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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See La Forge for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.
This character is a member of the La Forge family.
This page details Geordi La Forge in the primary universe; for the Geordi La Forge in the mirror universe see Geordi La Forge (mirror); for the Geordi La Forge in the First Splinter timeline ended by the Devidian temporal apocalypse, see Geordi La Forge (1ST); for the Geordi La Forge in all other alternate universes see Geordi La Forge (alternates).

Geordi La Forge was a male Human who was a noted Starfleet officer and engineer who served in the 24th century. He was most famous for serving as chief engineer aboard the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E.


Geordi La Forge, the son of Edward M. and Silva La Forge, was born in the African Confederation, Earth on February 16, 2335. He was born completely blind. (TNG episodes: "Encounter at Farpoint", "Conundrum") The blindness was caused by an "incurable optical nerve defect." (TNG video game: The Transinium Challenge)

In 2340, at the age of five, La Forge was briefly caught in a fire, and unable to escape, due to his blindness. He was rescued by his father, and shortly after was given his first VISOR from Dr. Lenske. (TNG episode: "Hero Worship"; TNG novels: The Romulan Stratagem, Gulliver's Fugitives)

Geordi met the designer of his visor, Doctor George Tarmud, in 2370 during the Universal TechnoFair that was held on the Enterprise-D. (TNG novel: Possession) After receiving his VISOR, Geordi was taught to suppress the pain by a Vulcan Healer. (TNG novel: Debtors' Planet)

Around this time, Geordi visited Cambridge University on a family outing. (TNG novelization: All Good Things...)

Many novels contradict each other regarding Geordi's VISOR. One of them is Spartacus.

In 2343, Geordi was given his first pet, a Circassian cat named Alexi. (TNG episode: "Imaginary Friend"; TNG novel: Q-Zone)

In his early years, Geordi traveled around a lot with his parents, as they were both Starfleet officers. In his formative years he saw many fascinating sights, including the remnants of the Achorii civilization. By the age of 12, in 2347, Geordi was living with his mother aboard a Starfleet science ship. (TNG novels: Requiem, Sins of Commission)

Also in his early years, La Forge had a mentor, Nassa Coleridge. (TNG novel: Doomsday World)

Starfleet Academy[]

In 2353, Geordi decided to follow in his parents' footsteps and entered Starfleet Academy. (TNG episode: "Conundrum")

Between February 16, 2353 and February 16, 2354, Geordi was taught an archaeology course by his former mentor, Nassa Coleridge. (TNG novel: Doomsday World)

In his final year at the Academy, Geordi spent five-months rewriting a dissertation for Dr. Zorka, after Zorka initially rejected it. Geordi struggled through the class and eventually passed. (TNG novel: Balance of Power)

Early Starfleet Career[]

Ensign La Forge graduated from the Academy in 2357 and was assigned as conn officer aboard the USS Victory under the command of Captain Zimbata. (ST video game: Star Trek: Starship Creator; TNG episode: "Elementary, Dear Data")

In 2363 (Stardate 40164.7), the Victory was conducting a survey of Tarchannen III, to determine the whereabouts of 49 missing Starfleet personnel assigned to the planet. An away team, commanded by Lieutenant Susanna Leijten, failed to locate the personnel, and the Victory left the planet. (TNG episode: "Identity Crisis")

During a stopover at Starbase 324, the Victory underwent an inspection by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, then the head of Starfleet Tactical's Long-range Threat Assessment and Response Division. While being shuttled back to the starbase by Ensign La Forge, Picard made an offhand comment about a minor power inefficiency in the shuttle. La Forge took it upon himself to spend the entire night refitting the shuttle's fusion initiators, finally not only eliminating the inefficiency but obtaining an efficiency rating slightly above that rated for the shuttle.

Shortly after, Geordi transferred to the USS Hood, under the command of Captain Robert DeSoto. During his year aboard the Hood, he became close friends with first officer William T. Riker. (TNG novelization: Encounter at Farpoint)

Aboard the Enterprise-D[]

La forge2367

Geordi as Chief Engineer of the Enterprise-D in 2367.

