to be downloaded to mobile devices, enabling learning anywhere. The document argues that if implemented effectively, these tools could enhance learning experiences for students, clinicians and patients by deepening engagement and collaboration. More research is needed to determine best practices for integrating these tools into education programs.

Blogs, Podcasts & Wiki's
Blogs, Podcasts & Wiki'sBlogs, Podcasts & Wiki's
Blogs, Podcasts & Wiki's

This document discusses blogs, wikis, and podcasts and provides information on how to create and use them. It defines blogs as easily created and updated webpages for ongoing writing. Wikis allow users to collaboratively edit content on a website. Podcasts are digital audio files that can be created and shared, and require a microphone, recording/editing software, and hosting on a website. Examples of using these tools for a school library include podcasts for story times, research help, and archiving lectures. The document recommends free hosting sites for wikis and podcasting tutorials.

AccessACE workshop by Delia Bradshaw
AccessACE workshop by Delia BradshawAccessACE workshop by Delia Bradshaw
AccessACE workshop by Delia Bradshaw

The document discusses a research project called AccessACE that is investigating models of blended learning. It focuses on two key questions: 1) What does a clever use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in alternative certification for educators (ACE) currently look like? 2) What could a clever use of ICTs in ACE look like? The project then explores concepts like community, organizational capabilities, and educational possibilities for blended learning options through a discussion of social networking, YouTube videos, and other ICT tools.

Collaborative Knowledge Construction Wikis Collaborative bookmarking and remixing Conversation
Coordination of Group Activity Who? Teacher-designed activity Learner self-organised activity Why? Project-based learning Collaborative research Study and debating groups Structured investigations
Coordinated group activity What? Planning, scheduling and managing action Collaborative writing (drawing, recording, filming) Journaling Conversation How? BaseCamp, TaDaList, Google Calendar, 30Boxes, iCalendar … Writely, wikis … Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Wordpress … Skype, AIM, MSN…
Self-organisation Learners need to be able to organize themselves Define their own groups VLEs are too often asymmetric - what the student can do vs. what the teacher can do VLEs are too closed - groups can only be within the organisation

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how to introduce web 2.0 to n00bshow to introduce web 2.0 to n00bs
how to introduce web 2.0 to n00bs

key strategies for helping newbies understand and use web 2.0 tools effectively by kate raynes-goldie and constance weibrands, at perthbarcamp 2007

COIL Center: Cross-Cultural 2.0 Guth/Shah-Nelson
COIL Center: Cross-Cultural 2.0 Guth/Shah-NelsonCOIL Center: Cross-Cultural 2.0 Guth/Shah-Nelson
COIL Center: Cross-Cultural 2.0 Guth/Shah-Nelson

Presentation for COIL Conference @ SUNY Purchase, November 14, 2008 by Sarah Guth and Clark Shah-Nelson


This document discusses wikis and their use in education. It defines wikis as collaboratively edited websites that allow any user to freely edit pages. Wikis do not require specialized software to edit and prioritize the last draft, with version history available. The document provides examples of how teachers can use wikis to facilitate writing, discussion, and collaboration among students on topics, projects and resources. It notes some potential obstacles to wikis, such as conflicting with assumptions of authorship and intellectual property, or students being uncomfortable with public writing or intimidated by the technology.

Innovation Learning is all about trying new things. Teaching requires adapting and learning The desire to innovate is genuine - but may not coincide with the technological ideas of  institutions …
Implementation Self-service Hosted services Self-installed: the Rise of Moodle Recombinant software Mashups and composites The new HyperCard? Blurring the desktop and the web desktop web service applications and widgets AJAX and rich internet clients
Technique Teachers and learners develop  technique  in the tools they use Sometimes a choice of innovation is driven by the desire to acquire or develop technique Motivation  for developing technique is greater for  personally - owned  technologies
The Challenge Students and teachers are already using web 2.0 Web 2.0 emphasizes  personal  technology connected  globally bypassing institutions?

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web 2.0web 2.0
web 2.0

This document provides an introduction to Web 2.0 tools that can enhance online learning. It discusses technologies like Ajax, wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, and social bookmarking/tagging that allow for more dynamic and interactive content. Specific Web 2.0 tools are highlighted like Google Docs, Flickr, YouTube, and social media platforms that can engage students and encourage collaboration.

VLE Introduction
VLE IntroductionVLE Introduction
VLE Introduction

This document provides an overview of a virtual learning environment (VLE) and its uses at the London School of Economics. The VLE, WebCT, is used across most departments and contains course materials like readings, multimedia content, and communication tools. Staff and students have responded positively to features that enhance learning and engagement like discussion boards. WebCT allows various types of content, communication, and assessment to be delivered online to create a better learning environment.

