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Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web

Brian Kelly,

           Building and Sustaining a
           Community using the
           Social Web
           Brian Kelly                       Acceptable Use Policy
           UKOLN                             Recording this talk, taking photos,
                                             having discussions using Twitter,
           University of Bath                etc. is encouraged - but try to keep
           Bath, UK                          distractions to others minimised.

           Twitter: @briankelly / @ukwebfocus

           UKOLN is supported by:
                                                              This work is licensed under a
                                                              Creative Commons attribution 2.0
                                                              licence (but note caveat)
Idea from Cameron Neylon

You are free to:
                                                    copy, share, adapt, or re-mix;

                                                    photograph, film, or broadcast;

                                                    blog, live-blog, or post video of

this presentation provided that:
              You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights
              and licences associated with its components.
    Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero.
    Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at:
Introduction   About Me
                   Brian Kelly:
                     •   UK Web Focus: national advisory post to UK HEIs
                     •   Long-standing Web evangelist
                     •   Based at UKOLN at the University of Bath
                     •   Prolific blogger (1,000+ posts since Nov 2006)
                     •   User of social media to support work activities
                     •   Prolific speaker (~380+ talks from 1996-2011)
                     •   Part of UKOLN‟s Innovation Support Centre
                     • Supporting innovation across higher & further
                     • Funded by JISC

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    • Computing Service culture
    • Is „Social‟ a term to worry us?
    • Community & collaboration
    • Tools for sharing:
        Blogs      Twitter

    • Addressing barriers

    •   Reduced funding
    •   User as customer
    •   Technological developments
    •   Increasing expectations
    •   Need to work differently
XManagement Information Systems

Taken from slide by Wildish &
Howell, UCISA CISG 2008               
Management Information Systems
                        “Our needs”
“Business Processes”

“Risk analysis”

                                             “Data Protection”

Taken from slide by Wildish &
Howell, UCISA CISG 2008                 
“Computer Says No”
Computer Says No!
• Time to ditch this catch


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UKWebFocus blog posts
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This document provides a summary of a blog post from 2009 discussing technology trends and forecasting the future. It begins by describing the optimistic views of technologies at the time, like videoconferencing and Twitter. However, it notes critics who argue this is "technological determinism" that promises more than technologies deliver. The blog post then discusses an approach the author took - forecasting technologies backwards in time to give plausible reasons for their demise. For example, it suggests Twitter would not scale and become "clogged", seen as similar to email spam, and be replaced by meeting in real pubs with real friends. For videoconferencing, it speculates research may find people prefer face-to-face meetings and

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IT Service Culture

                     Traditionally the need to:
                      • Manage scarce
                      • Ensure resources used
                        for „scholarly purposes‟
What Is Social Media?

                         • Distract for
                           teaching, lea
                           rning &
                         • Can be used
                           to bully

The Problem With „Social‟
     Does „Social‟ mean:
       • Trivial
       • Personal
       • Unrelated to academia

                                     • Collaborative
                                     • Collective
                                     • Team working

     The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as
     applied to populations humans and other animals. It always refers
     to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their
     collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it
     or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary and
     involuntary.                                                 Wikipedia
Redefining „Social‟
     Social media / Social web:
       • Collaborative technologies
       • Interactive technologies
     which support:
       • Social constructivism / social
         constructionism theories of knowledge:
         “individual's learning that takes place
         because of their interactions in a group”


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The document discusses how library staff should be interested in mobile technologies. It provides examples of how the speaker uses their mobile device for professional purposes like consuming content on RSS feeds and social media, enhancing productivity with apps, and developing networks. The speaker argues mobile devices provide opportunities to support teaching, learning and research in libraries, and that libraries need to support information and new media literacy in this changing environment.