In 2364, La Forge transferred to the Enterprise-D along with Commander Riker, to serve as conn officer under Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He spent his first year aboard the Enterprise in the position of navigator (at the rank of Lieutenant J.G.), before transferring to engineering and becoming the ship's new chief engineer with the rank of full Lieutenant. (TNG episode: "The Child", TNG video game: The Transinium Challenge; WizKids module: Attack Wing)

In late 2365, the Enterprise responded to a distress call from the Pakled freighter, Mondor. La Forge beamed aboard to assist them with repairs, when he was taken hostage and held for ransom, until he upgraded their systems and provided them with hand phasers and photon torpedoes. La Forge managed to engineer his escape by bluffing the slow-witted Pakleds, with help from the Enterprise. (TNG episode: "Samaritan Snare")

In early 2369 Geordi, Worf and Ro Laren took the shuttlecraft Goddard to receive Starfleet briefings. On their return journey the shuttle was forced to drop out of warp due to solar flare activity and crash landed on the planet Riat. On the planet the solar flare activity also interfered with Geordi's VISOR from time to time. The shuttle damaged beyond immediate repair and the planet inhospitably cold the away team sought shelter in a nearby Dracon monastery. Unfortunately, the order of monks in the monastery had become violent and cannibalistic due to radiation from the solar flares causing a mutation in an algae in their water supply. The team were forced to fight the monks off several times before another shuttle from the Enterprise arrived to rescue them. (TNG comic: "Light of the Day")

Aboard the Enterprise-E[]

Following the destruction of the Enterprise-D at Veridian III, La Forge was assigned as chief engineer of the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E. By 2373 La Forge had replaced his VISOR with full spectrum synthetic eyes.

When the Enterprise was transported back to the year 2063, La Forge was instrumental in helping to repair the Borg inflicted damage to Earth's first warp ship, Phoenix, and in convincing Zefram Cochrane to complete his historic flight. (TNG movies: Star Trek: Generations, Star Trek: First Contact)

Early in 2374, Geordi accompanied Captain Picard and Ro Laren on a secret mission into Cardassian territory to destroy an artificial wormhole being built by the Dominion. (TNG novels: Behind Enemy Lines, Tunnel Through the Stars)

In 2375, La Forge took advantage of the Ba'ku planet's rejuvenating properties. Having never seen a rainbow or sunset, he watched the sun rise with Picard, on the surface. (TNG episode: "The Naked Now", TNG movie: Star Trek: Insurrection)

In 2379 he commanded the Piper team mission to infiltrate the nadion-pulse cannon firebase located on the summit of Mount Ranakar on Tezwa. (TNG novel: A Time to Kill)

Later that year, after Riker accepted command of the USS Titan, La Forge was offered the position of first officer of that ship. La Forge declined the offer. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)

During the same year, Geordi was also partially assimilated by a Borg tachyon pulse from the future; ironically, only his existing cybernetic implantation allowed him to survive the process. Using the access that this gave him to Borg hive mind, he was instrumental in defeating the collective's plans to "assimilate the past." (TNG comic: "Alien Spotlight: Borg")

In 2380, Geordi was briefly away from the Enterprise and Reginald Barclay served as interim chief engineer. (ST video game: Elite Force II)

Path to the 25th century[]

In 2385, La Forge takes a "long-term leave of absence" from Starfleet. He starts this period by working with the Soong Foundation in studying the android known as B-4. La Forge also takes the leave of absence in order to work on starship design builds and testing. (ST website: The Path to 2409)

At some point between Generations and First Contact, La Forge had his VISOR replaced with artificial ocular implants. The story behind this change was told in the eBook miniseries Slings and Arrows.

After Starfleet[]

At some point between 2385 and 2387, Geordi La Forge retired from Starfleet and continued starship design as a private citizen. One of the ships he invented was the Jellyfish, whose unique design allowed it to be used by Spock in order to contain the Hobus supernova. (ST - Countdown comic: "Countdown, Number Three")

Return to Starfleet[]

At some point around the turn of the 25th century, La Forge returned to Starfleet and was promoted to captain. He was given command of the USS Challenger in 2397. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)

Starfleet service record[]

location assignment dates rank or rate assignment insignia rank insignia
Starfleet Academy student officer 2353-2357 cadet Assignment badge. Collar insignia.
USS Victory shuttle pilot 2357-2363 ensign Collar insignia.
USS Hood senior flight controller 2363-2364 lieutenant junior grade Collar insignia.
USS Enterprise-D 2364
chief engineer 2365 lieutenant Collar insignia.
2365-2371 lieutenant commander Collar insignia.
Assignment badge. Collar insignia.
USS Enterprise-E 2372-2380
Collar insignia.
2381-2382 commander Collar insignia.
USS Challenger chief of operations/second officer 2382
commanding officer 2382-2383 captain Collar insignia.
USS Enterprise-E captain of engineering 2383 Collar insignia.
chief engineer/second officer onward 2383 commander Collar insignia.