The furure of ple
The furure of pleThe furure of ple
The furure of ple

The document discusses the future of online learning and personal learning environments (PLEs). It notes that online learning has advanced significantly since 1995 with the growth of the World Wide Web. PLEs are centered around the learner's interests and support immersive, hands-on learning through connections to resources around the world. The document outlines key elements of PLEs, including tools for modeling concepts, demonstrating expertise, providing practice environments, enabling reflection, and allowing for learner choice, identity and creativity. It argues that PLEs will resemble social networks and enable learning through network-based approaches like associationism.

Useful links My Blog TenCompetence XCRI http://www. elframework .org/projects/ xcri / 43Things

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Web 2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint

  • 1. Web2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint Scott Wilson, CETIS This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence
  • 2. web 2.0 >>> eLearning 2.0 Going personal and global Symmetric relationships Mashing and remixing
  • 3. Learning & Teaching in a Web 2.0 world Discover opportunities to learn Create and share work Collect and remix Collaborate with others Innovate and develop technique
  • 4. Discovery and Learning and Discovery and Learning and … Cyclic process Sometimes the point of an episode is to shape discovery For the learner, the processes of doing and choosing what to do next are closely bound together Shared goals form social bonds and can enable formation of networks
  • 5. Strategies for discovery Searching Matching goals/interests/competencies Building on previous achievements Collaborative social filtering Collaborative social intelligence Finding a pathway to a future goal Serendipity
  • 6. 2.0: Going Global with Learning Networks Combining (mashups) of formal and informal learning episodes Using shared goals to forge a social identity Symmetry of experience in informal and formal discovery and action Global community of peers The Long Tail
  • 7. Aggregating opportunities Formal learning Prospectuses XCRI - RSS for the prospectus! AND Informal learning 43Things LiveJournal Communities Flickr Groups MeCanBe
  • 8. Learning networks In the future, will learners already be part of a learning network before joining a course? Will they have a pre-existing community of peers? Inversion - can institutions be facilitators of learning networks instead of purveyors of courses? tencompetence
  • 9. Creating and Sharing Writing (and photographing, drawing, filming, recording…) Developing a professional identity Developing competence, confidence, and independence Going global for feedback
  • 10. Collecting and Remixing: Pedagogy Constructivism attenuating and labelling a subset of the knowledge environment; re-categorising a conception of the knowledge environment into a personal schema; synthesis (dialectic) Connectivism Forming new connections and generating networks that extend the power of the individual; however, actionable knowledge (learning) resides in the network, not necessarily the individual
  • 11. Tagging and republishing Sharing playlists RSS, Atom, OPML, XSPF… identity, priority, shared understanding extending (globally) the power of an individual act of tagging/mixing Flickr,, …
  • 12. Collaboration Collaboration is at the heart of many pedagogic strategies Collaborative knowledge construction Group activity
  • 13. Collaborative Knowledge Construction Wikis Collaborative bookmarking and remixing Conversation
  • 14. Coordination of Group Activity Who? Teacher-designed activity Learner self-organised activity Why? Project-based learning Collaborative research Study and debating groups Structured investigations
  • 15. Coordinated group activity What? Planning, scheduling and managing action Collaborative writing (drawing, recording, filming) Journaling Conversation How? BaseCamp, TaDaList, Google Calendar, 30Boxes, iCalendar … Writely, wikis … Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Wordpress … Skype, AIM, MSN…
  • 16. Self-organisation Learners need to be able to organize themselves Define their own groups VLEs are too often asymmetric - what the student can do vs. what the teacher can do VLEs are too closed - groups can only be within the organisation
  • 17. Innovation Learning is all about trying new things. Teaching requires adapting and learning The desire to innovate is genuine - but may not coincide with the technological ideas of institutions …
  • 18. Implementation Self-service Hosted services Self-installed: the Rise of Moodle Recombinant software Mashups and composites The new HyperCard? Blurring the desktop and the web desktop web service applications and widgets AJAX and rich internet clients
  • 19. Technique Teachers and learners develop technique in the tools they use Sometimes a choice of innovation is driven by the desire to acquire or develop technique Motivation for developing technique is greater for personally - owned technologies
  • 20. The Challenge Students and teachers are already using web 2.0 Web 2.0 emphasizes personal technology connected globally bypassing institutions?
  • 21. Useful links My Blog TenCompetence XCRI http://www. elframework .org/projects/ xcri / 43Things