Organisational Use of Twitter
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Slides for talk on "Organisational Use of Twitter" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a workshop on "Engagement, Impact, Value" on 24 May 2010. See

Another View

     Social networks get better as numbers increase
     (cf telephones) Remember 1-9-90 rule.
Collaboration & IT Services
                         • JISCMail lists
                         • UCISA events

Today‟s Environment
                                                 Today we are seeing:
                    List now used mainly for
                    ads for events, jobs, etc.
                                                  • Decline in mailing lists
                                                  • Better understanding of
                                                    diversity of needs:
                                                    (indicating, informing, alerting
                                                    , sharing, collaborating, critiq
                                                    uing, …)
     See posts on                                 • Wide variety of social media
     The Decline in JISCMail Use Across             tools for carrying out diversity
     the Web Management Community and
     Are Mailing Lists Now Primarily A              of functions (e.g. Twitter for
     Broadcast Medium?                              indicating: “About to install
                                                    Debian. Any1 else done


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Slides for a talk on "Evidence, Impact, Value: Metrics for Understanding Personal and Institutional Use of the Social Web" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the Digital Impacts: How to Measure and Understand the Usage and Impact of Digital Content held at the University of Oxford on 20 May 2011. See


                Blogging provides
                an easy-to-use way
                of providing public

Blogs can also be technical

There are many social media services
 but we can‟t ignore Twitter!

               A dedicated
               Twitter client
               can provide
               rich filtering.

               How have
               people got
               the time to
               read and
               write long
               emails? 

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Slides for a talk on "Engagement, Impact, Value: Introduction " given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN in Manchester on 24 May 2010. See

UKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentations
UKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentationsUKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentations
UKOLN Blogs and Social Networks workshop - all presentations

for ease of use on the day, this is a single presentation containing all the slides for UKOLN's blogs and social networking workshop on the 26th November 2007 in irmingham.

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Using social web services like blogs, wikis, social networks and video sharing sites can help maximize access to an organization's resources, ideas and brand. These services allow engagement with potential audiences and monitoring how the organization is discussed online. An example is given of the Brooklyn Museum which uses services like blogs, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube very effectively. It is concluded that ignoring the potential of social media risks losing out to peers, and using these services can support an organization's mission.

Rapid Support from Peers
         Twitter can provide rapid support from one‟s
         professional learning network (PLN)





   To maximise opportunities you need
   to develop filtering skills (e.g. click
21 „Read all‟ in Twitter client)
Filtering is the Challenge

Don‟t fail to write
because you‟re
worried that
people will be
too busy to read.
Filtering tools
are available.
[Need more
posts on ‟tablet
Social Search
                     “Know any good pubs in
                     Who do you ask:
                      • Google?
                      • Your friend, whom you trust?

                     Invisible Library Support – Now
                     You Can‟t Afford Not to be
                     “you could start to make frictionless
                     recommendations by influencing
                     the search engine results returned
                     to your patrons ”
                             Tony Hirst, blog

                     Privacy implications: so use
                     e.g. Ixquick for anonymous
Understanding Social Media
                                We need to
                                understand how
                                we use social
                                media in order to

                    Info captured on
                    Mon, 9 Jan 2012


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mmitukwebfocusuk web focus
Using Social Media to Enhance Your Research Activities
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Slides for talk on "Using Social Media to Enhance Your Research Activities" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN.

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Slides for a talk on "Using Social Media to Promote 'Good News'" given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at a media conference for the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) held at Queen Mary, University of London, London on 17 April 2012. See

The Mobile Environment
             Access to information on Mobile
             Devices is growing in importance
             Personalised newspapers
             (Smartr, Flipboard, etc.) provide
             access to RSS feeds, tweets, etc. on
             mobile devices.
             This is a few of the links tweeted by
             members of my Twitter lists (formal
             JISC twitter accounts; JISCMRD
             projects; UCSOC12 participants; …)
             Twitter provides access to quality
             resources selected by people I have
             chosen to follow (plus serendipitous
Growing Your Community
                    The challenge:
                     • Developing
                       connections with
                    The opportunity:
                    • Join Twitter
                    • Follow others
                       (via Lanyrd page
                       for event )

Challenges (1)
       • “I‟m too busy”
          Nonsense! 5 tweets a day?
       • “I wouldn‟t know what to say”
          First tweet is the hardest.
       • “My boss disapproves”
          Is this still the case?
       • “Access is blocked”
          Is this still the case?
       • “I don‟t agree that there are benefits”
          Still need for case studies & evidence
Too Busy To Blog?