Victory personnel
United Kingdom of Great Britain HMS Victory Horatio Nelson UK flag image icon image.
Federation, Starfleet USS Victory (NCC-9754) A. Brevelle • T. Cadwallader • P. Hickman • G. La Forge • S. Liejten • E. Mendez • N. Yar • M. Zimbata Federation icon image. Starfleet emblem icon image.
USS Victory (NCC-170147) Four of Ten • Karbo
Hood personnel
Federation, Starfleet USS Hood
(Constitution class)
Ankee • J. Banks • G. Barton • K. Chin • L. Craig • K. Dodge • D'Uberville • Ellis • En-Lai • M. Harrari • S. Kane • J. Kyle • J. Martinez • Morax • S. M'Ress • Oxley • A. Paultic • H. Revere • M. Rousseau • Simmons • Stuart • Tavi • C. Vayentes • G. Vedra • Umba • P. Yudrin UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
USS Hood
(Enterprise class)
Lori Desmonal • Lustig
USS Hood
(Excelsior class)
Abrams • Brian • Buonfiglio • Chandra • Consuela • T. Czierniewski • M. Dayrit • R. DeSoto • R. Green • E. Hayat • R. Holverson • B. Hsu • J. Kojima • G. La Forge • Ledbetter • Lolo • F. Orzon • C. Papadimitriou • W.T. Riker • E. Rose • Tuvok • D. Voyskunsky • L. Weiss
USS Hood
(Galaxy class)
E. Sherwood • W. Crushera
Terran Empire (mirror universe) ISS Hood Martinez Terran Empire logo.
a : alternate reality
Challenger personnel
United States, NASA Challenger (OV-099, space shuttle) Gregory Jarvis • Christa McAuliffe • Ronald McNair • Ellison Onizuka • Judith Resnik • Sally Ride • Dick Scobee • Michael J. Smith United States.
United Earth, Starfleet Challenger (NX-03) R. Dunsel • E. Granger • Hendricks • Kaye • Rubin United Earth seal. Starfleet emblem.
Federation, Starfleet USS Challenger (NCC-1715) P. Brandy UFPF Challenger Z. Bonifay • N. Keller • S. Ring • Shucorion • Zoa UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
USS Challenger (NCC-2032) M. Michaels USS Challenger (NCC-71099) R. Barclay • L. Brahms • Carolan • Guinan • T. Hunt • G. La Forge • Nog • A. Ogawa • Qat'qa • B. Rasmussen • M. Scott • Simm • Vol
USS Excalibur personnel
USS Excalibur (2240s) R. Bannock UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
USS Excalibur (NCC-1664) T. Haleakala-LoBrutto • A. Harris • J.T. Kirk • H. Ogden • Thonen • M. Walsh
USS Excalibur II Preye
USS Excalibur (NCC-26517) Argyle • R. Beth • Boyajian • Burgoyne 172 • M. Calhoun • M. Christiano • Howard • M. Gold • Hecht • M. Houle • Janos • Z. Kebron • M. Korsmo • Kothari • K. Kurdziel • G. La Forge • R. Lefler • Lowe • Martins • Maxwell • M. McHenry • Meyer • C. Mitchell • Morgen • W. Morrison • K. Mueller • Ramirez • W.T. Riker • B.G. Robinson • Scannel • Selar • Shastakovich • E.P. Shelby • Soleta • Somak • R. Takahashi • Torelli • T'Shanik • D. Voyskunsky • P. Watson • M. Wilkarah • Yates
USS Excalibur (NCC-26517-A) Burgoyne 172 • M. Calhoun • Candido • Dreyfuss • Janos • Z. Kebron • R. Lefler • M. McHenry • Selar • E.P. Shelby • Soleta • T. Tobias • Xy
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) engineering personnel
Federation icon image. Ajanian • Aleakala • Ampalayon • Andrews • Argyle • Barclay • Bartel • Blake • Bracken • Brewer • Bruner • Butler • Carpelli • Clancy • Cliff • Costa • Danilova • De Shay • Della Guardia • Dern • DiBiasi • Donna • Duffy • Eddies • El'sryk • Farrell • Forest • Friedel • Gomez • Heavenly • Hessan • Hinner • Hubbell • Jones • Kandel • Kelso • Kihn • Kociemba • Kolb • Kopf • Kornblum • Kwan • La Forge • LaVelle • Li • Lefler • Logan • Lynch • MacDougal • Maireid • McRobb • Moezer • Myers • Nagurski • Nara • O'Brien • O'Connor • Oblata • Oliver • Otto • Palmeiro • Redbay • Robinson • Sherman • Shimoda • Shipley • Singh • Stone • Sutter • Taurik • T'Kaal • T'Lota • Varley • Vukcevok • Wallace • Yee • Zelenetsky Starfleet icon image.
see also: medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • operations personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) senior staff
commanding officers: J.L. Picard • W.T. Riker • E. Jellico first officers: W.T. Riker • Kurn • Q. Stone • E.P. Shelby • Data • Worf second officers: Data • Worf Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
operations managers: Data • Worf chief medical officers: B. Crusher • K. Pulaski ship's counselors: D. Troi
chief engineers: S. MacDougal • Argyle • C. Logan • L. Lynch • G. La Forge security chiefs: N. Yar • Worf flight controllers: W. Crusher • Ro L. • S. Rager
see also: engineering personnel • medical personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • unnamed personnel
USS Enterprise-E engineering personnel
chief engineers Montgomery Scott • Geordi La Forge Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