                    Chris Sexton, IT Services
                    Director at Sheffield
                    University and former
                    UCISA chair posts ~3 posts
28                  per week over ~5 years.

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This document provides an introduction to using social media for Centers for Independent Living. It outlines the training goals, which are to expose staff to social media tools, demystify social media, provide tools to develop a social media strategy, help connect with younger audiences, and explore how social media can support marketing, fundraising, advocacy, and more. It also lists learning objectives, which are to identify appropriate social media tools, address organizational culture changes, develop a social media strategy and plan, and assess website functionality. The document then explores specific social media tools and how to develop a listening strategy and social media strategic map.

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Knock Down the Walls: Designing for Open & Networked Learning
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Knock Down the Walls: Designing for Open & Networked Learning

Dr. Alec Couros gave a presentation on teaching and learning in a networked era. He discussed how Web 2.0 tools can transform research, teaching and service if academics choose to build serious academic lives online. He also talked about the shift from formal to informal learning and how access to free and open content through mobile computing and digital networks is changing education. Couros believes that understanding networks is a key literacy and that educators should explore open teaching practices like massive open online courses to connect learners worldwide.

networks teaching learning socialnetworks socialme
Challenges (2)
              • “I‟ll get addicted”
                That‟s a challenge of success!
              • “I can‟t keep up with tweets, &
                blog posts ”

              • “I want to blog. How do I start?”

              • “I can see the merit –
                but it‟s not for me”

Challenges (2)
                                    • “I‟ll get addicted”
                                      That‟s a challenge of success!
                                    • “I can‟t keep up with tweets, &
                                      blog posts ”
                                      Don‟t! It‟s a stream for you to dip
                                      into and contribute to. Learn when
                                      it‟s useful to take a dip
                                    • “I want to blog. How do I start?”
                                      See UK Web Focus blog & talk
                                    • “I can see the merit –
     ”Plants” and “Resource           but it‟s not for me”
     investigators” in Belbin model
     may welcome opportunities
                                      OK – but don‟t block
     provided by social media         others who wish to do it
UCISA Community of Practice
     Community of Practice (from Wikipedia):
       • Group of people who share a craft and/or
         a profession.
       • Can evolve naturally because of the
         common interests in a particular area, or
         can be created specifically with the goal of
         gaining knowledge related to their field.
       • Through the process of sharing
         information & experiences with the group
         that the members learn from each
         other, and have an opportunity to develop
         themselves personally and professionally
UCISA Community of Practice
     Social media provides opportunity to develop an
     effective community of practice:
         • Open sharing of resources,
           experiences, successes
           & failures
         • Exploit sectors expertise
           in IT
         • Ability to inform users of
           experiences gained
         • Ability to use experiences in
           personal lives
     Keep aspect is culture of openness: a willingness to
     share, rather than the technologies
32     Photo from

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Social Media: Effective Uses
Social Media: Effective UsesSocial Media: Effective Uses
Social Media: Effective Uses

This document provides an overview of effective social media uses and practices for businesses. It discusses how social media has fundamentally changed connectivity, with people now separated by about 3 degrees, moving from the information era to the networked era. While social media gives companies a wider audience, companies that self-endorse are often kicked out of the conversation. The document recommends that companies create a personable online persona and get others involved through interactions, guest blogging, and leveraging office events. General social media guidelines include using discretion, being engaged and informed, and focusing outward rather than inward. The main social media sites - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs - are also overviewed.

istclbusinesssocial media strategy
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This document summarizes a workshop on Web 2.0 and social media tools presented by Sandy Masters. The workshop aims to cover 23 different tools people can use to explore and expand their knowledge of the internet and Web 2.0 technologies. It discusses why these tools are important for professionals to understand, as well as current statistics on social media usage. The presentation then categorizes and explains content sharing, producing, and relationship building tools and provides resources for further study.

video linksweb 20social media tools
#LadyGaGa'sBreakfast : Social Media as a Curator's Tool
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This document summarizes a presentation about using social media as a curator's tool. It examines different types of social media like Facebook, Twitter, blogs and their benefits for libraries. It explores how social media can help curators share information and collections, engage with users, and disseminate current updates while also noting potential drawbacks like privacy and succession planning concerns. The presentation emphasizes creating and linking content using hashtags and tags to virtually curate collections across different social media platforms.

     Social Web:
        • Is about communication, community &
        • Can get better as numbers of users reaches
          critical mass
        • Provides diversity of tools for differing
          requirements and preferences
        • Will not go away; will grow!
        • Opportunity for IT Services to play a leading role
        • Openness fits with transparency agenda
      And the Sex in the Library; Screw the Library, Let’s
      Have Sex in the Chaplaincy and We All Hate BUCS!
      Fb groups quickly became defunct
     Any questions or comments?


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Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web

  • 1. Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web Brian Kelly, UKOLN
  • 2. Twitter: #ucsoc12 Building and Sustaining a Community using the Social Web Brian Kelly Acceptable Use Policy UKOLN Recording this talk, taking photos, having discussions using Twitter, University of Bath etc. is encouraged - but try to keep Bath, UK distractions to others minimised. Blog: Twitter: @briankelly / @ukwebfocus UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution 2.0 licence (but note caveat)
  • 3. Idea from Cameron Neylon You are free to: copy, share, adapt, or re-mix; photograph, film, or broadcast; blog, live-blog, or post video of this presentation provided that: You attribute the work to its author and respect the rights and licences associated with its components. Slide Concept by Cameron Neylon, who has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights. This slide only CCZero. Social Media Icons adapted with permission from originals by Christopher Ross. Original images are available under GPL at: 3
  • 4. Introduction About Me Brian Kelly: • UK Web Focus: national advisory post to UK HEIs • Long-standing Web evangelist • Based at UKOLN at the University of Bath • Prolific blogger (1,000+ posts since Nov 2006) • User of social media to support work activities • Prolific speaker (~380+ talks from 1996-2011) • Part of UKOLN‟s Innovation Support Centre UKOLN: • Supporting innovation across higher & further education • Funded by JISC 4
  • 5. Contents • Computing Service culture • Is „Social‟ a term to worry us? • Community & collaboration • Tools for sharing:  Blogs  Twitter • Addressing barriers Context • Reduced funding • User as customer • Technological developments • Increasing expectations • Need to work differently 5
  • 6. XManagement Information Systems Taken from slide by Wildish & Howell, UCISA CISG 2008
  • 7. Management Information Systems “Our needs” “Business Processes” “Security” “Risk analysis” “Data Protection” Taken from slide by Wildish & Howell, UCISA CISG 2008
  • 8. “Computer Says No” Computer Says No! • Time to ditch this catch phrase X 8
  • 9. IT Service Culture Traditionally the need to: • Manage scarce resources • Ensure resources used for „scholarly purposes‟ 9
  • 10. What Is Social Media? Technologies which: • Distract for teaching, lea rning & research purposes • Can be used to bully (including staff) 10
  • 11. The Problem With „Social‟ Does „Social‟ mean: • Trivial • Personal • Unrelated to academia Or: • Collaborative • Collective • Team working The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary and involuntary. Wikipedia 11
  • 12. Redefining „Social‟ Social media / Social web: • Collaborative technologies • Interactive technologies which support: • Social constructivism / social constructionism theories of knowledge: “individual's learning that takes place because of their interactions in a group” 12
  • 13. Another View Social networks get better as numbers increase (cf telephones) Remember 1-9-90 rule. 13
  • 14. Collaboration & IT Services • JISCMail lists • UCISA events •… 14
  • 15. Today‟s Environment Today we are seeing: List now used mainly for ads for events, jobs, etc. • Decline in mailing lists • Better understanding of diversity of needs: (indicating, informing, alerting , sharing, collaborating, critiq 1999-2011 uing, …) See posts on • Wide variety of social media The Decline in JISCMail Use Across tools for carrying out diversity the Web Management Community and Are Mailing Lists Now Primarily A of functions (e.g. Twitter for Broadcast Medium? indicating: “About to install Debian. Any1 else done this?” 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Blogging Blogging provides an easy-to-use way of providing public documentation 17