engineers & technicians Achen • R. Barclay • M. Barnes • Betai • R. Danilova • Davis • DeCandido • I. Eiger • Falnam Edrel • Gallivan • J. Goodnough • M. Granados • Heaton • Anh Hoang • Jarka • Jutron • Linder • L'Sen • Luptowski • Meidat • Mobe • Morello • Mun Ying • Nafir • Newaur • M. Obrecht • Pinkman • P. Porter • Porter • Rao • B.G. Robinson • Sakrysta • Scholz • Sonol • E. Spitale • Taro T. • Taurik • T'Bonz • T'Eama • K. Tierney • Tomoko • Veldon • Wathiongo • Wolfe • K. Zydhek • W. Zydhek
see also: medical & counseling personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • miscellaneous • unnamed
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) senior staff
commanding officers: M. Bateson • J.L. Picard • W.T. Riker • Data first officers: W.T. Riker • Data • Worf second officers: G. Bush • Data • M. Kadohata • G. La Forge UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
watch officers Evan • Heyes • Lynley • Havers chief medical officers: B. Crusher • Stevenson ship's counselors: D. Troi • T'Lana • Hegol D.
chief engineers: M. Scott • G. La Forge operations managers: Data • M. Kadohata • R. Dygan flight controllers: S. Hawk • S. Nave • J. Faur
security chiefs: L. Addison • P. Daniels • Rowan • B. Leyoro • R. McAdams • C. Vale • S. Nave • L. Battaglia • Z. Leybenzon • J. Choudhury • A. Šmrhová
see also: engineering personnel • medical & counseling personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • miscellaneous • unnamed
USS Enterprise-F personnel
Frontier Day (2401) Elizabeth Shelby • unnamed USS Enterprise-F personnel UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
25th century (from 2409) Jirelle Kav • Kyona • Phillipa Matthias • Kirayoshi O'Brien • Savel • Va'Kel Shon • Tem Inasi • Samuel Winters
alternate timeline 2382-2388 Krueger • Geordi La Forge • Tom Paris • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Deanna Troi
alternate timeline 2408 Blair • Data • Hauman • Lamont • Margolin • Tucker
Chief engineers of the starships Enterprise
Enterprise (NX-01) Tucker • Kelby • Burch Enterprise assignment patch.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Kursley • Marvick • Powell • Fourrier • Pitcairn • Barry • Louvier • Grace • Burnstein • Hemmer • Pelia • Scott USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (Kelvin timeline) Olson • Scott 2250s alt ops badge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (other alternate realities) Scott 2250s alt ops badge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Scott Starfleet 2280s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)
(alternate realities)
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Buonarroti • Jennings
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Kodell
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) MacDougal • Argyle • Logan • Lynch • La Forge Starfleet 2360s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (alternate realities) Argyle • Crusher Starfleet 2360s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) La Forge Starfleet 2370s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (alternate realities) Argyle • Crusher Starfleet 2370s insignia
ISS Enterprise (NX-01) Tucker Emblem of the Terran Empire.
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Scott • DeSalle
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) La Forge
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) O'Brien
Free Starship Enterprise Barclay
First officers of the starships Enterprise
Enterprise (NX-01) Tucker • T'Pol Enterprise assignment patch.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Kirk • Shundresh • Simon • Pike • Number One • Spock • Decker • Sulu USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (alternate reality) Spock • Kirk 2250s alt cmd badge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (other alternate realities) Thelin • Kirk • Gav USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Sulu • Spock Starfleet 2280s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Dane • Sulu • Linojj
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Carmona • Holmes • al-Halak • Tholav
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Riker • Kurn • Stone • Shelby • Data Starfleet 2360s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (alternate realities) Picard • Riker • Worf • La Forge
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Riker • Data • Madden • Worf Starfleet 2370s insignia
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (alternate realities) Riker • Picard • Data • Madden • Ro
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) (STO alternate reality) Winters STO alt cmd badge
ISS Enterprise (NX-01) Archer • T'Pol Emblem of the Terran Empire.
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Number One • Kirk • Spock • Scott • Decker • Riley • Saavik • Xon
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Riker
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Riker • Lore
Free Starship Enterprise K'Ehleyr


2261 (alternate reality)





















External links[]