  • 18. Blogs can also be technical 18
  • 19. There are many social media services but we can‟t ignore Twitter! 19
  • 20. Twitter A dedicated Twitter client can provide rich filtering. How have people got the time to read and write long emails?  20
  • 21. Rapid Support from Peers Twitter can provide rapid support from one‟s professional learning network (PLN) 3:58pm 4:17pm 4:23pm 4:30pm 4:27pm To maximise opportunities you need to develop filtering skills (e.g. click 21 „Read all‟ in Twitter client)
  • 22. Filtering is the Challenge Don‟t fail to write because you‟re worried that people will be too busy to read. Filtering tools are available. [Need more posts on ‟tablet computers‟.] 22
  • 23. Social Search “Know any good pubs in Birmingham?” Who do you ask: • Google? • Your friend, whom you trust? Invisible Library Support – Now You Can‟t Afford Not to be Socials? “you could start to make frictionless recommendations by influencing the search engine results returned to your patrons ” Tony Hirst, blog Privacy implications: so use e.g. Ixquick for anonymous searching 23
  • 24. Understanding Social Media We need to understand how we use social media in order to identify successful patterns Info captured on Mon, 9 Jan 2012 24
  • 25. The Mobile Environment Access to information on Mobile Devices is growing in importance Personalised newspapers (Smartr, Flipboard, etc.) provide access to RSS feeds, tweets, etc. on mobile devices. This is a few of the links tweeted by members of my Twitter lists (formal JISC twitter accounts; JISCMRD projects; UCSOC12 participants; …) Twitter provides access to quality resources selected by people I have chosen to follow (plus serendipitous resources) 25
  • 26. Growing Your Community The challenge: • Developing connections with peers The opportunity: • Join Twitter • Follow others (via Lanyrd page for event ) 26
  • 27. Challenges (1) Concerns: • “I‟m too busy” Nonsense! 5 tweets a day? • “I wouldn‟t know what to say” First tweet is the hardest. • “My boss disapproves” Is this still the case? • “Access is blocked” Is this still the case? • “I don‟t agree that there are benefits” Still need for case studies & evidence 27
  • 28. Too Busy To Blog? Chris Sexton, IT Services Director at Sheffield University and former UCISA chair posts ~3 posts 28 per week over ~5 years.
  • 29. Challenges (2) • “I‟ll get addicted” That‟s a challenge of success! • “I can‟t keep up with tweets, & blog posts ” • “I want to blog. How do I start?” • “I can see the merit – but it‟s not for me” 29
  • 30. Challenges (2) • “I‟ll get addicted” That‟s a challenge of success! • “I can‟t keep up with tweets, & blog posts ” Don‟t! It‟s a stream for you to dip into and contribute to. Learn when it‟s useful to take a dip • “I want to blog. How do I start?” See UK Web Focus blog & talk • “I can see the merit – ”Plants” and “Resource but it‟s not for me” investigators” in Belbin model may welcome opportunities OK – but don‟t block provided by social media others who wish to do it 30
  • 31. UCISA Community of Practice Community of Practice (from Wikipedia): • Group of people who share a craft and/or a profession. • Can evolve naturally because of the common interests in a particular area, or can be created specifically with the goal of gaining knowledge related to their field. • Through the process of sharing information & experiences with the group that the members learn from each other, and have an opportunity to develop themselves personally and professionally 31
  • 32. UCISA Community of Practice Social media provides opportunity to develop an effective community of practice: • Open sharing of resources, experiences, successes & failures • Exploit sectors expertise in IT • Ability to inform users of experiences gained • Ability to use experiences in personal lives Keep aspect is culture of openness: a willingness to share, rather than the technologies 32 Photo from
  • 33. Conclusions Social Web: • Is about communication, community & collaboration • Can get better as numbers of users reaches critical mass • Provides diversity of tools for differing requirements and preferences • Will not go away; will grow! • Opportunity for IT Services to play a leading role • Openness fits with transparency agenda And the Sex in the Library; Screw the Library, Let’s Have Sex in the Chaplaincy and We All Hate BUCS! Fb groups quickly became defunct 33
  • 34. Questions Any questions or comments? 34